The Most Holy Theotokos of Iveron helps in some way. Icon of the Virgin Mary meaning

According to legend, one of the most famous and revered icons of the Mother of God in the Orthodox world was painted by the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke with the blessing of the Most Holy Theotokos during the days of Her earthly life.

For a long time, the Iveron Icon was located in Nicaea in Asia Minor, and since the beginning of the 11th century it has been inseparably located in the Iveron Monastery on Holy Mount Athos, in honor of which it received its name.


The first news about it dates back to the 9th century, when during the reign of the Greek Emperor Theophilus, people who venerated icons were tortured, and the icons themselves were destroyed. According to legend, at this time, not far from the city of Nicaea, there lived a pious widow with her son, who kept an ancient icon of the Mother of God in her house.

One night, iconoclasts burst into her house and one of them hit the icon with a sword, wanting to chop it into pieces. The blow fell on the image of the right cheek of the Mother of God, and blood came out of the wound.

Fearing that the shrine would be destroyed, the widow promised the imperial soldiers money and asked them to wait until the morning and not touch the icon. The greedy iconoclasts agreed, deciding to profit from the occasion and embarrassed by the blood appearing on the icon.

When they left, the woman and her son lowered it into the sea to preserve the Holy Icon. Imagine the amazement of the widow and her son when the icon did not fall, but stood upright, facing the shore, and, gliding through the waters, began to move away until it disappeared from view.

The further fate of the widow is unknown, as for her son - he safely reached Athos, where he became a monk of the Iveron Monastery. From him the monks of the Holy Mountain learned about the history of the ancient icon, which became the sacred tradition of the monastery.

The bleeding wound remained on the face of the Virgin Mary, which is why the Iveron Mother of God is always depicted with a small wound on her face.


Two centuries later, the monks of the Georgian Iveron Monastery on Mount Athos saw an icon in the sea, supported pillar of fire. After a prayer service for the donation of the shrine that had appeared to the monastery, the pious monk of the Iveron Monastery, Saint Gabriel the Gruzin, at the command of the Mother of God, who appeared to him in a dream, walked on the water, accepted the Holy Icon and placed it in the temple.

However, the next day the icon was found not in the temple, but above the gates of the monastery. This was repeated several times until Holy Virgin did not reveal Her will to Saint Gabriel in a dream, saying that she did not want to be kept by the monks, but wanted to be their Guardian.

After this, the image was placed above the monastery gate. Therefore, the Holy Icon is also called the Goalkeeper or Gatekeeper.

In the Iversky Monastery, a celebration in her honor takes place on February 25 according to the new style. On this day, the brethren go with a religious procession to the seashore, where Elder Gabriel received the icon.


The iconography of the ancient Iveron icon is a special version of the “Hodegetria”, which received the name ᾿Ελεοῦσα (translated in Russian as “Merciful”) in Byzantine art.

On the icon Holy Mother of God on his left hand he holds the Infant God - his right hand is extended in prayer to the Savior, at the same time pointing to Him.

© photo: Sputnik / Yuri Kaver

The Savior's head is raised, and his face is slightly turned towards the Mother of God, who slightly bowed her head towards Him. On the right cheek of the Mother of God there is a wound from which blood is oozing, according to legend, inflicted by iconoclasts. This is the main difference by which you can always recognize the Iveron Icon.

The manner of painting the faces is peculiar - with large, massive features, wide-open almond-shaped eyes, the gaze of which is directed forward, and the expression of the faces is concentrated.

At the beginning of the 16th century, the icon was decorated with a chased frame made of silver with gilding, made by Georgian craftsmen, as evidenced by the record in the language of the manufacturer. The frame leaves open only the faces of the Mother of God and the Child.

Apparently, the frame quite accurately reproduces the iconography ancient image, however, in the margins it is supplemented with embossed images of half-figures of the 12 apostles.

© photo: Sputnik / Yuri Kaver

The dimensions of the icon are quite large - the height is 137 centimeters and the width is 87 centimeters.


The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God is direct evidence that the Mother of God took the entire human race under her Holy intercession. Having miraculously appeared on Athos, she became a shield for all who pray day and night on the Holy Mountain for the entire human race.

