Why do you dream about a bull being strangled by you? Why do you dream of a horned bull that attacks you?

ABC of dream interpretation

Bull in men's dreams- rough sexual impulses.

For women, it is a reflection of fear in relationships with a partner.

Seeing an angry bull means being punished for your own recklessness.

American dream book

The bull is a great force; power; power.

English dream book

Seeing a herd of bulls in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity and success in business; it is especially good to see bulls in the pasture: such a dream means quick enrichment, honor, and receiving a title. For lovers, this dream foreshadows a happy marriage and receiving an inheritance from a rich relative.

If a bull is chasing you in a dream, this means that you will have an enemy or rival who will greatly annoy you.

Assyrian dream book

If a person turns into a bull or deals with a bull, his house will become prosperous and he will be able to receive everything that the gods allow people to own.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

Ox - you will become rich and lucky.

A black bull with large horns warns of the violent nature of your enemies.

Children's dream book

Ox - to health, prosperity and luck in all your affairs.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

A bull in a dream symbolizes the ability to conduct business and indicates a wealthy and serious owner.

A bull's skin or tail - to receive an inheritance.

Buying or selling a bull is good luck.

Seeing yourself in a dream sitting on your own bull - this dream foreshadows that a high person will turn to you with an assignment.

If your bull is black, fulfilling the order promises considerable benefits.

A yellow bull entering the yard is a favorable dream, but if you suffer from melancholy, it is unlikely to dissipate soon.

Owning a large number of bulls means getting a high position; Prepare for the fact that a fair number of people will serve under your command.

If the bulls are well-fed - to great wealth.

A lot of bulls on the street - a boost in your career.

Bulls digging the ground - to incredible enrichment.

A bull that raises its horns at you or throws you from its back directly to the ground promises intrigue from your colleagues and possible dismissal.

A bull goring you is a sign that a certain person with useful connections and acquaintances wants to get our place.

Following a bull into a luxurious mansion or palace means great wealth.

Slaughtering a bull in a dream and then eating the meat with it means acquiring someone else’s property.

Egyptian dream book of pharaohs

If a person sees himself killing a bull in a dream, it is good, it means that his enemies will be killed.

Idiomatic dream book

“Take the bull by the horns” - grab the main thing; “like a red rag to a bull” is the cause of anger; “stubborn as a bull” - you will encounter a difficult person -; “to cuckold someone” is treason; “stared like a bull at the red gate” - bewilderment, surprise, anger; “bully” - stubborn, angry.

Islamic dream book

The mooing of a bull means discord.

Italian dream book

The bull is an image of aggressive force, a negative maternal role (a kind of psychological vampirism on the part of the mother).

Maly Velesov dream book

Bull - son (of a pregnant woman), liberation, guest / illness, sadness, beware, scold, difficult matter, dispute, enmity; grazing - trouble; pursues - inheritance; hits - a husband pesters his wife, a man has love for a woman, happiness is in love; harnessed - a bad deed; being led to slaughter - trial; stabbed, stabbed - through patience you will avoid danger; thick - income; black - disease danger; white - gain/illness, exhaustion; white bull raised on the horns - glory.

Muslim dream book

If someone sees a bull in a dream, he will receive benefits according to the growth of that bull, and if he sees that red and brown bulls come to a city or some area loaded and without an owner, an infectious disease will come to that area.

Newest dream book

Ox - the emergence of an important problem that will have to be solved with the involvement of many people holding responsible positions.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Ox - sexual passion as creative energy or more often in a negative aspect - blind rage.

Killing a bull is leading an adult who has subdued his instincts into the world of maturation.

Family dream book

If you saw a well-fed bull, you will become a leader in your circle and will enjoy success with women.

A dead bull is a sign of sadness.

Bull drinking water from clean pond or a stream - will bring you a meeting with a sweet and devoted person.

White bull - dreams of great happiness.

Combined dream book

A bull seen in a dream can portend danger, conflicts, or illness and sadness. For a woman, such a dream promises sexual pleasure.

For a man to see a large, fat bull in a dream promises to achieve a certain position in the society of close people; to see a harnessed bull - perhaps you will act rashly; leading a bull to slaughter - to court proceedings.

Albino bull or buffalo - financial profit.

If you are being chased by a bull, you will receive an inheritance.

A bull without horns - you will defeat your enemies.

Modern dream book

Bull - a) danger, enmity; b) illness, sadness; c) death in the family; d) hard work (for a man); e) sexual satisfaction (for women).

For a man to see a fattened bull in a dream means to seize leadership in his environment; harnessed ox - to commit an unseemly act; to lead a bull to slaughter - to court charges.

A white bull or buffalo is a big income.

If a bull is chasing you, you will receive an inheritance; the bull raised you on its horns - unusual glory awaits you.

Fat bulls on green grass are a wonderful dream, it promises success and high position in society, but if the bulls bow their heads, your friends will turn away from you.

Selected bulls - happy marriage; bulls drinking clean water - the appearance of a faithful friend, a loved one in your life.

An attack by a black bull is dangerous.

A hornless bull is a symbol of victory over the enemy.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Ox - the need to get rid of destructive force (power, energy), it must be creative. Reflection of huge internal reserves. Reflection of calm, harmony. Reflection of fertility. Reflection of the manifestations inherent in this zodiac sign Taurus.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a bull in a pasture in a dream means profit and material well-being; in a stall - family happiness and well-being; the mooing of a bull is a harbinger of impending danger; an attack by a bull means happiness in love.

Being chased by a bull means your chances in competition are minimal.

Leading a bull to slaughter means upcoming problems; killing it means wealth and nobility; eating its meat means commercial profit.

Azar's Dream Book

Bull - to great fear.

Dream book for lovers

If a man sees a fat bull in a dream, it means that he is spoiled by female attention.

Thoroughbred bulls promise marriage to a rich bride.

Bulls drinking clean water mean the appearance of a devoted life partner. For a woman, such a dream foretells receiving a proposal from a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

To see a bull - to experience vague volitional impulses, not to know what you want / a feeling of the heaviness of one’s own flesh, discomfort from this; gravitation of sensual life.

To be pursued by him is a bad chance in competition / a warning against carelessness.

Leading a bull to slaughter means some criminal investigation will somehow affect you.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Ox - may indicate enormous power, power and energy. Take control. Finish the job. Do you have the necessary inner strength to pave the way in life. This is an optimistic sign for your financial situation, it means that the bulls on the stock exchange have gained the upper hand.

In mythology, the bull symbolized fertility, the penetration of the male principle into the female principle.

