How to learn how to tie a sea knot correctly? Main maritime nodes

The art of tying sea knots is actually useful not only for those who regularly sail on ships. It will be useful for any tourist to have a couple of such techniques in his arsenal, and at least for a more durable installation of a camping tent and attaching a rain awning to it. And how interesting this process is in itself! For those who want to learn how to tie sea knots, patterns and methods are given in this article.

in our life

Tying knots is one of the first things that humanity learned in the process of its evolution. They were used to fasten tools, make the first snares and traps for hunting, as well as locks.

The very first ropes were strips made from tree bark, vines, and animal skins. They were used to fasten the first clothes and the first bed. Gradually, people mastered weaving and were able to make ropes on their own, making them stronger and longer. Yes, and it was thanks to them that he first rose above his state main symbol- flag.

Rope is a person’s faithful companion on travel, both sea and air. It is difficult to imagine using a rope without tying knots. These words have long been associated with each other. It was the sailors who were the first to start tying sea knots, diagrams of which can be found in textbooks on rigging.

Nautical knots: history and knitting pattern

They are an integral part human culture, it is difficult to imagine our world without them. New nodes continue to be invented today, and each of them receives authorship as an invention and a patent.

Their genius is in their simplicity. They can be locking, quick-release, tightening or non-tightening. This art has been passed down from generation to generation. Thanks to ropes, the first devices for swimming on water appeared - rafts. The knot also has a mystical meaning - it is not just a way of fastening, but a talisman that protects its owner from harm.

Among the sailors Northern Europe There was a belief about three magical knots - when properly tied on a ship's rigging they protected from wreck. There was even a ritual for untying, which was supposed to cause the wind.

In the heyday of navigation, there were about 500 knots. Their names originate from the gear to which they were used - for example, pile or boat. These days, knots are also identified with the country where it was invented - the Spanish bower knot or the Flemish loop.

The working ends of the cable, with which the tying is carried out, are called running ends. They circle around the indigenous ones, who remain motionless. These ends are opposite to each other.

To this day, you can find peoples who have not been touched by the benefits of civilization, and they still make weapons and snares for hunting and fishing using knot tying.

Rope knots: their types and methods of knitting

You will need a rope that is not very thick and quite soft. Just like knitting, you need practice here. You won't remember much the first time, so each new knot should be practiced several times. And of course, they need to be used in Everyday life, otherwise they will quickly be erased from memory.

Yes, each of them has its own name. But you shouldn’t focus too much on them; it’s better to remember the sequence of combinations. There are not many established names, and more often they depend on the source.

The simplest knot is knitted like this: a loop is made at one end of the rope into which the running end is threaded. All. Its disadvantage is that it reduces the strength of the rope. An experienced fisherman or sailor always cuts off accidentally tied simple knots or replaces them.

You can start practicing knitting skills with a figure eight. It does not reduce strength and is easy to untie. Practical significance- limit rope movements. The figure eight is an element of other more complex nodes.

If you need to join two ropes, tie a straight (or reef) knot. To increase reliability and strength, figure eights should be made on the running ends. When knitting, two ropes are crossed twice in succession. One of the free ends is folded in half to form a bow. If the number of running revolutions is increased, the result will be that it is tied on tensioned cables.

Extra yarn overs and turns can not only ruin everything, but also turn one knot into a completely different one. Therefore, when knitting, carefully monitor the directions of the turn.


Straight or reef is included in the 24 main sea knots. Why are they called that? It is believed that they are most commonly used in navigation and that is where it all began. In this classification, straight and reef are two knots, although the principle of their tying is absolutely the same. Figure eight and surgical (or double straight) also apply here.

In cases where it is necessary to tie the ends of two ropes, knit a flat knot or a bayonet. His distinctive feature- this is symmetry. Knitting technology: one of the ends is folded in a loop, the other end is wrapped around in the same way, the ends pulled through are pulled together. They must be intertwined one through the other.

One of the most used in rigging is the pile knot. The running end is inserted into the loop using the same loop. Tighten it around an object, otherwise it will not tighten.

Separately, such nodes of the “bayonet” type are distinguished. It is straight, with two spurs, with a drift and a fishing one. The first is used for high-quality mooring. The technology of its knitting has already been described above. Here everything is the same, only the rope is first wrapped around the mooring pole. To reduce wear on the cable, they came up with a bayonet with two hoses. The rope is wrapped twice around the pole. The bayonet has an additional loop. This is done for even greater reliability. The fisherman's knot differs from the knot with two hoses in that an additional loop is knitted, and not just thrown over. This is what is used for anchoring.

