Theater festival in kindergarten. Festival "Friendship of Peoples" in kindergarten. Scenario Festival in the dhow for theatrical activities

Alekseeva Margarita Vasilievna

music director highest qualification category

MADO CRR kindergarten No. 146 in the city of Tyumen. Teaching experience 14 years.

Higher education. Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts, 2008. Faculty of Music and Pedagogy, Department of Orchestral Conducting. The total work experience is 14 years, in the MADOU TsRR kindergarten No. 146 in the position of music director - 13 years.

Business card

I am the most happy man in the world, because my life is filled bright colors MUSIC and THEATER. These two components of my profession are so tightly woven into my life and the life of my family that it is difficult to imagine it without creative search and fiery celebration. And always with me my best friend, the inspiration is the accordion, which we have not parted with for 28 years. It’s just magic when you can independently voice the murmuring of a stream, the blow of a light breeze, the singing of birds calling for spring... And you also understand that all this can not only be voiced, but also depicted in a theatrical play. It’s so captivating and fascinating that you start looking: “Where is this world of play, the world of fantasy and transformation?” And the answer is simple... He looks at you through the eyes of a child, speaks in his voice. And I really want to return to this world, to this mysterious planet whose name is CHILDHOOD!!!

“...Luck has smiled on me in life, I am grateful to fate for this,

I know that it could not be otherwise, in this world, on this earth.

There are so many professions in the world, important, necessary and laborious,

But I am attracted to children, and I can’t imagine life without them...” (I.N. Olkhovik)

I was lucky and now I bear two proud titles - music director and director theater studio. This was once something I could only dream of, but now it is an integral part of my life. And the family supports the creative spirit: husband, free time, plays the guitar, and three children are involved in dance and music.

It is worth noting that in modern society the social prestige of intelligence and scientific knowledge. Modern children know much more than their peers 10-15 years ago, they decide faster logic problems, draw conclusions. Along with science, music and theater play a huge role in a child’s knowledge of the world around him; they are a powerful activator for the development of a child’s intelligence and abilities.

“If you want your children to take the first possible step towards Nobel Prize, start not with chemistry, but with music. For music is food for the brain; all subsequent scientific discoveries..." (M.S. Kazinik)

Every child is talented from the very beginning, and I help to identify and develop in him what is inherent in him from birth, by nature. This does not mean at all that I am raising musicians or actors, I am raising a personality - proactive, creative, intellectually developed. And I believe that the first knowledge and skills acquired will help them in the future to love and understand beauty, and a person with a beautiful soul does only beautiful things. In my work, I strive to teach children to understand music, feel its purpose, enjoy it, conveying character and images in movement and plasticity. Main task– teach children to listen and hear.

I try to build my creative activity on the principle of the unity of music and theater. "Any musical sound entails word and movement, every word can give birth to a musical sound and gesture, every movement of the human body can create an image that requires the participation of music and words...” (C. Orff)

“How to interest and captivate a child? How can we instill in children an understanding and feeling that theater and music are an integral part of their lives, a phenomenon of the world?” These questions justify the predominance of integrated teaching methods in my work. Methods and developments by T. Borovik, A. Burenina and T. Sauko, T. Tyutyunnikova, A. Evtodieva, M. Kartushina and others - all these works are of great interest to me and are widely used in practical activities. I also created a program for theatrical activities “Theater - creativity - children”.

Innovative technologies are based on collective activity, combining: singing, rhythmic speech, playing children's musical instruments, dance, improvised movements to music, narration of poems and fairy tales, theatrical performance. At every lesson, the children look at me with curiosity and expect something new and interesting. With the use of ICT, classes become more meaningful and effective. Children learn with great interest health-saving technologies, which are accompanied by video presentations. Well, the main technology that children love so much is, of course, theatrical play. With genuine interest, young talents learn the basics acting skills, conduct dialogues between the characters, and can themselves act as a costume designer, decorator, or make-up artist. The result of a huge amount of work in musical and theatrical activities is the staging of performances where children embody the images of their favorite characters. With great desire, children take part in events held both in kindergarten, and beyond. Thus, the children’s group of the theater studio “Petrushka” is a regular participant and winner of many events:

- “Little Lights of Great Childhood”, city competition for children with disabilities, laureates 2016, 2017.

