A Tale of Pirates: The Brave Captain. Children's birthday party "pirate party or treasure hunt"

Marina Zakirova
Scenario children's party"Pirate Party"

Hello team of brave and cheerful pirates!

Now ours pirate the ship sets off on a voyage in search of treasure for our captain, whose birthday is today! To achieve success, the team must be friendly and cheerful.

So we have a captain, but where is the treasure? And they were buried by the oldest and most terrible pirate BARBOSSA, and he tore the map into several pieces and scattered it all over the ocean. To find the treasure we need to go through many obstacles and find all the pieces of the map.

To do this, we first need to form a team. On any pirate ship, y pirates, there is a team.

CAPTAIN - the main person on the ship - Evgeniy


BOATSWAIN - senior among pirates, Danil

TREASURER - manages the spoils pirates, Brother Kirill

Cook-grandfather Gena

Gunner - Vital's dad

Young - brother Ilya

Ship's doctor-Grandfather Rudik

Navigator - Lyudmila

PIRATE - sailor, who has undergone baptism of fire and is part of the main clan - all the rest

Well, our team has been formed, responsibilities have been distributed. Now we can raise pirate flag and go on a treasure hunt. At sea, and even more so with pirates, anything can happen, so here are blindfolds and bandanas, the main weapons on the ship.

1. The first piece of the map is on the horizon! To get your first piece you must solve all the riddles. Ready?

HE is the most insidious villain. They scare all the children

He carries a pistol and a knife, he commits robbery.

He is sometimes poor, sometimes rich, and is always looking for treasure.

Answer quickly Who is this? (BARMALEY)

A block shot up above the water - This is a very angry fish.

She showed her fin and disappeared again instantly. (Shark)

A giant swims across the ocean

And he lets out a fountain. (WHALE)

How beautifully they float -

Very fast and playful!

They show us their backs

From sea ​​water(dolphins)

Don't you know me?

I live at the bottom of the sea,

Head and eight legs -

That's all I am... (octopus)

She lives in the water, has no beak, but pecks (fish)

I grew up in the forest, in silent silence,

Now I'm carrying you along the blue wave (boat)

A head with four legs lives between the stones (turtle)

In calm weather we are nowhere,

And the wind blows - we run on the water (waves)

If it lies at the bottom, the ship will not run into the distance (anchor)

The giant stands in the port, illuminating the darkness,

And signals to the ships: come visit us (lighthouse)

Both in the taiga and in the ocean he will find any path,

Fits in your pocket and guides us along (compass)

Wide in width, deep in depth,

Day and night it hits the shore,

You can't drink water from it,

Because it's not tasty -

and salt. (sea).

2. SEA KNOTS (all sailors must be able to tie and untie sea knots)

Rules: First you need to appoint a presenter. It could be the birthday boy himself. The presenter leaves the room. The remaining participants firmly hold hands, forming a chain. This chain needs to be “tied” in knot. Players can twist around, step over the hands of the player standing next to them, and crawl anywhere without letting go of their neighbor’s hand. After the sea knot is ready and the participants “twist” to the limit, pirate crew screaming: "Polundra!" The leader enters the room and unravels the knot without breaking the chain. The competition can be repeated several times.

3. SEA COMMAND (all sailors must be able to listen to the captain and follow orders around the ship)

Left hand drive! – everyone must turn to the right and continue dancing;

Right steering wheel! – everyone should turn to the right and continue dancing;

Stern! – the circle expands;

Nose! – the circle narrows;

Raise the sails! – everyone raises their hands up, continuing to dance;

Scrub the deck! – everyone starts rubbing their feet on the floor;

Cannonball! - everyone squats;

The admiral is on board! - everyone stands at attention and salutes

4. You will receive the next piece of the card if you guess correctly pirate words. Get ready, attention!

1. Rear of the ship (stern)

2. Kitchen on the ship (galley)

3. Front of the ship (nose)

4. Side of the ship (board)

5. Room for sailors (cockpit)

6. Board for launching from the ship (ladder)

7. Ship's steering wheel (steering wheel)

8. Window on a ship (porthole)

9. Floor on the ship (deck)

10. Clock on the ship (flasks)

11. Ship's bell (bell)

12. Toilet on the ship (latrine)

Pirates are rude ignoramuses who do not like to study, but in maritime affairs they have no equal, they must know everything about the sea and ships, because their lives depend on it.

5. Answer maritime questions.

1. Name your favorite pirate drink:

Coca Cola

2. Who is he? pirate?

Sea robber!

The Honorable Gentleman


Office plankton representative

3. Which writer did not write about pirates?

Daniel Defoe

Mayne Reid

Robert Louis Stevenson

Walter Scott!

4. Whom pirates called a gunpowder monkey?

Monkey pirate who was injured in battle

Lowest pirate rank on the ship

Enemy soldier captured in battle

The boy who brought gunpowder and shells during the battle!

5. Who is a gunner?

Pirate, who writes the team’s charter and canon and monitors its implementation

A member of the crew responsible for the condition of the guns on the ship!

