Gosloto: reviews from real people, winners and prizes. Is it possible to play lotteries in Russia?

Who will take a pack of tickets..?

Photo from expert.ru

Anton Arkadyevich, we all probably remember the famous Soviet state lotteries, in which almost half of the adult population of the USSR participated at least once in their lives. Can we say that today lotteries are just as popular among Russians?

Partly, I think so. It is necessary to understand that the popularity of the Soviet lotteries you mentioned was associated primarily with the trust of the population: people knew that they would not be deceived, the results of the draw would be published in the official press and all the prizes would find their lucky owners. After the collapse of the union, a certain timelessness set in, so to speak, on the lottery market. Instead of popular state lotteries, many other draws appeared, unknown to anyone. Probably only " Russian lotto", who, by the way, recently turned 21, was truly honest and open. This, of course, scared off many, but there were always those who liked to take part in the lottery.

Tell us in more detail what is happening in the market today, what positive changes have occurred since the transfer of lotteries under full state control?

With the return of government regulation, many things began to change in better side— the market has become more transparent, more civilized. Thanks to the fact that the constantly fighting commercial lotteries left the market, the market calmed down and people's trust was restored. We can clearly see this in sales dynamics. lottery tickets- it is constantly growing. It is appropriate to clarify here that the Stoloto trading house is the largest distributor of state lotteries, and not an organizer or operator. Thanks to this, we can ensure normal registration of lottery distribution points, and therefore automatically increase sales. Our task is precisely to attract as many Russians as possible to participate in state lotteries. We can invest money in advertising, which means creating an image and a positive attitude of the population of our country towards state lotteries. We are ready to guarantee our partners long-term relationships, the latest lottery equipment, advanced technologies. And lottery participants have products for every taste. Separately, I would like to thank the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, which is very attentive to our proposals and helps make our lottery products better and more interesting thanks to their loyal attitude to the implementations we propose.

What types are there and what is the audience of state lotteries today? How is the prize fund formed? Do lotteries work? social functions— for example, supporting sports?

Today, two types of lotteries are legally established - circulation and non-draw (instant). And already within these types there are a lot of variations for any audience, for example, our company currently has more than 25 items in its package. Among them are such legendary lotteries as Sportloto, the Russian Lotto lottery, familiar to everyone from childhood, and the most popular today, Gosloto, thanks to which a new lottery millionaire appears in Russia every week.

Speaking about the audience, first of all it should be noted that only persons over 18 years of age can participate in lotteries, as provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. If you look at it in general, these are people aged from 20 to 60 years and older. Naturally, the Stoloto online supermarket is more popular among the audience of 25-35 years old, while the audience for “classic” lottery tickets is the population over 50 years old. With the advent modern technologies The lottery audience has become significantly younger.

As for the prize fund, according to the law, it cannot be less than 50% of the proceeds from tickets sold. This is what happens in today's practice. The prize fund is formed according to the conditions of the lotteries.

The purposes of lotteries are clearly stated in the law. For example, Gosloto lotteries are held to support federal targeted programs for the development of sports. We can even talk about some kind of continuity here. As you know, initially Sportloto lotteries were held with the aim of providing financial support Olympics-80 in Moscow. It is gratifying to note that the 1980 Olympics were held entirely with proceeds. To date, our Stoloto trading house alone has transferred over 5 billion rubles for the development of domestic sports.

How would you rate the prospects? domestic market lotteries for the next 2-3 years?

I would really like to bring the segment to a world level instant lotteries(non-circulation), which today have very high development potential. We hope that through the common efforts of organizers, operators and distributors it will be possible to make not only the lotteries themselves no worse than world standards, but also teach the market how to sell them. That is, to make sure that you can buy lotteries at every step. Approximately the same plans for lotteries.

As for our plans personally, we are actively participating in the formation of a lottery culture in Russia, talking about how it works, and how it is really possible to win. Very soon we are launching a federal advertising campaign, which we are sure will solve the issue of ignorance about lotteries, distrust of the category, and not knowing how and where to take part in them. In other words, it will contribute to general awareness and change the opinion of Russians about lotteries.

