Rituals for waning. Love magic spells. Spell for money on the waning moon

Most experienced magicians and sorcerers claim that some conspiracies need to be read specifically on the killing moon. These include conspiracies to get rid of illness, loneliness, failure and poverty. The moon decreases and along with it takes away from a person what he so badly wants to get rid of. Today we will tell you how to correctly carry out proven spells for the waning moon at home.

We fight drunkenness

These are very powerful rituals that help cure any alcoholic from alcohol addiction. In carrying out such rituals, the faith of the performer and the victim that they will certainly work is very important. So, let's look at what conspiracies can be read on the waning moon against alcoholism.

Magic on white fabric

To make such a spell for the waning moon, you will need a completely new piece of white terry. Take it in your hands new thing, stand by the window so that the moon illuminates the thing with its light. Then read the words of the conspiracy:

“God’s servant (name of object) will wipe himself with this thing. She will absorb all the addiction and craving of an alcoholic for intoxicating drinks. After this he will become healed and free. My words as a servant of God will turn me away from alcohol once and for all. Amen".

After this, you need to give the enchanted item to the victim for use. It is very important that a purely alcoholic wipe himself with this towel. After seven days, take the towel and take it out to the vacant lot. Dig a hole and bury it. No one should see the burial place of the used item. Alternatively, the enchanted towel can be burned at the stake.

Holy water for alcoholism

You can carry out these proven conspiracies for the waning moon both for yourself and for your loved ones and friends. For this you will need holy water. You will need to read a hex on her. Fill a transparent container with water, lean over it and read the following words thirty-three times:

“You are pure, holy water, take away all the negativity from the servant of God (person’s name). May his body and soul be cleansed by you. Help him cope with a serious and difficult illness. Heal him. May his body reject vodka and any alcohol once and for all. Amen".

After reading the conspiracy against drunkenness, the charmed liquid must be completely used. Add it constantly to all alcoholic drinks that the victim will drink.

Strong and fast water ritual

There is another effective ritual with water for the waning moon. To carry it out, magicians recommend using only clean water from a spring. It can be done for married man, and a free guy. Also, this ritual, which involves holy water, helps women get rid of their addiction to alcohol. Fill a vessel with water and speak each word of the spell clearly and loudly:

“As soon as the servant of God (name of the victim) takes a sip of this water, his addiction will immediately go away. He will be cleansed from drunkenness and will stop craving alcohol forever. Amen".

You need to read this ritual on Friday evening, when the moon appears in the sky. Place the charmed water on the windowsill under Moonlight. All subsequent days, until the water runs out, you will need to add it little by little to any drink that the victim will drink, with the exception of alcohol.

How to save your husband from alcoholism

This very powerful magical move will help your husband recover from such addiction. Take your husband's engagement ring, but without him noticing. Place the ring in a container of holy water and read the spell:

“Holy, pure and immaculate water, deliver my husband from drunkenness. Cleanse his organs, joints and blood of alcohol. Let his ring become a talisman against alcohol as long as he wears it. Amen".

After the sacrament has been completed, remove the husband’s enchanted item from the water, dry it and unnoticedly place it on his husband. This very strong and powerful anti-drunkenness ritual will begin to work within a week. For the husband, such good consequences will become a real and final healing.

How to attract luck

In most cases, such conspiracies and prayers are read during the waxing moon, so that the person’s luck comes along with it. Such rituals with the reading of conspiracies for the waning moon are most likely carried out to get rid of any problems and failures. Let's look at the most effective magical acts that you can perform at home.

Magic ritual to banish bad luck

“The month is bright, silvery, and you are on the decline. So take all my bad luck and failures with you. As soon as you dissolve, all my problems and failures will evaporate. Amen".

After reading this ritual, immediately turn around and go to sleep silently. Fall asleep with the thought that all your problematic matters will be resolved instantly, and failures will leave you. In such a magical act, your emotional mood is very important. You need to really want and believe that luck and fortune will come to you.

How to deal with bad luck

The peculiarity of such conspiracies for the waning moon against bad luck is that they can be used no more than once a year. Therefore, think carefully about everything, weigh it and decide whether you are really so unlucky in life, and whether you need to carry out such a ritual at all.

Pour holy or spring water into any vessel. When it gets dark and the moon appears in the sky, place the container near the window under the moonlight. Take one sip of water, then wash your face, shoulders and neck. Read the plot after this:

“The water is clear, clean, you wash the globe. You give life to everything on earth. You cleanse everything from dirt. Wash me too from all evil slander and failure. Give me luck and success in all my affairs and endeavors. Amen".

Healing rituals

These most effective spells for the waning moon help a person get rid of diseases and improve their health. White magic has many such sacraments in its arsenal. Some actions are aimed at the complete recovery of the patient, while others help cope with a specific task.

Cleansing and energizing the body

A special feature of this waning moon conspiracy is the ability to completely cleanse the body of any negativity and all diseases. It is also aimed at rejuvenating it and charging it with positive energy.

You need to perform such a sacrament not at home, but somewhere in the countryside, where you can retire and concentrate completely on your desire. You can go to the forest or park. Don't forget to grab a blanket or sheet before leaving. Having arrived at the place, lay the mat on the ground and lie on it with your back. Next you need to read the whispers:

“Earth, you have power, strong and eternal health. Give me all this. Heal the servant of God from all illnesses and ailments. Mother Earth, improve the health of the servant of God (name of the object), rejuvenate my body and endow it with strength and energy. Amen".

Quick Healing Ritual

In order for you to carry out such a conspiracy to heal your soul and body, you will need several items:

  • a small paper bag (can be replaced with a plastic bag);
  • blue marker;
  • homemade chicken egg.

First you need to clear the egg of any extraneous energy. Take the chicken product, place it on your bed and leave the room for an hour. Then come back, remove all clothes from your body, and lie down on the bed. Next, you need to roll the egg over all parts of your body. You need to roll starting from your feet and ending with your head.

If a certain area of ​​your body hurts, then roll out the egg in this place, and carefully without missing a centimeter of the sore spot. During this procedure, imagine how your body is completely healed, how you feel better.

Having completed this manipulation, take a marker and write the following text on the shell:

“The illnesses are leaving, healing is coming for my body. I am completely healed."

The used egg with the inscription should be placed in a bag and taken outside the house, or better yet, thrown into the trash can. When throwing it away, try to make it break.

This kind of white magic is used for any diseases and ailments. She helped many people get rid of papillomas, warts, acne and other skin diseases. After just a few weeks, the growths in the form of warts begin to decrease in size.

Conspiracy against excess weight

Is it possible to read conspiracies on the waning moon for weight loss? Undoubtedly! After all, it is the waning month that helps you easily and without much effort to take away the excess that prevents you from living, namely from excess weight. To get rid of obesity, you need to perform a secret and fast-acting ritual. Take a container with holy or spring water. Read the Lord's Prayer over the water. Then cross the water three times and say the words:

“I call on all the powers of heaven to help me, the servant of God (my name), melt all the fat that has found on me. May my health get better. Forget about being fat once and for all. Amen".

