An artifact is... Types of artifacts. Ancient artifacts of Siberia, which parasites hide from us and destroy Mysterious ancient artifacts - the secret of millennia

Or some single, sometimes random event. Examples of artifacts are stone tools, jewelry, weapons, ceramics, buildings and their parts, coals of an ancient fire, bones with traces of human impact, etc. Artifacts are studied by archaeologists, who excavate archaeological sites, examine and publish findings and results of excavations, and restore according to these data, the historical past of mankind. Artifacts of scientific or artistic value are displayed in museums and exhibitions.

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    5 Ancient Artifacts That Shouldn't Exist

    Archaeologists of the Caucasus find unique artifacts

    Ancient Rus': archeology, mythology, language, state


    Hello, friends. There are still many secret and unsolved things on our planet. Thus, archaeologists and scientists from all over the world regularly come across finds that simply do not fit into their heads. Now you will see 5 real ancient artifacts that simply should not exist in our reality. 5. Amazing Tomb Find This strikingly clock-like object was discovered in 2008 in a Ming Dynasty tomb. It lay there for about 500 years. At first, archaeologists thought it was a ring, but it turned out to be a tiny gold chronometer. It is alleged that on the reverse side there was the inscription Swiss, which means "Swiss". The question arises: how did a Ming Dynasty tomb, which existed from the 14th to the 17th centuries, end up with a watch that could not have been produced earlier than the 18th century? Ring watches gained popularity in Europe as early as the late 1700s. But in China, during the Ming era, no one could know about them. Moreover, the watch was found inside the coffin itself. How could they end up in an ancient tomb? The most absurd version is that this ring watch was lost by time travelers. Some also associate this strange discovery with grave robbers. In addition, there are theories linking this find to the Knights Templar, who are rumored to be one of the founders of Switzerland. Be that as it may, the real truth remains unknown. 4. Nampa figurine In 1889, in the city of Nampa, Idaho, workers while drilling a well at a depth of 97 meters discovered a skillfully made figurine. It was found under layers of ancient soils, basalt, clay and sand. The composition of the soil in which it was discovered suggests that this figurine is about 2 million years old. In addition, studies were carried out on iron oxides, which were identified at that depth in the clay and on the figurine itself. They turned out to be almost identical, which may indicate that the age of the figurine was correctly determined. It is believed that only a modern person, who has existed for about 300 thousand years, could make such a figurine. However, 2 million years ago such people simply did not exist on our planet. Who then created this figurine? There is still no answer to this question. 3. Ceramic Head This ceramic head was found in 1933 in Mexico and is known as the Caliztlahuac terracotta head. It is part of a full-fledged figurine, and the style of its execution is very close to its ancient Roman origin. Using special tests, it was found that this part of the figurine dates back to the second century AD. Surprisingly, it is unlike any form of ancient pre-Columbus culture in the Americas. This artifact was located under the untouched layers of the excavation, in an ancient burial that was more than 500 years old. Considering that the burial was built before Europeans discovered America, archaeologists still cannot explain how this figurine head could have ended up there. 2. Stone with a fork This strange stone was accidentally found in 1998 by engineer John Williams. An incomprehensible plug was discovered in a stone made of feldspar and quartz, similar to those that modern humanity uses to connect various devices to the network. Using powerful X-rays, it was determined that the components of the fork were distributed within the stone. According to Williams, he found this stone in an area remote from civilization, where there are no cities, industrial complexes, power plants or other modern facilities nearby. In addition, such a stone takes hundreds of years to form, so the possibility that this could be the result of modern human activity is absolutely excluded. According to analyses, the age of the stone is about 100 thousand years. Many experts racked their brains, but were unable to explain the origin of this mysterious stone with a fork. 1. Aluminum Artifact from Ayuda In 1974, Romanian workers working in a sand quarry discovered mastodon fossils. A strange wedge-shaped aluminum object was found under the bones of an ancient animal. After the first analyses, this artificially manufactured object left scientists perplexed. The artifact consists of 89% aluminum with impurities of cadmium, nickel, zinc and other elements. Such pure aluminum does not occur in its natural form. At the same time, the technologies for industrial production of this metal were mastered only in the 19th century. The complex shape with holes, as well as signs of wear and mechanical damage indicate that this artifact was actively used and was part of some unknown unit. Considering that this piece of aluminum was found underneath the fossils of an ancient animal, this artifact could be at least 11,000 years old, which is around the time the last mastodons went extinct. Where did this strange object come from and what was it used for? A certain group of people immediately assumed the alien origin of the artifact. Others believe that this item was created by a progressive ancient civilization. However, the real truth remains unknown to this day. What’s even stranger is that this artifact is now hidden and inaccessible for further research. Thanks for watching, friends. Subscribe to the Vuz channel and see you soon in new videos.


