Rune for selling an apartment. Runic formulas for selling an apartment, car. Runic formulas for the quick sale of real estate

Hello, dear friends! I am glad to welcome you!

Today Irina asked me this question:

Hello, Svetlana! Thank you for the wonderful blog!!! Please tell me what runescript to write for trading? I have an online store of cosmetic products, I would like to establish trade and attract more customers! And where to put the runescript? Thank you.

Strength, speed, movement, partnership, cooperation, fidelity, symbiosis, confidence, trust, loyalty, balance, hidden actions. Speed ​​of thought or action, speed of expectation, prevention. Evav represents the horse, its strength and beauty, symbolizing not only a means of transportation. Indicates controlled change, progress, sometimes a journey, a journey. This indicates the trust that exists between horse and rider, brother and sister. You have the support and security needed to quickly draw you to your goals, but you need to be loyal, supportive, and dedicated to those around you.

Best regards, Irina.

I think that sales topic is interesting to many and therefore, with Irina’s permission, I am putting it in a separate topic for general discussion.

I ask in the comments to this topic to express your opinion, your wishes, your experience and best practices who have them.

Now let's get straight to the question:

Oleg Shaposhnikov has a formula for achieving success in business, increasing profits And attracting buyers.

Evvad helps deepen hidden knowledge. Represents rapid progress achieved through harmonious partnership. In a new environment you will meet your destiny - friendship or love. Horse - symbol enormous power and sexual energy. In a dream symbol, a horse always serves as a good omen, precedes a good time, and horse riding - the achievement of a goal or the fulfillment of a dream. Horse and rider are a symbol of good cooperation, good partnership and fruitful cooperation, as well as a happy journey.

The horse is also a symbol vital energy, thanks to which we can move quickly and interestingly. A good lady is a man's true friend. He is treated poorly, he is happy. There is a warm and harmonious relationship between a horse and a man. If you are loyal and helpful to your friends, you will find support and you can confidently follow your spiritual path. Law and good cooperation. The rune is a guarantee of unity and strength. Always, if we want to turn to fair judgment, this rune will be useful.

Fehu – Uruz – Odal – Soulu

I will try to explain how I understand the principle of operation of this formula.

Fehu - besides what it means financial well-being And prosperity, it is also the first Futhark rune, that is, it is the rune of transition to new level, starting a new business.

Uruz - helps get this process off the ground and adds energy and strength.

Whenever we go against the vibrations of the Evlas rune, it will be inconvenient for us. This will be useful if there is a need for good cooperation, mutual participation for yourself or more wide circle. The runic emblem of Eulas can be compared to a handshake. When rider and horse interact, they are one. In this aspect, the energy of the Ehwaz rune is associated with strength, haste and the coexistence of man and nature.

We have forgotten that nature should cooperate, not subjugate it, so this rune will work with everyone who works for nature. Energy refers to the circle of Earth, air, water, fire, four elements, complete harmony. The meaning of this rune indicates movement and the likelihood of horizons changing. The change will not be a big surprise as the situation has been developing for some time. The Ivy Zodiac is the other half of the Virgo sign. Cooperation, partnership, moving forward, strength, mobility, speed, community, symbiosis, teamwork, initiative, mediation, returning to balance are also Spiritual protection during the journey.

If anyone has comments, changes, additions, or their own practice of using this formula, please share it in the comments.

I personally had experience using a different formula, on front door I drew a small shop of my friend (with small inconspicuous signs) Fehu – Soulu – Odal – Soulu – Fehu, making a profit as such.

Helps achieve promotion. When asked about the rune, Evvaz will show in a straight line, indicating good cooperation and profit, successful changes in business or in life in general, a prosperous company and lucrative contracts. Spirituality and self-esteem will be beneficial to our friends. The partnership promises a wedding or a successful marriage, creating a successful tandem. In education, education will lead to success. Then in business it predicts financial loss, lack of cooperation and even collapse or loss of business.

Sales got better, of course I can’t say that it was exponential, but I was pleasantly pleased with the level of income.

The meaning of each rune in this formula should be clear, since I just explained them above: to the previous formula.

There are more formulas, but for starters I think that’s enough. In addition, maybe one of you will offer your own working and practice-tested options.

Also keep an eye out for extravagance because it's a good idea to spend money. Your fear will end and you will be suspicious. In science, it is possible to have weaker grades or repeat material due to failed exams, holidays, holidays, and individual tedious work. spiritual balance, soon the problems will end. Berkanan, Bjarkan, Berk - birch.

Runic potential: nutrition, maternal energy, development and spiritual support. Message of the runes: try to get closer to nature and the natural course of things. Berkano is the rune of the goddess associated with home fires, prosperity and prosperity in life, nannies for babies and mothers, motherhood. This refers to regeneration, renewal, cleansing, healing and restoration. Represents the joy of positive sexual relations, fertility, femininity, birth. Birth in this context can be real or symbolic, such as the consequential beginning of an idea or project.

