A short story sketch. Essay and its features. Types of essay

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"Essay and its features. Types of essay."

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1. Types of essay

An essay is a type of artistic and journalistic genre that is distinguished by its detailed structure, depth of creative thought, the presence of artistic fiction and the skillful interweaving of genres such as fiction and documentary. In an essay, using journalistic techniques, you can recreate events, phenomena or human portraits.

The concept of "essay" has unclear origins. Although there is an opinion that A.M. was involved in its appearance. Gorky, who in one of his letters indicated that the initial definition of a text having a known literary form like "outline" is the verb "outline". Among the founders of the Russian essay, researchers of Russian journalism name the names of Korolenko, Chekhov, Uspensky and others. Soviet era: Gorky, Koltsov, Polevoy, Simonov, A.A. Agranovsky and many others. From the point of view of preparation, the essay is one of the most labor-intensive. The genre nature of the essay is determined by the combination of three principles: sociological, journalistic and artistic.

1. Sociological - focus on research public relations and problems.

2. Journalistic - based on fact. Artistic - the desire to create a reliable picture of reality using imaginative thinking, in which pictures, situations and phenomena are socially typified.

Modern essays are most often characterized by documentary richness, often to the detriment of artistry. Typical features of a modern essay:

1. The journalist chooses a case typical of today's reality as the subject of display.

2. The narration is told on behalf of the biographical author, that is, a person who actually exists.

3. The dramaturgy of the work is based on the classic conflict for artistic creations between good, justice, law (on the one hand) and evil, injustice, crime (on the other hand).

4. The characters in the essay are “drawn” through a detailed study of the most significant and emotionally intense episodes, detailed description facts.

Portraitessay. The subject is personality. It is very important for the author to discover the "plot" on life path a hero who contains some extraordinary difficulties has a dramatic character. Port. essay. arises as a result artistic analysis the personality of the hero, based on the study of its various aspects. Find a full-fledged portrait sketch on the pages of modern Russian press quite not easy. Most portraits famous people arise most often as a result of relatively summary their biographies or career descriptions and some business characteristics.

Problemessay. The subject of the display is a problematic situation. In its logical design it may be similar to an article. As in the article, in a problem essay the author finds out the causes of the problem, tries to determine further development, identify solutions. Difference: in a problem essay, the development of a problem situation is never presented “in its bare form,” i.e. in the form of statistical patterns or generalized judgments, conclusions, etc., which is characteristic of the article as a genre. The problem in the essay appears as an obstacle that very specific people with their advantages and disadvantages are trying to overcome.

Traveleressay. Refers to the earliest forms of texts that marked the emergence of journalism. This is explained by the fact that a form of depicting reality similar to a travel sketch was almost the first in fiction. And therefore it was well mastered. The authors who glorified the travelogue were A.S. Pushkin, N.I. Novikov, A.N. Radishchev, A.A. Bestuzhev and others. Of all the essay forms, the travel essay makes the greatest claim to the adventurous nature of the plot (the original meaning of the word “adventure” is “adventure”). Such adventurism is determined by the very nature of the preparation of this type publications. Since a travelogue is a description of certain events, incidents, meetings with different people, which the author encounters in the course of his creative journey, then the plot of the essay reflects the sequence of these events, incidents, meetings, which are the content of the journalist’s journey (adventures). Travel essays can serve a variety of purposes. Thus, the main thing for a journalist may be to show how one problem is solved in different cities or regions through which he passes (for example, how the state takes care of people with disabilities).

2. Additional classification of the essay

portrait (reveals inner world a specific person with his or her inherent individual traits);

travel (conveys impressions of a journey or reveals events against the background of events that occurred along the way, and the central place of the plot is always occupied by the journey);

popular science (reveals the essence of the phenomenon);

eventful (advertises important event from the life of society);

sociological (is a social research centered on social activities person);

problematic (the essay is devoted to the development of a problem situation);

essay on morals;

judicial essay;

by type of funds mass media Stories can be newspaper, television, radio and film stories.

essay genre travel portrait

An essay can always be distinguished from a story in artistic style because in it the author describes events that actually happen in life.

