How to use the Chinese weight loss patch on the stomach, legs and buttocks. Weight loss patch: reviews and real facts

The weight loss patch resembles a regular patch, which contains active substances for getting rid of long-suffering kilograms.

Slimming patch, composition:

They contain well-known substances for weight loss:

  • Guarana.
  • Hoodia.
  • Camellia.
  • Different types of algae, etc.

These active substances penetrate the skin in the place where they are glued.

Weight loss patches help when thoughts arise:

  • Men don't pay attention to me at all.
  • It is difficult for me to choose some normal clothes for myself.
  • Constant dissatisfaction with yourself and your body.
  • I have difficulties in my intimate life.
  • Health problems begin due to excess weight.
  • Uncertainty and complexes due to appearance.

They help you to believe in yourself after the first results, to pull yourself together and start working on yourself. Believe me, you will succeed, you are not worse, but better than others.

The action of weight loss patches is:

  • Improving metabolism in this particular area of ​​the body.
  • Improves the breakdown of fats.
  • Delete excess liquid(remove swelling).
  • Activate blood circulation.

The great effectiveness of the patches is that their active substances do not pass through the gastrointestinal tract and are not processed, but immediately enter the bloodstream.

The result is promised to be 1-2 kilograms lost per month, but you need to wear it for a whole month. It cannot be removed even if you want to take a bath, swim, etc.

The patches have a regular appearance, protective film, adhesive strips that are attached to the body.

The following patches are available:

  • For the buttocks to make them firm.
  • For the stomach, the desire to make it flat.
  • For thighs, make them slim and without cellulite.

Usually, the stomach is the worst and hardest to lose weight and correct, so here are the patches irreplaceable helpers. The patches break down the most stubborn and heaviest layer of subcutaneous fat.

Anti-cellulite patches are sold separately. There is no need to buy them separately; you will achieve the same effect by using weight loss patches.

The active substances in such patches actively cleanse the cells of the zones, swollen with fat and toxins, and enter them with blood nutrients. The skin becomes beautiful and smooth.

It contains Tibetan herbs:

  • Activates metabolic processes in the body.
  • Removes excess liquid.
  • Significantly reduce appetite.
  • Restores skin elasticity and firmness.
  • Cleanse the body of toxins and waste.
  • They reduce overall weight and noticeably lose volume without exhausting diets.
  • Gives a surge of strength and energy.
  • Gets rid of cellulite.
  • It is glued under the navel.
  • They sleep with the patch, go to work, and take a shower.
  • Sticks for 3 hours (these 3 hours are absolutely not).
  • The body feels hot and warm.

There are 10-14 patches in a package.

  • Cassia seed extracts.
  • Hawthorn fruits.
  • Sesame seed.
  • Wood resin, etc.

The first results will appear after 10 days of use. A package of patches is enough for a course of treatment. It is better to repeat 2-3 times a year.

You cannot use the patch:

  • Sick.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Nursing mothers.
  • Those prone to allergic reactions need to be careful.

Flat belly patch Slim Mymiw Onderh Patch:

  • Tightens the stomach.
  • Reduces waist size.
  • Removes excess fluid and toxins.
  • Burns subcutaneous fat deposits.
  • The latest development.
  • Does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Promotes rapid weight loss.
  • Perfectly heals and rejuvenates the skin.

Composition of the active substances of the patch:

Caffeine — breaks down fat cells and eliminates the appearance of cellulite.

Capsaicin - produced from hot pepper varieties. Improves metabolism and prevents the accumulation of fat cells.

Katekhin — breaks down fat cells and inhibits their accumulation.

Sallcornia Herbacaa - skin care.

Sophoricoside - a natural substance with the effect of reducing weight and fat deposits.

Soso Slimming patch:

  • Cleanses the body of waste and toxins.
  • Promotes fat burning.
  • Normalizes intestinal function.
  • Normalizes blood circulation.
  • Removes excess fluid from the body.
  • Restores impaired metabolism.

