Prayer against the evil eye and envy of evil people. Orthodox prayer against the evil eye, envy, damage and evil people

On this page you will find a free but powerful prayer from evil enemies and envious people to the Lord God.
You should read it if you have become a victim of the malicious intent of an insidious ill-wisher.
The machinations of the enemy manifest themselves in the form of damage, the evil eye or other nasty things.
To protect yourself from envy and enemy power, do not try to take revenge on the enemy. Moreover, you are in the section of prayers, and not magical spells.

There are powerful prayers, the reading of which allows you not to punish the enemy, but to first rid yourself of envy, leaving everything else to the Lord God.

Prayer from enemies

When you feel someone else’s negativity, try to calm down a little. Church candles will help you with this. Just light them and look at the bright flame, temporarily abandoning all vain thoughts. I repeat once again: there is no need to curse your enemies. The evil energy that you have been endowed with will renounce you after long and heartfelt prayers.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Help me cleanse myself of the enemy’s evil envy and do not allow me to experience sorrowful days. I believe in you sacredly and earnestly pray for forgiveness. In sinful thoughts and vicious deeds, I forget about the Orthodox faith. Forgive me, Lord, for these sins and do not punish me too much. Do not be angry with my enemies, but return to them the envious soot thrown by evil people. Thy will be done. Amen.

This is one of the most powerful prayers, allowing you to get rid of the evil thoughts of envious enemies and their angry destruction in the shortest possible time.

May God help you!

It is no secret that it is at work that a person is exposed to a powerful energy blow. Sincere prayer from unkind people can protect you from poisonous streams of energy released by envious colleagues. The invisible shield of sincere prayer will protect you from enemies, deceit, and any negativity directed against the person praying.

Morning prayers of protection

Reading the morning prayer will protect a person throughout the day. You can read it out loud immediately after waking up or to yourself, for example, in transport or approaching directly to your workplace.

Prayer 1

To You, my God and Creator, in the Holy Trinity, the glorified Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I worship and entrust my soul and body, and I pray: You bless me, You have mercy on me, and deliver me from all worldly, devilish and bodily evil. And grant that this day may pass in peace without sin, to Thy glory and to the salvation of my soul. Amen.

Prayer 2

Glory to Thee, O King, God Almighty, Who through Thy Divine and humane providence hast thou vouchsafed me, a sinner and unworthy, to rise from sleep and receive the entrance of Thy holy house: accept, O Lord, and the voice of my prayer, as Thy holy and intelligent powers have been favored with a pure heart and a humble spirit, I bring You praise from my vile lips, for I will be a fellow member of the wise virgins, with the bright light of my soul, and I glorify You in the Father and the Spirit of the glorified God of the Word. Amen

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for the protection and repentance of enemies

The Lord commanded us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Therefore, by asking for protection and repentance to our enemies, in essence, we are protecting ourselves.

Prayer text

Angel of God, my holy Guardian! For the observance given to me by God from heaven, I diligently pray to Thee: Enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds and direct me on the path of salvation.

To my good Guardian Angel!

Help me not to deceive, not to flatter and not to judge any of my neighbors, to create God’s righteousness and truth in order to receive salvation. Amen

Protective psalms from evil people

Psalms have the strongest counteraction and are able to neutralize all evil directed at you.

Psalm 90 of David

The psalm teaches us that trust in the Almighty is the best shield from evil spirits and all evil things. Psalm 90 will protect you from evil people, both at work and outside of it.

You should always have a protective amulet with you, for example, in your breast pocket. In Christian churches you can purchase a special strap holder for psalms, where it will be convenient to put the sacred text. It is also believed that a psalm written by a mother’s hand has a special protective power.

Psalm of David 90, text:

He who lives in the help of the Most High will dwell in the shelter of the Heavenly God, says to the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. For He will deliver me from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words: His lashes will overshadow you, and you trust under His wing: His truth will surround you with weapons.

Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies during the day, from the thing that passes in darkness, from the cloak and demon of the midday. Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will be at your right hand, but it will not come close to you: behold your eyes, and you will see the reward of sinners.

For You, O Lord, are my hope: You have made the Most High your refuge.

Evil will not come to you, and wound will not approach your body: as His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot on a stone: you step on an asp and a basilisk, and cross a lion and a serpent.

For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will overcome him, and I will glorify him: I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation

Psalm 34 of David

When attacked by enemies, as well as any machinations of envious people, read the 34th Psalm. It will help you cope with ill-wishers and protect you from vague energy.

Psalm of David 34, text:

Judge, Lord, those who offend me, overcome those who fight me.

Take the weapon and the shield, and rise to my aid. Take away your sword and imprison those who persecute me. The words of my soul: I am your salvation.

Let those who seek my soul be ashamed and put to shame, let those who think evil of me turn back and be ashamed. Let them be like dust before the wind, and the Angel of the Lord insulting them. Let their way be dark and creeping, and the Angel of the Lord chasing them: as if I hid the destruction of my net in vain, I reproached my soul in vain.

Let a net come to him, unknown to the south, and a catch, unknown to the south, embrace him, and let him fall into the net. My soul will rejoice in the Lord, it will rejoice in His salvation. All my bones cry: Lord, Lord, who is like You? Deliver the poor from the hand of those who strong him, and the poor and the wretched from those who plunder him. Having stood up as a witness to unrighteousness, even though I did not know, I questioned me. I have rewarded the evil one with a good cart, and the childlessness of my soul. But when I felt the cold, I put on sackcloth and humbled my soul with fasting, and my prayer returned to my bosom. As if we pleased our neighbor, as if we were our brother, as if weeping and lamenting, so we humbled ourselves. And she rejoiced at me and gathered herself together: she gathered at me for her wounds, and did not know, she was divided, and was not touched.

Tempt me, imitate me with imitation, grind your teeth on me. Lord, when will you see? Protect my soul from their wickedness, from my only begotten lion.

Let us confess to You in the church many, among the troubled people I will praise You. Let not those who are at enmity with me unrighteously, those who hate me and those who despise my eyes, rejoice over me. For I have spoken peaceably and thought of flattery against anger. She widened her mouth at me, saying, “Good, good, what our eyes have seen.” You have seen it, Lord, but do not remain silent.

Lord, don't leave me. Arise, O Lord, and bring my judgment, O my God and my Lord, upon my land. Judge me, O Lord, according to Thy righteousness, O Lord my God, and let them not rejoice over me. Let them not say in their hearts: better, better than our souls; let them not say less: his devouring. Let those who rejoice in my evil be ashamed and put to shame, and let those who speak against me be clothed with shame and shame. Let those who want my righteousness rejoice and be glad, and let them say: May the Lord be magnified who want peace for His servant. And my tongue will learn Your righteousness, Your praise all day long.

26th Psalm of David

This psalm is always read from the 90th. The Monk Pelageya of Ryazan claimed that whoever takes the time to read this psalm three times a day will cross the sea as if it were dry land.

Psalm of David 26th text:

The Lord is my enlightenment and my Savior, whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the Protector of my life, from whom shall I fear?

Sometimes an angry person approaches me, he destroys my flesh, he who insults me and defeats me, he becomes weak and falls. Even if a regiment takes up arms against me, my heart will not fear, even if it rises up to fight me, I will trust in Him. I have asked one thing from the Lord, and this I will require: that I may live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, that I may behold the beauty of the Lord, and that I may visit His holy temple. For He hid me in His village in the day of my evil, for He covered me in the secret of His village, and lifted me up on a stone. And now, behold, you have lifted up my head against my enemies: I have died and devoured in His village a sacrifice of praise and shouting, I will sing and sing praises to the Lord.

