Lilies according to the dream book. Dream interpretation of white lilies

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Smelling a lily flower or holding it in your hands in a dream is a sign of fulfillment of desires, delight, bliss, and honors. White lilies portend true love, and red ones warn you of harmful passion. Seeing a lily in a dream means that your hope may come true. However, smelling the smell of lilies and choking on it in a dream threatens ruin.

Picking a lily in a dream means that you have the intelligence to resist temptation. Sometimes such a dream predicts that your poor health needs strengthening and constant monitoring. If you dream of other people with lilies, then they are too weak to be your partners or enemies. Clothing embroidered with lilies predicts exaltation, royal honors, wealth and respect. See flowers.

Why do you dream of a lily according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

A lily in a dream symbolizes spiritual power. Carrying lilies in your hands is a moral authority, platonic love. Throwing or tearing lilies means going against the law, breaking the rules of decency. Lilies growing in water - you strive to material well-being, and to spiritual self-improvement. Lilies white portend true love. Yellow or red lilies - do not trust flattering people-pleasers and big talkers. Care for lilies, grow the most different varieties- an early and hasty marriage will lead to an equally quick divorce.

In reality, the lily is a symbol of spiritual purity, sincerity, peace and harmony in life. But what can this fragrant bud from the world of dreams portend for the sleeper? According to the dream book, you should pay as much attention as possible to the details of what you see. After all, the whole meaning of dream interpretation is hidden in them. And they will be the ones who will be able to answer exactly the question of why this magnificent flower is dreamed of.

To danger

If in a dream you saw a water lily, then in reality you are destined for a date that will take place nearby at some reservoir. Did you dream of a lake with flowers? Get ready for a pleasant and relaxing holiday. Did you happen to collect them? You cannot avoid boring and routine work in reality. Were you sailing on a boat on a pond and saw a single lily? According to the dream book, you are in serious danger. And it will come from water. Be careful and attentive.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book insists that the bouquet foreshadows a hasty marriage for a young girl. However, only time will tell how happy he will be. The seer believes that the likelihood of a quick divorce is very high. If in a dream you enjoyed the aroma of these magnificent flowers, then in everyday life sadness will take over your heart and cleanse your soul.

To the wedding bells

Often, the interpretation of a dream also depends on how many inflorescences you saw in your dream. One lily most often foreshadows serious changes.

Seeing lilies in a dream means severe punishment by illness or sorrow.

Seeing lilies in lush foliage means early marriage at a young age and a quick subsequent separation.

Seeing small children among lilies is an indication of their weakness and fragility.

For a young woman, collecting lilies or admiring them means deep sadness combined with joy, since the one she loves will suffer greatly physically.

If a woman sees the lilies withered, sadness is closer than she might imagine.

To dream that you are inhaling the aroma of these flowers means that sadness will cleanse your soul and unusually sharpen your mind.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Lily mean?

This charming flower is a sign of future happiness and prosperity achieved through hard work and good behavior. For a lover, he promises a virtuous beloved. Lily is a symbol of purity and therefore always portends good things. For family people, this is a sign of happiness in marriage. If you see a fading lily in a dream, then your most ardent desires will not come true. Such a dream foreshadows failure, the death of a lover or friend.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

See Lily in a dream

Lily is a sign of chastity that you will encounter in your life. If you dream of withered lilies, the dream warns you of the futility of your hopes.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

What do Lily's dreams mean?

Lily - Luck. The plant is a sign of a pleasant pastime. On fabric - to success in business. On the body - to money and profit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What does Lily mean in a dream?

