"Theater festival. Festival "Friendship of Peoples" in kindergarten. Scenario Article about a theater festival in kindergarten

… “Creating conditions that ensure

identification and development of gifted children,

realizing their potential,

is one of the priority

social tasks of modern society.

The presence of a social order contributes to

intensive growth of work in this area”...

Federal target program

"Gifted Children"


This project dedicated to this current problem, how cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families in working with gifted children. One of the forms of work with gifted children on the basis of MBDOU "Snowdrop" is revealed - festival children's creativity, to individualize the education of gifted preschoolers.

The type of project is practice-oriented.

In terms of the number of contacts – massive.

In terms of time – long-term.

Project (festival) participants:

Children aged 2 to 7 years

adults (family members, preschool teachers, sponsors)

Project innovation:

1 Implementation of the customization process preschool education into actual work practice.

2 Improving the system of work to identify, develop and support gifted children preschool age based on cooperation between family, preschool educational institutions and social institutions.


Gifted children, children's creativity festival, co-creation between adults and children, cooperation between teachers and parents.


On modern stage functioning of the system of work with gifted children, it became clear that a child who exhibits extraordinary abilities, demonstrates outstanding results in a certain field of knowledge, needs special conditions for his further development. These conditions should be aimed at meeting special educational needs related to in-depth subject training, as well as support personal development gifted child.

The problem of working with gifted children is extremely relevant for modern Russian society. The “Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education” notes that an important task of the education system is “the formation of a professional elite, identifying and maintaining the most gifted and talented children and youth.” Despite active position state, in this matter, it is impossible to collect all children who have signs of giftedness in specialized educational institutions, therefore it is necessary to create conditions for identifying and accompanying gifted children in mass educational institutions. This means creation effective system work of an educational institution with gifted children is one of most important tasks currently.

Many psychologists (Yurkevich V.S., Kulemzina A.V., Landau E., Savenkov A.I.) agree that the development of abilities is possible at any age, but the most best time is – childhood. Support for creative activity as one of the factors of giftedness should be carried out by both parents and teachers. Children's creativity is valuable in the development of a gifted child. A modern professional teacher must not only successfully navigate current trends in his subject area, but also be competent in the development of pedagogy of new times - pedagogy of creative personal development

Problems preventing efficient work with gifted (talented) children:

1. High degree methodological uncertainty in the early recognition of a child’s giftedness (talent). Subjectivism in teachers' assessments of children's giftedness (talent).

2. Underdevelopment of mechanisms for identifying giftedness (talent), forms and methods of searching, educating and supporting talented preschool children

3. Low psychological and pedagogical competence and motivation of parents and teachers in identifying and supporting gifted (talented) children of preschool age.

4. Absence in educational organizations systematic work to identify and support gifted (talented) preschool children. Limited resource capabilities in creating conditions for the realization of giftedness (talent development) of children in various fields human activity. Financing additional education from the municipal budget leads to the creation different conditions support for gifted (talented) children, depending on the policies and resource capabilities of municipalities.

Project goal: to unite the efforts of the preschool educational institution and the family in the development of the child’s creative potential and the creation of conditions for his self-realization.

Project objectives:

1. Improvement of pedagogical and communicative competence parents and employees of preschool educational institutions, optimization of the partnership between family and kindergarten, development of innovative potential for their interaction.

2. Providing advisory assistance to parents on the development of creative abilities of preschool children.

3. To interest parents by involving them in joint creative activity with children and active inclusion in the educational process.

4. Formation of motivation for self-improvement in a gifted child.

5. Creating a situation of success, a sense of psychological comfort and a festive atmosphere at the festival;

Expected result:


-​ Positive dynamics in the development of gifted children, in the development of children's creative abilities

- Development in children of such personal qualities as independence, initiative, creativity.


— Increasing interest in developing the abilities of a gifted child

- Parents’ interest in cooperation with preschool teachers

-​ Discussion and following the proposed recommendations


- Understanding the need for collaboration in a solution common tasks development of gifted children

- Activity in interaction with parents.

Musical director:

- Organization of work with gifted children, taking into account children's interests, capabilities and abilities.

-​ Design individual routes musically gifted children

- Help teachers and parents in the development of musically gifted children.

Administration of the preschool educational institution:

-​ Creation of a data bank “Gifted children of preschool educational institutions”

-​ Creation new tradition Preschool educational institution is an annual festival of children's creativity.

