Physical exercises for body shaping. Basic methods of body correction using physical exercises

Today, every trainer will recommend physical exercises for problem areas, based on the classification of body types, because there really is a pattern: all girls with the same body type have problems in the same areas of the body. Our female online magazine I have prepared an article that will help correct problem areas of a woman’s figure by type using exercises.

Pear-shaped figure

This type is characterized by wide hips, so they can look massive and fat deposits are most often formed here. First of all, take up swimming! It helps make the shoulders stronger and more defined, which visually makes the figure proportional. In addition, load up on exercises with squats and lunges, work on your hips, Hollywood trainer Jillian Michaels will help you with this workout.

Apple figure

An apple figure speaks of a body that has a pronounced tummy and an almost invisible waist. To help you, twist it at least half an hour a day so that your waist has clear contours. And also for losing belly fat.

Triangle figure

Triangle shape type. Another problematic figure type is when a girl’s shoulders are pronounced and her hips are too narrow. Owners of such a body need. Regular squats at a slow pace for 20-30 minutes a day will help. Just remember, the pace is in this case very important. If you want your muscles to lose weight, then you need to squat quickly in three sets of 50 times with breaks of 10 minutes, and if you increase muscle mass on the hips, then you should perform squats slowly.


This is the most beautiful and desirable body type for girls, but in terms of fitness loads, it requires the use of all muscles. Girls with such shapes should not focus on one or another part of the body; they should work all the muscles during each workout. If you want

Do you want to lose weight and shape your figure, quickly achieving good results? Instead of wasting valuable time on ineffective workouts, do the following exercises to shape your figure:

1. Jumping rope.

How long has it been in last time have you jumped rope? Most likely in childhood. It's time to return to this exercise that does not require special equipment. It is not only more effective than tennis, swimming and cycling, but also corrects the figure in the hips and abdomen, while delivering a lot of pleasure. Important right choice jump rope, because in the case when you hold both its handles in your hand extended at chest level, its second end should touch the floor.

Of course, training should be regular. Use the jump rope for 10 minutes at least twice a week, gradually increasing the training time to 30-45.

2. Squats.

With the help of various variations, you can correct many figure flaws. The exercise must be performed not in 1 approach of 100 times, but in several approaches with breaks, determining the number of squats depending on physical fitness. Various options (deep squats, with dumbbells, with a barbell, plie, curtsy) will allow you to avoid routine and will be a salvation for those who want to quickly pump up their buttocks.

3. Push-ups.

This exercise is not particularly popular because of its difficulty, but with its help, entire muscle groups of the shoulders and arms are worked out, endurance increases, and posture improves. To begin with, “simple” push-ups, performed with support on your knees or push-ups with your hands resting on a bench or chair, are suitable.

4. Lunges.

They allow you to pay attention to working the muscles of each leg. Lunges can be done both with and without weight, in 3 sets of 10-15 times. As you improve physical fitness try to diversify the activity by taking a step not forward, but back (reverse lunges), to the side (side lunges), leaning with your leg, which is pulled back, on the bench (Bulgarian lunges).

5. Running.

It uses almost all muscles, trains the cardiovascular system, relieves stress, and prevents depression. When starting running, set a realistically achievable goal, because a common mistake for beginners is to start too quickly. At first, don’t think about speed, just try to hold out for 10-15 minutes, gradually increase your running time to 0.5 hours. Don't quit

Many women are unhappy with their figure and appearance. Every dissatisfied woman has her own reasons. Some consider themselves too fat, others thin, some feel uncomfortable with their stoop, many are unhappy with their legs. Not all women have an ideal figure. But any woman can become fit and slim if she starts playing sports, or rather, starts doing exercises according to a figure correction program. Of course, this requires time, effort and your decision.

Everyone knows the benefits morning exercises, but few people do it in the morning. And this is not surprising, there is a lot of worries in the morning: you need to get the children ready for school, after preparing breakfast for them, and get ready for work yourself. But I can’t get up early; I want to lie in bed for an extra minute. But the practice of the figure correction program shows that 10 minutes spent on morning exercises, give you vigor and strength for the whole day.