Smelling or holding a lily flower in your hands in a dream is a sign of fulfillment of desires, delight, bliss, and honors. White lilies foretell true love, while red ones warn you of destructive passion. Seeing a lily in a dream means that your hope may come true. However, smelling the smell of lilies and choking on it in a dream threatens ruin. Picking a lily in a dream means that you have the intelligence to resist temptation. Sometimes such a dream predicts that your poor health needs strengthening and constant monitoring. If you dream of other people with lilies, then they are too weak to be your partners or enemies. Clothing embroidered with lilies predicts exaltation, royal honors, wealth and respect. See interpretation: flowers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Lily

Lily is often dreamed of by those women who subconsciously feel either guilty of something, or deserve punishment for some act that caused great harm to an outsider or to a loved one. Therefore, for a young woman to collect or admire lilies in a dream means deep sadness. Most likely, the young man she truly loves will suffer greatly due to physical pain. If the lilies are withered in a dream, then sadness will come faster than one might expect. Inhaling the aroma of these flowers means that sadness and repentance will soon clear the conscience and soul, opening the way good deeds and charity.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

Interpretation of the dream Lily

Lovers who dream of a lily in the foliage are destined for an early marriage and an equally quick separation. A young woman who dreams that she is collecting lilies or admiring them will experience sadness and joy at the same time, as she will experience love for a person whose lot is physical suffering.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

What Lily predicts in a dream

Seeing lilies growing in water in a dream speaks of the close intertwining of material interests and the desire for spiritual self-improvement in your destiny. Collecting blossoming lilies from a boat portends a relaxing holiday in the lap of nature in rural areas. Tearing green lilies, neglecting white ones - such a dream foreshadows that in reality you will do a useless task.

If in a dream your admirer climbs into cold water lake or pond to send a bouquet of lilies for you - it means his love for you is genuine; if he refuses to fulfill your whim, most likely you will soon have to part with him.

Seeing decorative garden lilies in a dream foreshadows severe punishment for a serious offense. If they are white, this portends true love for you in reality, if different colors– do not trust flattering people-pleasers and big talkers. Caring for lilies and growing a wide variety of them in your garden means early and too hasty marriage, which will lead to an equally hasty divorce.

Walking through the garden, choosing the best lilies for a bouquet, is a harbinger of deep sadness at the news that your beloved will be seriously injured as a result of a road accident.

Putting a bouquet of lilies in a vase means you will receive money, which will be less than you expected. A quickly wilting bouquet of lilies foretells that the plan will have to be postponed indefinitely. If in a dream your loved one buys and gives you huge bouquet lilies - in reality you will be puzzled by an unexpected proposal to marry him. Buying lilies yourself means you will experience sadness from loneliness and hopelessness. Feeling the smell of lilies in a dream means you will have to do household chores.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does it mean to see Lily in a dream

A sign of future success.

Imagine the aroma of blooming lilies, their delicate, exquisite flowers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation of sleep Lily

Lilies dream of severe punishment.

A lily in lush foliage means early marriage and quick separation.

If you dreamed of children among the lilies, take this as an indication of their weakness and fragility.

A young woman who collects lilies in a dream or admires them will experience deep sadness combined with joy.

If a woman saw the lilies withered, sadness is very close.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does Lily's dream predict?

A lonely lily is a symbol of great and tender love hidden behind a mask of restraint.

A bouquet of lilies: a sign of unbridled passions that will be very difficult for you to cope with.

Withered or dried lilies: portend tragic love or even grief.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

The meaning of the dream Lily

Hope never leaves you.

Smelling a lily means ruin.

Tearing lilies means depleting the strength of the soul and body, speaking out against the authorities.

Receiving lilies as a gift means help from a good person.

A lily stem without a flower is a warning against deception, misconceptions, and mistakes in leadership.

A lily in the hands of another person is a symbol of his power over you or his spiritual purity.

Scarlet lilies - symbolize platonic love, passionate friendship.

Yellow lilies are a sign of evil, insidious power.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

See Lily in a dream

Lily - power and above all spiritual power/authority.

Tearing lilies means depleting the strength of the soul and body / speaking out against the authorities.

Carrying them in your hand means your inner readiness for what is happening.

Throwing lilies is a warning against unbridled passions that destroy the best in the soul.

