Ritual to attract money. Effective and simple rituals for attracting money

There are many rituals to attract money, I will describe one of them. If you are not lazy, stop doubting your abilities and sincerely wish yourself good luck, happiness and prosperity, you will find happiness.
Why are rituals needed and what do they give? When performing rituals, you connect to certain flows, vibrations, tune in to certain frequencies and radiations. When you begin to have doubts about the meaningfulness of your actions, remember that many of the achievements of civilization that we now enjoy were at first someone’s imagination, but with the effort of thought and the energy of desire they materialized in our world. If others can do it, you can too.
Ritual is a trigger for setting a goal and putting the program into action. The main condition of all rituals is to perform them with firm confidence that everything you do in at the moment, will bring you amazing results and the most beautiful fruits: well-being, happiness, luck and prosperity.
And one more rule you must always follow. Everything you create and attract must bring goodness. And desires, naturally, must be conscious and real. If you start doing evil, it will turn against you, the law of reflection will work. What you do is what you get. What he gave, he took away.

The simplest and most accessible to everyone - pour semolina into your wallet to lure money. You can throw a few coins into the water while bathing in the bath and swim with them. It helps too. You can do it differently with semolina. Choose any prestigious bank and quietly pour semolina from the bank to the very door of your apartment on the way home. Proven method. If needed large amounts money is what you need.

Can go to the ATM, lightly slap it and say: “Give me some money”. You can also simply place your palm on it and imagine with all your gut how money from an ATM is pouring into your wallet. For the lazy - you can take a white saucer and draw a blue border on it(or take a ready-made one), put a bill on it and wait for the money.

Nothing attracts money like... d other money. Remember the saying: money to money? Choose a special place for money - for example, a windowsill (where it will grow faster) or a balcony. Don't hide them in drawers or wallets. Give them the opportunity to grow.

Make yourself special money pot and put it somewhere close to sunlight. Put some bill there and have a heart-to-heart talk with the pot, ending the conversation with these words: “Cook, pot, cook!” If you have your own business, you can collect good fat while cooking borscht. Cook aromatic borscht and eat the very first plate with pleasure and the intention of receiving good profit.

For the bravest, this is an offer: paint dollar signs on your heels with red nail polish– let the currency follow you on your heels. Dollar signs can also be painted on your nails (you can even use clear or colorless varnish).

Red color attracts money very much get yourself some lucky item red who will always be with you. This could be red underwear (for example, a bra, because big money has always been hidden in bras), a handkerchief or a wallet. And in your wallet you can put a piece of paper with a drawn number seven- it will bring you not only money, but also happiness.

1. You cannot store photographs of children or loved ones in your wallet. Remove photos from your wallet; there should be only money in your wallet, otherwise the cash flow will be blocked

2. It is also advisable to put at least one irredeemable bill or coin in your wallet. and never waste it. she will be like a talisman.

3. Put your wallet on charge instead of your phone. Like so that his wallet is charged.

4. You need to buy patchouli oil - it attracts money.

5. Here is a site forum on the topic of money magic. Read, there are many interesting rituals there...

6. I found the ritual in the newspaper Oracle:

You need to take a bowl and fill it two-thirds with rice. Place it in the hallway next to the front door. Every day, you need to put the coins that are left in your wallet (change and all that) into it. You need to mix the coins with rice and say: “Money is attracted to me like a magnet,” “Money loves me,” “My income is growing every day.” This must be done for 27 days. On the 28th day, take coins from the plate, donate 10 percent to the poor, and use the remaining amount to buy some beautiful or useful thing for yourself.

7. An acquaintance from the community of cheerful wizards infected her money with a reproduction virus. Here’s a photo of how she did it, it’s funny how it turned out, she used a syringe to infect the money for the enlargement. Surprisingly, money began to flow straight into her hands...

8. Ritual to attract money: you need to buy a can of Carlsberg beer (since money loves green and metallic), pour out the beer, and put 55 coins of 50 kopecks in the can. Fill a jar with coins with wax and, on the waxing moon, walk around your house clockwise with this jar three times every morning. I did the ritual, but on the waning moon the money still appeared today!!! This is a ritual from Alexey Fat, from the battle of psychics. Checked! Valid...