When you have performed such a ritual for weight loss and beauty, you need to cross yourself three times. It is very important, when reading conspiracies for weight loss and beauty, to believe in their power and effect.

Lapel ritual with needles

Lapel spells and prayers for the waning moon have unique magical powers. If your husband went “to the left” and left the family, perhaps he was bewitched. If you want to discourage your husband from his mistress, punish her and make sure that your loved one returns to the family, these magical rituals will help you. Proven rituals recommend the use of magicians in all alone and peace.

Details and technique

This magic is performed using several attributes:

  • church candle;
  • matches;
  • new needles in quantity - 9 pcs.

Go far from home to a vacant lot, dig a hole there and put all the needles in it. You just need to put them by sticking them into the ground. In the process of laying needles, imagine how your man moves away from your rival, how they quarrel and separate forever. You need to read such conspiracies on the waning moon for rivals with a very strong and sincere faith in the power of the sacrament. The correct psychological attitude will only enhance the effect of the ritual being performed.

So, when all the needles are in the ground, you need to dig them in well, trample them down and read the lapel words:

“The needles lie separately, they can never be together, just as the servant of God (name of the man) can never be with the servant of God (name of his mistress). They will go apart and never meet again. Amen".

Place a candle on the mound with needles, light it, and without waiting for it to burn out, return home.

Love spells

Such conspiracies for the longing and love of your loved ones should be carried out after carefully considering and weighing all the risks. If you are not sure of your feelings for the person you want to bewitch, it is better not to resort to such actions. Otherwise, the consequences may turn against you.

Love spell at the beginning of a relationship

It is recommended to carry out such a love spell on the waning moon at the beginning of your relationship. If you want your man to love you more and your relationship to become serious, you need to perform this secret ritual.

Take a red candle and a new skein of red thread. Wait for the waning moon to appear in the sky. It is better if you carry out a spell for melancholy on women's days of the week. The best day for such a ritual would be Saturday, Wednesday or Friday, but not the last day of the week. It is on women's days that the effect of the ritual intensifies.

Before starting the sacrament, take a bath or shower to wash away all the energy accumulated during the day. Make the room twilight, light a candle with matches.

The ideal time for such a love spell is midnight. While the candle is burning, try to concentrate all your thoughts on how happy you will be with your loved one and together forever.

Exactly at midnight, take a thread and wrap it around your finger, while reading a love spell:

“With all my heart and soul I love the servant of God (boyfriend’s name). He doesn't love me that much. I ask you, the moon - the queen of the night, for help. Make my betrothed sad. Make my beloved miss me and think about me all the time. Let all his paths lead to me, servant of God (his name). I will tie it with this thread. His love will become as bright and passionate as the color of this thread. I ask you, make my beloved my husband. Amen".

After this, the thread must be removed, brought under a burning candle and burned under its flame. Then say the words:

“I close the conspiracy, I call on love. Amen".

Is it possible to read conspiracies for the waning moon on love relationship often? It is not recommended to carry out love spells on the waning moon too often. Once a year is enough. The first signs by which you can determine the effect of a love spell are a man’s longing for you, a desire to see each other more often, and in some cases, jealousy.

Such conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon for melancholy, love and reconciliation must remain secret, otherwise the effect of their implementation will be ineffective.

Love spell using a candle

This waning moon love spell will help you implement it even at a distance with your loved one. If you want your lover to miss you and come back to you sooner, you need to carry out exactly these rituals and love spells on the waning moon. And here is one of the most popular and effective.

Such a return conspiracy can be carried out by a wife who wants to return her husband to the family and thus prevent divorce. Take three wax candles and consecrate them in the church. In the evening on women's day of the week - Wednesday, Saturday or Friday, take a shower or bath. Then dry yourself off, go into your room and turn off the light. Light two candles, take the third one in your hand and imagine that your loved one is standing in front of you. Think about how he wants to make you happy and always be with you.

When the peak point of your imagination has been reached, begin to knead the softened candle, forming a vicious circle out of it. Imagine that one end of the candle is this, and the other is your favorite.

“Night luminary, I am turning to you. I throw all my helpless challenges to you. Help me win the reciprocal love of my betrothed (boyfriend’s name). All my praise to you if you help me in this secret matter. Amen".

After you read this waning moon spell for the melancholy and love of your loved one, you should wait until the candles burn out completely. And the candle rolled into a circle will need to be hidden away from prying eyes. Keep it in a secret place until you make your sweetheart sad and you get back together after a long separation.

Conspiracies to attract money

If you want a lot of money, wealth and great luck in financial matters, then you should carry out effective rituals and conspiracies for the waning moon. Such money and the most powerful conspiracies on the killing moon will help you disrupt big win in the lottery gambling and not only. Let's consider the most effective rituals, the purpose of which is to attract wealth, good luck, good trading, money work and growth in financial affairs.

Coin conspiracy

Making such a spell for money on the waning moon is as easy as shelling pears. To do this you will need a coin with a face value of five kopecks. You need to speak it, then put it in your wallet and carry it with you along with your wallet for a whole month. Exactly thirty days later, money conspiracies with a coin and a wallet can be read again on the waning moon. Next you need to read the money plot:

“I went to the trade as a merchant, and I return from the trade as a rich man. I have a lot of wealth, both gold and silver. Luck is always with me, in all matters and endeavors. Amen".

After a month, the charmed coin is spent, and after it a new one is charmed. To carry out such conspiracies for the waning moon from poverty, poverty and to attract wealth, you need to be completely alone and with strong faith that they will work.

For men the best day to spend money attraction is Thursday, for women - Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. Your desire to get money and good luck in financial matters should be adequate and easily realized. Even the most powerful magic cannot realize sky-high fantasies.

Conspiracy for successful trading

If you want to commit good buy or selling things, housing (apartments, houses) or other valuables, you need to carry out a conspiracy to trade. Light a church candle in a room where there is no one but you, read a prayer addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. You need to read such conspiracies for the waning moon at home clearly and from memory, and not from a piece of paper. After the purchase, looking at the purchased item or the money received for the sale of property, say the conspiracy words:

“The merchant has a golden table. This is not his table, but my throne. I will sit at this throne and glance at the merchants. Your luck is great and golden. Share it with me. Money for money, and new things for new things. Amen".

Such waning moon conspiracies help make any acquisition or sale successful and lucky for everyone.

Poverty conspiracy

A strong and effective conspiracy against lack of money will help you get rid of lack of money, poverty and misery, and attract money into your home. Such a ritual will help you attract profit and get rid of even the most severe damage to lack of money, poverty and eternal debts.

Put away negative impact the enemy can be cast with spells and rituals on the waning moon. And here is one of the most effective.

Take large bill, put it in a jar. Light a church candle next to the container and read the curse words against poverty:

“This container will be filled every day. My money will multiply. I will no longer have debts, but only constant enrichment. Amen".