Composition of the active substances of the patch:

  • Pennsylvania sedge.
  • Rhizomes of Lovage officinale.
  • Eklonii thallus.
  • Pepper.
  • Rod-shaped wormwood.
  • False panax seeds.
  • Orris root.

Apply the patch to clean, dry skin of the abdomen for 2-3 days. Use for 1-2 months.

Contraindications: pregnancy, skin diseases, individual intolerance. Do not use on open wounds. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool place.

Bio Plast patch:

Used for weight loss of the upper body: sides, face, arms.

Designed taking into account the anatomical features of body parts.Very effective and easy to use.

Plant extracts warm the skin of the problem area and activate the processes of fat breakdown.

Composition of the active substances of the patch:

  • Ginger and grapefruit extract.
  • Caffeine.

How to use the patch correctly:

  1. Clean and dry the problem area for the patch so that it adheres well.
  2. Open the package, peel off the protective film and stick the patch on the skin.
  3. You can keep the patch on for 20 minutes to a day. You can stick several patches on any part of the body.
  4. After the measured time, remove the patch and stick a new one on the same area of ​​the body.

There are also plasters from Chinese manufacturers on the market for these products. They are similar in action, they work well on the skin and help move weight off the ground.

Weight loss patch reviews and opinions:

A lot of opinions on this issue in people who are losing weight. Some people are in favor of using patches. Someone is against it.

Advantages of use:

  • This is an ideal way to deliver active substances to the place where they are needed.
  • Making patches is the technology of the future.
  • Unlike medications, patches do not affect the stomach and intestines, which means they are preferable for use.
  • The active substances work even when you sleep.
  • The active substances are absorbed almost completely, unlike other products.
  • Results are noticeable faster than with other products.

Disadvantages of use:

  • Still, this is a rather expensive method. It is cheaper to exercise and restrain yourself in nutrition. But everyone is their own boss and has the right to choose what suits them.
  • It is better to use patches if you are overweight, as the result will be more noticeable. The patch will not be able to remove 20-30 kilograms, radical means of weight loss are needed here, read
  • The patch acts on a small volume and only this part loses weight, but what to do with the remaining volumes? It will be very expensive to process a large part of the body.
  • The patches are dealt with during the first and second stages. More serious deviations need to be treated with additional means.
  • It is not recommended to use the patches for more than a month; you need to take a break for at least a week. At the same time, you need to monitor your diet so that your weight does not return to the original figures within a week.

It's up to you to decide whether or not to use the weight loss patch.

This video will help you, weight loss patch reviews:

It is better to apply the Chinese patch to the area of ​​the body where there is excess fat deposits. Immediately after contact with the skin, the effect begins: the active substances from the impregnation are softened by body heat and enter the blood through the pores, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder. Once inside, the active substances improve metabolism, accelerate blood flow to the problem area, and enhance lymph flow.

This action leads to a gradual reduction in swelling and dissolution of fat under the skin. As a result excess weight goes away, the figure becomes slender and fit. You should use with caution those options that include pepper tinctures (many people are allergic to them). You shouldn't expect an instant effect from Chinese stickers, but they are safe and easy to use.


Experts advise sticking Chinese patches on the navel area, because this is the area of ​​the center of the human body through which energy flows pass, this way it is possible to achieve results faster. The main substances with which the stickers are impregnated:

  • red pepper, capsaicin - quickly burns fat, but you should not abuse it, it is better to apply a patch based on it for 15-20 minutes;
  • caffeine – improves metabolism, blood microcirculation, is effective in the fight against cellulite and varicose veins;
  • Chinese camellia, guarana, fucus finely blistered, cactus extract - these components remove excess moisture and enhance metabolism;
  • kelp - algae saturates the body with beneficial microelements, smoothes the skin, removes excess moisture and toxins.

Before using the Chinese patch for weight loss, you need to make sure that the patient has no contraindications. According to the instructions, the area of ​​skin where you plan to stick the sticker is cleaned and dried. You cannot apply the sticker to wet skin; it will not be securely fixed. The protective film is removed from the sticker and gently smoothed over the skin without folds or gaps between the skin. You need to keep the product on the skin for 20-30 minutes, some options require exposure for a day or night.