In principle it does not special significance, at what time of the day you will pay attention to gymnastics - this can be done in the evening, but not before bed.

What exercises are needed to lose weight and shape your figure? There is no such complex that suits absolutely everyone. The body correction program, which is aimed at correcting figure imperfections, is selected purely individually.

This article suggests exercises for weight loss and body shaping, provided that you do them every day.

Of course, there is a category of women who cannot bring themselves to lose weight and shape their figure at home. Then you have the opportunity to sign up for a fitness room, where an experienced instructor will select a specific set of exercises for you and work with you.

Losing weight and shaping your figure in the fitness room is also good because you are not distracted by household chores, you devote time only to yourself and your body.

Body shaping program with exercises

It is worth noting that to begin with, it is enough to perform three approaches of 15-20 times for a separate muscle group.

Starting position, emphasis on four limbs, lean on your elbows. We forcefully push our leg back and hold it. The head is in a straight position. We inhale, then exhale, inhale and hold our breath.

Lower your head down, pull in your stomach, return to the starting position. Then we take our leg back and raise it as high as possible, with our toes pointing down. We stop in this state for 10 seconds and return to the starting position. The exercise is done at least three times for each leg.

Stand up straight, spread your knees, toes pointing inward. Take a deep breath, pull in the buttocks and stomach, move the left leg back, turn the toe and fixate for 10 seconds, exhale. Repeat for the other leg.

We lie down on our stomach, under which we put a little thought. We stretch our hands in front of us, clenching our fists and raising our chin. Take a deep breath and spread your arms to the sides, touch your buttocks with them, and return to the starting position. Relax and repeat.

Exercises for body shaping in the hip area

For these exercises, it is advisable to pick up dumbbells for weight.

  • We move our hands behind our backs. There should be dumbbells in your hands. Keep your back straight. We begin squats, which should be as deep as possible. Only deep squats will help you achieve the desired effect.
  • Squats on the bottom supporting leg will strengthen the muscles well. There are also dumbbells in his hands.
  • Without bending your knees, make circular movements with each leg in turn.
  • Bend one leg at the knee and move it alternately in different directions, repeat for the second leg.
  • The arms are along the body. We swing our legs, first with one, then with the other. Swings should be as high as possible.
  • Feet shoulder width apart. We take a step forward with one leg and squat, then change legs, doing the same lunge.
  • Hands on the waist, we make turns with squats in different directions.
  • Bend forward as low as possible.


to correct the figure in the waist area

Seated exercises:

  • Sit down, place your emphasis on your hands behind you, bend your legs at the knees without touching the floor. Straighten your legs, leaning your shoulders back.
  • Sit in the same position as in the previous exercise, only we make turns with bent knees to the right and left.
  • Sitting, with knees bent, feet on the floor, arms spread to the sides. We raise our legs without straightening them and clap our hands under our knees.
  • The same position, only we make cotton under straight legs.
  • Emphasis on the back of the elbows. We raise our legs and make crossing “scissors” movements.

To keep your shoulders straight and your chest to maintain its shape, you need to do the following exercises:

  • Sit in the lotus position, back straight, place your hands on your shoulders, press your elbows to your body. Perform circular movements with your shoulders without lifting your elbows from your body.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, one hand rests on your belt, and with the other we describe large circles, three forward, then three back. Change hands and repeat.
  • Take dumbbells weighing one kilogram, slowly raise and lower your arms in front of you. You can start with five times, gradually increase to 15.
  • We place our feet shoulder-width apart, raise our arms at chest level, and perform the “scissors” exercise.

Exercises for correcting legs

  • Accept horizontal position. Bend your leg at the knee and press it towards you with your hands, make several rolling movements. Change legs and repeat the exercise.
  • We place our feet shoulder-width apart. We do deep bends, clasping our ankles with our hands.
  • Get down to the floor. Pull your knee toward your chest, grab your foot and extend your leg out to the side. Then change legs and repeat the exercise.