- “At the Cradle of Talent”, regional festival, 1st degree laureate - 2014, 2016, Grand Prix winner - 2015, participants - 2017.

- “Ramp Light” city competition, 1st degree laureate – 2015, 2016.

- “Siberia lights up the stars” - international. competition, 3rd degree laureate 2016, 2018

- "World! Human! Dream! mountains competition, 1st degree laureate – 2016, 2017, 2018

And many other city, regional, all-Russian competitions and festivals in the categories: vocals, choreography, artistic word, theater.

Experience shows that the positive results of children’s development in musical and theatrical activities are influenced by close interaction with the family. Firstly, the presence of parents as spectators effectively influences the emancipation of children. Feeling the warmth and support of family and friends, the child plays more temperamentally, he “blooms” from a smile and “grows up” hearing the stormy applause of grateful spectators. Secondly, parents are active helpers in holding holidays and performances. Together with the children, they prepare costumes and props, help organize outdoor events, organize photo exhibitions, and create videos of performances. Thirdly, parents themselves are irreplaceable artists, happily performing on stage. Thus, they raise their authority in the eyes of the child, because what could be better and more effective? joint activities bringing so much positive emotions. If a passionate teacher can do a lot, then a passionate parent can move mountains!!!

Living without creativity is boring in the world, you need to notice it in everything,

Well, the main thing is creativity – children! I wanted to say about this!!!

Lyudmila Serkova

Within theater week, dedicated to International Day theater, March 23 at kindergarten"Sunny" opened theater festival.

This event has already become traditional and is being held for the third year in a row. Everyone participates in it age groups preschool, each group prepares a performance famous fairy tale, students from other groups and employees are invited to the performance kindergarten and parents.

This year we have introduced innovations in holding festival- on the opening day of your play "The Princess and the Pea" (on new way) teachers of the institution presented to the audience. The performance was truly a holiday for both the little spectators and the actors themselves. It was preceded, of course, by rehearsals, preparation of costumes, scenery, and, of course, excitement. The actors were worried, as it turned out, in vain! Long before the start of the performance, the hall was filled with spectators; children, parents, and employees came to watch the well-known and beloved fairy tale. Immersed in the script, the teachers reincarnated as the King and Queen, Prince and Princesses - Russian, Oriental and even African!

The children's delight knew no bounds when they recognized the heroes of the fairy tale as their favorite educators, and the teachers, with their wonderful play, showed the kids the beauty of theatrical arts , special atmosphere theater.

I would like to present a photo report from the events that took place during theater week.

Music hall awaiting opening theater week. The scenery is ready and waiting for the artists!

At the opening theater festival Ole Lukoje himself came to the guys!

The King and Queen in the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea"

Prince! I'm going to look for the princess!

The prince decides whether he should marry an eastern princess

And here he is already wooing an African princess!

The Russian princess herself drove away the unlucky Prince!

It turned out that he had traveled the earth in vain - the real princess herself came to the royal palace!

The smallest participants festival - group"Kolobok", they prepared the fairy tale "Teremok".

The group "Smile" after their performance "Zayushkina's Hut".

The cockerel is in a hurry to help the bunny!

The fox grieves that she had to be left without housing.

The group "Kapitoshka" and their "Turnip" in a new way

The group "Semitsvetik" with the fairy tale "Teremok", but not a simple "Teremok" here, but with subtext: all the animals from “Teremok” were engaged in sports and healthy image life, but the wolf turned out to be a weakling because he wasn’t friendly with exercises

"Seven Flowers" after the performance!

Here's the closure festival, and again from the guys - Ole Lukoje, he thanked everyone for the wonderful performances and wished them further creative success!

Each group was awarded a certificate of gratitude for participation in theater festival , and additionally - diplomas for the competition theater posters , which were released before each performance!

The music sounds different

This garden has never seen anything like this before!

Happy Summer Festival!

There are a lot of us on the planet...

There are Vanis, Hanses, Johns, -

There are millions of children everywhere!

He greets the guys joyfully.

The best are Russian people

Russian dance



Taras, bars, rastabars

Tatars welcome you!

Welcome guests!

Regina dance

I'm giving you a fuck

In the extreme

I don't know.

Black sea, wide steppe,

Zeleni Karpathy,

And see the blue sky

Stezhina do hati.