You can do your normal activities while using the sticker. After the required time, the old sticker is removed, and a new one is glued to the problem area with a shift of 1-2 cm. If, after using the products, redness, peeling, or irritation appears on the skin, wipe the area with a damp towel, apply the cream and move the patch away from the problem area.

The devices are used without a break for a month, then a rest is taken for 7-10 days. To consolidate the weight loss effect, you need to repeat the course 2-3 times a year. The advantage of patches is safety, but many people do not like that they work slowly (the active substances enter the body smoothly). The ideal place to apply the sticker is the stomach, 5 cm below the navel, or on its sides. The patches remove toxins, normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system, and smooth out cellulite.

Contraindications for use

The products are not ideally safe because they contain active plant components, to which allergies can manifest themselves in the form of redness, burning, and dryness. Contraindications for the use of Chinese patches are:

  • pregnancy, breast-feeding(lactation);
  • menstruation;
  • diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • rash, skin injuries, scars;
  • sensitive skin;
  • allergy or intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • age under 18 years;
  • use for more than 30 consecutive days.

Popular Chinese slimming patches

You can buy a weight loss patch in online stores or some chains, cosmetics stores, and pharmacies. A popular product is the Slim Hot sticker, which is applied to the stomach, buttocks, and thighs. The result of use is fat burning and smoothing " orange peel" The patch can be used multiple times and is applied for 20 minutes every two days. Other popular stickers are described below.

This Chinese patch is magnetic, impregnated with mineral powder, resins, mint ether and phytoncides. Such active components work on losing excess weight. The product is stored closed (it begins to heat up when opened) in a cool, dark place. Restrictions on its use include pregnancy, lactation, diabetes, allergies, exacerbations of dermatological diseases, body injuries, and wounds.

Slim Patch may cause skin irritation; if it occurs, therapy is canceled. The patch acts around the clock on problem areas and adjacent areas, reduces appetite, restores skin firmness and elasticity, and removes moisture. The composition contains Tibetan herbs:

  • alisma rhizomes (chastukha) – lymphatic drainage component, eliminates swelling;
  • hawthorn fruits - restore, improve blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels;
  • sesame seed – blocks the growth of fat cells, reduces fat deposits, removes waste and toxins;
  • Cassia seeds – have antibacterial properties, remove waste and toxins, reduce cholesterol;
  • tree resin – softens the skin and ensures reliable adhesion of the patch.

It is advisable to apply the sticker overnight and change it to a fresh one in the morning for a better effect. The manufacturer says that if you are overweight up to 10 kg, using the patch for a month will help to significantly correct your figure. If you add sports and diet to the use of the sticker, the weight loss effect will be even more pronounced. The price for one piece is 150 rubles, sold in packs of 10 or 30 pieces.


The Chinese Soso sticker contains extracts of Alexandria leaf, wormwood, Sichuan pepper, Eklonia thallus, Florentine iris, which helps solve two problems at once - excess weight and cellulite. In addition to improving your figure, the patch improves the functioning of the digestive tract, removes excess moisture from the body, and stabilizes the function of the endocrine system. You can glue it on the navel or 5 cm below every 2-3 days (change every 3-5 hours during the day) for 1-3 months. The result is noticeable in the second month. Cost for 1 piece. – 99 rubles.


This patch is not Chinese. and made in Korea, contains caffeine. According to the manufacturer, it ideally fights overweight, cellulite. The patch is applied to dry skin, previously cleansed, for 4-8 hours. Consumer reviews are mostly negative, because the product is expensive and causes discomfort when used at night. Price for 1 piece. – 320 rubles.


Chinese Meitan weight loss patches are more often called bio-stickers. They contain natural gems, violet root, bitter radish seeds, and Pennsylvania sedge. The stickers are glued to dry, cleansed skin 1 cm below the navel. After a day, they are replaced with new plates. In addition to losing weight, using the sticker normalizes metabolism. Cost 1 piece. – 230 rubles.