Essay is a genre that attracts the reader. According to research, the most popular essays are:

a) essay - portrait about interesting people with maximum transmission of their unique spiritual world;

b) travel essay about interesting places;

c) a popular science essay about interesting phenomena.

It should be noted that it is not acceptable to call a chaotic expression of thoughts on a piece of paper an essay. The most important thing for an essay is the presence of a script and composition based on real facts, often using the dates, time period and location of the event.

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An essay is one of the most time-consuming pieces of journalism. At the center of the portrait is personality, character. When starting to write a work, identify for yourself two vectors, two objects of the upcoming biography. The first one is social relations your hero with his surroundings, the second - his inner life.

Writing an essay is preceded by collecting materials about your hero. Conversations with him and with those who know him well are the main sources of information. The main thing is that you will write about him, feel him, find out about what he is, what he is proud of in this life and what he regrets most. Select the key points.

An essay cannot do without a reference to the main milestones of the biography, but the main thing here is not to replace an interesting presentation of personal data. The reader is interested in nature in action. Tell about positive features the character of your hero (honesty, hard work, perseverance and others) you should not simply list, but with facts. Show how he behaved in extraordinary situations, in dramatic moments of his life.

Portrait essay or verbal portrait does not have to consist only of a description of your hero’s appearance, his gait, etc. The characteristics of his external appearance can serve as an excellent mirror for you, reflecting his inner world. Just as they say about the eyes that they are the mirror of the soul, so the hands can tell a lot.

But don’t limit yourself to describing only your visual impression of the person being portrayed. Connect other channels of perception: hearing, touch, even smell. What does the person you are about to write about sound like? How is character expressed through the character's voice? How does his handshake feel? Does he have any special one?

You can go another way - describe some striking incident from the life of your character and thereby illustrate how character is manifested through action, give a portrait in action, show your hero in life, and not just framed by words.

Essay- this is an artistic and journalistic genre, it is characterized by synthesis artistic description and analytical beginning. In a problem essay, the author raises and analyzes any political, economic, social, philosophical or cultural problem. The purpose of this essay is to understand the cause of the problem and analyze further ways of its development.


To write a problem essay, you need to have a good understanding of the topic you have chosen. The essay assumes depth; one cannot limit oneself to superficial descriptions here. Therefore, before you start creating a problematic essay, study the phenomenon, read necessary literature, look what others have written about this. The problem should concern you personally, be interesting and important to you, only serious attitude to the topic and a genuine desire to understand difficult situation can make the essay real and truthful.

The author's “I” is expressed very clearly in the essay. Remember that you need to write in the first person, to acquaint the reader with your vision of the problem. You must be deeply imbued with the problem, clearly describe it to the reader and express your attitude. In order to add drama to the essay, you can collide opposing opinions. Find several, each of which approaches the problem differently; conflict in an essay is important in the same way as in most prose.

The essay should not be overloaded with all kinds of numbers, statistics and graphs. The use of dry and accurate information is articles. Essay is alive artistic language. If you still want to use statistical data, accompany them with your own comments and examples; the numbers should be easily understood by the reader. Try to make your essay resemble or. Extensive reflections and parallels with others are allowed literary texts or events. The main thing is not to forget about authenticity. All information provided must be truthful and verified. The essay allows for artistic turns, but there should be no fiction in it.

Video on the topic

A travel essay is a journalistic genre in which both a professional and a novice journalist can express themselves. It belongs to those genres that stood at the origins of journalism and has some distinctive features.


Set a goal for your travel essay. Why are you writing it? Maybe to tell people about what gets you excited? Or perhaps you want to reflect the political or cultural situation in a particular country in this way? Goals can be very different, so they need to be formulated in advance and constantly kept in mind.

