Flowers-amulets: magical properties of plants for luck, love and money. Magical plants: how to use the energy of plants and their magical properties for the benefit of your home and family

Love magic of flowers

Hello. The topic of this section is flower love magic.

We all need to believe that we are loved and lovable. When we begin life wrapped in the veil of our own innocence and bathed in mother's love, we are confident in both. Love is not in doubt, but as time passes, our confidence becomes less unconditional. When you look at yourself today, would you still insist on two statements that any baby would make if he could say: “I am infinitely loved. I am infinitely attractive." Yours life experience contradicts this statement.

It is a well-known fact that our ancestors actively turned to the plant kingdom during the celebration of various significant events in their lives, during religious and pagan rituals. Origins love magic laid down in ancient times. In modern witchcraft, the attitude towards love has also been updated. Many women turn to healers and psychics to return their loved one and attract love. The simplest flower magic can help you.

Indeed, many plants have magical, miraculous qualities. Certain plants, selected according to the astrological calendar and planted in the house, can bring back love. Many recipes are lost, forgotten, but are restored by modern sorcerers who take them from ancient books. Rose, lavender, thyme, sage, and rosemary have a beneficial effect on kindling love in the heart. Pink from time immemorial it is considered the color of love, because it is subject to the planet Venus, attracts and spreads it magical power. Rose is the queen of love.
Moreover, all varieties of its colors - red, yellow and white - have the ability to attract the magical influence of Venus. Most blue and blue flowers also subject to Venus - the planet of love. They attract a piece of her powerful influence, bringing happiness and love. Forget-me-not and periwinkle help improve matters of the heart. Myrtle is still in Ancient Greece was considered a plant of the goddess Aphrodite. If you want to cast a spell, you can use lemon verbena. In general, to practice divination, you can grow herbs and flowers, which have been considered witchcraft since ancient times, and arrange a magical corner in your dacha or garden. Caring for magical plants is no different from the generally accepted rules for caring for indoor flowers. Do not forget to water, spray, fertilize, loosen the soil on time and miracle plants will help you return your white streak of life. . For good luck in matters of the heart, modern magicians recommend picking several white flowers on the day of the full moon and placing them in a vase on the windowsill so that the flowers can absorb moonlight, absorb beneficial influence Moons. In order for luck to favor you everywhere and everywhere, you can plant flowers belonging to the sign of Jupiter, the ruler of prosperity: lilac, honeysuckle, almonds. Life force, the energy and light that the Sun emits is absorbed by sunflowers and bright golden daisies. Solar plants include laurel and heliotrope. It is believed that flowers grown with one's own hands enhance the effect of love.
drink, conspiracy. Indoor plants are also suitable for divination, for which there is always a corner in the house. The most common plant with magical properties is considered to be geranium. Its bright red flowers radiate vital energy and the strength it can give you when you feel powerless and tired. Pink geranium is favorable for love affairs, and white geranium promotes the birth of children. You can grow a domestic rose in your home, and a fern will also take root in your apartment. Cyclamen grown in a window will ward off bad dreams.

How can you cast a spell on a flower? If you have been single for a long time, and you want the one you are waiting for to appear near you, we can recommend the following: in the evening, when the aroma of flowers intensifies, go, for example, to night violets and say something like this:

I want to love with all my heart.

I feel sad living without love.

Hear, fate, my prayers!

Your loved one has come to me!

Love is with me, love is in me.

Come, my beloved, to me!

Otherwise I will burn and die.

I'll melt like a candle in the wind.

The flower gave me all its love.

I want to love again and again!

But not only living plants can arouse feelings of love. You can rip them off (magicians claim that this should be done best in moonlit night) and dry. Then sew them into a rectangular silk bag of pale blue or emerald green and wear it around your neck. Can be attached to inside linen


Magical actions take place on Friday after seven o'clock in the evening. Take 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and 0.5 teaspoon of linden honey, mix them in
glassware glass rod. Wash your face and apply the mixture on it. Then repeat the spell 7 times:

“You, thorny sap-flower,

And you, linden honey,

Take away the old age from your face,

And strengthen the beauty.

To make women jealous,

And the men were licking their lips.”

After you have repeated the words 7 times, wash your face with warm water with your right hand while saying the words:

“Water on the face - beauty on the face,

Water from the face - old age from the face.”

Repeat these steps every Friday for 7 weeks and your skin will become soft and youthful.