9. In the community of cheerful wizards, I found such a ritual for wealth and attracting money. It's called a money pen.

You need: a ballpoint (gel or fountain) pen and a banknote. Well, for example, ten.

We roll the banknote into a tube (tails out, tails out in general) and make a pen cap out of it, securing it with tape.

The main secret here is Imperial sizes. The total length of the handle should correspond to 4 Imperial size, 2 parts of it
(the length of the handle with the money cap should be 17.55–18.9 cm).
This size brings additional income from unexpected sources.

This type of pen is very good to make for those who write a lot or are involved with papers. I just made this for myself))

10. We take a mousetrap, load it with money instead of cheese and wait until big jackpot it will be said. :)))

11. Buy green wallets with a metal plaque!! Money will flow like a river!

12. Place the money near the mirror so that it is reflected and multiplied. If for some reason this is not possible, then place a small mirror with the money, but so that it is still reflected. And patchouli oil is a really good bait - drop it in wallet.

13. There are also mantras for attracting money, for example this one - OM SHRIM HRIM SHRIM KAMALE KAMALALAYE PRASID PRASIDSHRIM OM MAHALAKSHMIYE NAMAHA.

This is a special mantra for attracting wealth. It is better to say it in the morning. Three times on an empty stomach and three times after breakfast. Effect guaranteed

14. Girls. I recently read that you can’t count money by weight. Must be on the table, etc. In the wallet they should lie facing (the city) facing us and always in ascending order. First low denomination, then higher, etc. After sunset, money cannot be counted.

15. You need to put money under the money tree and wait until the money appears in the house. (I haven’t tried it myself yet.)

16. Take a bill and put it under a pot of a flower that is growing quickly. As your money fades, your money will grow.

17. On the new month, open your wallet and shake the bills, saying: “For the month, my friend, fill my wallet.” You can’t use coins, otherwise there will be small change at the bottom :)

18. You can also place coins and bills behind the icons. For sanctification money energy.
Wealth comes from the word God, poverty comes from trouble :)

19. Show a banknote to the waxing moon and say, “You’re getting younger for a month, I’ve got a lot of money.”

20. Pour cinnamon into your wallet, this smell attracts money :)

21. To make money, you just need to let it spend the night at home, without spending a penny on the day you receive it.

22. Regarding oil, there is also this recipe (the oil is called “Earth”):

4 drops patchouli
4 drops cypress

Awakens the energy of the Earth, brings money, prosperity, abundance, stability
Light in aroma lamps, you can lubricate talismans and wallet with oil. (

Why do money problems arise in lately? Why do you have to constantly limit yourself to pleasant purchases and deny yourself the most important things? If you are having temporary difficulties with money, each ritual we indicate can change the situation and turn you into a money magnet.

Why do you still have no money?

Some have a mountain of green papers, while others can barely make ends meet. What's the secret? First of all, listen: how do you speak and think? In 90% of cases, there are subconscious programs in your head that cannot be “rooted out” so easily:

  • “We didn’t live richly, there’s no need to start…”
  • “This is my fate...”
  • “Wealth is always money obtained by criminal means...”
  • “I’m never lucky with green pieces of paper...”
  • "Wealth does not come to me..."
  • “Big funds mean big risks. The more there are, the more difficult it is to live..."
  • “I always have no money...” and others.

If you ever “catch” such thoughts behind you, try to replace them with positive beliefs. Otherwise, not a single ritual will be as effective as possible: you yourself “block” the flow of wealth into your life with “frightening” thoughts and beliefs.

We perform the ritual at home: simple rules of money

Attracting money through magic. Rituals that promise you wealth and prosperity

Sugar and honey so you always have money

The ritual is carried out under the full moon: we place a coin of the largest denomination in its light and leave it for a while so that it is “saturated” with energy. The next night we take the sugar bowl and put our coin in it. We put it on again moonlight, we give it time to “soak up”. On the third night we take honey and put it on sugar with a coin. We put it in the moonlight again. On the fourth night, we take out the coin and, without washing off the sugar and honey, we put it in our wallet. Now this money becomes your eternal talisman, which will attract money 24/7.

