Information about the theater festival in kindergarten. Theater festival in kindergarten

When holding any large-scale annual event, including a festival in kindergarten, a mass inevitably arises organizational issues, an additional burden falls on the teaching staff.

We present many years of experience in organizing a project for theatrical activities in a preparatory group. The unique result of this work is - Theater festival. According to annual tradition, it takes place in last days March and dedicated to the holiday - World Day theater, March 27.

Extremely important for their socialization. It promotes the formation of strong-willed character traits in children, promotes general development, communication between children and other adults, and the study of the world around them.

The teaching staff of structural unit No. 1837 of school No. 1491 in Moscow has accumulated enormous experience in organizing theatrical activities for preschoolers.

In each group of the children's center, the necessary subject-development environment has been created. So, in theater corners paraphernalia was selected based on the age of the pupils: costumes, play materials for various types of theatrical activities of preschoolers (theaters - finger, table, plane, shadow, bi-ba-bo, mitten dolls, etc.). The work plan of educators and specialists for each month includes classes on culture and speech technique, exercises in rhythmoplasty, theatrical games, and an introduction to the culture of the theater.

For the eleventh year in a row, a theater festival is held in preschool educational organization(hereinafter referred to as the preschool educational institution). Therefore, we traditionally devote the last week of March amazing world theater

The festival consists of two parts:

  1. Conducting performances in preschool educational institutions.
  2. A visit to Moscow theaters is an acquaintance with the sociocultural environment of the city.

Staging performances in kindergarten

The grand opening of the festival in the kindergarten takes place in the assembly hall. Children together with their parents get acquainted with the history of the origin theatrical arts in Rus' they call famous theaters city ​​of Moscow, receive invitations to all upcoming performances.

In parallel with the opening of the festival, an exhibition begins theater posters, created by the hands of the pupils themselves, as well as parents and teachers. Any guest can leave their vote for their favorite poster. Based on the voting results, all participants are awarded certificates and prizes, and the best of the best are awarded the Audience Choice Award.

Certainly the most striking and memorable events festival days are performances in preschool educational institutions with the participation of preschoolers and adults (teachers and parents). Over our many years of festival experience, we have staged large number outstanding performances.

The youngest of the artists are children 4-5 years old from the middle preschool groups. They stage well-known Russian folk tales: “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Winged, Hairy and Oily”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Swan Geese” and etc. Thus, the performance in the most natural and visual way introduces students to Russian folk art.

For productions of plays in kindergartens with the participation of children of senior and preparatory groups, literary works of Russian and foreign writers, with which the pupils became acquainted during the year: “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, “A Bag of Apples”, “Cat’s House”, “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “Cinderella”, “ Cipollino" and others. Most educators highlight the formation of reading interest in preschoolers as one of the most important areas of work, and performances in preschool educational institutions are one of the results joint activities children, teachers and parents within this area.

Several years in a row after participating in project activities to familiarize themselves with the countries of the world, teachers used plots from foreign folk and original fairy tales to write scripts for performances in kindergarten:

  • “Little Red Riding Hood” (C. Perrault);
  • “The Princess and the Pea” (H. H. Andersen);
  • "Adventures Louis XIV and Tutty Carlson" (J. Ekholm);
  • "Princess Mak" (Indian folk tale);
  • "The Three Dwarves" and "The Castle of Liars" (Lithuanian folk tales);
  • “Bull - Tar Barrel” (Ukrainian folk tale);
  • "The Dream of a Little Donkey" (Bulgarian folk tale);
  • "The Good Wolf" (Austrian folk tale);
  • "The Cock and the Hen" (Greek folk tale);
  • "A Gift for the Weakest" (Serbian folk tale);
  • "Shepherdess and gray wolf"(Spanish folk tale).

Pupils of younger groups also do not remain aloof from the events of the festival in preschool educational institutions. They learn contemplation, observation, reinforce the rules and norms of behavior in the theater, greet young actors, give them flowers and compliments.

During the preparation of performances in kindergarten, an exceptional creative atmosphere reigns: stage costumes are selected, roles are assigned, the necessary rehearsals are carried out, unique scenery and invitation cards are made - everything happens as in a real theater. Teachers and parents act as directors, decorators, make-up artists, and, of course, enjoy playing in performances in preschool educational institutions with their children.