Iverskaya is one of the most amazing images in terms of miraculous manifestations, showing the most different actions The Mother of God within earthly boundaries is the Intercessor and Guardian, the Healer and Protectress from all misfortunes emanating from both the elements and human vices.


The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God has long been revered as miraculous - in the history of the monastery there are many manuscripts about the gracious help of the Mother of God.

The Mother of God appeared to the grieving abbot when famine threatened the Iveron Monastery. The Most Holy Theotokos sent him to the granary, which turned out to be full of flour.

© photo: Sputnik / Yuri Kaver

The Mother of God miraculously filled the vessels, multiplied oil and vegetables, saved the monastery from fires, and protected it from enemy invasions.

Once, when the Persians besieged the monastery from the sea, the monks asked the Mother of God for help. Suddenly a terrible storm arose and the enemy ships sank, leaving only Amir’s commander alive.

Struck by the miracle of God's wrath, he repented, asked to pray for the forgiveness of his sins, and donated a lot of gold and silver for the construction of the monastery walls.

TO amazing miracles The icon also means that, being at the monastery gates, it often does not allow into the monastery people who have some unrepentant sin in their souls.

She miraculously appeared at the monastery - across the sea in a pillar of fire to a place called Clement's pier. It was in this place, not far from the Iveron monastery on the seashore, that a miraculous spring has been preserved to this day, flowing at the moment when the Mother of God set foot on Athos soil.

Lesson from the Mother of God

The Most Holy Theotokos not only helped the monks, but also admonished and denounced them. Once a poor man asked to spend the night in Iviron, but the monk-goalkeeper demanded payment from him. The poor man, who had no money, dejectedly headed to Kareya.

On the way, he met an amazing Woman who gave him a gold coin to pay for his overnight stay, and the poor man returned to spend the night in the monastery.

The coin turned out to be very ancient, and in response to the monks’ questions, he told the story of a miraculous meeting. The monks realized that this woman was the Queen of Heaven herself. As a sign of God's admonition, after this incident, all the food in the monastery spoiled.

Having repented of their sin, the monks, from that very time, never again refused anyone free lodging and food. And today, Athonite monks always welcome pilgrims.

The “Goalkeeper” herself never left Iviron; in response to requests from the laity, the monks sent lists of the miraculous image. The icon is taken out of the paraklis only three times a year, where it remains constantly - on the eve of the Nativity of Christ, on the day of its discovery by the Athonite monks, and on the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

According to Athonite legend, shortly before the Second Coming the Iveron Icon will leave Holy Mount Athos. This was announced by the Monk Nile the Myrrh-Streaming, who repeatedly appeared in 1813-1819 to the monk Theophan.

In Georgia

In Georgia there is an exact copy of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God. On the initiative of the Iveriisa Foundation, it was written specifically for the temple of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, which is being built on Mount Mahata. The icon arrived in Georgia from Mount Athos on April 5, 2016.

Together with the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, the icon of the Venerable Father Gabriel of Athos arrived in Georgia. The foundation of the temple was laid and consecrated on May 12, 2011, with the blessing of Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

The construction of the temple is carried out with donations from believers and with the assistance of the Iveriisa Foundation, which created Opera singer Paata Burchuladze. Presumably, the construction of the temple will be completed by December 25, 2017, on the 40th anniversary of the enthronement of Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II.


The main purpose of the image is to help people who have repented of their sins. The icon helps you find strength and the right path to a bright future. Relatives can also pray to help their loved ones.

Before the Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos they pray for deliverance from various ailments and for consolation in troubles, from fire, for increasing the fertility of the earth, for deliverance from grief and sadness, for the healing of physical and mental ailments, as well as in various difficult circumstances. You should keep the icon in your home near the entrance, since the second name of this image is “Goalkeeper” and thereby receive excellent protection from various troubles.