Hear, O Lord, my voice to which I cried: have mercy on me and hear me. My heart speaks to you. I will seek the Lord. I will seek Your face, O Lord, I will seek Your face. Do not turn Your face away from me and do not turn away in anger from Your servant: be my helper, do not reject me, and do not forsake me, O God of my Savior. As my father and mother abandoned me. The Lord will accept me. Give me the law, O Lord, in Thy way and guide me on the right path for my enemy’s sake.

Do not betray me into the souls of those who are afflicted by me, as if I stood up as a witness to unrighteousness and lied untruthfully to myself. I believe in seeing the good of the Lord on the land of the living. Be patient with the Lord, be of good courage and let my heart be strong and trust in the Lord.

Protective prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Believers claim that fervent reading of this prayer will not only protect against evil people and the dirty machinations of envious people, but can literally save the life of the person reading it.

Let's read first:

Virgin Mary, Hail Mary, the Lord is with You: blessed are You among women, and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Then we read:

Save and have mercy on us, your sinful servants (I list my name and the names of loved ones) from vain slander and from all sorts of troubles, misfortunes and sudden deaths. Have mercy in the daytime hours, morning and evening, and protect us at all times - standing, sitting, walking on every path, sleeping in the night hours.

Provide, intercede, cover and protect, Lady Theotokos, from all enemies - visible and invisible, from every evil situation, in every place and at every time - be our Mother of Grace, an insurmountable wall and a strong intercessor. Always now, forever and forever! Amen!

Prayer to Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is revered in all world religions. Archangel Michael, commander-in-chief of the army of the Lord. Translated, his name means: “Equal to God.” But the Archangel also helps mere mortals if you turn to him with sincere prayer:

Lord, Great God, King without beginning, send Your Archangel Michael to help Your servants (name of the rivers).

Protect us, Archangel, from all enemies, visible and invisible. O Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Destroyer of demons, ban all enemies who fight me, and make them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them like dust before the wind.

O Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Six-winged first prince and governor Heavenly Powers- Cherubim and Seraphim, be our helper in all troubles, in sorrows, in sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet refuge!

O Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the charms of the devil, when you hear us, sinners, praying to you and calling on your holy name. Hasten to our aid and overcome all who oppose us, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, by prayers Blessed Virgin Mary, the prayers of the holy apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Andrew, Christ for the Fool's sake, the holy prophet Elijah, and all the holy great martyrs: the holy martyrs Nikita and Eustathius, and all our reverend fathers who have pleased God from the ages and all the holy Heavenly Powers.

O Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Help us sinners (name of the rivers), deliver us from cowardice, flood, fire, sword and vain death, and from all evil, from the flattering enemy, from the storm, from the evil one, deliver us always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. . Amen.

Holy Archangel of God Michael, with Your lightning sword drive away from me the evil spirit that tempts and torments me. Amen.

Prayer against the enemy visible and invisible

This prayer will pacify enemies and scoffers. It will also disarm ill-wishers and envious colleagues:

Lord our God, who listened to Moses, stretched out his hand to You, and strengthened the people of Israel against Amalek, who raised Joshua in battle and commanded the sun: Even now, Sovereign Lord, hear us praying to You.

Send, O Lord, invisibly Thy right hand, Thy servants interceding in all, and to whom Thou hast judged to lay down their souls in battle for the faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland, thereby forgive their sins, and on the day of Thy righteous reward give crowns of incorruptibility: for Thy is the Power, the Kingdom and Strength, all help is acceptable from You, we trust in You, and we send glory to You, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to John

In Russian Orthodoxy, John the Warrior was revered as a great helper for people in oppression, persecution and sorrow. They asked him for protection from dashing people and strength in the fight against enemies:

O great martyr of Christ John, champion of the Orthodox, chaser of enemies and intercessor of the offended!

Hear us, in troubles and sorrows, praying to you, as if grace from God has been given to you quickly to console the sad, to help the weak, to deliver the innocent from vain death, and to pray for all those who suffer evil. Be therefore a strong champion for us against all our visible and invisible enemies, for with your help and fight all those who show us evil will be put to shame.

Pray to our Lord to grant us, His sinful and unworthy servants (names), to receive from Him the ineffable good that is prepared for those who love Him, in the Trinity of the Holy Ones, glorifying God, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for protection

People turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker with prayer requests very often. The saint is asked both to ward off enemies and to guide him on the true path. They also often turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help during persecution and all kinds of ordeals at work:

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ!

Hear us sinners (names), praying to you and calling for your quick intercession for help: see us weak, caught from everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened in mind from cowardice.

Try, O servant of God, not to leave us in the sinful captivity of being, so that we may not joyfully be our enemy and not die in our evil deeds. Pray for us, unworthy, to our Creator and Master, to whom you stand with disembodied faces: make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that He will not reward us according to our deeds and the impurity of our hearts, but according to His goodness He will reward us .

We trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call upon your intercession for help, and falling to your most holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, saint of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not be desecrated in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions.

Pray to Saint Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayers for reconciliation

This prayer is often read for reconciliation with offenders. The Lord teaches us to be all-forgiving and not to remember evil. Unforgiven grievances put an unbearable burden on a person and slowly but surely drag him to the bottom of vanity and sin. It is impossible to remain a pure and bright person without letting go of grievances:

My Savior, teach me to forgive with all my heart everyone who has offended me in any way. I know that I cannot come before You with the feelings of enmity that lurk in my soul. My heart is hardened! There is no love in me! Help me, Lord! I pray to You, teach me to forgive those who offend me, as You Yourself, my God, forgave Your enemies on the Cross!

Prayer to Nicholas of Serbia from evil people

Nicholas of Serbia is a highly revered saint in Christianity. The Saint himself witnessed both world wars and experienced many ordeals in his lifetime. During World War II he was arrested by the Nazi invaders and sent to a concentration camp:

Bless my enemies, Lord. And I bless them and do not curse them.

Enemies are more determined than friends to push me into Your arms. Friends pulled me to earth, enemies destroyed all my hopes for earthly things. They made me a stranger in the kingdoms of the earth and an unnecessary inhabitant of the earth. Just as a pursued beast finds refuge faster than an unpursued one, so I, driven by enemies, have taken refuge under Your cover, where neither friends nor enemies can destroy my soul.

My enemies revealed to me what few people know: a person has no enemies except himself. He only hates enemies who has not learned that enemies are not enemies, but demanding friends. Truly, it is difficult for me to tell who did me more good and who did me more harm - enemies or friends. Therefore, Lord, bless both my friends and my enemies. And I bless them and do not curse them.

Prayers sacred to the martyrs Justina and Cyprian

O holy servant of God, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for all who come running to you.

Receive our unworthy praise from us and ask the Lord God for strength in our infirmities, healing in illnesses, consolation in sorrows, and everything useful in our life.

Offer up your powerful prayer to the Lord, may he protect us from our sinful falls, may he teach us true repentance, may he deliver us from the captivity of the devil and all the actions of unclean spirits, and deliver us from those who offend us.

Be a strong champion for us against all enemies, visible and invisible, in temptation give us patience and at the hour of our death show us intercession from the torturers in our aerial ordeals, so that, led by you, we will reach the Mountainous Jerusalem and be worthy in the Heavenly Kingdom with all the saints to glorify and sing the praises of the All-Holy. the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

And one more prayer from evil spells:

O holy martyr Cyprian and martyr Justina!

Hear our humble prayer. Even though you naturally died as a martyr for Christ during your temporary life, you do not depart from us in spirit, always following the commandments of the Lord, teaching us and patiently bearing your cross with us. Behold, boldness towards Christ God and His Most Pure Mother was acquired by nature. Even now, be prayer books and intercessors for us, the unworthy (names).

Be our intercessors of strength, so that through your intercession we may remain unharmed from demons, wise men and evil men, glorifying the Holy Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer from evil people at work

This prayer will protect you from evil people at work and help establish peace in the team:

Here is another strong petition to the Lord for an end to strife and the establishment of good relations with colleagues:

“God, cleanse me from all evil, ash nests in my sinful soul. Deliver me from gossip and from black envy, I fall to you with church prayer. Amen".