Visiting the capital's theaters as part of theatrical activities for preschoolers

During the festival, kindergarten students get acquainted with theatrical professions and, together with their parents, visit both their favorite and still unfamiliar theater stages in the capital. Especially for parents of children, educators prepare an announcement of current events in theatrical Moscow, as well as recommendations regarding the proper organization of cultural recreation with a preschool child.

Our goal is to use the socio-cultural opportunities of the city as widely as possible, a variety of interactive interactions with children, and motivate preschoolers to engage in theatrical activities. For example, in some theaters, before the performance has yet begun, writers speak to young spectators, and in addition to the vivid impression of what they saw, children can receive a colorful book with the author’s autograph. There are also theaters that, in addition to the performance itself, organize interesting excursion behind the scenes, and the guys can also look into the doll museum. And in some theaters, not only children, but also their parents are invited by the organizers to participate in performances.

This year, as part of the theater festival, our students, together with their parents, visited the Yuri Kuklachev Cat Theater, the State Academic Central Puppet Theater named after S. V. Obraztsov, the Moscow State Academic musical theater them. N.I. Sats, the MEL theater by Elena Makhonina, the Moscow Puppet Theater, the Moscow Children's Book Theater "The Magic Lamp", the Moscow Shadow Theater.

We actively cooperate with traveling theaters, with the MEL theater of Elena Makhonina, which is located within walking distance from our building preschool. For several years in a row, our theater festival in the preschool began on the stage of this theater. Children from middle and high school groups came to meet the actors and watch performances.

Features of organizing a festival in kindergarten

Of course, when holding such a large-scale annual event as a festival in a kindergarten, especially in a multi-group environment, a lot of organizational issues inevitably arise and an additional burden on the teaching staff. In addition, there is no teacher among our employees additional education, who could advise and provide practical assistance both in the rehearsal process and in organizing leisure activities and master classes to familiarize preschoolers with theatrical activities. Therefore, the parents of our students are the only people to whom we can turn for help. Most of them contribute to the educational process and are happy to participate in introducing children to art. Parents themselves purchase tickets to events and visit exhibitions, theaters, museums, and classical music concerts with their preschoolers more than once throughout the year.

Many years of experience in holding theater festivals in preschool educational institutions allowed us to highlight the basic rules for organizing such events:

  • any long-term event must certainly have a beginning (mood) and an end (summarizing, rewarding);
  • it is necessary to think in advance about the feasibility and scope of parental participation in upcoming events and notify them in detail about this;
  • It makes sense to hold a theater festival only if the educational organization has systematic work in in this direction. Otherwise, unjustified efforts will be spent on the event.

Participation in performances in kindergarten as actors and spectators helps preschoolers to relax, become more sociable, and feel more subtly the world around us. The festival not only maintains interest among preschoolers in theatrical activities and events cultural life capital, but also strengthens cultural ties between the children's plant and the families of pupils, identifies and supports among teaching staff the most talented. And, of course, the festival is a kind of culmination of the activities of teaching staff throughout the year.

Repertoire of the theater festival in kindergarten

The eleventh theater season in structural unit No. 1837 of School No. 1491 in Moscow included the following events:

  • March 24, 2015 — grand opening theater festival in preschool educational institution, joint performance teaching staff and students of “Seasons”;
  • March 25, 2015 - performances middle group"Naughty Chicken" and senior group on English"English town"
  • March 27, 2015 - performances preparatory group"Cat's House", senior group based on the work of S. Ya. Marshak "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse" and preparatory speech therapy group“The clattering fly”;
  • March 30, 2015 - performance in the senior group “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” on new way»;
  • March 31, 2015 - performances of the middle group “Mashenka’s Birthday” and the preparatory group based on the Russian folk tale “Finist - the Clear Falcon”;
  • April 1, 2015 - performances in the senior speech therapy group “The Battle of Mushrooms and Berries” and the preparatory speech therapy group “Old Tales in a New Way.”

The annual “Theater Festival” was held in our garden; all age groups took part in it. Theatrical art is close and understandable to children, which allows them to develop the experience of social behavior skills. Each production had a moral orientation. Thanks to participation in the performance, a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart, expresses own attitude for good and evil. Favorite heroes become role models and identification. Also, theatrical activities are aimed at developing in children sensations (sensory), feelings and emotions, thinking, imagination, fantasy, attention, memory, will, as well as many skills (speech, communication, organizational, design, motor, etc. ).