In astrology, the bull is associated with the sign of Taurus, which is credited with such qualities as endurance, sensuality, down-to-earthness and practicality. Think about whether you should develop these qualities in yourself? Is there a Taurus in your life that you care about? Check other signs to determine the meaning of this symbol.

Dream book for a bitch

A bull grazing in a meadow - success and a high position in society will come to you very soon.

Seeing bulls at a watering hole in a dream means your lover will propose marriage.

A thoroughbred, well-fed bull - happy marriage with a wealthy man.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A bull in a dream is a clear symbol of assertive, purposeful energy, perseverance and courage.

Seeing a peacefully grazing bull in your dream and not being afraid of it means that you have the makings of a leader, you are full of strength and can achieve success in any of your endeavors.

A tired or dead bull is a sign of your exhaustion. Such a dream encourages you to rest to restore your strength.

The aggressive or frightening appearance of a bull in your dream portends that you yourself risk becoming a victim of your own stubbornness or rage. The dream encourages you to be more restrained and calm, avoiding conflicts and disputes if possible.

Dream Book of David Loff

Bulls are animals that are a symbol Agriculture and hard work.

If there are bulls in your dream, this may mean that you have a desire to return to a simpler, agricultural way of life, or indicate the extensiveness of your work in real life. Do you feel someone else's burden on your shoulders, undeservedly placed on you?

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing a bull means fear; if a bull chases you - to a long illness; riding bulls - to a good economy; to kill a bull means to betray your family.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a bullfight and an angry bull chasing a bullfighter means a renewal of your feelings.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing a bull peacefully grazing in a meadow in a dream means calm.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

The bull is another ancient Indian symbol. He personifies male creative power. Quite often the bull is depicted as a man with the head of this animal.

Ox - can subjugate all sensual and erotic impulses; in dreams he controls unbridled feelings. In other words, the bull is a symbol of dominance over strong start over the weak, men over women.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

To see a bull - be careful; to be attacked - happiness in love; to slaughter - to learn patience; kill him - avoid danger.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a well-fed bull means that you will become a leader in your circle and women will seek your company.

Seeing fat bulls on a green pasture promises you success and a high position in society, which you never dared to dream about before.

If the bulls lean towards the grass, this means that your fortune will decrease somewhat, and your friends will turn away from you.

If you see selected purebred bulls, this portends a happy marriage to a wealthy bride or a union with your former, faithful lover.

Seeing a dead bull is a sign of sadness.

If bulls drink water from a clean pond or stream, a sweet and devoted woman may appear next to you.

If a woman has such a dream, she will accept the proposal of her devoted lover. A particularly happy dream in which you see a white bull.

Chinese dream book

A bull climbs the mountainside - great happiness and prosperity, good luck.

Blood on the horns of a bull predicts the achievement of the three highest positions in the state administration.

If you kill a bull, it foretells wealth and nobility.

Killing a bull and eating its meat portends commercial profit.

Dream book about animals

Bull - has a double meaning.

Usually the bull personifies the male principle, the solar regenerative force dedicated to all heavenly gods, as well as fertility, male productive force, and royal origin. In other cases, it symbolizes the earth and feminine natural power.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream a huge bull appears to you fighting a bullfighter, it means that in reality you will gain well-deserved recognition and many of those who recently treated you with lukewarmness will begin to seek your company.

Seeing well-fed bulls in the pasture means your position will reach a level that you never dared to dream of before.

A bull digging the ground with its hoof - you will suffer losses, both material and other, for example, the loss of friends.

A herd of dirty bulls wandering along a dusty road is a chance to get married successfully or to get back the confession of someone who once underestimated you.

Seeing bulls at a watering hole on the river bank on a summer day is an opportunity to find a true friend and lover in the person of a man who is impeccable in all respects. For a young girl, this means that she will accept her lover’s proposal.

Seeing a dead bull means sadness and adversity.

Dream book of the past

The bull is an image of aggressive force. Someone aggressively influenced you, and perhaps even fed on your energy, being an energy vampire. These could be people from among your close relatives. Perhaps someone is using you for their own purposes, making you dependent, and you do not yet have the strength to get rid of this addiction. The dream suggests that the time has come to free yourself from the ties that have burdened you and stop sacrificing yourself and your vitality to someone else’s interests.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

To see a bull - be careful; being attacked by a bull means happiness in love; cut (slaughter) - learn patience; kill - avoid danger.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

A well-fed bull portends profitable deals and unexpected profits.

A herd of bulls - dreams of achieving success and a high position in society.

If you are being chased by a bull in a dream, expect serious, tough competition.

If a young woman dreams of a bull, a marriage proposal from a long-time admirer awaits her.

A white bull in a dream means fatherhood or motherhood.

Solomon's Dream Book

Bull - danger, enmity, dispute.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Bull - volitional efforts sleeping; success; aggression.

Freud's Dream Book

The bull is a symbol male power and attractiveness.

Identifying yourself with a bull indicates your excessive faith in your sexual irresistibility.

Bull hunting means the desire to get rid of sexual competitors.

Fleeing from a bull - symbolizes that you can become the object of sexual harassment, including the homosexual type.

If you tease a bull, you are indiscriminate in your choice of sexual partners.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Ox - illness, sadness; pursues a bull, a calf - to an inheritance; white - big income; raised his horns - unusual glory.

Medieval dream book

If someone sees that he is following a plow or harnessing an ox, this means that he will experience fear.

To see bulls grazing or standing - to pleasure or to a trade deal.

Seeing a mule or a bull means deception.

Seeing fat bulls means good times.

Skinny bulls mean hard times.

Seeing sleeping bulls portends deceit.

Seeing yourself sitting on a white bull means an honorable position.

Seeing a bull means danger.

Seeing bulls means great excitement.

French dream book

A dream about a bull promises you a strong and deep feeling, passion.

If you dream of a butting bull, be prepared for the fact that your name will end up on the tongues of talkative gossips and envious people.

Ukrainian dream book

Bull - liberation.

The bull is a difficult matter; grazing is a nuisance.

Seeing a bull in a dream - be careful; a bull will attack - happiness in love; slaughtered (to slaughter) a bull - through patience you will avoid danger.

Gypsy dream book

Gypsies believe that seeing a bull in a dream means an improvement in your financial situation.

White bull - good luck in love and friendship.

A bull is chasing you - be careful when making deals.

Fighting a bull or seeing yourself as a bullfighter means that a lot of things are involved in your work various factors and you need to concentrate your efforts on the path to success.