-​ Introduction of a new form of work to develop the creative abilities of a gifted preschool child based on the individualization of education

- Improving the system of work for the successful development and support of gifted children, as their personality develops, by ensuring cooperation between preschool educational institutions, families and others social institutions

Project performance criteria:

1 Increase in % identification of gifted preschool children

2 Addition to the system of work with gifted children new form work

3 Diagnostics of the satisfaction of parents as customers of educational services.

4 Diagnosis of gifted children’s satisfaction with their activities and increasing the number of such children.

5 Increase in the number of children - participants and winners various competitions at the preschool, village, district level.

6 Creating a database creative growth gifted preschool children of the village.

7 Increase additional wages(incentive part or bonus payments) to teachers working with gifted children

8 Compilation of analytical materials for internal and external use.

Ways to confirm the effectiveness of the project:

Monitoring the number of children and families taking part in festivals

Videos and photographs of festivals

Master classes, pedagogical workshops, concerts, etc.

Evaluation of the festival portfolio presentation

Evaluation of the presentation of the portfolio of children participating in the festival

Awards received by festival participants at competitions at various levels.

Indicators of the quality of the festival:

1) High level psychological comfort of the child.

2) Vivid expression of the individuality of the abilities of children (family)

3) Positive dynamics personal growth preschooler.

Project implementation mechanism

Preparatory stage:

1 Creation of a regulatory framework - regulations on the festival (Appendix 1)

2 Development of financial support for the project

3 Development of marketing and PR services

4 Forecasting expected results.

5 Thinking through risks and compensation mechanisms.

6 Creation creative group for the implementation of the project.

7 Development indicative list material equipment of the festival.

8 Clarification of the field of problems associated with the experience of working with gifted children.

9 Adjustment of cards of psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children in order to ensure individualization of education.

10 Creating conditions for individual lessons and consultations with preschool specialists for gifted children and their family members

Working with parents:

-​ Analysis of the level of competence of parents in the field of identifying and developing giftedness in children (questionnaires, interviews, conversations)

Information for parents:

— article in the newspaper of the preschool educational institution “Cooperation of the preschool educational institution and family is the key successful development creative abilities of children"

Consultation “Development of creative abilities of children”

Memo “Several simple tips, which will help support a gifted child "

Round table for parents “Create always, create everywhere!”

(about family creativity)

— Exhibition of children's and family works "Little masterpieces"

- Discussions between teachers and parents"

- “Can parents be the engines of their children’s progress?

If so, how?"

— Forum for parents “Parents, share your experience!”

— A selection of links to children's creativity competitions taking place on the Internet.

— Replenishment of piggy banks " creative ideas and findings" from teachers and parents

Working with teachers:

Identification of existing positive experience in working with gifted children

Round table for teachers “Steps of development of a child - preschooler” - experience of tutor support for the development of gifted children.

— Formation of a database on methods and techniques for creating situations of success, developing children’s creative abilities in educational activities

— Development of growth maps and programs individual work with gifted children (families).

Development of instructions on creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for supporting a child’s giftedness in the family.

Practical stage:

The format of the festival is full-time, in 2 rounds.

1 round – in each age group

2nd round - to the preschool educational institution

Round 3 – gala concert

The competition was held in two age categories -

Junior (2-5 years inclusive), senior (6-7 years inclusive)

In the following genres by nomination:

2. Dance

3. Fiction reading

4. Artistic creativity

5. Family room

6. Our family's craft

Evaluation criteria.

- stage culture;

-​ acting;

- musical arrangement;

- purity of intonation;

Final stage

— Monitoring the participation of gifted children and their families in the festival, the results of the level of development of children.

— Analysis of diagnostics of parental satisfaction in the implementation of the project

— Analysis of the results obtained and correlating them with the goals and objectives of the project.

— Design of the festival portfolio

— Design of the presentation “Meet our festival!”