Go on a trip. You can’t write a travel essay just by imagining. This is exactly the genre that requires your personal presence in the described place. It doesn't matter where you go - to trip around the world or in neighboring village. The main thing is that you must see with your own eyes what you are writing about, experience it in your own skin.

Make some important notes while traveling. You don’t have to sit down and write the entire essay right away. Just remember the events interesting points, details of local color that you noticed, note what you liked and didn’t like. Remember that you should not concentrate your attention on any particular person - this already goes beyond the concept of a classic travel essay.

Take photos. Human memory not too durable, and to write really high quality and interesting essay, better refresh your memories. And not only your notes, but also photographs will help you with this. You can also keep an audio diary - record on a voice recorder some things that excite you and attract your attention.

Collect all your preliminary notes and photographs and study them carefully. Now write a full-fledged high-quality text. Put it aside for a while and come back to it again. You may want to supplement it with something, improve something in it.

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Literature and journalism are rich in various genres. One of these genres is the essay. The first acquaintance with the essay occurs at school during Russian language lessons, and those who in the future study at the Faculty of Philology or Journalism study the essay in more detail.

Definition of essay

In order to understand the essence of the issue and understand what an essay is, you need to know its definition. Essay is literary work Not good large sizes, which describes true events or incidents. Any essay is always based on a description of facts or events that happened earlier. A distinctive feature of such a story is its descriptive nature through the eyes of an eyewitness. An essay is an inexhaustible source of truthful historical information about certain people, events, and facts. There is no time frame in the essay. The event that is presented to the reader can be either past or present. The main thing is that the actions or incidents described in the essay are important to society. Such a story excludes the use of the author’s own assumptions and subjective assessment.

Place of the essay in literature

What place does the essay take in cultural development person, why is this literary genre important, and what is an essay in literature? The main purpose of an essay in literature is to convey to the reader information about an event “uncut,” for example, about war or reforms, about any events in any country. The focus is not on the person, but on what is happening. A short narrative, called an essay, makes it possible to accurately and reliably learn about dates and specific people. In modern literary world You can observe events in the country and the world thanks to newspaper essays. There is not a single area of ​​human activity where this method of reporting factual events is not used. We can come to the conclusion: the essay is one of the most important literary genres, in which you can learn a lot of necessary, and most importantly, truthful information.

There are several types of literary essay, each of which reveals to the reader a specific problem. The main types of essays: travel, portrait and problem.

Travel essay

The author of such an essay talks about his own or someone else’s journey, describing the entire path. Everything that the author saw, heard or tried is true information. Such an essay is characterized by a description of the culture, customs and characteristics of the area visited by the author.

Portrait sketch

The basis of such an essay is a detailed, truthful story about a particular historically significant or interesting person for readers. For example, it could be a president, a politician, famous artist or poet. Many examples can be found in biographical articles and memoirs.

Problem essay

A story that accurately and without exaggeration describes important historical event or a problem of society - war, revolution, reforms, etc. To write this type of work, one takes as a basis an event that was important to others, which took place in the world or country and influenced the development and course of history.

Essay - 1. A short literary work, brief description life events (usually socially significant). Documentary, journalistic, everyday essay.2. A general statement of a question. Essay on Russian history. (Explanatory dictionary)

Essay - 1. In fiction, one of the types of story, characterized by great descriptiveness, concerns mainly social problems.. A journalistic, including documentary, essay presents and analyzes various facts and phenomena public life, usually accompanied by a direct interpretation by their author. (Encyclopedic Dictionary)

So, based on dictionary definitions, we can conclude that characteristic feature the essay is documentary, authenticity of the facts and events in question. It names the real names and surnames of the persons depicted, real and not fictitious places of events, describes the real situation, and indicates the time of action. In the essay, as in work of art, are used visual arts, elements of artistic typification are introduced.