An important event for the industry is the victory of Stoloto in the competition for the right to host the anniversary X Pan-European Lottery Congress in 2019, which means that our European partners also see what significant potential the Russian market has.

A week ago, an incident occurred involving the shutdown of several servers of the Stoloto trading house. How could you comment on these events, as well as statements addressed to your company that were made in the press?

In our country there are certain rules for doing business, set out in legislation. Russian Federation, which we fully comply with. The same cannot be said about those who came to our data center on October 15th.

The bailiff, accompanied by fifteen armed men, came to the data center where our server equipment was located and randomly turned off several servers. As a result, our accounting system, corporate data storage system, system that controls the bonus program, and several other systems were disabled. It turns out that in pursuance of the decision in a lawsuit related to the distribution of lottery tickets via SMS, a number of systems were disabled that had nothing to do with this lawsuit at all. It is obvious to us that there is a clear violation of the law, and we have already sent official complaints to the FSSP in Moscow and the Prosecutor General's Office.

What happened next is even more interesting. After the bailiffs left, a hacker attack began on our company’s servers. Computer security experts noted how organized and massive it was - almost three days of uninterrupted attack with breaks of several hours. An interesting fact is that the hackers attacked the same IP addresses that the bailiff was looking for, disabling our equipment. Taking this fact into account, we assume that there is some relationship between these two events.

Nobody suspended the company's work, it was not damaged. We repelled the DOS attack on the servers. IN at the moment we submit an application to the relevant service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to investigate what happened and continue to work as usual, fulfilling all legal decisions of the authorities executive branch. At the same time, we consider some of the decisions illegal, so we filed complaints and statements of claim to the Prosecutor General's Office and other departments. Once again I want to emphasize that the company’s work has not been suspended.

Separately, I would like to note that it is fundamentally wrong to associate illegal actions individual companies and individuals with the state lottery market as a whole, which, through the efforts of our state, has become completely transparent and regulated. The legislation clearly regulates how honest, transparent companies should behave, so we, fully confident in compliance with this very legislation, will defend our position and defend ourselves by all available legal methods.

3 lives of Gosloto or 10 reasons not to participate in this scam January 10th, 2016

The history of Gosloto lotteries began in 2008, and it was a promising start. However, over time, the idea magically was reborn, and instead of an honest, state lottery, a modern hybrid appeared - a private, opaque shop, a trouble-free machine for earning money for its owners.

How did this happen? Without going into details, then This process can be divided into three stages:

Start of the project
With the launch of Gosloto, players finally had the opportunity to once again participate in numerical lotteries, the niche of which (since the times of the Soviet “Sportloto” and the post-Soviet Lotto-Million) had remained unoccupied. In addition, a huge jackpot was immediately announced, the size of which differed from the modest prizes of competitors and encouraged participation in the new lottery. All this influenced the fact that the new lottery short terms took a leading position in the market.

Switching to manual control
starting from May 2011, the transition to manual control of the winning combination begins - at first they abandoned live broadcast, and then completely from broadcasts in any form. The final solution to the issue was the complete abandonment of the lottery drum, which now allows the organizers to easily and naturally manage the growth of the jackpot. It can be assumed that this process initially had two goals:
- Maximize income from each draw, because the larger the main prize, the more bets(and profit)
- keep declared jackpots intact (so as not to give them to someone ahead of schedule)

A striking example illustrating the second point is the case of Mikhail Larukov, who, unexpectedly for the organizers, guessed six when the super prize had not yet accumulated, and its size was announced as 20 million rubles. As a result, the newly-made millionaire was even forced to sue Gosloto (!!) to get his winnings. And he received it for several years...