Convoy Man

First mate

6. Why pirates had their noses and ears cut off?

For foul language

For eavesdropping

For stealing from teammates!

For curiosity

6. We need to decipher the message pirate BARBOSA and find out where the last piece of the map is hidden.

Well done! You have earned all the necessary pieces of the map, now you need to combine them into one, and you will see the map pirate BARBOS. Now you can go look for the treasure (find treasure on the map) Hooray! The treasure is in our hands. Let's have fun and celebrate like real pirates! Let's once again congratulate our birthday boy on his birthday! (everyone screams 3 times). Now let’s all take a photo for memory! Screaming: KARAMBA! And it’s time for me to go further on a distant voyage no!

Birthday scenario for children 8-10 years old. It is recommended to carry out in big apartment or country house. The duration of a child's birthday party is 1-2 hours.

* make colorful birthday invitations for each guest ("...., I invite you to the “Pirate Festival”, which will take place....! It is advisable to take a toy knife or pistol with you.”)

* Balloons for room decoration

* make a map to find the treasure

* make a chest, for example from a cardboard box

* prepare “treasures”: chocolate medals, “Kinder surprises”, cake, candies in bright shiny candy wrappers

* black eye patches

* collect all kinds of toy weapons

* prepare a list of riddles medium difficulty, numbered from 1 to 20 (ideally marine themed)

* make notes with proverbs for the decoy chest

* cut out 8-10 large footprints (footprints) from cardboard or paper

* 6 cardboard coins, each coin has a letter written on it that spells out a word with a pirate or nautical theme

* prepare small balls of wool (their number should be a multiple of the number of children), in one ball - a coin, in the rest - cardboard circles so as not to probe in advance)

* prepare inflated balloons (according to the number of children), in one - a coin, in the rest - decoys

* prepare opaque bags (according to the number of children), tied on a string, each containing an equivalent set of candies, chewing gum, and souvenirs; there is also a coin in one of the bags

* prepare leaves with tasks (the number is a multiple of the number of children), wrapped one inside the other, in the very center - a coin

* prepare an envelope with cards on which the capitals of the world's cities (or simply the cities of the world) are written, with the last coin in the envelope;

* prepare treats for festive table

* bake or buy a birthday cake

* buy firecrackers for festive fireworks or sparklers.

* you need a map to search for treasure: pieces of the map (with the map facing in, the back side with a pirate-themed picture facing out) are hung around the room (or throughout the apartment) in all sorts of places.

Characters: Chief Pirate

Birthday script:

Chief Pirate: Robber boys! Do you want to join the ranks of real pirates? Then you must pass the tests for candidates to become pirates.

Tests are conducted in the form of competitions and games. The main pirate sets tasks and controls the progress of the game.

Birthday competition "Cache in the dark".
The pirate candidate stands in front of a chair with an empty plastic bottle (1.5 l), moves away from it a few steps, then the child is blindfolded and turned around. You need to go to the chair and take the object.

Competition "Accuracy" .
There is an ordinary target hanging on the wall. We need to hit it with arrows. This is done until the child hits (you can reduce the distance to the target).

Birthday competition "Rope Ladder"
You need to walk along a rope ladder lying on the floor, blindfolded, and not trip.

Competition "Swamp"
Using 2 pieces of paper, walk from one end of the room to the other without stepping on the floor.

Chief pirate: Well done, robber pirates! Well now show your wits. The cunning pirates asked us puzzles and riddles. Can you guess them?

Children are asked to each take turns to name a number from 1 to 20. And they ask the riddle under the corresponding number. After the child has answered correctly, he is ceremoniously dressed in a black eye patch and given a “weapon” (toy gun, knife, saber, etc.).

Chief pirate: Well, now my young pirates, show your brutal appetite! (Children are invited to the festive table)

Chief pirate: Well, I see that you are real pirates. Now we will move on to the real pirate business: we will look for a treasure hidden many, many years ago by an old and cunning pirate.

Everyone collects the pieces of the map hanging around the room and puts them together into the map itself. Having realized what's what, the children rush to where, according to the map, the treasure should be. There is something lying in the indicated place, wrapped in a blanket. And instead of a chest with “treasures” - a deception! Namely, a dummy package the size of a chest: a newspaper inside a newspaper, and in the very center there is a note: “Complete the proverbs correctly - you will find out where the treasure is!” We unfold the note and find the first proverb with answer options:

Away is good, but at home...
* worse;
* better;
* more comfortable.

After answering correctly, we unfold the piece of paper, and there is the following proverb:
Each thing has its own...
* place;
* time;
* Name.

We finished the proverb, unfold the piece of paper, and there:
Friends get to know each other...
* in Game;
* in joy;
* in trouble.
And so on.

Having unfolded the last note, we read: “Treasure in... the room on the table.”

Chest found! But there is a lock on it. But there is no key!

Chief Pirate: To open this treasure chest, you first need to collect 6 coins by completing tasks, then put the “magic” word from the coins - the key to the chest.

Exercise 1 : Before searching for treasure, lay out “pirate footprints” on the floor, hiding a coin under the last trace.