© photo: Sputnik / Stolyarov


Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord, Queen of Heaven and earth! Hear the much-painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy height upon us, who worship Thy most pure image with faith and love. Behold, immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image, as if You were alive and living with us, we offer our humble prayers. Imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation except You, O Mother of all the sorrowing and burdened! Help us the weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us, the erring, on the right path, heal and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our lives to spend in peace and silence, grant us a Christian death and at the Last Judgment of Your Son, a merciful intercessor will appear to us, may we always sing , we magnify and glorify Thee, as the good intercessor of the Christian race, with all those who have pleased God. Amen.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

The Iveron Icon is an Orthodox icon of the Virgin Mary, according to tradition, it was painted by the Apostle and Evangelist Luke. The icon is referred to as "Miracle-Working", meaning that numerous miracles were attributed to the intercession of the Mother of God by people praying before it. The original of this image is located in the Georgian monastery of Iver on Mount Athos in Greece, where it is believed to have been since 999.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God - description

The icon belongs to the family of images of the Virgin Mary known as Hodegetria ("She who shows the way"). In these icons, Christ the Child sits on the left hand of his mother, and the Mother of God is depicted pointing to Christ with her right hand.

A unique feature of this icon is that the scar is visible on right cheek Virgin Mary or her chin. There are many different traditions, but the most common among Orthodox Christians is that the icon was stabbed to death by a soldier in Nicaea during the Byzantine Iconoclasm under Emperor Theophilus (829-842). According to tradition, when the icon was stabbed, blood miraculously flowed out of the wound.

The original icon is encased in a chased chasuble made of silver and gold, covering almost the entire image except the face.

Icon of the Iveron Mother of God - history

In the 9th century, this icon was the personal property of a devout widow from Nicaea in Asia Minor, who kept and venerated it in her private chapel.

During the reign of the iconoclast Byzantine Emperor Theophilus, soldiers came to the widow's house. One of the soldiers hit the icon with a sword, and blood immediately began to flow out from the pierced cheek of the Virgin. Shocked by this miracle, the soldier instantly repented, renounced the iconoclastic heresy and entered a monastery. On his advice, the widow hid the icon to prevent its further desecration.

After prayer in front of the Iverskaya icon mother of God the widow placed the sacred image in the sea. The icon did not sink, but began to drift to the west. The widow's son, following her advice, also fled west to avoid persecution. He later became a monk and died on the north-eastern coast of Mount Athos near or in the Clement Monastery (now Iver Monastery). There he told the story of how his mother placed the Holy Icon on the waves, and this story was passed down from one generation of monks to another.

Finding an icon

Many years later, the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God appeared on the Holy Mountain. An amazing phenomenon puzzled all the monks of the Iveron Monastery: a column of fire stood directly above the sea and reached the heavens. At that time, the holy monk Gabriel was one of the brotherhoods in this monastery. The Mother of God appeared to him in a vision and called on him to convey to the abbot and brothers of the monastery that she wanted her Icon to be their help and salvation. She told Gabriel to approach the Icon on the water without fear and take it with his hands. Obeying the words of the Mother of God, says the Athos tradition, Gabriel “walked on the waters as on dry land.” He took the Icon and returned it to the shore, after which the Mother of God of Iveron was brought to the monastery and placed in the altar.

However, after its placement in the church, the Iveron Mother of God icon repeatedly disappeared and was located above the gates of the monastery inside.

In a dream, the Blessed Virgin told St. Gabriel that this was the place she herself had chosen so that she could protect the monks. Thus, the icon received the name “Portaitissa”, and to this day its presence in the monastery and on the Holy Mountain is considered as a guarantee of the protection of Athonite monasticism by the Most Holy Theotokos. Later, a chapel was built near the wall of the monastery, in which the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God was placed, and the old entrance was closed and a more grandiose one was built.

More from history

The traditional name of this icon was always "Portaitissa", but in later times the Icon became known as the Most Holy Theotokos "Iverskaya", in connection with the name of the monastery.

In 1648, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Nikonsky, while he was the archimandrite of the Novospassky Monastery, ordered an exact copy of the Iveron Icon, which was made and sent to Russia. Almost immediately after its arrival on October 13, the icon was glorified by numerous miracles attributed to it by believers. The Iverskaya Chapel was built in 1669 to anchor the image next to the Kremlin walls in Moscow. The chapel was the main entrance to Red Square, and traditionally everyone, from the tsar to the lowest peasant, stopped there to venerate the icon before entering the square.

