When Denis Maidanov started singing. Strong love of Denis Maidanov

Expert: I am bothered by errors in the narration text. There is no need to say “in the army”, that’s right - in conditions close to those in the army. This difference must be constantly emphasized

"Special task": Break down! Print version

“Antenna” watched a show with Alexander Cherednik, an Airborne Forces colonel who served in hot spots.

The project should be treated as a show,” the expert explained. - If you show real army everyday life, it will not be interesting - the viewer will not have enough drive. A soldier experiences extreme situations only 3-4 times a year, for example during exercises. So we need to make allowances for tele-specificity. But in terms of the quality of the “picture” everything was filmed excellently!

On the screen. The teams "Tigers" and "Barca" - free time. There is music in the barracks: ex-soloist of the group "Aria" Arthur Berkut plays the guitar, and singer Alexei Vorobyov plays the harmonica. Other participants lazily mop the floors. A voiceover reports that army recruits are in constant combat readiness and are in danger every minute.

Expert: I am bothered by errors in the narration text. There is no need to say “in the army”, that’s right - in conditions close to those in the army. This difference must be constantly emphasized! People who served in the army will immediately note that they did not have such a cockpit. And any orderly would be killed for washing floors like that. And where is the constant combat readiness?! Although our Armed Forces are indeed in combat readiness.

On the screen. The recruits hastily put on their uniforms and run to the formation.

Expert: I read indignant remarks on the Channel One forum: they say, where did you see such a uniform? I declare: the form is real. The one worn by Leopards is in use at military bases in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. The one the Tigers have is a combined arms one. I know that they tailored the uniform for girls - there were no sizes for them, it would have hung like a robe. By the way, we were not shown how the participants arranged their life in the cockpit. Were they taught how to fold the mold correctly? Making the bed? I wonder what they keep in their nightstands? And in general, what do they eat, besides dry rations?!

On the screen. Saboteurs attack the base at night. Voice-over: “Now there will be combat exercises.” The stars grab their machine guns and take up a firing position.

Expert: Another announcer mistake - “combat exercises” are like “butter.” And why did they immediately attack the newcomers with saboteurs? They should have been released in the last episodes. We have not yet been told whether the recruits have completed the young fighter course. Were they taught to wear body armor? Hemming the uniform? Connect a magazine to a machine gun and shoot from it? We only saw that they were punished with push-ups for talking in the ranks and laughing. The moment of preparation was missed. And also - the place of commanders is in the thick of things, and not on the sidelines. It is special agents Vera Brezhneva and Oleg Taktarov who should stand aside and discuss. And the saboteurs behave freely - they collapsed on the armor. If the defenders had military weapons, they would have killed everyone from cover. And in hand-to-hand combat, no one would wave his arms, but would simply hit him in the head with the butt!

On the screen. Commanders Vladimir Podolyansky and Alexey Kolbanov conduct a debriefing with the personnel.

Expert: Of course, a commander should be a father-mentor for a soldier. He can listen and give advice. But in this show the task was different: to shock the participants. Therefore, the officers here are overly aggressive, which is understandable. Otherwise the show would have been bland. Although this must also be approached with caution, otherwise mothers will look and say: “Wow, the children came into the army, they were immediately put face down in the dirt and forced to do push-ups.” It’s interesting that in American films this doesn’t offend anyone, but in our country it is believed that a soldier needs to be nursed and groomed.

On the screen. Recruits take the oath.

Expert: A controversial point. It is not very correct to say a solemn oath and take an oath during the game. But the organizers are justified by the fact that they had to increase the motivation and responsibility of the participants.

On the screen. Denis Maidanov complains to the commander about pain in his shoulder. He orders him to remain in service, despite the injury. But Maidanov decides to “ring the bell” and leave the show.

Expert: The commander is not a doctor. Of course, here the participant himself had to make a choice, and he made it.

D, Ushakov

As the well-known wisdom says, behind the shoulders of a successful man stands Strong woman. This expression is very suitable for Natalya Maidanova and her husband Denis.

Create and get inspired famous composer, the poet and singer is helped by his faithful companion and muse - his beloved wife, who proudly bears her husband's surname.

Biography and career of Natalia

Natasha, nee Kolesnikova, comes from sunny Tashkent. Date of birth: February 13, 1981. Now she is Natalya Maidanova, whose biography many women are interested in. How an ordinary modest girl was able to win the singer’s heart is a question that worries a million fans.