Prayer from envious and evil people

This prayer is directed to our savior Jesus Christ:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Help me cleanse myself of the enemy’s evil envy and do not allow me to experience sorrowful days. I believe in you sacredly and earnestly pray for forgiveness. In sinful thoughts and vicious deeds, I forget about the Orthodox faith. Forgive me, Lord, for these sins and do not punish me too much. Do not be angry with my enemies, but return to them the envious soot thrown by evil people. Thy will be done. Amen".

Prayer to Saint Matrona

To protect yourself from evil tongues and everything bad at work, they ask the Holy Matrona of Moscow for help:

“Oh, Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow. Ask the Lord God for protection against enemy attacks. Clean my life path from strong enemy envy and sent down from heaven the salvation of the soul. Let it be so. Amen".

Prayer near the icon “Softening Evil Hearts”

The prayer at the icon “Softening Evil Hearts” will become a powerful protective shield against ill-wishers and enemies:

My Most Blessed Queen, My Hope, Mother of God, Friend of the Orphan and Strange, the Representative of the Grieving, the Joy of the Offended, the Patroness!

See my misfortune, see my sorrow; help me because I am weak, nourish me because I am strange! Weigh my offense, resolve it as you will: for I have no other help except You, no other Representative, no good Comforter, only You, O Mother of God! May you preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Boris and Gleb

The lives of these saints can become an example for each of us in matters of obedience and humility. Boris and Gleb were noble princes, but this did not stop them from being infinitely devoted to God and the Orthodox faith. The two brothers without hesitation renounced rule of the principality in favor of the elder Yaropolk.

He, in turn, not believing in their sincerity, killed both at night. And even looking death in the eyes, the young princes did not raise weapons against their brother. After some time, Boris and Gleb were canonized as Saints, but Yaropolk never had time to fully restore the principality and died at a young age in terrible agony:

About the sacred duo, beautiful brethren, the good passion-bearers Boris and Gleb, who from their youth served Christ with faith, purity and love, and with their blood, adorned with crimson and now reigning with Christ, do not forget us who are on earth, but as the warmth of your intercessor strong intercession before Christ God,

keep the young in holy faith and purity unharmed from every excuse of unbelief and impurity, protect us all from all sorrow, bitterness and vain death, tame all enmity and malice raised by action from neighbors and strangers.

We pray to you, Christ-loving passion-bearers, ask the Great-Gift Master for forgiveness of our sins, unanimity and health, deliverance from the invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare, plagues and famine. Provide your intercession to all who honor your holy memory forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Akakios of Sinai

The Monk Akakios was in the service of a certain clergyman. He had a very eccentric and stern disposition. He constantly beat Akaki and forced him to obey unquestioningly. But the Monk Akaki endured everything and never complained about the old monk, showing highest degree obedience and humility.

Akakios of Sinai is approached with requests to pacify the eccentric boss and bring his grumpy colleagues to reason:

In you, father, it is known that you were saved in the image: / for you accepted the cross, you followed Christ, / and you taught in action to despise the flesh, for it passes away, / to be diligent about the souls, things that are immortal. / In the same way, your spirit also rejoices with the angels, O Reverend Akaki.

Prayer against damage and the evil eye will help protect yourself from negative magical influences, destroy negative programs and protect you from envious people. Only by truly believing and praying sincerely will the Higher powers come to our aid.

The protective power of icons, prayer words Our Father and others

The evil eye and damage are serious witchcraft. Once a curse has been placed, it can be difficult to get rid of.

You need to start removing it as soon as you feel the first signs of damage. To prevent negative programs in advance, use prayers to magically protect yourself, your home, your family and your children.

Treatment of corruption with holy texts most often occurs in the church. With very strong curse A person may not be able to cope on his own; he needs help.

Find out how. During any cleansing rituals, requests to God, the Mother of God and all the saints are read over the person.

Having decided to treat damage with prayers, arm yourself blessed water, church candles and icons. In most cases, such attributes are optional, since you can get rid of frivolous witchcraft relying only on your faith.

This doxology is suitable for eliminating the evil eye, damage and building a protective barrier against envy. Having felt black magic on yourself, get up at dawn, sit in front of a large bowl of water, take a burning candle in your hand and say three times:

Lord God, Your servant (name) is addressing You. Deliver me from the monogamist, the bigamist, from the one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed, from the one-toothed, two-toothed, three-toothed, from the one-haired, two-haired, three-haired, from your eyes, from your thoughts, from the one you meet, from the transient, from the transverse, from every dashing person: from the young, from the single, from the crooked, from the blind, from the old, from the empty-haired, from the hairy girl, and from your own eyes, and from your thoughts. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Pick up the vessel with the enchanted water and pour it on your body.

The next ritual is suitable when a relative has become a victim of witchcraft. You will need a large plate of water; it is important that there is no one in the room except you and the victim. Stand in front of the mirror, take a burning candle in your hand, look into the water and say:

Lord our God, give me the strength to speak the water so that it will cleanse your servant of God (name) from illness, from death, from black witchcraft, from evil eyes, from evil words, from enemies, from envious people. God help me remove the damage, the evil eye, the curse. Protect him, help him, remove all the slander, and curse him. In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. Amen.

This ritual should be used for a very severe curse induced by a dark magician. Remove it more in a simple way fails.

Stand with the victim at dawn. Light a large lit candle in the church. Sit in the room where all the icons in the apartment are collected. Then read the “Our Father” three times with the victim. Now cross yourself and read the doxology:

God bless you for today's white day. I will take the servant of God (name) in my white hands and speak to her, the servant of God. Come out, all of you devilry, from the servant of God (name), you do not care about the servant of God (name). I will give you God's spring water and silk grass. Get away, all evil spirits, from the crow-crow, from the magpie-chirp, from the dog-lawn, and come out of the servant of God, from the inside, from the bones, from the joints, from the inside of her, from her ribs, from all the members and from Zhilov.
Go out to the springs, to the swamps, where birds do not visit and falcons do not fly. If you go into an open field, where the falcon lives, where birds fly, you will enter into cattle, into migratory birds, and you will walk along the winds and whirlwinds.
Winds, whirlwinds, take away from the servant of God (name), from all her members and joints and carry her into the black mud and strike her in the trampling mud, so that the wind does not carry it and the whirlwind does not blow out: the evil spirit will disappear and perish.

You and those suffering from negative magical effects should read it 3 times. Take a container of holy water and let the victim drink a little. Finally, sprinkle all the rooms. The candle used in the ritual cannot be extinguished; it must burn out completely.

Such manipulations are carried out for 7 days. In the latter, you need to go to church, light a candle at each icon, and then ask the Almighty to save you from damage and misfortunes.

Of course, prayer will help with envy. However, this is not the only way to protect yourself from negative impacts. Be sure to buy a pectoral cross. It is advisable to do this in a church so that it is consecrated. Always wear it on yourself, this will significantly reduce the chances of evil sorcerers.

To provide reliable armor against damage, the evil eye and any magical attacks, you should perform such a ritual. At dawn, go to the yard or go to the window, position yourself so that the sun's rays shine on your body.

Take a candle consecrated in the temple, light it and feel how the power emanates from the flame, forming a protective cocoon that closes you off from the outside world. Repeat the text of the prayer exactly 7 times:

My Lord, merciful God. Help, save and preserve the soul and body of your slave (name). Drive away black forces, demons and the devil from me, protect me from witchcraft spells and curses, be my shield, with the power of your holy fence, protect me from all evil, so that no one can cast a spell on me. Amen.

After reading the prayer, continue to gaze into the fire. Once you feel the protective cocoon enveloping you, you can extinguish the candle. Do not throw away the cinder, it will become a talisman. Carry it with you and dark forces will never be able to cause harm.