Word artifact in Russian-language literature it is used relatively recently and is borrowed from in English(English artifact, artefact), which in turn comes from lat. ars (artificially) + lat. factum (done). The term penetrated into primitive archeology, and then into other branches of archeology from biology and medicine. Also in Russian-language literature, the following equivalent terms were or are used to name artifacts:

  • material sources. When using this term, it is usually understood that we are talking about artifacts that do not contain any inscriptions. Artifacts containing writing are called "written sources."
  • items material culture . Here the word “culture” is used in the same sense as in the term archaeological culture.
  • archaeological sites. This term has more broad meaning, archaeological monuments also refer to larger objects, such as, for example, an ancient settlement as a whole. Archaeological sites are most often referred to as particularly valuable artifacts.
  • archaeological finds. Among them, individual finds and mass finds stand out.

The use of the term artifact in archeology as a whole cannot be considered acceptable due to its semantics. It is a priori obvious that almost all archaeological finds are made by man. The term is applied only in cases of deciding the alternative origin of an object between objects of natural origin and objects made by man. When there is evidence that an item was made by a person, the item is recognized as an artifact.

The section is very easy to use. In the field provided, just enter the right word, and we will give you a list of its values. I would like to note that our website provides data from different sources– encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

Meaning of the word artifact

artifact in the crossword dictionary


Dictionary of medical terms

artifact (lat. artefactum artificially made)

a phenomenon observed during the study of an object that is unusual for this object and distorts the results of the study.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


ARTIFACT (from Latin artefactum - artificially made)

    an object made by a person.

    A process or formation that is not normally characteristic of the object being studied and usually arises during its study. For example, when a histological specimen is fixed in cells (due to protein coagulation), sediments (clumps) may appear.


(from Latin Artefactum ≈ artificially made) (biol.), a process or formation that is unusual for the body normally and is caused by the very method of its research. In microscopy (including electronic microscopy), A. includes, for example, formations that appear in tissues or cells during preparation processing (filling, sectioning, fixing, staining), its examination under vacuum conditions, bombardment with electrons, etc. d. In autoradiography, A. depends on the exposure and processing of the photographic emulsion combined with the tissue section. In X-ray diagnostics, A. are detected in photographs in the form of extraneous shadows that arise, for example, as a result of technical errors in film processing or improper storage. In experimental and forensic medicine, A. is the name given to artificially induced and maintained pathological processes (for example, for the purpose of simulation).


Artifact (film, 2002)

Artifact is a 2002 American horror film directed by Danny Graves and Richard Wenk. The film is also known as Murder weapon. The film premiered on February 24, 2002.

Artifact (film, 2009)

"Artifact"- debut feature film directed by Andrei Sokolov, released on February 26, 2009.

Artifact (archaeology)

Artifact- in archeology - an object subjected to directed mechanical action in the past, discovered as a result of targeted archaeological excavations or some single, sometimes random event. Examples of artifacts are stone tools, jewelry, weapons, ceramics, buildings and their details, coals of an ancient fire, bones with traces of human impact, etc. Artifacts are studied by archaeologists who excavate archaeological sites, examine and publish findings and results of excavations, and use these data to reconstruct the historical past of mankind. Artifacts of scientific or artistic value are displayed in museums and exhibitions.

