Easter week: traditions by day, what to do

In 2017, Easter week begins on May 1. This time, the centuries-old traditions of celebrating Easter coincide with the May Day celebrations, beloved since Soviet times, and Victory Day, which immediately follows Krasnaya Gorka. There are plenty of reasons for joy and free time. The question arises of how to carry out holidays not only fun, but also beautiful and meaningful. Let's look for answers in the traditions of our distant ancestors.

Easter customs for home decoration

Since it is customary to visit on Easter week holidays, you are guaranteed a visit from your mother-in-law or just a picky friend. So it definitely won’t hurt to decorate your house.

To create a “Glade” you will need:

Please note that you will have to take care of decorating the table 3-4 days before the holiday. What you will need to do:

When decorating your home, remember that Easter Bright Week is called that for a reason; these days it is not customary to flaunt wealth. Therefore, when choosing flowers for a wreath, give preference to those that grow in your native open spaces. Orchids and other exotics will be inappropriate. Use them to decorate windows, doors or even the floor.

If you have a garden plot or just a tree under the window, decorate it with bows made of ribbons in delicate shades and nests with colored flowers. By the way, since Radonitsa falls on May 10, it would be appropriate to add the St. George ribbon, thereby honoring not only your deceased relatives, but also paying tribute to all the soldiers who fell for us.

So, you decorated your home taking into account the ancient and modern traditions. Now let's see how it is customary to spend the days of Easter week according to the ancient rules.

Our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers had customs during the above-mentioned holiday, breaking which was considered at least bad manners.

The traditional regulations correspond to the names of the days of Easter week, which you will now get acquainted with.

Holy Resurrection of Christ and the week after it

Preparations for the holiday begin on Saturday evening. Thrifty housewives put food into a beautifully decorated basket, which the clergyman will bless during the religious procession. You can bless not only colored eggs and Easter cakes; it is not forbidden to put lard, sausage, vegetables, fruits and even vodka in the basket. The latter, by the way, should not be tasted until Sunday: remember that appearing at the Easter service drunk is unacceptable.

In the afternoon, the whole family gathers at a festively set table to break their fast, congratulate each other with the words “Christ is risen” and hear in response: “Truly he is risen.” In the evening, all honest people go to mass celebrations with songs and dances.

Watering Monday

On this day, girls and women wash their faces in the morning or even completely douse themselves with water “from a red egg.” According to legend, this procedure ensures health and beauty for the whole year. In addition, on the first day of Easter Bright Week, it is customary to visit your grandmothers and godparents. Grandchildren and godchildren present loved ones with Easter eggs and pies, receive the same gifts and take them with them.

Tuesday Baths

Those who
I had too much fun the day before and ended up sleeping through the morning prayer; the household was mercilessly watered with well water. Nowadays, if you want to comply with the custom, it is enough to wash your face with cold water.

Tuesday is also considered a women's day of rest. Representatives of the fair sex visit each other, have fun, and their husbands take care of the housework.

Wednesday Round Dancer

In the middle of Easter week, as the name implies, it is customary to dance and go to the tavern “to the music.” In a modern interpretation, the Round Dancer can be celebrated by having fun with friends at a nightclub or having dinner at a restaurant.

In addition, there is also the name of the environment: “Gradovaya”. So if, for one reason or another, wild fun is not for you, you can celebrate this day by placing a anti-hail candle in church or in front of a home icon. Nowadays, such a ritual symbolizes getting rid of troubles associated with natural disasters.

Navsky Thursday

On the fourth day of Easter week, it is customary for people to give up housework and take care of their deceased relatives. So, on the “Easter of the Dead” it is customary to clean up the graves, decorate the tombstones with colored eggs, Easter cakes, wine and other blessed foods. At the same time, men tie towels, and women complement the outfit with a beautiful apron.

In addition, keep in mind that during the days of the bright Easter week you cannot indulge in despondency even in the cemetery. According to ancient beliefs, the souls of the dead return to our world at this time to share with us the joy of the resurrection of Christ. Therefore, Nava Thursday is not a commemoration of the dead, but rather a festive greeting. The evening is traditionally spent in a quiet family atmosphere.