It is used to eliminate existing adversities. The ritual is very strong, so it is suitable for serious magical interventions, for example, such as damage to death.

First of all, go to the temple. It is important that the day of the visit falls on a Christian holiday. When you hear the bells, begin to read the Lord’s Prayer. You need to repeat until there is a ringing sound. You cannot sight read, stumble, or make mistakes. Learn the prayer by heart.

If envy were accompanied by fever,
the whole world would be in a fever.

Janusz Wisniewski

The poor envy the rich, the loser the successful, the loser the winner, the destitute the darling of fate, the weak the strong, the gray mouse the fatal beauty, the childless woman the mother of many children... And only a fool does not envy the wise, because he simply does not realize his advantages.

Of course, it is better to be healthy and rich than sick and poor. And we assure you that it is better to be wise in order to understand the essence of things. A wise person knows that everything is not really what it seems from the outside. After all, people disguise their pain so skillfully that others even envy their demonstrative happiness.

Psychologists note: the feeling of envy is very dangerous. Envy destroys us, destroys our relationships with loved ones, and prevents us from moving forward. What is the poisonous essence of envy and how to stop envying?

The feeling of envy is an insatiable worm inside us

Everyone should at least admit to themselves that envy is a feeling familiar to your heart. Whether you cherish it or overcome it is another matter. In order to get rid of envy, it is enough to understand its primitive and rotten essence. What is envy? Here are some of her worst sources.

Envy is a recognition of one's own inferiority. If you are jealous of someone, it means that you are aware of your weakness. He could, but I couldn't. It was given to him, but not to me. He succeeded, but for me it’s like heaven! Who is he in my eyes? Winner. Who I am in my eyes is a loser. Who am I in his eyes? Most likely, he doesn’t even look at me because he’s busy with himself. Lead by example!

Envy is a destructive force. Who is she destroying? First of all you! When you are jealous, you become exhausted. Will envy change your life for the better, or maybe bring you closer to what you want? No. It pulls you back and thereby distances you from what you want. Take action, direct your energy towards achieving your dreams, instead of suffering because of someone else's success!

Envy is the shadow of success. Success is there for everyone to see. He deserves respect, so successful people are not born, but become. Come out of the shadows, strive to conquer yourself. And then they will envy you!

Envy is the predecessor of hatred. As soon as you allow yourself to envy, the irreversible process of turning envy into hatred begins. Envy can cross out long years friendship, partnership, good neighborliness. Learn to enjoy other people's successes, share them with dignity - and yours will not keep you waiting. Nobility is always rewarded.

Envy is a manifestation of low or high self-esteem. Self-critical people evaluate themselves and others adequately. Advice on how to get rid of envy is to realize your shortcomings and advantages, and not waste your physical and mental strength.

Appreciate what you have and don’t look at other people’s things. You only know half the truth, and you may not like the second. Don't feed the worm of envy and it will stop eating your heart.

How to get rid of envy

Envy is a superficial and selective feeling. The subject of envy is usually individual qualities or successes. You envy your classmate’s brilliant career, not knowing that he is unhappy in his personal life, and his career is a way to prove his love to Oksana. And this very love of his life cooks cutlets for you every day and raises your children...

In addition, people tend to envy the results, but are too lazy even for a minute to think about the efforts that were achieved to achieve them. If you dream of changing destinies with someone, taking someone’s place in life, you first need to think about whether you are ready to follow their path. If you were shown a film about the life of someone you envy, chances are 99 to 1 that you wouldn't agree to play main role in this masterpiece. Do you have the right to claim other people's laurels? And will they make you happy?

Advice. The first step to overcoming envy is to stop comparing yourself to others. Compare yourself yesterday with today. Because the biggest victory is over yourself!

We will help you get rid of envy by giving specific examples from life.

  • – You envy your friend because her husband gave her earrings on the occasion of the birth of her son. And she envies you because your husband shared every sleepless night with you at the child’s crib. Her husband paid off the general care of the baby, and yours proves it every day real love. Hand on heart: would you exchange husbands?
  • – The specialist is jealous of the head of the department. He comes when he wants, gives out tasks, has a lot of money and rides in a corporate car. Wait a minute, are you ready to take the rap for the work of an entire department in front of general director at the reporting meeting?
  • – You are an ordinary girl who is sincerely loved by an equally ordinary guy. And you envy the beauty from the parallel group because the whole class of guys sighs for her. Do you know how offended she is that because of her charms no one dares to approach her, and she, so beautiful and very lonely? For everyone looks at her slender legs, but no one looks into her soul.

These and other examples show that envy is unfounded. You don't know how to stop being jealous? Remind yourself of this often. And also that ENVY DOES NOT DO ANYONE HONOR, because this feeling is sinful. Among the main mortal sins, envy has found its place. It is opposed to benevolence. Here's the antidote for you. Sincerely wish well to both those who are ahead of you and those who are behind. Because everyone on this path is given a commandment-warning: “Do not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

Prayer for envy

Anyone who cares about the purity of his soul can renounce envy with the help of prayer.

To stop envying, it is enough to thoughtfully and sincerely read the universal prayer “Our Father”. The deep meaning of this sacred text is that you trust your life to a higher power by saying: “Thy will be done.” This means that you believe that everything you need will be sent to you, and what is not there is simply not needed. Envy, like other sinful feelings, fits into the concept of “temptation” and “evil one.” Indeed, the world seduces us, which induces us to envy and then to hatred. Therefore, the daily request: “Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil” will serve as a moral shield against the need to envy.

Prayer for envy (to stop being envious)

Heavenly Father, I ask You: heal my heart from pride, vanity and envy. I renounce these sins. I bless the people I envied and condemned. God, deliver me from greed and gluttony, place gratitude in my heart for everything I have. Free me from the desire to have more than I really need. Teach me to sincerely rejoice in the well-being of other people. Amen.

Prayer for people's envy

People themselves don’t know what they want. First, they bend over backwards to arouse the envy of others, and then use all means to protect themselves from envious eyes. For those who are familiar with these contradictions, we suggest reading a prayer that will protect you from the envy of others.

Prayer-amulet from the thoughts and actions of envious people

Lord Almighty, I send you prayer of thanksgiving for all the blessings with which You have blessed and given me. I appreciate everything I have. According to Your will, I receive and multiply Your bounties. Save me from the crafty, envious eyes, evil thoughts and actions of my envious people. Send them enough grace, fill their hearts with kindness and diligence. Send them an Angel of peace, let them not come to me with false advice, and let them not harm me with crafty actions. Give me wisdom to distinguish between benefactors and evildoers. Do not let anyone near me who seeks to harm me. I believe that You will dispel all the bad things that others wish for me, because no one can resist Your protection. Let people who go against me in thought, word, and deed come to their senses and stop destroying their souls. And give me the strength to accomplish my deeds to increase Your glory and the human race. Amen.

Envy of others: why envy is dangerous

Envy is filled with extremely negative energy. It is dangerous for both sides, but still causes more harm to the envious person. The worst thing is that envying others spoils karma and blocks positive changes in your life. Accumulating in the soul, bad energy materializes into all sorts of problems, diseases, sometimes even incurable.

Envy materializes into all sorts of problems, illnesses, sometimes even incurable ones.

Envy is depressing. There will always be people who are better than us in some way. But we are also better than others in some ways! When we focus on other people's successes, we minimize our own achievements. Become aware of your strengths, develop them instead of getting upset with someone.

Envy hardens the heart. Greedily looking sideways at the things of others, we become angry with innocent people. After all, no one is stopping us from achieving the same heights. And those successes that are like a thorn in our side actually even set an example. A smart person takes an example from a successful person, a limited person tries to denigrate him. By envy, we eat ourselves from the inside.