Task 2: Unwind the balls in search of the hidden coin.

Task 3: The task sheet is wrapped in a piece of paper with another task. The last one contains a coin. Completed the task - pass the package to someone else.

Sample tasks:
* Name the capital of France
*Say 3 words in English
*Read the poem
* Eat some candy, etc.

Task 4: Balloons with a coin hidden in one of them. Everyone catches 1 ball and bursts it in any way.

Task 5: The Chief Pirate gives out pieces of paper with the name of the city, you have to guess what country it is. When everything is guessed, he gives the pirates a coin.

Task 6: Cutting bags from a rope while blindfolded. In one of the bags, in addition to prizes, a coin is also found.
Now that all 6 coins have been found, the pirates make a word out of them, the Chief Pirate solemnly issues the key, and the chest with “treasures” opens.

Chief pirate: Well, now I invite real pirates to a real pirate feast!

The finale of the holiday is fireworks (or sparklers)

Having decided to organize a child’s birthday or another, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. Of course, preparing costumes, invitations, menus and room decorations, and attributes for a pirate party is an important part of a successful holiday, as it sets the real pirate spirit. But a properly composed script will help ensure that the pirate sabbath is unforgettable and interesting.

Important tips for writing a children's pirate party script

The most simple solution will order the service of holding a children's party in a professional entertainment organization. Various options programs, worked scenarios, the presence of specific props and more whole line advantages become decisive arguments in favor of such a choice.

But. Who knows better than the parents the character of the child and his friends, his preferences and desires?

And even if organizing a children's party is a troublesome task, best directors and producers than loving mom and dad, can't be found.

The main thing is to take into account some features and the success of the venture is guaranteed. When choosing a script and competitions, consider the age of the kids. Entertainment that is interesting to preschoolers will make children over 10 years old smile. But complex quests, so beloved by older children, will be incomprehensible to kids.

Include too active competitions, games, as well as competitions related to the use of water paraphernalia in the scenario of a children's pirate party held on the street. Broken windows, dishes, stained carpets are not a very good result of the holiday.

Consider the character of children. Involve quiet people in competitions too. Don’t create a “one-player” holiday, no matter how much you might want to highlight your favorite among the sea gang.

Be fair in refereeing, do not play along with teams - children are sensitive to lies. Alternate active games with calm competitions, between which be sure to invite the children to the table for refreshments.

At the end of the holiday, you need to reward each participant, regardless of his activity. Children should have only positive memories after the celebration.

Holiday for children 2-3 years old

When choosing a script and competitions for a pirate party for children, take into account the young age of the kids.

The pirate holiday for children two to three years old involves the holding of calmer competitions that do not require solving logical problems.

They should not be associated with the implementation of rapid or precise actions.

Therefore, you will have to carefully consider the scenario and children's competitions for a pirate party outdoors or indoors for the youngest pirates.

Pirate race

Kids will have to make their own pirate ship and come up with a name for it. To do this, each participant in the regatta receives building materials in the form of walnuts, plasticine, toothpicks, and sail leaves.

Children 4–6 years old can easily cope with this task at a pirate party.

For children 2-3 years old - participants in a pirate party, you can prepare boats made of thick paper in advance.

When the schooners are ready, the speed competition begins. A basin filled with water will become the sea. Each pair of participants launches their boat into the water.

The goal is to quickly reach the opposite shore. To do this, kids blow into the sails without using their hands. The owner herself fast yacht advances to the next round. The winners of the qualifying stages will participate in the final race.

Which child doesn’t like to make faces? It is impossible to win this competition without using your grimace skills.

After all, you will have to get rid of the matchbox that is put on your nose without using your hands. It is difficult to complete such a task, but unforgettable photographs will remain as a memory.

Pirate puzzle

The principle of this distinction is based on the rules of the Puzzle game. Children will collect pirate pictures.

To do this, you can print out bright pictures depicting ships, chests filled with treasures, and sea shells.

Choose pictures that are clear and free of details that are too small or blurry.

We cut the finished drawing into asymmetrical parts. For children under 5 years old, cutting the sheet into 8-12 pieces will be enough.

For older children, you can make the task more difficult by cutting the image into smaller pieces. Each child receives their own set, and the winner will be the participant who completes the puzzle first.

Pirate party scenario for children 4, 5, 6 years old

Children preschool age They are still fidgety and why.

It's going to be quite an exciting event if you try to attract the attention of the kids and don't leave them any free time for pranks.

Suitable for the script children's day Birthdays in the style of a pirate party include active competitions, relay races and simple logic tasks.

Hit the target

No, we will not shoot with bows or pistols.

We'll need balls different color. Opponents receive 5 “shells”. The target to hit is a regular bucket or box.

Children try to throw their balls exactly at the target.

Of course, the player with the best result becomes the winner and participants in the next round. The most accurate sea wolves will fight in the finals.

Balloons will act as sea monsters. Appliqués, rope or paper tentacles will help make them more realistic.

Such a monster can only be defeated with darts.