After the candle burns out, tightly close the jar with a lid and place it in a dark place so that no one can see it. After a month, the ritual must be repeated.

Debt conspiracy

Among all the conspiracies for the waning moon, rituals for debt removal have special magical power. How to get rid of an unbearable financial burden? The most effective and powerful ritual will help you with this.

Go to the forest and pick a few aspen branches, which you need to divide into three parts and burn every evening. You need to do this ritual three evenings in a row. Read the words above the smoke of burning branches:

“I had a lot of debts. So let them burn together with this fire to the ground. I will pour holy water over these ashes and rid myself of any debt, eternal and unbearable. Amen".

This is the most powerful ritual for getting rid of debt immediately after a three-day reading. You need to do such a ritual with very great faith in its accomplishment.

Conspiracy from annoying neighbors

If annoying and noisy neighbors are annoying, what conspiracy will help you get rid of them? In this case, you need to read conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon by candlelight. To perform one of the fastest-acting rituals you will need:

  • church candle and matches;
  • clear glass bottle;
  • bay leaf - 3 leaves;
  • dill seeds - 3 pcs.;
  • millet - 3 grains;
  • garlic - 3 heads;
  • black peppercorns - 3 pcs.

“As these products are mixed and united, so my family will be protected and united. This amulet will become an eternal protection for my family hearth from all troubles, evil tongues, hatred and envy. I urge you to calm down your noisy and scandalous neighbors. If this doesn't help them, make sure they move out forever. Amen".


Using these conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon, remember that any magical act is a sin and can end in a variety of consequences for you. Therefore, before you begin one of the rituals presented above, think carefully and weigh everything. After performing magic, it is recommended to visit the church and pray to all the Saints.

The phase of the waning moon is a favorable period for cleansing, renewal and getting rid of everything that has long outlived its usefulness. In magical rituals, the celestial body does not play last role. Thus, rituals according to the phases of the moon are performed in strict order, without experiments or negligence on your part. You don't have to be an astronomer or a dreamer peering into the starry sky.

Waning moon - most powerful source of magic

Trust the experience of magicians and sorcerers. Such a familiar celestial body as the Moon is the only powerful natural assistant to a person who needs urgent help from magic. This is the secret to your success, so take advantage of it. Conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon will transform your life in a matter of days, and after for long years expectations of good changes, you will finally feel them fully.

The power of the moon in magical rituals

Magic that brings people (with proper treatment) success and luck in all areas of life, for thousand-year history changed beyond recognition, but at the same time, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, it remained the same. A person became smarter, more experienced and learned to see the world around him, but in himself, in his own internal chaos, he never found harmony and balance.

Love, money, health, who doesn’t dream of having prosperity in all its wonderful manifestations? Answers to painful questions about how to find prosperity are given by mysterious magic. With the help of her rituals and rituals, one can gain unlimited power, mutual relationships and even fame (fame).

It would seem that it’s a simple matter - you performed a couple of magic “tricks” and that’s it, the whole world is at your feet. But achieving any goal requires effort, perseverance and responsibility. Performing any ritual, even the most primitive one, requires careful preparation and fulfillment of all mandatory conditions. Thus, ceremonies and rituals that are carried out on the waning moon are carried out only when the moon is waning. Otherwise, not a single miracle in the universe can guarantee you results.

Ritual for good luck in the house during the waning moon

Rituals for good luck on the waning moon are not always fatal and irreversible. Sometimes, in order to get things moving, it is enough to carry out a small ceremony, with minimum set complex magical paraphernalia.

Perform such an action at home, without outside help - treat the ritual with all diligence and caution. Only in your hands is the outcome of the ritual designed to improve all aspects of your life, and the Moon, the eternal companion and protector of the Earth, will contribute with all its might to this.

The waning moon will help improve your finances

Running away from lack of money is not a sin at all, and a perfect ritual for the waning moon from failures will allow you to take a fresh look at troubles strangers. The ritual of calling for money can be carried out at any other time, but the result is unlikely to please you.

It is not for nothing that magical actions are carried out only after drawing up a calendar of the phases of the moon. What attributes will you need? Money rituals, as well as spells to fulfill a secret desire, must be done without doubt and skepticism. Your sincere faith is the key to success.

Ritual of getting rid of bad habits on the waning moon

I slowly but surely destroy bad, even destructive habits. human life, day after day and year after year. To decisively combat weakness of spirit and body, it is recommended to perform a ritual to get rid of habits on the waning moon. Rituals and conspiracies pronounced at a certain position of the night luminary have truly limitless power.

By using inner strength and faith in the best outcome of the entire magical event, you will be able to overcome annoying difficulties on the path to a completely new, carefree life. Rituals for the waning moon are carried out only after long moral preparation of the one on whom the magical influence is performed.

Rituals for the waning moon phase for quick disposal from alcoholism or smoking, with lasting further results, can be carried out on another person, your close friend or relative.

For the ritual you will need:

  • new towel;
  • Holy water.

You should buy a towel in advance and do not allow anyone to touch it. You will not need any other items to quickly get rid of bad habits.

How to perform a ritual

The main ritual for the waning moon takes place at night, in complete solitude and silence. Make sure no one can see or hear you. Next, repeat the following steps:

  1. During the waning moon, open the window.
  2. Sprinkle a new towel with water brought from a temple or church.
  3. Stand so that the moonlight illuminates your hands and towel. Then say the words of the magic spell:

    “As God’s servant (name) wipes himself with this towel, his craving for alcohol will cease. The illness from the servant of God (name) goes away, all the dirt goes into the towel. Like seven days will pass, so the servant of God (name) will be completely clean and healthy. My will is strong, my word is true, as I said, servant of God (name). That's what will happen. Amen".

  4. The next morning, give the person with the bad habit a gift of a charmed towel. Make sure he uses it for at least seven days.
  5. After a week, secretly take the towel out of the house and bury it under an old tree.
  6. Thank the higher powers for your help.

Bad habits destroy everything. Families, friendships and careers built over the years. Don't let momentary weakness disrupt the harmony in your own family. Conspiracies and rituals of such power remove the attachment to bad habits in a matter of days without dire consequences for another person.

A proven, powerful ritual should be performed at the first symptoms of addiction, because delays threaten serious consequences when the magic turns out to be powerless. Is it possible to perform such a ritual without the consent of the addicted person? It’s not just possible, but highly recommended by specialists who have encountered similar problems more than once.

Ritual for sudden luck according to the lunar calendar

Luck is something weightless and difficult to explain. Without it, there is no successful career or profitable acquaintances. She is not prone to pity and certainly does not give in to cold calculation. Rituals with candles or rituals for the phase of the waning moon help only those who sincerely wish, even crave, against failure dramatic changes. Are you tired of watching life from the outside as if you don’t exist at all? Then feel free to begin the ritual as soon as the waning moon appears in the sky.