You can also hang aromatic balls made from orange in your room. Take a ripe orange, which must be kept in hot water for some time, and a handful of cloves (meaning spice). This clove is stuck into the surface of the fruit. The orange is placed in a dry place for about two weeks. After this, it can be hung. You can wrap it in gauze, place it in a net, and tie it with ribbon. You can put the “ball” at the head of the bed, or place it on a bookshelf, remembering to periodically replace the oranges as the smell disappears.

A ritual for attractiveness and self-confidence.

Buy on Wednesday white rose. Place it in a vase at the head of the bed. Pick one petal every evening. At the same time you say

“The power of the white rose give me self-confidence.

The beauty of the white rose give me charm.

The aroma of a white rose give me faith in my strength.”

You should be focused, nothing should distract or disturb you. Do this every evening according to the number of rose petals. Dry and hide all the plucked petals. When you pick the last petal, take out all the dried petals. Sew a linen bag and put them there. This will be your talisman of strength and self-confidence. The bag should not be seen by strangers. Keep it at home in a secluded place. It's best to put it under your pillow.

Dry the stem and leaves of the white rose and burn it at the crossroads on Wednesday. At the same time, you need to imagine how your fears and problems associated with
with a lack of self-confidence.

This ritual can be performed once every six months. After the third ceremony, you need to give nine white roses to unfamiliar girls with white hair in one day.

Finishing the conversation about the magic of flowers, let's say a few words about color - the colors of love. Red color is a symbol of beauty, life and, of course, love. (By the way, they help from evil spirits red fabrics, threads, corals, all red flowers, easter eggs.) Black color - symbolizes innermost and passionate desire. Among the Arabs, the expression “blackness of the eyes” means beloved, “blackness of the heart” means love. Blue- means honesty, fidelity, chastity and good reputation of a woman. Green- the color of female melancholy.

If I dream about family life It just doesn’t come true, think, maybe the violet doesn’t want a man to live in the house? Like camellia, which is also considered a flower of loneliness. For married couples with children these flowers will bring more happiness. Violets, thanks to their magical energy, will not let you in depressed mood to the house. Specimens blooming in lilac shades can cleanse the house by removing negative energy from it.

Introverted and shy people need to plant a camellia in a flower pot, it will help get rid of complexes, become more confident, and believe in their attractiveness. To attract the opposite sex like a magnet, place it in your home.

An orchid will improve your mood and cleanse the energy at home. Photo:

Place spathiphyllum in your bedroom; it’s not called the plant of love for nothing. If a single woman wants to find a soul mate, let her place an anthurium in her bedchamber. It is believed to attract men, just like the Chinese rose. Therefore, be sure to place these flowers in your home.

Also classified as a flower of love. This elegant plant will improve your mood and cleanse the energy of the house, just like balsam, which is popularly called Vanka wet. It will help the home atmosphere to be positive and will purify the air.

Violets, thanks to their magical energy, will not let a depressive mood into the house.

Has magical properties and indoors white lily. It must be positioned so that the light from the moon falls on the buds. Then he will feed them at night, and during the day the plant will begin to give up its magical powers the woman who is the owner of the plant.

In addition to domestic plants that are useful from an energy point of view, there are also harmful ones. Thus, the majestic monstera is a powerful vampire, like Dieffenbachia. These indoor vines are capable of taking energy from people. Their negativity is especially evident in small rooms, where it is extremely undesirable to place these indoor plants. It is better to place in large offices, medical institutions where many people pass every day. Here these plants can even become useful, as they will cleanse the space.

For your home, choose plants with positive energy. Photo:

It is also not advisable to place ferns at home; if you have a strong desire to grow such plants, do not place them in the bedroom, nursery, or where family members spend a lot of time. It's better to take them out winter garden or place it on a glassed-in balcony, heated in winter.

It is better to grow cacti for those who have a calm character. Too much active people can become aggressive when in proximity to domestic needle plants.

When breeding flowers, it is important to know what appearance plants can be grown in one room or another. Thus, Feng Shui does not recommend placing in the living room or bedroom those that have leaves and flowers with pointed and torn edges. It is believed that these representatives of the flora are capable of emitting negative energy.

The language of flowers is the basis, the basics of the ancient occult science - floromancy. It has evolved over centuries, absorbing knowledge about the properties of plants, their strength, and influence. And, of course, divination with the help of flowers and fortune telling with flowers are also components of floromancy.