After the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the chapel was destroyed by the Bolsheviks, and the Iveron Mother of God icon was moved to the Resurrection Cathedral in Sokolniki, where many icons and relics from closed and destroyed churches were placed. In 1995, the Iveron Chapel was rebuilt, and a new copy of the icon was made on the mountain.

Copies of the Iveron Mother of God

As often in the Orthodox Church, the icon is a prototype that has been copied many times. Some of the copies themselves are known to be miraculous, one of the most famous of which is located in Montreal in Canada. For fifteen years (1982-1997) myrrh flowed from the Icon. Brother José Muñoz devoted himself to caring for the icon. He accompanied her on numerous trips to parishes throughout the United States and Canada, South America, Australia, Europe. On the night of October 31, 1997, the custodian of the icon, José Muñoz, was brutally murdered in Athens, Greece, and the miraculous icon of Our Lady of Iveron disappeared without a trace...

The icon appeared shortly after the glorification of the New Martyrs of Russia, the Holy Royal Martyrs, it appeared in the place where the martyrs were first glorified...

In 2007, the Russian Orthodox Church in Hawaii released a new copy of the Iveron Mother of God, dedicated to the Montreal Stream.

In June 2008, the “Hawaiian” world Iveron icon was officially recognized as Russian Orthodox Church miraculous and worthy of veneration, and received a blessing to visit various churches and monasteries of Holy Orthodoxy.

Since June 2008, the icon of the Iveron Mother of God has more than 1000 churches in North America all (canonical) jurisdictions and is revered by millions of people throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and around the world. In many cities, the Holy Icon is taken from one parish to another, venerated by all Orthodox clergy and helps to establish and heal relationships between Orthodox believers, as well as strengthen ties between sister parishes.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God - meaning, what it helps with

Wherever the Holy Icon goes, the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother flourishes. People report that just by being in the presence of this Icon, you feel such an abundance of love and joy. It's truly indescribable. We are so blessed that God has shown His love for us by allowing us to experience what the saints call “the true scent of holiness.” The true meaning of the appearance of the Icon is known only to God; time will tell all things. But we know that God loves us. And that's all that matters...

The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God is an icon that is credited with numerous miracles such as physical and spiritual healings, including the healing of blindness and eye diseases, cancer, demonic possession, paralysis, kidney disease, chronic pain and debilitating viruses.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God - Memorial Day

IN church calendar The Iveron Icon is mentioned three times:

on Tuesday of Bright Week - finding the image on Mount Athos

Many prayers that are offered to the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God and merits in her honor testify to great love and veneration, which are contained among all the icons of the Mother of God, which are the spiritual beauty of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The holy image of the Iveron Mother of God is known to everyone Orthodox Christian. The miracles performed by the icon have been preserved in legends and have been passed down from generation to generation for several centuries. With the help of the prayers of the Mother of God, you will be able to overcome life's adversities and avoid troubles.

The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God was first mentioned in written sources in the 9th century. According to legend, a pious Georgian woman saved the holy image from the iconoclasts. The attackers pierced the icon with a spear, and a bleeding wound appeared on the face of the Mother of God. The pagans were frightened and fled, and the woman, at the command of the Mother of God, lowered the icon into water, and it floated to Mount Athos, where it was taken by the monks of the Iveron Monastery.

The meaning of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

Many copies were written from the miraculous image, and in all of them the Mother of God is depicted with a small bleeding wound on her face. In this way, the history of the Iveron Mother of God icon is preserved, and the memory of the miracles performed lives in every believer.

Every year, thousands of pilgrims come to the monastery on Mount Athos to venerate the holy icon and ask for help and protection. They pray to the Iveron Mother of God to strengthen their faith or to return doubting relatives to the path of Orthodoxy.

Since the image showed a miracle in great grief, the Iveron Virgin Mary is asked for relief from suffering and deliverance from mental anguish. There are cases when touching a miraculous image completely cured serious illnesses, so the Mother of God is asked to grant health and long life.