Hao Gan

Haogang slimming patches are only applied to the stomach or navel. Due to the penetration of active substances, the use of the product helps to break down fats, remove excess moisture, toxins and impurities. Hao Gan improves intestinal motility, functionality of the lymphatic system, and blood circulation. The sticker is used once a day, one piece costs 160 rubles.


These stickers are also used only on the stomach and navel, because in the process they improve the functioning of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract. Using them for weight loss helps burn excess fat, remove toxins and improve skin elasticity. These stickers are available different sizes(from small 74*44 mm to large 93*82 mm). The main components of the composition are extracts of violet, sedge, styphnolobium, extracts of red pepper, green tea, prunes and saltwort, caffeine. Cost for 5 pcs. – 1600 rubles.

And intense physical classes has long been known and confirmed, the effectiveness of various tablets, supplements and slimming patches, which have filled the shelves of pharmacies, is still a big question. Manufacturers are trying to convince women that only their miracle drugs have magical properties; doctors, for their part, urge them to treat this kind of innovation with caution. Let's try to figure out what their therapeutic and preventive properties are based on.

How does the weight loss patch work?

Slimming patches have a very simple principle of operation. The active substances contained in them penetrate through the skin into the deeper layers of fat deposits and burn them. At the same time, they activate metabolic and restoration processes in the epidermis and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lymphatic system. Toxins and waste are removed from your body, and the “orange peel” disappears from the surface of the skin.

In addition, this method of body correction is very convenient for those who are constantly busy with work or study. modern women:

Does not disrupt your usual lifestyle. With the patch, you can take a bath and shower, play active sports, swim in the pool and wear tight underwear. Slimming patches They are absolutely invisible and do not cause any inconvenience to the owner.

Easy to use. Does not require special conditions for use, does not irritate the gastric mucosa (unlike tablets). The patch has a targeted effect on a specific area of ​​the body that you determine yourself.

Exact dosage of active substances. Overdose in this case is impossible. The active substances enter the intercellular fluid through the upper skin and then enter directly into the fat cells. Constantly wearing the patch makes this process continuous, and strict adherence to the instructions for use ensures the desired concentration of active substances in the body.

Slimming patches need to apply enough long time, only then their effect will be noticeable. Typically, the course is 30 days, and to consolidate the effect it must be repeated 2-3 times throughout the year. This does not pose any additional difficulties or problems for a woman, since the size is small (from 3x3 to 10x10 cm), and the light shade makes them almost invisible on the skin. True, the full course of treatment will cost you a pretty penny, the price of one package of patch varies between 500-1000 rubles, but the result is worth it. As the manufacturers promise, the “orange peel” will decrease on the 10th day of use, and by the end of the month course your skin will become completely smooth.

Weight loss patches: choosing a manufacturer

The action of the patches is based on one transdermal principle: active substances ( different types algae, camellia, hoodia, guarana, caffeine) penetrate the skin, stabilize metabolism, remove excess fluid and toxins, thereby activating the breakdown of fat. They differ only in the country of origin, the most famous on the Russian market are:

1. Lusero (Italy)– it contains kelp and camellia, which effectively burn fat deposits, eliminate the “beer belly” syndrome and reduce fat mass all over the body. The Lusero patch (1-2 pcs.) is applied once a day to the problem area of ​​the abdomen; it looks like a transparent film, which makes it almost invisible on the body. The body does not immediately enter the regime, so it is recommended to use the Lusero patch for one month.

2. Slim Patch (USA)– the specially developed composition of Tibetan herbs included in it not only actively breaks down fats, but also has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. Slim Patch is a patch for night use. At night, cleansing and restoration of the body occurs five times more intensely than during the day, therefore, this patch will make your weight loss process much faster.

3. JenFe(USA)– In addition to the main components included in the composition slimming patches, JenFe contains forskolin, green tea extract and goa extract, which enhances the effect of the patch. The patch must be applied to a clean, dry area of ​​the body; after application, the treated area must be rinsed with warm water.