The player is given three attempts to destroy one of the warriors of the army of sea reptiles. But the competition doesn't end there.

After all, inside the monster ball there is a message note. And only by completing the task written on it can you defeat the enemy.

Find the treasure

The competition involves searching for special treasures – chocolate coins.

They are hidden in secluded and most unexpected places.

Just limit your search. Otherwise, inquisitive treasure hunters will look both in the pan and under the toilet lid.

We turn on an incendiary melody and encourage the participants with distracting chants. The winning team will bring greatest number jewelry.

If such a competition is held for children two to three years old, it is better to place balls, pebbles, and coins in a sandbox or in a basin with sand.

Let the little adventurers try to dig up the secret treasure.

An island for every pirate

We will need gymnastic hoops. There will be one less of them than the pirates participating in the competition.

While the music plays, sea wolves ply the ocean, running around the hoop islands. As soon as the music stops, the storm begins. So it's time for the pirates to dock.

Children jump into island hoops and start spinning them.

And the pirate who did not get shelter dies in the depths of the sea - he is eliminated from the competition. In the following stages, we remove one island at a time until one winning pirate remains.

These are no longer just pirates - these are experienced sailors who are familiar with grammar and know how to solve problems as a team.

Therefore, feel free to include quizzes, relay races and team competitions in the pirate holiday scenario for children 7–9 years old.

For the guys of this age category you can already think of it storyline. And since the main goal of the pirates is to find the treasure, then the entire program should be connected with its search.

We are preparing a map for a pirate party for children, which will indicate the pirates’ path to the treasure. You can draw it or print it ready-made.

Aging the card by dipping the paper in strong tea leaves or coffee. Burn and tear the edges of the secret message. Of course, such a guide will not be given to teams in its original form.

An evil pirate - one of the parents tears the message into pieces at the beginning of the party, and the kids' goal is to get all the lost pieces. And for this you need to go through difficult tests. And only the winners of the competition will be able to receive the coveted piece of the map.

Secret password

What's a secret without a password? The team, going on a dangerous journey, must clearly know the code phrase. But it's not that easy to do.

It is known only to one member of the team, and it cannot be said out loud or written on paper. Therefore, now the lucky person who knows the password - a code phrase (the child recognizes it from a folded leaf that he takes out of a vase) will have to resort to acting. With gestures and movements, the baby gives the team hints, based on which they must guess the password.

Dangerous reefs

Only experienced and brave sea wolves can overcome the terrible reefs. The teams face a difficult test.

They must take part in a relay race, which is essentially an obstacle course. Of course, to organize such a large-scale competition, space is needed.

Therefore, it is better to hold this competition not indoors, but during a pirate party for children on the street.

But, if desired, such a relay race can be divided into several independent competitions.

We create an obstacle course. First, the participant must get out of the bay - run around 8-10 pins arranged in a zigzag pattern. Dive into the depths of the sea - crawl under three or four chairs placed in a row or low-stretched ropes.

To pass the area with piranhas - walk along the board installed above the children's pool, infested with children's fish - “evil piranhas”.

Cross a narrow strait - run, get between tapes, ropes attached to stands or chairs. It is advisable to make the strait winding.

Get your opponents out of the way by knocking down the pins with tennis balls. The participant does not continue the relay race without completing this task. It may take 5 or 8 attempts. Therefore, stock up on balls in large quantities.

Get to the island over bumps. For bumps, use A-5 sheets (half a landscape sheet). Decorate pieces of sushi with original designs in the form of turtles, shells, starfish, and seashells.

Place the leaves at a large distance, but not in a straight line. A child can step on a bump with only one foot. If a participant stumbles, he starts this stage of the relay over again.

At the end of the brave man's journey sea ​​dog The island is waiting - the child must stand in the hoop, lift it up and, after removing it over his own head, put the hula hoop back in place.

Bring good news to the team. At the end of the obstacle course, place a flowerpot in which you place coins or black marks. It is this attribute that the participant must bring to his team when returning to the beginning of the sea route.

After this, the next team member sets sail. The winner of the relay race is the team that first overcomes all the hardships of the sea voyage.


Pirates who have sailed the seas for many days are well acquainted with both maritime terminology and the rules of pirate life. It's time to show off your knowledge. Children answer questions from the presenter, earning gold doubloons for their team for each correct answer.

  • The rudder of a ship is the steering wheel.
  • The favorite drink of pirates is rum.
  • Ship's kitchen - galley.
  • Jack Sparrow's ship is the Black Pearl.
  • The punishment for pirates who stole from their friends was to cut off their nose and ears.
  • Have a good voyage - seven feet under the keel.

Captains competition

Each captain receives a secret name that his opponent should not know. The nickname must be associated with any sea ​​creatures: turtle, starfish, shark, stingray.

A picture of the prototype is attached to the back of the pirate leader.

The opponent's goal is to find out the opponent's name. But this is not so easy to do. After all, according to the terms of the competition, the captain is one-legged (children bend one leg at the knee and hold it with their hand).

Moving by jumping on one leg, the captains try to look behind the opponent’s back in order to be the first to see the clue.