Natasha grew up in a simple family. Since childhood, she began to write poetry. Over time, this became a serious hobby for life.

At school I was more interested in the humanities. In 1998, after graduating as a girl graduating class The Kolesnikovs decided to move to Russia. The family settled in the Smolensk region in the city of Vyazma. Natalya made the first serious decision in her life to move to Moscow.

Having received higher education, Natalya Kolesnikova got a job in a construction company. There, thanks to her determination, she quickly began to move forward career ladder , reaching the position of leading marketer. But she did not abandon her passion for poetry. She dreamed that her poems would be heard in songs pop singers. A friend advised me to show my creativity at a production center. After some thought, Natalya made up her mind.

Dating and starting a family

In 2003, a casting took place for the “Star Factory”, where producer Maidanov was looking for performers for his group. There the first meeting of Natalia and Denis took place, which could not be called romantic at all. Maidanov criticized the texts and even was rude to the girl. The next day I found her and apologized. A friendly acquaintance began, which gradually began to develop into something more.

In February 2004, Denis invited Natasha on a joint trip to Egypt, from where they returned as a fully formed couple.

They no longer wanted to part, and they began to live together. And in 2005 the wedding took place. Natalya began working as a group director musical accompaniment Maidanov "Terminal D". In 2008, the couple had a daughter, Vlada, and in 2013, a son, Borislav.

Personal life and work of Denis Maidanov

According to official biography, family of Denis Maidanov from the city of Balakov, Saratov region. This is where the singer’s creative path to success began.

Denis was born on February 17, 1976 into a family that has nothing to do with music. The father left the mother when the son was 8 years old. Perhaps the parents' divorce influenced the boy's developing character. He was a difficult teenager, wayward, with heightened senses justice. Constant conflicts with teachers arose due to the fact that Denis always had his own opinion, which he fiercely defended.

The boy began writing poetry in 2nd grade. From the age of 13 he was already performing songs with a guitar. own composition at local amateur concerts. He managed to study, work part-time to help his mother, and develop in creatively. He played the button accordion, piano, and guitar. Attended clubs at the House of Culture: theater, poetry.

His mother insisted on getting a serious profession, and after finishing 9th grade, Denis went to study at a chemical-technological college. But even there he was more interested public life, in which he took an active part. He represented the technical school at various cultural events and was the captain of the KVN team.

The beginning of a creative journey

The creative biography of singer Denis Maidanov is rich and interesting. In 1992, he participated in a city pop competition, where he performed his song. The young man took third place. Thanks to this victory, he got into the House of Creativity, where he began to write and perform songs in a local music studio. After graduating from technical school, he was the leader of an ensemble and club for high school students at a local cultural center.

In 1995, he entered the correspondence course at the Moscow University of Culture and Arts (MGUKI). In parallel with his studies, he worked at the Syzran oil refinery for about a year. During this time, he realized that his path to great life lies through creativity. He graduated from MGUKI in 1999, receiving the specialty of show director. Got a job at a local Musical Theatre director. Then there was the position of manager at the House of Creativity.

IN hometown Denis Maidanov created and headed the production center, collaborating with the Moscow studio Soyuz. Organized annual regional music festivals. He held a high position in the Balakovo administration for organizing mass events. But all these achievements did not suit the creative personality.

Conquest of Moscow

In 2001, Maidanov moved to Moscow with the goal of writing songs for Russian pop performers. Through acquaintances, he contacts producer Aizenshpis and receives his first fee of $150 for the song “Behind the Fog” for singer Sasha. I had to give half of my earnings to the same acquaintances, but the deal was worth it. The song brought the first music award at the Song of the Year 2002 festival, and with it recognition.

Since then Maidanov became a sought-after author and wrote many hits. His works are performed by many pop performers: Joseph Kobzon, Alexander Buinov, Nikolai Baskov, Ed Shulzhevsky, Jasmine, Tatyana Bulanova and many others. In addition, Denis wrote soundtracks for films and TV series:

  • "Zone";
  • "Shift";
  • "Angelica";
  • "Bros";
  • “City of special purpose”, etc.

I also have experience as an actor:

  • "Alexandrovsky Garden-2";
  • "Bear Corner";
  • "Bros-3";
  • "The Last Cop."

