The most famous treasures in Russia. The largest treasures found recently

Tale of beautiful life has been troubling minds for many hundreds of years. For these people it has become a reality! It was as if they were transported to the page of a story about pirates, found a treasure and became unusually rich. Was it really that simple? The most important thing is whether the dream of a luxurious life has come true?

Top most famous treasures

Few people have not heard about the gold of the tomb of Ur. This ancient city, located in Mesopotamia, began to be explored about a hundred years ago. The excavations were led by archaeologist Leonard Woolley.

For a long time, excavations did not lead to anything, says the man. “People already thought that we wouldn’t find anything and wanted to leave.” It was decided to begin exploring the cemetery. It was very boring. And here...

It turned out that there was another burial hidden under the cemetery. There was little work, and then the amazed researchers discovered a golden helmet, beads and bowls... And in 1932, in the Mexican south, scientists found a thirteenth-century treasure!

It was buried by a highly developed Indian nation. Many, many years ago, they built buildings here, made jewelry and jewelry, says archaeologist Alfonso Caso. - First we found the tomb. But for a long time they could not open it...

For three months Alfonso struggled with the riddle, but was finally able to solve it. When he entered the tomb, the light of a lit lantern fell on the gold jewelry. The amazed scientist saw amber, corals and pearl necklaces. But the most important thing is the precious mask of God...

The treasure of the Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple was discovered in 2011. Scientists, as usual, did not expect to find anything large. No one could even think that real treasures were hidden here. In the basement ancient temple there were chests with gold coins and precious stones, and in the middle of it all - a statue of the god Vishnu, made of pure gold!

The largest treasures in Russia

1. The treasure of the famous Lenka Panteleev, the famous bandit, was only partially found. Although operatives shot the thief in 1923, all the wealth that he stole disappeared somewhere. They say that it is literally hidden underground. And the treasure, worth a total of 150 thousand dollars, is hidden somewhere in the annals of St. Petersburg.

2. A large treasure was found on Far East at the beginning of the twentieth century. In the Ussuri Gulf, a ship with more than 250 passengers on board hit a mine and sank. Sixty thousand rubles were hidden at its bottom. A few years later they tried to raise it from the bottom, but due to some features this turned out to be impossible. Only part of the load was lifted.

3. Tatar troops flooded the treasure in the area Nizhny Novgorod. Silver is sunk somewhere near Seliger. The search is now continuing. When and most importantly who will be able to lift the treasures from the bottom? This question still worries people's minds.

In Russia, treasures are often found on the Medveditskaya ridge, which, according to data, is considered one of the most terrible places in Russia.

The largest treasure found in the world

It turns out that the largest treasure in the world has not yet been discovered. Why? Searches are difficult. You can't do without additional equipment! After all, most often you have to look at the bottom of the sea.

For example, in the Gulf of Finland area there are real pirate treasure. According to American "professional" treasure hunter Greg Brooks, he has learned the location of a treasure worth three billion dollars.

We are talking about a sunken merchant ship. Now it is fifty miles from the coast,” says the man. - This ship was sunk in 1942 by German armed forces.

However, information about whether this treasure has been found has not yet appeared. Meanwhile, the Caribbean Sea can be called a real treasure. After all, back in the 16th century, Spanish galleons loaded with gold and jewelry sailed here. Over the course of history, approximately one hundred thousand ships have sunk here.

That's where you need to look, says Greg Brooks. - The bottom of this sea is simply strewn with diamonds, like sand. Five hundred years ago, ships sank from the slightest storm, people died, but after them there was a lot of money left!

However, the most large treasure in history, they were found about seven years ago - it was about five hundred thousand precious coins raised from the bottom of a ship in the Bay of Gibraltar. In total this amounted to 370 million euros. It turned out that this was a Spanish warship - it was sunk by the British at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

There is a rather “dark” story associated with this treasure. It was discovered by Americans in waters off Spain. But the fact is that this is not what they were trying to discover that time. As a result, all the money had to be returned to the treasury of the Spanish state.