Pirate party ideas for children over 10 years old

These experienced sailors spent more than one year away from their native shores. They can handle difficult tasks and are not afraid of dangerous trials.

Therefore, feel free to come up with intricate plots intertwined for the scenario of a pirate-themed party for children over 10 years old. logical riddles and puzzles.

The scenario should be like a quest, where one task for a pirate party for children logically leads into the next.

The purpose of the trip, of course, is to search for treasure. But on the way to the treasured treasures, no one canceled the songs, dances and entertainment. As a pirate, this will require finance.

Therefore, at the beginning of the party, we enter the holiday currency, which will be needed for the game for children “Pirates at the Holiday”. With the earned or won piastres - medals or coins - participants will be able to buy drinks in an impromptu bar and buy the missing pieces of the map.

A codeword

Children must solve a difficult puzzle. They receive props in the form of ice cubes, in which the clue pictures are frozen. The first letter of each image is part of the code word. For example, the helm is “bumblebee”, “tiger”, “snail”, “river”, “wolf”, “apricot”, “moon”. Or depicts a cipher code.

You can freeze the image of letters to compose an entire phrase. The teams must complete the task until the ice melts.

Climb into the bottle

The guys must unravel the secret word. To do this, they receive 5 bottles each containing scrolls with hint texts.

The first team to solve the mysterious message becomes the winner.

To avoid questions about the correctness of the answer, we write the word on the board and cover it with a curtain.

You can add any competitions and games to the pirate party scenario for children and adults, adapting them to the pirate theme. In addition to the script, ideas from will help you prepare a pirate holiday for children.

This year we celebrated my son’s 8th birthday at the dacha in a wonderfully fun and amusing way. I borrowed many ideas from friends and online, processed them, and this is what came out.

Decor children's pirate party

You will need:

Papers with images of bottles, flags, daggers, bags of money, etc.
- schooner “Sea Pearl” (we temporarily turned the gazebo into a ship, cut out the steering wheel from cardboard and attached it to the pipe, made the bow from a cardboard box, hung the gazebo with ropes)
- Jolly Roger
- Jolly Roger balloons
- checkboxes
- chest (I attach a diagram at the bottom of the article)
- steering wheel
- draperies-sails
- anchor (make from cardboard)
- map
On the map they drew an approximate diagram of the house and yard: Treasure Island itself (yard), round cove (pool), swinging cradle (swing), valley of wisdom (desk), coral cove (bathroom), banana grove (kitchen), entrance to cave (cellar), jungle (garden), sleepy hollow (sofa), mammoth glacier (refrigerator), volcano (stove), waterfall (outdoor shower), bridge (path from the gate to the house), plateau (balcony), onion grove ( vegetable garden with onions and lettuce), etc. Ideally, the map should be drawn on paper soaked in tea and dried with torn edges.

Part 1 of the pirate party. Silver's test

The guests are greeted by the host (it was me in a pirate costume), who offers to join the pirates and go for treasure. To do this you need to pass tests.

So, are you ready to become a pirate?

To become real pirates, you need to show that you are brave, dexterous, fighting, cunning and quick-witted and pass tests.

- A pirate must be fearless.
Jump up to the ceiling - the guest is blindfolded, and someone stands behind him with a board. Then we ask the guest to jump, he jumps, but does not reach the ceiling. We ask you to jump again, while raising the board above the guest’s head to such a height that the guest can reach it.

- Pirates must be smart.
Of course, I didn’t use all of these riddles, just choose the ones you like the most.
Mysteries of old Flint in a barrel
What can't you eat for breakfast? (Dinner and supper)
What happens to a blue scarf if you put it in water for five minutes? (gets wet)
Two birch trees grow, each birch has four cones. How much in total? (Cones do not grow on birch trees).
The crow is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be? (Maybe, since the dog sits on the ground on its tail).
Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)
What is between the window and the door? (Letter "i")
Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)
What comb should you not comb your hair with? (Petushin)
What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (On wet)
What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (Out of empty)
What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
What are we eating for? (At the table)
When a car is moving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare)
Why, when you want to sleep, do you go to bed? (By gender)
What is the name of the steering wheel on a ship? (steering wheel)
What is the name of the staircase on a ship? (ladder)
What is the name of the kitchen (galley) on a ship?
A giant swims across the ocean and releases a fountain of water. (Whale)
What rocks are not in the sea? (Dry)
A head with four legs lives between the stones. (Turtle)
She lives in the water, has no beak, but bites. (Fish)
If it lies at the bottom, the ship will not run into the distance. (Anchor)
Marine vessel (ship)
The main person on the ship after the captain (boatswain)
Sailor apprentice (cabin boy)
Tall wooden sail support (mast)
Side of the ship (side)
Room for sailors (cockpit)
Board for launching from a ship (ladder)
Sea robbers (pirates)
Man-eating fish (shark)
Ship's rudder (wheel)
Duty on the ship (watch)
Berthing area (port)
Front of the ship (bow)
Ship's cook (cook)
Accommodation for the captain or passengers (cabin)
A large body of salt water smaller than an ocean (sea)

- Pirates must be fighting.
Teams are given inflated balloons. The task is to burst the enemy's balloon and protect your own. Or you can simply play with water pistols in a pirate battle, dividing into teams (don’t forget to prepare spare dry things).