Physical exercises to correct your figure and posture

  1. Place a small pillow on your head and walk on your toes.
  2. Take a round stick and place it on your shoulder blades, stand on your toes, sit down a little and walk around.
  3. Stand up straight, clasp your hands behind your back. Raise your arms as high as possible. You can do this exercise with a ball.
  4. Sit down on a chair, clasp your hands at the back of your head, tilt your head back, while offering resistance with your hands.
  5. Sit on the floor with your hands behind you. Stand up, focusing on your hands, bend, moving your head back, stand in this state for 3-5 seconds, return to your original state.
  6. Let’s complicate this exercise by focusing on one leg and lifting the other one high up and to the side.
  7. Take a horizontal position, bend your knees, do not lift your feet off. Raise your hips, rest on your shoulders and feet.

Exercises for the neck and chin

  • Tilt your head back, relax your chin, and keep your mouth half open. We move the lower jaw forward, then back. We do this exercise slowly, but with resistance.
  • Let's complicate this exercise. The hands are clasped and tucked under the chin. You need to tilt your head forward and create resistance with your hands.
  • We stretch our neck. Position, standing or sitting. Place your hands on your shoulders and stretch your neck up. Inhale and exhale after 10 seconds.
  • Moving your head in a circle. We lower our chin to our chest and slowly begin to roll our head in a circle, first in one direction, then in the other.
  • First turn your head to the right and touch your chin to your shoulder, then to the left. Repeat five times.

After you familiarize yourself with all the exercises for body shaping, all you have to do is choose the exercises for yourself. By doing these exercises every day for a month, you will get a slim, toned figure.

Women, unfortunately, are not always happy with their appearance and figure. Some people want to lose weight, others want to gain weight, stop slouching, and straighten their legs. Ideal figure Not many women have. But everyone can become slim, feminine, correct or smooth out figure flaws, if they do not spare time and effort for this. We are talking about physical education, or rather, exercises to correct the figure.

You've probably already read a lot about how much 10-minute gymnastics benefits the body if you do it daily, despite lack of time. You will feel more energetic, look younger, and cope with household chores and work faster.

If you are very busy in the morning, you can reschedule classes for daytime or in the evening, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime - this is better than not doing gymnastics at all. But remember that the morning charge of freshness and vigor cannot be replaced by anything.

What exercises should I do? It is difficult to choose a set of exercises that would be equally suitable for all women. One type of gymnastics is suitable for the young and healthy, another for the not-so-young, and a third for the not-so-healthy. And if you want, in addition to improving your health, to correct something else in your figure, then the exercises will have to be selected individually.

Here we offer women body shaping exercises that can be included in their routine. daily exercise to correct imperfections in the hips, waist, chest, legs, posture.

All of the above exercises for body shaping should be performed at a fast pace, initially each 3-4 times, and gradually increased to 10-12 repetitions. Do not hold your breath, pay more attention to the exhalation than the inhalation. Several weeks will pass, and you will notice pleasant changes in your appearance and well-being. But do not forget that these exercises have a narrow, special effect and cannot replace all other healing complexes.


1. Lie on your back, hands under your head. Raise your legs sharply straight, bring them as close to your head as possible, then, just as sharply lowering your legs, raise your torso and lean forward.

2.Lie on your back, arms to your sides. Raise your legs straight and lower them to the left, raise them again and lower them to the right. The shoulder blades should not come off the floor.

3.Same starting position. Perform the “bicycle” exercise, trying not to touch the floor with your heels. At first the pace is slow, then fast.

4.Lying on your stomach, raise your head, shoulders and legs at the same time, holding your feet with your hands. Return to the starting position. As you rise, inhale; as you descend, exhale.

5. Sitting on the floor, rest your hands on your back. Raise your hips off the floor, lift one leg over the other and touch the floor. Return to the starting position. Then with the other foot.

6.Lying on your back. Raise your leg, move it across your body and touch your toe to the floor as far as possible. Then with the other foot.