From year to year wonderful fairy tale about treasures is becoming more and more real. And with the advent of improved technology, the chances of finding treasure increase. And let brave sailors conquer the seas - science has established that there are still many treasures hidden at their bottom.
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There are many mysterious secrets about treasures, especially those lost at sea during shipwrecks. Many people dream of finding treasure, whether they believe in it or not. Most of the legendary treasures are associated with pirates whose ships were wrecked during battles or strong storms. How many sunken ships are there that contain enormous wealth? The imagination paints endless pictures of incredible treasures, and many enthusiasts actually spend a lot of time searching for them. Some claim that these are just fairy tales and legends, but others truly believe that there are chests of gold waiting in the wings at the bottom of the ocean. Fortunately, there are enough people who want to help excavate the most big secrets on the planet. This collection contains a list of 10 legendary ocean treasures that have not yet been discovered.

Blackbeard's Treasures

In 1966, off the coast of North Carolina, archaeologists discovered the remains of a shipwreck, linking it with the ship of the famous pirate nicknamed Blackbeard. But the catch is that not a single ounce of treasure was found anywhere around the ship. Blackbeard is the most notorious of all pirates, amassing vast amounts of gold and other riches. Many speculate that the treasure still lies somewhere off the coast of the Carolinas, but it is very difficult to determine its location. Even Beard himself once said that “only I and the devil know” where it is. According to rough estimates, the value of gold could be about $2.5 million.

Fortune by Jean Lafitte

French pirate Jean Lafitte made his fortune by attacking merchant ships in the Gulf of Mexico and then selling the stolen goods in one of the many ports he owned. Lafitte's accomplice was his brother Pierre. These two were so good at theft and robbery that they accumulated a lot of wealth and jewelry. As a result, the brothers had to hide their treasures somewhere, which gave rise to many secrets and legends. They had over 50 ships under their command, suggesting just how large the fortune was. After Lafitte's death in 1830, legends about his treasures began to spread throughout the world. It was said that part of his treasure was buried in “Lake Bourne,” on the coast of New Orleans. Another was said to be a possible site about three miles east of the “Old Spanish Trail,” on the Sabine River. On this moment no one ever discovered the wealth, estimated at approximately $2 million.

Captain Kidd's Wealth

Late 17th century pirate William "Captain" Kyd is the origin of many myths about lost treasure. Kyd began plundering in 1698, attacking ships and amassing great wealth. But when he himself began to be hunted, Kidd decided to protect his treasures and began hiding them on various North American islands. Captain Kidd was eventually captured and hanged, with his treasure still buried in an unknown location. To add some reality to this myth, in the 1920s, four treasure maps hidden by “Captain” Kid were found in pieces of furniture believed to have belonged to him.

Oak Island Money Pit

The Money Pit, located in Nova Scotia, Canada, has spawned one of the longest running treasure hunts in the world. For hundreds of years, hunters have come to Nova Scotia to try to find the treasure, only to return empty-handed. In 1795, teenager Daniel McGinnis found a strange place on Oak Island where all the trees had been uprooted. Interested, he began excavation work in secret from the rest of the treasure seekers. He managed to find a message with an encrypted message that two million pounds were buried in this place, at a depth of 40 feet. Unfortunately, due to many obstacles and strong flows of water, no treasure was found. There are several popular theories that are associated with the “Money Pit”: The pit contains pirate treasures, or the missing priceless jewels of Marie Antoinette. There is also a theory that English professor Francis Bacon used the pit to hide documents proving that he was the author of Shakespeare's plays.

Treasures of Lima

During the Peruvian revolt against Spain in 1820, the captain of a large British ship was tasked with delivering treasure that belonged to the city of Lima. The cargo was estimated to be worth $60 million and included two life-size statues of the Holy Virgin, made in solid gold, and 273 bejeweled swords and candlesticks. Captain Thomas was quite greedy and killed all the passengers, after which he sailed to Cocos Island and hid the treasure in a cave, hoping to keep it all for himself. On his deathbed, he spoke a little about the location of his treasure, which had never been found.

Treasures of John the Landless

In 1216 King John the Landless, also known as “The Bad,” was heading to Lynn in Norfolk. Along the way he contracted dysentery and decided that he must return to his Newark Castle. He decided to follow the route around Walsh, with its dangerous mud traps and swamps. King John and his soldiers were making their way through the marshes with carts full of his royal regalia when they fell into a deadly swamp. Carts full of an estimated $70 million worth of treasure, including jewelry, gold cups, swords and coins, were lost and never found.