Back then, work and success came first. Personal life, wife, children - Denis Maidanov didn’t even think about it. But meeting Natalya changed everything, and With the advent of a family, a desire arose to move on.

Solo career

In 2008, Maidanov decided to perform his own songs. Natalya also contributed a lot to this, she always believes in her husband and is ready to support him in any endeavor. Premiere of the song " Eternal love"brought resounding success and the love of the public. This was the beginning solo career singer Before today The following albums were released:

  • “I will know that you love me... Eternal love” 2009
  • "The Rented World" 2011
  • “One Flew Over Us” 2013
  • “Flag of my state” 2015
  • “Half my life on the road... Unreleased” 2015
  • “What the wind leaves” 2017

The singer has repeatedly received music awards for his hits:

  • "Song of the year";
  • "Golden Gramophone Award";
  • "Road Radio";
  • "Chanson of the Year in the Kremlin."

Family life

This year Denis Maidanov turned 42, and his wife Natalya turned 37 years old. Now they live in a town near Moscow in their own house.

A married couple tries not to separate from each other. Therefore, Natalya accompanies Denis on tour, no matter how long it lasts, trying to provide him with comfort and good rest after hard concerts.

There are few details about Denis Maidanov’s personal life. The spouses do not talk much about their relationship. But journalists still cannot find incriminating facts. Therefore, there is every reason to believe that this is a worthy example of a strong and friendly family.

Attention, TODAY only!

Denis Maidanov was born in the Saratov region in the winter of 1976. Denis's father was an engineer at a chemical plant, his mother worked in the human resources department.

IN early childhood Denis showed a talent for writing poetry. He wrote his first poem at the age of 8, and a few years later the boy mastered the guitar and began composing songs.

While studying at school I took part in city music competitions, on which he performed his own songs. When Denis Maidanov turned 16 years old, he entered the studio of young performers, which worked in the city House of Creativity. There he began to write his first songs for studio soloists.

After leaving school, he graduated in absentia from the University of Culture in Moscow, where he received the profession of show business manager. For several years he worked as a director in the city of Balakovo in a musical theater and at the same time headed a department at the House of Creativity. In the late 90s – early 2000s he began collaborating with the Soyuz studio. This is how the “NV” group was created, designed for an audience of teenagers.

During his years of work in the city of Balakovo, he managed to unite various youth groups in the city, whose passion was music, and created his own music center. The music center, which Maidanov led, organized and held youth music festivals annually.

Relocation to the capital

Denis Maidanov's biography says that in 2001 he moved to Moscow and began composing songs for famous performers. Living in the capital was difficult due to the constant lack of money.

His first success came after meeting producer Yuri Aizenshpis, who helped him find his first singers, and his first fee was $75 for the song “Behind the Fog,” performed by Sasha, a young Russian singer

In 2003, the album J-Power was released, awarded the Golden Microphone award. Maidanov's songs, which were included in this album, were in first place in the charts.

After the appearance of this album, collaboration began with such performers as Nikolai Baskov and Philip Kirkorov. Maidanov's songs were performed by Joseph Kobzon, Yulian, Mikhail Shufutinsky and many other famous singers.

Denis Maidanov’s biography mentions that he works with his favorite artists. He wrote a song for Boris Moiseev “I will live now” at the moment when the artist suffered a stroke, which provided him with great moral support.

Prizes that Maidanov received for his creative work

  • 1. Prize-winner of the Song of the Year festival.
  • 2. Prize-winner of the “Golden Gramophone” and “Chanson of the Year” competitions.
  • 3. Laureate of the “Road Radio Star” festival.
  • 4. Prize-winner of the festival “Russian Sensation NTV”.

Maidanov has many different awards, including for carrying out patriotic work.

Solo creativity in the biography of Denis Maidanov

Denis Maidanov owns many musical instruments. He has extensive experience as a composer. From 2001 to 2008, Denis Maidanov made money by selling his songs famous performers. But since many of the songs he wrote describe the biography of Denis Maidanov, he decided to start solo performances.

In 2008, Maidanov released his first album recording, “...Eternal Love,” which won the hearts of many women with its sincerity. Then two more collections of his musical compositions were published.

Many of their songs were at the top of the charts:

  1. "Bullet"
  2. “No regrets”
  3. "I'm rich"
  4. "Flying Over Us"
  5. "48 hours" and many others.