Esoteric dream book

An aggressive bull is a new sex partner.

Enraged, attacks - the danger of being raped, becoming a victim of a maniac.

Wild - you are not satisfied in your sex life.

Erotic dream book

Seeing a bull in a dream - soon you will encounter difficulties in mutual understanding with your beloved person, the cause of which will be jealous and envious rivals.

If a young woman meets a bull in a dream, in reality she will soon receive a marriage proposal, which should be rejected, since the marriage will be unhappy.

If you see a bull attacking someone, expect trouble in your personal life due to your own frivolity.

Online dream book

If you dream about a bull young man- the dreamer will soon have some sexual adventures. If a woman dreams of this, the dream shows that she is afraid of losing her soulmate or somehow ruining her relationship with him.

A herd of bulls in a dream symbolizes luck and success in all endeavors, as well as profit.

If you dreamed about the skin of a bull or part of a tail - wait, someone will soon inherit something.

According to the dream book, buying or selling this animal in a dream always brings joy and luck.

If in a dream you are riding on top of a bull, some task awaits you from a very prestigious person.

You are gored by a bull in a dream - the dream promises you trouble from some person who has great connections and good friends. Be careful, this person intends to take your place at work or in life.

A dream in which there is a hornless bull promises you victory over all your enemies.

To see a bull grazing in a dream - the dreamer will expect unexpected wealth and income, if you see him locked in a stall - the dreamer will expect happiness in his personal life and good income if he moos in a dream - such a dream, according to the dream book, warns you about some kind of risk, Be carefull.

If you kill a bull in a dream, you will be rich and very famous in the future.

If you dream of a thin bull, the dreamer will face a very difficult future.

If you dream that you have to kill a bull, your enemies will not be able to stop you. Lack of competitors and obstacles to the implementation of plans.

If you dreamed that a bull was attacking you, your enemies are not asleep; beware of dishonest friends, traps and deceptions. This dream may also indicate your own negative qualities, excessive aggression.

Angry bull - beware of the maniac. Beware strangers, do not walk the streets alone in the dark.

Running away from a bull in a dream means there is a high probability that they will try to seduce you. You also risk becoming an object of desire for a homosexual.

Red Ox - you are too persistent in your desires to have a partner, moderate your ardor so as not to scare your soulmate.

A dream in which a bull is chasing you - ill-wishers are plotting against you, try to stay away from them. Don't deal with people you don't know.

A herd of bulls in a meadow - people will have a high opinion of you, you deservedly enjoy the authority of others. Success in any endeavor and their high profitability.

The white bull, according to the interpretation of the dream book, means income growth, improved health, solving the most difficult cases.

A large black bull - enemies do not sleep. Be on your guard and don't let them interfere in your life.

According to the dream book, the one who is gored by a bull will have difficulties related to housing. Losses and unplanned expenses are also quite likely.

I dreamed about a Bull, what is it for, what does a Bull mean in a dream

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife Bull - I had a dream.

What does a Bull mean in a dream? Why does it mean taking care of the family; sexuality; a large number of work. Aggressive bull - frustration if family care or sexuality is not sufficiently appreciated; killed bull - suppression of desires to have a family or take care of it; a bull sacrificed - selflessness; harnessed ox - harmony between spiritual and natural needs.

Dream Interpretation by K. Hall Interpretation of the dream Ox:

What does a Bull mean in a dream - stubbornness, self-will. To be frightened by a bull is to catch a quarrelsome person. Being attacked means you will be pursued by a persistent person. Peaceful-looking bulls: thin - means high prices, well-groomed, well-fed - all acquisitions will be affordable. Riding a bull means coping with a difficult, risky task. Seeing an angry bull means witnessing unbridled aggression.

Slavic dream book Meaning of the dream Ox:

You dreamed of a Bull, what does it mean for women to see a bull - to passionate anticipation of love pleasures - dissatisfaction and great sexual potential

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does the Bull mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream What does a Bull mean in a dream - You dream of a big powerful bull - for your business - a green street; all your transactions concluded in the near future will be very profitable and bring profit; you will be a leader among your friends, many will seek your favor - as the favor of an influential, authoritative person. You see several bulls - in reality you were striving for only one thing: to do the task entrusted to you well; as a by-product - a transition to a different quality, your current high position in society; your business is your locomotive, which pulls and pulls you up the mountain. It’s as if a bull is chasing you - new competitors have appeared in your business, but you don’t see them yet; Strengthen your business in every possible way and do not let those you have reason not to trust get close to it. If a young woman sees a bull chasing her in a dream, let her prepare for the fact that her longtime admirer will finally dare to propose to her; this woman should think about it: maybe her long-time admirer is not as boring as she thought, maybe he is precisely the basis for her happiness? Seeing a white bull in a dream is a sign of happiness; you will be marked with this sign; another interpretation of the dream: there will be a new addition to your family. Dreaming of a dead bull - get ready for sadness; your affairs will be limited by hopelessness, your prospects by hopelessness.

Interpretation of the dream book: You dreamed of a Bull, what is this for - see also Animals. 1. In dreams, the ox represents the masculine principle and fertility. It can also mean our attitude towards male sexuality. 2. A bull appearing in a dream may indicate the dreamer's stubborn behavior. 3. The bull is associated with the gods of the moon and also represents zodiac sign Taurus.

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream of a Bull, what is it for?

Interpretation of the dream book: What does it mean in a dream? The Ox is associated with patience, as well as the desire to sacrifice oneself for the sake of others.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious What does a Bull mean in a dream:

You dreamed of a Bull, what is this for? The aggression and strength of a bull is often associated with masculinity. Accordingly, dreams about bulls may express a subconscious desire to discover the masculine aspects of one's personality or, conversely, to avoid them. Jung argued that the bull represents true character human, and the accompanying animal instincts are hidden behind many layers of consciousness.

Positive value

A bull in a dream may represent an important figure in your life.

Negative implications

A charging bull in a dream could be a warning that someone you consider a friend may be talking about you behind your back.

Often the main content of a dream about a bull is the ability to harness or bridle the animal. The ability to do this speaks to how well you can integrate the “animal” aspects of your personality.

Sacrifice / bull in a china shop. Sacrificing a bull indicates victory in the past or future. The image of a bull in a china shop suggests the need to be honest with yourself when choosing a direction in life. Battle of two bulls. Two fighting bulls can mean rivalry among brothers or sisters - hidden or open. Think about your position during the battle, and whether you could influence its outcome. Bullfight. Such a battle may foretell the need to act to resolve some unpleasant problem.