Ukrainian music

Gypsy dance

Country and guides and friends

The land of open doors

Country of Babek, Korogly,

The country of Novruz and spring.

Everyone was looking for your beauties,

Music lizginka

Millions, you can't count them all,

We are responsible for each other,

Music of the Tatars


Children: Together!

Children: It is necessary!

Children: Bad!

Our friendship will grow too

Together with us!

We want to live under a peaceful sky,

And rejoice and be friends!

Children: yes!


Children dancing

If you have a frying pan,

The Russian will always be full:

Hot spring sun

The pancakes will squash on it.

Lush, rosy,


With a rim-crust,

Eat with honey, with caviar.


Scenario of the holiday “Festival of National Cultures”.

The music sounds different

1st speaker: To the festival, to the festival!

This garden has never seen anything like this before!

We invite everyone to the holiday,

Happy Summer Festival!

We propose to open it with a parade of national costumes!

The song “Children of the whole Earth are friends” is played. Children pass in a column one after another and sit down in their places

Part 2: Children have different names, -

There are a lot of us on the planet...

There are Vanis, Hanses, Johns, -

There are millions of children everywhere!

1st speaker: We are glad to see everyone today at our bright, multinational festival!

Lesson 1: May there be a bright kindergarten everywhere

He greets the guys joyfully.

Strong in spirit, but open in heart!

With a pure, childlike and kind soul,

The best are Russian people

Will you have peace in this life?

I invite the guys representing the Russian people.

Russian dance


1st speaker: Guys, the guests did not come to us empty-handed, they brought us their national dish. "Pancakes"

Ved.: Did you guys like it? And now I want to introduce you to the little representatives of another nation, are you ready?

Taras, bars, rastabars

Tatars welcome you!

Welcome guests!

Children come out junior group and dance the Tatar dance.

Regina dance

1st speaker: Oh, nenka - Ukraine,

I'm giving you a fuck

In the extreme

I don't know.

Black sea, wide steppe,

Zeleni Karpathy,

And see the blue sky

Stezhina do hati.

Ukrainian music

Meet the Ukrainian people (children dancing).

And now the Ukrainian national dish is “dumplings”.

Part 2: It’s impossible to convey how the gypsies sing.

Are there such words in the world?!

Sometimes with hysterical melancholy, dark and alarming.

Then with such joy that you can even take your head off your shoulders!

2nd speaker: And how the gypsies dance passionately...Meet the gypsy camp. (children dancing).

Gypsy dance

And now the guys will present the national dish “Gypsy Salad”.

Part 2: Azerbaijan, the land of fire

Country and guides and friends

The land of open doors

Country of Babek, Korogly,

The country of Novruz and spring.

Everyone was looking for your beauties,

Who has ever seen your people?

Music lizginka

Meet representatives of the Azerbaijani people (children dancing lezginka). And now the Azerbaijani national dish - pilaf.

1st speaker: Us, Tatars, in this world,

Millions, you can't count them all,

We are responsible for each other,

Praise to all, and honor to us all!

Music of the Tatars

Meet the representatives of the Tatar nation (children dancing). And now the Tatar national dish - “Chak-chak”.

Part 2: Guys, look how many people there are different nationalities lives in the Tyumen region. We only introduced you to a small part. Kazakhs, Chuvash, Belarusians, Moldavians, Khanty and many other peoples live here.

Lead 1: The guys showed us the songs and dances of the peoples they represent, and each nation has its own national games.


The Russian people have one of national games“Vanya is walking”

“Burn, burn, clear”, “The fastest”, “Benefsha”, “

2nd: how many new games we learned today, and someone just remembered them because they play them at home. Did you guys like it?

1st speaker: Guys, we invite you to play another game, it’s called “we need to live together in the world,” children of all nations play it. Are you ready?

We need to live together in the world, - Together?

Children: Together!

Do adults and children need to know this?

Children: It is necessary!

If a quarrel happens, is it bad?

Children: Bad!

We need to make peace right away, right?

Children: That's right! And then, when we get older ourselves,

Our friendship will grow too

Together with us!

1st speaker: And let the children have different names,

For us - all the best in the world!

We want to live under a peaceful sky,

And rejoice and be friends!