7.Lie on your side, extend one arm up, and rest your other arm in front of you at shoulder level. Slowly lift your legs and hips from the floor by 10-20 cm and slowly lower them. Make sure that your legs do not bend and your body is extended. Then on the other side.

8.Lie on your stomach with one hand resting on the floor. Raise your hips and lower them. Then, lean on the other hand.

Exercises for body shaping: BREAST CORRECTION.

To make your shoulders beautiful and your breasts to be firm and maintain their shape, several exercises are offered for breast correction.

1. Sit cross-legged, straighten your back, bend your arms and press your elbows to your body, hands on your shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together. Raise your shoulders up, then move them far back, down and forward. Do it 4 times. Then 4 times: down - back - up - forward.

2.Stand up straight. Place your palms in front of you, fingers apart, elbows at chest level. Press your fingertips firmly against each other to feel the tension in your chest muscles. Then press your palms against each other. Press for 10 seconds, break for 3 seconds - shake your hands and move your fingers. Repeat 5 times with fingers and palms.

3.Standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Left hand lies on the thigh, with the right hand describe 3 large circles, moving forward, then back 3 circles. Same thing with the other hand.

4.Standing, feet together. Make movements with your hands as when swimming in the breaststroke style.

5.Stand up straight, hands under your arms. Perform large circular movements back and forth with your elbows. Perform 10 times.

6.Stand up straight, raise your arms with dumbbells (1kg) at shoulder level. Slowly raise and lower your arms. At the beginning, perform the exercise 5 times, and then increase the number to 15.

7. Stand up straight, bend forward at a right angle, swing your arms to the sides.

8.Lie on your stomach. Lift up top part torso and arms extended slightly apart to the sides.

9. Stand up straight, stretch your arms forward and clench your fists. Cross your arms in a scissoring motion.

10.Start right hand through your head behind your back, as far as possible and slowly describe large circles with it. Then with your left hand. Repeat the exercise with each hand 10 times.

11.Lie on your back, holding small dumbbells. Raise your arms and slowly spread them to the sides, return to the starting position.

12.Same starting position. Slowly raise your arms with dumbbells above your head and lower them.

13.Stand up straight. Interlace your fingers and raise your hands behind your head, as far back as possible, while simultaneously leaning back and lifting your head.

14.Kneel down and lean your hands on two chairs. Bend over and straighten up.

After exercise, you can do a light and gentle circular massage of the mammary glands to maintain their shape.

Exercises for body shaping:LEGS CORRECTION.

These exercises for correcting legs are universal - Thin legs plump, and plump legs become slimmer. With a lot of patience and perseverance, even slight curvature can be reduced. In addition to leg exercises, it is useful to practice walking, dancing, skating and cycling.

1.Lie on your back. Bend one leg at the knee, clasp it with your hands, press it to your chest and sway several times, return to the starting position. Then with the other foot.

2.Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward without bending your knees, trying to clasp your ankles with your hands. Do 2-3 deep bends in this position, then straighten up.

3. While sitting, raise one knee to your chest, grab your foot with your hands, straighten your leg, move it to the side, bend the knee again. Then with the other foot.

4. Sitting on the floor, bend your knees so that they touch your chest; in this position, slowly lie on your back and return to the starting position.

5.Stand with one foot on a chair and perform a movement as if you want to climb onto it, so that the other leg is completely straightened, strongly tensing the leg muscles, then lower your leg to the floor. Then place your other foot on the chair.

6.Running in place with high knees. Take a short break and repeat 2 more times.

Exercises for body shaping:POSTURE CORRECTION.

To maintain proper posture, you need to strengthen your back muscles. The most common postural disorder is stooping (round back), when the shoulders are pushed forward, the shoulder blades protrude, the stomach protrudes, and the chest is lowered. Therefore, you need to consciously ensure that you lift your chest, pull your shoulders back, and keep your back straight.