Russian dream book What does a Bull mean in a dream:

What does a Bull mean in a dream - for men - a rough sexual urge, for women - fear of a partner.

Dream Interpretation Bull

If in a dream you dreamed of a Cow or a Bull, you saw Bulls in a dream, Dream Interpretations advise you to remember what the behavior of the animal you saw was like. So, Dream Interpretations assure that a peacefully grazing Bull or Bulls is extremely lucky sign, Which symbolizes your entrepreneurship, thriftiness and promises you complete prosperity. And the Dream Interpretations prepared a different forecast for those who saw in a dream that a Bull would attack or butt. Some kind of bull may be a bull for you strong-willed a person who will interfere with your business and financial success.

I dreamed of a cow and a bull grazing peacefully, Bulls in a dream- wealth, prosperity; growth of energy and internal strength.

Peaceful Cows and Bulls in a dream, as well as outwardly healthy and well-fed, are a symbol of fertility, abundance and prosperity. And at the same time, the Bull is a traditional symbol of animal energy and the growth of physical strength. The dream gives a promising forecast that in reality you will be able to achieve a lot thanks to your powerful energy, thriftiness and hard work.

You dreamed that you were being chased by a bull, being chased by a bull in a dream (for women)- unhappy marriage.

I dreamed that a bull with horns was butting, a bull attacks in a dream- intrigues of competitors; otherwise - your own negative and aggressive traits.

For women, a dream involving an Ox foreshadows a meeting with a physically strong and, possibly, Aggressive person. Probably, a new boyfriend will appear in your life, who will be distinguished by a cool disposition, thriftiness and down-to-earthness. Perhaps a similar “Bull” is already in your environment in reality - you need to analyze your relationship with this person. For aggressive men, an Ox in a dream symbolizes enemies and competitors. By remembering the details of what you saw in a dream, you will be able to understand what kind of events await you in real life. However, it is necessary to analyze your behavior in reality. Haven't you been to last days Are you unrestrained and aggressive towards others like a “Bull”?

Dreamed of a bull or calf- to wealth; receiving an inheritance; win.

The Little Bull Seen in a Dream Deciphers the meaning of “Taurus” or “Golden Calf”, which in one way or another indicates the imminent receipt of unplanned profits in reality. However, the Forecast is relevant only for those who dreamed of an active, healthy and well-fed bull.

I dreamed of a white bull- a very favorable sign, a symbol of complete success and prosperity; promotion by career ladder, Public recognition and honor.

I dreamed about a red bull- aggressive sexuality.

I dreamed of a peaceful black bull- powerful patronage, Career growth.

I dreamed of an aggressive black bull- great danger from enemies and competitors.

The color of the Ox seen in a dream will tell you what kind of events are in store for you in real life. However, the Dream should be considered empty if the image and Color of the Ox seen in reality (for example, in a photo or on the screen) has been deposited in your subconscious.

Dream Interpretation Bull butting

Why do you dream about a Bull butting in a dream book?

If you dreamed that a bull was butting, the dream does not bode well for you. Most likely, you should expect trouble from one person who is very popular; her word is law in your environment.

Don’t get into arguments, avoid quarrelsome women, and never respond to challenges with rudeness and blind aggression.

Red bull

Dream Interpretation Red Bull dreamed of why the Red Bull is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Red Bull in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Dream Interpretation - Bull

A bull climbs the mountainside - great happiness and prosperity, good luck. Blood on the horns of a bull predicts the achievement of the three highest positions in the state administration. Killing a bull portends wealth and nobility. A cow or a bull climb the mountainside - great happiness and prosperity, good luck. Killing a bull and eating its meat portends commercial profit. If you kill a bull or deer, it portends wealth and nobility.

Red bull goring

Dream Interpretation Red bull butting dreamed of why in a dream a Red bull butts? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Red Bull goring in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Seeing a harnessed bull in a dream is a sign of ingratitude towards your loved ones. A bull in a dream represents an embittered and powerful enemy, and sometimes an overbearing leader. Therefore, seeing him in a dream is always a warning of danger. You should be more careful in your affairs and actions and try not to displease your management. A white bull in a dream is a sign of good luck and wealth. Seeing grazing bulls in a dream is a harbinger of a strong position in society and universal respect, unless the bulls are exhausted. A grazing bull in your dream predicts that you will soon receive an inheritance. Seeing bulls at a watering hole is a sign of love pleasures and devotion of a lover. A breeding bull in a dream means a quick and successful marriage with a rich, powerful, stubborn and strong person. Killing a bull in a dream is a very good omen, foretelling that you will be able to avoid danger and your life will not change for the worse. Sometimes such a dream predicts suffering. Seeing him dead is a change in circumstances, which, on the one hand, will help you achieve success, and on the other, will cause you many unpleasant minutes and grief. If in a dream a bull attacks you, then you will have good luck in love and happiness, which will be painful, but will give you a lot of pleasure, but they will be overshadowed by slanderous rumors about you. If in a dream a white bull raised you on its horns, but you were not afraid, then glory awaits you, which you yourself will be surprised by. Killing a bull in a dream means that you will have to be patient for a long time until the unfavorable period passes. Seeing fighting bulls or bullfights in a dream means that you will receive the love and recognition of fans who can make you happy if only you want it. If you had the pleasure of watching the progress of a bullfight, then soon you will take part in a protracted dispute between your competitors.

Dream Interpretation - Bull

A) danger, hostility. B) illness, sadness. B) death in the family. D) hard work (for a man). D) sexual satisfaction (for women). For a man to see a fattened bull in a dream means to seize leadership in his environment. A harnessed bull means committing an unseemly act. Leading a bull to slaughter means prosecution. A white bull or buffalo is a big income. If a bull is chasing you, you will receive an inheritance. The bull raised you on its horns - unusual glory awaits you. Fat bulls on green grass are a wonderful dream, it promises success and a high position in society, but if the bulls bow their heads, your friends will turn away from you. Selected bulls mean a happy marriage. Bulls drinking clean water - the appearance of a faithful friend, a loved one in your life. An attack by a black bull is dangerous. A hornless bull is a symbol of victory over the enemy.

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Seeing a well-fed bull means that you will become a leader in your circle and women will seek your company. Seeing fat bulls on a green pasture promises you success and a high position in society, which you never dared to dream about before. If the bulls lean toward the grass, this means that your fortune will decrease somewhat, and your friends will turn away from you. If you see selected purebred bulls, this portends a happy marriage to a wealthy bride or a union with your former, faithful lover. Seeing a dead bull is a sign of sadness. If bulls drink water from a clean pond or stream, a sweet and devoted woman may appear next to you. If a woman has such a dream, she will accept the proposal of her devoted lover. A particularly happy dream in which you see a white bull.