What is needed for the ritual

Rituals aimed at attracting good luck are carried out exclusively during the waxing Moon, but getting rid of a streak of constant troubles and problems is necessary only during the period of the waning of the heavenly body. Confusing similar rituals is extremely dangerous, so before taking decisive action, make sure that all the nuances and subtleties of magical manipulations are observed. For the ritual to get rid of bad luck you will need:

  • Holy water;
  • paper.

The main condition for the ritual to work correctly is secrecy, which you must resort to in order to avoid failure of the entire ritual. No one, neither your family nor close friends, should know about your intentions.

How to perform a ritual

Before starting the ritual, put on new clothes: clean and comfortable. Remove all jewelry and restrictive elements, such as belts or garters. Next, having gathered your courage, begin the ritual:

  1. Write down on a piece of paper all the things, phenomena, events that have been bothering you for a long time. Take your time and focus on what “failure” means to you.
  2. As soon as the moon rises, go outside, raise your hands to the sky and tell the heavenly body about everything that is bothering you.
  3. Whisper the words of the conspiracy

    “The moon is bright, the moon is made of pure silver, the moon is waning, the moon takes all my troubles and difficulties with it. Just as the moon dissolves in a dark night, so new hope and new luck will be born in me. Amen".

  4. Return to the house, thanking the Moon for paying attention to your troubles.
  5. Burn the piece of paper with all the problems of the past, and scatter the ashes through an open window.
  6. Wash your face with holy water as a sign of complete cleansing and liberation from the troubles that haunted you in the past.
  7. Go to bed peacefully.

The next morning, as soon as the sun will rise, you will feel a surge of strength and energy. You will want to sing and dance, and what is important - to do new, successful things. Don’t be afraid and take risks, because your patron is moon magic. Get rid of poverty, problems at work and failures in personal relationships once and for all. Poverty is not a vice, loneliness is not a crime either, but if you are haunted by thoughts that you are a flawed person, break your old life without regret.

Lapel rituals for the period of the dying moon

Lapel rituals are the abolition of external influence on the energy of a particular person. Love spells, calls, evil eyes, any manifestations of extraneous magic that affect a person’s life path are removed only with the onset of the waning moon.

The cleansing, destroying power of the heavenly body will help you get rid of control over your mind and soul. The Moon cycle is coming to an end as well as your suffering. Lapel rituals are powerful, so be extremely careful when performing them without the help of experienced magicians or sorcerers. A black love spell ritual needs an immediate light love spell.

What is needed for the ritual

A love spell cast on the object of affection creates an incredible attachment, which is difficult, and sometimes completely impossible, to remove. In love magic, lapel rituals are quite common; sometimes they are resorted to by women who have cast a love spell on a man who ultimately disappointed them. You can cancel the effect of a love spell, to do this you should find:

  • needles;
  • church candles;
  • matches.

For powerful love spells, it is often necessary to work out rituals with a photograph of the one or the one who performed a strong, will-depriving, magical action. If the name of the ill-wisher is unknown, then the ritual is performed without a photo or image.

How to perform a ritual

The best time for rituals of this kind is called night. Many people may think that it is midnight. Find a secluded place where no one will disturb you. Next, for further successful results, you should do the following:

  1. Dig a small hole that will hold exactly 9 new sewing needles.
  2. Imagine how a person, deprived of his will and right to choose in love, is freed from forced shackles.
  3. Keep a pleasant picture in your head.
  4. Carefully bury the hole and repeat in a whisper:

    “Just as needles cannot be together, just as they cannot grow into one whole, so you, the servant of God (name), cannot be together with the servant of God (name). As the needles grow together, then these lovers will only come together. Let it be so".

  5. Leave the candle in the hole and go home. On the way, do not talk to anyone and do not turn to strangers.
  6. At home, before going to bed, read the Lord's Prayer.
  7. The waning celestial body will give you strength and the opportunity to end a strong attachment; during the ritual, the magical power will return to the one who used it, in the form of failures and problems in his personal life.
  8. After performing the lapel ritual, it is recommended to put strong defense to all your loved ones so that a similar situation does not happen again.

Magic rituals based on the phases of the moon are more precise, with directed force to solve a specific problem. Rituals that should only be performed lunar calendar, will surprise you with their simplicity and effectiveness. They do not require special knowledge or attributes, which are difficult to find even in specialized magic shops.

Simple rituals with salt, candles and needles - prostate combined with incredible results, what could be better? All you have to do is identify the things that are hindering your progress and growth as an individual and professional. Get rid of the old, burdened by the problems of the past, and something new will appear in your life. Unusual, but so exciting. The opportunity to be a happy, loved, successful person.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk to you about how to use magic for good luck in the financial sector on the waning moon. There are various rituals in money magic - both on decreasing and growing lunar energy, and the point of working on the decreasing moon is to remove money negativity, get rid of debts, open life paths in order to attract good luck through them.

But besides this, of course, we’ll talk about rituals performed on the waxing moon, for example, about a home plot to attract clients for honey, which is incredibly simple in structure. But simple does not mean ineffective. Happens, magic ritual It looks simpler, but it works surprisingly effectively. In the practices of practical magic, they are found. And here is a proven ritual through which you can attract buyers, revive trade, and make a profit through it.

Self-conspiracy on honey to attract clients

The witchcraft ritual with honey for profit is really very simple. However, its effectiveness is beyond doubt. The home plot has been tested many times and shows satisfactory results - the place of trade and the goods sold become attractive to buyers. On the waxing moon, read the text of the spell for a teaspoon of honey and anoint the door frames and threshold of your store with it.

Self-conspiracy for honey to sell goods - quickly and successfully, read 3 times:

“Just as everyone loves sweet honey, so clients love my doorstep, just as bees are drawn to honey, so are clients to my product. Amen".

Needless to say, this must be done without witnesses; Yes, you also need good visualization. If it’s hard to immediately imagine how buyers are coming to you in droves, train your imagination.

All this can be done not with honey, but read with sugar, slightly changing the words of the text of the spell to attract clients, and scattering it on the doorstep. The effect will be the same: your store or company will attract the eyes of people, arouse in them the desire and intention to make a purchase. The spell will create a spell in your store for a certain amount of time until it wears off, which people will want to pay for.

Naturally, constant repetition is required: every waxing moon you need to repeat the witchcraft ritual, as well as do other rituals tested by magicians and personally tested by you, in addition to an effective sugar spell for good luck in business, or to attract profitable clients through honey. There is no need for a ransom here; the ritual is performed using personal strength.

Self-conspiracy to attract buyers through sugar

Sugar has long been used in practical village magic, when life needs to be sweetened and improved. This simple ritual for attracting monetary luck will work more likely on your personal magical power performer, although the spell also contains a direct appeal to Fire, which also plays a positive role. As for farming, here they serve as aspen wood, which you feed the fire. In general, sugar is very good in trade matters. Do this for an effective sugar spell for money. Take:

  • 3 lumps of sugar
  • an armful of aspen firewood
  • new handkerchief

Place the sugar in the ash pan. Light the stove, and when the fire ignites, look at the flame and whisper three times, read the words of the sugar spell for money:

“Fire, fire, don’t touch my sugar, but touch the people, push, move, bring me the goods. My word is strong, my word is true. Amen".

