What did the Mtsyri give 3 days of freedom? Essay on the topic of three days at liberty of Lermontov "Mtsyri" - essays, abstracts, reports


First question: the purpose of Mtsyri’s escape. Mtsyri fled to “find out whether the earth is beautiful,” “to find out whether we will be born into this world for freedom or prison,” and to “go to our native country.” What did Mtsyri see? The answer is in stanzas 6, half of the 9th, 10th and 11th. Having escaped during a thunderstorm, Mtsyri saw a world that had previously been closed from him by the monastery walls. That’s why he peers so greedily at every picture that opens to him, so carefully notes everything he sees, and then talks so enthusiastically about nature. It is impossible not to recognize the unique Caucasian landscape in the pictures described by the hero. We see the relief of the Caucasus: “lush fields”, hills with tall grasses, mountain ranges and rocks, gorges and abysses, streams and turbulent streams. We learn about the vegetation of Georgia: about the tall grasses of its valleys (stanza 9), about rich vineyards (stanza 11), about thorns tangled with ivy and dense eternal forests (stanza 15).

The nature that amazed Mtsyri is not silent: either the noise of a mountain stream is heard, or the rustling of damp leaves agitated by the wind, or the singing of birds can be heard in the foggy silence, or the cry of a jackal is heard. The appearance of a picture of Caucasian nature in Mtsyri’s story is motivated by the fact that the hero fled from the monastery to see the world, to find out what it is like. The landscape in the poem is important as a specific picture of this world, as a background against which the action unfolds, but at the same time it helps to reveal the character of the hero, that is, it turns out to be one of the ways of creating romantic image. Mtsyri's personality and character are reflected in what pictures attract him and how he talks about them. He is struck by the richness and diversity of nature, contrasting with the monotony of the monastery environment. And in close attention with which the hero looks at the world, one can feel his love for life, for everything beautiful in it, sympathy for all living things.

Every manifestation of life pleases the young man, although he does not speak about it directly. When he remembers the animals he met in the mountains, he has special, as if specially chosen words (“the birds are singing,” the jackal is “crying like a child,” the snake glides, “playing and basking”). Mtsyri perceives nature as it is. He sees in it both serene, almost idyllic pictures, when the world seems to him “God’s garden,” and menacing, harsh: “piles of dark rocks,” separated by a stream and stone embraces stretched out in the air, scary forest. He enjoys the splendor of the summer morning, sees the transparent blue sky Georgia, but he also remembers the withering midday heat in the mountains, and the black nights, when the world becomes dark and silent. This inconsistency does not frighten the young man; it does not blind him to the harmony that exists in nature. And the fact that Mtsyri knows how to perceive nature in its entirety speaks of the hero’s spiritual breadth.

In Mtsyri's story, nature does not appear as something abstract, it is concrete and visible. But at the same time, it is not difficult to see that the very selection of paintings and depictions is unique. Attention is drawn to what speaks of the beauty of nature, its greatness, grandeur; real pictures are not embellished, but from what is seen, only that which confirms the hero’s thoughts about the perfection of the natural world is drawn. Therefore, the landscape in “Mtsyri”, despite its truthfulness and concreteness, cannot be called realistic. Real pictures appear in a romantic light through the perception of the hero. The romanticism of the landscape is enhanced by the fact that Mtsyri, speaking about what he has seen in nature, strives to convey his impression of it. This adds emotionality to the description of nature. Concrete images lose their real outlines and acquire a slightly abstract emotional pattern. Epithets play a significant role in creating ideas about objects and natural phenomena. Often it is thanks to them that the real image appears in a new quality. In most cases, epithets have a pronounced emotional character: “burning abyss”, “angry shaft”, “ magical voices", etc. Even in cases where the epithet emphasizes the attribute of an object, it does not lose emotional coloring. For example, “transparent green leaves” is a realistic image, and at the same time it is emotionally rich, giving the impression of youth, freshness, and purity.
The emotionality of images is often enhanced by comparisons. For example, “ridges as weird as dreams”; trees rustling “in a crowd, like brothers in a circle dance,” etc. It is characteristic that these comparisons are not born by chance; they reveal life experience, and the presentation of the hero. “Like brothers in a circular dance” - an image inspired by Mtsyri’s vague memories of his childhood in his native village; “bizarre, like dreams” - an image associated with monastic life: in cramped, gloomy cells, dreams seem fantastic, bizarre.