Prayers to the miraculous Iveron Icon

To pray to the miraculous icon, you need to have an image at home: according to the clergy, true faith will find a response from the Iveron Mother of God, even if you have never been to the Athos Monastery.

“Virgin Mother of God, hear me, a sinful servant of God! I call on You, I run to Your feet, having become lost in the darkness and lost in sin. Extend your hand to me, protect me from troubles and show me the path to the truth of God's faith. Do not leave me, weak and sinful, be the protection and patronage of all who pray to You. Amen".

“Virgin Mother of God, Most Holy Comforter of the weak and lost, hear me, a sinner, and bow to me. I ask You, do not leave me in fiery hell, ask Your Son and our God to grant me forgiveness of my sins and show me the path to true faith. Amen".

Great miracles associated with miraculous icons strengthen Christians’ faith in the almighty power and providence of God. Prayer in front of such an icon can help you find the true righteous path and even completely change your life. We wish you peace in your soul. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.04.2017 05:05

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, named after Mount Kykkos, helps people heal the most serious ailments. By contacting...

There are many icons in Orthodoxy, but some are especially revered by believers. One of these icons...

The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered in the Orthodox world. She has a miraculous gift that has helped all those who suffer many times.

The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God is revered by Christians all over the world. Prayers are offered to her by everyone who needs help and support. They ask the Mother of God for healing from all kinds of ailments, forgiveness for sins and impious acts. The grace emanating from the icon can show the path to correction, give hope for a bright future, and also heal diseases.

History of the icon

According to one legend, the Mother of God, together with the apostles, after the celebration of Pentecost, cast lots according to which they were supposed to go to Iveria (modern Georgia). However, she was stopped by God's messenger. The angel proclaimed that the Mother of God should remain in Jerusalem. Then she asked the apostles to bring her the board on which the icons were painted. Having washed herself, she kissed the board. She sent this icon along with the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, indicating that its image would accompany the messenger and give him strength in preaching Orthodoxy.

No less interesting is the discovery of a miraculous icon. There was peace in the Christian world, but not for long. Another wave of struggle against Orthodox icons. One day, iconoclasts burst into the church where the Iveron Icon was kept. At that time, one righteous woman and her son were praying there, with whose donations this cathedral was built. They demanded from her a large sum money, and upon hearing the refusal, one of the wicked hit the icon, which began to bleed. In horror, the iconoclasts ran out of the church, and the widow began to pray even more fervently, asking higher powers advice. They continued their prayer words on the seashore, and then placed the icon in the calm waters. Miraculously, the face of the Most Pure One rose and floated away in an unknown direction. The widow saved her son by ordering him to escape from the city, and the young man went to Athos. There he took monastic vows and told the monks the miraculous story of saving his face. After his death, the monks spent time on the seashore talking. Suddenly rose straight out of the water pillar of fire, which illuminated everything around with a bright flame. When the radiance subsided, among the waters they discovered the same face of the Iveron Mother of God. However, it was given into the hands of believers only after long prayers to the Lord. Since then, the Iversky Monastery has become her place of “habitat”.

Where is the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God located?

Initially, the face of the Mother of God was in Greece. In the 17th century, copies of the icon began to spread throughout Russia. Now the icon can be found in almost every corner of the country, and the most famous are the following churches:

  • Moscow, Novodevichy Convent;
  • Valdai, Iversky Monastery;
  • Tambov, Sukhotinsky Monastery;
  • Pechory, Pskov-Pechersky Monastery;
  • St. Petersburg, Resurrection Cathedral;
  • Samara, Iversky Monastery;
  • Rostov-on-Don, Holy Iversky Monastery.

Description of the miraculous face

The icon is written in classic style. On it we see the Mother of God, on whose left hand is the Baby. Right hand The Mother of God is raised in a blessing gesture, which simultaneously points to the Infant God. The wound depicted on the cheek of the Mother of God is an echo of the tragic events when one of the iconoclasts struck the icon with a sword. This part is distinctive feature icons. In the left hand of the Child there is a scroll with holy texts, and the right hand is raised in a gesture of blessing and directed towards the Mother.

How does the miraculous image of the Mother of God help?