Nuestra Señora de Atocha

In 1622, the Spanish galleon Nuestra Señora de Atocha was returning to Spain, full of gold, precious stones and rare silver, when it was overtaken by a hurricane. The impact of the storm was so severe that the galleon was thrown onto a coral reef and instantly sank under the weight of the treasure. An immediate attempt was made to salvage the treasure, which included 17 tons of silver bars, 27 kilograms of emeralds, 35 boxes of gold and 128,000 coins. Other ships were sent to the place where Nuestra Señora de Atocha sank. Unfortunately, a second hurricane struck and ruined any attempts to salvage the treasure. The crash site was never found again, until recently. In 1985, treasure hunter Mel Fisher found part of the $500 million treasure less than 100 miles off the coast of Key West. However, experts believe that approximately $200 million worth of treasure still lies somewhere at the bottom.

Legend of the Golden Man

There has long been a myth surrounding Lake Guatavita in the Colombian Andes. It spoke of Inca gold hidden at the bottom. The most popular theory is that the Golden Man, known as “Eldorado,” once dove into a sacred lake and his followers brought gold and jewelry there as a show of devotion. As a result, many visited the area in attempts to discover the treasure. Since the arrival of the Spaniards in 1536, 100 kilograms of gold artifacts have been mined from the muddy bottom of Lake Guatavita. In 1968, a gold bar was discovered in a cave, once again resurrecting the legend of El Dorado, or the “Golden Man.”

Treasures of San Miguel

In 1715, Spain assembled a fleet of ships filled to the brim with pearls, silver, gold and jewelry worth an estimated $2 billion. The ships were sent from Cuba just before hurricane season to prevent attempted hijacking by pirates. This turned out to be a bad idea, as the entire fleet of 11 ships was sunk just six days after setting sail. As a result, $2 billion is still buried at the bottom of the sea. After this catastrophic event, 7 of the ships were discovered, but only a small amount of valuable treasure was recovered. It is believed that the Treasures of San Miguel may be nearby eastern shores Florida.

Gold Flor de Mar

A 400-ton Portuguese ship called Flor De Mar (Flower of the Sea) was caught by surprise in a violent storm in 1511. She was shipwrecked on the reefs of Sumatra, split in two, and all the treasure was lost at sea. The story goes that Flor De Mar was carrying around 60 tons of gold, which is the largest treasure ever collected in Portuguese history navy. It's no surprise that Flor De Mar has become one of the most wanted treasures in history.

Treasure- money or valuables buried in the ground or otherwise hidden, the owner of which is unknown and cannot be found, or has lost the right to them. Throughout history, some incredible treasures have been found. This list consists of ten of the most famous and amazing treasure finds.

Java Treasure, Indonesia

The Java treasure, compared to other discovered treasures on this list, was discovered relatively recently. The wealth found contained approximately 14,000 pearls, 4,000 rubies, 400 crimson sapphires, and more than 2,200 garnets. They were found in a ship that sank off the coast of Indonesia more than 1,000 years ago. In addition to jewelry, treasure hunters have discovered tiny perfume flasks, baked clay jars, vases and dishes possibly belonging to the Fatimid dynasty, which once ruled Ancient Egypt. The treasure is estimated to be worth several million dollars, 50% of which will go to the Indonesian government. Finds of 10th-century shipwrecks are extremely rare, and this find fills a large gap in our knowledge of that time.

treasure of Gourdon, France

The Gourdon Treasure (Trésor de Gourdon) was discovered near the district of Gourdon, Saône-et-Loire, in 1845. It is a gold deposit dating from around the end of the 5th or beginning of the 6th centuries. This treasure consisted of a bowl (see above), a metal mug (diskos), and approximately 100 gold coins.

treasure of Pietroasel, Romania

The treasure was found in 1937 in Romania and dates back to the 4th century. There were approximately 22 gold objects. Of the twenty-two parts, only twelve have survived and are in National Museum history of Romania, in Bucharest. Among them is a round sacrificial plate depicting Greek deities.