Lermontov does not strive for original visual means; he often uses familiar ones that have developed in romantic literature and oral folk poetry. From here large number such ordinary comparisons as “slim as a poplar”, “burning like a diamond”, “crying like a child”, etc. and such epithets as “free youth”, “greedy embrace”, “holy homeland”. But they enhance the expressiveness of the hero’s monologue and the excitement of the overall tone of the poem. Observations on character visual arts in the poem, accumulating students’ ideas about the features of the romantic style, they help to more clearly understand the hero’s attitude to the world that revealed itself to him during his wanderings.

Mtsyri saw nature in its diversity, felt its life, and experienced the joy of communicating with it. Getting to know the world gave Mtsyri the answer to the first question, “is the earth beautiful?” Yes, the world is beautiful! - this is the meaning of the young man’s story about what he saw. His monologue is a hymn to this world. And the fact that the world is beautiful, full of colors and sounds, full of joy, gives Mtsyri the answer to the second question: then man was created, why does he live? Man is born for freedom, not for prison - this is the conclusion. In freedom, a person is happy, and Mtsyri calls the three days spent outside the monastery “blessed”; he says that his life without these days

* Ø “I would be sadder and gloomier than powerless old age”

Mtsyri’s feeling of happiness is caused not only by what he saw, but also by what he managed to accomplish.

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What did Mtsyri see and learn during his three days of freedom?

    Wow, I never thought that anyone would remember Mtsyri!

    Do you want to know what I did when I was free?

    Lived And my life without these three blissful days,

    Your old age would be sadder and gloomier!

    This is what Mtsyri said to the old monk who came to him

    to find out what Mtsyri was doing all these three days when he ran away.

    Do you want to know what I saw in freedom? - Lush fields,

    hills covered with a crown of trees growing all around...

    I saw piles of dark rocks as the stream separated them.

    And I guessed their thoughts... I saw mountain ranges,

    bizarre, like dreams... In the distance I saw through the fog,

    In the snow, burning like a diamond,

    The gray, unshakable Caucasus;

    Lord, what a poem! What words!

    He saw mountains, sky, mountain wild river, a Georgian girl.

    He fought with a leopard. He wanted freedom

    wanted to return to my relatives, from whom

    it was torn off as a child. For three days he wandered around

    mountains, and then found himself back where he had fled from.

    They found him unconscious in the steppe and returned to the monastery


    We are talking about Lermontov's poem. Main character In three days of life in freedom, Mtsyri feels all the beauty of freedom and lives his whole life. While in captivity, he always wanted to know:

    As a result, he became convinced that the world was very beautiful and interesting. I saw nature, felt myself, remembered my childhood and parents, love and freedom.

    During three days of freedom, Mtsyri learned, in fact, what freedom is. What is life without shackles and responsibilities? He saw the world outside the monastery in which he lived. These were mainly the beauties of nature, since it took place in the mountains and steppes of the Caucasus.

    He also saw very beautiful girl, and experienced feelings for her that a normal young man should experience when he sees a beautiful girl.

    As a foolish child, Mtsyri was left in a monastery, where he grew up, turning into a young man who had not seen big world. However, when he was being prepared to become a monk, the young man decided to escape to freedom.

    opened before him amazing world nature. He learns a lot more in 3 days than some people learn in their entire lives.

    The first thing Mtsyri feels is admiration for the beautiful nature of the Caucasus, she seems incredibly beautiful. Against the backdrop of the luxurious landscapes of the Caucasus, the young man remembered his native village, pictures of his childhood, and close people.

    His sensitive nature speaks of Mtsyri’s belonging to people who prefer communication with wild nature to a society spoiled by falsehood.

    One feels that Lermontov contrasts the hero of the poem with his environment, which, for the most part, was empty; young people often complained of boredom, wasting their lives every day at balls and salons.

    Against the backdrop of mountain landscapes, Mtsyri will experience the breath of first love in the image of a young slender Georgian woman. However, passionately dreaming of seeing his homeland, he will not succumb to the temptation of love, continuing on his way.

    And here, hitherto so beautiful nature, turns to him with a different face, overtaking him on a cold and impenetrable night. The young man again feels the loneliness that tormented him in the monastery, and nature, instead of a friend, suddenly becomes an enemy. In the guise of a leopard, she stood in the way of Mtsyri, inviting him to win the right to continue the path he had begun. Battle with a leopard took away from him last strength During his stay in the monastery, he lost his connection with nature, that special instinct that helps him find the way to his native village, therefore, having made a circle, he involuntarily returns to the places from which he fled, and here he loses consciousness.