- Pirates must be accurate.
We make shells out of paper and distribute them to two teams. The task is to get into the bucket from a short distance. At first I wanted this competition, but in the end we just threw apples into buckets)

- Pirates must be able to fish.
The presenter times the time. Who will pull out a large amount, within the allotted time, he won.

- Pirates must be cunning. Pirates must be cunning and not fall for tricks. Need it quickly and correctly
answer the riddles:
- Fastest from fear
Rushing... (not a turtle, but a hare).
- Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown... (not a wolf, but a bear)
- In your warm puddle
Croaked loudly... (not a sparrow, but a frog).
- I walked along a steep mountain
Overgrown with fur... (not a crocodile, but a ram).
- In the thicket I raised my head,
Howls from hunger... (not a giraffe, but a wolf).
- Like in a bus salon
Jumped into mom’s bag... (not an elephant, but a baby kangaroo).
- The sun’s ray went out over the forest
The king of beasts is sneaking... (not a rooster, but a lion).
- Having overcome all obstacles,
The faithful one hits with his hoof (not a lion, but a horse).
- He takes the hay with his trunk
Thick-skinned... (elephant, not hippopotamus).
- The tail is like a fan, there is a crown on the head.
There is no bird more beautiful than... (not a crow, but a peacock).
- Who likes to run around the branches?
Of course, red... (not a fox, but a squirrel).
- A simple question for kids:
“Who is the cat afraid of?” ... (not mice, but dogs)

After all the tests, the children need to be fed, and only then continue the game. It is desirable that the table is also decorated in a pirate style. We immediately bought disposable tableware and napkins with pirate symbols and this question disappeared for us.

Part 2 of the pirate party. Initiation into pirates

Pirate's Oath

“By joining the ranks of pirates, I swear to honor the pirate code, help my comrades, divide the found treasures according to honor, otherwise let me be thrown to the sharks.” Those who agree say their name.

Now let's dress up like pirates!

Puts on an eye patch
- bandana on the head
- draws a black eye under the eye
- draws a beard or mustache.
- distributes sabers made of cardboard wrapped in foil.
- come up with a scary pirate name for everyone

Shout the pirate cry

Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

Who's who on the team

The captain chooses the cook
The cook must be the most attentive to choose it - we play the game “Edible - not edible” with a ball.
The captain chooses the boatswain
Must be able to listen to the captain's orders.
Left hand drive! - everyone runs to the left side (the left edge of the sidewalk).
Right steering wheel! - everyone runs to the right side (the right edge of the sidewalk).
Nose! - everyone runs forward.
Stern! - everyone runs back.
Raise the sails! - everyone stops and raises their hands up.
Scrub the deck! - everyone pretends to wash the floor.
Cannonball! - everyone squats.
The admiral is on board! - everyone freezes, stands at attention and salutes.
The captain chooses a cabin boy
Young must be fast and agile. We play ball in a bag. We put the ball in a bag, tie the handles with a rope, put the children around us and, sitting down and spinning the ball at the bottom, the children must jump over it; those who do not have time are eliminated.

Part 3 of the pirate party. Treasure Hunt

Let's refresh our strength and drink rum (lemonade with a "Rum" sticker) to the health of our birthday captain!
They eat sandwiches and drink rum (replacing the bottle with a bottle with a note).

While the children are having a snack, you can play the game “Pirate Secrets”. You need 2 envelopes or boxes with questions and answers, the children take turns pulling them (question and answer). It turns out very funny.


Do you like read?
Do you help mom do the cleaning?
Do you have a chamber pot under your bed?
Do you sing in the shower?
Do you eat semolina porridge in the morning?
Are you sleeping with teddy bear?
Do you binge on ice cream alone?
Do you write obscene words on walls?


Yes, I love this activity!
Never in my life!
I'm embarrassed to admit it, but yes!
I have had this inclination since birth!
What an indecent question!
Only when no one is watching!
Every day three times a day!
It happens depending on the mood!

Old Flint's Letter

Silver reads old Flint's letter
“Greetings young pirates! In honor of the captain's birthday, I decided to reveal my secret and give the birthday boy and his friends a map of Treasure Island, where I hid a priceless treasure. Moor your ship in the round bay of Treasure Island and proceed 30 steps south. The secret is kept by SKELETON. "Captain Flint, the storm of the seas."
The captain says loudly: “Raise the sails! Full speed ahead!

Round Bay Treasure Island

Using a map and compass, we find the skeleton (Legov’s skeleton, you can draw it). Underneath is a cache with clues:
“The crossword clue will tell you what you need to look for”, solve the crossword puzzle:
· The sun setting behind the horizon (sunset) - (W)
· Kitchen on the ship (galley) - (A)
· Parking place (port) - (P)
· The most famous pirate whose treasure we are looking for (Flint) - (I)
· The front of the ship (bow) - (C)
· Ship's cook (cook) - (K)
· Accommodation for the captain or passengers (cabin) - (A)
We are looking for a note in the bay of Treasure Island “You are in the wrong bay! Look for another one near the Codunya field!”

