Why does a girl dream about a black bull? White bull interpretation of dream book

The world of dreams is so unpredictable that sometimes you can dream about a wide variety of and rather strange incidents and events.

In some dreams, not only people, but also animals can appear. Why do you dream of a bull with horns? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of a bull with horns - basic interpretation

Worth paying Special attention that in many ancient cultures the bull was considered a sacred animal.

He personified the wisdom and secret knowledge that a person could comprehend.

Nowadays, people do not treat bulls with such trepidation, so dream books advise to fully interpret dreams in which the image of a bull appears.

It is worth paying special attention to the following details of the dream:

Was the animal healthy?

For what reason did the bull attack?

Did he attack you or someone else;

Was the attack fatal?

What emotions did the dream evoke in you?

If you dream that a bull with horns turned out to be dead in a dream- sadness and melancholy await you; you yourself will provoke similar emotions in yourself if you dream that a bull died in your house. If you dream that the bull was white, joyful events await you, the culprit of which will be one of your loved ones.

Why do you dream charging bull with horns– you should be wary of betrayal and trickery on the part of loved ones. It is also important to remember the reason why the bull decided to attack you. If you see a rabid animal attacking you, you will witness a rather unpleasant event; you could have avoided the incident if you had been more careful yourself.

If the bull attacks you due to the fault of another person– you will become a victim of fraud and deception. It’s too late to do anything if the bull attacks you after your provocation. You will personally become the culprit of your own troubles.

If you dream harnessed bull with horns– quite difficult events await you in the near future. You will be overwhelmed with work and household chores. But in order to achieve what you want, it’s always worth working hard, so you don’t need to get upset, you just need to achieve your goal and don’t give up. Most likely, you will find yourself alone on your path.

It is also important to remember the animal’s health status if the bull is absolutely healthy and even seems huge- good luck and profit await you. If you see an animal grazing peacefully in a meadow and not paying attention to you, you will soon have the opportunity to realize everything you previously planned.

If a bull is chasing you in a dream- envy and competition await you. In order to overcome all difficulties, you need to think through all your actions in advance, only then will you get desired result.

If a woman dreams of a snow-white bull grazing peacefully in a meadow– she will meet a worthy gentleman, the relationship will bring her only joy, she will finally be able to find peace and start a family.

if you dream of a whole herd of bulls– success and recognition await you, you will be able to strengthen your position in society, you will be able to receive significant income from everything you have long dreamed of doing.

Why do you dream of a bull with horns according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that a bull with horns is dreamed of as a symbol of masculinity, a symbol male power. For a woman, such a dream can mean the emergence of a new admirer. Why do you dream of an attacking bull with horns? Such a dream primarily symbolizes active changes in your personal life. If you dream that a bull is not attacking you, but someone else - you will have to witness other people's showdowns.

Do not take sides in this situation, because the lovers will make peace, and you will become extreme. If you dream that a bull is attacking you, most likely you will have to listen to a number of unflattering statements addressed to you, but you should not worry too much, most likely, the conflict will soon exhaust itself, and you can calmly continue communicating with this person.

If a young girl dreams that she suddenly meets a bull on her way, and he is angry - she will meet a partner in reality who will actively seek her attention. But you should not count on the active continuation of the relationship; the partner may even propose marriage, but will soon lose interest in the girl, because he himself succumbed to the impulse of feelings.

If a man dreams of a bull attacking his beloved, most likely he has a a rival will appear, but in this situation it is worth showing wisdom and perseverance. Otherwise, he himself will destroy the relationship and push his beloved into someone else’s arms.

If a bull attacked your beloved in a dream and killed her with its horns - Other people's caustic words and gossip can destroy your relationship. How to avoid this? Stop washing dirty linen in public, dedicate strangers in everything that happens in your personal life.

If a girl dreams of a wild bull that she is trying to tame - she will put a lot of effort into a relationship with a very wayward man. Most likely, all her efforts to establish mutual understanding with him will not be crowned with success.