The essay is the most characteristic genre for journalism, built according to the laws of drama and based on facts, it comes as close as possible to artistic genres. The depth of the author's understanding - distinguishing feature essay. He not only describes, comments or analyzes a fact, but also melts it into the creative consciousness of the author. The personality of the author is no less important in an essay than a fact or event. This may include creative portrait. The right choice expressive means is of fundamental importance. TO expressive means include: style, language, selection of images, comparisons and epithets, composition, etc.

Portrait sketch. The hero of a portrait sketch is a specific person who has certain advantages and disadvantages. In a portrait essay, the author gives not only a portrait in the narrow sense of the word, but also a description of the environment in which the hero of the essay lives and works, talks about his work, interests, hobbies, and his relationships with others. All this together helps to reveal the inner world of the hero of the essay. This portrait sketch arises as a result of an artistic analysis of the hero’s personality, based on the study of its various aspects (moral, intellectual, creative, etc.), i.e. as a result of identifying the character of the hero.

Problem essay. At the center of the problematic essay are socially significant issues: political, economic, moral and ethical, etc. The author of the essay tries to intervene in the solution of important problems, enters into polemics with his opponents.

Portrait sketches can be used in this genre, but the main thing here is not the character of this or that person, but his attitude to these issues, different points of view, different views. In such an essay you can also find travel notes and sketches. But they also serve as confirmation of the author’s position in the dispute, an expression of a certain view, and one of the means of proof. An essay of this type is polemical in nature.

In its logical structure, a problem essay may be similar to such a representative of analytical genres as an article. The reason for this similarity is, first of all, the dominance of the research principle in the process of displaying the problem situation. As in the article, in a problem essay the author finds out the reasons for the occurrence of a particular problem, tries to determine its further development, and identify solutions.

At the same time, a problematic essay can always be fairly easily distinguished from a problematic article. The most important difference is that in a problem essay the development of a problem situation is never presented, so to speak, “in its bare form,” i.e. in the form of statistical patterns or generalized judgments, conclusions, etc., which is characteristic of the article as a genre. The problem in the essay appears as an obstacle that very specific people with their advantages and disadvantages are trying to overcome. On the surface of a particular activity that the essayist examines, the problem very often manifests itself through a conflict (or conflicts), through clashes of people’s interests. By examining these conflicts and their development, he can get to the core of the problem.

At the same time, observing the development of a conflict in an essay is usually accompanied by all sorts of experiences, both on the part of the heroes of the essay and on the part of the author himself. Trying to comprehend the essence of what is happening, a journalist often attracts all sorts of associations, parallels, and deviations from the topic. In an essay, this is a common thing, while in a problem article they are inappropriate. It is impossible to write a problem essay without understanding the field of activity that it touches on. Only a deep penetration into the essence of the matter can lead the author to an accurate understanding of the problem that underlies the situation under study, and describe it accordingly in his essay.

A travel essay is a description of certain events, incidents, meetings with different people that the author encounters during his creative journey (trip, business trip, etc.). Of course, a good travel essay cannot be a simple listing or presentation of everything that the author saw in during your trip. And the publication for which the essay is being prepared is unlikely to be able to afford to publish everything the journalist saw. One way or another, the essayist has to select the most interesting, the most important. What is considered the most interesting and important depends on the idea that he develops during the journey. Of course, the idea can arise long before the creative trip. The source material for it can be both the journalist’s past personal observations and newly obtained information from the same newspapers, magazines, radio and television. But it is possible that the journalist will receive a specific assignment from his editor, or that the idea will arise under the influence of some other factors (say, as a result of the journalist’s participation in some political action). As in the process of preparing any serious and voluminous material (and travel essays are just like that), during the preparation of the essay, already at the stage of collecting information, this plan can be adjusted or even radically changed - it all depends on the nature of the information that comes at the disposal of the journalist.

It is precisely this fully formed plan, or, as it is also called in another way, the main idea of ​​the future work that all the facts and impressions collected by the author during the creative trip should work on.