Forgiveness Friday

a reason to make peace with an unfriendly mother-in-law and an overly demanding father-in-law. On this day, according to tradition, the above-mentioned relatives invite their son-in-law and members of his family to visit and brew and taste new beer together.

Nowadays, this method of reconciliation has been transformed into any help around the house and the following cheerful feast.

Saturday Round Dancers

The youth holiday is celebrated with declarations of love to the chosen one. If the girl reciprocates, she gives the guy some paint. Then the relatives of the newly-made bride went to the groom’s relatives and agreed on the wedding. IN modern version The lovers round dances introduce each other to their parents.

If romantic experiences are already in your past, celebrate Holy Saturday with others the old fashioned way. Our ancestors got rid of evil spirits, washing the outside of the house with water.

Owners of private households can hose down the roof and facade, while residents of apartments in high-rise buildings only need to wash the front door.

Fomino Sunday

Continuing the youth theme, let us mention that Holy Sunday is also called “Red Hill”. Sitting at home on this day was considered a bad omen for unmarried girls and single guys. The very name “red” suggests a beautiful, beloved place - here future spouses exchange vows of eternal love in front of witnesses.

By the way,
It is not customary to get married during Easter week. You can get married and hold the church ceremony on another day.

Now let’s look at why the last day of Easter week is called “Fomino” and how to spend it for those who already have the appropriate stamp in their passport or for people on “free flight”.

According to the Bible, the Apostle Thomas believed in the resurrection of his teacher only after he personally saw him in the flesh. Since then, there has been an Easter ritual of communion with the body of Christ. To do this you will need:

  1. Buy in the church or make your own consecrated unleavened bread without yeast - artos.
  2. Go to the temple in the morning and on an empty stomach taste a piece of the bread mentioned above, symbolizing the flesh of Christ.
  3. End the celebration before the “third rooster”, that is, a little after midnight.

So, you have become familiar with how to celebrate Easter week by day. Now it's time to learn funny fortune telling and unusual rituals, which our ancestors carried out during this period.

Easter signs, rituals and fortune telling - video

Easter men's traditions by profession

When celebrating Christ, it would be appropriate for fishermen to say: “Christ has risen, and I have a fish.” For fishermen who follow all the rules of Easter week, in general, as they say, a green light, because the anagram of the name of Christ is deciphered from Latin as “fish.”

More brutal
Traditions have been observed by avid hunters since ancient times. On the first day of Easter, men hunting for animals fired guns from behind their backsides. At the same time, a covenant was given not to kill for fun and a conspiracy was placed on weapons: “Strike all year without missing a beat.”

IN modern conditions a rifle salvo will primarily attract the attention of law enforcement agencies. And male prey is now expressed not in the number of carcasses of killed animals. So fireworks in the yard or firecrackers at the door will be enough to attract good luck.

Women's custom for Easter, fortune telling

Girls' entertainment during Easter week certainly includes fortune telling for the groom. However, since church traditions They forbid girls to be curious even about their immediate future; our great-grandmothers got used to guessing in a playful way.

What you will need:

Place sugar, salt, a ring and bread in the corners of the room. Then stand in the center, ask your friend to blindfold you with a beautiful scarf and give you a painted egg. Spin clockwise seven times, lower yourself to the floor and roll the paint. After this, you can remove the bandage and see where it rolled:

  1. Closer to sugar is a good omen, meaning good luck and a comfortable life.
  2. The ring signifies an imminent marriage, but how successful it will be will be shown by the egg rolling closer to the salt or sugar.
  3. Salt, of course, means failure.
  4. Bread portends an acquaintance with a rich groom.

There is also
There are many ways to tell fortunes during Easter week; it would take too long to list them all. If desired, you can use church candles, flowers, blessed Easter eggs and even festively decorated trees or swings in the yard.