— Newspaper articles:

Dispute club for teachers and parents “Pros and cons of our co-creation”

Presentation of festival winners and participants to competitions different levels

— publication of an electronic manual from work experience “Methods of working with gifted children”

Development of project prospects

Project perspective

1 Conducting a festival of children's creativity among kindergartens in the village and district.

2 Holding a festival with online participation of children from preschool educational institutions of the republic.

3 Carrying out the festival “My Talented Family”.


1.​ Convention on the Rights of the Child (20.11.89)

2. Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”

3. Federal program “Children of Russia” (18.08.94)

4. Federal target program “Gifted Children”

5.​ “The working concept of giftedness”, Bogoyavlenskaya, 2003

7.​ S. Martynov “I want my child to be a child prodigy”, magazine “Preschool Education”, 8-94

8.​ E. Belova “Gifted Children”, magazine “Preschool Education”, 4-91

9. G. Burlyanskaya “Gifted Children”, M. 91

10.​ N. Leites “Is it easy to be gifted”, “The fate of child prodigies”, magazine “Family and School”, 6.12 – 90, “Age giftedness and individual differences” M. 97

11.​ Yu. Gilbukh “Attention: gifted children” M. 91

12.​ O. Dyachenko “Gifted Child” M. 97

13.​ Babaev, Leites “Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents” M. 2000

14.​ E. Belova “The giftedness of a child: to reveal, understand, support” M. 1998

15.​ A. Savenkov “Gifted children in kindergarten and school", "Children's talent: development through art" M. 2000

16.​ K. Tarasova “Ontogenesis musical abilities", "Diagnostics of musical talent in preschool children" M. 1998

17.​ B. Teplov “The problem of individual differences”, “Psychology of musical abilities” M. 1961

18.​ www.int-edu.ru, www.standart.edu.ru, www.prosv.ru, www.do.isiorao.ru, www.centr-bo.ru, www.menobr.ru, www.dovosp .ru

Appendix 1

Regulations on the festival of children's creativity "Spring Voices"

General provisions.

Annual festival children's creativity "Spring Voices" is carried out with the support of the administration and teaching staff of the MBDOU "Snowdrop"

The purpose of the competition is to support children's creativity and develop the creative potential of children.


- education of patriotism;

— education of culture;

- upbringing ecological culture;

— formation aesthetic taste;

— creating conditions for identifying active and gifted children with a view to further involving them in various projects and programs;

— nurturing in children a love of art and beauty;

— sociocultural adaptation modern child

Festival themes:

2012 – “My Family”

2013 – “Nature is ours” common house»

2014 – “Sports are great!” (dedicated to the Sochi Olympics)

Organizers of the Festival.

The administration of the MBDOU "Snowdrop" forms the Organizing Committee of the festival, which:

- Accepts and approves competition documentation;

- Develops and approves criteria for evaluating performances and works;

- Organizes coverage of the festival through funds mass media;

- Notifies participants about decisions made;

- Organizes the award ceremony for the winners of the festival.

The Festival Organizing Committee forms the Festival jury. Its members include representatives of the Festival organizers, parents, and sponsors.

The Organizing Committee does not comment on the decisions of the Festival jury.

Place and time of the competition.

The competition is held annually in the village of Bichura, during Easter week. The festival is held in the following categories:

1. Vocals (singing solo, duets, ensembles)

2. Dance

3. Literary reading

4 Artistic creativity

5 Family room

6 Our family's craft

Participants of the competition.

Children are invited to participate in the festival regardless of their age group. preschool educational institution group"Snowdrop"

Age of participants:

Children from 2 to 7 years old.

Adults - no restrictions

The festival is held in two age groups Oh:

Group 1 – from 2 to 5 years;

Group 2 - from 6 to 7 years;

Specifications and work requirements.

Nomination "Artistic Creativity". Works are accepted in any technique (gouache, watercolor, crayons, pencils, etc.) in a format of at least A-4, corresponding to the theme of the festival. In the 1st round, original works made at home are submitted to the festival jury. Authors whose works have passed the 1st round are admitted to the second round.

Nomination "Crafts for the whole family." Works are accepted in any technique (knitting, embroidery, sewing, dolls, soft toys, beads, modeling, origami, etc.) that correspond to the theme of the festival. In the 1st round, original works made at home are submitted to the festival jury. Authors whose works have passed the 1st round are admitted to the second round.

Nomination “performing skills” (vocals, dance, family number). The performances must correspond to the theme of the festival. The prepared performance is assessed by the jury using a 5-point system. The jury selects winners in the nomination for each age group and area

Evaluation criteria.

When summing up the results in the categories “Artistic Creativity” and “Crafts for the Whole Family,” preference will be given to works that are deep, original, imaginative, bright, artistic imagination The theme of the festival will be revealed. The jury will also evaluate the accuracy and independence of the work performed in accordance with the age of the participants.