There is also another violation of posture - a round-concave back, when there is a strong deflection of the spine in the lower back, the stomach protrudes forward, and the chest becomes flat. In this case, it is necessary not only to strengthen the back muscles, but also to stretch the lower back muscles to reduce the deflection of the spine.

Is it possible to achieve this? Yes, if you keep an eye on it correct posture, as well as persistently perform special exercises to correct posture:

1.Place a small pillow on your head and perform normal walking and toe walking.

2. Place a gymnastic stick on your shoulder blades, half-squat and walk on your toes.

3.Stand up straight, clasp your hands behind you. Pull your arms back and bend over. You can take a ball or a gymnastic stick in your hands.

4. Sit on a chair, place your hands on the back of your head, lower your head slightly forward. As you move your head back, apply slight resistance with your hands.

5. Sit on the floor, place your hands on the floor behind you. Rise up, leaning on your hands, move your head back, bend over, stay in this position for 3-5 seconds, return to the starting position.

6. Perform the same exercise, only leaning on one leg, and lift the other leg up or move it to the side.

7.Lie on your back, bend your legs, feet on the floor. Raise your torso, but do not lift the back of your head and feet off the floor.

8.Lying on your back, legs extended. Bend in thoracic region spine, but do not raise your head and pelvis.

9. Lying on your back, legs extended. Leaning on the back of your head and feet, lift your torso and bend over. If it’s difficult, you can help slightly with your hands and bend your legs slightly.

10.Lying on your stomach, arms along your body. Raise your head and shoulders, hold in this position for 3-5 seconds and lower.

11.Lying on your stomach, hands behind your back. Raise your head and shoulders, and move your arms back and bend.

12.Lying on your stomach, place your hands on the back of your head. Bend your legs as far as possible knee joints, raise your head and shoulders, stretch your head towards your feet.

14.Lie on your stomach, arms along your body. Place your hands on the floor and lift your legs slightly bent, bringing your heels toward your head to create a chest stand. At first, this exercise can be done using a rubber band or a jump rope - grab the ends with your hands and hold the middle part with your feet.

15.Lie on your stomach, extend your arms with the ball forward, and fix your feet. Raise your head, shoulders and straight arms.

Exercises for body shaping: HOW TO REMOVE YOUR SHOULDS.

A set of exercises is proposed that will help remove the shoulder blades. Every day you need to perform 4-5 exercises and exercise for 8-10 minutes. Repeat each exercise 6-8 times, then rest for 10-15 seconds. In exercises performed while lying down, keep the muscles under great tension for 5-7 seconds.

1. Stand up straight, clasp your hands behind you, take them as far back as possible, also tilt your head and shoulders back, and stay in this position. You can take dumbbells weighing 2-3 kg in your hands. Then lean forward (keep your back straight, look forward), and move your arms back.

2.Lie on your back, press your shoulder blades to the floor with great tension, then relax.

3.Lying on your back, spread your arms to the sides, pressing them firmly onto the floor.

4.Lying on your back, place your elbows on the floor. Leaning on your elbows and the back of your head, bend in the thoracic spine.

5.Lying on your back, place your hands under your head and press your head onto your hands.

6.Lie on your stomach, place your hands on the back of your head. Raise your head and elbows slightly.

7.Lying on your stomach, take dumbbells in your hands and perform circular movements with them back and forth.

8.Lying on your stomach, spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides. Raise your hands and hold them for a few seconds.

9.Lie on your stomach on a gymnastic bench or narrow trestle bed. Stretch your arms with dumbbells to the sides and lower them. Now take them back.

10.Stand up, take the rubber band, fold it in four, hook it in the middle door handle, hands at shoulder level. Now slowly spread your arms to the sides and stay in this position for several seconds.

In addition to these exercises, try to keep your shoulder blades pressed against your back throughout the day. To do this, when walking and standing, slightly move your shoulders back, and keep them like this all the time.

Intensive training of these muscles for 2-3 months will help you “hide” your shoulder blades.

All body shaping exercises will be more effective with daily exercise.

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