Outright envy spoils your image and reputation. When we humiliate the advantages of another, looking for his shortcomings, we thereby harm ourselves: we admit our imperfections, we admit our weaknesses. People draw a clear conclusion about the envious person: a primitive person. After all, it is known that good people They see only the good in others, and the bad - the bad.

“I envy my ex”: how to start living your own life

You can often hear a strange phrase: “I envy my ex.” It would seem, what can cause envy of exes? There is only one answer: he or she is living without you, has built a new relationship, but you are still living in the past and cannot come to terms with the separation. More often than not, those who have been abandoned face this problem.

Envy of exes: girlfriend/wife, boyfriend/husband

Envy of an ex or ex is greatly fueled when you follow their life and see what has worked out for them, but not yet for you. You think it's unfair. You crucify yourself, every time you mentally return to your relationship and try to understand what you did wrong. Compare yourself with your new wife or husband ex-couple and reproach yourself for not being able to be like them.

It's especially hard to realize that your ex has changed with someone else... better side: became more responsible, got rich, treats her better than he treats you. Understand that the other one just suits him. And another one will suit you better. So get out of the house and make new acquaintances. Stop learning new details about the life of your ex. After all, what you learn is the revealing side, the best. You can’t know how things really are there. And it is not necessary.

Perhaps the opposite option will help you: find out as much as possible about the new life of the person you care about. If you realize that everything is not as good as it seems, this is not your problem. And they are ready to put up with them. Respect other people's choices. If they have complete harmony, this is their common merit. Evaluate and accept it. One way or another, you have your own life.

Let go of the past! And don't expect anything. Time does not heal. New circumstances are being treated. Create them for yourself, because no one else will do it for you. Live in such a way that people envy you!

Being in the position of someone who managed to start living his own life after a breakup and build a new relationship, you risk facing the envy of your ex-couple. Even if you are flattered by this envy, we still advise you to isolate yourself from it. Because you might get hurt. Ignore attempts to make peace; if your choice is final, calmly communicate it. Delete your pages from social networks. Try not to overlap in joint companies. Ask mutual friends not to tell anything about you. Don't show off your happiness. It's better that they don't know anything about you. If you are truly happy, you don't need doping in the form of ex envy.

“I envy my friend”: saving friendship from an insidious feeling

A friend for a woman is very important person. We've been through so much together! And it’s not for nothing that the erroneous stereotype that a friend is a friend in need will be refuted. In fact, a friend is known to be happy! Because in times of trouble there are many who want to show nobility, but it is difficult to come to terms with someone else’s happiness, especially if you yourself are not in chocolate. This already requires wisdom and generosity.

Women's envy can arise from anything: thicker hair, firmer skin, a nice guy takes care of you, a better-fitting dress, a more successful husband, a more loyal boss, more talented children... There are more than enough reasons for envy! But stop!

Who, if not you, knows both sides of the coin of your friend’s life. She's the one who cries to you when something goes wrong. Is everything in her life so perfect? She lives in heaven, but only comes to your hell to check on you? No. You know how much time and effort she spends on developing the talents of her children, as well as the fact that her caring husband is completely incapable of earning money, so she works two jobs. We do not encourage you to be happy that your friend is not doing well. Just so that you understand the absurdity of envy.

When I sometimes envy a friend, I immediately mentally suggest that I change places with her. And you know, I don’t want something. Because I know that for no amount of money will I tolerate the betrayal of the rich husband of one of my friends, and not a single force will raise me every day at 5 in the morning to prepare food for the large family of another...

Try to evaluate the whole picture, and not just the positive things that catch your eye and make you jealous.

Women's envy can be very insidious. If you are convinced: “My friend is jealous of me!”, Be careful with her. Don't brag about things that might make her jealous. You don't want her to be offended. And even more so, you don’t want her to unknowingly or even intentionally harm you because of it.

On the contrary, complain about life, show how hard your “advantages” are for you. Sometimes it’s worth inviting you behind the scenes of your everyday life and admitting that in reality everything is not as rosy as it looks from the outside. Share something you have in abundance, support and help as much as you can. Think about how to neutralize the negativity generated by her envy. Show how dear she is to you! This will help her friend rethink everything.

If it seems to you that your friend cannot overcome her envy of you, do not wait for her to harm you. It is better to sacrifice friendship if it did not stand the test of your happiness, and isolate yourself from such a person at least for a while. Being in close contact with envious people is dangerous. You should not publicize the breakup. Say that you are very busy and keep communication to a minimum. It will be better for everyone.

From my own experience, I can say that sincerely enjoying the success of your friends is beneficial. Maybe I was lucky with my friends, or maybe it was my goodwill that resonated in their hearts. But everything good that happened to them had positive consequences in my life too. It was no less pleasant for me to do something useful for them in my best times.

White envy: is envy good?

Not everything in life can be divided into black and white. But envy is one of those feelings that has two poles, depending on how we perceive them. When we envy with black envy, we thereby want to lower a person who is superior to us in some way to our level. When we admire someone, we ourselves strive to reach the heights that others have already conquered. Helpless people devour themselves with black envy, who can only blame fate, parents and everyone around them for the fact that they do not live the way they would like.

There is also white envy. This is the other side of envy, which can also be called admiration and the desire for the best. Bright envious people rejoice when they see that someone has something better, sincerely strive for it and are glad that this is, in principle, possible. Other people's successes inspire them.

The test for the color of envy is very simple - a reaction to a situation: “The neighbor’s grass is greener.” The black envious person will think: “It would be better if the hail beat her!” The white envious person will be more diligent in watering his...

Of course, there are very few enlightened people on earth who live without looking at others. In a situation with green grass, they would sincerely praise the owners, be glad that they could see such an elegant estate from the threshold, and then take care of their home yard to their own taste. Everyone should strive to achieve such self-sufficiency and goodwill. And for those who are still far from such heights, we advise you to switch to the bright side of envy and perceive other people's successes as proof that anything is possible! Indeed, feelings of envy can be used constructively. Do you want something that your neighbor has? You can achieve the same. Try it yourself, and if it doesn’t work, you know who to ask how he achieved it!

Sincerely wish good to others - and it will come back to you a hundredfold!

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If you notice a sharp decline in your life, obvious changes for the worse, Bad mood, and all this for no apparent reason and cannot be explained, this may indicate that a negative magical effect was applied in your direction, namely the evil eye or damage. If you are not a supporter of magical rituals, you can get rid of dark spells by reading Orthodox prayers.

Go to the temple if you feel an evil conspiracy on yourself, it will definitely help.

Prayer can only help ward off the evil eye and damage, but also establish state of mind And life situation. You should resort to reading prayers not only in such radical situations. This practice can prevent negative impact ill-wishers.

Appeal to Saint Cyprian

To remove the curse in Orthodox words, you can turn to a strong universal method: a prayer against the evil eye and damage addressed to Saint Cyprian will definitely solve your problem.

The prayer against the evil eye and envy can be read at any time or day. If necessary, you can repeat it several times every day. If there is a need to read a prayer to St. Cyprian to help a child, then the child’s parent can do this. The main thing is to perform the action directly above the victim’s head.

In addition, this powerful prayer of St. Cyprian against corruption can also be read over water. In this case, the liquid will attract positive vibes and can then serve as a kind of cure for witchcraft.

These psalms have the following text:

“Lord God Mighty, King of Kings, hear the prayer of the servant Cyprian. You have a thousand days of struggle against the dark forces ahead of you. Carry the heart of God’s servant (name), help him pass all the tests. Protect, preserve and intercede for the one reading this prayer. Bless, Lord, my house and those living in it, Protect from all intrigue and sorcery. May the devil's intention and what he has done be resolved. Lord, You are One and Almighty, save Your Holy Martyr Cyprian, Have mercy on the servant (name). I say this three times, I bow three times. Amen!"

