Memorial day 9. Funeral: essence, rules, mournful words about death

Every person who has experienced the loss of a close relative or friend tries to arrange a memorial service according to all the rules and canons of the Orthodox Church.

It is generally accepted that for up to a year the soul of the deceased explores heaven and hell, and during this time a place is selected for it according to the life lived and according to how the living mourn and remember it. Therefore, the 9-day commemoration, the rules of which every Orthodox Christian should know, has special significance.

The meaning of the date in Orthodoxy

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to celebrate the third, ninth, fortieth days and anniversary after the death of a person. But some peoples hold funeral dinners for six months. Each of these days has its own special, sacred meaning, which every Orthodox person should know.

On the ninth day after death, the soul just ends its earthly journey. She's looking for a way in new life. And if the third day is considered to be the beginning of the afterlife, and the fortieth day its end, then the ninth is the most important time in the posthumous journey of the soul.

The number 9 is considered sacred in Orthodoxy. This is exactly the number of angelic ranks that exist in the hierarchy. Therefore, memorial prayers on this day are read not only for the soul of the deceased, but also for these angels to protect it at God’s judgment.

Until the third day after death, the soul of the deceased is accompanied by his guardian angel b. After this, he goes to explore the heavens. Even without knowing where it will go, a person’s soul can explore Heaven and Hell and find out what awaits him next.

On the 9th day after death, the Lord orders the angels to bring the soul of the deceased to themselves. It is on this day that she will appear before the face of the Lord and learn that she will have to go to explore Hell. And by the fortieth day the Heavenly Court will await her.

It is on this day that the soul of the deceased must undergo tests together with a guardian angel. If she manages to emerge from them clean and blameless, then the scales of justice will tip towards good.

Importance to the deceased

For the soul of the deceased, the ninth day after death is extremely important. After all, at this time he is preparing to find his permanent refuge. Therefore, it is extremely important for relatives to try to let go of the soul of the deceased and remember him with prayers, and not with tears and lamentations. Of course, it is impossible to completely forget the deceased and the pain that followed his departure. But you should try to calm your soul and let go of your loved one.

Prayers for the repose of the soul are also read because on this day it appears before the Lord for the first time. And the commemoration helps the soul cope with the fear of the Almighty and move on without regret or fear.

On this day, it is customary to pray that the soul of the deceased be numbered among the angels. So, a deceased relative can become a guardian angel of a person who prays for him. It was not for nothing that the pagans also believed that the spirits of the departed are always nearby and help the living.

Memorial Day Traditions

According to the traditions of Orthodoxy, it is necessary to prepare a funeral dinner, which is taken to the cemetery. Also, close relatives go to church and light candles for the repose of the soul of the deceased and order a memorial and prayer reading. Traditional dishes are:

  • Kutya;
  • jelly;
  • pancakes and pies.

Kutya is prepared from wheat with sugar or honey. But modern people More often it is made from rice. Each grain represents the birth of new life. It represents a renaissance human soul in the afterlife or after incarnation. Sugar, honey or jam, which are added to kutya, are a symbol of the sweetness of the afterlife. The prepared dish must be sprinkled with holy water or consecrated in church.

Compote and jelly should also be on the funeral table. Pancakes are often brought to the cemetery to commemorate the deceased. Fish dishes It is also recommended to place it on the table at which the relatives and friends of the deceased will sit.

Knowing how the deceased is remembered for 9 days, setting the table will not be difficult. Very often, ordinary borscht is served as the first course. It is the most popular dish.

A church minister can tell you how they are commemorated on the 9th day after death. But we should remember that this day is uninvited. That is, guests are not invited to the wake of the soul. Anyone who knew the deceased or attended the funeral is welcome to come.

The main prayer for 9 days after death, which is read first at the table, is “Our Father.” You can read it out loud or silently, thinking about the deceased person. Only after this is it allowed to serve the first funeral dish - kutya. It is strictly prohibited to place alcohol on the table. Drinking alcohol is a sin that will not bring peace to the deceased. Therefore, it is forbidden to take them to the cemetery or drink them at the table during the funeral.

You shouldn't cook too many dishes. After all, gluttony is also a great sin. What is important here is not the eating of food, but the fact that close people have gathered at one table to commemorate the soul of the deceased. And if there are food or dishes left after the feast, you should not throw them away. We need to distribute food to the poor or simply needy people.