Music for films. Film work

In addition, in Denis Maidanov’s biography he is noted not only as a performer of his own compositions. He composes music for films. He created soundtracks for several television series.

In parallel with the creation of musical compositions, Denis Maidanov starred in TV series, which were well received by television viewers. He composes songs on topics that are close to everyone - family, love, spiritual values. In the series “Bros-3”, for which the soundtrack was written, Maidanov played the role of Nikolai Sibirsky.

Together with Gosha Kutsenko, Maidanov participated in the show “Two Stars”, and in television project"Battle of the Choirs" He proved himself as the leader of a choral group from Yekaterinburg.

Some artists who performed compositions by Denis Maidanov:

  • Joseph Kobzon.
  • Nikolay Baskov.
  • Alexander Marshall.
  • Alexander Buynov.
  • Natalya Vetlitskaya.
  • Mikhail Shufutinsky
  • Boris Moiseev.
  • Group "White Eagle".

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Denis Maidanov - Bullet


    ✪ Denis Maidanov. The fate of a person with Boris Korchevnikov



early years

Denis Maidanov was born on February 17, 1976 in the city of Balakovo, Saratov region, into a family of employees. His father worked in engineering positions at chemical enterprises in the city, his mother was an inspector, and later the head of the personnel department in construction enterprises.

At the age of 8, Denis Maidanov began writing poetry. Subsequently, at the age of 13, having mastered the guitar, he began to write his own songs.

In 1992, at the age of 16, he took the prize place at a city pop art competition, performing his own song. Thanks to this, Maidanov became one of the young performers of the MUZ-A studio in the city House of Creativity and at the same time became an author song repertoire its soloists. Consistently worked in the House of Creativity as the head of the VIA, methodologist and head of the “High School Students Club”.

In 1995 he entered and in 1999 graduated from the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (MGUKI) with a degree in “Manager-Producer of Show Programs”. Studied directing, management and acting.

In 1999, he became a director of the Musical Theater and head of the music department of the House of Creativity in Balakovo. Later he became the head of a recording studio and producer of the first production center he created, “Lenina-street,” which united and centralized the musical youth culture of the city. The Maidanov Production Center held an annual regional music Festival and consisted of up to 10 of its own artists and groups of various genres, as well as dance groups.

In the period from 1999 to 2001, Maidanov actively collaborated with the Moscow studio "Soyuz", at the same time the debut album of his group "NV" (Ash-B) was released, which included the popular radio singles of the group "NV" - "Spotted Jaguar" and "Girlfriend" "

From 2000 to 2001, he worked as a specialist in public events in the Department of Culture of the Balakovo City Administration. Was the organizer and director large quantity city, regional and international events.

In 2001, he decided to move to Moscow.

Career in Moscow

In 2001, Denis Maidanov came to Moscow and began working as a poet and composer of songs for Russian performers. Maidanov's songs are performed by many Russian artists - Nikolai Baskov, Philip Kirkorov, Turetsky Choir, Alexander Buinov, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Alexander Marshall, Lolita, Jasmine, Joseph Kobzon, Tatyana Bulanova and others. Denis Maidanov is the author of the anthem “Avtoradio”, the song “This is radio - “Avtoradio”” performed by “Murzilok International” Author of songs and soundtracks for such films and TV series as “Avtonomka” (NTV), “Tycophants” (Channel One), “Zone” (NTV), “Angelika” (Russia-1), “Shift”, “”, “Revenge” (NTV), “Brothers-3” (NTV), “Thrown March. Special Circumstances" (Russia-1), "Investigator Protasov" (Channel Five), "The Light and Shadow of the Lighthouse" (Russia-1)

In 2008, Maidanov moved from writing songs for other artists to recording solo album“I will know that you love me... Eternal love.” The album was released in June 2009 and sold thousands of copies. Subsequently, the albums “Rented World” (2011), “Flying Over Us” (2013), “Flag of My State” (2015), “Half a Life on the Road” were released. Unreleased" (2015), "What the Wind Leaves" (2017).

In 2012, he took part in the Channel One project “Two Stars”, where he performed in tandem with actor Gosha Kutsenko. In August of the same year, he participated in the television project “Battle of the Choirs” on the Rossiya-1 TV channel as a mentor of the Victoria choir from Yekaterinburg, which became the winner of the project.