In the “performing skills” category, the jury evaluates the participants’ performance according to the main criteria:

- compliance of the works with the content of the festival, as well as the age and individual capabilities of the performers;

- stage culture;

- acting skills;

- musical arrangement;

- fluency in the material being performed, the degree of independence, emotional return of the participants;

- purity of intonation;

- the specificity and organic nature of the applied elements of choreography, instrumental accompaniment, aesthetics of costume, scenery.

Summing up and awarding the winners.

Based on the results of the festival in each nomination, first, second and third places are awarded for each age group.

The winners are awarded with certificates and gifts. All festival participants are awarded “Participant Diplomas” and memorable gifts.

Appendix 2


To participate in the festival of children's creativity

1. Nomination

2. Title of the issue or work (technique of execution)

3. Name of age group

4. Last name, first name and age of the participant (participants for the group number)

5. Last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher or full name of family members if they take part in the festival with the child)

6. Phone and e-mail for communication.

The annual “Theater Festival” was held in our garden; all age groups took part in it. Theatrical art is close and understandable to children, which allows them to develop the experience of social behavior skills. Each production had a moral orientation. Thanks to participation in the performance, a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart, expresses own attitude for good and evil. Favorite heroes become role models and identification. Also, theatrical activities are aimed at developing in children sensations (sensory), feelings and emotions, thinking, imagination, fantasy, attention, memory, will, as well as many skills (speech, communication, organizational, design, motor, etc. ).

Children got the opportunity to be not only artists, but also spectators, which is no less important. And what pride they felt when their parents and grandparents applauded them. And now they, together with their favorite teachers, are thinking about what production they will work on next year. The festival ended with a fairy tale on road safety rules, which was shown by preschool teachers.

Scenario of the Festival “Flower of Friendship”

Turcheneva Svetlana Vladimirovna, music director of the MADOU “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 1” in the city of Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad region.

Description: The script was developed for preschoolers. The material may be useful for teachers of preschool educational institutions and music directors.

Purpose of the event:
1. To form in children a respectful attitude towards other peoples, their cultures and traditions. Create a positive basis for instilling patriotic feelings.

1. Arouse interest in the culture and creativity of the represented people.
2. To develop children’s skills to feel and recreate the images embedded in song, dance, expressive word.
3. Teach children to understand the idea of ​​literary and musical works.
4. Develop and improve creativity kindergarten teachers.
5. Develop children's musical, creative and artistic abilities.

A slide with the festival logo is broadcast on the multimedia screen
(Flower of Friendship).

The presenter, dressed in Russian national costume, announces the opening of the Flower of Friendship holiday.

Hello, dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you in our cozy hall for the Flower of Friendship holiday.

Welcome: Participants of our holiday are children of the 21st century!!!
The soundtrack of the song “We are the children of the Sun” plays. music by S. Kapralov, performed by the group Fidgets

Children in different national costumes enter the hall and perform a rhythmic composition.

Dear friends!
We invite you to exciting journey across the cities and countries of our vast planet Earth.
A slide with an image of the globe is broadcast on the multimedia screen.

People live on earth different nationalities. They differ in skin color and the language they speak. But they all have one thing in common: they love to sing, dance, and glorify their country in poetry.
There are many on Earth different countries. We live in Russia. And other peoples live next to us. We are pleased to welcome them today to our celebration. We welcome guests from Ukraine.
To the melody of the Ukrainian folk song Shchedrik, arranged by V. Leontovich, a teacher in a Ukrainian costume comes out.
A slide depicting pictures of nature is broadcast, cherry blossoms, children in national costumes.

Teacher in Ukrainian costume:
Get through it, sir!
Oh, how beautiful our UKRAINE is!
Its endless fields
Its meadows, forests, hillocks
And fertile land. (Lika Ilyinova)
And what beautiful and soulful Ukrainian songs.
Performed by the teacher it sounds
Ukrainian folk song Cherry - cherry.

A child in a Ukrainian costume comes out to the music (a Ukrainian folk melody in a modern arrangement)

Child in Ukrainian costume:
So that the jokes don't stop
In this bright, good hour,
So that smiles bloom -
We want to dance for you.
Girls perform a Ukrainian dance with wreaths. (Ukrainian folk song "Wreaths" in a modern arrangement)"

Thank you, our dear guests from sunny Ukraine.
And we continue our celebration and invite the next guests.

A teacher in a Belarusian costume with a basket comes out to the Belarusian folk song “In the Garden.” There are potatoes and greens in the basket. On a pre-prepared table there is a saucepan with a ladle.
A slide depicting pictures of nature and children in national Belarusian costumes is broadcast.