Dream Interpretation - Bull

whoever sees in a dream that he has many bulls will achieve governance of the country if he has the chances and opportunities for this. If he sees himself sitting on one of them, then Allah will send him goodness and a harvest. The one in front of whom the bull mooed in a dream will go on a long journey. Whoever sees that the bull has knocked him down is close to death. His vision also indicates the outbreak of unrest and war or help in overcoming difficult affairs and work, especially for those involved in agriculture. The mooing of a bull means discord. Others say that seeing a bull in a dream foretells the end of your life. physical assistance in some started business on the part of relatives, friends or other people. Stabbing a bull in a dream means that you will be defeated by a person who brings fear to everyone. Seeing a bull without horns in a dream means communicating with a despised, humiliated or poor person.

Dream Interpretation - Bull

A bull in the pasture - to profit and material well-being. A bull in a stall - to family happiness and well-being. The mooing of a bull is a harbinger of impending danger. A bull attack is good luck in love. A bull is chasing you - your chances in competition are minimal. Leading a bull to slaughter means upcoming problems. Killing a bull means wealth and nobility. Eating bull meat means commercial profit.

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Gypsies believe that seeing a bull in a dream means an improvement in your financial situation. White bull - good luck in love and friendship. A bull is chasing you - be careful when making deals. Fighting a bull or seeing yourself as a bullfighter means that many different factors are involved in your work and you need to concentrate your efforts on the path to success. Ox - to improve your financial situation. If you dreamed about a white bull, you will have good luck both in friendship and in love. If you are a bullfighter, fighting a bull, your affairs depend on several people, be careful, do not concentrate on one thing.

Dream Interpretation - Bull

The bull is a symbol of male strength and attractiveness. Identifying yourself with a bull indicates your excessive belief in your sexual irresistibility. Bull hunting means the desire to get rid of sexual competitors. Running away from a bull symbolizes that you may become the object of sexual harassment, including homosexual harassment. If you tease a bull, then you are indiscriminate in your choice of sexual partners.

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Bull, ox - bull - liberation. The bull is a difficult matter; grazing is a nuisance. Seeing a bull in a dream - be careful; a bull will attack - happiness in love; slaughtered (to slaughter) a bull - through patience you will avoid danger. Ox - there will be will, no matter where to go. Harnessed oxen - have strong friends; they are transporting something - a lot of work awaits you; galloping like horses - fidelity in love; smooth oxen - happiness is just around the corner; thin - high cost; oxen will attack - unfaithful friends.

Dream Interpretation - Bull

If in a dream a huge bull appears to you fighting a bullfighter, it means that in reality you will gain well-deserved recognition and many of those who recently treated you with lukewarmness will begin to seek your company. Seeing well-fed bulls in the pasture means your position will reach a level that you never dared to dream of before. A bull digging the ground with its hoof - you will suffer losses, both material and other, for example, the loss of friends. A herd of dirty bulls wandering along a dusty road is a chance to get married successfully or to get back the confession of someone who once underestimated you. Seeing bulls at a watering hole on the river bank on a summer day is an opportunity to find a true friend and lover in the person of a man who is impeccable in all respects. For a young girl, this means that she will accept her lover's proposal. Seeing a dead bull means sadness and adversity.

Dream Interpretation - Bull

The bull is a symbol of agriculture and hard work. A dream about a bull could mean your desire to live closer to the land or indicate a lot of things to do in real life. Before interpreting a dream, think about whether you feel someone else’s burden on your shoulders, undeservedly placed on you. If you saw a well-fed bull, you will become a leader in your circle and will enjoy success with women. A dead bull is a sign of sadness. A bull drinking water from a clean pond or stream will bring you a meeting with a sweet and devoted person. Dreaming of a white bull brings great happiness.

Red bull

Dream Interpretation - Bull

see him - be careful to be attacked - happiness in love to stab - learn patience to kill him - avoid danger

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Illness, sadness; pursues - to inheritance.

Dream Interpretation - Bull

danger, hostility and dispute

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Symbolizes the stereotype of the power and aggressive position of a woman who inculcates her negative dominant role. Symbolizes the stereotype of the position of power of a woman who inculcates her negative dominant influence.

Dream Interpretation - Bull

The volitional efforts of the sleeper; success; aggression.

Dream Interpretation - Bull

The emergence of an important problem that will have to be solved with the involvement of many people holding responsible positions.

Dream Interpretation - Bull

In a man's dreams it means his own sexual urge. In women, it reflects hostility towards their partner.

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Sexual passion as creative energy or more often in a negative aspect - blind rage.

Dream Interpretation - Bull

Achieve long life, health and great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - You kill a bull

Okay, that means his enemies will be killed.

It is quite pleasant to travel in night visions among gorgeous meadows and spacious fields. But not when a horned and unfriendly animal comes out to meet you. It turns out that seeing a bull in a dream is not as bad as it might seem. And even fear can become a completely optimistic clue. Let's take a closer look at what it means to see a bull in a dream: peacefully grazing or aggressively attacking. Interesting?

Women's dream book

Pay attention to the appearance and behavior of the animal. In a dream, seeing a bull with plump sides calmly nibbling grass is a wonderful sign. It portends wealth, profit, maybe an unexpected cash gift or bonus. If there are a lot of bulls, a whole herd, then you will be able to take a higher position in society, become famous, and become a boss. For a young lady to see a bull in a dream - to receive an offer from a wealthy, loving gentleman. If she accepts it, she will never regret her choice. It’s bad when the animal turns out to be skinny, sick or dead. should be taken as a bad sign. It portends losses or I think. You may have to quit your job due to circumstances beyond your control. Some times the income will be very meager. For young man It is not very good to see an attacking bull in a dream. This is a sign that he has designs on his young lady. He will capture the beauty’s attention, making the young admirer jealous and angry on the sidelines. For a woman, such a vision is a harbinger whirlwind romance on the side. Someone is burning with passion and is preparing a trap for the lady. If a bull butted in a dream, then you need to be more careful and not deviate from moral standards. Otherwise, you will have to bitterly regret your frivolous actions.