You should say the prayer to Cyprian against damage and the evil eye three times, making a deep bow after each repetition. Such cleansing with all the prayers and spells will help you get rid of the curse of the sorcerers.

Ritual for illnesses

If you are being pursued numerous problems with health, we recommend using prayers for treatment against induced damage, such as the psalm below. It will help remove the evil eye from you and get rid of diseases.

“Take, flying birds, a handful of earth. Take the animals and you have a handful. A hole has been dug and the path is straight to it. Help the servant of God (name) walk smoothly so that he can bypass all the holes. Four sides, four forces, help! Save and protect from a deep pit. It's dark in the pit, but it's light in life. Farther from the pit, closer to the sun. Mind me. My word is strong. My strength is great. Darkness go away, strength help me. Amen!"

The prayer should be read daily for nine days. It is strong enough to remove even the most severe evil eye or damage from you.

Church rite

To carry out this method of getting rid of curses, you will need to attend church on Sunday. You will not have to learn any additional psalms, since this ritual will help you remove the evil eye with words familiar to all baptized Orthodox Christians: “Our Father.”

  • When you enter the church, buy a candle and light it.
  • It must be carried in the left hand, while reading the prayer.
  • You must repeat it exactly nine times, not forgetting to cross yourself.

After completing the ritual, do not forget to consolidate the result by saying the following words twelve times:

“Health, happiness, purity, prosperity, love, luck. Amen!"

This is quite a strong prayer against damage, which will certainly help you. If you see that desired result does not occur, perform the ritual two more Sundays in a row.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

In the event that you have been seriously damaged or if not only you, but also your loved ones have suffered, we recommend that you seek divine help from the Hieromartyr Nicholas the Pleasant. They also turn to him when other prayers to remove damage do not work. This prayer against the evil eye is performed in combination with other actions, which will help you effectively get rid of all curses, including it is effective against envy.

At the beginning of the ritual you need to go to Orthodox Church and order a health service for all affected people. On this same visit, do not forget to venerate the icon of the Hieromartyr Nicholas and light three candles. At the same time, accompany your actions with the following prayer words:

“Wonderworker Nicholas, take away the family corruption and protect us from enemy affairs. Amen".

Cross yourself and you can go home. Before leaving, do not forget to collect holy water and purchase twelve candles and an icon of St. Nicholas.

That same evening, sit at a table in a spare room and light all the candles you bought the day before. Place the icon and holy water in front of you. Now you can start praying for family damage or the evil eye:

“The Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. Without blaming anyone in my soul, I ask only one thing from you. Help all my family members, and if there is, then take away the damage from us. All illnesses, squabbles, quarrels and heat, you are the holy water of this mind. Let the sorcerer not suffer from damage, but the sorcerer will not die from it. Let there be no discord in my family, I beg you a hundredfold. Thy will be done. Amen".

Cross yourself and drink some holy water. The candles should be thrown away and the icon should be removed from the table. All family members should mix a little holy water into any drinks. If the result is not strong enough for your problem, then be sure to repeat the ritual again after two weeks.

Remember the following: with the help of this prayer you cannot ask for revenge on the offender; you can only humbly wait for healing and help from St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

What is damage and the evil eye?

People who are far from this often believe that the evil eye and damage are essentially the same thing. In fact, this is not true at all.

The evil eye is a kind of energy attack, and not necessarily intentional. Perhaps you will remember a moment when, from someone’s unkind gaze, your heart suddenly began to pound, you felt panic and dizziness. These are the first signs of a severe psycho-emotional blow from a person who may have envied you or wished harm.

Not everyone is capable of this, only people with very strong energy and a special look (they are also called “eye-catching ones”).

Damage is a completely different matter. This is definitely a planned and specially executed event, the purpose of which is to cause specific harm to you or your loved ones. Damaging is a ritual, and the more experienced and knowledgeable person produces it, the worse the consequences can be.

Signs of an evil force interfering in your life:

Help from the saints

The concept of damage and the evil eye exists not only in Orthodoxy, but also in other religions. However, for example, Muslim prayers have a different effect and are read differently.

A true Christian believer will turn for help not to magicians or fortune-tellers, but to the Lord or Orthodox saints.

During his lifetime, the Great Martyr Cyprian himself got rid of the influence of dark forces, and believers traditionally turn to him for protection from damage, the evil eye and envy.

Powerful prayer to Saint Cyprian

Oh, holy servant of God, holy martyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book to everyone who comes running to you. Accept our praise from us, the unworthy, and ask the Lord God for salvation from infirmities, healing from illnesses, consolation from sorrows and everything useful in our life.

Offer up your powerful prayer to the Lord, may he protect us from our sinful falls, may he teach us true repentance, may he deliver us from the captivity of the devil and all the actions of unclean spirits and deliver us from those who offend us. Be a strong helper to us from all enemies - visible and invisible.

In temptations, give us patience and at the hour of our death, show us intercession from the torturers at our aerial ordeals. May we, led by you, reach the heavenly Jerusalem and be honored in the Heavenly Kingdom with all the saints to glorify and sing the holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Appeal to Matrona of Moscow

Elder Matronushka of Moscow, the famous guardian of health and peace of mind, will also perfectly protect you from the effects of evil spells. Read a prayer to her after waking up and before going to bed.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Convict the enemy of an evil act, and do not subject me to punishment. If the damage is fatal to me, let the dashing one reject all fate. Send me light in the form of faith, teach me to be known without vain measures. Let my illness peacefully recede, and enlightenment come in my soul. If there is no evil damage or evil eye, let another infection be rejected. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After reading the prayer, you should cross yourself three times with all your heart, and take three sips of the water blessed in advance in the church.

Protecting a baby from the evil eye

This often happens - two friends meet, talk, one admires the cute little one of the other. And after a short time, something strange begins to happen to the child: for inexplicable reasons, the temperature rises, the child becomes nervous, fearful and excited (although sometimes, on the contrary, he becomes lethargic).

Sometimes children start screaming for no reason and even break out in a rash. Of course, first of all, show your child to the doctor. But if the doctor finds it difficult to make a definite diagnosis, most likely your child has been jinxed.

It is not at all necessary that a touching friend or relative wanted bad things for the child. The energy protection of the little man is still too weak, and any strong emotional blow from the outside can punch a “hole” in it. good and attentive parents They will immediately feel changes in the child’s behavior and take the necessary measures.

What to do:

  1. Wash your child with blessed water. Of course, it’s not worth taking him to church in this state - a crowd of people in the church and curious looks will not do any good. However, of course, you need to pray in a holy place yourself, lighting a candle to the Mother of God for the health of the child. If you do not want to leave the baby in this condition, the father or grandmother can do this
  2. Give your baby a bath, pouring it all over his head two or three times. Water is an incredibly powerful substance that has the ability to heal and cleanse clots of black energy.
  3. In the evening, after putting the child in bed, read the spell over him and lightly sprinkle him with holy water


I, servant of God (name), will get up, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field. There is an oak tree in an open field, a chest hangs on the oak tree, and that chest is guarded by an iron raven. I’ll come closer to the raven and bow lower.

Voron Voronovich, how faithfully you guarded the chest, protected it from enemies and thieves, did not allow unkind people to touch it, so I will pray to you and submit: help me, protect the baby (child’s name) from troubles and dashing people, drive away evil eyes, damage, under your wing take it. May no evil touch him, neither obvious nor secret, nor from dashing people, nor from envious friends. My word is strong and molding. Amen.

Prayer to Matronushka for a child

Appealing to the Holy Matrona of Moscow is considered very effective, whose light power will protect your child and heal him from the effects of the evil eye. You can contact her, like other Orthodox saints, anywhere and at any time, but visiting the Moscow church of the blessed old woman will not hurt at all.