Teacher in Belarusian costume:
Zen are kind, shanounynya syabry! Good afternoon, dear friends. We have come to you from Belarus. Belarus is famous for its vast fields. The Belarusian people are calm and friendly, and our songs are melodious. And the favorite dish in Belarus is bulba - potatoes.
Belarusians even sing songs about potatoes and glorify them throughout the world.

Performed by a teacher and a girl senior group

The dance composition “Bulba” is performed. (Belarusian folk song in modern arrangement)

Thank you, our dear neighbors. And I invite our guests again, meet friends from Germany.

A teacher in a German costume comes out to the accompaniment of a German folk song. She is holding a basket of flowers in her hands.

Teacher in German costume:
Guten tak, liebe freunde, good afternoon, dear guests.
In the center Western Europe
A beautiful country lies
Paths lead to it from all over the world
It's called Germany.
The country is immensely interesting
It attracts tourists like a magnet.
Friendly and kind to guests
She will surprise anyone.
Performs “German Song” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear guest. I see friends are still rushing towards us.

A teacher in a Lithuanian costume comes out to the accompaniment of a Lithuanian folk melody.
A slide depicting pictures of nature and children in national costumes is broadcast.

Teacher – Lithuanian:
Sveikas. We live next door to you and often visit each other. Our region is very beautiful. Our sea is called the Baltic. It can be not only warm, but also cold, so that pieces of resin, falling into it, freeze for centuries, turning into amazing stone– amber.
A slide with an image of the sea and amber is broadcast.

Child in Lithuanian costume.
We live as a friendly family,
From Lithuania bow to the ground.
We'll sing merrily for you
We're playing a funny song now.

Children of the senior group in Lithuanian costumes stage the Lithuanian folk song “The Old Miller”

A slide depicting children playing Lithuanian folk instruments is broadcast.

Lithuanians are not only hardworking, but they also love to sing, dance and play the musical instruments. Welcome students music school.
(Music school students perform Lithuanian folk melodies piano, domra and balalaika).

Poland is next door to us. Poles love to have fun and joke. What holidays take place in Poland? We meet Polish guests.
A slide depicting pictures of nature and children in Polish national costumes is broadcast.
A teacher in a Polish costume comes out to a Polish folk song.

A teacher in a Polish costume.
Zen are kind, ladies and gentlemen.
We, like the guests from Lithuania, are your neighbors. We have very beautiful nature, fabulous lakes and fields. Poles love jokes and fun
Children junior group perform dance composition
“Mice and Cheese” to Polish dance music.

Not only our neighbors came to our festival today, but also guests from distant countries. On the gentle coast Mediterranean Sea Colorful and sunny Italy is located.
A slide depicting pictures of nature and children in national Italian costumes is broadcast.
Child in Italian costume.
Ancient cities, rivers and canals
orange groves,
Yachts, carnivals,
Mountains and so on...
And that's all - Italy!
An Italian dance is performed by children - guests from the National Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 31 of JSC Russian Railways". S. Rachmaninov "Italian Polka"
From warm and sunny Italy we will move to foggy England, where they love antiquity, honor traditions, where men are true gentlemen.

The gentlemen boys enter to the English children's song "Hello, Wonderful Day".

Gentleman child:
We guys are gentlemen
Tailcoats and canes are a must,
We're a little English
Both gallant and modest,
Both reliable and smart.
As if from London now,
And we will dance for you. (Yu. Obolenskaya)

Gentlemen's dance. music "Letka - Enka"

There are so many guests at our holiday who glorified the region in which they live with their talents. But we, Russians, are proud of our country, Russia!!! Russia is famous for its unique nature. And how kind and generous people live with us. We reveal all the beauty of our soul in our songs and dances. Red girls, come out and start a Russian round dance.
Russian dance performed by teachers
to the song about Russia “The Red Sun Was Washing” performed by Yu. Mikhalchik

A slide depicting pictures of Russian nature is broadcast.

Motherland is a big, big word!
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with your soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies!
It fits exactly half the world:
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.
Dear city, dear apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten... and me.
Sunny bunny in the palm of your hand
Lilac bush outside the window
And on the cheek there is a mole -
This is also the Motherland. (T. Bokova)

Every corner of our Motherland is unique. And, of course, in every corner of our country, children sing about the Motherland, about Russia.