The only condition is do not use mirrors.

Magic rituals

During the Easter bright week, our ancestors not only rejoiced at the resurrection of Christ, but also took care of the safety of their family and home. For example, special beliefs on the night from Saturday to Sunday are associated with a domestic spirit, known to everyone as a brownie.

It was considered possible to identify this secret member of the household by walking around the house with a candle blessed during Matins. According to legends, an evil spirit lived in the basement, and a friendly housewife lived in the attic.

Regardless of whether you believe in ancient magic or adhere to church canons, drive away sad thoughts from yourself during Easter week.

Also remember that celebrating Easter is not just a reason to have fun with friends. At this time, you need to think about whether you are a good person.

Easter week (Bright, Great, Velikodenskaya, Red Week, Bright Week). A holiday week that began on Easter and ended on the eighth day, Fomino Sunday.

The tradition of celebrating Easter throughout the following week was associated with performances Orthodox people that on the day of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ the sun, having risen into the sky, sank below the horizon only on Thomas Sunday.
IN Orthodox churches Every day the Easter liturgy was performed, beginning with the singing of the troparion of the holiday with the stichera of the 68th Psalm. The royal doors of the altar and the deacon's doors remained open all this time. After the liturgy, to the sound of bells, there was a procession around the church with a cross as a sign of joy and triumph about the victory of Jesus Christ over death and hell. On Easter Saturday after the liturgy, pieces of the artos consecrated on Holy Saturday were distributed to everyone present in the church - big bread with the image of a cross and a crown of thorns or the image of Christ.
On Easter week, church clergy usually visited villages. The procession of the cross, led by God-bearers (obrosniks, testamentists) with icons and banners, followed by priests, deacons, and psalm-readers, was quite solemn. This was a special detour that all the peasants were waiting for, since on this day, the only one of the year, the altarpieces were taken out.
Easter prayer services, according to Russian peasants, were supposed to contribute to the well-being of the family and household.

A characteristic feature of the folk rituals of Easter week was the commemoration of deceased ancestors. The commemoration of ancestors was not consistent with the practice of church commemorations, which were not held during Easter week, as they contradicted the spirit of the holiday - joy on the occasion of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. However, according to popular beliefs, on Easter week the souls of the departed temporarily return to earth to enjoy the holiday together with the living. Memorial days This week was the first (second) day of Easter and Easter Thursday. On these days, it was supposed to visit deceased relatives in the cemetery, say Christ with them and invite them to a festive feast. These days, the peasants left the doors of their houses unlocked for them; they hung towels on the windows so that the souls of the dead could rest on them; we tried not to sew anything, so as not to sew up their eyes; they did not wash, so as not to muddy the waters for the dead; they did not lament or cry in the cemetery, so as not to interfere with the dead rejoicing in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and thereby not destroy their hope for their own resurrection. According to popular beliefs, the deceased left the earth on Fomino Sunday or Radunitsa.

On Easter week, which was considered the beginning of rebirth and renewal of life, many ritual actions related to marriages were carried out. Their initiators and main participants were single youth and newlyweds. Spring-summer festivities for boys and girls began with Easter week. Easter week was also the time when bride viewings took place in Russian villages.
During Easter week, girls performed various magical acts aimed at bringing matchmaking and marriage closer. So, dreaming of getting married as soon as possible, the girl had to be the first to get to the bell tower on Easter Day and the first to ring the bell.
During Easter week, parades of newlyweds were held in many regions, and rituals were held that consolidated their new social status.
The entire Easter week was devoted to entertainment: we went to visit each other, treated ourselves to good quick food. However, there were no excesses in food and drink, the great general village revelry with fights characteristic of patronal holidays, on these bright days, as people called them. The festive meal was fun, joyful, but at the same time decorous and dignified. On Easter week, a lot of people gathered on the village streets: they walked, showing off themselves, their children, their outfits, looking at other walkers, and sang songs.

First week after happy holiday Easter is the most joyful time for anyone Orthodox Christian. This period has many time-tested customs: observing them will help you make your life is easy and pleasant.