It is strictly forbidden to have fun, laugh or sing songs at the table. Also, one should not remember the deceased with bad words and remember all his misdeeds in life. You need to do the following:

  • remember all the best about him;
  • say only nice things about the deceased.

After all, until the fortieth day, a decision will be made about where the soul of the deceased will go, and what the living remember about him will be taken into account.

At the funeral table, women are supposed to have their heads covered and their hair tied up. Today, only close relatives wear headscarves. And men need to take off their hats when entering the house.

Rules for relatives

Knowing what the relatives of the deceased do for 9 days after death, you can avoid many mistakes. So, it is imperative that relatives go to church and not only light candles for the repose, but also order a prayer service. You should also pray in front of the icon for the mercy of God and the help of Heavenly Protectors. You are also allowed to pray near a home icon, but a prayer service must be ordered.

At lunchtime you should visit the grave of the deceased. You need to clean it up, remove the trash and bring flowers and wreaths. You must light a candle in a lamp near a cross or monument. You should not talk about extraneous topics near the grave; it is better to talk about the deceased or read a prayer.

Funerals should not be held in a cemetery.. Under no circumstances should you drink alcoholic beverages, much less place vodka in a glass near the grave. This will not bring anything good to the soul of the deceased. It is allowed to leave a lunch of sweets, pancakes and kutya. In most cases, those foods and dishes that are placed on the table during the funeral are brought to the grave.

It is imperative to give alms to the poor and needy so that they can remember the deceased. For this, either food left over from the funeral or money is used..

In the house where the funeral is being held, you should light a lamp or candle near the photograph of the deceased. Mirror curtains may be removed immediately after the funeral. They remain only in the room of the deceased.

Death is not the end of the road. This is just a milestone that everyone passes, but no one alive knows what lies behind it. Today there are many elements cultural heritage, associated with death, which were passed down from generation to generation. Some of them are beneficial for the deceased and his living relatives. Thus, the commemoration of the dead in Orthodoxy is carried out on the ninth, and subsequently on the fortieth day after death. Several questions arise here: why does this happen and how to count? The best answer will probably be the one given by many clergy. Today we will talk about this in detail.

The first nine days after death

The time from the moment of death to the ninth day is called the formation of the so-called body of eternity. It is then that the soul of the deceased is taken to the places of paradise, and in our world various memorial rites are held.

These days, the deceased are still in the world of the living, they watch people, hear and see them. Thus, the soul says goodbye to the world of the living. So, 9 days are milestones that every human soul must pass.

Forty days after death

Nine days after the death, he flies to hell to watch the torment of sinners. She still does not know about her future fate, and the torment that she sees should shock and frighten her. Not everyone has such a chance. Before counting 9 days after death, the relatives of the deceased must ask for repentance for his sins, because when there are too many of them, the soul immediately goes to hell (three days after the death of the person), where it remains until the Last Judgment. Relatives are advised to order a memorial service in the church to mitigate the fate of the deceased.

They show the soul all the delights of heaven. The saints say that true Happiness lives here, inaccessible to man in earthly life. In this place all wishes and dreams come true. Getting to heaven, a person is not alone, he is surrounded by angels, as well as other souls. And in hell the soul is left alone with itself, experiencing terrible torment that never ends. Maybe you need to think about this today, so as not to commit sins in the future?..

On the fortieth day after death, the soul of the deceased appears before the Last Judgment, where its fate is decided. She leaves the world of the living forever. At this time, it is also customary to remember the deceased with prayers.

How to count 9 days after death?

The counting of nine days from the death of a person begins on the day he died: one day is counted before twelve o’clock at night, and after this time the next one is counted. This does not depend on the moment at which the church day begins (six to seven o’clock in the evening) and when the service is held. The countdown must be carried out according to the usual calendar.

It is important that on the ninth day it is necessary to commemorate the deceased. First of all, you need to read a prayer at home and in church. Usually relatives visit the temple, where they order a memorial service. If it is not performed in a given church every day, you can order it on the eve of the memorial day.