Laureate of the “Song of the Year” festival, winner of the “Golden Gramophone”, “20” awards best songs Channel One", "MK Sound Track", "Chanson of the Year", "Russian Sensation NTV", "Road Radio Star", "People's Choice Peter FM". Participant of Alla Pugacheva’s “Christmas Meetings”.

Denis Maidanov starred in a number of films: “Alexandrovsky Garden-2” (2007), “Red on White” (2009), “Bear Corner” (2010), “Trace” (2011), “Bros-3” (2012).

Joined group 12 Russian artists, who participated at the invitation of Russian Defense Minister S. Shoigu in a new performance of the Russian national anthem, recorded in the fall of 2013.

During 2011-2015, Denis Maidanov was a repeated participant in charity events of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the North Caucasus and other regions.

Awarded medals: “For service in the North Caucasus”, “Patriot of Russia”, “For promoting rescue work”, “For contribution to strengthening law and order”, badge “For assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”. Repeatedly awarded with certificates of honor and letters of gratitude many ministries and departments of the Russian Federation. Awarded a diploma of honor from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Participant in election rallies of Russian presidential candidate V.V. Putin in 2012 (February 4, Poklonnaya Hill and February 23 in Luzhniki). Participant in a rally-concert in support of Moscow mayoral candidate S. S. Sobyanin in 2013. Participant in the “We Are Together” rally-concert in support of the people of Crimea in March 2014 on Vasilyevsky Spusk in Moscow, participant in the Days of Moscow in Sevastopol in June 2014, participant in the “Bike Show 2015” in Crimea in the summer of 2015.

In September 2013 Denis Maidanov gave a series of charity concerts at Far East in the cities most affected by the flood - Khabarovsk, Blagoveshchensk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The funds collected were transferred to the flood relief fund.

Twice in 2016 (January, July) he gave concerts for Russian military personnel at the Khmeimim military base in Syria.

He is the honorary vice-president of the football club “Krymteplitsa” (Molodezhnoe village, Simferopol district), playing in the KFS Premier League.

Group "Terminal D"

Denis Maidanov receives musical support at concerts from the group Terminal D.

  • Pavel Gerasimov - lead guitar
  • Valery Zhelunitsyn - bass guitar, acoustic guitar
  • Alexey Serebryannikov - keyboards, acoustic guitar, backing vocals
  • Dmitry Oslyakov - drums
  • Sergey Baranov - sound engineer

Personal life

Married since 2005, wife Natalya. Two children: daughter Vlad (2008) and son Borislav (2013).

Creative activity

Performers of Denis Maidanov's songs

  • Nikolay Baskov “Next to you” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Turetsky Choir “With You and Forever” music and lyrics by Denis Maidanov
  • Philip Kirkorov “Acapella of the Soul” music by V. Matetsky L. Gutkin - lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Alexander Marshal “Depth” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Alexander Buinov “About the Good” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Mikhail Shufutinsky “How to deal with love” music by D. Maidanov - lyrics by K. Arsenev
  • Joseph Kobzon “Hymn to Medicine” music by D. Maidanov lyrics by V. Maksimov
  • Tatyana Bulanova “This is me” music by D. Maidanov lyrics by M. Aliger D. Maidanov
  • Gleb Matveychuk “I will kiss you all night” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Angelika Agurbash “Crossroads of Souls” music by V. Matetsky L. Gutkin - lyrics by D. Maidanov, N. Maidanov
  • Murzilki International “This radio is Avtoradio” music by D. Maidanov - lyrics by I. Gell
  • Murzilki International “Happy New Year, Country” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Ed Shulzhevsky “By the name of Nastya” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Ruslan Alekhno “Favorite” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Natalya Vetlitskaya “I will believe in love” music by D. Maidanov - lyrics by I. Gell
  • Jasmine “From love to love” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Katya Lel “Alone at gunpoint” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Alexander Kutikov “Your love” music by A. Kutikov - lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Boris Moiseev “Little Paris” music by D. Moss - lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Boris Moiseev “I will live now” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Julian “I love you so much” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Marina Khlebnikova “Half an hour until summer” music by D. Maidanov - lyrics by M. Khlebnikov
  • White Eagle “On the Edge” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • White Eagle “Lose” music by D. Maidanov L. Grevnov - lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Sasha “Behind the Fog” music by S. Nizovtsev - lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Ed Shulzhevsky “She and He” music by D. Maidanov - lyrics by I. Gell
  • Ed Shulzhevsky “Love him” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Ed Shulzhevsky “Blue Evening” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Ed Shulzhevsky “Birthday” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Ed Shulzhevsky “100 minutes” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Ed Shulzhevsky “A Girl Named Love” music by D. Maidanov - lyrics by V. Tkachenko D. Maidanov
  • Party “Heart in half” music and lyrics by S. Nizovtsev, D. Maidanov
  • J-Power “Love-love” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • J-Power “She doesn’t love him” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Arrows “Heat” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Laura Vital “Lonely” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • group HB “Girlfriend” (album) music and lyrics of all songs by D. Maidanov
  • Martha “For him” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov
  • Martha “Of a Thousand Faces” music and lyrics by D. Maidanov