To firmly tie a cable to something, another rope or rope, knit the running end, which is carried around the object, carried over the main one. The second hose is knitted in the opposite direction.

There are also knots called the sliding bayonet, buoy rope, double gazebo, simple gazebo, noose, masthead, double eight, stopper, tow and boat. There is also one called It does not tighten at all and is used to secure slings. Outwardly, it looks like an intricate weave.

The most famous

The main quality of marine knots is reliability, as well as simplicity and the ability to do it with only one hand. Simplicity seems to be an inappropriate concept here, but in fact, intricate sea knots are knitted really quickly and easily thanks to clearly proven technology.

The 15 popular seaman's knots include the familiar figure eight, straight and flat, double bayonet, fisherman's bayonet, stop and reef knots, as well as the noose, tightening noose, Portuguese bowline, improved dagger, Flemish loop and Flemish knot.

Why are they included in this classification? They are widely used not only in maritime affairs, but now they are indispensable, for example, for climbers. Imagine that you urgently need to throw a lasso with a secure knot onto a rock or quickly wrap a rope around your waist with one hand in order to be pulled out of a place that is difficult for other people to reach.

Enough theory

Now you know what exactly sea knots are. Drawings and knitting patterns for some of them, namely those that can be applicable in everyday life, are listed below.

For training, use a regular clothesline and a chair. First, just do the simplest ones. To do this, you need to throw the rope over the crossbar and bring one end through the resulting loop.

Here's how to knit the Flemish knot, one of the simplest and most popular. It will be useful to you for securely fastening two ropes together.

At the end of one rope, make a loose figure eight, and now take the running end and carry it, as if overlapping, over the main one. Now you need to pull it through the leftmost ring. If you are interested in how other sea knots are knitted, you can find diagrams for two more in this article.

We knit a double arbor knot

This skill can be very useful to you in life, because it is used to create reliable support for the leg, when building hanging gazebos or scaffolds, and it is also useful for creating an emergency lifting mechanism. The picture shows, The diagram is described below.

Make an open loop in the middle of the rope. Now you need to fold it closed and thread the end of the first one through it. Loop the elongated loop around the entire knot to the very ends. Tighten.

Let's try tying a Portuguese bowline

If suddenly something happens in your life a difficult situation, when you have to lift a wounded person, this knot can come in very handy. Its purpose is to create two loops in which you can just put your feet. The root end is then knitted with a half bayonet under the armpits so that the fastening is as reliable as possible for a person who is in an unconscious state.

Make two circular turns on both sides.

Pass the running ends around them. Make a simple knot and pull it to the side. Remember that it does not tighten too much. Pull the center loop through the body of the knot.

So you have learned how to tie some sea knots. It is impossible to reflect all the diagrams and drawings in one article, so those who are very interested are recommended to study specialized reviews or textbooks.

Every person encounters knots in their life. They are used in everyday life, and in hiking, traveling, tourism, and extreme sports. And there are so many types of them that it is almost impossible to count them. If you are planning a hike, a tourist event, or another type of outdoor activity, then the ability to tie knots will be an excellent skill that will not only pleasantly surprise your friends, but will also be useful in the event.

Tourist nodes

For tourist types of nodes there are requirements special requirements:

  • they should tie fairly easily;
  • do not untie themselves under load or after removing the load;
  • should not be tightened “tightly” or loosened under variable loads.

Loops for tourism are divided by purpose to the following:

  • for tying together cords of the same diameter;
  • for tying ropes of different diameters;
  • safety (non-tightening loops);
  • for tying to supports;
  • auxiliary.

It must be taken into account that each rope has its own strength characteristic, and with knots it is noticeably weakened.

Types of tourist mating

Of course, the variety of tourist nodes is such that only a specialist can remember them all, however, there are the most frequently used and popular ones, each of which has its own name.

Among them:

To learn how to knit correctly rope loops, you need to understand the basic rules and principles of their knitting. You need to study which of them are knitted and why, what types of ropes should be used for this, and which ones should not be used. You also need to remember such nuances as the fact that a wet rope loses about 10% of its strength, and if it is used for severe frost, then it loses strength by about 30%. For some types of loops, you cannot take wet, icy or too stiff ropes at all.

To learn how to tie knots well, you first need to study the diagram carefully each of them. For each of them, detailed diagrams are drawn that are easy to learn. After studying the schemes, you need to try each option in practice more than once. In addition, there are many instructional videos, courses and trainings on knitting all kinds of loops.