Thus, the essay is one of the most important and difficult genres of artistic journalism. Its peculiarity lies in the combination of two components: artistic and analytical. It is important for the author of an essay not only to explore his subject, but to comprehend it artistically, to emphasize the problematic situation with visual and figurative means, and to show the general in a particular case. It is the artistry of the essay that is a necessary condition for its effectiveness.

Artistic and visual means play a huge role in the essay. The strength of the essayist lies in the wide and skillful use of landscape, portrait, dialogue, description, and speech characteristics.

How is the outline of a text achieved? There are four main points here.

Firstly, an important characteristic of texts of this genre is documentaryism. The essayist strives to present in detail what happened, without missing a single significant detail.

Secondly, the subject of the essay is a typical, classic case in the conditions of the present time. That is, a case that clearly characterizes and illustrates the stage of social development.

Thirdly, this typical case is a manifestation of an obvious or hidden conflict (contradiction). Drama - inherent trait essay.

Fourthly, the image is of great importance in the essay. Emotional, dramatic and organically rich, it represents “a generalization of life and an assessment of life phenomena.”

V.A. Bogdanov, based on the typology of V.G. Belinsky, claims that Leskov “found his real form in the genre of the essay. He can depict reality, seen and studied by him, if you like, create, but from ready-made material given by reality. He must always adhere to the soil of reality.”

The main feature of an essay is writing from life. In the essay, fiction plays a much smaller role than in others. literary genres. Typification in an essay is achieved, in addition to the selection of typical phenomena, by the selection of features that are especially typical for the phenomenon. The essayist artistically embodies real historical persons and events in words, forming an opinion about them based on a systematic study of the object. Judgment is achieved through analysis, and conclusion and conclusion are its logical conclusion.

The composition of the essays is very different: they can consist of episodes depicting meetings, conversations, relationships between characters, connected only by an external causal-temporal sequence; from descriptions of the conditions and circumstances of life in society and nature; from discussions about them.

Leskov uses the principles of the poetics of “little things” in his essays. He introduces many details into his narrative, which, at first glance, do not carry any accusatory charge, but only have a “situational” meaning. However, gradually these details increasingly capture the reader’s attention and turn out to be no less significant than driving the plot major events.

To give unity to such heterogeneous components, the activity of the author’s generalizing thought, the expressiveness and color of his speech are important; The introduction of a narrator, conveying his observations, impressions, describing meetings and conversations with the main characters, can play a big role.

An essay can be strictly artistic, creatively typifying characters in a “moral-descriptive” aspect.

There may be an essay that is predominantly journalistic, expressing topical interest in a certain state or development trends. social life and reproducing its real typical features, and often significant individual facts, but without their emotional implementation and sharpening (speculation). Such essays often contain general arguments by the author or characters, analyzing and evaluating the life depicted (for example, the essay cycles of G.I. Uspensky “The Peasant and Peasant Labor” and “The Power of the Land,” depicting and condemning the decay of the village from a populist point of view, or “Regional everyday life" by V.V. Ovechkin, elucidating the contradictions of collective farm life in the difficult post-war decade). But there is also a purely documentary essay, which extremely accurately reproduces real facts and phenomena, often, however, accompanied by a direct journalistic interpretation or assessment of the author-narrator; Such an essay is usually considered a genre of journalism. Some researchers recognize only a documentary essay as a genuine essay, and specific genre sign essay - documentary.

The flourishing of essayistic creativity in the history of national literature occurs when “moral descriptive” interests sharply increase in society, due to a crisis in social relations or the emergence of a new way of life.

Essay on this epic, prose genre with a pronounced organizing role of the author’s “I”. Located at the junction fiction and journalism. The boundaries separating the Essay from other epic genres are very conditional and fluid. The essay retains the features of a figurative reflection of life, using the means of artistic representation, and in this regard approaches the story. From the story and the story, which are distinguished by the sequence of events arising from one another and caused by conflict situations between the characters, the Essay differs in a free composition organized by the “storyteller” or an ideological “task”. " The essay genre has its own specific, difficult and only partially overcome weaknesses - fragmentation, small coverage of reality, inevitable conciseness, locality. But the essay has advantages that many other types of verbal art do not have. It can combine a plot story, a skit, a statistical calculation, a journalistic attack, and a lesson."(Shcheglov).