Gosloto now
In the last few years, there have been no traces of any ships; the money-making machine is working properly. Big winners make brief statements (nobody sees them except Gosloto) and disappear from the information field forever. Needless to say, guessing the main prize is now extremely rare. One can only assume that, having become carried away by manual control, Gosloto, by growing super prizes, no longer fuels interest in the lottery, but simply brazenly withdraws money in this way. Already more than a billion rubles over the past few years...

Many players who were once addicted to numerical lotteries from Gosloto have stopped doing so as a result (and who is interested in giving their money to scammers?). But, for those who do not know the background to the development of numerical lotteries from Gosloto, I am posting this post. Links to additional materials are given at the end of the article. So, 10 reasons to refuse the Gosloto scam

1. No broadcast of the drawing
Main and main reason, which is worth going around numerical lotteries from Gosloto - this is the lack of broadcasting of draws. That is, their complete absence. Those videos that are shown on the Stoloto website are an animated display of a certain combination, which is considered winning in this particular draw. Simply put, we are shown colorful cartoons with a drawn lottery machine in the title role.

And if there is no lottery machine, then where do they come from? winning combinations? That's right, they are issued by the so-called RNG!

2. Winning combinations from RNG

What is RNG?

As the organizers of the Gosloto numerical lotteries assure, this is a completely impartial generator random numbers, which gives out winning combinations. But. What it is, how exactly the process occurs, how the system is protected from hacking or unauthorized connection - no one considers it necessary to explain or show.

Meanwhile, it is the opaque drawing process that raises the most questions. Any RNG is not at all a guarantee of the fairness of the lottery. Moreover, there is already at least one confirmed case where the use of RNG in lotteries led to unjust enrichment service personnel- quite recently, for example, it turned out that the security director of the US Interstate Lottery Association, using a special program, could find out or generate winning numbers. And speech in in this case talking about millions of dollars! Alas, a person is weak, and any database or program can be hacked. Therefore, there is and cannot be any trust in any RNG

Moreover, the generator (Not) random numbers differs from Gosloto in one more way interesting feature, namely: reason No. 3

3. Statistical improbabilities - long no-jack series

The chances of guessing a 6 in “6 out of 45” or a 5 in “5 out of 36” are known and are respectively 1: 8,145,060 and 1: 376,992 In addition to this, there is one more immutable fact: the more random events occur (which include lottery draws), the closer the real ratio is to the calculated one.

In other words, the more bets are made during the period under review, the closer to the mathematical expectation the probability of getting a six or a five will be, and therefore the number of bets required to guess it will tend to the average value (for a six - every 8.1 million bets). But in Gosloto the law large numbers violated!

The average number of bets per guess of a six or five is several times higher than the calculated ones, and this has been happening for a long time and on an ongoing basis. All this only indicates that combinations for winning the first category are not selected at random

Example. According to, the probability that 5 out of 36 were random values ​​is once in a billion years!

4. Unknown millionaires
What do all multimillion-dollar Gosloto lottery winners have in common? That's right - no one has ever seen them! The organizers don’t even bother publishing photographs of the lucky winners, at least wearing a mask (as some world lotteries do if the newly-minted lucky winner refuses to show himself). Instead, every time we are told a story about an unknown person who gives a short interview and disappears into oblivion. Forever!

The only exception (of the big winners) was Albert Begrakyan, who won 100 million rubles in the 36th draw, but that was back in 2009 (!!). 7 years have passed since then, but - from the declared recipients big money We didn't see anyone else. Meanwhile, for recent years, the total amount of winnings is more than 35 million and has already exceeded one billion rubles!

Who gets this money anyway?

5. Regularity of drawings, draws 6 times a day
Now numerical lotteries from Gosloto (6 out of 45, 5 out of 36) are held unreasonably often - two or three times a day. The number of draws sometimes even reaches 6 times (!!) per day. This frequency is explained (well, of course!) by the desire to meet the players halfway, because it is at their requests, as we are told, that the organizers organize such races. Although none of the world's serious lotteries indulges in such frequent drawings, moreover, it is considered normal to hold draws 1-2-3 times per week. The Soviet “Sportloto”, which at one time set sales records, also carried out circulation only once a week.