Don’t rush into learning knitting right away. large number nodes, better start start with a few basic and frequently used ones and improve your skills gradually. Tying knots for tourism can be not only useful, but also extremely exciting.

It is important to understand that from skills to tie rope knots The safety and even the life of the person himself and his comrades may depend. Therefore, you should not start knitting in practice until you are completely confident in the correctness of the actions.

Hiking, mountaineering, rock climbing. Without them you won’t be able to secure the crossing, you won’t be able to secure insurance. Various types have been invented for different purposes. tourist nodes:

  • for tightening around an object;
  • for tying ropes of the same thickness;
  • for tying ropes of different thicknesses;
  • for fixing the safety system;
  • for knitting safety loops;
  • and many other purposes.

Each node has its own peculiarity, so we will tell you in detail about each of them.

Straight knot

Sometimes tourists call it a “flat knot,” and sailors used to call it “Hercules’ knot.” It is tied in two ways.

At the ends of the rope there must be safety knots attached to the base, since a straight knot can be easily untied.

It is used exclusively for tying ropes of the same thickness and is not used if a lot of tension will be applied to the tied laces. This unit is not reliable for insurance purposes.

Its advantage is that, even when tightly tightened, a straight knot can be easily untied by stretching the two ropes coming out from one side of the knot. Quick and easy to knit.

Swiss guide

Sturdy and reliable node. Used for making loops at the ends of safety ropes, for tying “mustaches” on an athlete’s personal harness, and for other purposes where a secure loop needs to be tied. The Swiss guide does not need safety knots because it never unravels.

There are two ways to tie a Swiss wire:

1st method - on a rope folded in two

2nd method - a figure eight is knitted with one rope, and then the knot is duplicated with one end to make a double figure eight.

This node is the main one in sports tourism. To make it easy to untie, you need to carefully straighten all the ropes so that there are no overlaps.

Grasping knot

The gripping unit is used for belay during ascent and descent on an inclined surface; on vertical ascents and descents it is used as an additional mandatory belay. A gripping knot is also used to tighten the crossings. How to knit it correctly can be seen in the figure.

A prusik is used to tie a grasping knot. The knot must be straightened, otherwise its ability to grab the rope and not slide along it in the event of a tourist’s fall will be lost.

Bowline knot

Any sailor knows how to tie a bowline knot correctly, but this knot is often used in tourism and mountaineering for tying ropes, tying them around a support, creating a non-tightening loop, and for some types of insurance. In the “Tourist Hubs” section it is considered the most multifunctional.

Tying a bowline with one hand is an important skill that helps in extreme situations. There are several ways to tie this knot, but there is only one correct way. The bowline should be knitted exactly like this:

The bowline knot has one drawback: it can slip (untie) under a certain load. Therefore, a safety net tied to the base must be present.

weaving knot

To tie a weaver's knot, you must be able to tie ordinary safety knots on a warp (rope). The knot is well suited for tying two ropes of the same thickness; it tends to tighten, lengthening the rope, and stretch, shortening it. This tourist knot is often used by fishermen to tie fishing line. If you select to tie a weaving knot The right way, then both nodes will be placed parallel, if not, one of them will be perpendicular to the other.

The weaving knot is not very reliable: it can slip and come undone, so safety knots are required on it.

grepwein knot

One of the most reliable and beautiful knots. It is used for tying the rope from which Prusik is made, as well as for tying any ropes of the same thickness, slings and tapes.

It has the ability to stretch like a weaving one, but is more reliable and does not require safety knots.

Complex tourist knots require a lot of patience in order for the tying method to be polished to the level of skill. Therefore, at the beginning of training, you need to be very careful when knitting grepwein. The figure shows a detailed diagram of tying a grepwein and its correct appearance.

“The knot will be tied, the knot will be untied...”- as he sings in a once popular song Russian singer Alena Apina. But in mountaineering, the knot must be tied in such a way that there is no unexpected “unraveling”, but at the same time, if necessary, it must be easy to untie.

Most of the climbing nodes are of marine origin. In the beginning there was... Hence the nautical names of many knots.

Quite often we use various knots in everyday life, without even thinking about their name, origin and use in mountaineering or sailing.

When classifying knots in mountaineering, they most often rely on their purpose and distinguish 3 categories:

  • binding (or for binding);
  • strapping (or for strapping and loops);
  • auxiliary.