Funeral meals

Since ancient times, the relatives of a deceased person held a memorial meal for 9 days after his death. Once upon a time these were dinners for homeless or poor people, as almsgiving on behalf of the deceased and for his repose. Now alms are given at a cemetery or in a church, and at home they set a table for loved ones and relatives. It must be remembered that at the beginning and at the end you need to say a prayer for the one who has left the earthly world. For this purpose, the “Our Father” is read.

The main dish to try is kutia. It consists of boiled wheat grains with raisins and honey. Before eating, she is sprinkled with holy water. Next, you can drink a small glass of wine, but this is not mandatory at the wake.

In Orthodoxy, it is customary for the beggars, as well as the elderly and children, to be seated first at the table. On the ninth day after the death of a person, his clothes or savings are distributed. This is done in order to help the soul of the deceased to be cleansed of all sins and go to heaven.

At the table on this day you cannot swear or clarify any issues. It is necessary to remember the good events associated with the deceased, speaking positively about him.

If a wake falls on a post, you must adhere to its rules. In this case, meals should be lean, and alcohol should be avoided.


Loss of a loved one or loved one can change one’s worldview and help a person take the first step towards the Lord. Having considered how to count 9 days after death and what happens during this period, you can understand that everyone will be rewarded for their sins in Therefore, in order for only good deeds to prevail in the world of the dead, it is necessary to confess and cleanse your soul now, while living in this world.

Orthodoxy teaches that there is life after death. The soul itself is immortal; it leaves its body and walks the earth until its fate is decided. This is indicated by ancient scriptures and treatises, religious teachings and the practice of Tibetan studies. Be that as it may, to this day we observe all the customs and rituals associated with the death of a person.

After the funeral, the restless soul is between heaven and earth; Many relatives and close people of the deceased ask the main question of what happens to the soul on the 9th and 40th days of death. This is an important period for the deceased person, since it is decided where he will go next, where he will spend the rest of eternity in oblivion. The Holy Scripture says that 9 and 40 days after death are the beginning and end of the heavenly path; loved ones must help so that the soul goes to heaven and finds eternal peace.

Where does the soul reside after death?

According to believers, the souls of the deceased are immortal, and their afterlife fate is determined by the deeds done on earth during life - good or bad. In Orthodoxy, it is believed that the soul of the deceased does not immediately ascend to heaven, but at first remains in the places where the body previously lived. She will have to appear before God's Court, but in the meantime there is time to see her family and friends, say goodbye to them forever, and come to terms with the idea of ​​her own death.

Where is the soul of the deceased until 9 days

The body is buried in a cemetery, but the soul of the deceased person is immortal. The Christian Church has established that the first day after death the soul is in confusion, cannot understand what is happening, and is afraid of separation from the body. On the second day, she wanders around her native place, remembers the best moments of her life, and observes the process of burying her own body. There are many places where the soul is after death, but all of them were once dear, close to the heart.

On the third day, she is ascended by angels to heaven, where the gates of paradise open. The soul is shown paradise, the opportunity to find eternal peace, a state of complete peace. On the fourth day, she is lowered underground and shown hell, where all the sins of the deceased and the payment for committing them during life are well known. The soul sees what is happening, waits doomsday, which begins on the ninth and ends on the fortieth day.

What happens to the soul on day 9

The question of why 9 days are celebrated after death has a well-reasoned answer. On this day, counted from the moment of death, the soul stands before God's court, where only the Almighty will decide where it will continue to spend eternity - in heaven or hell. Therefore, relatives and close people go to the cemetery, commemorate the deceased, and pray for his entry into heaven.

How to remember correctly

Knowing what happens on the 9th day after death, relatives must remember the deceased, and remember only the best and brightest things about his life and deeds. Church commemorations would not be out of place, for example, you can order a magpie for the repose, a memorial service or other Christian rites in the church. This is only beneficial, plus the sincere faith of Orthodox Christians. God forgives the torment of sinners, and relatives and friends should not be too sad for the deceased. To remember correctly, you need:

  • speak only good things about the deceased;
  • set a modest table, exclude alcohol;
  • remember only the good;
  • do not laugh, do not have fun, do not rejoice;
  • behave modestly, restrained.

What happens to the soul after 9 days

After the 9th day, the soul goes to hell, can clearly see all the torments of sinners, and sincerely repent. She must remember all her wrong actions, apologize, admit the wrongness of her own actions and thoughts. This is a difficult stage, so all relatives should only support the deceased in prayers, church rituals, thoughts, and memories. To reliably determine what happens to the deceased soul on the 9th and 40th days of death, it is necessary to resort to sacred scripture.