Witch's Field

We tell a legend about an insidious witch who does not sleep at night and is just waiting to bewitch someone. Accordingly, you can cross the valley only during the day; when “night” is declared, we freeze and do not move.

Coral Bay

We sail to Coral Bay (we have only 2 bays on the map, those connected with water). In the bathroom, the children see a mark painted on the wall (an abandoned black mark factory).

Pirate Tag Factory

You need to find 6 pirate tags in the barn. There is one letter on each label. Having collected all the marks, you need to put the letters together into a word - and then it will become clear where to go next. The word p-e-sh-e-r-a is formed.

After the children find all the marks and run to the cave (they guess that the cave is a basement), a ghost appears and does not allow them to go to the cave. It says it will let children through for 10 red berries. The children run and pick cherries and bring them to the ghost. it lets them through to the cave.

Cave entrance

The note is hidden in a black box with a mark. The box is in a visible place. The children take out the note and realize that it has been cut into pieces. First you need to assemble it like a puzzle and read the contents.
Note 3 says: “It is impossible to enter the cave because it is guarded by bats. First, find 10 bats, put them in a bag, and then look into the cave.”
Children look for 10 bats in the hallway and put them in a bag lying right there. When all the hidden bats have been found, the presenter will offer to look into the cave (the cave can be a large closet), where in the most visible place there is a sheet of paper with a picture of a palm tree. Children look at the map and understand: the palm tree symbolizes the jungle.


In the garden, on the upper branches hangs a scroll note 4: “From the old volcano to the north there are 15 steps. Dig! .
Bury the word note 5 “Dream” in the box. It is concluded that the next point on the route is the swinging sleepy hollow.

Rocking cradle (swing)

There is a bag of empty ones on the sofa plastic bottles, instead of labels there are pirate marks) and a scarf.
Note 6: “Everyone falls asleep in Sleepy Hollow: both people and animals. Here you can fall asleep forever and never wake up again. Many tried to leave the ravine in a sleeping state, but they failed. Will you be able to pass through the ravine in a sleeping state and come out of it safe and sound?”
The leader places the pins as the border of a winding path. Children take turns trying to walk along this path blindfolded without knocking over a single pin. When at least someone manages to pass without hitting the pin, you can start looking for the mark. A bulb is drawn on the swing leg.

Onion Grove

On one of the bulbs there is a note 7 “25 steps to the north” - along the way we see a skeleton, we look where it is pointing. You need to hide a paper snowflake with a pirate mark. After finding a snowflake, children will conclude that the next destination is a glacier.

Glacier mammoth

A glacier is a refrigerator.

Meeting with the Ghost

Here the Ghost appears. I ask the Ghost if the pirates can take the treasure. He says that Flint's curse hangs over the treasures, and only the bravest can get them.
To determine courage you need to: break 5 eggs on your forehead, one of which is raw (5 people).
To define gaiety, you need to come up with a dance of little foals and ducklings.
To determine resourcefulness, you need to put the letters together into a word (the letters hang on the refrigerator). Children form the word “Treasures”.
The ghost says that all Flint's conditions have been met, and you can go to the glacier. And here are the treasures! The treasure is in the chest (candies and chocolate coins).

And as promised, the diagram of the pirate chest...

I wish everyone have a fun day birth!!!

One of my friends recently held a rainbow birthday party for her 3 year old daughter! I really liked her idea and how she prepared everything. Reading her posts, I remembered how in 2010 I prepared a birthday “Pirate Party!” for my son Dan's 5th birthday. I decided to describe how it went. I’ll say right away that the preparation took about a month, and a lot of money was spent on prizes and attributes, but then we remembered our pirate party for a long time. So, let's begin. At first, while scrolling through the Internet in search of a script for a birthday, I accidentally came across a pirate costume for a boy, and that’s how I came up with the idea of ​​holding a pirate party for his guests. I ordered the costume and began to come up with a script. In the process, I still had to buy a lot. I also ordered a cake from a girl from our city, at that time it was quite inexpensive, she was just starting out then, and it weighed 4 kg.

The first thing I did was make invitations

For boys, the invitations said SIR Alex, etc.

Then I wrote the script and at the same time purchased attributes and everything that was needed. I made a treasure chest, it is made from an ordinary shoe box, and inside there are all sorts of pirate paraphernalia (chocolate shifters, stickers, rings, kinders with pirates):

Then I bought pirate bandanas for all the children and face makeup. Then all this cost a pretty penny. Then I drew a treasure hunt map:

And of course, I decorated the room, I had to look for streamers with pirates and a balloon inflated with helium.

The costume was ready, the script was written, and then our birthday arrived! I warned the parents in advance that their children should dress according to the theme of the holiday and take shovels and weapons with them.