A girl soloist performs the song “I live in Russia” from the repertoire of the Semitsvetik ensemble

Russia has always been famous for its miracle masters. They turned wood and clay into a fairy tale, created beauty with paints and brushes, and what a miracle our Russian nesting doll is!
A slide with an image of nesting dolls is broadcast.
Girls perform the “Dance of Matryoshka Dolls” to the song Russian Matryoshka Dolls, text by A. Osmushkin, music by V. Temnov

Russian people are distinguished by their generosity of soul and hospitality. And how delicious the smell of pies in the house is, and what fragrant tea from a Russian samovar.
A slide with an image of a festive Russian table with a samovar and bagels is broadcast.
Children perform the dance "Russian Samovar" music "Puff-Puff, Samovar" from the repertoire of the group Fidgets


OIIFestival of children's theatrical and artistic creativity

"Theater Meetings"

1.General provisions

1.1. These Regulations define the goals and objectives of the Festival of Children's Theatrical and Artistic Creativity “Theater Meetings” (hereinafter referred to as the Festival) in the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a general developmental type “Rainbow” (hereinafter referred to as the preschool educational institution).

1.2. The festival is held on the initiative of the administration of the preschool educational institution.

2. Goals and objectives of the festival

  • generalization and dissemination of the experience of preschool teachers in creating conditions for the development of creative abilities of preschoolers in theatrical activities and introducing them to theatrical culture;
  • creating conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults and creative communication between Festival participants;
  • updating the content of work on the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children in theatrical activities;
  • increasing the motivation of activity, pedagogical skills and creativity of preschool specialists to create conditions for the development of children’s creative activity in theatrical activities.

3. Festival participants

3.1. Pupils of 2 junior, middle, senior, preparatory school groups, Montessori groups, various categories take part in the festival teaching staff, parents.

4.1.The number of participants, the form and content of the event are chosen by the Festival participants independently.

4.2. IN competitive program any type of theatrical and artistic activity can be used (dramatization, musical performance, dramatization, clownery, children's opera, ballet, folklore or farce theater, etc.).

4.3. The program may include joint theatrical and artistic activities of children and adults.

4.5. Duration of the production: 10-15 minutes - for children of primary and secondary preschool age and 15-20 minutes. for children of senior preschool age.

4.6. Requirements for festival work:

  • availability of a program (indicate the type of activity, topic, author, performers), posters (1 piece);
  • accessibility of content to the age of children;
  • the pedagogical value of the content of a play or other theatrical production;
  • compositional structure, compliance with the chosen genre;
  • dynamics of plot development;
  • correspondence musical accompaniment(live or soundtrack) the content of the performance and the aesthetics of the artistic design.

5. Dates and procedure for the Festival

5.1. The festival is held in three stages:

Stage 1: March 25, 2014 - performance of 2 junior and middle groups at 10.00 in the music hall.

Stage 2: senior, pre-school group, Montessori group at 10.00 in the music room.

Stage 3: gala presentation of the winning groups at 10.00 in the music hall.

5.2. To participate in the Festival within the period from March 11 to 14, 2014 d applications from groups are submitted to the methodological office in the form specified in Appendix 1 to the Regulations.

5.3. In viewing festival program Teachers and music directors from other preschool educational institutions and parents can take part.

6. Evaluation criteria

6.1. The activities of participants are assessed according to the following indicators:

  • disclosure of the topic and content of the event;
  • logic of construction and development of theatrical action;
  • creative individuality (production, script development, artistic and musical design);
  • creating conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults;
  • the level of performing activity and the creation of conditions for the development of children’s creative activity;
  • creating conditions for a spectacular and gaming situation (interaction between event participants and spectators).

7. Encouragement of festival winners

7.1. Laureates and participants of the Festival will be awarded diplomas in nominations :

  • Best Production
  • Best Young Actor (Actress)
  • Best Screenplay
  • Best theater poster

7.2. The results of the Festival will be highlighted on the preschool educational institution’s website and in the media.