In this case, good visualization of the result is necessary. A clear and vivid presentation of the result in any magical ritual is the key to success.

Get the sugar out of the ash pit right hand, do not clean off the adhering ash, but wrap it immediately in a scarf. Take it to where you trade or conduct other financial affairs. And if life flies head over heels, then before monetary rituals do it yourself at home, you need to work on the waning moon:

  • clean everything up
  • clear away negativity
  • remove damage
  • evil eyes,
  • read debt conspiracies for the waning moon, etc.

And here is an example of a working spell that allows you to change your life, in better side to turn.

Strong conspiracies for debts on the waning moon - ask for a formidable benefactor

They read this plot on the waning moon, when a thunderstorm strikes, and lightning intersects in the sky. Look into the stormy sky and read 3 times:

“The formidable benefactor, who created the ancient times, so the measure is baked, now the walk, and the grave letter is now a memorial, then everything is carried by a chain walk. It's like fire in heaven, but you can measure it with the same speed. So you sweep away the evil spirits, the defilement with a sweep, like the embellishment of a twisted one, even the feathered club rushes about, since it is surrounded and everything is thrown at me, then the lament is renounced, but it is opened with thunder. Heaven has been swindled, and life has been pampered, so this traveler is destined to be blessed, the whim hastened on me, but the whim is strong, and with the flake of a thrower you will die a heavenly warrior, and the heavenly blessed one has hurt my destiny. I'm in a state of bliss, but otherwise cut off. Amen".

This one is strong money spell for the waning moon You should read it when the troubles are serious, the debts are large, when things are not going well for reasons beyond your control. An independent ritual, working, light, Slavic. The appeal goes directly to Perun - the mighty Slavic god thunder That’s why they read the call during a thunderstorm in order to change lives through Perun’s club (lightning).

This Slavic ritual for attracting money into your life is not a black book one. Perun is a powerful, bright deity. Therefore, those who work on black energies should not do it - the established contact with devils through the intercession of Perun can seriously weaken. So, I don’t recommend it to warlocks, but to those who work with the gods and through white magic does witchcraft rituals, I advise you to do it, a ritual worth attention.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Homemade spells for good luck and luck in life on the waning moon

Actually, to attract good luck, both monetary and general luck in life, you need to do magical rituals on the waxing moon. And, to be precise, rituals during the waning lunar phase are not intended specifically to attract luck and happiness into life, but to get rid of troubles and bad luck, open the way, and allow good luck to come into life. Rituals on the waning moon are effective and perform their functions perfectly.

In rituals for the waning lunar phase, grain, bread, and coins are rarely used as a symbol of life in abundance and joy. But water or the moon fit very well, being associated with fluidity, rapid changes, leaving Everyday life. And here is an example of a money conspiracy for the waning moon - a witchcraft ritual with a mirror. All you need for this ritual is a small mirror.

After sunset, when the moon rises, stand with your back to the window, catch the moon’s reflection in the mirror and read the spell words 3 times:

“Mother Moon, you are full of gold and silver, deliver me from lack of money and poverty, give me a good share. Truly."

An independent conspiracy is aimed at removing negative attitudes and blocks of the money channel. You can expect additional earnings, a promotion, or even a change of job to a more promising and profitable one. Effective waning moon spell can also be used to sell goods or services if private business is not doing well.

However, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, warn you to expect enchanting results from just one home conspiracy There is no point in attracting money to your home. It is necessary to work comprehensively, removing negativity and blocks, and performing rituals for well-being on the growing moon. This, I think, is clear to you. So, let's see what else you can do at home yourself to improve your financial situation.

A powerful conspiracy for the waning moon - against poverty and beggarly lot

A good ritual, tested many times, unfolds quickly and gives results. You can save yourself:

  • from poverty due to various reasons,
  • for example, unemployment,
  • as well as from stagnation in financial affairs
  • and other financial troubles.

They perform a powerful magical ritual to get rid of poverty, at a crossroads. This is a classic attitude, attributing one’s misfortunes to others. To get rid of the beggarly lot, in the dead of midnight (in the middle of the night) stand at an intersection facing west, read the spell for small things (hold it in the palm of your hand and say so that your breath touches the coins), and throw it over your left shoulder. Leave according to the rules - silently and without looking back. Koldovskaya ritual against eternal poverty on the waning moon, although it looks simple, it is purely demonic, so it’s best to take 13 coins. And it wouldn’t hurt to put a vodka scale either.

You need to read the plot against poverty and debt on the waning moon three times:

“My poor thing, my toiler, get off my ridge, get off me, go for the small change. Whoever picks up a penny will take the poor from my backbone. Damn, damn, come and take some pennies. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

How to talk yourself out of debt in a cemetery on the waning moon

Try this also simple witchcraft ritual for debts. They do it on a personal grave. When the moon wanes, on any day except Sunday, go to the cemetery, find a grave with your name, put a handful of coins ( even number) and read the words of the conspiracy to get rid of debts: dumping money negativity also works great. For such a witchcraft ritual to return stolen luck, you need to prepare:

  • Wallet with money
  • your picture
  • 3 thin wax candles

After midnight, light the candles, put your wallet on the right, and the photo on the left. Place your hands on the wallet and photo, read in a low voice the spell for the waning moon to return money luck:

"Hello, dark night, I'm yours stepdaughter. My wallet is my garden, no one will take my fruits. Who took my luck, who took my wealth, passed it back through candles. On Monday I took a shovel, on Tuesday I plowed the ground, on Wednesday I bought grain, on Thursday I planted grain, on Friday I watered it, on Saturday I collected the grain. Just as there are so many grains in the field, and how you can’t count them, and how you can’t eat them all at once, so there would be a lot and a lot of money in my wallet. Amen".

Having said independent conspiracy To bring good luck back to you, turn off the candles, put away your wallet with money and photos for 3 days. After this time, you need to take everything out, twist the candles and burn them, return the photo to the album, and use the wallet as usual. Pay attention to how the candles burn. It will be a restless combustion, with crackling and smoke. At home spells for the waning moon to remove negativity on money, this is a normal phenomenon. Open the window to prevent smoke from stagnating in the room. There is no need for ransom here; the ritual works on the personal power of the magician - the performer.

The article contains the most effective conspiracies that are pronounced on the waning moon.

Conspiracies, the effect of which manifests itself during the period of the waning Moon, are turned to when you want to get rid of all sorts of “unnecessities”: what weighs you down, causes troubles and interferes with your life.

Exists a large number of evidence of the influence of the planets surrounding the earth on our lives - on well-being, health. Decrease Negative influence, the energy of the night luminary will help reduce their effect to a minimum and cleanse yourself.