    As a result, Mtsyri again finds himself in the monastery, among the people who left him, but they represent a completely different culture. Now he himself is approaching his death, he is only saddened by the thought that he will die as a slave, without ever seeing his homeland and loved ones.

    During three days of freedom, Mtsyri learned and felt much more for himself than during his entire sluggish life within the walls of the monastery. His escape and these three days in freedom became real happiness. During these three days he breathed in freedom deeply. He saw the whole world from a different side, which was previously completely unknown to him. He simply enjoyed the splendor of the surrounding nature, the Caucasian mountains, the splendor of mountain air, a rushing river, and waterfalls. This wandering through the mountains was something incredibly beautiful for him. He also had the opportunity to meet with a dangerous opponent, the leopard, where he showed all his best good qualities- he was brave and courageous.

    And even though his fate was to die, it was no longer so hard for him to die after three days of real dizzying happiness.

    The desire to get to his homeland, to gain freedom, pushed Mtsyri to escape from the monastery. Not for long, just for three short days, he found the long-awaited freedom, and how eventful those days turned out to be. Mtsyri experienced the splendor of free nature, he enjoyed the view of wild waterfalls and mountains, he breathed free air and I think he was infinitely happy these days. This is the main thing that he learned during his escape - what happiness is. With such knowledge, it probably wouldn’t have hurt him so much to die. He felt the taste of life, he could have known love, because he was fascinated by the singing of a young Georgian woman, but the craving for home was stronger and he continued on his way. He had a chance to feel a sense of danger, an adrenaline rush from a fight with a leopard, in which he managed to win and become a Knight, that is, a warrior, a free man. Mtsyri's life flared up for three days like a bright torch and he burned in its fire.

    Three days of freedom for Mtsyri turned his whole life upside down, because he learned the diversity and beauty of the World. He was amazed by the splendor of nature and absorbed the smallest part of it with interest. Mtsyri breathed deeply, contemplating the beauty and feeling a hitherto unknown freedom. The young man even managed to fall in love, although this feeling did not lead to reciprocity. It is a pity that Mtsyri again found himself in the monastery, and the World again turned out to be closed to him.