In the Middle Ages, and even during the Renaissance, the meaning of each flower was known not only to sorcerers, healers and alchemists (potions making and herbology were closely related), but also ordinary people. A bouquet chosen in a certain way could not only tell about feelings and intentions, help in love, but also relieve emotional distress and break off outdated relationships.
Lilies of the valley presented as a gift mean that the giver is a very sensual and gentle person who can make you happy. If you want the relationship to develop and lead to marriage, you should put the bouquet in a glass vase (not crystal) and say to yourself: “The lily of the valley is simple, for me golden, whoever gives it to him will not forget me.”
If you prefer lilies of the valley, it means that you are characterized by isolation - this prevents you from building a career and making friends. To overcome this quality in yourself, rub a lily of the valley leaf between your palms and say: “I was reputed to be a beech, life was torment, but when it opened up, fate was renewed, in business there was luck, in friends there was consolation.”
Beware of the man who gave you the forest bells. Here is a typical talker and womanizer. But if he is dear to you anyway, try to moderate his ardor a little with the help of this ritual. Place one bell (not a twig, but a flower) at the porch of your house and say: “Don’t wander on other people’s paths - come to me, don’t get along with others - stay with me.” Believe me, he will change soon.
If you have a weakness for bells, it means you are very impulsive, and for this reason you seem harsh to others, which prevents you from establishing relationships not only with the opposite sex, but also with your family. This problem can be solved like this. In the evening, throw 3 flowers into a mug of water, let them sit overnight, and in the morning wash your face with this water and say: “Rudeness, go away, tenderness, enter the door.” I pour water so people can hang out with me.”
What can you say about those who give daisies? You can't get a word out of this man. Even if he burns with love and tenderness for you, you will not know about it. True, there is always a way out, and the flower itself suggests it. Find an unopened bud in the bouquet, open it and whisper: “Sweet and loving, but stingy with affection, I open the flower - (name) urge me to open up and share tenderness.” A love of daisies may mean that you are extremely frugal, and organizing a household budget is not your strong point. Try to fix this with this ritual. Tear off the chamomile petals, put them in your wallet with the words: “I wasn’t rich, spending got in the way, I turned to the chamomile, and instantly changed.”
If a man gave you daffodils, it means he is quite a narcissist. To reduce his narcissism and direct attention to himself, you need to say, when accepting flowers (so that he does not hear): “Beautiful and handsome, not like others, but don’t admire yourself, be charmed by me.”
If daffodils are the flowers that you always want to see on your table, then you are an integral, self-sufficient woman who confidently achieves any goal. Just a little more, and the whole world will be at your feet. To strengthen success and fulfill your desire, move your palm right hand(clockwise) over a bouquet of your favorite flowers and say to yourself: “Narcissus is a flower for all flowers, beautiful and austere, what is planned for it will come true.”
Receive forget-me-nots with gratitude and special trepidation. After all, the person who brought them is the most faithful and devoted. This is the prince you have been dreaming about for so long. Don't miss your chance. Place the bouquet on the windowsill and say: “Forget-me-not was given as a souvenir, for the common destiny it is spelled out, to show off the forget-me-not - we will not part.”
Love for forget-me-nots speaks of indecision, and for this reason, failures often accompany you. Flowers will help correct the situation. Place 3 branches of forget-me-nots between the pages of any magazine or book, while saying: “Be buried for the time being - don’t deal with misfortune, come to me - charge your fate with success.” If you are presented with a bouquet of violets, be wary. This characterizes the person who gave it as a very aggressive person, capable of more than just a harsh word when angry. You can prevent rudeness towards yourself and reduce aggression to nothing with the help of a ritual. Throw any image of a heart into a vase of violets, you can simply draw it on a piece of paper, and say: “Violet-violet, stand neither shaky nor unsteady, raised on matters of the heart, directed towards feelings. The giver of these flowers should not be rude, but honor and love me.”
The love for violets, especially ordinary field ones, reveals an artistic nature. This means that there is a poet, or an artist, or a composer dormant in you. If such inclinations have not yet revealed themselves, call on your flower for help. Take a violet, place it on the area of ​​your heart and say three times: “Put the violet on your chest, be my guide.” My flower - reveal your talent! After this ritual you will definitely create something special.
Only a person whose feelings for you have cooled somewhat and who plans to break up in the near future can present cornflowers. Don't want this to happen? Burn one of the flowers in the flame of a candle, saying: “There will be no separation, I will not be considered abandoned. Cornflower smolder, (name) burn with passion for me.”
Do you like cornflowers? It is easy to guess that you have some health problems, and you are also not very active and mobile. We need to fight this. The magic of the flower will help you. Place a bouquet of cornflowers on the bedside table at night, saying: “Field cornflower, stand next to me - give me health. Give life movement to my joy and to everyone’s surprise.”