The week after the Resurrection of Christ is called Bright Week and is filled with joy and honoring the risen Savior. At this time, all prayers addressed to the Lord are especially strong and Mother of God, and traditional canons are replaced by special Easter hours.

How to celebrate Bright Week

During Easter week, a festive light liturgy and religious procession are held every day in all monasteries and church parishes. Fasting on Wednesday and Friday is canceled: from Monday to Sunday you can eat fast food. Also at this time, weddings and funeral canons are prohibited: it is believed that those who died during Easter week appear before the gates of Paradise, and the Lord forgives them all their sins.

On Bright Week, every believer can ask the risen God for help and protection, the gift of faith, strength and health. Several short prayers from Easter to Krasnaya Gorka are especially powerful.

“Lord, risen from the dead, having trampled the darkness of hell and ascended above sin and torment! I come running to You and humbly pray to You: do not leave Your faithful servant (name) in darkness, shield with Your hand from evil and fiery hell. Be merciful to me, O God, and through Your love may my soul be cleansed. Amen".

This prayer addressed to Jesus Christ must be read every morning and every evening during Easter week.

“Lord, when they saw the miracle of Your Resurrection, Your apostles rejoiced, and the myrrh-bearing women washed Your feet with joyful tears. Lord, I am your humble servant, wandering in the darkness of sin, I see nothing but darkness. My God, do not leave me to the devil’s reproach, for I come running to You weeping. Show me the path to true faith and turn my mind away from filth. Amen".

“My Lord, You performed the miracle of the Resurrection, rising from the tomb and appearing to the world that had expelled You. Lord, we rejoice and rejoice, seeing Your Resurrection, and we run to You, and fall at Your feet with tears of gratitude. Lord, do not leave us, your sinful and unworthy servants, protect us from enemies, lies and all evil. Amen".

This prayer can protect you from various troubles and show you the path to true faith. It is better to read it in all alone, representing all the passions that you want to get rid of.

Signs and traditions of Easter week

In addition to the church canonical celebration of Easter week, there are folk customs and time-tested signs. The traditions of Bright Week were passed on from generation to generation, and the most faithful ones have come down to us unchanged.

If all days are sunny during Easter week, then the summer will be hot and the harvest will be rich.

On Monday of Bright Week, popularly called Polivalnik, it is customary to whip each other with willow branches and pour water on them: it is believed that this brings health and drives away all diseases.

During Easter week it is customary to ride on a swing: once you swing, one sin will be blown away by the wind.

Before reaching Krasnaya Gorka, observe the behavior of the birds: if they fly low and fussy for two days in a row, there may be prolonged bad weather. If it is high, spring will be dry and sunny.

On Bright Tuesday, you must get up for the morning service: it is believed that oversleeping it means inviting poverty into your home.

On Bright Wednesday unmarried girls they've been asking since morning God's help in search of a suitable groom. To meet their fate, young women spend the whole day until the evening in public, trying to attract the attention of the young man they like.

On Holy Thursday, it is customary to go to the cemetery to clean the graves and leave colored eggs and pieces of Easter cake on them. A bird flying and landing on a gravestone is considered a good omen. She is a sign that the deceased relative is nearby and accepting a treat.

Bright Friday of Easter week has long been considered a time to brew and enjoy homemade beer. Nice light drinking brings good luck, and violent drunkenness drives it away.

On Bright Saturday, all Orthodox Christians try to get to the church bell tower and ring the bell, saying goodbye to Easter week. On this day, it is customary to visit relatives and wish each other a warm spring, a hot summer and a fruitful autumn.

On Bright Sunday, otherwise known as Red Hill, young girls and boys should spend the whole day outside the house, in beautiful natural places. It is believed that this day is best for meeting your destiny. That is why it is customary to declare your love on Krasnaya Gorka and introduce your soulmate to your relatives.