Why do you dream of a bull with horns according to the esoteric dream book

IN esoteric dream book, it is said that a bull with horns in a dream can represent future difficulties and obstacles on the way to achieving the desired goal. What kind of obstacles there will be - he will tell you about it full interpretation dreams. It is important to remember what color the bull was, whether it was angry and whether it attacked you or another person.

If the bull was black and behaved very aggressively, beware of unexpected reproaches and quarrels, they can ruin your reputation forever;

If the bull was white and attacked you only after your provocation, you do not value those people who create comfort for you;

Seeing a bloody charging bull means health problems;

Seeing a bull at a watering hole - you should not rush things and panic, problems will resolve themselves;

Seeing a sleeping bull with horns means a delay in business, use this time to develop yourself;

If there are several bulls, you will have to choose from huge amount options.

If you dream that someone turns into a bull before your eyes and begins to behave very aggressively, beware of intimacy with this person in reality. If a young girl dreams of playing with a bull on the lawn, she will flirt with a handsome man, but most likely this relationship will not progress beyond flirting.

If a woman dreams that a bull is attacking her child, it is time for her to think about how to strengthen the baby’s health in every possible way. Most likely, the mother is busy with her own affairs and problems and she simply does not have time left for the child. Because of this, the baby not only suffers physically, but also emotionally, which can lead to chronic diseases.

Why do you dream of a bull with horns according to other dream books?

Tsvetkov’s dream book says that a bull dreams of sorrows and illnesses, but if you dream of a calf following on your heels, happiness and good luck will also follow you. If the bull in your dream is snow-white, expect income. If a bull raises its horns high in a dream, recognition and glory await you.

IN Persian dream book said Oh, that a bull in a dream symbolizes a person’s ability and skills to conduct business and be responsible for his words. If the bull is handsome and happy, then things will go uphill, but if the bull is dissatisfied with everything that is happening and is very aggressive, aggression should be avoided when communicating with subordinates. Seeing a lot of bulls on the street means your career will go uphill. Don't listen to gossip and gossip - move forward without fear.

If a young girl dreams of bulls fighting, she will become a target for several men. On the one hand, she will be pleased with such attention, but it can subsequently ruin her reputation. You should be attentive to your feelings and emotions. There is no need to make empty promises, because the likelihood of being left alone is huge.

E if a bull attacks a pregnant woman in a dream This means that you are subconsciously afraid of becoming dependent on another person. You lack self-confidence, so you view the other person as your enemy. Even if he really has feelings for you. Despite such a negative interpretation of the dream, it gives a hint on how to qualitatively change your life so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Dreams always carry some kind of hidden meaning which a person does not want to see in his life. Having solved the mystery, a person receives the key to a new life, a life in harmony with himself.

If you are being chased by an angry bull in a dream, you will wake up in a cold sweat of horror. And then you will start to worry, thinking all day why you had a nightmare. Almost all dream interpreters are unanimous in the opinion that the bull is a symbol of strength, power, and energy. If he has found a victim and rushes towards it, then this dream may portend danger. But there are many other explanations, depending on the details and details of the dreamed plot.

Danger warning

You dream of a meadow in which a herd is grazing peacefully, and suddenly a huge bull separates from it. You rush to your heels, but the strong animal is not far behind. Freud, describing such a picture, believed that the sleeper subconsciously behaves like a victim. And therefore, there will be a hunter who will actively and brazenly seek intimacy.

A conflict is brewing in the team, which the dreamer will witness, this is what the whole story is about. At the beginning of it, a certain man teased the bull, and then when the animal became furious, he ran away from him. The Dream Interpretation strongly advises not to interfere with outsiders in feuds. It's better to pretend that you don't notice anything. A vision in which a bull rebelled against a shepherd predicts that one of your comrades will find himself in difficult situation and will ask you for help.

Urgently find time to communicate with your children! They now really need your attention and protection, advice - this is what, according to Miller’s dream book, they dream of a black buffalo chasing a child.

At the mercy of emotions

In a dream, you became a participant in a bullfight, rushing down the street, and behind you, who was also deliberately teased? Miss Hasse recommends that you restrain your negative emotions: rage, aggression. Now, for the benefit of the matter, you need to learn to be softer, more lenient towards your family and colleagues.