Knots for tying ribbons and ropes

Used for tying ribbons and ropes, both of the same diameter and of different diameters.

In the first case, the following is most often used:

  • direct (sea);
  • clew;
  • weaving.

In the second:

  • counter;
  • bramshkot;
  • academic.

Straight knot

The straight knot is very simple to perform: both ends of the rope are parallel on one side.

Its main disadvantage is spontaneous “sliding”, i.e. tendency to unravel on its own.

In this regard, for additional strength, its ends are strengthened with control safety knots (“controls”), although in everyday life this is most often not necessary. These “controls”, under extreme loads on the rope, will prevent it from slipping and untying the main knot.

Step-by-step instructions on how to tie a straight knot


The grapevine knot is considered reliable and beautiful. It is used not only for tying ribbons and ropes, but also for knitting loops for bookmarks and pull loops.

It is extremely practical when tying a lanyard loop.

The advantage of this unit is the ability to adjust the length of the loop.

Under the influence of load, it can tighten greatly.

Step-by-step instructions for tying a grapevine knot

Counter knot

The counter knot is ideal if you need to tie completely different materials, for example, a tape with a rope, a rope with a cord, etc.

Not only does it hold well and does not crawl, but it also unties easily after removing the load. At the same time, it tightens perfectly under load.

The counter knot has a second name - loop knot. In the practice of mountaineering, loops made of braid of different widths are often used. To tie them, only a counter knot is used. This is where the second name comes from.

Step-by-step instructions for knitting a counter knot

Clew knot

The clew creeps only under variable loads, but at the same time does not tighten.

This knot belongs to the category of reliable and easy to knit.

Tying “controls” is mandatory.

Step-by-step instructions for knitting a clew knot

weaving knot

The weaving knot is very simple to make, but it can tighten strongly under heavy loads and creep under variable loads.

Often used during rescue operations in the mountains while providing assistance to victims.

Step-by-step instructions for knitting a weaving knot

Windlass knot

The bramline knot can be single or double.

Excellent for tying ropes of different diameters. When performing, you need to ensure the parallel arrangement of the strands and the correctness of the knot pattern.

Academic node

The academic node is a relative of the direct node.

Ideal for tying ropes of different diameters.

A thick rope is used to make a loop, and a thin rope is used to wrap it around. Be sure to tie control knots for safety.

Knots for tying and loops

These knots are used to tie a climber when organizing belay and to form non-tightening loops.

Remember the beginning of the movie with Sylvester Stallone?


The bowline is used for tying to the main rope.

There are two options for tying a knot. Traditional sequence and knitting with one end of the rope. The second option is more suitable for tying the chest harness of a safety system.

A simple bowline requires fixation with a control knot, as it is prone to unraveling. This knot must always be tightly tightened.

Step-by-step instructions for knitting a bowline knot

Double bowline

The double bowline was proposed by mountaineering instructor E.B. Emelyanov. for binding as particularly reliable.

When knitting it, a soft rope or half-rope of about 5 meters or a 20-millimeter tape is used.

The knot is characterized by the presence of two lanyard loops:

  1. At the end of the rope that goes into the loops of the chest harness.
  2. This one is longer, at the end of which it connects the loops of the gazebo.

This knot allows, if there is a lanyard on a short loop, not only to unravel the lower part of the gazebo, but also to remove it. This technique is used when the need arises while moving along a rock to change clothes (for example, take off).

Conductor node

The conductor knot has one undeniable advantage - the extraordinary simplicity of its knitting.

Sometimes we often use it in everyday life, without even suspecting that it is a climbing knot!

Since the conductor tends to be strongly tightened under the influence of a load, it is recommended to insert a metal object into the plexus, which will make it easier to untie it in the future.

This simple knot can be made either at the end or in the middle of the rope. One of the units often used in rescue operations.


  • in the absence of a harness for tying to the middle of the rope;
  • for tying ropes.

Figure eight knot

The figure eight knot is one of those that does not require tying control knots.

It is characteristic that it does not drag on and does not creep.

This knot is obtained as a result of an additional half turn of the loop after knitting the initial stage of the conductor.

Step-by-step instructions for knitting a figure eight knot

Auxiliary nodes

This includes a number of components that are necessary when tensioning the crossing and railings, when lifting a load or person.

Garda knot (loop)

The guard knot (loop) is applicable on a rope of any condition. Very simple tying technique.


  • when transporting the victim;
  • for insurance.

Grasping knot

The catching knot has lost its position among the main ones used for insurance.

