Presentation about different theaters in the dhow. Presentation of theater corners “Types of theaters in kindergarten. Theater on hand

Petrova Oksana Alexandrovna
Presentation of theater corners “Types of theaters in kindergarten»

Types of theaters in kindergarten

This is a good opportunity to reveal creative potential child, nurturing the creative orientation of the individual. Children learn to notice the world around them interesting ideas, embody them, create your own

artistic image character, they develop creative imagination, associative thinking, speech, and the ability to see unusual moments in the ordinary.

Theatrical activities help the child overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness.

Thus, theater Helps the child develop comprehensively.

Meaning theatrical activities

IN children's educational institutions can and should be given to all types children's theater because they help:

1) form the correct model of behavior in the modern world;

2) increase general culture to introduce the child to spiritual values;

3) introduce him to children's literature, music, fine arts, rules of etiquette, rituals, traditions, instill sustainable interest;

4) gives basic ideas about the types theater.

5) improve the skill of embodying certain experiences in the game, encouraging the creation of new images, encouraging thinking.

6) contribute to the development of play behavior, aesthetic feeling, the ability to be creative in any task, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, the development of stage creativity, musical and artistic abilities of children;

7) develops public speaking and creative collaboration skills.

Forms of work

Theater games

Speech games


Dramatization of songs, chants, round dances

Usage various types theater

Dramatization of fairy tales

Visit theaters

Interaction with parents

Types of theater in kindergarten

desktop theater

theater on flannelgraph

book- theater

five finger theater


hand shadow theater

finger shadow theater

theater"alive" shadows

magnetic theater

puppet theater

Publications on the topic:

In the Sladkovsky kindergarten “Romashka” a review-competition of theater corners was held in which our group “Smeshariki” took an active part.

Theater! How much he means to a child’s heart, how impatiently children look forward to meeting him! And when the animated dolls begin to move...

A kindergarten is a special institution; it is practically a second home for its employees and children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm.

Presentation “Types of finger theaters aimed at the development of preschool children” Speech is not only a means of communication, but also an instrument of thinking, creativity, a carrier of memory, information, etc. In other words, speech is diverse.

Presentation “Types of theaters” Types of theaters: Mask Theater Finger Theater Glove theater Theater of pictures on flannelograph Theater of spoons, hats, on sticks Shadow theater.

Presentation “Types of theaters” for children of the second junior group Presentation "Types of theaters" for children of the 2nd junior group Prepared by teacher: Kralevskaya E. B Slide 1. Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I present.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Puppet Theater in kindergarten. "Fairy tale. Theater. Children" (multi-age group) Prepared by: Musical director: N.Yu. Morozova. MBDOU Kindergarten No. 7 “Bell” branch No. 1 village. Opole. Yuriev-Polsky district, Vladimir region

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Theater is a magical land in which a child enjoys playing and learns the world through play. S.I. Merzlyakova. Puppet theater corner.

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Purpose of the work: Development of children's creative abilities through theatrical activities. Relevance: Preschool age the most appropriate period for the development of children in theatrical activities, which helps to reveal the child’s personality, his individuality, and creative potential.

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disclosure of creative abilities through artistic image; development of speech and sound culture of words; development of personal qualities (friendships and partnerships between children); communication skills, respect for the work of adults; Prospects for circle work.

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The main directions and tasks of the circle: “Fairy tale. Theater. Children, "Theatrical game: Objectives: To teach children to navigate in space, to be evenly placed around the site, to build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic. Develop the ability to voluntarily tense and relax individual muscle groups, remember the words of the characters in performances, develop visual auditory attention, memory, observation, imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, interest in performing arts. Rhythmoplasty: Objectives: To develop the ability to voluntarily respond to a command or musical signal, the readiness to act in concert, to develop coordination of movement, to learn to remember given poses and convey them figuratively. Culture of speech technique: Objectives: Develop speech breathing, articulation, clear diction, varied speech intonation; teach to compose short stories and fairy tales, select the simplest rhymes; pronounce tongue twisters and poems, replenish vocabulary. Basics theatrical culture: Objectives: To acquaint children with theatrical terminology, with the main types theatrical arts, cultivate a culture of behavior in the theater. Work on the play: Tasks: Learn to compose sketches based on fairy tales; develop skills in working with imaginary objects; develop the ability to use intonations that express various emotional states (sad, happy, angry, surprised, admiring, pitiful, etc.).