Where is the soul of the deceased until 40 days

Many people do not understand why they commemorate on 9 and 40 days. The answer is simple - this is the beginning and end of God's path, which the soul completes before receiving its place - in hell or heaven. It turns out that until the 40th day from the moment of death of the deceased, she is between heaven and earth, experiencing all the pain and melancholy of her family and loved ones. Therefore, you should not grieve too much, otherwise it will be even more difficult for the deceased person to find eternal peace.

Why are 40 days celebrated after death?

This is a memorial day - farewell to restless soul. On this day she acquires her place in eternity, finds peace, and experiences humility. The soul, up to 40 days after death, is fragile and vulnerable, susceptible to other people’s thoughts, insults, and slander. She is torn from the inside by pain, but by the 40th day a deep calm comes - an awareness of her place in eternity. Then nothing happens, only oblivion, pleasant memories of the life lived.

How to remember correctly

Knowing what happens to the soul on the 9th and 40th days of death, loved ones should treat it with compassion and ease its torment. To do this, you shouldn’t feel too bad for the deceased, throw yourself on the deceased’s chest and jump into the grave at the funeral. Such actions will only make the soul worse, and it will experience acute mental anguish. It is better to grieve in thoughts, pray more and wish her “A land that will rest in peace.” All that is required from relatives is bright thoughts and complete humility that God ordered it this way, nothing can be changed.

It is necessary to correctly remember the deceased on the 9th, 40th day, every year on the day of his sudden death. This is an unpleasant event for the whole family, which must be held according to all the rules. So:

  1. Days of commemoration are counted from the moment of death of a person (until midnight). 9 and 40 days of death - the beginning and end of God's path, when the determination takes place future fate deceased.
  2. Relatives should remember the deceased, and the presence of consecrated kutia on a modest table is desirable. You need to eat at least a spoonful of it.
  3. It is not recommended to remember with alcohol (not allowed by God), and the table should be modest, the feast should be more silent, thoughtful.
  4. It is forbidden to remember the bad qualities of the deceased, swear and use foul language if not good words, it’s better to remain silent about everything that happens.

Where is the soul after 40 days?

After the specified period, the soul of a person who died 40 days ago finds peace and is forever removed to heaven for eternity. It is possible that she will go to hell to suffer eternal torment for her actions. In any case, everything that happens to her next is unknown to a living person, and all that remains is to believe in the best, hope for the will of God, the highest mercy.


Find out everything about 9 days after death - what this period means, what the customs are regarding it and what the relatives of the deceased need to do. Based on beliefs and religious scriptures, failure to adhere to traditions may deprive the deceased heavenly life after death, and to inflict a grave sin on his relatives.

In the article:

9 days after death - what does this date mean in Orthodoxy

It is known that in Orthodoxy it is customary to celebrate the third, ninth and fortieth day after the death of a person. The anniversary is also celebrated, and in some regions even six months after death. This special days afterlife of a person, and each of them has its own sacred meaning. Relatives should know and observe the traditions and customs that are associated with them.

The ordeal of the soul of Blessed Fedora, fragment of a painting in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra

In these nine days, the soul still completes its journey begun during life. She is looking for a way to new world. If the third day is considered the beginning of the afterlife, and the fortieth day is its end, then the ninth is one of the most important stages posthumous journey.

Number 9 is one of sacred numbers. It is known that there are nine ranks of angels in the angelic hierarchy. The ninth day after death is celebrated not only in honor of the deceased, but also in their honor - after all, it is the angels who will be the defenders at the Heavenly Court. They act as lawyers, asking God for mercy for each person.

After death and until the third day, the soul of the deceased is not far from the living. She is accompanied by a guardian angel. On the fourth, he escorts the deceased through the gates of heaven. Until the ninth day he is busy exploring Paradise. Without yet knowing its verdict, which God will pronounce on the fortieth day, the soul can find out what awaits it in Heaven or Hell. In Paradise, a person will find rest from the pain that he tasted for earthly life, as well as pangs of conscience for the sins committed.