The first Essays (moral descriptive and moralizing) appeared during the Enlightenment in England on the pages of the magazines “Chatterbox” (1707-11) and “Spectator” (1711-14) by R. Steele and J. Addison. Borrowings from English moralizing journalism predetermined the appearance of Essays describing everyday reality and the ordinary hero in Germany, Italy, and Russia (satirical magazines by N.I. Novikov “Drone”, 1769-70 and “Painter”, 1772-73). In the 18th century, not only various forms of essay literature were developed, but also the specific genre content of Essays was established - “characteristics” of types, carriers of common shortcomings and “vices” that were subjected to satirical sharpening and ridicule. In the essayistic works of Charles Dickens (“Sketches of Bose,” 1836, defined by the author as “small sketches of true life and morals”) and W. M. Thackeray (“The Book of Snobs,” 1847), the motives and themes of their future novels were outlined. A large series of Essays that identified the main types of " Human Comedy", published by O. Balzac. His story “Gobsek” (1830) grew out of the essays “The Moneylender” (1829). Unlike the enlighteners, in whose work the Essay was a characteristic of a certain “universal human” vice, the authors of “physiological essays” (and above all Balzac), who tried to apply new methods of the natural sciences (hence the name “physiology”) to understand the laws of social life, The essay turns into a description of social types, representatives of various walks of life. In the 20th century, the Russian "" polemically contrasted the literature of fact fiction, trying to justify leading value factographic Essay on the development of literature (similar views were expressed by representatives of the French “literature of fact” of the 1930s - R. Dorgeles, A. Londre, P. Ami). At the same time, an essay permeated with various lyrical and philosophical reflections was becoming widespread: “The Green Hills of Africa” (1936), “Death in the Afternoon” (1932) by E. Hemingway, “Planet of People” (1939) by A. de Saint-Exupery. In 1929, the magazine “Our Achievements”, founded by M. Gorky, who believed that the Essay occupies an intermediate place between research and story, began to be published - a kind of laboratory of Soviet essayists. The flow of essay literature was generated by the second world war(J. Laffitte, J. Aldridge, K. Simonov, V. Grossman, J. Ehrenburg, L. Leonov).

Types of Essay

There are literary and journalistic-documentary essays.. An artistic essay creatively typifies characters, conveying the “statics” of their existence, depicts stable relationships between people that have developed in their public and private lives. The object of “moral descriptive” analysis in an artistic essay is not only the environment as a whole or its typical representatives, but also an individual person, taken in its moral and psychological aspect. “Generalized”, “non-addressed” characters in the Essay are one of the signs of its artistry. Artistic Essays include “Notes of a Hunter” (1852) by I.S. Turgenev, “Essays on the Bursa” (1862-63) by N.G. Pomyalovsky, essays by V.A. Gilyarovsky, K.G. Paustovsky. Artistic Essay is presented in various compositional varieties: Essay on memoirs, Essay on biography, lyrical-philosophical Essay. Travel Essay is the most “ancient” artistic variety of the genre: “An excerpt of a trip to *** I*** T***”, published in N.I. Novikov’s magazine “Painter” in 1772; “A Trip to Revel” (1821) by A.A. Bestuzhev, “Journey to Arzrum” (1835) by A.S. Pushkin, essay prose by I.A. Goncharov (“Frigate “Pallada”, 1855-57), A.P. .Chekhov (“From Siberia”, 1890, and “Sakhalin Island”, 1893-94), M. Koltsov, I. Ehrenburg, M. Shaginyan. The journalistic-documentary essay is usually considered as a genre of journalism.