The period of the waning moon is ideal for performing rituals that relieve ailments, skin diseases, extra pounds, bad habits, obsessive thoughts, unsuccessful relationships and poverty.

Rituals performed during the waning moon are as powerful as those performed during the full moon or new moon phase. From the materials in this article you will learn what conspiracies manifest their power on the flawed Moon and what are the features of these rituals.

How to read a spell for the waning moon for water and candles?

Conspiracies that are spoken on the waning moon are so strong that they act instantly. Therefore, this lunar phase is the most successful for performing occult rituals, not inferior to the full moon.

The hour when the Moon begins to “die” is considered the best for the mystical self-destruction of all “unnecessities” in the life of any of us

During the period of the waning moon, it becomes possible to perform magical actions for yourself or loved one to gain money, to receive reciprocal feelings. Magic texts are also strong during this period against the evil eye, damage, and various merciless vices.

  • Instant conspiracies are called instant conspiracies because they do not require special preparation when reading them. Actions during rituals are minimal.
  • There is no need to light candles purchased from special days, visiting an Orthodox Church is excluded.
  • The main condition is to wait until the beginning of the calendar phase of the waning of the Moon and, in solitude, begin to repeatedly read the verbal spell formula.

What rules should be followed when performing rituals?

  • You cannot laugh while reading a conspiracy or performing a ritual, because all actions are not performed for fun.
  • Pronounce all magic words with faith in their power.
    You need to speak magic words in the light of the Moon, turning your face to the east.
  • Before you begin the ritual, you need to concentrate on your problem, which you decided to get rid of with the help of higher powers.
  • The short text of the conspiracy is spoken in one breath.
  • Say the final word of the conspiracy while exhaling
  • They say conspiracies while standing, bowing their heads.
  • The voice when reading the plot should be measured, monotonous, the text should be pronounced quietly and calmly.
  • For the plot to show its power, it must be read on an empty stomach, and after the ritual, try not to eat for as long as possible.
  • It is necessary to follow the recommendations and requirements regarding the phase of the Moon; if there are none, then the plot is read for the flawed Moon.
How to read a water spell on the waning moon?

Having decided to turn to higher powers, you must understand the responsibility you bear for conducting magical rituals.

  • By attracting good luck, money, love and favor from others with the help of strong texts, you thereby influence your destined destiny.
  • This action may affect later life.

Important: if you resort to the help of higher powers, wanting to take revenge on someone or perceive your actions as a harmless activity, then you are mistaken. A correctly performed magical action has sufficient power to overcome the factors influencing it.

Water spell:

  • read three times (but another number may be indicated)
  • after each reading the water is baptized

Candle spell:

  • read on a lit candle in complete solitude and silence
  • After reading, remove the candle so that no one sees or touches

Conspiracy to lose weight on the waning moon: ritual

If you want to perform a ritual to lose weight, then perform magical actions on Friday or Monday. It is on these days that it is necessary to perform rituals that get rid of unnecessary things.

To perform the ceremony, prepare water. The plot is read while preparing for bed.


“Lord help, God bless, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and Holy Spirit. On the sea and ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a bed, on that sofa there is a feather bed, and on it lies a pig, and my fat is guarding me. The pig has three heads, five heads, seven heads, nine heads, and ten mouths. Eat my fat with one head, eat my fat with the second head, eat my fat with the third head... eat my fat with the eighth head. And the ninth head of the pig will eat up all my fat, take all the lard and excess weight for itself. Key, lock, tongue. As it is said, it will come true. Amen".

Read this plot over a bowl filled with running, not boiled water before going to bed:

One of the most effective water spells is considered to be the one carried out on the waning moon.

After reading the plot, you need to wash your face with water from a bowl and go to bed.

The following plot is read over a glass of drinking water, which is placed at the level of the solar plexus. You need to carry out the ceremony in front of a wide open window or on the balcony.

Look at the moon or water and say 9 times:

The second version of the ritual for the waning moon

Video: Lose weight quickly. Weight loss conspiracy. Conspiracies for the waning moon

Spell for money against lack of money on the waning moon: ritual

  • This ritual relieves misfortunes associated with lack of money. Therefore, if you decide to change the course of your destiny, turn to the help of higher powers only when you encounter a dark streak in life.
  • The plot is read in the phase of the waning moon. For the ritual, take a mirror. The only condition: it must be in your home for a long time.
  • Wait until sunset and go to the intersection.
  • The mirror breaks with the words: “Go back to where you came from!”
  • After that, return to the house and don't look back.
  • The ritual gets rid of everything negative: failures, bad emotions and experiences.

Video: Ritual for the waning moon against poverty and lack of money

Waning Moon spells for a man's love: ritual

A magical ritual that helps to improve relationships with a man is performed not only on the full moon, but also during the waning moon phase. In its effectiveness, the conspiracy is in no way inferior to rituals performed on another day lunar cycle.

Since this period is considered the beginning of extinction, attenuation, a conspiracy carried out during the period of the flawed Moon will help to recapture a man from a rival, be it a mistress or wife.

You need to continuously look at the Moon and pronounce the magic words of the conspiracy, turning to the Queen of the Night

The energy of the night luminary will act as a binding to the beloved, and will break even a close connection with a homewrecker.

How to perform the ceremony?

  • Nothing should distract from the magical action, so turn off all means of communication (mobile phone, laptop).
  • To avoid unexpected guests, tell your acquaintances and friends that you will be absent that day.
  • You need to prepare a photo of your sweetheart and 3 church candles.
  • The ritual must begin at midnight.
  • Light the candles and pick up the prepared photograph.

Read the plot without taking your eyes off your lover’s face:

“Just as a clear month, the sun loves red, so does (lover’s name) me(name) will love, he will only be with me.”

  • Read the plot as many times as you are old.
  • Turn the photo over and write on the reverse side what you want most from your lover.
  • When you finish saying the magic words, hide the photo from prying eyes.
  • Don't tell anyone that you performed a love ceremony.

Spell for husband on waning moon

A very powerful spell that is spoken about food. The ritual is easy to perform at home.

  • It is necessary to wait for the waning moon and speak food.
  • After your spouse eats the enchanted foods, he will again begin to experience tender feelings for you.
  • When you cook food, whisper a spell. The plot must be spoken 3 or 9 times in a row.

Words to say over a meat dish:

“The mighty beast was overcome by longing and longing for the beast, he came to Nicolet Yes, he prayed to the Pleasant: “Let me go, Nikola the Pleasant, calm me down, put me to sleep. Nikola waved his stick, the animal fell to the ground as if knocked down. Crows circle over the beast, wanting to peck the meat. Don’t give meat to the crows, grandfather, but give it to the servant of the Lord (spouse’s name). Let him remember the servant of the Lord (your name), and dry up with fierce longing for her. This shall be according to my word, neither by negotiation nor by cross.” “The blood is boiling from the heat, black smoke is pouring out. Whoever eats this meat will burn for me all his life, and no one will cool him down for me until the end of time. The words are in the casket, the casket is locked, there’s a squelch in the water, that’s all they saw.”