So do patches help with weight loss? in the fight against extra pounds? Of course, as an auxiliary agent that actively affects subcutaneous fat, they have the right to exist. But normalization of metabolism and rapid breakdown of fats is possible only with balanced diet and physical activity, which we sometimes pay insufficient attention to. Include more healthy foods, vegetables, fruits and cereals in your diet, do any physical exercise, aerobics, dancing, do morning exercises– you will forever forget about extra pounds. Do patches help with weight loss? lose weight? We know for sure - they help you take the first step towards perfecting your figure.

Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Hello! In the article we discuss a Chinese patch for losing weight in the abdomen, legs and buttocks. We show you how to use the patch and review the instructions for use. We also provide real reviews doctors about the effectiveness of the weight loss patch.

The patch is not a cosmetic product and was originally produced for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, radiculitis, neuralgia, and gout. Until recently, few people thought that the product could also be used for cosmetic purposes, for example, for weight loss.

The composition includes the following components:

  • chili pepper extract,
  • belladonna extract,
  • pine rosin,
  • lanolin,
  • other excipients.

The principle of operation is very simple: the patch is glued to the problem area and the pepper begins to intensively heat the area, thereby improving blood circulation and gradually breaking down fat cells.

The biggest benefit of using the patch is that it is a very effective, inexpensive option for getting rid of the dreaded orange peel.

Transdermal patch for weight loss

A completely new invention in cosmetology is the transdermal patch. This is a godsend for the “lazy” - stick it on and forget it. And the price will please many. The main components are peppermint.

The principle of action is to warm up areas with a fat layer, improve blood circulation and “melt” subcutaneous fat cells. There is another wonderful property from using this product - reducing volume and thereby losing weight.

Contraindications for use

Of course, like any other medicinal drug or product, anti-cellulite patches have contraindications:

  • on the problem area there are wounds, scratches, skin breakdown;
  • moles, warts, pimples;
  • allergic reactions;
  • varicose veins;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children up to 14 years of age.

Disadvantages of cosmetic patches

The big disadvantage is high price. A package containing 10 records costs on average about 600 rubles. The patch is used for 10 days and is changed once a day.

Problem areas on female body a large number of and each section needs a separate plate. With simple calculations, we can conclude that getting rid of cellulite and losing weight with cosmetic adhesive plasters will cost a pretty penny.

Another important drawback is that a cosmetic patch for weight loss will only help when cellulite is not completely advanced and is only on the initial stage. In advanced forms, treatment is simply useless.

The next disadvantage is addictive effect, that is, the body gets used to the fact that it is not itself, but auxiliary substances that fight fat deposits. If you stop using the adhesive plaster, then after 2-3 months fat cells will again begin to accumulate in the same places.

So, my advice is that along with using the patches, you shouldn’t be lazy and exercise. Especially for you, I have prepared a review of the most.

Features of using pepper patch

The weight loss patch is glued to cleansed and fat-free skin. Degrease the problem area with an alcohol-containing product. Keep the sticker on for 2 hours to 2 days, depending on the instructions for the drug.

Under no circumstances should the plate be glued to a place with hair. You need to remove hairs a day or two before use.

To make it convenient and less noticeable, the patches are made small. The plates come in different sizes and are used depending on the size of the problem area. Mostly plates of size 18×10 cm and 10×15 cm are used.

Brands of cosmetic patches for weight loss

And now we can talk about specific brands and manufacturers, so that it is more convenient for you to choose what you need.

Shepherds for weight loss and cellulite lusero

The lusero adhesive plaster is made from natural ingredients, made in Italy. Contains caffeine, fucus and carnitine.

The components of the drug penetrate deeply under the skin and actively break down fat deposits. The weight loss patch works hard for 24 hours, after which the plate changes.


  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • wounds on the body, burns, various skin injuries;
  • warts, birthmarks, moles and pimples;
  • children under 12 years of age;

Treatment lasts 1 month with daily plate replacement.