Why is Gosloto doing its part by turning ordinary numerical lotteries into something like a virtual slot machine?

The answer is simple: firstly, in the absence of an influx of new players (and who wants to throw away their money in a scam?), we have to squeeze the finances of the existing ones to the maximum. And secondly... if you hold draws only once a week, forcibly holding the jack draw, in order to increase it to the next record amounts, then the players would completely lose interest. Who wants to bet money on a lottery where the main prize is played every 2-3 years? And this would have happened if not for the daily circulation

6. Statehood
But maybe the financial losses of the players are not in vain? After all, Gosloto is considered a state lottery (and we don’t have any others, but more on that next point), which means that the money lost goes exclusively to good causes?

In fact, State Sports Lotteries CJSC (namely, this company conducts the so-called “state” lotteries) is a private company, the official owner of which is Armen Meruzhanovich Sargsyan

And all the benefits from holding lotteries go not to the state, as one might think (more on this in paragraphs 7, 9), but to private business, which has so successfully taken over the entire lottery market

7. Monopoly
Since 2014, Russian players have been deprived of the opportunity to choose - thanks to the lobbying of the owners of Gosloto, all private lotteries were banned. No more lottery Ural Lotto, which occupied a leading position in Bashkiria, also stopped releasing the Golden Key lottery, for many years remained the undisputed leader in bingo lotteries

As a result of the ban, the Russian lottery market was simply cleared of competitors, and the special charm of what was happening was that the resulting lottery monopoly itself belonged to a private owner. The state did not gain anything from such upheaval; on the contrary, tax revenues even decreased!

Moreover, recently we have been severely separated from foreign alternatives - thanks to the latest innovations, www.tatts.com (the site of Australian lotteries, where non-residents can play) and www.thelotter.com (an electronic intermediary for the purchase of world lotteries, who recently proved his honesty by paying $6 million to the winner from Iraq)

for example, Australian lotteries. In each draw (draw once a week!) 4-6 guessed six

8. Social contributions
Our pseudo-state lotteries like to draw parallels with the Soviet “Sportloto” and proclaim themselves heirs to glorious traditions. However, behind the scenes there is always a simple comparison between the social benefits brought then and now.

In general, historically it has happened that lotteries, with their small prize fund(50% is exactly how much is reserved for prizes, and this is much less than in slot machines, casinos and betting) perform certain social functions, redistributing funds for good causes. For example, the Soviet “Sportloto” transferred 28% - 34% of revenue to the development of sports. Most large foreign lotteries (no matter whether they are private or public) donate more than 20% of their turnover to charity

And our “state” lotteries generously share only 5% of turnover

The result of 2014 is that only 5% goes to targeted contributions, but 43% goes to the organizer’s remuneration!

9. Lack of control. Extension of permit until 2029
On May 6, 2015, permission to operate the Gosloto and Sportloto lotteries was extended until 2029. Moreover, this was done without a corresponding competition or tender, simply a private monopoly that captured the lottery market and allowed it to be cut further, and practically uncontrollably. The state can pay mere pennies, the tea will not become poorer. Taking into account the fact that these same companies did not fulfill the previous plans for social contributions at the time, the decision to extend their permits also looks strange. As well as the announced plans for new cash receipts.

But, since no one (personally) is responsible for the failure of previous plans, and in general there is simply no control on the part of the state over the fairness of lotteries, so we get what we have: a private monopoly, changing the laws to suit itself, receiving from the existing situation maximum (unlike the state)

10. Doubt breeds mistrust
In fact, you can give many more reasons why you should not participate in Gosloto lotteries. But the main thing, and maybe the only one, still remains one - distrust in the honesty of the lottery organizer.

Lottery machine + live broadcast + simultaneous web broadcast and the presence of spectators - this is the only correct format for conducting a lottery. Moreover, if we are talking about the “main lottery of the country.”