A dream in which you admire yourself as a bullfighter, gracefully moving around the arena, escaping the rage of a hunted bull, suggests that you are actually very tired. You need proper rest. You need to disconnect for a while from the frantic rhythm of your everyday life.

If you just watch young bulls running briskly somewhere, then, most likely, in reality you are dreaming of something bright and unusual. There is only one obstacle to their desires - your indecision and fear of making mistakes.

You have endured for too long, accumulated negativity in yourself, this is what the bull dreamed of throwing the matador over the side of the arena. The time has come to slam your fist on the table, otherwise a nervous breakdown is possible.

About victories and defeats

Watching a mating game in a dream, during which a young buffalo chases a heifer, means contacts with strangers. Moreover, Miller’s dream book states that these people, unknown to you so far, will do something that will bring you joy.

Spiteful critics are not asleep, but are inventing new tricks against you, that’s why you see in a dream how a dark bull is chasing a light relative. But if a light animal victoriously drives away a dark one, then you are out of competition. The dream book promises you success in all your endeavors.

If you had to quickly run away from a bull in a dream, then in reality you will be punished for frivolity and recklessness. The dream book will help you correctly decipher the dream plot and understand why it is most often dreamed about.

Keep calm!

Did you dream that you were running away from an aggressive bully? This means that your own irritability and excessive persistence will lead to serious trouble. The dream book encourages you to remain calm and avoid any, even minor, conflicts.

Why do you still dream about an angry bull? It symbolizes an important problem that you can solve only with the help of a high-ranking official.

Think about it!

Did you happen to run away from a bull in a dream? Be careful: in your close circle there is a person who feeds on your energy (most likely unconsciously) or uses it for his own purposes.

Happiness or illness?

Did you dream of a bull beating the ground with its hoof? Expect material or moral losses. But if in a dream a young, quite friendly bull is chasing you, then the dream book promises profit or even an inheritance.

Why do you dream if you happen to run away from an adult and angry bull? With equal probability, you are destined for a long illness or cloudless happiness.

If you couldn’t get rid of the persecution, then get ready for tough and merciless competition.

What did you do?

In addition, the dream book advises you to remember exactly how the meeting in your dream ended for you.

  • The bull knocked you down - intrigue at work, possible dismissal.
  • Hit in the stomach - someone will take your place.
  • Raised by the horns - you will receive strange fame.
  • Trampled - failure, misfortune.

Miller promises

If a young girl dreamed that she had to run away from a bull, then her lover would propose to her. For everyone else, Mr. Miller promises good luck and prosperity.

Be extremely careful!

Why does a man dream of escaping from an angry bully? The Dream Interpretation advises to exercise extreme caution when concluding a transaction or signing documents.

For a woman, running away from a bull in a dream literally means that a man who once underestimated her will return to her. At the same time, the plot is a sign for a woman of an affair with a very cruel and aggressive subject.

Another interpretation of the dream hints at sexual persecution, and even rape, for both women and men.

Great period!

Did you dream that you were lucky to run away from a white bull? You are destined for great happiness and a stable income. Dreamers of both sexes can see a white bull before a close marriage or the birth of a child.

The dream book reminds us: a well-fed and well-groomed cattle in a dream promises good changes and prosperity, skinny and sick, on the contrary, promises difficult times.

The clues we see in dreams are not always clear. For example, a black bull symbolizes taking a leadership position. Success, high position in society it promises if you dreamed of grazing in a green and lush meadow. But not everyone knows why there is a dream in which a bull attacks aggressively. Modern dream books interpret what they saw in different ways. The interpretation depends on many nuances that are recommended to be remembered when deciphering a dream.

For woman

Seeing a well-fed bull with huge horns is for a woman - great sign. According to Miller's dream book, you will meet a person who occupies a high position in society. New novel will become stormy and will have many positive consequences.

According to Freud's interpretation, when a bull attacks in a dream, a new sexual partner appears in reality. Finally, you will meet exactly the man with whom you want to have children. The more aggressive and powerful the animal in the dream, the more attractive the chosen one will be in reality.