Nagy Szent Miklos treasure, Romania

This valuable collection consists of twenty-three gold vessels (total weight 9.945 kg), dating from the 10th century. The treasure was found in 1791 in the vicinity of the city of Nagyszentmikl. The treasure is kept in the Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum.

Tillya Tepe, Afghanistan

Tillya-tepe represents archaeological excavations in northern Afghanistan near Shibargan, in 1979 under the leadership of Victor Sarianidi, a year before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The treasure discovered here consists of approximately 20,000 gold jewelry, which was found in six graves (five women and one man). Jewelry includes coins, gemstone necklaces, belts, medallions, and crowns.

Pereshchepinskoe treasure, Bulgaria

The treasure deposit was discovered in 1912 in the village of Malaya Pereshchepina (13 km from Poltava, Ukraine) by a shepherd boy who literally tripped over a golden ship and fell into the tomb of Kuvrat, the founder of Great Bulgaria and the father of Asparukh, the founder of the first Bulgarian kingdoms. The treasure includes more than 800 objects, the total weight of gold items - ancient, Byzantine, Persian, Caucasian - was twenty-five kilograms, silver - fifty kilograms. The jewelry included amphorae, goblets, dishes, eleven gold and ten silver bowls, knee pads, a blade in a gold sheath, stirrups, a saddle and much more.

Treasure of Tutankhamun, Egypt

The treasure was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter. Perhaps the most impressive thing found in Tutankhamun's tomb was not the masks (see above), but rather the golden coffin, which shows a quality of craftsmanship and attention to detail that is second to none. The coffin is made of pure gold. The tomb contained many other treasures, including a throne.

Preslav Treasure, Bulgaria

The Preslav treasure was found in the fall of 1978 in a vineyard in Castana, 3 km northwest of the second Bulgarian capital - Veliki Preslav. During the excavations, more than 170 gold, silver and bronze objects were found, including 15 silver Byzantine coins belonging to Constantine VII.

Panagyurishte, Bulgaria

On December 8, 1949, three brothers - Pavel, Petko and Misha Deykov worked together in the Merul region at a tile factory near Panagyurishte. While processing a new layer of clay, they encountered an unusual glossy object. What they discovered was the Thracian treasure, one of the most famous treasures in the world. The treasure weighed 6164 kg. pure gold. All objects were richly decorated with scenes from myths, customs and life of the Thracians. The treasure dates back to the 3rd–4th centuries BC.

Sroda treasure, Poland

This treasure is one of the most valuable archaeological finds of the 20th century. It was found in 1985, when renovation work was carried out in the town of Sroda Slaska, Poland. The treasure found contains a gold crown, apparently belonging to Blanche Valois, wife of Emperor Charles IV, 2 gold pendants from the 12th century, 2 gold pendants from the 13th century, medieval gold clasps set with precious stones, three rings, 39 gold, and 2924 silver coins. The bulk of the treasures are now in local history museum.

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In the dungeons of the Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple (Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India), which is a shrine to the former rulers of the principality of Travancore, researchers discovered untold riches that amazed not only India, but the whole world.

History has long kept legends about the countless treasures of the ancient rulers of India - what they possessed a huge amount gold coins and precious stones. As is often confirmed in practice, legends and tales are not always based on fictitious facts, as researchers who recovered hundreds of kilograms of gold coins and items made of precious alloys and bags of precious stones from storage facilities were convinced of.

According to official sources, five secret vaults have been opened in the Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple, the construction of which was dedicated to the god Vishnu. According to preliminary estimates by experts, their value could be twenty billion dollars, which gives every reason to consider this treasure the largest to date.

By order of the Indian government, work continues in two more secret chambers of the same temple. Researchers do not lose hope of discovering new hiding places using metal detectors.

The largest treasure in history consists of gold coins and bars, the total weight of which is about two tons, several bags of diamonds and a diamond necklace five and a half meters long. And scientists consider the biggest find to be the statue of the god Vishu, which is made of pure gold and has a height of 1.2 meters.

The construction of the temple dates back to the 16th century, but its prosperity began much later - from the 17th to the 19th centuries. During this time, the priests of the temple collected merchant donations and offerings, which filled the vaults.