Dream book of the 21st century

If the young lady in the night vision was running away from an aggressive man, she will be pursued by a very passionate gentleman. Good sleep. A pleasant time awaits the beauty, called the “candy-bouquet period.” But for a man to dream of seeing a bull threatening to pierce his body with its horns is not good. He has no chance of winning the competition, no matter what he wants to achieve. If he tries to capture the attention of a beauty, her heart will be given to another. If he wants to get a more prestigious position, another candidate will beat him. Not a very good omen. Seeing a bull with horns standing peacefully in a stall in a dream means that a favorable period is beginning in life. Married people will find harmony in the family, single people will find reciprocity in relationships, work will delight them with income, and friends will enjoy attention and respect. If in the land of Morpheus the bulls grazed peacefully in a beautiful meadow, prepare your wallet. Income will increase and allow you to accomplish maybe more than one thing! If you only heard the mooing of a bull, danger awaits you. Be careful. Perhaps in the near future you will become a victim of a scammer or robber. In a dream, seeing a bull being led to slaughter is a bad dream. If you yourself dragged the animal to certain death, then troubles are ahead.

Miller's Dream Book

This popular source treats the image under study well and characterizes it mostly positively. Seeing a big bull in a dream means getting rich in reality. For men, this plot foretells a higher position in society. In addition, the dreamer will gain popularity with the opposite sex, which he had not even counted on before. The beauties themselves will seek his attention. A purebred animal means that a man will marry a very worthy girl who will never let him down. If the bull drank from a clean source, the girl will meet a charming beauty, and the girl will meet wonderful man. Subsequently, this person will become a devoted and faithful spouse. It's great to see a bull white. This is a sign of the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. But if the animal in your vision was dead, sadness awaits. If the bulls lean towards the grass, income will decrease.

Muslim dream book

Seeing bulls in a dream means receiving income. The larger the animals, the more money will happen to you. A good omen for all people. But it is bad to see a black bull in a dream that is trying to attack. This is a sign of trouble or serious illness. When in night vision a herd of brown or red-colored animals enters a village, laden with luggage, without a guide, one should expect an epidemic in this area. Precautions must be taken to avoid infection. When you dream that you yourself turn into a bull, you will be able to improve your life and achieve everything you dream of. These are will, perseverance and intelligence, which together help fight for a prosperous existence. A girl running away from a bull means a marriage proposal. Most likely, the gentleman will turn out to be a worthy, kind and decent person. It is advisable to take a closer look at the boyfriend. After all, the first impression will not be the most favorable. The girl will think that the young man is uninteresting, as they say, a hillbilly. But, having gotten to know him better, she will be fascinated by his sincerity, honesty and openness.

Dream Interpretation of Taflisi

This source of wise tips connects the animal with the career of the one who met it in the night wanderings along the astral plane. It says here: it is very good to see a bull in a dream. What this image means should be looked at in the plot. So, if you sat on the back of your own animal, you will get a promotion. The bull itself symbolizes the talents and skills of the one who dreamed about it. This person deftly conducts business, is not lost or embarrassed, and knows how to twist any situation to his advantage. If you only dreamed of an animal’s tail or its skin, you will receive an inheritance. It's bad when a bull throws off its rider. This means that the person will become a victim of the intrigues of colleagues who will try to damage his position at work. Get ready to repel enemy attacks. The black bull dreams that a certain high-ranking person will ask you to refuse a certain favor. If you agree, you will receive a generous reward. Seeing cows and bulls roaming around city blocks in large numbers in a dream means obtaining a high position. A large number of people will work under your leadership. He comes into the city to get a herd - to enrich himself. To kill an animal and eat its meat is to take possession of someone else's property.

Ukrainian dream book

This source is confident that bulls are associated with liberation. If you have seen them, some shackles will fall from your hands and you will feel relief. If in a night story the bull was grazing in a meadow, trouble will follow. When you tried to take an animal by the horns and subdue it, get ready for a difficult task. You will definitely succeed if the animal was unable to escape. When the bull knocks you to the ground, beware of new project. The chances of success are still low. To see bulls harnessed to a cart means having strong and reliable friends. A good sign, a person has someone to rely on in life. If the bulls (oxen) were carrying luggage, there is a lot of work to be done. Don’t shirk, because they will pay well for it. Smooth, well-fed bulls in a dream portend good period in life. And skinny, hungry, sick - lack of funds. An attacking bull (ox) is a harbinger of the infidelity of the person you trust.

Loff's Dream Book

Bulls are hard workers whose strength the peasants relied on. Therefore, this source suggests asking the question: do you secretly wish to live a simpler life, to return to your agricultural roots? In addition, a dream about these animals suggests that there is a lot of work ahead. You should be responsible for your work, then you can provide for yourself and your family for a long time. If the bull attacks, it means you will have to fight for position and income. The plot encourages more active life position. Don't give up even in the most difficult situation. You have enough strength to cope with troubles and problems. For girls, a dream about bulls hints at the need to follow a diet, to give up gourmet dishes in favor of simple and unpretentious ones. This will allow you to preserve the youthful beauty of your face and the slimness of your figure for a long time.

Maly Velesov dream book

It's good to see a bull chasing you. This is a sign of inheritance. A pregnant woman dreams of an animal for childbirth. They will pass without problems when the bull was beautiful and well-fed. An angry bull appears in night vision as a warning. You should prepare for a dressing down from your superiors, an argument with colleagues, and hostility in a friendly circle. Not a very good sign. If the bull butted, an ardent feeling will burst into life. love passion will cover your entire being. By the way, it will turn out to be mutual and very happy. Seeing a harnessed beech tree means committing a bad act. If you slaughter an animal and take its life, you can avoid danger by showing remarkable patience. A black bull is a symbol of danger or illness, a white bull is a symbol of profit. If an animal lifts a person on its horns in a dream, he will soon become famous.

If you had to quickly run away from a bull in a dream, then in reality you will be punished for frivolity and recklessness. The dream book will help you correctly decipher the dream plot and understand why it is most often dreamed about.

Keep calm!

Did you dream that you were running away from an aggressive bully? This means that your own irritability and excessive persistence will lead to serious trouble. The dream book encourages you to remain calm and avoid any, even minor, conflicts.

Why do you still dream about an angry bull? It symbolizes an important problem that you can solve only with the help of a high-ranking official.

Think about it!

Did you happen to run away from a bull in a dream? Be careful: in your close circle there is a person who feeds on your energy (most likely unconsciously) or uses it for his own purposes.

Happiness or illness?

Did you dream of a bull beating the ground with its hoof? Expect material or moral losses. But if in a dream a young, quite friendly bull is chasing you, then the dream book promises profit or even an inheritance.

Why do you dream if you happen to run away from an adult and angry bull? With equal probability, you are destined for a long illness or cloudless happiness.