Anti-cellulite patch Tiande (TianDe)

An excellent remedy for painless treatment of cellulite. The adhesive plaster is valid for 24 hours, after which it is replaced with a new one. Main ingredients: chili pepper and mint. The components penetrate deeply into the subcutaneous layer and burn fat cells and help remove excess fluid from the body.


  • allergy;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • opening a wound on the body;
  • warts, moles;
  • individual intolerance.

Treatment from 10 days to 1 month.

Pepper patch Doctor pepper for cellulite

The adhesive plaster is used to treat inflammatory diseases and warm up inflamed areas on the body. But in Lately Doctor pepper began to be used for weight loss and treatment of orange peel.

It contains: Metamizole, capsicum extract, belladonna extract.

The warming effect of the adhesive plaster helps reduce the subcutaneous fat layer and improve blood circulation. Helps only initial stage cellulite formation.


  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy;
  • children up to 14 years of age.

Treatment time is 10 days.

Celluwin slimming and anti-cellulite patch

Celluwin adhesive plaster helps to quickly get rid of cellulite and lose overweight thanks to the components of the drug.

The composition contains only natural ingredients, including: caffeine, clove essential oil, seaweed extract, peppermint extract and red pepper extract.

Thanks to the unique composition, the effect is noticeable already on the 3-4th day of use. The adhesive plaster fits tightly to the body and is completely invisible on the skin.

There are very few contraindications, but they still exist:

  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • children up to 14 years of age.

Can be used for several months.

Anti-cellulite adhesive plaster Biozon

The Biozon adhesive plaster is designed to smooth out skin unevenness and break down subcutaneous fat. The drug contains extracts of pineapple and cola.

The components penetrate deep into the skin and help in the fight against cellulite. The adhesive plaster not only helps in treating orange peel, but also smoothes the skin and gives it elasticity.


  • allergic reactions;
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • individual intolerance;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

One plate can last up to 24 hours. Treatment time is 20-30 days, depending on the severity of the case. Also from this manufacturer you can find a patch for.

Slimming patch

Chinese medicinal products occupy one of the first places in the fight against cellulite. The advantage of Chinese adhesive plasters is that they act only on problem areas, without affecting unnecessary areas.

By sticking the plate on the places you need, you will remove extra pounds without effort and grueling diets and noticeably smooth out problem areas with orange peel.

The patch contains natural certified ingredients: red pepper, sedge, ginseng root.


  • allergy;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • skin damage;
  • colds and ARVI;
  • neoplasms, oncology, chemotherapy;
  • individual intolerance.

Treatment lasts no more than 1 month. Allowed repeat course after six months.

There are a huge variety of modern ways to lose weight: diets, massages, sporting events, acupuncture and medications. But weight loss patches are an unusual method of influencing the body for our perception. People are very distrustful of the idea that a small plate glued to the stomach or buttocks will help get rid of extra pounds. But statistics are a stubborn thing, and more and more reviews and studies confirm the effectiveness of the patches.

For effective weight loss With the help of patches, you must adhere to several basic rules and the approach to weight loss should be comprehensive:

  • physical exercise should still be there: replace the elevator with stairs, do daily exercise, walk more;
  • control over nutrition is also necessary - to achieve the desired effect, you will have to limit the intake of flour, sweet and fatty foods;
  • the use of the patch should be carried out in accordance with the instructions, which will allow fluid to be removed from the body faster, improve blood supply, and this will affect the subcutaneous fat layer in the problem area.

If these three main rules for losing weight are followed, then Japanese, Chinese and Korean patches will help you see results a little faster than would be the case without their use.

How the slimming patch works

In order to understand how such devices work, you need to know what happens from the moment the device is attached to the body until the fat burning process begins.

  1. The patch is applied to the area of ​​the body where excess fat deposits have accumulated. The effect of the patch on the skin begins: the active substances contained in the impregnation soften when heated from body heat and enter the blood through the pores of the skin. This process does not affect the gastrointestinal tract in any way.
  2. The patch contains biologically active substances, which, after gluing, penetrate the body through the skin and improve metabolism. A rush of blood begins to flow to the problematic area of ​​skin to which the patch was glued, and lymphoid flow also increases. This leads to the gradual removal of edema, as well as to the almost complete dissolution of fat under the skin.
  3. As a result, your excess weight simply disappears, leaving behind a slim and toned figure.