The script itself:

Hello children! Imagine that you and I are on the pirate schooner Black Pearl. Do you know who pirates are? (children answer) Are pirates good or evil, but what do they do? Etc. Do you want to become a pirate today too?

Before you put on your pirate bandanas and get your pistols and daggers, you need to be initiated into pirates, it's not easy at all, are you ready?

Competition "Pirate Teams"

Real pirates must know basic pirate commands

1. Left-hand drive!step left
2. Right steering wheel!– step to the right
3. Nose!- step forward
4. Stern!- step back.
5. Raise the sails!- everyone stops and raises their hands up.
6. Scrub the deck!- everyone pretends to wash the floor.
7. Cannonball!- everyone squats.
8. Captainon board! - everyone freezes, stands at attention and

9. Lights out! - everyone pretends to drink rum.

Repeat in random order until the children begin to do all the commands correctly; if there are difficulties, parents can be involved.

“Keeping my balance” competition

Well done, now you know all the pirate crews, but did you know that in order to sail on a real ship, you need to be very resilient and be able to keep your balance, otherwise you will quickly get seasick. Now we will practice keeping our balance.

Lay down 1 rope and you need to walk along it without leaving it.

Well done and real pirates need to know basic pirate words and maritime terms:

Riddles by terms:

To a strong wave
Couldn't move us from our place,
We throw the chain overboard
And we lower it into the water...

To see me in the distance
How the ships sail by
I'll take a quick look at it
And I’ll tell all the guys.

I can see the evil one through binoculars
And I'll report to the captain.
They know everything perfectly -
It's dangerous to play with her:
Teeth sharp as a knife
You better not touch her!

No pirate can

Can't live a day without it

Even if thunder strikes

The pirate drinks his sweet...


Every pirate has one

He held him in battle more than once,

It's shiny, very sharp,

It's called...


I'm puffed up by the wind,

But I'm not offended at all

Let him fool me

The yacht speeds up.


Storm on the sea or fog,

But where is the edge of the earth

Every captain knows.

What is burning in the distance for them?


An angry wind caught up with the clouds.

The sky is overcast, there is no light,

And the sea raged

To all sea vessels on the mountain.

Night came right during the day.

What do we call it?


Well done, now we initiate you into pirates.

Pirates' Oath:

I join the ranks of pirates and treasure hunters and I swear to honor
pirate code, don’t be a coward, don’t be discouraged, help your comrades,
divide the found treasures equally, otherwise let
I’ll be thrown to the sharks.”
Who agrees, says his name:
- Denis!

I put on a bandana and pin a dedicated badge



Pirates, there is a terrible sea monster on our schooner, we need to neutralize it, who wants to pierce the monster’s belly?

We get a message from Captain Flint from the monster ball

“To find the treasure, you need to get a pirate treasure map, and for this you need to get 4 clues. Using these clues, you can find the place where the treasure map is hidden.":

1. Accuracy competition, Throw cannonballs (paper balls) into a bucket

After the competition, 1 tip is given sofa

2. “We won’t drown” lay out sheets of paper (islands) run on them don’t step on water

After the competition, the 2nd hint is given curtains

3. We insert plasticine eyes into the drawn pirate one by one

After the competition, 3 tips are given carpet

4. earth-water balloon competition

Issued in 4 balloon different colors

Children are divided into two teams and line up one after the other. Balls are placed three meters from the first player. The player runs to a ball of his color and sits on it. You need to jump on it and jump with it until it bursts. As soon as the ball bursts, the player runs to his team and passes the baton to the next one. The team whose players burst all the balloons first wins.

After the competition, 4 tips are given hot

The answer is where the treasure map lies behind the BATTERY. If children cannot guess, their parents help them

Well, now have you guessed where the treasure map is hidden? Everyone goes to get a map.

Well, my dear pirates, you are probably tired, let’s have a little refreshment on our ship, and then we’ll go on the map to look for the chest. Next comes a snack; to make it interesting for the children, I made pirate rum.

Then all the pirates get dressed, take their shovels, guns and daggers and go dig for treasure. Here the husband, while the children were eating, buried a treasure chest in an appointed place, and a bottle with false treasure (with a message from Captain Flint) in another place. This was the most difficult part of the holiday.

So, following the map, the children quickly guessed where the treasure was and went with the shovels to the playground, but instead of the chest, they found a bottle with another message from Captain Flint: “Ha-ha, I deceived you, the real treasure is not hidden here at all. » And there was a drawing drawn there. (branched tree near our house) The children quickly guessed and ran there.

And then our treasure chest was found, the delight could not be described!

Then we took a walk and held several competitions in nature, and the adults also celebrated their birthday a little:

Well, then our pirates went home to eat pirate cake. The children ran around so much that they got pretty hungry. Everyone was very pleased, especially the mothers of the invited children.

Then, of course, we also drove a pirate loaf:

And of course, they shared the treasures, I gave the bandanas and the shared treasures to the children.

Drawing for memory:

And here is our captain Dan and dad and I:

This is what my son was like at 5 years old:

And here he is now at almost 11:

Thank you all for your attention! I'll write scripts for the rest of our birthdays soon.