If you couldn’t get rid of the persecution, then get ready for tough and merciless competition.

What did you do?

In addition, the dream book advises you to remember exactly how the meeting in your dream ended for you.

  • The bull knocked you down - intrigue at work, possible dismissal.
  • Hit in the stomach - someone will take your place.
  • Raised by the horns - you will receive strange fame.
  • Trampled - failure, misfortune.

Miller promises

If a young girl dreamed that she had to run away from a bull, then her lover would propose to her. For everyone else, Mr. Miller promises good luck and prosperity.

Be extremely careful!

Why does a man dream of escaping from an angry bully? The Dream Interpretation advises to exercise extreme caution when concluding a transaction or signing documents.

For a woman, running away from a bull in a dream literally means that a man who once underestimated her will return to her. At the same time, the plot is a sign for a woman of an affair with a very cruel and aggressive subject.

Another interpretation of the dream hints at sexual persecution, and even rape, for both women and men.

Great period!

Did you dream that you were lucky to run away from a white bull? You are destined for great happiness and a stable income. Dreamers of both sexes can see a white bull before a close marriage or the birth of a child.

The dream book reminds us: a well-fed and well-groomed cattle in a dream promises good changes and prosperity, skinny and sick, on the contrary, promises difficult times.

The clues we see in dreams are not always clear. For example, a black bull symbolizes taking a leadership position. It promises success and a high position in society if you dreamed of grazing in a green and lush meadow. But not everyone knows why there is a dream in which a bull attacks aggressively. Modern dream books interpret what they saw in different ways. The interpretation depends on many nuances that are recommended to be remembered when deciphering a dream.

For woman

Seeing a well-fed bull with huge horns is for a woman - great sign. According to Miller's dream book, you will meet a person who occupies a high position in society. New novel will become stormy and will have many positive consequences.

According to Freud's interpretation, when a bull attacks in a dream, a new sexual partner appears in reality. Finally, you will meet exactly your man, with whom you want to have children. The more aggressive and powerful the animal in the dream, the more attractive the chosen one will be in reality.

Why you dream of an angry bull beating its hoof in front of you, you can understand by your feelings. If you tried to tame a buffalo, it means that the new partner will spoil you with his attention and gain favor. Most often, such dreams lead to a long-awaited marriage and a quick addition to the family.

For a man

An assertive and purposeful bull with horns attacks in a dream? This is an indicator of good physical fitness the one who dreamed about it. Your energy is at its peak - it's time to make fateful decisions.

The terrifying appearance of a buffalo suggests that in real life you will have to take a lot of risks. While persevering in your work, try not to become angry, conflict and argue - this can ruin everything.

Did you dream of a tired or weak bull that continues to attack? In accordance with Nostradamus' dream book, be prepared to take a long break from business - it's time for you to rest and gain strength.

Black bull attacks

Dreaming of a dark-colored animal with horns usually means you will receive a solid offer that you cannot refuse. Vanga's dream book prophesies fast career, political popularity to the one who dreamed about it.

In addition to public recognition, a dream in which a black bull attacks is interpreted modern dream books as a sign of prosperity. Financial investments will bring considerable profit, especially if the bull seemed well-fed and had healthy hair.

Without horns

A hornless bull usually dreams of those who are not satisfied with their sex life. His attacks are your dreams for more worthy partner. The time has come to choose - you are ripe for a serious relationship.

Esoteric dream books interpret the aggression of hornless buffalos in a dream as a warning. Be careful, there is a risk of becoming a victim of a rapist.

In the arena

A battle in an arena where a bull attacks is an indicator of your superiority over your opponents. Did you dream that an animal was trying to gore you? Be prepared for an avalanche of gossip and rumors addressed to you.

To understand why you dream about a fight, it’s worth remembering what feelings it evoked. Feeling fear in a dream can lead to unexpected illness. And a sense of self-superiority promises victory in an important event.

In addition, dream books foretell for single men a meeting with a rich bride, a successful marriage to a sweet, devoted woman.


  • I had a dream where I saw a bull, healthy and with big horns. He first smelled the flayed skin of one cow after slaughter. And he hummed aggressively, like he was looking for her. Then he looked at me and stood next to my motorcycle. I wanted to drive him away so that he wouldn’t crash the motorcycle, but he got angry and started attacking me. I closed the veranda, but somehow he was able to open the veranda door, and I went up the stairs, and he went up behind me. Then, somehow everything changed and we were thinking about how to get him back down. He tied it on the horns and tied it. Then I woke up. What does it mean? I'm currently looking for a job.

  • Bulls grazing on a huge plot of vegetable garden with black soil, passing by them and seeing them digging their horns on the ground, one bull color Brown huge, well-fed with horns, but one horn larger than the other saw me and headed in my direction. I tried my best to run away from him, but he was always behind me. The fear of what might raise the horns gave me even more desire to find a way out of this situation. I grafted it into one place where I wanted to take it into a trap where it would get stuck with its huge weight. There were 4 bulls in total. But more likely it was a yak or oxen. Very huge.


    Today I dreamed that I was walking through the city and then some guy shouted, run in all directions, a lot of people climbed up trees or lanterns, I climbed onto a lantern and this bull came right up to me, he was so big, black, with horns. He pounded this lantern until I pretended to be dead, he seemed to fall behind me, then I accidentally moved, and he came back to me, someone shouted that he killed one child, people were all in panic and then I screamed in tears because of this flashlight so that someone would throw a knife at this bull or shoot him, and everyone looked at me like I was the only one who guessed what to do with him, then they showed it on the news and interviewed me. That's where my dream ended.

  • I dreamed that I was leaving an unfamiliar house, and a girl ran out to meet me and shouted that there was a bull. I ran back and closed many doors, and he easily broke them, then I hid and a girl came in and said that he had left. I went to look, and he saw me again, and began to break into the doors that we were closing, and I woke up. What could this mean?

People see different dreams: disturbing and happy, scary and amazing, with monsters and fairy-tale creatures, with loved ones and strangers. Among dreams, dreams with animals that a person specially breeds on his land have long been entrenched, and in particular dreams with bulls and cows.

In the dream book, bull and cow have many meanings, depending on the actions of the dreamer, his attitude to what is happening, the behavior of animals and other details of the dream. If you dreamed of a bull, it can be useful to first become familiar with what this animal symbolizes, and then try to clarify the details of the dream and find a specific interpretation.

The bull represents several symbols.

  • Strength and fertility.
  • Sun and fire.
  • Silence and purity.
  • Patience and courage.
  • Courage, energy and rage.