A lily stem without a flower is a warning against deception, delusion, erroneous guidance.

A lily in the hands of another person is a symbol of his power over you or his spiritual purity.

Scarlet lilies - platonic love / passionate friendship

Interpretation of dreams from

Lily is one of the most versatile and even controversial flower symbols. It is identified with Christian religiosity, purity, and innocence. Christians believed that the lily sprouted from the tears of Eve when she left heaven. It is also an emblem of the Virgin Mary, one of whose names is the Madonna Lily. The triple lily is a symbol of the Trinity and three virtues: Faith, Hope and Charity. The lily was also an attribute of many saints.

In classical mythology, the lily as a symbol of purity goes back to the idea of ​​milk pouring from the breast of the earth goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus. According to ancient traditions, the lily is also associated with fertility and erotic love due to its arrow-shaped or spear-shaped (phallic) pistil and its specific strong aroma. Lilies symbolized the prosperity and royal power of Byzantium, which is why they became the emblem of the French kings.

Since the Renaissance, the lily has appeared in art as a symbol of good news. The lily represents perfection, so the expression “gilding the lily” means trying to improve something that does not need improvement. Seeing white lilies in a dream foretells voluptuous love, bliss and bliss. This flower also has an erotic meaning in dreams, so collecting a bouquet of lilies can speak of love adventures and erotic pleasures. If in your dream the lilies have faded, then this dream foreshadows the end love relationship and sadness.

Vanga's Dream Book

Lily means innocence, but, according to Vanga, this is a bad sign. Lilies in a dream represent a serious illness, and this is a well-deserved retribution for what was done earlier, for evil deeds and ignorance. Soon the black streak will come. Lilies in lush grass - a quick marriage in your youth. This is a warning dream, this hasty marriage can end in a break in the relationship if the chosen one is deprived of attention.

If an unmarried woman collects lilies and admires them, then this is a sign of sadness. She is probably experiencing the pangs of unrequited love. Once you look around, there are other better candidates for her heart and soul. And it will be useful to forget this person. A mother who saw her children among lilies in a dream should take more care of the upbringing and health of her children. There is a possibility of serious illness. Don't forget that this is a symbol of the fragility of a child's body.

Withered lilies foretell a girl not having the best stage in her life, associated with loneliness and depression. It’s better not to isolate yourself, but to distract yourself and do what you love. Inhaling the aroma of these flowers in a dream means that the girl will even benefit from sadness in her soul. She will be able to clear her mind, which will serve as a favorable factor in decision making.

Family Dream Book

Smelling a lily flower or holding it in your hands in a dream is a sign of fulfillment of desires, delight, bliss, and honors. White lilies foretell true love, while red ones warn you of destructive passion. Seeing a lily in a dream means that your hope may come true. However, smelling the smell of lilies and choking on it in a dream threatens ruin.

Picking a lily in a dream means that you have the intelligence to resist temptation. Sometimes such a dream predicts that your poor health needs strengthening and constant monitoring. If you dream of other people with lilies, then they are too weak to be your partners or enemies. Clothing embroidered with lilies predicts exaltation, royal honors, wealth and respect. See interpretation: Flowers.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed of lilies, it means that you will be sick or suffer, and this will be a severe but fair punishment for you for something. Lilies in lush leaves portend early marriage at a young age, as well as a quick subsequent separation. There were small children among the lilies - this is a sign of their weakness and fragility. Admiring the beauty of lilies or collecting them - a young woman after such a dream will experience both sadness and joy: her future lover is destined for severe physical suffering. Seeing lilies withered means that for a woman, sadness is much closer than she might think. Smelling lilies - sadness will serve to cleanse your soul and sharpen your mind to an extraordinary degree.

Modern Dream Interpretation

As a rule, the lily comes into the dreams of those people who at the subconscious level experience a feeling of guilt (with a rash act they could once unwittingly cause pain to a loved one or a stranger). If a young woman dreams that she is admiring lilies or collecting them in a bouquet, then the dream predicts that sadness will lurk somewhere in the depths of her soul. This may mean that her lover will become seriously ill and will suffer greatly.