But so far this is not the case, and numerical lotteries from Gosloto are legalized scams covered by a state license. In this case - best way to stop holding them is to stop participating in it. At all.

Any lottery can only exist as long as players invest money. If the organizers believe that they can continue to fool people indefinitely and earn more and more... then it is worth proving them otherwise by simply refusing to participate in this scam.

Instead of an afterword. Self-study material

About large-scale falsification of Gosloto results

Who doesn’t hope for a miracle that one day he will be lucky and incredibly rich by winning several million in the lottery? That is why thousands of people buy Stoloto tickets every day, sometimes spending half their salary on it, or even all of it. Hope for luck and lucky ticket- a good thing. However, where there is fraud, it is a priori impossible to win. At least, a large sum. Yes and with small winnings Stoloto is also in lately cheats too often, deceiving its participants even with such money as 120-180 rubles. As they say, take care of the world and take care of yourself. Don't believe me? But in vain...

The whole truth about Stoloto

Stoloto is the official state organizer of lotteries in the Russian Federation. It runs 16 different lotteries, among which the most popular are Gosloto, Sportloto and Russian Lotto. Tickets can be purchased both online on the website and at various points of sale. It is a monopolist of lotteries in Russia.

The most favorite game of most players is Gosloto, when you have to guess several numbers from a number of possible ones. For example, 4 out of 20, 5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, 6 out of 49. On the ticket, the participant indicates his “ lucky numbers”, and later a drawing is held, during which the drum randomly throws out balls with numbers. The more matches, the more win. The jackpots are absolutely crazy - 8-80 million rubles!

But if you look for reviews about the Stoloto lottery, you will see that most of them are negative. And not because people were simply unlucky to win and their hopes of becoming millionaires were dashed, but because the organizers are constantly caught in fraud. They cheat here even with small amounts, let alone large ones!

Evidence of Stoloto's deception

Won millions? And a fig for you!

Occasionally, Stoloto pleases with the message that so-and-so won a jackpot or just a big prize of a couple of million rubles. The news spreads instantly. Hope flares up in the hearts of lottery participants that since someone has won such a huge amount, it means they will certainly be lucky. You just have to keep buying tickets and hope for a miracle. And here again the crowds are running for tickets.

Yeah... maybe sometimes someone managed to accidentally become one of these lucky ones, but apart from the sum with several zeros on the screen, they never saw anything else. Scandals have broken out more than once with those who won millions in Stoloto, but were left with nothing.

Story 1.

In November 2016, a resident of Transbaikalia won 6 million rubles in Stoloto. But when he tried to pick them up, he was told that there had been a technical glitch, an error had occurred, so his ticket was declared non-winning. What 6 million?!

Story 2.

Pensioner Nina Koryagina from Dzerzhinsk was “broken off” even more by Stoloto. A woman won 54 million rubles on New Year's Eve 2017 in Russian Lotto. The lottery organizers confirmed her winnings and promised that they would contact her later about issuing the money. However, no one else wanted to deal with the winner - the phone was either constantly busy or unavailable for months. Interesting, isn't it?

Yes, you always want to believe that someday you will be able to win the lottery and solve all your financial problems. However, if the lottery is dishonest, cheats and does everything to prevent people from winning or receiving minimal amounts, then the probability big win tends to zero. I hope the above evidence of fraud will make you think about whether it’s real to win at Stoloto or whether it’s all a scam. Are you ready to give your money to scammers for the sake of an illusory hope that simply is not destined to come true? But some people get so excited that they spend their entire salary and even take out loans to buy packs of tickets.

A major scandal has broken out on the Russian GAMING market. CJSC Milan, the owner of the Russian Lotto television lottery, filed a lawsuit against competitors who launched the Golden Key game on air. According to the management of Milan, the latter completely copies Russian Lotto.

The most interesting thing in this whole story is that both “Russian Lotto” and “Golden Key” were developed by the same people - spouses Alexander Yanovsky and Margarita Klinkevich.