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“Do you want to know what I saw / When I was free?” - this is how Mtsyri, the hero of M. Lermontov’s poem of the same name, begins his confession. While still a very small child, he was locked in a monastery, where he spent all his conscious years of life, never seeing the big world and real life. But before his tonsure, the young man decides to escape, and a huge world opens up before him. For three days in freedom, Mtsyri gets to know this world, trying to make up for everything previously missed, and the truth is that he learns more during this time than others do in their entire lives.
What does Mtsyri see in freedom? The first thing he feels is joy and admiration from the nature he sees, which seems incredibly beautiful to the young man. Indeed, he has something to admire, because in front of him are magnificent Caucasian landscapes.
“Lush fields”, a “fresh crowd” of trees, “bizarre, dream-like” mountain ranges, a “white caravan” of cloud birds - everything attracts Mtsyri’s curious gaze. His heart becomes “light, I don’t know why,” and the most precious memories awaken in him, which he was deprived of in captivity. Pictures of childhood and native village, close and familiar people pass before the hero’s inner gaze. Here the sensitive and poetic nature of Mtsyri is revealed, who sincerely responds to the call of nature and opens up to meet it. It becomes clear to the reader watching the hero that he belongs to those natural people who prefer communication with nature to rotation in society, and their soul has not yet been spoiled by the falsehood of this society. The portrayal of Mtsyri in this way was especially important for Lermontov for two reasons. First of all, classic romantic hero should have been characterized in this way, as a person close wildlife. And, secondly, the poet contrasts his hero with his environment, the so-called generation of the 1830s, most of whom were empty and unprincipled young people. For Mtsyri, three days of freedom became a whole life, full of events and internal experiences, while Lermontov’s acquaintances complained of boredom and wasted their lives in salons and at balls.
Mtsyri continues on his way, and other pictures open up before him. Nature reveals itself in all its formidable power: lightning, rain, the “threatening abyss” of the gorge and the noise of the stream, similar to “angry hundreds of voices.” But there is no fear in the fugitive’s heart; such nature is even closer to Mtsyri: “I, like a brother, would be glad to embrace the storm!” For this, a reward awaits him: the voices of heaven and earth, “shy birds,” grass and stones - everything surrounding the hero becomes clear to him. Mtsyri is ready to experience amazing moments of communication with living nature, dreams and hopes in the midday heat under the incredibly clear - such that one could even see an angel - sky. So he again feels life and its joy in himself.
Against the backdrop of beautiful mountain landscapes, his love, a young Georgian girl, appears before Mtsyri. Its beauty is harmonious and combines all the best natural colors: the mysterious blackness of the nights and the gold of the day. Mtsyri, living in a monastery, dreamed of his homeland, and that is why he does not succumb to the temptation of love. The hero goes forward, and then nature turns to him with its second face.
Night is coming, the cold and impenetrable night of the Caucasus. Only the light of a lonely saklya glows faintly somewhere in the distance. Mtsyri recognizes hunger and feels loneliness, the same one that tormented him in the monastery. And the forest stretches and stretches, surrounding Mtsyri with an “impenetrable wall,” and he realizes that he is lost.
Nature, so friendly to him during the day, suddenly turns into a terrible enemy, ready to lead the fugitive astray and laugh cruelly at him. Moreover, she, in the guise of a leopard, directly stands in Mtsyri’s path, and he has to fight with an equal creature for the right to continue his journey. But thanks to this, the hero learns a hitherto unknown joy, the joy of fair competition and the happiness of a worthy victory.
It is not difficult to guess why such metamorphoses occur, and Lermontov puts the explanation into the mouth of Mtsyri himself. “That heat is powerless and empty, / A game of dreams, a disease of the mind” - this is how the hero responds about his dream of returning home, to the Caucasus. Yes, for Mtsyri, his homeland means everything, but he, who grew up in prison, will no longer be able to find the way to it. Even a horse that has thrown its rider returns home,” Mtsyri exclaims bitterly. But he himself, grown in captivity, like a weak flower, lost that natural instinct that unmistakably suggested the path, and got lost. Mtsyri is delighted with nature, but he is no longer her child, and she rejects him, like a flock of weak and sick animals rejects him. The heat scorches the dying Mtsyri, a snake rustles past him, a symbol of sin and death, it rushes and jumps “like a blade,” and the hero can only watch this game...
Mtsyri was free for only a few days, and he had to pay for them with death. And yet they were not fruitless, the hero learned the beauty of the world, love, and the joy of battle. That’s why these three days are more valuable for Mtsyri than the rest of his existence:
You want to know what I did
Free? Lived - and my life
Without these three blissful days
It would be sadder and gloomier...

“Do you want to know what I saw / When I was free?” - this is how Mtsyri, the hero of M. Lermontov’s poem of the same name, begins his confession. As a very young child, he was locked in a monastery, where he spent all his conscious years of his life, never seeing the big world and real life. But before his tonsure, the young man decides to escape, and a huge world opens up before him. For three days in freedom, Mtsyri gets to know this world, trying to make up for everything previously missed, and the truth is that he learns more during this time than others do in their entire lives.

What does Mtsyri see in freedom? The first thing he feels is joy and admiration from the nature he sees, which seems incredibly beautiful to the young man. Indeed, he has something to admire, because in front of him are luxurious Caucasian landscapes. “Lush fields”, a “fresh crowd” of trees, “bizarre, dream-like” mountain ranges, a “white caravan” of cloud birds - everything attracts Mtsyri’s curious gaze. His heart becomes “light, I don’t know why,” and the most precious memories awaken in him, which he was deprived of in captivity. Pictures of childhood and native village, close and familiar people pass before the hero’s inner gaze. Here the sensitive and poetic nature of Mtsyri is revealed, who sincerely responds to the call of nature and opens up to meet it. It becomes clear to the reader watching the hero that he belongs to those natural people who prefer communication with nature to rotation in society, and their soul has not yet been spoiled by the falsehood of this society. The portrayal of Mtsyri in this way was especially important for Lermontov for two reasons. Firstly, the classic romantic hero should have been characterized in this way, as a person close to wild nature. And, secondly, the poet contrasts his hero with his environment, the so-called generation of the 1830s, most of whom were empty and unprincipled young people. For Mtsyri, three days of freedom became a whole life, full of events and internal experiences, while Lermontov’s acquaintances complained of boredom and wasted their lives in salons and at balls.