Artifact (film, 2012)

Artifact- American documentary, directed by actor and musician Jared Leto under the pseudonym Bartholomew Cubbins.

Telling the truth about the modern music business, the film shows the events surrounding the release of the album This Is War by Thirty Seconds to Mars and the band's struggle with the EMI label.


Artifact in the usual sense - any artificially created object, a product of human activity.

  • In cultural studies - any artificially created carrier of socio-cultural information, life-semantic meanings, a means of communication; the subject of culture in three main spheres of its existence: material culture, spiritual culture, human relations.
  • In culture - any artificially created object that has certain physical characteristics, and sign, symbolic content.
  • An artifact in archeology is an object that has been exposed to human influence and discovered as a result of excavations or a single, sometimes random event.
  • In project management - alienable result organized activities provided by the project methodology.
  • In data encoding, the appearance of patterns in the data (in particular: unnecessary details in the image, noise during lossy compression) that are absent in the original data.
  • In laboratory research - effects caused by the accidental or deliberate influence of the experimenter on the course of the experiment (for example: Martian canals).
  • IN role playing games, including computer games oh, and fantasy is a subject that is usually unique and has special, magical properties. A classic example is the One Ring.
  • Artifact- type of cards in the game Magic: The Gathering; “Artifacts” is the name of one of the map publications.

Examples of the use of the word artifact in literature.

Of course, who is she for him - an upstart, an arrogant and unprincipled teenager from an unremarkable little world, where by some miracle the Diamond and Wooden Swords were created, artifacts unimaginable power, unspeakably surpassing even the wildest expectations of its creators.

Here, as before, we are dealing with artifacts an atomistic approach to the problem under study.

I found out about it myself artifact only when she began her doctorate under the guidance of Alon.

Most researchers believed that black icosahedrons were related to the Builders, although they were much smaller than usual artifacts.

This simple cultural artifact- irrigation - sal was a significant leap in the history of civilization.

The human race discovers that not all quasars are distant galaxies, that some of the quasars move among the fixed stars along certain regular trajectories, and therefore represent artifacts!

Two young limiters were almost jumping up with impatience, unlacing the necks of their shoulder bags as they walked - now they were not thinking about danger, but only about the fact that they had the honor of being the first to touch the secrets of the mysterious artifact.

This took about forty minutes, we did not want to go through the Twilight, because all our strength could be required, and the staff were unable to properly hang the portal, there are too many magical artifacts.

The camera slid along a stick, along a thin thread, and the rumli were amazed to see that this thread went deep into the water, and at the end of it wriggled a worm, practically indistinguishable from the one that Cahors discovered on artifact and placed it in a textolite cube.

And you used the universal galactic ephemeris to record every occasion when in some artifact a change was taking place.

She studied the orbital geometry of the Mandel system in detail while working on her catalog artifacts, and knew that Amaranth, Mandel's dwarf satellite, is usually so far away that it illuminates Dobelle only slightly more than other stars.

Their apparent antagonism is nothing more than artifact, and the reason for this lies in the fact that the subject of our study is, as a rule, sick people.

Even the fact that the Bundle is gigantic artifact Builders did not contribute to the reconstruction real picture phenomena occurring there.

What is the purpose of the new one? artifact which I called the Labyrinth and which I told you about yesterday?

If new artifact really just appeared, she needs to find out as much as possible about him, and after that review all her achievements of recent years.

Archeology is an amazing science that opens up modern man secrets of past millennia. The work of scientists in this field is to search for material traces left by ancient civilizations. An object found by archaeologists during excavations is called an “artifact.” This is any artificially created object that has symbolic meaning.