When answering the question “why do you dream about a bull?”, it is worth considering the plots of myths. When one turns to history, one immediately remembers Zeus, who took the form of a bull, and the Minotaur in the labyrinth on the island of Crete, half man, half bull. Mythology thus highlights new meanings: connection with god and change of appearance, as well as the hero’s overcoming a strong danger thanks to friendly help (Ariadne’s thread).

Animal behavior

In general, a bull or a cow in a dream is a good sign, but in order to find out exactly why the bull was dreamed of, you should take a close look at the circumstances of the dream. Perhaps the dreamer was very frightened by the pursuit of the bull or its horns, or the man grabbed him and saddled him?

A herd in a field that poses a danger to the dreamer - the person who had the dream in reality senses bad intentions on the part of the environment, which were expressed in such a disturbing dream. Dream books advise you to take a close look at people and try to clearly define the boundaries of your personal space.

If a herd of cows was grazing nearby in a dream, and then an angry bull separated from it and began to pursue the dreamer, then in real life the person who had the dream is afraid of the actions of a certain person. In this case, it is worth analyzing the relationships that have developed in the team at work or school, and find the source of anxiety, as well as the reason why someone causes mistrust and a feeling of danger. Perhaps this is a challenge that will promote creative growth.

If the entire herd is pursuing the dreamer, tension in reality can be resolved through active cooperation; one should not separate oneself from one’s surroundings or put one’s own desires above.

To see from the side how another person is being chased by a bull is to observe in reality a conflict between colleagues or friends. Intervention is only advisable when exact knowledge the reasons for the conflict situation and the availability of opportunities to resolve it, otherwise it is better not to try to influence the outcome.

To dream of a large number of people participating in a bullfight means rage and aggression have a bad effect on the dreamer’s affairs. If there are reasons for anger, then you should sort them out and try to maintain the maximum degree of calm in any unforeseen circumstances.

Running away in a dream from a bull trying to pierce with its horns, which the dreamer himself provoked - the person who had the dream creates very critical situations with his own actions, delays deadlines, takes on new obligations, because of this he cannot take a breath and is constantly in too much trouble. great tension.

If a person dreams of colorful performances with bulls in which he does not participate, the general background of life is too gray, it’s time to bring in new emotions, fresh impressions, and embark on risky ventures. If you really liked the performance, then it’s a favorable time to discover your talents or start your own business.

Seeing a performance where a bull chases another person, attacks and pierces him with its horns - a desire for active action, final decisions. In reality, a period is approaching in which the dreamer will be able to fully express himself. You shouldn’t hide your emotions; it’s better to throw them out in socially useful activities.

If you dream of mating games between a bull and a cow, you can freely loosen control over your own actions. For a woman, such a dream can speak of admiration from her close circle, for a man - of secret sympathy for him. To see in a dream how one bull attacks the second in order to drive him away from the cow - the dreamer will emerge victorious from a difficult controversial situation in reality.

If a small bull is chasing a dreamer, the person who had the dream should not worry too much about the problems and issues that are now present in his life, because they will either disappear quite quickly or turn into pleasant surprises.

Running away from a big bull with huge horns is a warning against hasty actions in reality. The readiness to engage in battle with an animal that violently attacks reflects the dreamer’s desire to gain power over the situation, which in reality will lead to the opportunity to change unfavorable living conditions or deceive the deceiver.

If an animal attacks, and the dreamer manages to saddle it, the dream symbolizes the opportunity to make your wildest dreams come true with hard work. If there is nowhere to run away from a dangerous animal, the dreamer in reality has approached the line, he must accept responsibility for his actions and not be afraid of uncertainty.

Animal color

Why you dream of a bull depends very much on its color. The interpretation of dreams with black bulls is interesting. Black bulls are symbols of painful ambition, the desire to win at any cost, aggression and anger towards any obstacles. Why you dream of a black bull can be determined by how it behaves and how the dreamer reacts to it.

If a black bull is chasing a white bull, you should not talk about your plans and ideas to just anyone. If a white bull is chasing a black bull, any obstacles in the near future will be easily overcome thanks to the dreamer’s energy and self-confidence. A big black bull disperses everyone - a symbol of the dreamer’s victory over himself and his fears.

If you simply saw an animal in a dream, but its color was unnaturally black and strongly contrasted with all other colors, then such a dream is a reflection of deeply hidden experiences. In this case, dream books advise not to try to go against your desires, but to direct your efforts towards achieving your dreams. If he is chasing a dreamer who does not feel fear, then in reality his leadership qualities will lead to a triumphant victory over any problems and enemies.

Why adult men dream of a black bull is a separate question. Usually the dream reflects the need for very hard, long work to achieve your goals. If the dreamer identifies himself with him, this speaks of success among women attracted by a sense of danger and mystery, and may also indicate high self-esteem.

Why a girl or woman dreams of a bull depends on the situation in her life. If a woman finds it difficult to establish relationships with men in reality, then such a dream symbolizes the reason for the difficulties - she considers them dangerous and prone to causing harm to her. In this case, dream books advise a woman to approach men more easily, trust trusted people more, and try not to pay attention to irrational fears, but to spend time analyzing objective factors.

If in reality it is easy for a woman to make contact with the opposite sex, then the dream symbolizes her superficial attitude towards men, dissatisfaction with warmth, tenderness and care. Perhaps the girl chooses overly self-confident, self-obsessed partners. But a bull that chases a girl in a dream foreshadows mutual love.

If the animals behaved quite calmly towards the dreamer and were simply nearby, then dreams with them for both girls and men reflect the nature of the manifestation of emotions in reality. Aggressive animals that bully each other indicate excessive anger, while tired animals indicate the need for rest.

Dream books give some information regarding what a white bull dreams about.

  • If you see in a dream a white bull grazing peacefully on a field, it is a harbinger material well-being and public recognition.
  • If a white bull lifts the dreamer on its horns, the person will expect fame and success in the professional sphere.
  • If white and red are fighting among themselves, the dreamer is torn apart by the desire to satisfy many desires, it is worth deciding what is more important.

A red bull is included in the dream book as a symbol of leadership. If the red bull is next to the dreamer, it means that your talent will soon be revealed. The red bull is hostile - the person who had the dream is ready to show his leadership qualities.

The bull is included in the dream book under many meanings, but it should be remembered that, first of all, it is a symbol of strength, struggle for one’s desires and hard work. At the same time, you should not go over your head, because no matter how confident a person is in his abilities, nothing can replace good friends and trusting relationships with other people.