Easter week - best time in order to get rid of negative attitudes and fulfill your dreams. We wish you good luck and joy. Smile more often and don’t forget to press the buttons and

Easter week

Bright Week, Also Bright week, Easter week, Holy week- the week following Easter.

On all days of the week there is a divine service (matins), similar to the divine service of Easter Week (the first day of Easter). Ends with the Week of Antipascha (Second Week after Easter). It is customary to keep the royal doors of churches open throughout the week - until Bright Saturday, when according to the liturgy there is fragmentation and distribution of artos.

Rule 66 of the Sixth Ecumenical Council decides:

The week is continuous: there is no fasting on Wednesday and Friday, and even those preparing for Communion cannot voluntarily impose fasting on themselves.

Throughout Bright Week, after the service, processions of the cross are held, during which believers sing festive chants and the priest sprinkles everyone with holy water. During the religious procession, the festive bell rings.

See also

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See what “Easter week” is in other dictionaries:

    Easter week- ♦ (ENG Paschal Week) see Holy Week... Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms

    Easter week- Easter week... Russian spelling dictionary

    Easter week - … Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    Easter Resurrection of Christ (Descent into Hell) (icon of Andrei Rublev (?), 1408-1410) Christian type, in a number of countries the state name, otherwise the Holy Resurrection of Christ ... Wikipedia

    Bright Week, also Bright Week, Easter Week, Holy Week, the week following Easter. On all days of the week there is a divine service (matins), similar to the divine service of Easter Week (the first day of Easter). Ends with Antipascha Week... ... Wikipedia

    There are three Fridays every week. People's Disapproved The same as there are seven Fridays in one week. DP, 462. There are seven Fridays in one week. People's Disapproved About a fickle person who often changes his decisions. DP, 649. See also Seven Fridays in a week... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Noun, g., used. very often Morphology: (no) what? weeks, why? week, (see) what? a week, what? week, about what? about the week; pl. What? weeks, (no) what? weeks, what? weeks, (see) what? weeks, what? for weeks, about what? about weeks 1. Week is... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

    WEEK, and, women. 1. A unit of time equal to seven days, generally a period of seven days. Calendar no. (from Monday to Sunday inclusive). Working n. (working days of the calendar week). See you this week. We haven’t seen each other for weeks (by… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Easter (Bright) Week- Since apostolic times, the holiday of Christian Easter lasts seven days, that is, the whole week, and therefore this week is called Bright Easter Week. Every day of the week is also called bright: Bright Monday, Bright Tuesday, etc., and... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers


The meaning and meaning of each day of Easter week

The holy holiday of Easter is celebrated by every resident of the country, however, not every person knows the meaning and meaning of each day and about the Easter week. Let's look together at the meaning of each day of Easter week and find out what should be done on each of the seven days in 2017.

Signs for Easter

Easter traditions - blessing of Easter cake and eggs

Exists huge amount signs that can be observed on Easter. Easter is a Christian holiday that is celebrated by every person. Preparation for Easter continues throughout the week, and this week is often called Holy or Easter. On Saturday, namely the day before Easter, final preparations are made. The holiday itself takes place on Sunday.
Previously, more attention was paid to all signs, traditions. As for the present tense, not everyone adheres to it.
Easter week - the meaning of every day
During the week before Bright Sunday Those of Christ are not allowed to consume dairy products, fish, meat or eggs. Vegetable oil is also prohibited. By church canons It is believed that before the holiday, you can eat black bread, vegetables, and fruits. You can also drink fruit drinks and water.
As for our time, now Easter is not given as much time as it used to be. Besides, to modern man It will be difficult without diets, since lifestyle and eating style have changed somewhat.


On Monday you need to clean up the whole house. If there is peeling old paint, minor repairs need to be made. If there is broken furniture, it needs to be fixed. It is also worth carrying out a general cleaning of the entire room.
On Monday morning you need to go out into the yard to find out what the weather will be like in the future. If the sky is clear and the sun is shining very brightly, this indicates that the year will be fruitful and warm. All weddings that will be held this year will be successful and the newlyweds will live in peace and harmony. Also on Monday, it is customary to wash your face using dishes made of gold or silver. It is believed that this ritual allows one to gain financial independence and prosperity.