Types of artifacts

We are accustomed to understand by this name priceless antiquities found by archaeologists or treasure hunters. In fact, an artifact is very broad concept covering different areas. Let's look at some of the meanings of this word.

If we take archeology, here ancient artifacts appear as objects found during excavations and created by man. These can be tools, weapons, jewelry, dishes, processed bone, and even coals from a fire once lit by ancient people.

In culture, an artifact is an object created by man and having special meaning. However, this may not only be material object, but also folklore, superstitions or scientific theories.

This word is well known to fans of computer games. In them, an artifact is a unique thing that cannot be created, but can only be found. It usually has special properties or magic.

Inappropriate Artifacts

This term was coined to refer to finds that go beyond a certain scope. For example, they are found where they should not be, or they cause mistrust due to the lack of our knowledge of the technologies of ancient civilizations. Out-of-place artifacts include the Antikythera mechanism (discussed separately), an iron column in Delhi, giant statues on Easter Island, and many other unusual finds.

Among the artifacts there are also fakes. Famous crystal skulls, supposedly carved by an ancient civilization from a single piece of precious rock, turned out to be a skillful imitation. Studies of several of the 13 skulls found so far have shown that they were made in the 19th and 20th centuries using modern technologies.

Where can you see finds from archaeological excavations?

Ancient artifacts, which are recognized by scientists as the most valuable and interesting, end up in museums and are then put on display for visitors. The remaining items are in storage rooms or scientific institutes.

Mysterious ancient artifacts - the mystery of millennia

Sometimes archaeological finds baffle scientists. There are thousands of such examples. Writings called the Vinča alphabet were found near the city of Belgrade. They date back to 6000 BC. They have still not been able to decipher them, and scientists doubt that this will be done in the near future.

In 1901, in Greece, among the wreckage of a sunken ancient ship, an unusual object consisting of gears, scales and dials was found. It was possible to establish the date of manufacture of this mechanism - approximately 85 BC.

If you compare this ancient artifact with instruments of a later time, it corresponds to the technical level of the 8th century. It is not known exactly how this mechanism (it was called Antikythera) was created more than two thousand years ago and for what purposes. The device was reconstructed by several mechanical experts. They are convinced that it served to simulate the movement of the Sun, Moon and planets.

Where to find an artifact and what to do with the find

Finding an ancient treasure is the dream of almost every person. With the advent of metal detectors, searching for antiquities has become much easier. At all times, there were groups or individuals who searched for artifacts at archaeological sites. These days they are called “black archaeologists” or “diggers.” They act for personal interests and for the purpose of enrichment. Found artifacts do not end up in museums, but in private collections. Acting unprofessionally, “black archaeologists” often destroy priceless antiquities during their searches.

It should be remembered that found artifacts of special cultural value belong to the state. To avoid possible problems According to the law, it is better to take the find to a museum, where experts will give an opinion on the subject. If it has no scientific value, its value is divided between the finder and the owner of the land on whose property the artifact was discovered.

In Siberia, altars, sanctuaries and religious buildings of our ancestors of the 3rd - 2nd millennia BC were discovered and explored. Imagine a temple in the form of a hexagon 13 meters long, oriented along a north-south line, with a gable roof and a floor covered with bright red mineral paint, which has retained its freshness to this day. And all this in the Arctic region, where the very survival of man is called into question by science!

Now I will explain the original origin of the six-pointed star, now called " star of david"Our ancient ancestors, or according to science, the "Proto-Indo-Europeans", used a triangle to mark the pubic part of female clay figurines, personifying the mother goddess, the ancestor of all living things, the goddess of fertility. Gradually, the triangle, as well as the image of the angle, denoting the feminine principle, regardless of position of their tops, became widely used for ornamentation of pottery and other products.