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Health-saving technologies: dynamic pauses: breathing exercises; articulation gymnastics; finger games with words; gymnastics for the eyes; physical education;

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create conditions for children to realize their ability to feel, think and express their state in play; encourage improvisation using means of expression available to the child (facial expressions, gestures, movements); help in mastering communication skills and developing the emotional sphere of children; maintain the desire to perform in front of an audience; The role of the teacher in organizing circle work in preschool educational institutions:

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Theatrical play is: A means of socialization of a preschooler A means of developing the speech of preschoolers A means of developing the emotional sphere of a child A means of development mental processes

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An important condition effective implementation theater club in mixed age group- this is a systematic and gradual complication of the material.. When planning and organizing a circle, the list of knowledge and skills in the program for children of each year of life is taken into account.. In theatrical games, children learn: speech culture, mathematical, literary, musical and other knowledge.

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Forms and methods of working with children. Individual approach, involvement of parents. Work on speech, intonation, diction. Consistently introducing children to types of theater. Children's step-by-step development of creativity by age group.

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Diverse development of children in theatrical activities. modeling Physical education Fiction Drawing Design and manual labor Musical education REMP Speech development Theatrical activities

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Development of creative activity of preschool children. improvisation The role of costumes, scenery, object environment Search expressive means Game movements Work on the motor skills of the hand and its movement on the screen Intonation, character, puppets Getting to know the basics of dramatization Getting to know the basics of puppet theater CHILD Getting to know the basics acting Independent theatrical activities Holidays, entertainment Game movements Expressive reading Facial expressions Expressiveness of movements Staging performances Dramatization games Telling fairy tales

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Puppet world - communication without barriers. By picking up dolls, you can attract the attention of children and solve many pedagogical problems, since this is the most easy way introduce children to behavioral patterns. (the dogs are offended, the dolls are sleeping, etc.) The children immediately begin to talk and answer questions.

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Theater improves children's speech, since in the process of working on the expressiveness of characters' remarks and their own statements, the vocabulary is imperceptibly activated and improved. sound culture speech, its intonation structure. Theater is a source of development of feelings, deep experiences, and introduces children to spiritual values. It is equally important that classes in the circle develop emotional sphere The children are forced to sympathize with the characters and empathize with the events being played out. Theater helps to develop the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that every literary work or fairy tale for children always has a moral orientation. Favorite heroes become role models. Theater and children.

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These are glove puppets, consisting of a “hard head” and a suit attached to it. They are operated on a screen behind which stands the driver (puppeteer). Our collection includes factory-made and home-made dolls. For theatrical productions“Teremok”, “Easter bun”, using old toys, they made dolls on gapits. The theater was replenished with masks, costumes, and foam dolls. Bibabo Theater.

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A special place in the circle is occupied by a miniature theater, where the actors are the fingers of children with cone-shaped dolls, and the dolls are cups. The children of the senior group made dolls independently under the guidance of teacher V.A. Piskareva. A certain gesture - semantic symbolism contributes to: the development of the muscular system, fine motor skills, tactile sensitivity; increases the overall level of organization of thinking. Finger Theater.

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Gildenbrant Ksenia
Presentation “Types of theaters”

Types of theaters:


Finger theater

Glove theater

Theater pictures on flannelgraph

Spoon Theater, caps, on sticks

Shadow theater

Puppet theater"beep-beep"

Puppet theater

Shawl Puppet Theater

Desktop theater

Palm Theater

Tantamaresque Theater

Staging fairy tales

Bibabo is the simplest doll, consisting of a head and a dress in the form of a glove. The head has a special hole for index finger, and the thumb and middle finger are used to gesture with the doll’s hands.

Such a doll determined the fate of Sergei Obraztsov, who in his memoirs writes:

Mom gave me a small funny doll. This doll was called Bibabo and consisted of a celluloid head and a blue robe that fits on the hand like a glove... Everything Bibabo did was funny and a little touching. I both loved and felt sorry for him, just as children love and feel sorry for little kittens. I even took it with me for a walk, and it stuck out in the sleeve of my sheepskin coat, looking at passers-by, a policeman, children on Chistoprudny Boulevard or a store window...

2. theatrically-game activities in different age groups

First junior group

Getting to know theater puppet Bi-ba-bo and theatrical games.

2. Imitation games.

3. Practicing basic emotions.

4. Finger theater

Second junior group

Consistent introduction to species theaters,

basics of acting.

1. Games that imitate individual human actions,

animals and birds.

2. Game-imitation of images of well-known people

fairy tale characters.

3. Improvisation game to music.

4. One-theme wordless improvisation game

with one character based on the texts of poems

and a joke.

Middle group

Puppet theater should be combined with theatrical play.

1. Multi-character games-dramatization based on texts

two- or three-part tales about animals and magic

2. Dramatization games based on the texts of stories on themes

"Children and their games", "Guys and animals", "Labor


3. Staging a performance based on the work.

Senior group

IN senior group all children actively participate in theatrical games and dramatizations.

1. Independent productions are already available to children

performances, including those based "collage"

from several literary works.