Anyone who needs support and support in life can pray before the miraculous face. The Iveron Mother of God is entrusted with all the troubles of the heart and soul, asking for forgiveness of sins, instructions and protection. Prayer words heal many from physical and mental illnesses. Also, the Mother of God is the guardian of the hearth and household, protecting them from any evil, both human and devilish machinations. There are frequent cases of healing from fatal illnesses, as evidenced by records that have survived to this day. So, in 1982, a copy of the icon of Our Lady of Iveron in Canada began to exude myrrh during a divine service and healed parishioners from paralysis, blood diseases and other diseases.

Days of celebration icons

In the Orthodox world, Our Lady of Iveron is venerated several times a year:

  • February 25 (12 old style):
  • on Tuesday of Bright Week (celebration is temporary) in honor of the miraculous discovery of the icon on Mount Athos;
  • October 26 (13 according to the old style), the day the list from the icon was transferred to Moscow in 1648.

Prayers before the miraculous image

“Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, glory! Accept our prayers, spoken for the salvation of the souls of our sinners. Hear our words and do not leave the servants of God in confusion. Forgive us the sins that we repent of, and show us with your hand the path that ascends to the Lord. Comfort our spiritual sorrows and calm our bodily ailments. May we glorify the name of our Lord Almighty forever and ever. Amen".

“Mother of God and Intercessor of the entire human race! We offer prayers to You in humility. Deliver us, servants of God, from the machinations of the devil and from human gossip. Don’t let us drive ourselves into temptation and help us find the Kingdom of Heaven at the end of our life’s journey. Guide us, sinners, with your hand, Mother Virgin Mary, and protect us from the wicked and unbelievers. May I preach the Word of God and raise my children in Orthodoxy and beauty. protect our homes and families from any evil. Amen".

The icon of the Iveron Mother of God is found in many home iconostases. People resort to the help of the Mother of God, praise her for her protection and patronage, pray in front of her face, and also talk about victories in life. Anyone can buy this miraculous icon and pray before her not only in sorrow, but also in joy. We wish you happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

new entry

During its entire existence in Russia, not one of the revered icons of the Mother of God produced so many miraculous healings, how many of them were performed from the Iveron Icon. She always stood on guard, like an ambulance to people in troubles, misfortunes and illnesses. And today great grace pours out from the miraculous copies of the Iveron Icon. Everyone who comes to them with faith and hope receives help and healing.

The Iveron Icon is the patroness of Moscow. This is an image that has greeted people arriving in the Russian capital for many centuries. The icon, revered in Russia, is a copy of an ancient image that is kept in Greece on Mount Athos, in the Iveron Monastery.

The history of the Athos icon dates back to the 9th century. When the iconoclast emperor Theophilus ruled in Byzantium. The soldiers he sent everywhere to destroy holy icons came to one pious widow, in whose house the mentioned icon was kept. One of the soldiers hit the cheek of the Mother of God depicted on the icon with a sword. To his horror, blood began to flow from the wound. Struck by the miracle, the warrior fell to his knees with repentance and left the heresy (and later accepted monasticism). The widow decided to hide the holy icon in order to save it from desecration. The pious woman let her into the sea and the icon vertical position floated on the waves. The son of a pious widow subsequently went to Athos, where he spent time in monastic exploits. From him the Athonite monks learned about the icon that his mother had launched. This legend was preserved among the elders.

Many years later, the holy icon appeared “in a pillar of fire” on the morna near the Iveron monastery. At this time, the holy elder Gabriel lived in the Iversky Monastery. The Mother of God appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to inform the superiors and brethren that She wanted to give them Her icon for help and intercession, commanding the elder to approach the icon on the water without fear. The Monk Gabriel walked with faith straight through the water, took the icon and carried it to the shore.

The monks brought her into the monastery and placed her on the altar. The next day the icon was not there. After a long search, it was found on the wall above the monastery gates and taken to its original place. However, in the morning the icon was again above the gate. This happened several times. After this, a temple was built above the gates of the monastery, in which the holy icon remains to this day. By the name of the monastery it is called Iverskaya, and by its location above the gates - Goalkeeper.