The triangle, with its apex facing upward, began to denote masculinity. In India, the hexagram later became a symbolic image of a widespread religious sculptural composition yoniling. This iconic attribute of Hinduism consists of an image of the female genital organs (yoni), on which is mounted an image of an erect male penis (ling). Yoniling, like the hexagram, denotes the act of copulation between a man and a woman, the fusion of the male and female principles of nature, in which all living things are born. So the hexagram-star turned into a talisman, a shield from danger and suffering. The hexagram, today known as the Star of David, has a very ancient origin, not tied to a specific ethnic community. It is found in cultures such as Sumerian-Akkadian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Indian, Slavic, Celtic and others. For example, later in ancient Egypt two crossed triangles became a symbol of secret knowledge, in India it became a talisman - " seal of Vishnu“, and among the ancient Slavs this symbol of masculinity began to belong to the god of fertility Veles and was called the “star of Veles.”

In the second half of the 19th century, the six-pointed star became one of the emblems of the Theosophical Society, organized by Elena Blavatsky, and later the World Zionist Organization. Now the six-pointed star is official state symbol Israel. In the national-patriotic environment, there is a clear misconception that the six-pointed star in Orthodox tradition and in Judaism - one essence and the same symbol. For our Orthodoxy, this is the Star of Bethlehem, symbolizing the birth of Christ and has nothing to do with Judaism.

Also in the Siberian Subpolar region the following artifacts were found and later disappeared.

Why are artifacts hidden, why are some of them destroyed, why are Vatican For centuries, ancient books have been collected in archives and not shown to anyone, but only to initiates? Why is this happening?

Events we hear about blue screens, printed publications and media disinformation concerns mainly politics and economics. The attention of the modern average person is deliberately concentrated on these two areas in order to hide from him things that are no less important. What we are talking about is detailed below.

Currently, the planet is engulfed in a chain of local wars. This began immediately after the West declared the Cold War on the Soviet Union. First the events in Korea, then in Vietnam, Africa, Western Asia etc. Now we see how the war that broke out in the north of the African continent is slowly approaching our borders; peaceful cities and villages in south-eastern Ukraine are already being bombed. Everyone understands that if Syria falls, then Iran will be next. What about Iran? Is war between NATO and China possible? According to some politicians, the reactionary forces of the West, in alliance with Muslim fundamentalists, fed by Bandera’s followers, may fall on Crimea, on Russia, and the final result will be China. But this is only the external background of what is happening, so to speak, visible part iceberg, consisting of political confrontation and economic problems of our time.

What is hidden under the thickness of the invisible and unknown? And this is what is hidden: wherever military operations take place, no matter in Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, northern Africa or in the vast expanses of Western Asia, Ukraine, everywhere, following NATO troops, American, European and Muslim warriors, an invisible army is advancing the force that is trying to rule the world.

What are these, to put it mildly, representatives of the military presence doing, if their main duty is the destruction of museums in the occupied territories? They are engaged in appropriating the most valuable things that are under the protection of states occupied by NATO troops. As a rule, after a military conflict in a particular territory, historical museums turn into a real dump of broken and confused artifacts. Into such chaos that it is difficult for even a major specialist to understand. All this is done intentionally, but the question is, where does the loot disappear, to the British Museum or other museums in Europe? Maybe to the national historical museums of America or Canada? It is interesting that the captured valuables do not appear in any of the above-mentioned establishments and therefore it is impossible to present a bill to any European country, just like Americans and Canadians. Question: where do things taken from historical museum Baghdad, Egypt, Libya and other museums where a NATO soldier or a mercenary from the French International Legion set foot? Now the problem of returning the gold of the Scythians of Ukraine and Crimea, whether they will return it or only part of it, remains in question, and no one is paying attention to this because of the unleashed war of the oligarchic authorities of Ukraine against their own people.

One thing is clear that all stolen artifacts go directly to secret Masonic vaults or to the Vatican dungeons. The question inevitably arises: what are the globalists and their accomplices trying to hide from the public?