Now let's move on to the next question:

Where to put the runescript?

Since this is an online store, I think it can be placed on the store logo or in the favicon. It is better if the formula is invisible.

Irina, I have a personal request to you:

Let us know which formula you used and tell us about the result obtained.

An exciting moment for new beginnings and adventures. Reject wrong concepts and embrace new ideas. Put the past in its place, but learn from the experience. Be patient, don't expect sudden effects for your efforts, this good time to sow the seeds and wait for the results. The symbol of this rune is birch, birth and care. Birches are among the first trees to fill the forest after a fire. Birch branches have always been used to remove and expel everything that is evil.

It's also time spiritual order. Close the time of the old experience and make a new place. Remember, however, that new ideas require a lot of care before they have the desired effect. Berkano Rune, on the one hand, gives us security and love, and on the other hand shows us the opposite. Birch branches are fragile and flabby, and even strong wind cannot break its branches. Therefore, the birch tree is a symbol of protection and protection of energy. These branches also remind us that in a safe home it is easy to become rich, fulfilled, happy man as easy as hugging a birch tree and feeling oneness with the surrounding nature.

See you soon, friends!

I'm waiting for your comments!!!

Runes for sale, sell a car, sell an apartment

Formula for selling a car:
Raido-Dagaz-Fehu-Ingvaz (I don’t know the author, I took it in the topic for the lazy).
I drew pictures of cars. I needed to sell them urgently. I set the task briefly and clearly, to sell within 24 hours, for an amount no less...
RUB The car was sold within 24 hours, from the first viewing, the amount
the truth was a little different, but the seller was happy with it. Formula
working, I recommend.

Good contact with children. Accelerates events good ideas. Beautiful women's fleece. When looking for the meanings of this run, one would need to learn about feminine energy. The beauty of women is contained in the following stages: child, girl, women, lover, wife, mother, grandmother. When a woman experiences a positive life, her path is one of brightness, leading to a warm, wise, serene old woman - a grandmother who is at the end of her life. So wise, surrounded by a respectful nestor, like a happy family, community, clan.

Emphasizes the family chakra, which everyone can come to with good will. Let's not forget to take a different path, which will leave us at the end of life as old, brash, angry, destructive. It happens slowly when you cannot cope with adversity. When loneliness leads to grief, anger to the whole world. Let's look around, what kind of women are around us? What chance do we get? Let's think about what to do so as not to become a grumpy old man, but, on the contrary, a wise, warm grandmother.

Raido-Perth-Fehu - find money on the road.


Inguz- to begin changes in the sales situation.
Dagaz- characteristics of the process, because It is required that everything goes fairly and without problems.
Mannaz- the object itself that is selling.
Odal- real estate.
Gebo- sales process.
Fexat- result, result.

Uruz- speed of development of the situation to speed up the sale.
Inguz- Changes in the current situation.
Gebo- sale.
Odal- real estate.
Fehu + Teyvaz-result.
Here it is necessary to stipulate why there is no Mannaz...Manaz in the formula is
a person who sometimes sells and sometimes buys, but there are situations in which
a transaction occurs between a person and a company, for example, which has, say,
representatives change, let’s say you are selling real estate to a non-specific
person, company, developer, etc., for such cases it is better to use
this formula.

Let the PM be created.
Let the runes serve as a speedy sale (...we name something..).
Let LaguzMannazOdal+Gebo+Fehu).
PM is made temporary from any material.

Kano- strengthening the script, pushing, developing the situation.
Inguz- positive changes.
Odal + Gebo- in matters of real estate sales.
Yera+Fehu+Vunyo- there is a feature here..In itselfFehu- receiving money for the sale of real estate, but in combination withYera and Vunyo- they provide increased profit, i.e. selling at a high price, making more profit than expected.

Uruz- let the rune attract quick changes in my situation.
Perto- let the rune attract buyers.
Mannaz- buyers.
Odal- buyers on my property.
Gebo+Fehu- who are able to pay the price I want.
Vunyo- May the sales process be quick and successful for me.

The most simple formula - Inguz+Odal+Gebo+Fehu

This rune indicates that the woman we are talking about can be trusted. This is an amulet donated by mothers for young children to provide them with protection on the road to life. It is associated with fertility and joy of life, is the mother's motherhood. Berkano is the caretaker of all aspects of femininity, both masculine and feminine - every man has a masculine and a feminine element. It is also useful for those who want to know and understand the world of women. It contains the eternal wisdom of the Earth - the mother of all living beings.

It is a very smooth wool, just as birch is a delicate wood. He is compared to the goddess Venus. Energy belongs to the Earth. Dark greenEnergy fleeceOther properties of fleece Astrological astrology Cancer Arturia archeology Ms. Elaine Tree capture Zodiac first half of the sign Virgo.