“As the rich man’s food is sweet, so too from me, the servant of God (full name form) It will be sweet for the servant of God (name). And if he doesn’t come to me, any food will taste bitter to him. Key, mouth, lock." “The Likhov forest stands up to the skies. The winds in the forest are icy, the trees in the forest are stone, the grass is thorny, the animals are biting, hungry for human blood. In the middle of that forest there is a mountain, and on the mountain is my hut. The hut is light, warm, nourishing and peaceful. The oven bakes the bread itself, the tablecloth sets the table itself, the bed spreads itself. Come to me, light Nikitushka (replace the name), stay forever and never know Likha. Amen, amen, amen."

Wart spell for the waning moon: ritual

To speak a wart, you need to wait for your day on the waning moon. For a woman, these are the following days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. For a man this is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

You cannot perform the ritual on the waxing Moon so that the number of warts does not increase.

  • After waiting for your day on the waning Moon, pick a bunch of old grass. Do this with your left hand.
  • Pull out the longest stem. Poke their warts and recite the text of the conspiracy:

“A dry one will not become young,
A fish will not make a bull,
You can't get milk from a rooster.
So you can't sit on my body either
And die in a bad month.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

  • If there is no dry grass, then take an apple that fell from a tree.
  • Cut it into 3 parts, touching the warts, and read the plot:

Which apple is eaten,
And which apples dry out.
So should you, wart, dry up and die
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

After the ritual, bury each part of the apple in a separate place.

A spell to help get rid of warts is an ancient magic that was used by our distant ancestors. With the help of special rituals you can easily and quickly get rid of such a scourge.

And here is the text of another simple one, but strong conspiracy, which will help get rid of warts and moles. You need to circle the knot counterclockwise and say:

The knot dries and the mole (wart) dies. In the name of the Father and Son and Saint Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracies to sell a house on the waning moon

Selling a house can be a real problem for a family that is planning to move to another city, buy a new home, or is planning to sell an apartment filled with bad energy. The speed with which the transaction is carried out plays a decisive role in some cases.

The sale of a house can be accelerated if you resort to the help of higher powers and perform a special magical ritual. The rituals performed in these cases have a unique impact on the surrounding world, the real estate seller himself, as well as on other people.

Defective Moon as a symbol of the end of a certain period life path and distance from anything, is an ideal period for reading conspiracies on quick sale dwellings.

Features of the ritual:

  • Take a bucket of water and a rag.
  • Wash the floors in the premises you are going to sell (be sure to wash by hand).
  • When you've finished cleaning, squat over a bucket of dirty water and read the plot.

“My house, four corners and the brownie, I renounce you, all walls, doors and locks, from all four corners and from the brownie. Whoever brings me money for you first will take you for himself. Let it be so. Amen".

  • Dirty water should be poured into the yard at night. The main thing is that no one sees you doing this activity.

The following ritual will help you sell your house faster:

  • Take 1/2 cup of rice, same amount of salt and sugar.
  • Combine all bulk products in a separate container and mix
  • Insert a new pin into the center of the mixture, point down,
    read the plot:

“I sell for happiness and prosperity good people what to me more than herself Not need to. I, the servant of God (name), will later acquire what I need for (name the amount you want to get for the sale of the house). What is said will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • After reading the plot, you cannot regret the home you are selling, otherwise the sale procedure, which has already been activated, will cease to operate.
  • The mixture with rice, salt, sugar and a pin is placed at the entrance to the house, in a place inconspicuous to strangers.
  • When the sale of the home takes place, you need to give alms to 6 beggars.
  • The container containing the pin and bulk products is buried in a deserted place.
  • The ritual is performed over a dining table laid with a white, clean and ironed tablecloth in the room that is for sale.

Sit next to me and say:

“White-white, white-white, a lot of snow on my hut peasant swept away, The snow is unruly, white, creaking, flying on the windows, flying on the walls, flying on the roof. I will go to the servant of God (name) to the courtyard, sit on a white horse, and ride to look for a generous, kind and rich merchant. I will find a noble, fat buyer. How much snow falls on the roof of the hut from the blizzard, the merchant will offer me so much gold for the house. Just as a dog cannot be next to a cat, so generosity and stinginess cannot exist. I, the servant of God (name), choose generosity. As it is said, it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Video: How to quickly sell a house: conspiracies

A variety of magical rituals and conspiracies for the waning moon have enormous power. It is believed that this is the time of black magicians and witches. The last two days of the lunar cycle are especially dangerous; at this time the most terrible curses and damage. White magicians also learned to use the advantages of the flawed moon for their own purposes. Numerous rituals performed at this time will help get rid of illnesses, failures, lack of money and return love.

Waning moon

Scientists cannot deny the fact that the moon affects not only the earth, but also man himself. The mechanism of this influence itself is still practically unknown. All the assumptions of pundits boil down to the fact that the night star is capable of influencing the human body in the same way as the oceans, creating ebbs and flows. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the human body is 70% water.

In all ancient cultures, the queen of the night is surrounded by an area of ​​mysticism. In those distant times, the night luminary was even more revered than the sun. Plutarch wrote that the most revered star after the Moon is the Sun.

According to Slavic beliefs, after death, people's souls were sent away for a month. There they awaited the next birth in a new body. They returned to earth in the form of rain or snow. And then they moved into the body of a newborn child.

Not a single magical ritual can be performed without taking into account the lunar phase. The night luminary influences the activity of spirits, opens channels of communication with the subtle worlds, and enhances the effect of witchcraft. Its power can destroy or exalt. Having the necessary knowledge and obeying certain magical rules, a person is able to direct the lunar power for his own benefit.

Magic rules

Many sorcerers bind lunar phases with breathing. Lunar growth is an inhalation. The earth breathes air and strength into itself. She herself is filled with energy and gives it to all living things. The results of the witchcraft rituals performed during this period will gradually increase.

The waning of the moon is an exhalation. The planet is getting rid of everything unnecessary, like a person’s lungs getting rid of carbon dioxide. The energy shell of the earth is weakening, thanks to this demonic entities begin to show more activity. This is the best time for black magicians and witches.

Magic on the waning moon is also practiced by white sorcerers. In order to get what you want and not harm yourself, certain rules must be followed:

It is necessary to clearly understand which spells are cast on the waning moon, and which ones should absolutely not be used. Ignoring these nuances can cause irreparable harm to a novice magician.

Such types of witchcraft show strong positive results.:

  • removing damage or the evil eye;
  • recovery from diseases, various addictions;
  • ritual for weight loss;
  • lapel from love;
  • getting rid of debts;
  • eliminating chronic bad luck;
  • getting rid of infertility;
  • pacification of enemies and envious people;
  • magic for beauty (getting rid of everything that prevents you from being beautiful: acne, scars, wrinkles).

Before the ritual, you need to take time to prepare. You can meditate, pray, or just take a hot bath. Do exactly what will fill you with energy and allow you to tune in to the desired wave. Best time for witchcraft it is midnight.