Appendix 1

to the Regulations

Municipal budget preschool educational institution"Kindergarten of general developmental type "Rainbow"


IIFestival of children's theater and artistic creativity

"Theater Meetings"

Group ______________________________________________________________________

Type of theatrical and artistic activity(underline): dramatization, musical performance, staging, clownery, children's opera, ballet, folklore or farce theater, other ________________________________________________________________

Title of the work ________________________________________________________

Educator (specialist) participating in the production ___________________________


Pupils participating in the production

Appendix 2

to order No. 98-od

from 03/11/14

Composition of the jury

IIFestival of children's theatrical and artistic creativity

"Theater Meetings"

Deputy Head for SMR - N.Yu. Melnichenko

Deputy Chairman of the Governing Council - M.V. Georgievskaya

Speech therapist teacher - L.S. Pashina

Teacher of the 1st junior group - N.V. Medvedev

Teacher of 2nd group early age- A.A. Kiseleva

"Magic land!" - this is what the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin once called the theater. The poet’s feelings are shared by both adults and children who have come into contact with this amazing form of art. Visiting the theater is always a holiday. Associated with him is joy, fun, vivid impressions, new feelings. And how interesting it is to be not only a spectator, but also a participant in the performance! Special role belongs to the theater in solving problems related to the upbringing and development of a preschool child. Special studies by psychologists conducted in our country and abroad have shown that both roles - the viewer and the actor - are very significant for the development of the child. Theater is one of the most vibrant, colorful and accessible spheres of art for preschoolers. It develops imagination and imagination, contributes to the creative development of the child and the formation of the basis of his personal culture. In terms of aesthetic significance and influence, theater takes pride of place next to music, visual activities. Our kindergarten is attended by children from socially disadvantaged families who are experiencing difficulties psychological plan, constrained in communicating with others, unsure of themselves and their capabilities, vulnerable, often experiencing anxiety and fear. A team of teachers, observing such children, came to the conclusion that theatrical activity helps them to relax, develops communication skills, increases self-esteem, develops speech, emotional sphere and simply brings bright, unforgettable variety to daily life, enriches the inner world.

It has become a good tradition in our preschool educational institution to conduct theater festival « Golden mask", attracting children of all age groups to participate in it. The structure of the Festival's work is as follows:

1 day- Opening; information part, where issues of the origin are discussed in an accessible form theatrical arts, about types of theater, about puppets and actors, about music in the theater and others;
Day 2– Independent performances for children of primary and secondary groups;
Day 3– Continuation of children's performances. Awards, general fun.

Accompaniment as presenters in game form The Storyteller and Petrushka fill their performances with lively emotional communication. The repertoire of young artists (1st and 2nd junior groups) is songs, nursery rhymes - works folklore. Senior preschoolers stage short works of art: fairy tales, fables - filling their performance with music and dance numbers. More complex attributes, costumes, decorations, made together with teachers and parents. During the Festival young participants manages to be both spectators and perform independently on an improvised stage. Continuity in performances creates a sense of collectivism, participation and ownership, uniting the large, multi-age group of our kindergarten into one family. We present to your attention the scenarios of one of the theater festivals, as well as a small perspective plan for the first information day.

  • When did the theater appear?
  • Types of theater: puppet, finger, shadow, etc.
  • Puppet theater. The doll and the actor - so that the doll comes to life.
  • Theater attributes: stage, curtain, auditorium, scenery.
  • Music in the theater.
  • Is it easy to be an actor?

First day

Parsley appears. Fanfare sounds.


Hello, hello!
Dear viewers!
Would you like to see the show?
Why then don’t you stomp your feet, don’t shout, and don’t clap?

The audience applauds


Hey, the blond one from the front row.
You didn't recognize me at first sight:
And I am Petrusha! Everyone’s favorite toy!
The cap is sharp, the tongue even sharper.
Oh, and I’ll laugh at you -
So much so that you will burst out laughing!

(Music “Wandering Artists” performed by the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”)

The storyteller enters with a large bright suitcase.


ABOUT! Who else is this?
Would you like to play with me?

Storyteller: I am a storyteller, I go around towns and villages, showing people funny performances, good fairy tales, performances….


And we have a show today
To everyone's surprise!
I want to tell children about the theater
Who, if not me, should know this.
After all, the theater begins with me -
I am the most favorite children's character.
People have been watching my performances for 100 years.
Eh, without Parsley and a joke, not a joke.
And the theater, not the theater!
Right, guys?!


ABOUT! Yes, I'll see how you are
Braggart, Petrushka.
Sit quietly and let me
Listen up!

(A story about traveling artists)

... these cheerful people carried a bright large suitcase everywhere.

Parsley: I don’t understand what’s funny and funny in the suitcase?

Storyteller: Dolls live in such a magical suitcase, and where the storyteller opens it, the fairy tale settles there and real miracles begin.