Game with an empty wallet

Works great for attracting money. We are waiting for the full moon. On the night before the full moon, we place an empty wallet under the moonlight.

ATTENTION! It is very important that the light falls evenly on the wallet, as if “saturating” it with energy. During the day we take the wallet and put it in it bank cards and all necessary means.

On a full moon, we put the wallet on the windowsill and again wait for the moment when the cold rays hit it. Leave it overnight.

We do the same on the third night.

IMPORTANT! Using the same principle, we saturate the wallet with energy on the new moon. Only at this time it is necessary to put a wallet with the largest possible amount of money in the light: this way it will grow in parallel with the growth of the moon.

Secret potion to attract money

To attract money, we create a special potion. We need 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of myrrh, 1 teaspoon of sugar. A special potion is created based on the components, and the entire house is fumigated with it. The composition of the incense is a unique combination of oriental spices, which have long been considered a sign of prosperity. They work great at attracting money.

Honey, coins and glass

Place 3 coins of the highest denomination in the glass. Shake lightly to hear the magical ringing sound. Then add 2 tablespoons of honey to a glass with coins and place it on the window.

IMPORTANT! When performing the ritual, you should feel as if you have money, you live in complete abundance, do not feel need, and do not skimp on trifles.

Money trees, talismans, and amulets have long been popular. But which ones are effective?

  1. A coin found on the street. Finding a small denomination coin on the street is a great success. To strengthen it and attract even more wealth into life, place a coin near front door.
  2. "Leap" coin. To find it, take 12 coins and throw them up exactly until the coin lands up heads. It is she who will be happy for you. You can make a hole in it and hang it around your neck so that the talisman is always near you.
  3. Won coin. Got money in the lottery? Or did you win a prize? Such money should take a place in your wallet, because it brings happiness and good luck.
  4. Place the famous Chinese symbol of prosperity - a frog with three legs - opposite the entrance door to your apartment (or on the table at which you work). It is believed that it will bring good luck in money to your home, as it is a money talisman.
  5. To magnetize funds into your wallet, you need to use another Chinese talisman - 3 Chinese coins with holes, tied with a red thread. The ritual is very simple: with thoughts about money, just put these coins under the front door mat. Chinese talisman will bewitch good luck and prosperity.

There is never too much money. If you feel like you want to attract them into your life, get more, use these simple tips– and get the result.

Mental ritual to attract money

Love is the most strong energy. Only she is able to attract wealth and magnetize it constantly. Therefore, it is important for you to love them. Sincerely, with soul. To perform the ritual you only need silence.

Sit down, relax, recharge your batteries. Bring your mind and body to a calm state, meditate. Gather your strength and read a mantra or prayer. Then imagine what you want: a car, new renovation in the apartment, money, buying a fur coat...

IMPORTANT! You must feel everything down to the smallest detail: smell, colors, shades, taste, your inner sensations. The clearer the picture, the better. Try to catch and imagine every little detail.

In order to always have money in your house, it is not a sin to use magical techniques. When you receive the amount due to you (pension or salary), fold it in your wallet, bring the wallet to your lips and say the words of the spell three times: “Like the stars in a clear sky, you can’t count them, like the water in the ocean-sea is endless, like the grains of sand in the desert are countless, so that there will always be a lot of money in this wallet! Amen to this!

The magic of money on a full moon

On the first day full moon(possible on a waxing moon) take one in each hand large bill. Place each palm on the surface of the mirror. Try to feel the feeling of warmth growing in your hands, turning into heat. Look at your reflection and say the following spell: “Multiply, double twice in two hands!”

Money ritual before Easter

Many people in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries would like to know how to get rid of poverty. To do this, you need to go to the nearest cemetery before Easter at 7 pm, taking with you a needle and thread and a 50-kopeck coin.