After lighting a candle in the temple for the health of the child, repeat the following words:

Blessed Elder Matronushka, heal the baby (child’s name) from the evil eye and damage, from the evil eye, from the dashing person. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The same conspiracy is also suitable for pronouncing it over a baby. The main thing is to believe that God will protect your child, pray heartily and sincerely, and then the child’s guardian angel will protect him in full force.

How to prevent the evil eye and damage?

A newborn child should not be allowed to visit family and friends. The fewer eyes that see it, the better. When going outside, cover the stroller with tulle, and refuse those who want to “look” politely but firmly.

  • Pin onto the stroller or baby's clothing with inside an ordinary safety pin.
  • If someone in a conversation praises your child for too long and enthusiastically, do not give in to flattery, quietly lead the conversation aside.
  • Tie a red woolen thread on your baby's left wrist. Red has been considered a protective color since ancient times; even our pagan ancestors used it for protection.
  • By the way, children’s bright clothes not only look cute, but also have practical value. Clothing in bright colors distracts the attention of a stranger and prevents negative energy from concentrating and striking.
  • Another tool is a regular pocket mirror. Place it in your stroller pocket, with the outer side facing out, it will “mirror” bad energy.

Our world is a dangerous place where, unfortunately, there is more evil than we would like. Sometimes it is simply necessary to protect yourself and your loved ones. Correct rituals, firm faith in the protection of the Lord and the desire to bring only good into this world will help you in this.

Which saints should you turn to for help?

A prayer addressed to the Heavenly patrons will help protect yourself and your family from the evil eye and envy. There is also a prayer from evil people and corruption, which has powerful healing powers.

Basic Prayer to Jesus Christ

Almost every person knows the Lord's Prayer by heart.

It is she who brings relief and a feeling of communication with the Almighty.

Prayer "Our Father"
Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be your name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Psalm 90

This the most powerful amulet, turning the enemy's arrows back at himself.

Psalm 90
Living in the help of the Most High, he will dwell in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words, His splash will overshadow you, and under His wing you hope: His truth will surround you with weapons. Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies during the day, from the thing that passes in the darkness, from the cloak, and from the demon of the midday.

Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, otherwise you will look at your eyes, and you will see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not approach your body, as His Angel commanded you to keep you in all your ways.

They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot on a stone, step on an asp and a basilisk, and cross a lion and a serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will overcome him, and I will glorify him, I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation.

Prayers for envy and evil people

Prayer of St. Mary of Egypt
O great saint of Christ, Venerable Mother Mary! Hear the unworthy prayer of us sinners (names), deliver us, reverend mother, from the passions that war on our souls, from all sadness and adversity, from sudden death and from all evil, at the hour of separation of the soul from the body, cast away, holy saint , every evil thought and crafty demons, for may our souls be received in peace into a place of light by Christ the Lord our God, for from Him is the cleansing of sins, and He is the salvation of our souls, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with the Father and the Holy Spirit , now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Cyprian
Oh, holy servant of God, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for all who come running to you. Accept our unworthy praise from us, and ask the Lord God for strength in our infirmities, healing in illnesses, consolation in sorrows, and everything useful to everyone in our life. Offer up your powerful prayer to the Lord, may he protect us from our sinful falls, may he teach us true repentance, may he deliver us from the captivity of the devil and all the actions of unclean spirits, and deliver us from those who offend us. Be our strong champion against all enemies, visible and invisible. In temptations, give us patience and at the hour of our death, show us intercession from the torturers at our aerial ordeals. May we, led by you, reach the Mountainous Jerusalem and be worthy in the Heavenly Kingdom with all the saints to glorify and sing the Most Holy Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Saints

Oh, great saints of Christ and miracle workers: the holy Forerunner and Baptist of Christ John, the holy all-praise apostle and confidant of Christ John, the holy hierarch Father Nicholas, the hieromartyr Harlampy, the great martyr George the Victorious, father Theodora, the prophet of God Elijah, saint Nikita, the martyr John the Warrior, the great martyr Varvaro , Great Martyr Catherine, Rev. Father Anthony! Hear us praying to you, servant of God (names). You know our sorrows and illnesses, you hear the sighs of the many who come to you. For this reason, we call to you, as our quick helpers and warm prayer books: do not leave us (names) with your intercession with God. We constantly err from the path of salvation, guide us, merciful teachers.

We are weak in faith, strengthen us, teachers of orthodoxy. We have done a great deal of good deeds, enrich us, treasures of charity. We are constantly slandered by enemies, visible and invisible, and embittered; help us, helpless intercessors. Turn away the righteous anger moving towards us for our iniquities by your intercession at the throne of the Judge of God, to whom you stand in heaven, holy righteous women. Hear, we pray, you, great servants of Christ, calling you with faith and ask with your prayers from the Heavenly Father for all of us forgiveness of our sins and deliverance from troubles. You are helpers, intercessors and prayer books, and for you we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Rules for reading prayers

When saying prayers you should:

  • be in complete privacy:
  • the state of mind should be calm;
  • discard any thoughts of revenge on offenders;
  • do not be distracted by extraneous sounds or thoughts;
  • pronounce each word consciously, delving into each spoken phrase.

What are the similarities between envy, damage and the evil eye?

When a person is constantly overtaken by failures, things don’t go well, small problems give way to large ones and there are more and more of them, many people consider this to be the evil eye or damage. After all, even without the use of a witchcraft ritual, a person who is in a strong surge of envy and anger can direct negativity towards another person.

The evil eye is an unintentional effect on a person. For example, someone accidentally said something to the interlocutor and thereby jinxed him, without knowing it. But if someone wanted to cause damage, then this is a deliberate action using auxiliary objects, spells and rituals.

What does envy have to do with it?

Being envious, a person scrolls through negative thoughts in his head. For example, he wants to possess something that his friend has, thereby wanting him to lose his existing benefits and destroying the person’s happiness and success.

The main signs of the evil eye and damage

  1. frequent attacks of headache;
  2. constant weakness, fatigue, drowsiness;
  3. loss of interest in life;
  4. outbursts of anger, irritation, anger;
  5. inner restlessness;
  6. troubles in all areas of life;
  7. hearing voices in the head, often indicating what, when and how to do;
  8. a sense of the world in black and gray tones;
  9. craving for alcohol, drugs, fornication;
  10. sudden depression;
  11. changes in blood pressure;
  12. the occurrence of serious illnesses;
  13. unpleasant sensations in the solar plexus.

Good advice for solving the problem and its “prevention” is given by practicing psychologists:

  • Outside your own home, you cannot boast about the successes of your household and your own achievements;
  • if you feel the unkind glances of envious people behind your back, or if you know that they talk a lot about you, thank the Almighty for the fact that your life is better than others;
  • limit communication with ill-wishers as much as possible;
  • engage in self-training: every day you need to give yourself the mindset that those around you (colleagues, friends, neighbors) are the best and friendliest people.

Witchcraft has flourished from time immemorial, draining human strength. Recently, there has been an increased interest in witchcraft ritual due to the availability magical literature on bookstore shelves. The number of sorcerers, fortune tellers, and soothsayers who promise to improve the lives of sufferers is also growing.

Prayer, in turn, does not pose a danger to humans. Aimed at destroying the evil eye, damage and envy, it strengthens spiritual world person.

Fill the spiritual world with goodness and positivity, pray for your enemies, and then the evil envious people themselves will “weed out” from your life.

Signs of damage and the evil eye

People tend to believe that damage and the evil eye are practically the same thing. However, everything is completely different. The evil eye is an energy attack, most often unintentional. A person with a heavy look can often jinx even himself. The evil eye is expressed by great envy and desire for evil. But damage is much more dangerous and terrible. It is directed purposefully, reinforced by the desire to completely destroy your life. This magic ritual can harm not only you, but also your loved ones.