Not the cheapest treasure in the world was found by the American company Odyssey near Portugal. The treasure was discovered on the sunken Spanish naval frigate Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes in 2007. 500 thousand gold and silver coins, jewelry and decorations were lifted to the surface from the frigate. The total value of this treasure was about $500 million.

The right to this treasure was put forward in court by the Spanish government, as they want to protect the historical value from the hands of robbers and treasure hunters. Representatives of the American company Odyssey defended their right to the treasure, since it was found on neutral territory, but the Florida court, represented by Judge Mark Pizzo, remained on the side of Spain and decided to transfer everything found to the Spanish government.

The frigate Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes was transporting minted coins from the Spanish colony to Peru in 1804, but was sunk by the British near Cape St. Mary. Approximately 200 sailors died from the frigate explosion.

The American company Odyssey claims that the treasure was recovered as part of the Black Swan special operation, but as it later turned out, the Spanish authorities were not notified of such operations. Odyssey's actions were called immoral and legally unacceptable.

At the moment, the treasures are under the protection of a US federal court. One thing that remains unclear is when Spain will be able to rightfully receive the treasure that belongs to them. The Odyssey company plans to file an appeal and challenge the court's decision, as it believes that the representatives of Spain have not proven their full right to ownership of this treasure.

In June of this year, the secret dungeons of the Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple, which is the family shrine of the former rulers of the principality of Travancore, opened their bins to researchers, amazing the whole of India, and what is there, the whole world, with untold riches, a scattering of precious stones and gold coins. The right to possession of the discovered treasure, which amounts to no more or less than the annual educational budget of the state, will have to be determined by the Supreme Indian Court.

Until the moment of opening itself big treasure In history, legends and stories about the countless treasures of ancient Indian rulers remained simply a myth. But, as practice shows, there is no need to discount popular rumor; it may well turn out to be reality. Researchers empowered by the Indian government have seen this firsthand, personally lifting hundreds of kilograms of gold and bags filled with precious stones from ancient vaults.

According to official sources, five of the six secret vaults in the Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple, dedicated to the god Vishnu, have been opened. The estimated value of the treasures found in them is about 20 billion dollars, which allows us to speak of the treasure as the largest discovered to date. This title previously belonged to the Robinson Crusoe Island Treasure ($10 billion).

The Indian government has decided not to stop there, and promising work is already underway to open two more secret chambers located in the same temple. Moreover, researchers expect to find new caches by scanning the area with metal detectors.

At the moment, the largest treasure in history consists of gold coins with a total weight of about a ton, gold bars with approximately the same weight, several bags of diamonds and a necklace whose length is 5.5 meters. But the greatest asset of the treasure is the statue of the god Vishu, to whom the temple is dedicated, lying on Ananta (the serpent representing infinity). The height of the statue is 1.2 meters and it is made of pure gold.

The Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple was built in the 16th century and reached its peak in the 17th century. 19th centuries. Over the centuries, the priests of the temple collected donations and offerings from merchants, increasingly filling the vaults with valuables. According to Indian archaeologists and researchers, they had no idea how impressive the treasure found would be.

Omeo Chandy, Prime Minister of Kerala, said that the government has taken all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the largest treasure and to consult with the Travancore royal family and the chief priest of the shrine.

Now Indian historians are inventorying the found treasures. It is noteworthy that Sri Padmanabhaswamy is the only temple in Thiruvananthapuram that is not controlled by the government. It was possible to unseal the hiding places of the temple only due to the fact that the Supreme Court of India ordered the state to establish proper control over the temple in order to provide the necessary protection. Now the court faces the only difficult task - to establish the owner of untold wealth.

The treasure found in Sri Padmanabhaswamy is the largest treasure in human history. And this is not the end, as the last sixth known camera remains undiscovered, which will no doubt increase its value.

Along with ancient Indian treasures, modern rings, earrings, bracelets, and necklaces with diamonds from leading jewelry houses shine. One of these is the Estet jewelry house, whose sophisticated works of art will be a welcome gift for every woman. The glitter of gold framing gems together with an amazing and unique design, they simply drive you crazy and leave no one indifferent.