The coin needs to be sewn into clothes, while saying the words of the following spell: “The merchant carries gold, the merchant is happy about the wealth. Just as this merchant is happy with his wealth, just as he is a matchmaker and brother of good luck, so I, God’s Servant (name), will walk knee-deep in gold, waist-deep in silver! All my goods are with me!” When the coin is sewn up, do not tear the thread, but bite it off with your teeth.

The most money-making day of the year

Witches and healers know the “most money-making” day of the year – October 4th. If you work hard and without interruption on this day, you will certainly improve your well-being. In addition, there are effective rituals for attracting money on this day. For example: take a coin of 50 kopecks, place it in your palm and say the words three times in a row: “I ask not for a drinking party, not for a party, but for daily bread, so that the coming day will not be a bad day. Amen". After pronouncing these words, you need to cross yourself and bow. Bring the coin to your lips and blow. Place the money in the left pocket of your clothes, and pat the pocket with your left palm. In this case, you need to pronounce the words of such a conspiracy: “You, Kondrat, you, Ignat, help God’s servant(s) (name), I will be grateful and glad. Amen". Make the sign of the cross and bow.

This fifty-kopeck piece must be carried with you in your pocket for one week, and after that put in your wallet. The coin will certainly attract prosperity and success into your life!

Mirror ritual to attract wealth

The mirror ritual for wealth is rightfully considered one of the most effective. To carry it out, get the following items: two small mirrors, six candles blessed in the church, a wallet and 5 banknotes (if possible, then the largest denomination).

Place two mirrors on an empty table, one opposite the other. Place candles in a circle between the mirrors and place money in the center of this circle.

Say the following words clearly but quietly:

“Mirror in a mirror, coins in coins, give me, Lord, an infinite amount of money. I’ll start going out to collect them so that I don’t experience poverty. In the name of the father, son, and holy spirit, Amen!

After this, put the mirrors in your wallet, and between them - the money “participating” in the ritual. Hide your wallet, and don’t tell anyone that you performed this ritual.

Simoronsky ritual “Money tea”

In the early 90s of the last century, cheerful and unusual magic appeared - Simoron. Each Simoron ritual is not only very effective, but also has a great psychotherapeutic effect. To carry out the “Money Tea” ritual you will need: personally brewed tea (black or green of great importance does not have), a sheet of clean white paper and a simple pencil.

Brew tea, pour it into a cup or glass. Place the container with tea on paper. Stir the tea with a simple pencil clockwise. After this, take out the pencil and write on a piece of paper the words: “There will be money for tea.” Place the piece of paper in your wallet, but separately from the money.

Nauz for money

One of the most effective rituals for attracting money is making a nauz. Take green yarn and cut 9 identical pieces from it. Light the green candle. Place all the pieces of yarn together and pinch them between your palms. Rub one palm against the other until individual sections form a cord. During this action, pronounce the following spell:

By nine roads and nine paths what I desire will come to me: copper nickels, silver rubles, gold chervonets, significant bonds on paper, marked with signatures and seals.

After this, tie 9 knots on the cord in this order: 1-6-4-8-3-7-5-9-2. This sequence means that the first knot should be tied at one end of the cord, the second at the opposite end, the third exactly in the middle, etc.

As you tie each knot, say: With this knot, I fasten, all in one, my will, my passion, my monetary power.

At the end of the ritual, the cord must be burned in the flame of a candle, and the ashes must be scattered.

It is difficult to find a person who would refuse banknotes; they are never superfluous. But not everyone realizes that to attract good luck in life financial affairs possible with the help of magic. We will tell you what a ritual to attract funds is, how they need to be performed and what results they have.

Many people wonder how to become rich without breaking the law? Not everyone has the makings of a businessman, can get a good education, or have enough capital to start their own business. But cash- this is a kind of luck, rich people are simply luckier in this matter. There are many different ways to attract your financial success. magical rituals. Regardless of the specific ritual, they all have one goal - to improve a person’s financial situation, to make money fall in love with him. Magic sacraments cannot make a person very rich in short term, they work differently. Money ritual can have different effects, one of them will help you find more high paying job, it will teach others not to waste money left and right, and for others it will come to mind good idea about additional income.