Judging by what we managed to understand, the caches of the Masonic Order receive things and artifacts related to the ancient history of mankind. For example, a sculpture of the winged demon Patsutsu disappeared from the Baghdad museum; it was assumed that this demon was the image of certain creatures that came to Earth in time immemorial. What is its danger? It may be that he could suggest that people are not products of evolutionary development according to Darwin's theory, but direct descendants of aliens from outer space. Using sculpture as an example Patsutsu and related artifacts, we can conclude that Masonic bloodhounds are stealing artifacts from museums that tell about true history humanity. Moreover, this happens not only in the West, but also here, on Russian territory.

For example, one can recall Tisulskaya find. In September 1969 in the village Rzhavchik Tisulsky district of the Kemerovo region, a marble sarcophagus was raised from a depth of 70 meters from under a coal seam. When it was opened, the whole village gathered, it was a shock for everyone. The casket turned out to be a coffin, filled to the brim with pink-blue crystalline liquid. Beneath her lay a tall (about 185 cm) slender, beautiful woman, about thirty, with delicate European features and large, wide blue eyes. It looks like a character from a Pushkin fairy tale. you can find detailed description of this event on the Internet, down to the names of all those present, but there is a lot of false stuffing and distorted data. One thing is known that the burial site was subsequently cordoned off, all the artifacts were removed, and within 2 years, for unknown reasons, all the witnesses to the incident died.

Question: where was all this taken? According to geologists, this is the Decembrian, approximately 800 million years ago. One thing is clear scientific community nothing is known about the Tisul find.

Another example. On the site of the Battle of Kulikovo, now stands the Staro-Simonovsky Monastery in Moscow. At Romanovs the Kulikovo field was moved to the Tula region, and in our time, in the 30s, in its present place mass grave, the tomb of the soldiers of the Battle of Kulikovo who fell here was dismantled in connection with the construction of the Likhachev Palace of Culture (ZIL). Today the Old Simonov Monastery is located on the territory of the Dynamo plant. In the 60s of the last century, they simply crushed priceless slabs and tombstones with authentic ancient inscriptions into crumbs with jackhammers, and took it all out along with a mass of bones and skulls in dump trucks for garbage, thank you for at least restoring the burial of Peresvet and Oslyabya, but the real one can't be returned.

Another example. Three-dimensional map found in stone Western Siberia, so-called " Chandar plate"The slab itself is artificial, made using a technology unknown modern science. At the base of the card is durable dolomite, a layer of diopside glass is applied to it; its processing technology is still unknown to science. It reproduces the volumetric relief of the area, and the third layer is sprayed white porcelain.

Creating such a map requires processing huge amounts of data that can only be obtained by aerospace photography. Professor Chuvyrov says that this map is no more than 130 thousand years old, but now it has disappeared.

From the above examples it follows that in Soviet time On the territory of the country, the same secret organization operated to seal ancient artifacts as in the West. Without a doubt, it still works today. There is a recent example of this.

Several years ago, to study the ancient heritage of our ancestors, on the territory Tomsk A permanent search expedition was organized in the region. In the first year of the expedition’s work, 2 solar temples and 4 ancient settlements were discovered on one of the Siberian rivers. And all this, practically, in one place. But when a year later we went on an expedition again, we met strange people at the site of the finds. It is unclear what they were doing there. The people were well armed and behaved very brazenly. After meeting these strange people, literally a month later, one of our friends called us, local and reported that at the settlements and temples we found, unknown people were doing something. What attracted these people to our findings? It’s simple: we managed to find thin ceramics with ancient Sumerian ornaments both at the temples and fortifications.

The discovery was reported in a report that was submitted to the headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society of the Tomsk Region.

The winged solar disk is found in ancient Egyptian, Sumerian-Mesopotamian, Hittite, Anatolian, Persian (Zoroastrian), South American and even Australian symbolism and has many variations.

Comparison of ancient Sumerian ornamental motifs pictographic writing and Siberian ornaments, northern peoples. The ancestors of the Sumerians are the Suberians, the ancient inhabitants of Siberia.