Children got the opportunity to be not only artists, but also spectators, which is no less important. And what pride they felt when their parents and grandparents applauded them. And now they, together with their favorite teachers, are thinking about what production they will work on next year. The festival ended with a fairy tale on road safety rules, which was shown by preschool teachers.

"Magic land!" - this is what the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin once called the theater. The poet’s feelings are shared by both adults and children who have come into contact with this amazing form of art. Visiting the theater is always a holiday. Associated with him is joy, fun, vivid impressions, new feelings. And how interesting it is to be not only a spectator, but also a participant in the performance! Special role belongs to the theater in solving problems related to the upbringing and development of a preschool child. Special studies by psychologists conducted in our country and abroad have shown that both roles - the viewer and the actor - are very significant for the development of the child. Theater is one of the most vibrant, colorful and accessible spheres of art for preschoolers. It develops imagination and imagination, contributes to the creative development of the child and the formation of the basis of his personal culture. In terms of aesthetic significance and influence, theater takes pride of place next to music and visual arts. Our kindergarten is attended by children from socially disadvantaged families who are experiencing difficulties psychological plan, constrained in communicating with others, unsure of themselves and their capabilities, vulnerable, often experiencing anxiety and fear. A team of teachers, observing such children, came to the conclusion that theatrical activity helps them to relax, develops communication skills, increases self-esteem, develops speech, emotional sphere and simply brings bright, unforgettable variety to daily life, enriches the inner world.

It has become a good tradition in our preschool educational institution to hold a theater festival " Golden mask", involving all children in it age groups. The structure of the Festival's work is as follows:

1 day- Opening; information part, where issues of the origin of theatrical art, types of theater, puppets and actors, music in the theater and others are discussed in an accessible form;
Day 2– Independent performances for children of primary and secondary groups;
Day 3– Continuation of children's performances. Awards, general fun.

Accompaniment as presenters in game form The Storyteller and Petrushka fill their performances with lively emotional communication. The repertoire of young artists (1st and 2nd junior groups) is songs, nursery rhymes - works folklore. Senior preschoolers stage short works of art: fairy tales, fables - filling their performance with music and dance numbers. More complex attributes, costumes, decorations, made together with teachers and parents. During the Festival young participants manages to be both spectators and perform independently on an improvised stage. Continuity in performances creates a sense of collectivism, participation and ownership, uniting the large, multi-age group of our kindergarten into one family. We present to your attention the scenarios of one of the theater festivals, as well as a small perspective plan for the first information day.

  • When did the theater appear?
  • Types of theater: puppet, finger, shadow, etc.
  • Puppet theater. The doll and the actor - so that the doll comes to life.
  • Theater attributes: stage, curtain, auditorium, scenery.
  • Music in the theater.
  • Is it easy to be an actor?

First day

Parsley appears. Fanfare sounds.


Hello, hello!
Dear viewers!
Would you like to see the show?
Why then don’t you stomp your feet, don’t shout, and don’t clap?

The audience applauds


Hey, the blond one from the front row.
You didn't recognize me at first sight:
And I am Petrusha! Everyone’s favorite toy!
The cap is sharp, the tongue even sharper.
Oh, and I’ll laugh at you -
So much so that you will burst out laughing!

(Music “Wandering Artists” performed by the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”)

The storyteller enters with a large bright suitcase.


ABOUT! Who else is this?
Would you like to play with me?

Storyteller: I am a storyteller, I go around towns and villages, showing people funny performances, good fairy tales, performances….


And we have a show today
To everyone's surprise!
I want to tell children about the theater
Who, if not me, should know this.
After all, the theater begins with me -
I am the most favorite children's character.
People have been watching my performances for 100 years.
Eh, without Parsley and a joke, not a joke.
And the theater, not the theater!
Right, guys?!


ABOUT! Yes, I'll see how you are
Braggart, Petrushka.
Sit quietly and let me
Listen up!

(A story about traveling artists)

... these cheerful people carried a bright large suitcase everywhere.

Parsley: I don’t understand what’s funny and funny in the suitcase?

Storyteller: Dolls live in such a magical suitcase, and where the storyteller opens it, the fairy tale settles there and real miracles begin.