Types of patches

Today, many Chinese, Japanese, Korean, American, European and domestic brands are engaged in the production of patches. Here is a list of the most popular, judging by reviews, transdermal products:

  • Slim Patch with magnetic inserts;
  • Beauty Style (Beauty Style);
  • Xls Duo (Duo Slim & Shape);
  • Soso Slimming Patch (Soso);
  • Lusero (Lucero);
  • Slim Hot Fitting Patch (Slim Hot);
  • Cettua (Setua);
  • Mymi Wonder (Mymi Wonder Patch Belly Wing);
  • Meitan (Meitan);
  • Bioplast (Bioplast).

There are several types of patches:

  • coffee - blood circulation improves, metabolism at the cellular level and the skin rejuvenates;
  • pepper - the fat-burning effect is very effective.
  • from plant components that have long been used in alternative oriental medicine to activate metabolism and more intense fat burning.

There are many different patches available in stores. Each product has its own composition. Below we will look at some of the brands on the market.

As a rule, the instructions for use for these products contain the following points. First you need to clean and dry the area of ​​skin on which you plan to stick the weight loss patch. This is necessary for better fixation of the patch and effective penetration of its active ingredients through the pores. Depending on the product purchased, you will need to wear it from 20 minutes to a day. At the same time, you can go about your usual activities - walk, run, lie down, sit.

After a certain time, the old patch is removed, and in its place (on the same problem area that you decided to work with) a new plate is glued, but with a shift of a couple of centimeters from the previous place. If you notice that after using the patch your skin has redness, peeling, etc., after wiping the area with a damp towel, use any body cream (you can use a regular baby cream).

The patches can only be used for a month without interruption. After this, a break of 7-10 days is required. And it is very possible that during this period your problem areas that have lost weight will regain their previous volume. So, without physical activity and at least the most gentle diet, it is almost impossible to maintain the achieved results for a long time.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • menstruation period;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • kidney diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • sensitive skin;
  • allergy to components;
  • adolescence.

Advantages of using transdermal drugs

  • ease of use. Everyone, even without instructions, knows how to apply and remove the patch
  • minimal amount side effects- even if the patches don’t help you get rid of excess weight, they definitely won’t cause any harm, unlike all kinds of diet pills
  • do not violate the usual regime. You can even take a bath and shower with them - the manufacturers assure that the patches do not come off when exposed to water and steam
  • unlike tablets, Japanese, Chinese and Korean patches do not have any effect on the stomach and liver, since the product enters directly through the skin into the blood
  • the possibility of an overdose of the active substance is completely excluded - when wearing a patch, these substances flow smoothly, therefore, even if an allergic reaction suddenly begins, you just need to remove the plate

What you need to know about patches

Before you start using it, you should learn a couple more very important facts about them.

  • Most weight loss patches are pepper, and many people are allergic to pepper products. If you are part of this group, then when choosing a product, carefully study the composition of the medicinal base.
  • Plasters do not give an immediate effect. Moreover, this is perhaps the slowest-acting weight loss drug of all existing ones (due to the fact that the active substances enter the body very smoothly and in small doses). But this is precisely what makes the product safe. The course lasts 1.5 - 2 months, and to consolidate the effect it must be repeated 2 - 3 times throughout the year.
  • To achieve results, you must carefully follow the instructions. Most often, one patch should not be removed for 2 to 3 days, and the place of application is the abdomen - 5 cm below the navel or on the sides. The Chinese believe that it is in the abdomen that the two most active points, shenkyu and guanyuan, are located, which stimulate metabolic processes in the human body.

Review of popular brands

Slim Patch

Information and properties

Slim Patch is a patch that is glued to a problem area of ​​the body for active weight loss and elimination of cellulite. Its composition is completely natural (Tibetan herbs), it is easy to use during your normal daily routine, and does not require consulting a doctor. The Slim Patch weight loss patch has a 24-hour effect, and not only on the local area. It reduces appetite, removes excess fluid, improves skin elasticity, and restores its elasticity.