Powerful rituals

The power of a ritual does not always depend on its complexity. An experienced magician with the help of a simple whispering spell can achieve impressive results. While a beginner who takes on a complex, multi-step ritual may make many mistakes and achieve nothing.

When choosing rituals, conspiracies and prayers for the waning moon, you need to focus on your intuition. She will tell you what is suitable from the numerous options, and having made a choice, begin to implement your plan with full confidence in your abilities.

Conspiracies related to health

With the help of magic you can get rid of such troubles as warts forever. To perform the ritual, you need to pick a bunch of old grass with your left hand. Women can do this on Friday or Saturday, and men on Monday and Thursday.

At midnight, light any candle and sit opposite it. Using a bunch of grass, you need to touch the warts one by one and read the following words:

“Dry grass will not produce young grass. Fish in horned bull won't transform. You cannot get fresh milk from a peacock. And you, infection, should not multiply on my body. In the flawed month you will dissolve. Amen".

Wrap the herb that was used to touch the warts in clean paper and burn it. Dispel the ashes. If making a fire is inconvenient, you can bury the bundle near the house.

To combat your husband's alcoholism, you can also use conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon. Verified and simple options- this is a ritual with wedding ring or a white towel. For magic with a ring you should prepare:

  • holy water;
  • faceted glass;
  • spouse's wedding ring. You will have to take it and return it unnoticed;
  • two church candles.

At midnight, light the candles and place a glass between them. Pour some holy water into it. Carefully place the ring in a glass and read the following words over the water three times:

“Holy and pure water, heal God’s servant (name), take the love of vodka with you. Cleanse him from evil and hatred. Help drive the disease out of him. Remove the painful look. As long as the servant of God (name) wears a ring on his finger, there will be no drinking bouts in his life. Amen!"

Remove the ring from the water and let it dry. Do not wipe. Discreetly give it to your husband. Pour holy water under a tree growing near the house.

To carry out another conspiracy against alcoholism, you will need to buy a new towel. It must be white, without any patterns. When buying a towel, do not take change from the seller.

At midnight, turn off all the lights, open the window and stand so that the moonlight falls on the towel. You need to stand for a few minutes for the towel to absorb the energy. Then whisper the conspiracy three times:

“The servant of God (name) will dry himself with a towel, and his illness will be able to be absorbed into the fabric. May seven days pass and God’s servant (name) be healthy. Let the towel absorb all the illness and dirt, and the servant of God (name) will never know any more troubles. Amen!"

Give the enchanted towel to an alcohol dependent person. He must wipe himself with it for seven days. Then the towel must be taken away and completely burned.

Fighting alcoholism and warts is not all that can be done during the waning moon. Weight loss conspiracies will help a woman get her dream figure. To perform the ritual you will need:

  • a liter jar of any oil, on which you should write “my body fat”;
  • small basin with soil.

On the first day the moon begins to wan, at midnight, place a container of soil on the windowsill. Take a bottle of oil and say:

“Take the oil, the fat, and dissolve it in yourself. Fix it in yourself forever!” Leave the oil next to the ground overnight on the windowsill.

Starting the next day, every evening, pour a little oil into the ground. Whisper during the process:

“The fat flows out of my body like oil. Doesn't remind me of myself anymore. The month stops my suffering and overeating forever.”

Before the new moon, pour out the remaining oil completely. You can throw away the bottle. Find the dead tree closest to your house and throw away the oil-soaked soil near it.

The best ways to attract good luck

You can attract money and pay off creditors using a ritual with a black candle. The best time to perform it is from midnight to three o'clock in the morning. For witchcraft you should prepare:

  • fireproof dishes;
  • black candle;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.

Place the candle on the table and light it. Cut the paper into several pieces. On each, write the amount of debt and the name of the creditor. Crumple all the sheets and place them in the prepared bowl. Show the dishes with sheets to the moon so that its light falls on the contents. Then say:

“The silver moon is melting, taking my debts with it. When the month completely melts, the creditors will leave me behind. Amen!"

Then take the candle in your hand and drop a few drops of wax onto the paper with the words:

“The month is melting, gold is coming to me. Let it be so!"

Light the paper from a candle flame and let it burn out completely. Scatter the ashes out the window. Keep the candle in a place where no one will find it. When all debts are paid, burn the candle entirely.

To attract real wealth, you can use a ritual with fire. Fire has enormous energy, this will allow your dream to come true sooner. Prepare for witchcraft:

  • seven thick glass stacks;
  • seven church candles;
  • 350 ml alcohol (vodka);
  • matches;
  • any seven coins.

At midnight, place a table by the window so that moonlight falls on it. Place candles in a row on the table, and stacks in front of them. Place a coin in each stack and add 50 ml of alcohol. Light the candles and carefully ignite the alcohol in the shot glasses. When all the candles and stacks are burning, read the following words: “I consecrate the Milky Way with fire, I promise myself to become richer. I will attract success and luck to myself, I can make all my dreams come true. Amen"!

Wait until the alcohol burns down and take the coins. Place them under your pillow and keep them there until the next lunar cycle begins. After which they need to be spent.

Rituals for love

A ritual with needles will help return your husband’s love and separate him from his mistress forever. This is a very powerful love magic; the only drawback of the ritual is that it must be performed on the street at night. It will require:

  • nine new needles;
  • three church candles;
  • small spatula;
  • matches.

At midnight, not far from the house where your rival lives, find a large tree. The more deserted the place, the better. Using a spatula, dig a small hole and stick all nine needles into the ground. Arrange them in such a way that they do not touch each other. Stick candles into the ground near the hole and light them.

After this, slowly bury the hole and whisper the words:

“Just as needles will not become one whole, so the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) cannot be together. Lovers will come together only if the needles grow together. Let it be so".

Completely bury the hole and compact it so that no one can dig it up. Do not extinguish the candles, leave them to burn out. Go home without looking back and without talking to anyone along the way.

A ceremony with candles will strengthen and bring back love. This method is especially effective if a woman suspects her husband of cheating. Prepare for the ritual:

  • two red candles;
  • five church candles;
  • red wool thread;
  • saucer;
  • kitchen grater

At midnight, place church candles in a semicircle on the table and light them. Place a saucer inside it. Take red candles and tie them tightly with woolen thread. Light them too and put them on a saucer. Say the words seven times: “As these candles are tied, so will God’s servant (name) be tied to me forever. Amen!"

Red candles should burn out on their own. Give the cinder time to cool, then grate the wax on a fine grater. Discard the remaining wick. Pour the wax crumbs into the pockets of your spouse’s clothes. Sprinkle a little so that it is not noticeable.

Magic is capable of many things. But we must not forget that the Christian Church considers practicing witchcraft a terrible sin. You should not practice magic if you have doubts about the correctness of your actions. Rituals will not bring the expected result and will only cause feelings of guilt. Witchcraft only works when a person is completely confident that he will get what he wants and does the right thing.