On the ninth day, the Lord commands the angels to bring the deceased to his throne. This is the day on which a person first appears before the Almighty with fear and trembling. After talking with God, he will go to Hell - until the fortieth day. Only after this journey through the afterlife does the Heavenly Judgment await the soul.

In addition, from the ninth to the fortieth day, the so-called ordeals of the soul occur. Together with her guardian angel, she must go through trials that may represent sinful temptations. If the soul will be tested, the good half of his soul will overcome the evil one, and all lifetime sins will be forgiven to her at the Heavenly Court.

Nine days after death - meaning for the deceased

Souls contain everything that is in heaven, and much more (Balmont K.D.)

The meaning of 9 days after death is very important for the soul of the deceased. At this time, he is busy searching for the path he has to follow. It's hard to say what it will be like. Some believe in the rebirth of the soul after death. Judging by the literature on reincarnation, from the third day to the fortieth day she is busy revising and analyzing her life mistakes. In addition, there is a theory that the soul itself makes a decision about what its next incarnation will be.

If you follow Christian sources, the righteous are destined for Paradise, and sinners are destined for torment in Hell. But, one way or another, the soul of the deceased on the ninth day is still busy searching for the continuation of its path. At this time, the relatives of the deceased should try to release him. Of course, it is impossible to completely forget about pain and suffering - any loss is saturated with these feelings. But calming the souls of the living will benefit the deceased; try to benefit him with prayers, not tears. He will be able to find peace, stop worrying about the living and go to where he now belongs.

IN Orthodox tradition It is generally accepted that from the fourth to the ninth days the soul is shown Heaven, and then, from the ninth to the fortieth days - Hell. On the ninth day, the deceased completely forgets about all the sorrow that he felt during earthly life. He also forgets about bodily pain. Sinful souls at this time begin to experience true repentance. That is why the prayers of family and friends are important on this day - the deceased will need the support of relatives.

In addition, they will also come in handy because at this time he appears before God for the first time. That is why it is customary to order prayer services, arrange funeral services, read prayers, and also help the deceased pass afterlife tests in other ways. During church services, it is also customary to pray for the soul to join the number of angels. This way your relative can become your guardian angel. Pagans believe that deceased ancestors are always nearby and ready to help.

Tradition of commemoration on the 9th day after death

An obligatory component of any wake is kutia, a traditional ritual dish, which even some holidays cannot do without. For a funeral meal, it is supposed to be prepared from wheat and sugar or honey. Sometimes kutya is cooked from rice. This is not just a sweet dish for a feast. It has a sacred meaning.

Seeds mean the birth of new life. They symbolize the resurrection of a person in the afterlife, and possibly in the next incarnation. Sugar, honey or jam symbolize the sweetness of life after death. Ready dish It is advisable to consecrate it in a church, but such an opportunity is not always available. Therefore, it is considered sufficient to sprinkle it with holy water.

Compote or jelly must be on the funeral table; sometimes kvass is served. They also serve any porridge except kutya. Sometimes pancakes are prepared for funerals; more often you can see pies with sweet filling. Fish dishes are not prohibited - sandwiches with sprats, fish pies, herring and other cold snacks. Roast and noodles with poultry, cutlets are also often found on funeral tables. Borscht is usually served as a first course.

The wake on the 9th day after death is uninvited. It is not customary to invite guests to them; they come on their own, uninvited. Any person who wishes to remember the deceased can appear. According to tradition, the closest relatives must be present, as well as the people who washed the deceased, made the coffin and dug the grave. In the old days, this was done by neighbors, family friends and co-workers. Now people from funeral bureaus are doing this, so the tradition has lost its meaning. It is much better to entrust this matter to specialists than to make a mistake at a funeral. If you believe the signs, some of them can cost your life.

The feast on a sad occasion begins with the reading of the “Our Father” prayer. You can read aloud, repeating after the closest relatives of the deceased, or you can pray in a whisper or silently. Only after prayer can the first course be served. It should be kutya.

There are few rules regarding the dishes and drinks that should be served on the table, and they are very easy to remember. Alcohol is prohibited. Vodka is served at most wakes, but this is not allowed. Drunkenness is a sin. At a wake, indulging in this sin can seriously harm the soul of the deceased. That is why signs about cemeteries do not advise bringing alcohol to graves.