Why you dream of an angry bull beating its hoof in front of you, you can understand by your feelings. If you tried to tame a buffalo, it means that the new partner will spoil you with his attention and gain favor. Most often, such dreams lead to a long-awaited marriage and a quick addition to the family.

For a man

An assertive and purposeful bull with horns attacks in a dream? This is an indicator of good physical fitness the one who dreamed about it. Your energy is at its peak - it's time to make fateful decisions.

The terrifying appearance of the buffalo suggests that real life you will have to take a lot of risks. While persevering in your work, try not to become angry, conflict and argue - this can ruin everything.

Did you dream of a tired or weak bull that continues to attack? In accordance with Nostradamus’s dream book, be prepared to take a long break from business - it’s time for you to rest and gain strength.

Black bull attacks

Dreaming of a dark-colored animal with horns usually means you will receive a solid offer that you cannot refuse. Vanga's dream book prophesies fast career, political popularity to the one who dreamed about it.

In addition to public recognition, a dream in which a black bull attacks is interpreted modern dream books as a sign of prosperity. Financial investments will bring considerable profit, especially if the bull seemed well-fed and had healthy hair.

Without horns

A hornless bull usually dreams of those who are not satisfied with their sex life. His attacks are your dreams for more worthy partner. The time has come to choose - you are ripe for a serious relationship.

Esoteric dream books interpret the aggression of hornless buffalos in a dream as a warning. Be careful, there is a risk of becoming a victim of a rapist.

In the arena

A battle in an arena where a bull attacks is an indicator of your superiority over your opponents. Did you dream that an animal was trying to gore you? Be prepared for an avalanche of gossip and rumors addressed to you.

To understand why you dream about a fight, it’s worth remembering what feelings it evoked. Feeling fear in a dream can lead to unexpected illness. And a sense of self-superiority promises victory in an important event.

In addition, dream books foretell for single men a meeting with a rich bride, a successful marriage to a sweet, devoted woman.


  • I had a dream where I saw a bull, healthy and with big horns. He first smelled the flayed skin of one cow after slaughter. And he hummed aggressively, like he was looking for her. Then he looked at me and stood next to my motorcycle. I wanted to drive him away so that he wouldn’t crash the motorcycle, but he got angry and started attacking me. I closed the veranda, but somehow he was able to open the veranda door, and I went up the stairs, and he went up behind me. Then, somehow everything changed and we were thinking about how to get him back down. He tied it on the horns and tied it. Then I woke up. What does it mean? I'm currently looking for a job.

  • Bulls grazing on a huge plot of vegetable garden with black soil, passing by them and seeing them digging their horns on the ground, one bull color Brown huge, well-fed with horns, but one horn larger than the other saw me and headed in my direction. I tried my best to run away from him, but he was always behind me. The fear of what might raise the horns gave me even more desire to find a way out of this situation. I grafted it into one place where I wanted to take it into a trap where it would get stuck with its huge weight. There were 4 bulls in total. But more likely it was a yak or oxen. Very huge.


    Today I dreamed that I was walking through the city and then some guy shouted, run in all directions, a lot of people climbed up trees or lanterns, I climbed onto a lantern and this bull came right up to me, he was so big, black, with horns. He pounded this lantern until I pretended to be dead, he seemed to fall behind me, then I accidentally moved, and he came back to me, someone shouted that he killed one child, people were all in panic and then I screamed in tears because of this flashlight so that someone would throw a knife at this bull or shoot him, and everyone looked at me like I was the only one who guessed what to do with him, then they showed it on the news and interviewed me. That's where my dream ended.

  • I dreamed that I was leaving an unfamiliar house, and a girl ran out to meet me and shouted that there was a bull. I ran back and closed many doors, and he easily broke them, then I hid and a girl came in and said that he had left. I went to look, and he saw me again, and began to break into the doors that we were closing, and I woke up. What could this mean?