The casket opened quite simply when a small search expedition of local historians came across the ancestral home of the ancient Sumerians of Siberia - ancient civilization Siberia, then this fundamentally contradicts the biblical concept, which asserts that the oldest carriers of culture on Earth can only be wise Semites, but not representatives of the white race, whose ancestral home is located in the north of Europe and in the vast expanses of Siberia. If in Middle Ob region Since the ancestral home of the Sumerians has been discovered, then, logically, the Sumerians come from the ethnic “cauldron” of the ancestral home of the white race. Consequently, every Russian, German or Balt automatically turns into close relatives of the most ancient race on the planet.

In fact, we need to rewrite history again, and this is already a mess. It is still unclear what the “unknown” people were doing in the ruins we discovered. Perhaps they hastily destroyed traces of ceramics, or maybe the artifacts themselves. This remains to be seen. But the fact that strange people arrived from Moscow, says a lot.

About the ancient stone map of Siberia found by Chuvyrov

More details and a variety of information about events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the website “Keys of Knowledge”. All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite everyone who wakes up and is interested...



(from lat. - artificially made) in the usual sense, any artificially created object; This concept came to cultural studies from archeology, where it was used to distinguish between natures. and arts. objects.

In aesthetics the term is used etymologically, i.e. directly to designate objects created specifically to function in the art system. In the interpretation of the institutional school in aesthetics, any real object can act as A. in the appropriate environment (in particular, this is what D. Dickey thinks in his work “Art and Aesthetics: An Introduction to Institutional Analysis”, 1974). In this case, A. is understood as any object that is artistic. work. In modern In aesthetics, a distinction is usually made between art and art. work. A., as a rule, has a material embodiment and is a carrier of def. artist meanings. Structuralists, in addition, distinguish between A. and aesthetic. an object. Here A. acts as a kind of “external symbol” (Mukarzhovsky) aesthetic.object.

B ate. time, due to increased interest in the problem of shared ideas as cultural sites, the concept of A. began to be developed more actively. Some culturologists understand A. as any art, education, both physical and ideological, created for functioning in a specialized field. spheres of cultures and systems. A. distinguished as elementary unit arts, peace, which is all the more relevant because There is still no “theory of art.” object." In this case, A. allows you to see from a single point of view. diff. cultural objects as “made” integrity (e.g. installations); trace their generation, existence and destruction, their unification into certain functional and symbolic ones. patterns and forms, holistic cultural contexts, semantic fields.

A. has three basics. its constituent elements: psychoanalytic. (establishes a connection between A. and anthropopol. impulse), structural (reveals the communicative-functional dominant) and hermeneutic (defines the horizons of understanding and interpretation).

A. functions in a cultural-semantic environment. fields (e.g. liters), which constitutes A. and determines its material carrier. A. is polysemantic and therefore represents an abstract carrier of cultural semantics, which manifests itself in different ways. contexts of use (for example, the transcultural image of Don Quixote).

To the main modalities of existence of A. can be attributed: material (a form of objectification of an artificial object), functional (sum of modifications when using it); semantic (its meanings, implications, value in the contexts of sociocultural communication).

Lit.: Berdyaev N.A. Man and machine (Problem of sociology and metaphysics of technology) // VF. 1989. No. 2; Mumford L. The Myth of the Machine // Vestn. Moscow un-ta. Ser. 12. Socio-political, research. 1992. No. 1; New technocratic wave in the West: Sat. texts. M., 1986; Espinoza Server A. Who is a person? Philosophy anthropology // This is a man: An Anthology. M., 1995.

A. B. Red-Eyed

Culturology. XX century Encyclopedia. 1998 .