You should not overdo it with dishes. Among the things that 9 days after the death of a person mean is preparation for the Heavenly Court and, accordingly, the consideration of all his sins. Gluttony is one of the sins. Therefore, you should not sin in honor of the deceased, this will negatively affect his posthumous existence. The table should be modest, without frills. The very fact of eating does not matter. The only important thing is that people gathered to remember the deceased and support his relatives.

Despite the desire to rid the funeral table of luxury, it is extremely difficult to calculate the amount of food so that nothing is left. In addition, for 9 days the number of guests cannot be predicted - they come uninvited, at will. If there is food or groceries left after the funeral feast, they should be distributed to the poor. In any case, you cannot throw them away.

As at the very first wake, it is forbidden to laugh or have fun at the table, much less have a party. choral singing. You cannot remember bad deeds, negative addictions and habits, as well as character traits of the deceased. Until the fortieth day, a decision will be made about where his soul will be - in Heaven or Hell. Negative memories expressed out loud will tip the scales towards a terrible verdict.

Has great value appearance people who are going to honor the memory of the deceased. Women are supposed to cover their heads with scarves, collecting their hair underneath. Men are not allowed to wear hats in the memorial room; they must be removed upon entry. Nowadays, only close relatives cover their heads during funerals; as a rule, these are black mourning scarves.

What do the relatives of the deceased do for 9 days after death?

What they do for 9 days after death is the work of relatives, which will benefit the deceased in the afterlife. Whether he ends up in Heaven or Hell depends not only on his actions. Relatives and close friends also play a role. What does the ninth day after death mean? In fact, on this day people and angels unite in order to help the deceased get to Heaven. Therefore it is impossible to treat memorial days as if it were a formality. This is the time when the living are able to help the soul that is in the afterlife.

For a believer, going to church on the 9th day after the death of a loved one is mandatory. There you need not only to order a prayer service and light a candle for the repose. You should pray near the icons for the mercy of God and the help of angels at the Heavenly Court. You can pray at home, but in most cases a service for the repose is ordered - which in any case is associated with going to church.

Prayers for the repose of the soul and for God to be merciful to it and allow it to be in Paradise can be read not only by relatives. How more people prays for the soul of the deceased, the greater the likelihood of a positive verdict at the Heavenly Court. You can turn to God, and to angels, and to Saints.

In addition, closer to noon you should visit the grave of the deceased. Put things in order, remove the trash, bring flowers and wreaths. Light a candle in the lamp. You can invite a priest to perform a litia - a special service that is held over the grave. If this is not possible, read the prayer yourself. Refrain from talking about unrelated topics. When visiting a grave, it is better to remember the deceased - out loud or mentally.

It is forbidden to hold a wake in a cemetery - this is prohibited by ancient superstitions about funerals and cemeteries. Priests do not recommend doing this either. They attract special attention to drinking alcoholic beverages. Do not harm the soul of the deceased, wait for the wake. You cannot leave alcohol in a glass near the grave, much less pour it on the mound. You can leave a “lunch”, which may include sweets and other treats. Most often, what is left is what is served at the wake on the same day. Sweets and baked goods are also distributed to strangers at the cemetery so that they remember the deceased.

Both at wakes and in conversations, one is supposed to remember only good deeds deceased. Now God is especially attentive to all his bad deeds, and he must hear that the living have an extremely positive opinion of this person. What was said at the wrong time bad word or a negative memory can ruin everything.

It is advisable to give alms to the poor on this day. It could be money or food - it's up to you. As mentioned above, you can donate food that is left after the funeral.

In the house, as in the cemetery, you can put a lamp in honor of the deceased, as well as a glass of water and bread. Usually these signs of attention are located near his portrait, decorated with a black mourning ribbon. On the ninth day, you can remove the curtains from the mirrors in all rooms except the bedroom of the deceased.

How are 9 days counted after death?

Calculating nine days after death is very simple. The first day is the day of death. Even if a person died late in the evening or at night, provided that the death occurred before midnight. This same day will subsequently become the anniversary of death.

According to medical statistics, most deaths occur between 3 and 4 am. This time is called the time “between the wolf and the fox.” You should know that when calculating days, you should take into account the same date that can be seen on the calendar at that time - as in all other date calculations, the new day in the case of death begins after midnight.