2. Added puppets, dolls with live

3. Russians are used folk tales-fables O


Preparatory group

IN preparatory group theatrical games are distinguished by more complex characters and mise-en-scenes that are difficult to develop (position of actors on stage).

The ability to perform the same actions in different situations, circumstances and in different ways develops. Kindness and sociability are fostered in communication with peers. Children learn to respond appropriately to the behavior of their partners. Children compose sketches with imaginary circumstances.

Bibabo is the simplest doll, consisting of a head and a dress in the form of a glove. The head has a special hole for the index finger, and the thumb and middle finger are used for gesturing with the doll’s hands. Such a doll determined the fate of Sergei Obraztsov, who writes in his memoirs: My mother gave me a small funny doll. This doll was called Bibabo and consisted of a celluloid head and a blue robe that fits on the hand like a glove... Everything Bibabo did was funny and a little touching. I both loved and felt sorry for him, just as children love and feel sorry for little kittens. I even took it with me for a walk, and it stuck out in the sleeve of my sheepskin coat, looking at passers-by, a policeman, children on Chistoprudny Boulevard or a store window... Is it because the sky is blue and the earth is my lover in this festive cleansing, I give you poetry , cheerful as bibabo and sharp and necessary as toothpicks! (Vladimir Mayakovsky)

Palm theater on plates Mitten masks. The theater is made from disposable paper plates. Colored watercolor paints, coated with colorless varnish.

Tantamaresque Theater Tantamaresque is a stand with a bright design that contains a funny plot, and holes are cut out in place of the characters' heads. The characters are given interesting poses; you can place them against the backdrop of a fairyland or outer space, it depends on your imagination. Tantamaresque is a doll with the help of which facial expressions, emotional expressiveness of speech and gestures, and expressiveness of movements are practiced.

1. Introducing the theatrical doll Bi-ba-bo and theatrical games. 2. Imitation games. 3. Practicing basic emotions. First junior group

Consistent acquaintance with types of theaters and the basics of acting. 1. Games that imitate individual actions of humans, animals and birds. 2. A game that imitates the images of well-known fairy-tale characters. 3. Improvisation game to music. 4. One-theme wordless improvisation game with one character based on the texts of poems and jokes. Second junior group

5. Game-improvisation based on texts short tales, stories, poems. 6. Role-playing dialogue between fairy tale heroes. 7. Dramatizing fragments of fairy tales about animals. 8. Single-theme improvisation game with several characters folk tales and author's texts.

Puppet theater should be combined with theatrical play. 1. Multi-character dramatization games based on the texts of two or three-part fairy tales about animals and fairy tales. 2. Dramatization games based on the texts of stories on the topics “Children and their games”, “Guys and animals”, “The work of adults”. 3. Staging a performance based on the work. Middle group

4. Acquaintance with facial expressions and pantomime. 5. Theater productions based on poetic and prose works(S. Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, K. Chukovsky “Confusion”). 6. Finger theater in independent activities (“We lived with grandma”, S. Mikhalkov “Kittens”, L. Zubkova “We shared an orange”)

Senior group In the senior group, all children actively participate in theatrical games and dramatizations. 1. Children already have access to independent productions of plays, including those based on a “collage” of several literary works. 2. Puppets and dolls with a living hand are added. 3. Russian folk tales and fables about animals are used.

In the preparatory group, theatrical games are distinguished by more complex characters and mise-en-scenes (the placement of actors on stage) that are difficult to develop. The ability to perform the same actions in different situations, circumstances and in different ways develops. Kindness and sociability are fostered in communication with peers. Children learn to respond appropriately to the behavior of their partners. Children compose sketches with imaginary circumstances. Preparatory group

View puppet shows and conversations on them; Dramatization games; Exercises for social-emotional development; Corrective and educational games; Diction exercises (articulation gymnastics); Tasks for the development of speech intonation expressiveness; Transformation games (“learn to control your body”), imaginative exercises; Exercises for the development of children's plasticity; Contents of theatrical activities classes

Rhythmic minutes (logorhythmics); Finger play training for the development of hand motor skills, necessary for puppeteering; Exercises to develop expressive facial expressions, elements of the art of pantomime; Theater sketches; Selected ethics exercises during dramatizations; Preparation (rehearsals) and performance of various fairy tales and performances;

Familiarity not only with the text of the fairy tale, but also with the means of its dramatization - gesture, facial expressions, movement, costume, scenery (props), mise-en-scène, etc. One of the conditions for children to successfully master theatrical activities and improve speech is effective interaction with parents. Thus, theatrical play has an impact on the development of coherent speech in children if it arouses interest and desire to join the game, and also takes into account age and individual abilities.