This is due to the fact that in practice and during testing under extreme conditions, melting very often occurred, or even worse - breakage of the unit. However, it works great when there is not a lot of friction when moving very quickly along the rope.

Knitted from an auxiliary rope on the main one. There are two ways to knit it:

  • loop;
  • one end of the cord.

Tip: to increase reliability, you can knit three turns.

Bachmann knot and carbine knot

The Bachmann knot (Fig. a - c) can be easily pulled along the rope with no load. Its reliability is evident in any type of work involving the transportation of victims.

You can knit on both single and double rope.

Step-by-step instructions for knitting a Bachmann knot

The carbine knot (Fig. d, e) has the same characteristics and applications as the Bachmann knot.


The stirrup can be called a universal knot, which is very easy to tie either at the end of the rope or in the middle.

Each of us has had to deal with the process of tying knots at some point. Sometimes you need to tie a simple knot. But there are times when it is necessary to make more reliable connections. It is then that you should resort to using the well-known “sea knots”. Knowing a dozen of the most common ones, you can choose the right one for every task, from tying a hook while fishing to lifting bulky loads on a rope.

Brief history of origin

It originates at the dawn of time. Since ancient times primitive people used hub letters to convey information. In the absence of other materials, such compounds were also used to create tools and household items.

However, the technique of weaving knots gained the greatest popularity with the development of navigation. Even then, the prerequisites arose for the creation of a system of nodal connections capable of reliably fixing ship equipment.

Sailors used a triangular wooden plank with a rope attached. Knots were tied along its entire length. The distance between them was a multiple of a certain fraction of a nautical mile. By throwing the board overboard, the sailors timed the time the string was unwinding. In this simple way they determined the speed of the ship. Subsequently, this unit of measurement was called the sea knot.

From school curriculum we know well the so-called "Gordian knot". They tied a cart in the temple of Zeus in Phrygia. The legend said that whoever could untie it would easily conquer the whole world. But no one managed to do this before the great commander - Alexander the Great. He simply cut the bundle with his sword.

At the end of the twentieth century, the popularization of tourism (and in particular mountaineering) gave a new impetus to the development of the technique of weaving knots. An important role in the third millennium is given to knitting fishing equipment. Depending on the fishing methods used different types connections.

Classification according to main characteristics

They are divided according to a number of factors. From here you can divide them according to several main characteristics:

There are many more signs by which nodal connections and loops can be qualified. For complete knowledge, you will need to study more than a dozen books on this topic. In practice, it is enough to have an idea of ​​a dozen basic methods of how to tie knots on a rope.

Types and methods of knitting

If you try to classify knots and loops into groups according to certain criteria, then this task will take a lot of time. IN different countries there are their own names and modifications of the same species. In addition, over time, design changes are made to some of them. But it is still worth noting the most commonly used compounds in various fields life activity.

It is best to start by studying rope types:

To bind objects

Having mastered the above connections, you can move on to fastening points. Of these, it is worth highlighting a few main ones:

  1. The noose is easy to learn and quite reliable. The greatest strength is gained when using more than four internal revolutions. The best application is a constant, uniform load. In its absence, it comes undone quite easily.
  2. A quick-release knot is provided for temporary fastening. One end is used to hold a load. By pulling the second one, you can quickly release the entire cord. Indispensable in cases where you need to lower the load and return the rope.

For tourists and climbers

Tourist nodes They usually have a narrow specialization. They are used for knitting functional loops:

To help the fisherman

A special place is occupied fishing knots. Depending on the main cord material used (monofilament line, braided line, fluorocarbon) and diameter, one or another knot connection is used:

For decorative crafts

The main semantic load of such weaving is undeniably spiritual or aesthetic perception. Since ancient times, certain interweavings have had a religious or mystical background.

The pagans made protective amulets and bracelets for themselves from various types nodes With the development of Christianity came to the fore decorative function of weaving:

There are a dozen time-tested nodes in each direction. Therefore, you should not bother your head with detailed information about various modifications. It’s better to choose a dozen specific ones for yourself. But for this you only need practical experience in using them.

A few basic terms

If you start going into the details of knitting certain knots, then necessary literature can be found a set of certain specific terms. Having general idea about them, it will be much easier to comprehend the necessary information:

Any knowledge, including about weaving knots, will definitely be useful in everyday life. One way or another, any area of ​​life, be it a hobby or everyday work, is connected with this science. Therefore, spending a couple of evenings on the basics of weaving knots can avoid most difficulties in the future.