(Takes out a glove puppet, talks about it, invites the children to move it)


Wonderful doll.
I danced very merrily
What else is in your suitcase?

Storyteller: I also have cane dolls, they move with the help of sticks - canes ( beats). And this is a doll - a “puppet”.

Parsley: Why does this doll have such a strange name?

Storyteller: These toys were invented a long time ago in distant Italy.

“Marion” is Italian for little Maria – that’s what funny dolls were called at that time.

And for this doll to come to life
Say it with me
Magic words:
"Ding-dong, ding-dong,
To the cheerful chime,
Our doll come to life
Start dancing!”


Very funny doll
And I heard that there is more
Shadow theater, but I don’t know what it looks like.

Storyteller: I have one like this in my suitcase. And to show shadow theater, to help skillful hands you need a special screen and regular light from a lamp.

(Installs the screen, turns on the light)

What will we show - answer?
We play a guessing game.

(Children recognize animal figures from the shadows folk tales)

... I will not close my magic suitcase. Let fairy tales settle in your kindergarten.

Parsley: That's wonderful! Because today we are opening a theater festival. For a whole week, you guys and I will be watching funny fairy-tale performances.

And now we have real little artists visiting us - meet them!

(Performance by children of the city art school)

Second day

Tambourines and rattles sound.


Parsley came
How cheerful he is
Tambourines and rattles rattle
It's spilling everywhere
Noisy chime.
Hello dear viewers,
Well, we met again, it's good that you came
To our theater -
We've got everything ready!

(The melody “We are traveling artists” sounds; the storyteller greets the audience)


Bah! Yes, here is the storyteller,
He's with us again
Clap your hands more cheerfully -
He is glad to meet you too.


Hello, dear viewers.
Today we will see two performances.
Get ready to watch and listen carefully.

The first performance “Miniatures based on nursery rhymes and songs” will be shown by our youngest artists.

(Children of the nursery group perform)


Oh yes kids.
Pleased, surprised -
And loud applause
They deserve it!

Storyteller: And now the children of the preparatory group will perform. They will show you a familiar fairy tale, but in a new way. They are such funny people and inventors!

(Children of the preparatory group show the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”)


Our future schoolchildren
Extremely talented.
We tried so hard for you -
Clap them desperately! Bravo!

Storyteller: All performances are finished for today. We are waiting for you tomorrow at the same time.

We promise that there will be jokes, songs, laughter in the hall -
Come - there's enough for everyone!

Third day

Under cheerful music The Storyteller enters, Petrushka appears.


Hello kids:
Girls and boys.
Naughty girls, naughty girls!
Well, have you been waiting for new fairy tales to visit?
Then don’t skimp on cheerful smiles and loud applause.

Storyteller: Do you guys know why I never get tired of wandering around the world? Why do I like giving fairy tales to children and adults so much? Yes, because I am always glad to meet you. I am glad to see your inquisitive kind eyes. And also because the fairy tale teaches goodness, it teaches us to be friends, to help each other - in it, good always triumphs over evil!

Parsley: Storyteller! Will there be new fairy tales today?

Storyteller: Of course, Petrushka. Today we continue our theater festival. We will see you very much an interesting fairy tale“Under the fungus” the children will show it junior group. They are very excited, so give them a friendly clap to make performing more fun!

(Children of the younger group show Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Fungus”)


Here's to you kids!
Very good -
Even though they are small, they already know
That each other always help each other
Don’t spare your palms - clap
A little more for the artists!

Storyteller: Do you guys like it in our theater? Do you like fairy tales? Which ones do you know?

ABOUT! Yes, you are real experts in fairy tale art. Then watch and listen old fairy tale in a new musical way!

(Children of the middle group show the dramatization of “Teremok”)


Great! It's true, guys, you
Yes in our kindergarten
There are thousands of talents! Where is your applause?
For pleasant fabulous moments!


Our Festival is over.
It's a pity to part with you, we will miss you very much,
Promise me, guys, not to forget me and Petrushka!


for diligence and talent
You, our young artist-musicians
For thunderous applause
And loud laughter -
We want to reward everyone!

(The storyteller gives the children sweet prizes and homemade souvenirs “Parsley mitten”)


If someone cries, they get bored
If you get sad, this is a funny souvenir
Will cheer you up quickly!

(To cheerful music and general dancing, children, storyteller, Parsley say goodbye)