Any otherworldly intervention can be identified using certain signs:

  • obsessive thoughts, anxious feelings, feeling of weakness and lack of air;
  • a pectoral cross can cause discomfort, including suffocation and bodily burns;
  • intolerance to one’s own gaze and reflection in mirrors;
  • unexplained health problems;
  • fear of church attributes.

Prayer to Saint Cyprian against evil influences

Prayer to the Hieromartyr Cyprian will protect you from damage, the evil eye and witchcraft. The holy saint of the Lord will not allow magical influences to destroy your life, eradicating the first signs of foreign influence. The sacred text should be read near the icon:

“The holy saint of God, Cyprian, the intercessor of every soul. Hear our unworthy prayers and beg the Lord for deliverance and consolation. May the prayer addressed to You reach God and illuminate our lives with strong faith, deliverance from the captivity of the devil, enemies and offenders. Grant humility in all worldly temptations. Become our intercessor during life and on our deathbed, do not let us go without your attention and help us get to the Kingdom of Heaven. We sing Your name and the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow from the evil eye and damage

Matrona is famous for her intercession before people. She eradicates illnesses, torments of the soul and black witchcraft. Words addressed to the great martyr will protect you from the evil eye, damage and malice. The text should be read several times a day:
“Oh Great Martyr Matrona. Expose a person to sinful acts and help me resist corruption and fatal danger. May enlightenment in the form of Your participation descend on my life and teach me loyalty and tolerance. Make sure that all the evil sent to me from a person who imagines himself to be a punisher recedes. Deliver my soul from the influence of evil, which destroys everything good in life. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Orthodox prayer against damage and the evil eye

People turn this prayer to the Almighty. After reading the words that save you from black magic, the evil eye, damage and anger, you should thank the Creator. The prayer “Living Help” has been translated from Church Slavonic into Russian. This sacred text is read several times until inner peace:

“He who lives for the help of the Most High will dwell in the blood of the Lord. My protector and refuge in difficult times, You are my God, on whom I place all my hopes. Lead me away from the networks of the devil and verbal attacks of ill-wishers. Shield your servant (name) with true faith, protect him from the fear of the night, from things that come under the cover of night, from demonism and human evil. Only You, Lord God, are my hope, only in You do I seek support and help. Evil bypasses You, and wounds are not scary to You. So let Your Holy Presence remain in me, which will protect me from any misfortunes. Hear my prayer and save me in bad times. I glorify Your name both in sorrow and in joy forever and ever. Amen".

Any magical influence will bypass you if you strengthen your defense with Orthodox prayers. A true believer is not afraid of damage, the evil eye and curses, because in the world there is nothing stronger than Divine participation. May your faith be strong. We wish you happiness, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Who is allowed to read such petitions?

There are no restrictions for reading this appeal to the Higher Powers. The main thing is to have faith. Appealing to the Almighty helps all people. It doesn’t matter how old you are, what your profession is, or what your social status. None of this matters. For the Saints we are all equal.

Can you say prayers to pregnant women?

It is definitely possible, even necessary.

  • After all, it can benefit not only the health of the mother, but also the health of the unborn child.
  • She can do no harm.
  • In any case, reprimanding prayers against damage in church cannot transfer negativity from mother to child or harm the child in any other way.

This does not apply to teenagers and even children. You can turn to God at any age. In many cases, when a child has been affected by a curse or dark witchcraft, the mother prays for him. But this is far from necessary. It will be much more effective if the child tries to remove the damage himself by praying to the Almighty.

How and when to read a prayer against the evil eye and damage?

Before turning to the Almighty, you always need to prepare yourself well:

  1. You need to tune in to the petition;
  2. During it, do not think about anything extraneous;
  3. Focus on your words;
  4. It is recommended to pray in complete silence. In any case, it is better to turn off the TV and radio, as well as other objects that may be distracting;
  5. Feel that you are left alone with God;
  6. Believe in him. Faith must be real.

Try to fully understand your words. Yes, it is not easy for beginners. After all, prayers have been around for thousands of years. But still, these are the same words about help, intercession or expression of gratitude.

Many clergy recommend lighting a candle when praying, which can strengthen your request. A candle purchased in a church is especially valuable. But this is not a mandatory rule, because when turning to the Almighty, there are essentially no rules.

Strong prayers against damage and witchcraft

To God in in this case You can even use the most popular prayer, “Our Father,” which every believer knows. It is best to read it before bed and in the morning when you first wake up. In addition, you can simply read it throughout the day in order to remove all negativity from yourself or receive divine protection.

You can also pray to the Holy Trinity if you suspect that your poor health or any problems are caused by evil forces, envy or a curse. Here is the text:

“Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake. Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

There is even a special text of an appeal to the Lord that will be useful to every mother. These texts are used to pray for their children. Mostly it is read to little children in the cradle or before bedtime above their heads. For children in adolescence, it can only be used in the absence of the child. This text is read for children of any age:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. You covetous, wicked, damned Chaldeans, tormentors, teachers, fierce scolders, scolders, blasphemers, strangers and your own, bright people, dark people, all kinds of teachers, all kinds of verbal tormentors, scolders, get away from my son, the servant of God (name), do not scold him, the servant of God (name), do not scold him, the servant of God (name), do not torment him, the servant God's (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen."

This text indicates an appeal to the Almighty for a son, but you can safely change the appeal for a daughter. If, for example, you have both a son and a daughter, then you can read it like this - “...away from my son and daughter, servants of God (names) …”

In general, any prayer against the evil eye and damage can help you, the main thing is to believe in it and say it sincerely, with all your heart. The power of these words lies in the spiritual component, and not in the verbal one, as, for example, in conspiracies.

Prayer to Saint Cyprian from corruption

This appeal to the saint against witchcraft, the evil eye and damage is considered the strongest and most effective. It is worth considering that to read such an appeal you need the blessing of the Orthodox Church.

Cyprian's life story

Cyprian lived in the 3rd century. From a very young age until the age of 30, he tirelessly trained and studied witchcraft and dark magic. The places of his education were Babylon, Argos, Egypt, and Olympus. In adulthood he was ordained as a priest. He possessed incredible power with which he could summon evil spirits and speak with the Prince of Darkness.

  • But upon returning to his homeland, he fell in love with the nun Justina.
  • But the girl refused him.
  • Then Cyprian uses all his strength to bewitch the girl, but he fails.
  • After all, she is protected by the Lord himself, whom the girl tirelessly serves.

The priest decided to find out what kind of faith this was and abandoned all his witchcraft. And he gave the books of black magic to be burned. He was baptized and soon became a famous bishop. But soon the persecution of Christians began. Cyprian was captured and executed. So the former magician became a Christian martyr, and people who turned to him for help could overcome dark forces. Since that time, the prayer to Cyprian against damage and the evil eye has helped people.

How to pray to Cyprian and Ustynya correctly

  1. This ritual must be performed by an adult. If they read for a child, then it is better to let the mother lead the ceremony;
  2. You need to read the prayer daily;
  3. In order for the effect to be stronger, you need to give the child water over which the appeal to Cyprian was read. You can wash the baby with the remaining water.

Prayer to Cyprian and Ustynya from corruption:

“O holy servant of God, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for all those who come running to you. Receive our unworthy praise from us and ask the Lord God for strength in our infirmities, healing in illnesses, consolation in sorrows, and everything useful in our life. Offer up your powerful prayer to the Lord, may he protect us from our sinful falls, may he teach us true repentance, may he deliver us from the captivity of the devil and all the actions of unclean spirits, and deliver us from those who offend us.

Be a strong champion for us against all enemies, visible and invisible, in temptation give us patience and at the hour of our death show us intercession from the torturers in our aerial ordeals, so that, led by you, we will reach the Mountainous Jerusalem and be worthy in the Heavenly Kingdom with all the saints to glorify and sing the praises of the All-Holy. the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

God bless you!