Where Inguz- quick changes,

Odal- real estate,

Gebo- sale,

Fehu- result...but this one
formulas have a minus..

it is impossible to describe the details of the process, which happens not
unimportant. For example, your property is difficult to sell, let’s say it’s an apartment, without renovation, in an old house, which is full of cracks and buyers will obviously reduce the price, but you need to sell it at a higher price, you can use the above formula, the property will be sold, but the result will remain the same
wish for the best, because you would like to get the greatest profit. To avoid "lowering the price",

It protects against loss of energy, enhances vitality, eases pregnancy, birth and postpartum inflammation, prevents neurological problems, particularly treats infections, helps with female ailments, improves menstrual disorders, female breast pain, improves fertility, sexual chakra Key properties of motherhood, birth, development, fertility, numbers, female element. It immunizes against energy loss. Helps cope with children. It protects against breast disease.

Berkano Rune is closely connected with Fehu and Uruz Beg. We will also feel safe, we will feel calm. This is also a thriving company, new contracts. We will feel cared for Higher Powers and safety. Stepra materials - the beginning of a new one - are gradually entering into positive changes. The partnership promises to marry and the partner will care. Relationships have high sexual energy and good relationship. Good health and high vitality will set our intentions and plans into action.

You can add Laguz+Vunyo- with the wording, let the buyer see the apartment/real estate as the most wonderful in the world :)

Where Laguz- hassle,

Vunyo-characteristics of hassle,

however, to avoid claims from the buyer, you can add
Yera,so that the darkness lasts for a long time.
Then the formula will be like this

They will help us realize our dreams. When studying our or our children's good progress, achievements, intelligence and knowledge, we will be happy to. Good grades, passed exams, scholarships and even the opportunity to travel abroad to expand our knowledge are ahead of us. There may be problems with children or children. In finance we must take care of material matters because it is possible possible losses. There is also no investment, because the idea may be missed. In a partnership, a possible breakdown in the relationship can cause, among other things, sexual incongruence.


Mannaz-a person selling real estate, owner.
Inguz- changes.
Kano- acceleration of the search and change process.
Laguz+Mannaz- finding the right buyer.
Gebo- sales process.
Odal- real estate.
Fehu+Vuno- quick and good sales result.

Mannaz- owner of real estate.
Odal -the property itself.
Gebo- sale.
Mannaz- buyer.
Fehu- result.

you can use the following formulas:
Draw runes on a photo of the apartment, if there is none, then on a piece of paper, while you draw say:
"Let the runes serve as a speedy sale (... let's call it something, in your case an apartment..) .
Let Laguzwill serve to find the buyer I need (Mannaz), who will buy real estate from me (Odal+Gebo+Fehu)."

To find the right buyer:
Perto+Laguz+Mannaz+Fehu+Odal - in order to find a buyer.
Laguz+Mannaz+Gebo+Odal+Fehu - for the same thing.
Laguz+Teyvaz+Fehu+Gebo+Odal - Also.

Conflict with mother, inhibition in health, possibility of abortion, abortion or difficulty getting pregnant. You may have problems with sex or cold. Watch carefully because you may lose your job due to lack of protection and the company's development will be stopped soon. Reorganizations, new jobs and difficulties are possible in the company. Or maybe we cling to something or someone, claiming that we do not have the strength, money or ability to fight for our happiness or the happiness and peace of our children, we are afraid that graduation will be difficult and we will not cope with yourself.

To sell the apartment and no one interfered, objected, etc.

Otherwise, in words it is often one thing, but in actions in such situations it is another.
Uruz+Inguz+Gebo+Odal+Naud+Teyvaz+Vunyo - to sell quickly.
Uruz+Gebo+Fehu+Odal+Naud+Vunyo - for the same thing.
Mannaz+Naud+Gebo+Odal+Fehu - so that no one objects and they really want to sell the apartment.
The formula is drawn on pieces of paper or can be done directly on the wall, barely noticeable, in
corner, for example, so as not to attract attention once again, you can draw
in the photo of the apartment. While you are drawing, say in your own words what you need, i.e.
“Let the runes help me... and then name your desire.”

So let's think about the fact that he wants us to pass the inverted fleece to Berkano? Maybe there is still time to think, gather courage and strength and fight for a better future? In the end, Berkano's fur may unfurl, and once again the sun will shine in our lives, joy will befall us! Tivaz, Tyr, Teyvaz - the name of the god Tyr. The law must obey them.

Runic potential: penetration, brooding precision, valor. Running Message: Have the courage to take responsibility for the consequences of your decisions and choices. Justice, loyalty, new surroundings, also confusion, courage, compassion, tactics, duty, responsibility. The rune represents determination and male sexuality, as well as new problems in life, a fresh look at things. You will need to show courage, your victory will be sure when your heart remains pure.