1st speaker: Guys, your teachers have one each balloon, but they are not simple, but magical. You all need to make a wish, say it to the balloon and release it into the sky, along with the pigeons, and then your wish will come true. Are you ready?

Children: yes!


2nd lead: Then, on command, we release the balls into the sky!!! Let's all dance the dance of friendship together. (cheerful) Children dancing

If you have a frying pan,

The Russian will always be full:

Hot spring sun

The pancakes will squash on it.

Lush, rosy,


With a rim-crust,

Eat with honey, with caviar.

Scenario of the Festival “Flower of Friendship”

Turcheneva Svetlana Vladimirovna, music director of the MADOU “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 1” in the city of Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad region.

Description: The script was developed for preschoolers. The material may be useful for preschool teachers educational institutions and music directors.

Purpose of the event:
1. To form in children a respectful attitude towards other peoples, their cultures and traditions. Create a positive basis for instilling patriotic feelings.

1. Arouse interest in the culture and creativity of the represented people.
2. To develop children’s skills to feel and recreate the images embedded in song, dance, expressive word.
3. Teach children to understand the idea of ​​literary and musical works.
4. Develop and improve creativity kindergarten teachers.
5. Develop children's musical, creative and artistic abilities.

A slide with the festival logo is broadcast on the multimedia screen
(Flower of Friendship).

The presenter, dressed in Russian national costume, announces the opening of the Flower of Friendship holiday.

Hello, dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you in our cozy hall for the Flower of Friendship holiday.

Welcome: Participants of our holiday are children of the 21st century!!!
The soundtrack of the song “We are the children of the Sun” plays. music by S. Kapralov, performed by the group Fidgets

Children in different national costumes enter the hall and perform a rhythmic composition.

Dear friends!
We invite you to exciting journey across the cities and countries of our vast planet Earth.
A slide with an image of the globe is broadcast on the multimedia screen.

People of different nationalities live on earth. They differ in skin color and the language they speak. But they all have one thing in common: they love to sing, dance, and glorify their country in poetry.
There are many on Earth different countries. We live in Russia. And other peoples live next to us. We are pleased to welcome them today to our celebration. We welcome guests from Ukraine.
To the melody of Ukrainian folk song Shchedrik, adapted by V. Leontovich, comes out as a teacher in Ukrainian costume.
A slide depicting pictures of nature is broadcast, cherry blossoms, children in national costumes.

Teacher in Ukrainian costume:
Get through it, sir!
Oh, how beautiful our UKRAINE is!
Its endless fields
Its meadows, forests, hillocks
And fertile land. (Lika Ilyinova)
And what beautiful and soulful Ukrainian songs.
Performed by the teacher it sounds
Ukrainian folk song Cherry - cherry.

A child in a Ukrainian costume comes out to the music (a Ukrainian folk melody in a modern arrangement)

Child in Ukrainian costume:
So that the jokes don't stop
In this bright, good hour,
So that smiles bloom -
We want to dance for you.
Girls perform a Ukrainian dance with wreaths. (Ukrainian folk song "Wreaths" in a modern arrangement)"

Thank you, our dear guests from sunny Ukraine.
And we continue our celebration and invite the next guests.

Under the Belarusian folk song“In the kindergarten” a teacher in a Belarusian costume comes out with a basket. There are potatoes and greens in the basket. On a pre-prepared table there is a saucepan with a ladle.
A slide depicting pictures of nature and children in national Belarusian costumes is broadcast.

Teacher in Belarusian costume:
Zen are kind, shanounynya syabry! Good afternoon, dear friends. We have come to you from Belarus. Belarus is famous for its vast fields. The Belarusian people are calm and friendly, and our songs are melodious. And the favorite dish in Belarus is bulba - potatoes.
Belarusians even sing songs about potatoes and glorify them throughout the world.

Performed by a teacher and a girl senior group

The dance composition “Bulba” is performed. (Belarusian folk song in modern arrangement)

Thank you, our dear neighbors. And I invite our guests again, meet friends from Germany.

A teacher in a German costume comes out to the accompaniment of a German folk song. She is holding a basket of flowers in her hands.