Each houseplant has its own energy, which affects a person in different ways. For example, it is believed that the fat plant attracts money, and the cactus scares away robbers and bad people.

An ordinary flower can become an excellent amulet of protection and a talisman of good luck. The main thing is to know which plant will help solve a particular problem.

Magical properties of amulets flowers

From problems in your personal life. Are there few suitors around or do relationships with men never go beyond the first date? Esotericists recommend having oxalis or hibiscus in the bedroom - flowers that attract love and passion. For sexual liberation, it is recommended to plant an avocado seed.

From gossip and imaginary friends. Tradescantia will help you get rid of talking behind your back and ward off people who only bring you grief.

From quarrels in the house. If scandals often arise in the house, get a violet in the house and place it in the room where showdowns most often occur. This indoor amulet flower will absorb all the negativity.

From evil spirits in the house. If you often wake up in your nose from strange sounds, it seems to you that someone is rattling dishes in the kitchen, and in general, you are sure that someone from an unknown world lives in the house, get a fern.

To attract money and success. In addition to the well-known fat plant, dracaena, bamboo and palm trees attract good luck and money to the house.

From cheating From adultery the rose will protect. This flower has always been considered a symbol of fidelity and purity.

You need to look after your amulet flower and provide proper care. By the way, do not be afraid that those plants that are designed to protect may wither. This means that they have averted trouble from your home. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.02.2015 09:02

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Flowers decorate our home, bring beauty to life, and lift our spirits. In addition, colorful fragrant bouquets involuntarily protect us from evil spirits and other wickedness.

In the summer we often go outside the city, to the dacha. Many of us like to walk through the forest and collect bouquets, but few realize that famous and seemingly simple wildflowers have unusual magical properties.

How to learn to use hidden forces plants? Collect bouquets of those herbs that you need for one thing or another: for protection, for health, for happiness in your personal life, and everything will certainly work out for you.

St. John's wort– one of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs in central Russia. All evil fears him just as much as daylight. This plant absorbs sunlight, immediately affects the entire human body, cleansing it. St. John's wort is good for depression, fatigue, colds. It allows the soul, body and mind to merge into one. St. John's wort is used as infusions and aromatic oil. Previously, in Rus', this herb often replaced tea, which was very good: in our climate there is a noticeable lack of solar energy.

St. John's wort gains its greatest strength in mid-July.

Ivan da Marya– one of the anti-demonic herbs widespread in Russia. It is mainly used in the form of infusions. This plant allows the body to achieve the energy of harmony between Yin and Yang. With the help of the body's reserves, it eliminates energy holes into which evil penetrates and calms the nervous system. With constant use of the plant, a person noticeably becomes prettier. But this herb does not retain its strength for long - during a full lunar month. When dried, it loses about 10% of its healing properties every month, although the chemical composition remains the same.

Don’t miss the opportunity to wash yourself with a broom from Ivan da Marya in the evening on Ivan Kupala Day to wash away the unfavorable energy that suppresses beauty and well-being.

Nettle has the ability to counteract evil witchcraft. This plant was used for weakening of the body and impotence, and was placed under the soles of the shoes of the enchanted person. Nettle brooms were used to sweep negative energy out of the house. Rugs for the hallway were woven from the stems to deprive the evil power of those entering the house. Nettle has the greatest power on the young Moon, but you must pick it without fear and without anger at the burns. Nettle is a warrior plant by nature - it does not like cowards and aggressors. To better preserve the healing properties of nettles, it is best to cut them with a knife.

The plant cannot be cut out by the roots: half of its strength is lost, because the connection with the place where it grew disappears.

Sedge protects against love and love spells. If you begin to suspect that they are trying to bewitch someone, scatter fresh sedge on the floor of their home. You can carry sedge root with you - good protection against unclean thoughts from the stronger sex. Flowers help drive away love obsessions and show the chosen one in his true light. If your loved one intends to connect his life with an unworthy person and does not want to listen to any arguments, arrange for the lovers to end up in the evening in a house with bunches of flowering sedge hanging in the corners and a candle burning on the table.

Dinner in such a room will open a person's eyes.

They used them to tell fortunes about the future fate; a secret wreath (the one that decorated the effigy of Kupala all night around the fire) was hung in the house above the door so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass it. Wormwood is a whimsical plant. It grows slowly, so try not to cut it off at the root.