On Tuesday, it is customary to continue cleaning, since a sufficient number of important things need to be done on Monday. Moreover, if a person works, he will not be able to complete it in one day. Also on Tuesday it is customary to prepare festive clothes. It needs to be washed, hemmed if necessary, and then ironed. You can also do laundry directly on Easter Sunday.


You should finish cleaning on Wednesday if you didn’t do it on Monday and Tuesday. Be sure to take the trash out of the house. The ancestors are confident that Wednesday is a great time to buy eggs. Therefore, you can safely go to the store or market to buy eggs, paint for them and other decorative elements.

Maundy Thursday

As for Maundy Thursday, many people know about it. It is believed that early in the morning of a given day any water has healing powers. She is able to cleanse from any negativity and illness. You can try to get up early to swim, and you can put silver or gold in the water.
On Maundy Thursday you can also start cleaning your house. After which, it is not allowed to be carried out for another 6 days. On this day, candles are brought from church, necessary for the treatment of diseases. They also prepare Thursday salt, which has unique magical properties. Such salt is illuminated in the temple on Maundy Thursday. At the same time, eggs are colored and Easter cakes are baked. Before kneading the dough, you need to read the Our Father, and also ask the Lord to make the baked goods beautiful and tasty.
If you can't find your husband, then after you shop on Thursday morning, it's worth keeping the towel you used to dry yourself. When you go to the temple, hand the towel to the beggars. You can also give them some eggs.
To make your hair grow thick and silky, it is customary to cut the ends on Maundy Thursday. Babies should also have their hair cut on this day.

Good Friday

Good Friday is a very strict day. At this time, it is not allowed to eat until the Shroud is taken out with the image of the Savior in the coffin. This day is considered mournful, so you should refrain from singing, listening to music and other fun. In the evening, it is customary to go to church in order to buy as many candles as possible. Afterwards they are lit in all rooms of the house.
IN Good Friday you can make Easter cakes. But before you do, don't forget to read the Lord's Prayer. If possible, you can bake Easter cakes on a wood-burning stove, and then save the ash. It will be needed for large quantity magical rituals. It can be stored at home, and it will not cause any harm. With the help of such a candle, damage, love spells, and evil eyes are removed. It also often cures alcoholism.
Conduct homework prohibited on this day. Also, do not pick up a pitchfork or shovel. Washing is not recommended. However, you can use a small rag to wipe the corners. Afterwards, you can wrap it around your lower back in case of severe pain, and also wipe your legs if your joints hurt. This should also be done after a sauna or after a hot bath with herbs.
Breaking a plate on Good Friday is considered a good omen. And if you wean a baby from the breast, it is believed that he will be strong, healthy and strong.

Saturday before Easter Sunday

Blessing of Easter cake and eggs

On Saturday you need to prepare the Easter basket. On Easter you can sacred:
Easter cakes and eggs.
Garlic, horseradish.
Lard, ham, boiled pork and homemade sausage.
Candles and salt.
Cheese and butter.
Don't try to take all the products. It is worth coming to church with something that is easy to buy. The basket must be covered with an embroidered towel. Nowadays you can buy them or make them yourself. There should also be a candle in the basket. You can also buy it upon arrival at church. You need to extinguish the candles yourself. If it goes out on its own, it can lead to disaster.
On Saturday, before Easter Sunday, you cannot have fun, drink alcohol, or have sex. If you go to bed, it is believed that the monastery will not be able to enter the apartment or house. On Sunday comes a holiday with many other signs associated with it.
Many attend morning services. However, if you oversleep, it can lead to big failure. Try setting an alarm clock or asking someone for a favor to wake you up. Even if you weren't planning on going to church, it's worth watching the sunrise on this day. This will lead to good luck and luck in any business. It is also worth contemplating the sunset as it can bring good luck.