Composition of Slim Patch

  • Alisma rhizomes (chastukha vulgare), extract. It has a lymphatic drainage effect, i.e. it helps remove excess fluid from swelling and cellulite.
  • Hawthorn fruits. Restores and improves blood circulation, strengthens capillary walls, relaxes, and lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Sesame seeds. As part of Slim Patch patches for weight loss, they block the growth of fat cells, reduce fat deposits, and remove waste and toxins.
  • Cassia seeds. They have antibacterial properties, remove waste from organs well, lower cholesterol and reduce fat deposits.
  • Wood resin. Softens the skin with the essential oil it contains. Provides reliable adhesion of the Slim Patch.

The maximum activity of the weight loss patch occurs at the time of sleep, i.e. at night. The effect of the Slim Patch can last a day, but the manufacturer advises removing it in the morning and applying a fresh one at night for greater effect.

The result of the Slim Patch patch

Of course, you shouldn’t expect an immediate effect from the Slim Patch (it takes time to break down fats and remove excess fluid). In general, the duration of weight loss depends on the correct application, the amount of weight gained, active lifestyle, habits, genetic predisposition, etc. For a standard person with excess weight of less than 10-15 kg, the period of figure correction is approximately a month without training in the gym. If you add diet and exercise to the Slim Patch, you can significantly speed up the process. The question is whether this is contraindicated for health reasons.

Using Slim Patch patches for weight loss, you can get rid of the appearance of cellulite in about 14-20 days and tidy up your skin. For the best effect, it is advisable to exclude flour, sweets, and fatty foods from the diet. Don't eat too much after 8 pm. Move more.

Soso slimming patch

Soso patch made in China.

Composition of the patch

  • senna;
      • wormwood;
      • Sichuan pepper;
      • thallus Eklonii;
      • sedge grass;
      • Florentine killer whale.

The patch should be applied once every 2-3 days, but during the day the patch needs to be changed every 3-5 hours. The course of treatment with the patch can last from 1 to 3 months. The result will be noticeable in about the second month of use.

Cettua slimming patches


This drug is produced by the Korean company Kovas Co Ltd. and has a fairly high price.

The composition contains caffeine, which, according to the manufacturer, is the perfect way to combat excess weight, and also cellulite. Using the patch for weight loss.

The patch is applied to dry skin, a previously cleaned area; do not remove the patch for 4-8 hours. It is recommended to use the product at night. After 8 hours, remove the patch and throw it away.


Unfortunately, you can find mostly only negative reviews about this Korean product. Some of them sound something like this:

  • A complete waste of money, especially if you consider the amount for the entire course of use. Better to spend time on physical exercise or other more effective means.
  • Unpleasant to the touch, inconvenient to use at night, during sleep. After completing the course, it did not help me lose extra pounds.
  • After completing a course of treatment with the Cettua patch, the result was noticeable, but not enough. Moreover, if you take into account the cost of packaging and the number of packages required to complete the full course.

Meitan slimming patch

These patches are made in China, but have been widely used by our girls who want to lose weight for quite some time. Such patches are often called bio-stickers.

Composition and effect of the slimming patch

Among the active ingredients of this patch are the following:

  • natural gem;
  • violet root;
  • Pennsylvania sedge;
  • bitter radish seeds.

The patch is glued to a clean and dry area of ​​skin located just below the navel (about 1 centimeter below). After a day, the plate is replaced with a new one.

Hao Gan slimming patch

The patch called Hao Gan is also produced in China, like many other products in this category.

It contains all the same herbs and products as the previous patch.

Application and properties of the slimming patch

Just like most similar products, Hao Gan must be applied to clean and completely dry skin. After application, the product must be thoroughly smoothed. After 24 hours, the patch is replaced with a new one.

The manufacturers of the patch assure that it will improve not only blood circulation, but also your body’s metabolism. When used correctly, the product can remove all malignant toxins from the body and eliminate swelling.