Eight centuries have passed. Archimandrite Pachomius of the Iveron monastery went to Moscow to collect offerings in favor of the Athos monasteries. Returning, the grateful Pachomius ordered to gather all his brethren. From evening until morning, the monks performed great prayer singing together, blessed water with holy relics and poured it over the Iveron icon; then, collecting the water in a bowl, they poured it over a new cypress board. Having again collected the water in a bowl, they served the Divine Liturgy, and then gave this water to the best icon painter. He mixed holy water with paints and, maintaining a strict fast, began to paint an icon. The monks, to help him, celebrated all-night vigils and Liturgies twice a week. This is how a new Iveron image appeared, which was no different from the original.

In Moscow, the icon was solemnly greeted by Patriarch Joseph, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with his entire family, clergy, boyars and people. Then Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna took this icon into her chambers, and after her death the icon passed to her daughter Sofya Alekseevna, who became a monk in the Smolensk Novodevichy Convent. The holy icon remains there to this day.

In memory of the meeting of the Iveron Icon at the Resurrection Gate in Moscow, a chapel was built. Another list was written for her, which received the name Moskovsky. Soon miracles began to happen from him, and the chapel was instituted handwritten book to record them. How much the residents of Moscow and all of Russia who came to the capital revered the holy icon could be seen from the fact that, from early morning until evening, the chapel was constantly crowded with worshipers. In addition to general prayer services, custom prayer services were served almost continuously. At that time it was hardly possible to find a person in Moscow who, throughout his life, would not resort to prayer to the holy icon and would not find hope and consolation in this prayer.

In July 1929, the chapel was closed and then destroyed. And in November 1994, His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II consecrated the foundation stone of the chapel being restored. In 1996, work on the restoration of the chapel and the Resurrection Gate was completed and the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, painted specifically for this occasion, was brought to Moscow from the Iveron Monastery on Athos. The holy icon returned to the main gate of the city, which is patronized by the Mother of God.

What power there is in prayer...
And if it's difficult on the way,
I always asked the Lord
To give me strength to move forward.
My God will always hear me
In quiet and simple prayer,
He will send me cheerfulness from above,
He will give my soul peace.
When it's hard for me, lonely,
When my heart is heavy,
And Satan is nearby
Their bad thoughts sends
Always addressed in prayer
To Him, Heavenly Father,
And the heart suddenly became free,
He wiped a tear from his face.
My friend, when there is anxiety in the soul,
Bow down before the Lord,
Give your problems to God
And pray quietly in faith.
There is great power in prayer
The Lord will always understand you
Prayers don't go unnoticed
God awaits your prayers with love.

Healing prayer before the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

The miracles from this ancient icon are so numerous that they began to be recorded in a special book. The elderly man suffered from such severe memory loss that he did not recognize his family and did not understand what was being said to him. The myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon and the miraculous prayer to the Mother of God cured a patient of sclerosis. A small icon placed in a car saved the driver from a terrible accident; another time, the same small icon placed on a deep cut was able to stop severe blood loss. Sincere prayers to the Iveron Mother of God relieve infertility, heal eye diseases, and help get rid of drunkenness.

Sincere prayer to the Iveron Mother of God

Powerful Prayers The Iveron Mother of God not only heals illnesses, but also helps in everyday affairs. With a miraculous prayer, farmers ask the Iveron Icon for soil fertility and protection of crops from fire. The blessings of the Mother of God are asked before starting any business. It also helps in family matters - it restores mutual understanding between spouses. It should be remembered that the Mother of God is formidable towards unrepentant sinners, therefore the Orthodox prayer to the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God must be sincere, and the person asking for help must observe Christian commandments.

Text Orthodox prayer Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

Oh, Most Holy Lady and Lady Theotokos, accept our unworthy prayer and save us from slander evil people and from vain death, and grant us repentance before the end, have mercy on our prayer, and grant us joy in a sad place. And deliver us, Lady, from all misfortune and adversity, sorrow and sorrow and from all evil. And make us, your sinful servants, worthy to be at the right hand at the second coming of Your Son, Christ our God, and as our heirs to be made worthy to be the kingdom of heaven and eternal life, with all the saints throughout the endless ages of ages. Amen.

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