(Takes out a glove puppet, talks about it, invites the children to move it)


Wonderful doll.
I danced very merrily
What else is in your suitcase?

Storyteller: I also have cane dolls, they move with the help of sticks - canes ( beats). And this is a doll - a “puppet”.

Parsley: Why does this doll have such a strange name?

Storyteller: These toys were invented a long time ago in distant Italy.

“Marion” is Italian for little Maria – that’s what funny dolls were called at that time.

And for this doll to come to life
Say it with me
Magic words:
"Ding-dong, ding-dong,
To the cheerful chime,
Our doll come to life
Start dancing!”


Very funny doll
And I heard that there is more
Shadow theater, but I don’t know what it looks like.

Storyteller: I have one like this in my suitcase. And to show shadow theater, to help skillful hands you need a special screen and regular light from a lamp.

(Installs the screen, turns on the light)

What will we show - answer?
We play a guessing game.

(Children recognize animal figures from the shadows folk tales)

... I will not close my magic suitcase. Let fairy tales settle in your kindergarten.

Parsley: That's wonderful! Because today we are opening a theater festival. For a whole week, you guys and I will be watching funny fairy-tale performances.

And now we have real little artists visiting us - meet them!

(Performance by children of the city art school)

Second day

Tambourines and rattles sound.


Parsley came
How cheerful he is
Tambourines and rattles rattle
It's spilling everywhere
Noisy chime.
Hello dear viewers,
Well, we met again, it's good that you came
To our theater -
We've got everything ready!

(The melody “We are wandering artists” sounds; the storyteller greets the audience)


Bah! Yes, here is the storyteller,
He's with us again
Clap your hands more cheerfully -
He is glad to meet you too.


Hello, dear viewers.
Today we will see two performances.
Get ready to watch and listen carefully.

The first performance “Miniatures based on nursery rhymes and songs” will be shown by our youngest artists.

(Children of the nursery group perform)


Oh yes kids.
Pleased, surprised -
And loud applause
They deserve it!

Storyteller: And now the children will perform preparatory group. They will show you a familiar fairy tale, but in a new way. They are such funny people and inventors!

(Children of the preparatory group show the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”)


Our future schoolchildren
Extremely talented.
We tried so hard for you -
Clap them desperately! Bravo!

Storyteller: All performances are finished for today. We are waiting for you tomorrow at the same time.

We promise that there will be jokes, songs, laughter in the hall -
Come - there's enough for everyone!

Third day

Under cheerful music The Storyteller enters, Petrushka appears.


Hello kids:
Girls and boys.
Naughty girls, naughty girls!
Well, have you been waiting for new fairy tales to visit?
Then don’t skimp on cheerful smiles and loud applause.

Storyteller: Do you guys know why I never get tired of wandering around the world? Why do I like giving fairy tales to children and adults so much? Yes, because I am always glad to meet you. I am glad to see your inquisitive kind eyes. And also because the fairy tale teaches goodness, it teaches us to be friends, to help each other - in it, good always triumphs over evil!

Parsley: Storyteller! Will there be new fairy tales today?

Storyteller: Of course, Petrushka. Today we continue our theater festival. We will see you very much an interesting fairy tale“Under the Fungus” will be shown to children of the younger group. They are very excited, so give them a friendly clap to make performing more fun!

(Children of the younger group show Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Fungus”)


Here's to you kids!
Very good -
Even though they are small, they already know
That each other always help each other
Don’t spare your palms - clap
A little more for the artists!

Storyteller: Do you guys like it in our theater? Do you like fairy tales? Which ones do you know?

ABOUT! Yes, you are real experts in fairy tale art. Then watch and listen old fairy tale in a new musical way!

(Children of the middle group show the dramatization of “Teremok”)


Great! It's true, guys, you
Yes in our kindergarten
There are thousands of talents! Where is your applause?
For pleasant fabulous moments!


Our Festival is over.
It's a pity to part with you, we will miss you very much,
Promise me, guys, not to forget me and Petrushka!


for diligence and talent
You, our young artist-musicians
For thunderous applause
And loud laughter -
We want to reward everyone!

(The storyteller gives the children sweet prizes and homemade souvenirs “Parsley mitten”)


If someone cries, they get bored
If you get sad, this is a funny souvenir
Will cheer you up quickly!

(To cheerful music and general dancing, children, storyteller, Parsley say goodbye)