For as long as a person has existed, he has been accompanied by the object of hunting, a source of danger, a symbol of wealth and aggression. In dream books, the bull, as a sacred creature, is interpreted richly, with details. Everything that you observed in a dream is not new: predictors have long figured out why this powerful animal is dreamed of.

Interpretation about power and humiliation

In the East, the bull has been associated with strength and influence since ancient times. What does he communicate in a dream, why does he dream? Let's figure it out and find patterns.

A healthy, powerful animal, friendly, personifies the essence of the dreamer or his patron. Sick, ugly or mad symbolizes the danger hanging over the sleeper.


By Islamic dream book If an influential husband dreamed of a large beautiful animal, he will be surrounded with honor and respect. People will bow to his wealth. A lot of bulls is more than respect, it is power. Seeing them in a dream means readiness to take control of a country or city. The dream prophesies a real opportunity to take a leadership position.

A shame

When a poor person sees a bull in a dream, he looks closely to see if there is danger from it. His very appearance in a dream means that in the future you will not have to count on the help of relatives, for example, in building a house or developing land.

If you dreamed of a bull mooing at a sleeping person, there would be discord with older relatives, and the dreamer would be banished to distant lands. If a man noticed that he was without horns, it means that in reality he will meet with a despised beggar.


Why do you dream that a big bull attacked and knocked you down? You and your people are close to death, war, uprising or drought are ahead. The more severe the consequences in a dream, the more terrible the events in reality. If trampled, there will be trouble.

The Muslim dream book warns that inflicting wounds or cutting an animal yourself is a sign of deceit directed against the dreamer. You will be harmed by a person of much higher rank than you.

Why do you dream of chasing or hiding?

It’s always nice to take a break from pictures of the apocalypse or everyday trifles and read Freud’s dream book. On its pages, the bull appears as a bearer of masculinity, strength and sexual energy.

Chasing a male is a manifestation of species competition. Fighting a bull means the intention to deal with rivals, to take possession of a woman. However, the best thing a man can remember is that in a dream he associated himself with a purebred animal. This is a testament to his incredible sexual charisma.

Running and hiding is an action that betrays fear of homosexual harassment. Why do we dream about bullfighting scenes where the dreamer teases and tames the male? In life, he is promiscuous; you can call it tolerance.

Attacked a girl - that means he warned

The interpreters suggest that the girl figure out what anxieties are plaguing her - relationships with guys or work troubles. Most likely, both are present in life, but she will easily choose the prediction that hits the mark.

Why do you dream that a bull in a dream attacks, strikes, seems dangerous, or looks surprisingly peaceful?

  • A big yak running - a meeting with an unpleasant person.
  • Big, but skinny - you have to talk with the boss.
  • A black bull is chasing - a party with friends.
  • The horned one is preparing to attack - a feeling of danger.
  • Beating with horns - a family scandal.
  • Butts another person - soon other people's troubles will become yours.
  • Hornless butts - painful intimate relationships.

Miller: bull in pasture

Why do we dream of pastoral scenes with fat herds on a green meadow? They reflect a desire for well-being, but will their hopes come true? Miller's dream book reveals the prospects for the near future.

Some situations in a dream foreshadow good changes, others make you wary, but all of them bring useful information for decision making.

Success with the public

Having seen a well-fed bull, you can safely participate in an election campaign or competition for a leadership position. You will become the head of an organization, an opinion leader, and for a man this also portends success with the ladies.

A girl may dream of a thoroughbred bull on the eve of receiving a marriage proposal. It would be a profitable marriage, and if he was white, it would also be a very happy one. A guy gets a chance to marry a very pretty lady for convenience.

Devastation and loss

A pessimistic plot is to see a herd nibbling the grass without raising their heads. Focusing on food means tough times lie ahead. The death of livestock prophesies catastrophic events, and seeing one dead bull is a sign of personal grief.

If you saw a calf drinking from a dirty pond, then Miller’s dream book suggests two scenarios: either you will be slandered, or you will undermine your health.

Two heads without horns and other oddities

If we make adjustments to the basic interpretations, we will find out that for a guy, deformities pose a threat to his potency, and for a girl, the fear of intimacy intensifies and becomes overgrown with details. Why do you dream about unusual details and fabulous transformations of a character?