Music for cinema

Denis Maidanov wrote songs and soundtracks for the following films and TV series:

Movie/Series Year Show Song Executor
“Eulampia Romanova.  The investigation is being conducted by an amateur" 2003 STS "Beautiful" Sergey Aprelsky
"Zone" (TV series) 2005 NTV "Lonely" Laura Vital
"Avtonomka" (TV series) 2006 NTV "Depth" Alexander Marshal
"Shift" 2006
film distribution
Russia 1
"Shift" The Couple group
"Big tycoons" 2009 First channel "Can't be" Anton Korzhakov
"Angelica" 2010 STS "Eternal love" Denis maidanov
"Revenge" 2011 NTV "On the edge" Group "White Eagle"
"Bros" 2012 NTV "We'll live, old man" Denis maidanov
“Forced march. Special Circumstances" (TV series) 2013 Russia 1 “No regrets” Denis maidanov
"Investigator Protasov" 2014 Channel 5 "Black and white truth" Denis maidanov
"Light and Shadow of the Lighthouse" 2015 NTV "Acapella of the Soul" Philip Kirkorov
"City of Special Purpose" 2015 Channel 5 “No regrets” Denis maidanov


“I will know that you love me... Eternal love” (2009)

On June 1, 2009, he released his first solo disc, “I will know that you love me...”. The album included 12 tracks written between 2001 and 2008. The author of the music and lyrics of all songs is Denis Maidanov.

Track listing: 1. Eternal Love 2. Orange Sun 3. I'm Coming Home 4. Sky Number Seven 5. Transition 6. 48 Hours 7. Room at the End of the Earth 8. Antishock 9. Time is a Drug 10. If You're Not With me 11. Higher than the sky 12. Careful... Love

Video clip for the song “Eternal Love”.

"The Rented World" (2011)

On April 28, 2011, the second solo album “Rented World” was released. It includes songs written in the period 2008-2011. There are 12 songs on the disc. Denis Maidanov is the author of the music and lyrics of all songs except “It can’t be” (lyrics by I. Gella, D. Maidanov).

Track listing: 1. Bullet 2. Nothing is a pity 3. Can't be 4. I'm rich 5. House 6. Dying young is not scary 7. Rented world 8. Give me fire 9. Traces will melt 10. 1000 years 11. Infinite youth 12. I believe in love

Video clips: “Eternal love”, “I’m coming home”, “Time is a drug”, “Bullet live”, “Orange sun”.

“Flying Over Us...” (2014)

The official release of the third solo album “Flying Over Us” took place on February 3, 2014. The album includes 11 songs and 3 bonus tracks.

Track listing: 1. Flying over us 2. Territory of the heart 3. The sky in half 4. 36.6 5. The sun is where you are 6. Good night, baby 7. Thaw 8. Schedule 9. Nostalgia 10. My religion 11. Ice bullets

Bonus tracks: 12. 48 hours (radio edit) 13. Glass love (feat F. Kirkorov) 14. 36.6 (full version)

Video clips: “Flying Over Us”, “Eternal Love”, “I’m Coming Home”, “Time is a Drug”, “Bullet”, “Orange Sun”, “Nothing Sorry”, “48 Hours”, “Glass Love”, "I'm rich".

"Flag of my state" (2015)

The fourth numbered album, the peculiarity of which is a patriotic theme. The release took place on November 6, 2015. In addition to songs written by Denis Maidanov himself, the album contains cover versions of popular songs by Vladimir Vysotsky “Ballad of Struggle”, Viktor Tsoi “Blood Type” and Igor Talkov “Former Podyesaul”. Subsequently, D. Maidanov invited his friends from the shop to perform a cover version of the song “Former Pod'esaul”, and it appeared on radio and TV performed by a quartet: D. Maidanov, A. Marshal, O. Gazmanov, S. Trofimov, accompanied by an ensemble “Russian Song” by N. Babkina.