Mtsyri continues on his way, and other pictures open up before him. Nature reveals itself in all its formidable power: lightning, rain, the “threatening abyss” of the gorge and the noise of the stream, similar to “angry hundreds of voices.” But there is no fear in the fugitive’s heart; such nature is even closer to Mtsyri: “I, like a brother, would be glad to embrace the storm!” For this, a reward awaits him: the voices of heaven and earth, “shy birds,” grass and stones - everything surrounding the hero becomes clear to him. Mtsyri is ready to experience amazing moments of communication with living nature, dreams and hopes in the midday heat under the incredibly clear - such that one could even see an angel - sky. So he again feels life and its joy in himself.

Against the backdrop of beautiful mountain landscapes, his love, a young Georgian girl, appears before Mtsyri. Its beauty is harmonious and combines all the best natural colors: the mysterious blackness of the nights and the gold of the day. Mtsyri, living in a monastery, dreamed of his homeland, and that is why he does not succumb to the temptation of love. The hero goes forward, and then nature turns to him with its second face.

Night is coming, the cold and impenetrable night of the Caucasus. Only the light of a lonely saklya glows faintly somewhere in the distance. Mtsyri recognizes hunger and feels loneliness, the same one that tormented him in the monastery. And the forest stretches and stretches, surrounding Mtsyri with an “impenetrable wall,” and he realizes that he is lost. Nature, so friendly to him during the day, suddenly turns into a terrible enemy, ready to lead the fugitive astray and laugh cruelly at him. Moreover, she, in the guise of a leopard, directly stands in Mtsyri’s path, and he has to fight with an equal creature for the right to continue his journey. But thanks to this, the hero learns a hitherto unknown joy, the joy of fair competition and the happiness of a worthy victory.

It is not difficult to guess why such metamorphoses occur, and Lermontov puts the explanation into the mouth of Mtsyri himself. “That heat is powerless and empty, / A game of dreams, a disease of the mind” - this is how the hero responds about his dream of returning home to the Caucasus. Yes, for Mtsyri his homeland means everything, but he, who grew up in prison, will no longer be able to find a way to it. Even a horse that has thrown its rider returns home,” Mtsyri exclaims bitterly. But he himself, grown in captivity, like a weak flower, lost that natural instinct that unmistakably suggested the path, and got lost. Mtsyri is delighted with nature, but he is no longer her child, and she rejects him, like a flock of weak and sick animals rejects him. The heat scorches the dying Mtsyri, a snake rustles past him, a symbol of sin and death, it rushes and jumps “like a blade,” and the hero can only watch this game...

Mtsyri was free for only a few days, and he had to pay for them with death. And yet they were not fruitless, the hero learned the beauty of the world, love, and the joy of battle. That’s why these three days are more valuable for Mtsyri than the rest of his existence:

You want to know what I did
Free? Lived - and my life
Without these three blissful days
It would be sadder and gloomier...

Work test

is the story of a freedom-loving highlander who was locked in a monastery during his childhood, deprived of his freedom and free life. - hero work of the same name, who went against everything, who did not accept his destiny and ran away. He fled to freedom, to freedom.

What did Mtsyri learn in three days?

The hero was free for three days, after which, having gotten lost, he again found himself wounded in the monastery. There he voiced his speech to the monk. This speech became a kind of his. And the hero began with the words: Do you want to know what I saw in freedom?

So what did Mtsyri see during his three days of freedom? What did the hero learn during these precious days?

First of all, he lived in freedom, but did not exist. The days of absolute freedom gave me the opportunity to reveal myself and my character. In freedom, the young man remembered his life outside the monastery, his childhood, his parents, his people. He remembered his native land, his homeland, where he would be a real warrior: a strong and brave man.

Outside the Mtsyri Monastery, he managed to find the answer to his question: Is the land behind the walls beautiful? As it turned out, yes. Beautiful. Moreover, all the nature surrounding a person is beautiful, where nothing suppresses anyone. Everything around lives its own life: birds sing songs, streams flow, trees rustle, animals hunt, gardens bloom. Beautiful mountain landscapes- forests, fields, mountain ranges. So a person was born in order to be free, so that no one and nothing would impose their opinions, foundations and views on him. A person was born to live in freedom, and this is the only way he will be happy.

Mtsyri's character in three days

During the three days of freedom, the character of the main character was fully revealed. We saw a powerful personality ready to confront the world. This is a person who is ready to achieve his goal, even at sacrifice own life. Mtsyri revealed himself strong to us, a purposeful person, who was not afraid of either a thunderstorm or the unknown. This is a man who really wanted to return home.