(from Latin are - craft, art and factum - made) In modern aesthetics and art history, this term is used to generally refer to works contemporary art, as a rule, going beyond traditional genres and types, products of modern art practices, art projects. The term came into aesthetics from archeology, where it refers to any artificially created objects. A., as a rule, refers to all kinds of visual and audiovisual spatial objects, installations, assemblages, actions, etc. V. Bychkov, in the system of his non-classical aesthetics, uses the term A. in opposition to the term “artephenomenon”. The latter designates works of avant-garde art (see: Avant-garde) of the 20th century, included in the field of Culture; and the term A. - any works of contemporary art belonging to the field of POST-culture (see: POST-). According to this classification, A. are typical experimental products of the transitional stage of culture, having practically no spiritual, aesthetic or artistic value. Their significance is outside the traditional semantic and cultural fields, to some extent it is still hermetic and will be more fully illuminated by the science of the future.

Lexicon of nonclassics. Artistic and aesthetic culture of the 20th century.. V.V.Bychkov. 2003.


(lat. artefactum arte – artificially + factus – made)

in the usual sense, any artificially created object, a product of human activity. In cultural studies, it is a carrier of socio-cultural information, life-semantic meanings, and a means of communication.

any artificially made object, an object of culture in three main spheres of its existence: material culture, spiritual culture, human relations.

a process or formation that is not characteristic of an object in its normal state and usually arises during its study. In culture, any artificially created object that has both certain physical characteristics and iconic or symbolic content.

☼ in the usual sense, any artificially created object; This concept came to cultural studies from archeology, where it was used to distinguish between natures. and arts. objects.

In aesthetics the term is used etymologically, i.e. directly to designate objects created specifically to function in the art system. In the interpretation of the institutional school in aesthetics, any real object can act as A. in the appropriate environment (in particular, this is what D. Dickey believes in his work “Art and Aesthetics: An Introduction to Institutional Analysis”, 1974). In this case, A. is understood as any object that is artistic. work. In modern In aesthetics, a distinction is usually made between art and art. work. A., as a rule, has a material embodiment and is a carrier of def. artist meanings. Structuralists, in addition, distinguish between A. and aesthetic. an object. Here A. acts as a kind of “external symbol” (Mukarzhovsky) of an aesthetic object.

In the last time, due to increased interest in the problem of shared ideas as cultural objects, the concept of A. began to be developed more actively. Some culturologists understand A. as any art. education, both physical and ideational, created for functioning in specialized education. spheres of cultures and systems. A. is singled out as an elementary unit of the arts, the world, which is all the more relevant because There is still no “theory of art.” object." In this case, A. allows you to see from a single point of view. diff. cultural objects as “made” wholes (for example, installations); trace their generation, existence and destruction, their unification into certain functional and symbolic ones. patterns and forms, holistic cultural contexts, semantics. fields.

A. has three basics. its constituent elements: psychoanalytic. (establishes a connection between A. and anthropological impulse), structural (reveals the communicative-functional dominant) and hermeneutic (determines the horizons of understanding and interpretation).

A. functions in a cultural-semantic environment. fields (for example, lit-ry), which constitutes A. and determines its material carrier. A. is polysemantic and therefore represents an abstract carrier of cultural semantics, which manifests itself in different ways. contexts of use (for example, the transcultural image of Don Quixote).

To the main The modalities of A.'s existence include: material (a form of objectification of an artificial object), functional (the sum of modifications during its use); semantic (its meanings, meanings, value in the contexts of sociocultural communication).

Lit.: Berdyaev N.A. Man and machine (Problem of sociology and metaphysics of technology) // VF. 1989. No. 2; Mumford L. The Myth of the Machine // Vestn. Moscow un-ta. Ser. 12. Socio-political. research. 1992. No. 1; New technocratic wave in the West: Sat. texts. M., 1986; Espinoza Server A. Who is a person? Philosophy anthropology // This is a man: An Anthology. M., 1995.

A. B. Krasnoglazov.

Cultural studies of the twentieth century. Encyclopedia. M.1996

Large explanatory dictionary of cultural studies.. Kononenko B.I. . 2003.


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