Teacher in German costume:
Guten tak, liebe freunde, good afternoon, dear guests.
In the center Western Europe
A beautiful country lies
Paths lead to it from all over the world
It's called Germany.
The country is immensely interesting
It attracts tourists like a magnet.
Friendly and kind to guests
She will surprise anyone.
Performs “German Song” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear guest. I see friends are still rushing towards us.

A teacher in a Lithuanian costume comes out to the accompaniment of a Lithuanian folk melody.
A slide depicting pictures of nature and children in national costumes is broadcast.

Teacher – Lithuanian:
Sveikas. We live next door to you and often visit each other. Our region is very beautiful. Our sea is called the Baltic. It can be not only warm, but also cold, so that pieces of resin, falling into it, freeze for centuries, turning into amazing stone– amber.
A slide with an image of the sea and amber is broadcast.

Child in Lithuanian costume.
We live as a friendly family,
From Lithuania bow to the ground.
We'll sing merrily for you
We're playing a funny song now.

Children of the senior group in Lithuanian costumes stage the Lithuanian folk song “The Old Miller”

A slide depicting children playing Lithuanian folk instruments is broadcast.

Lithuanians are not only hardworking, but they also love to sing, dance and play musical instruments. Welcome students music school.
(Music school students perform Lithuanian folk melodies on the piano, domra and balalaika).

Poland is next door to us. Poles love to have fun and joke. What holidays take place in Poland? We meet Polish guests.
A slide depicting pictures of nature and children in Polish national costumes is broadcast.
A teacher in a Polish costume comes out to a Polish folk song.

A teacher in a Polish costume.
Zen are kind, ladies and gentlemen.
We, like the guests from Lithuania, are your neighbors. We have very beautiful nature, fabulous lakes and fields. Poles love jokes and fun
Children of the younger group perform dance composition
“Mice and Cheese” to Polish dance music.

Not only our neighbors came to our festival today, but also guests from distant countries. On the gentle coast Mediterranean Sea Colorful and sunny Italy is located.
A slide depicting pictures of nature and children in national Italian costumes is broadcast.
Child in Italian costume.
Ancient cities, rivers and canals
orange groves,
Yachts, carnivals,
Mountains and so on...
And that's all - Italy!
An Italian dance is performed by children - guests from the National Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 31 of JSC Russian Railways". S. Rachmaninov "Italian Polka"
From warm and sunny Italy we will move to foggy England, where they love antiquity, honor traditions, where men are true gentlemen.

The gentlemen boys enter to the English children's song "Hello, Wonderful Day".

Gentleman child:
We guys are gentlemen
Tailcoats and canes are a must,
We're a little English
Both gallant and modest,
Both reliable and smart.
As if from London now,
And we will dance for you. (Yu. Obolenskaya)

Gentlemen's dance. music "Letka - Enka"

There are so many guests at our holiday who glorified the region in which they live with their talents. But we, Russians, are proud of our country, Russia!!! Russia is famous for its unique nature. And how kind and generous people live with us. We reveal all the beauty of our soul in our songs and dances. Red girls, come out and start a Russian round dance.
Russian dance performed by teachers
to the song about Russia “The Red Sun Was Washing” performed by Yu. Mikhalchik

A slide depicting pictures of Russian nature is broadcast.

Motherland is a big, big word!
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with your soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies!
It fits exactly half the world:
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.
Dear city, dear apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten... and me.
Sunny bunny in the palm of your hand
Lilac bush outside the window
And on the cheek there is a mole -
This is also the Motherland. (T. Bokova)

Every corner of our Motherland is unique. And, of course, in every corner of our country, children sing about the Motherland, about Russia.

A girl soloist performs the song “I live in Russia” from the repertoire of the Semitsvetik ensemble

Russia has always been famous for its miracle masters. They turned wood and clay into a fairy tale, created beauty with paints and brushes, and what a miracle our Russian nesting doll is!
A slide with an image of nesting dolls is broadcast.
Girls perform the “Dance of Matryoshka Dolls” to the song Russian Matryoshka Dolls, text by A. Osmushkin, music by V. Temnov

Russian people are distinguished by their generosity of soul and hospitality. And how delicious the smell of pies in the house is, and what fragrant tea from a Russian samovar.
A slide with an image of a festive Russian table with a samovar and bagels is broadcast.
Children perform the dance "Russian Samovar" music "Puff-Puff, Samovar" from the repertoire of the group Fidgets