However, the mathematical addition of the number 9 to the date of death is incorrect. Let's assume that a person died on January 18, and add 9 to this date:

But in fact, nine days for this deceased come not on January 27, but on January 26. This date does not depend on the date of the funeral. According to tradition, they are buried three days after death. But it also happens that the funeral takes place on the fifth or even sixth day after death. The onset of the ninth or fortieth day does not depend on this; it is counted only by the day of death.

How are 9 days after death counted if a person died during Lent? Such calculations are needed only by believers who fast. At this time, if nineteen falls on a weekday, it must be moved to the next weekend.

In general, every person should know funeral and memorial traditions. This knowledge cannot be called desirable, and it is unlikely that anyone will want to learn this without special need. But, as sad as it is to realize, every person sooner or later will have to bury relatives and friends. This means that you will have to deal with funerals and wakes. Knowing what relatives should do on nine days and what the wake should be like, you will help the soul of the deceased in the next world. Remember that it is not easy for him there either - it is at this time that the ordeals of the soul begin. His future in the afterlife depends on how he proves himself during these trials.

Please explain what the 3rd, 9th and 40th days after the death of a person mean. What is the soul of the deceased experiencing and where is it these days?

Priest Afanasy Gumerov, a resident of Sretensky Monastery, answers:

Our earthly existence is a preparation for the future life: “it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Heb. 9:27). Post-mortem experiences indicate that, freed from bodily fatness, the soul becomes more active. The trials she undergoes immediately after being separated from her body have spiritual and moral nature. Everything she did, good and bad, remains. Therefore, for the soul, from the very beginning of the afterlife (even before the Judgment), joys or suffering begin, depending on how it lived on earth. St. John Cassian writes: “the souls of the dead not only do not lose their feelings, but do not lose their dispositions, i.e. They are already beginning to anticipate hope and fear, joy and sorrow, and something of what they expect for themselves at the general judgment, contrary to the opinion of some infidels, that after leaving this life they are destroyed into nothing; they become even more alive and cleave more zealously to the glorification of God” (Interview 1, chapter 14). In the first two days, freed from the mortal body, the soul enjoys freedom and can visit those places on earth that were dear to it. But on the third day she ends up in other areas. The revelation given by an angel to Saint Macarius of Alexandria (who died in 395) is known: “When on the third day there is an offering in the Church, the soul of the deceased receives from the angel guarding it relief from the grief that it feels from separation from the body; receives because praise and offerings in the Church of God have been made for her, which is why good hope is born in her. For for two days the soul, together with the angels who are with it, is allowed to walk on the earth wherever it wants. Therefore, the soul that loves the body sometimes wanders around the house in which it was separated from the body, sometimes around the coffin in which the body is laid<...>And a virtuous soul goes to those places in which it used to create the truth. On the third day, the One who rose from the dead on the third day - the God of all - commands, in imitation of His Resurrection, every Christian soul to ascend to heaven to worship the God of all. So, the good Church is in the habit of making an offering and prayer for the soul on the third day. After worshiping God, He is commanded to show the soul the various and pleasant abodes of the saints and the beauty of paradise. The soul considers all this for six days, marveling and glorifying the Creator of all this - God. Contemplating all this, she changes and forgets the sorrow that she had while in the body. But if she is guilty of sins, then at the sight of the pleasures of the saints she begins to grieve and reproach herself, saying: “Alas” for me! How I fussed in that world! Carried away by the satisfaction of lusts, I spent most of my life in carelessness and did not serve God as I should, so that I too could be rewarded with this goodness<...>After considering all the joys of the righteous for six days, she is again lifted up by the angels to worship God. So, the Church does well by performing services and offerings for the deceased on the ninth day. After the second worship, the Lord of all again commands to take the soul to hell and show it the places of torment located there, the different sections of hell and the various torments of the wicked.<...>Through these various places of torment the soul rushes for thirty days, trembling, so as not to be condemned to imprisonment in them. On the fortieth day she again ascends to worship God; and then the Judge determines the proper place for her affairs<...>So, the Church acts correctly by making remembrances of the departed and those who have received Baptism” (St. Macarius of Alexandria. The Sermon on the Exodus of the Souls of the Righteous and Sinners..., - “Christian Reading”, 1831, part 43, pp. 123-31; “How to conduct soul for the first forty days after leaving the body, M., 1999, pp. 13-19).