Types of theater in kindergarten

Types of theaters used in classes

Theater corners

Theater corners


Finger Theater

Theater of mittens or gloves

Theater of pictures on flannel paper Telling fairy tales using reference pictures. The sequence of the tale is well remembered.

Spoon Theater

The theater on sticks is very popular with children. Easy and comfortable to hold. The character image is two-sided.

Little Beanie Theater

Shadow theater

Bi Ba Bo dolls

Bibabo is the simplest doll, consisting of a head and a dress in the form of a glove. The head has a special hole for the index finger, and the thumb and middle finger are used for gesturing with the doll’s hands. Such a doll determined the fate of Sergei Obraztsov, who writes in his memoirs: My mother gave me a small funny doll. This doll was called Bibabo and consisted of a celluloid head and a blue robe that fits on the hand like a glove... Everything Bibabo did was funny and a little touching. I both loved and felt sorry for him, just as children love and feel sorry for little kittens. I even took it with me for a walk, and it stuck out in the sleeve of my sheepskin coat, looking at passers-by, a policeman, children on Chistoprudny Boulevard or a store window... Is it because the sky is blue and the earth is my lover in this festive cleansing, I give you poetry , cheerful as bibabo and sharp and necessary as toothpicks! (Vladimir Mayakovsky)

Puppet theater

The use of scarf dolls develops plasticity and coordination of movements.

Tabletop theater

Palm theater on plates Mitten masks. The theater is made from disposable paper plates. Painted with watercolors and coated with clear varnish.

Tantamaresque Theater Tantamaresque is a stand with a bright design that contains a funny plot, and holes are cut out in place of the characters' heads. The characters are given interesting poses; you can place them against the backdrop of a fairyland or outer space, it depends on your imagination. Tantamaresque is a doll with the help of which facial expressions, emotional expressiveness of speech and gestures, and expressiveness of movements are practiced.

Staging fairy tales

2. Theatrical and play activities in different age groups

1. Introducing the theatrical doll Bi-ba-bo and theatrical games. 2. Imitation games. 3. Practicing basic emotions. First junior group

Consistent acquaintance with types of theaters and the basics of acting. 1. Games that imitate individual actions of humans, animals and birds. 2. A game that imitates the images of well-known fairy-tale characters. 3. Improvisation game to music. 4. One-theme wordless improvisation game with one character based on the texts of poems and jokes. Second junior group

5. Improvisation game based on the texts of short fairy tales, stories, poems. 6. Role-playing dialogue between fairy tale heroes. 7. Dramatizing fragments of fairy tales about animals. 8. Single-theme improvisation game with several characters based on folk tales and original texts.

Puppet theater should be combined with theatrical play. 1. Multi-character dramatization games based on the texts of two or three-part fairy tales about animals and fairy tales. 2. Dramatization games based on the texts of stories on the topics “Children and their games”, “Guys and animals”, “The work of adults”. 3. Staging a performance based on the work. Middle group

4. Acquaintance with facial expressions and pantomime. 5. Theater productions based on poetic and prose works (S. Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, K. Chukovsky “Confusion”). 6. Finger Theater in independent activities (“We lived with grandma”, S. Mikhalkov “Kittens”, L. Zubkova “We shared an orange”)

Senior group In the senior group, all children actively participate in theatrical games and dramatizations. 1. Children already have access to independent productions of plays, including those based on a “collage” of several literary works. 2. Puppets and dolls with a living hand are added. 3. Russian folk tales and fables about animals are used.

In the preparatory group, theatrical games are distinguished by more complex characters and mise-en-scenes (the placement of actors on stage) that are difficult to develop. The ability to perform the same actions in different situations, circumstances and in different ways develops. Kindness and sociability are fostered in communication with peers. Children learn to respond appropriately to the behavior of their partners. Children compose sketches with imaginary circumstances. Preparatory group

Watching puppet shows and talking about them; Dramatization games; Exercises for social-emotional development; Corrective and educational games; Diction exercises (articulation gymnastics); Tasks for the development of speech intonation expressiveness; Transformation games (“learn to control your body”), imaginative exercises; Exercises for the development of children's plasticity; Contents of theatrical activities classes

Rhythmic minutes (logorhythmics); Finger play training for the development of hand motor skills, necessary for puppeteering; Exercises to develop expressive facial expressions, elements of the art of pantomime; Theater sketches; Selected ethics exercises during dramatizations; Preparation (rehearsals) and performance of various fairy tales and performances;

Familiarity not only with the text of the fairy tale, but also with the means of its dramatization - gesture, facial expressions, movement, costume, scenery (props), mise-en-scène, etc. One of the conditions for children to successfully master theatrical activities and improve speech is effective interaction with parents. Thus, theatrical play has an impact on the development of coherent speech in children if it arouses interest and desire to join the game, and also takes into account age and individual abilities.