Track listing: 1. Flag of my state 2. Motherland 3. Who are the Russians 4. You and I are of the same blood 5. We will live, old man 6. Black and white truth 7. Third toast 8. Territory of life 9. Hero 10. Ballad about wrestling (cover by V. Vysotsky) 11. Blood type (cover by V. Tsoi) 12. Former podesaul (cover by I. Talkov)

“Half my life on the road... Unreleased” (2015)

On November 4, 2015, the album “Half a Life on the Road... Unreleased” was released, which included songs that had already been heard on radio and television, but did not fit the genre previous albums, as well as a remake of Oleg Gazmanov’s song “Mama” and songs performed by Denis Maidanov earlier for other performers: “Depth” (Alexander Marshal), “Song about Good” (Alexander Buinov), “On the Edge” (group “Bely” Eagle") and "Mountains" (Couple group).

Track listing: 1. Half my life on the road 2. Kolka 3. Mom (cover by O. Gazmanov) 4. Small Motherland 5. Song about the Good 6. Pacific Ocean 7. Depth 8. Autonomous 9. Mountains 10. On the edge 11. Friends 12. Road to the best

“What the Wind Leaves” (2017)

Track listing: 1. What the wind will leave 2. Rush hour 3. Wife 4. On the road to God 5. Tale of happiness 6. Autumn of the poet 7. I would like to live 8. Brother 9. I'm with you 10. This is mine fight 11. What the wind will leave feat. Vlada Maidanova & Children's Musical Theater "Domisolka"; Artek Edition 12. My beloved, beloved 13. Loyalty 14. Birthday


» Episode 211 “Matters of Blood”, Andrey Kozhevnikov  2012 f "Bros 3" Nikolai Sibirsky, singer

Famous hitmaker in musical world– this is what colleagues call Denis Maidanov, an author and performer of songs, a poet, an actor, a composer, and a music producer. Denis is a laureate of the Song of the Year festival and winner of the Golden Gramophone award.


Denis's parents

Denis Vasilyevich Maidanov was born into a family of ordinary employees who had nothing to do with music. My father was an engineer at a chemical company. Mother, Evgenia Petrovna, held the position of head of the personnel department of a construction plant. When the boy was 8 years old, his parents divorced.

Due to severe financial condition little Denis began working from an early age.

Denis maidanov

Wife - Natalya Maidanova

The singer met his future wife by chance. Natalya Kolesnikova contacted the production center, where Denis met her. The girl was born in Tashkent, but when unrest began in the country, she and her parents moved to Russia permanently. Since childhood, Natalya loved to write poetry. Having moved to Moscow, the girl decided to show them to the producer. This is how she met her future husband.

And, although the first meeting was unsuccessful - Maidanov criticized the work of the young poetess - after 2 years the young people got married.

Denis Maidanov and Natalya Kolesnikova

Denis Maidanov’s family leads an interesting and eventful lifestyle. Currently married couple not only lives together, but also works. Natalya accompanies her husband on tour, helping him on creative path. She is also the director of Denis’s group – “Terminal D”.

Denis Maidanov with his wife Natalya Kolesnikova

Children of Denis Maidanov

Denis Maidanov is the father of two children - son Borislav (born in 2013) and daughter Vlada (born in 2008). Maidanov’s daughter is growing up as a sociable child, loves to read, enjoys dancing, goes to music school. In the role of an older sister, she looks after her brother when her parents are busy with creativity.

The loving father is incredibly close to her and considers Vlada his muse. Natalya, jokingly, calls this couple the “house mafia.”

Denis Maidanov with his wife and daughter

Despite the fact that the girl exhibits musical abilities, dad sees her success in the sports field. For this reason, Denis insisted that the girl start playing tennis.

When Maidanov’s son was born, the family tried very hard not to advertise this event. The extravagant name Borislav means “fortress of the clan” (translated from Old Russian).

Denis Maidanov with his family

The popular artist adores his loved ones, and his children and wife come first for him. There is no place for quarrels and scandals in the star’s family, at least the yellow press was unable to unearth any juicy fact.