Withered lilies dream of sad events that will occur in the near future. If you dream that you inhale the aroma of lilies, this means your immediate repentance. Tears will cleanse your soul, and you will begin to do good and do charity.

Chinese Dream Book

Picking a flower means meeting your other half. Such a meeting promises something more, strong mutual love. Large white lilies are a loyal and very decent person who you can rely on at any time, who will not betray you for anything. Multi-colored lilies announce that you have made the wrong conclusions. Rather than embarrass yourself later for ignorance and bad manners, it is better to consider the event in detail than to make a hasty decision. If you enjoy flowers in a dream, expect guests. Selling lilies - take a closer look at your surroundings, do not let your loved one deceive you. You will have a chance to expose him, don't miss it.

Freud's Dream Book

Picking a lily in a dream means there is a chance to bypass temptation, protect yourself in the face of danger, and prevent trouble. Other people with a bouquet of lilies mean that your superiority over your rivals is so powerful that they are unable to resist you. Flowers that have hung their buds signal possible health complications, I suggest you relax a little and devote time to yourself. If there are lilies in the picture of the clothes you are wearing, it means that your opinion is authoritative, it is respected and they listen to you.

English Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed of a lily, it means that the result of your diligent work and exemplary lifestyle will be happiness and prosperity in all your affairs. For lovers, the dream promises virtuous chosen ones. Since the lily is a symbol of purity, its meaning is almost always associated with goodness. For family people it promises happiness

Lily is a flower with a rich history. Since ancient times, it has been a symbol of purity and youth. Once upon a time, beauty and grace made the lily the favorite flower of the upper class. Today, enjoy its exquisite appearance And subtle aroma everyone can. What to expect if you see lilies in a dream?

If you dreamed of garden lilies, wait big changes in life. Perhaps you will start a new relationship, find another job, or move altogether. It won't be easy for you, but this sharp turn will definitely lead you to happiness.

If you throw flowers in a dream, your behavior may go beyond certain limits. The dream book warns that you should not give in to temptations, otherwise your reputation will suffer. Inhaling the scent of lilies means understanding your feelings. Most likely, the reason for this will not be the most joyful events. However, if you lose something, you will gain a lot.

A dream in which you buy or give lilies foreshadows disappointment. Cold shower invigorates, so next time you will not create illusions. Well, sometimes you have to learn from your mistakes.

If you are presented with a huge bouquet of flowers, get ready for the wedding. A proposal from a loved one is just around the corner, followed by a happy family life.

If you refused a gift in a dream, it means you should think about your pickiness in reality. Push your own boundaries and learn a lot about yourself and the people around you, and you will like it.

If in a dream you planted a lily bulb, your biggest dream will soon come true. And a dream in which you watch a flower bloom means early marriage.

Mermaids flower

There are several interpretations of what a water lily dreams about.

  • If you see water lilies on the water, you are probably in for a vacation fresh air near a pond.
  • The same plot may indicate that you will soon have a date on the shore of a lake or pond.
  • Also, dreaming of flowers can promise a meeting with a very modest, kind person.
  • In addition, such a dream may indicate the strength of your feelings, which you have not yet realized.
  • Or maybe this is a hint that you think too little about your health.

Swimming in and collecting blossoming water lilies is a futile task. Maybe do something worthwhile? Find a job that will bring you money and be appreciated.

If you dreamed that a man was entering the water to pick flowers for you, his feelings are genuine. Brave and loving - you can marry someone like that. So take a closer look.

A fan refused your desire to receive it - which means that in reality he is not ready for much for your sake. Don't waste your time on him, you deserve better.

The color of flowers tells a lot. If you look in the dream book, white water lilies foretell a joyful event. Red - disagreements with someone close. Seeing yellow lilies in a dream means receiving a lucrative offer.