Deviation from the normal appearance of a bull in a dream is fraught with complications in fate. For example, two heads indicate that a person is at a crossroads - he does not know where to apply his heroic strength. But sometimes the forecasts are encouraging.

  • Two heads - lack of a clear goal.
  • Without horns - victory for the guy, safety for the lady.
  • One-horned - dubious glory.
  • Raised red horns - your reputation will suffer.
  • Outstanding gold - receive a rich gift.
  • Little blue - face difficulties serenely.

Seeing a barnyard in a dream

If a bull walks peacefully in the yard near the house, this means that the dreamer’s interests are limited by material needs. He sees such a plot before the situation improves - you can be confident in strengthening funding, prosperity and peace in the family. Any actions indicating power over a bull are interpreted by dream books as a situation that is under control.

Good care

Stroking him is a sign that you need to take a responsible approach to your daily responsibilities. If you fed and watered livestock, dream books advise you to treat the matter in the same way - it requires constant participation. Caring for a small calf - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book, means inheritance. If you notice a pack of wolves guarding the herd, you will not be able to prevent evil.

Trying to milk a male in a dream is an allegory that should suggest the futility of efforts: it will not be possible to squeeze out at least some profit from the project.


If you happen to catch a violent one and tie it up, you tend to set the bar too high and control your aggressiveness.

Riding in a cart drawn by a buffalo predicts hard work and a strong financial position. Dream books give a similar interpretation: if the dreamer swam across the river on it, he will achieve what he wants with great effort. The meaning of the plot in which the dreamer saddles a bull lies in the prediction of all blessings - harvest, order, peace.

See a lot of meat

The meaning of a killed bull in a dream is extremely favorable. Dream books interpret killing yourself as a direct path to wealth and fame. To kill as a result of a struggle means that in reality you will overthrow the enemy, but if you succeed in a dream, then the wounded animal represents enemies who are preparing to attack.

Slaughter for meat - you will take possession of someone else’s property. Taking you to a slaughterhouse or handing over to a meat processing plant predicts a trial in which you will defend your benefits. According to the dream book, seeing a carcass means disappointment, and cutting it up means bad luck. If the carcass was frozen, then all the troubles are transferred to the distant future.

Vanga about the sign of great hard work

The Bulgarian seer sees the bull as the embodiment of hard peasant labor. Vanga’s dream book also contains signs in which a city, hard-working woman can see her destiny. How well do prophecies fit into lifestyle? modern man? Nothing comes to us without effort, so judge for yourself:

  • Bull - hard physical labor.
  • Seeing yourself as a bull means independence.
  • Sitting on horseback means completing a task and receiving a reward.
  • Dropped - treachery of associates, loss of job.
  • Riding a white bull means getting an important post.
  • For a girl, white means motherhood.

I dreamed about a bullfight

It’s hard to imagine more cocky animals. When bulls fight among themselves, you can sleep peacefully - while the bearers of evil figure out who is stronger, they have no time for you. If you yourself had to fight an angry beast, for example, become a participant in a bullfight in a dream, then dream books evaluate how events developed.

Why dream of looking into the red eyes of a bull that is angry and ready for a fight? This is a powerful test, but if in a dream you did not run away, then in life you will withstand the blows of fate. However, calculated running with luring and clever evasions indicates that you are not afraid of even very high-ranking opponents.

Dream Interpretation Enigma - what does the bull mean?

The personification of strength, glory and power - a mighty beast can be much closer to a person in a dream than it is in reality. ordinary life. Why do you dream about how the dreamer will behave in an imaginary but extreme situation? Some run away, others take on the challenge - and this says a lot about character and prospects.


If the challenge is accepted, but the bull is gored and raised by its horns, dream books believe that you will still achieve fame, not in a straight way, but in a crooked way. If you are pressed to the ground, then smile and wait for your finest hour. They fled for their lives - well, you know how to realistically assess the strength of the enemy and come to terms with the power, taking advantage of it.