But they are the ones who will not be able to take part in the litigation: Alexander and Margarita have disappeared...

How it all started

ALEXANDER Yanovsky and his wife Margarita Klinkevich arrived at the Milan office for a meeting with the company’s management. As stated in their statement addressed to the police, the president of the company, Malik Saidullayev, pulled out a plastic bag with money from the closet and told the couple: “I prepared it to pay for the work of hired killers, who should bring the heads of your children and parents. But I haven’t decided yet, whether to use this money or not”... It was 1995.

According to law enforcement agencies, it all started like this. At the beginning of June 1993, Milan LLP turned into Milan Company JSC. Its founders, in addition to Malik Saidullaev, his brother Milan and Malsagov’s friend Said-Emin, also included Margarita Klinkevich and Alexander Yanovsky.

According to the stories of Margarita Klinkevich and Alexander Yanovsky, under the leadership of M. Saidullaev the company more than once found itself in various difficult financial situations, but thanks to Yanovsky and Klinkevich it was always possible to correct the situation. The company quickly got used to this.

Even before joining the company, Yanovsky and Klinkevich developed a project for the Russian Lotto television lottery, which they offered to Malik for implementation. Soon, a “machine”, small in number of personnel, but gigantic in financial turnover, was created, capable of functioning independently, even without the participation of the project authors.

Divorce the Milanese way

And it was here that the relationship between the game’s authors and M. Saidullaev began to deteriorate. The right to sign on payment documents and company contracts was taken away from them. It became clear: everything is aimed at their survival from the company. Moreover, without the right to receive at least part of what belongs to them in it. After discussing the current situation, the husband and wife decided to leave Milan.

The couple did not give in to the threats. They formalized and notarized their renunciation of the shares of the founders of the Milan company.

A month later, Yanovsky was attacked. However, the matter did not end there. On July 25, at approximately 11:20 p.m., the couple's apartment was blown up. Firefighters, emergency services, police, and riot police arrived at the scene of the incident. The next day we somehow managed to install the door, which the police then sealed.

After all the ups and downs and experiences, Yanovsky officially filed a statement with the police (and this is already a legal document):

"1. With our departure, the Milan company does not become the owner of Russian Lotto. Malik knows that we can officially judicial procedure the project will be taken away from him, and he is afraid of this.

2. Reporting on “Russian Lotto” does not correspond to the actual amount of funds available, i.e. major thefts have been committed. Malik knows that we may inadvertently become the owners of information about this.

3. Malik takes revenge on us for refusing once again straighten out the company's financial affairs. He does not have such specialists. And he is afraid to invite them from outside because he does not want to leak information about the true position of the company."

Further - more: Margarita Klinkevich's daughter Anna disappears and is inexplicably discovered this year on the territory of Ingushetia. She was detained while trying to fire at the convoy Russian troops. As the examination showed, the girl was under the influence of drugs. Malik Saidullaev hastened to publicly announce this.

And a little later, in May 2000, the spouses themselves disappeared...

FROM THE EDITOR: In order to finally understand the situation, we officially turned to Mr. Malik Saidullaev for clarification. This is the paper we received in response from the press service of the Milan concern:

“The six-year-old accusations made in the publication of a respected newspaper are absurd, so we do not consider it necessary to somehow comment on such nonsense, especially since Mr. M. Saidullaev has not been involved in the organization and conduct of the Russian lottery by the Milan concern for a year and a half. lotto".

In means mass media"Similar, obviously from the same source, offensive materials have repeatedly appeared, which were not confirmed during the investigation by law enforcement agencies."

On the one hand, on the Internet, users are increasingly engaged in heated debates about whether it is possible to win the lottery, or whether it is simply “a deception for the gullible”; on the other hand, the number of winners of the “Russian Lotto” draw proves that it is possible to win! Of course, as many prizes as the organizers gave out in new year holidays, we are not promised, but February will also be generous with cash gifts.

Tomorrow, the fourth of February, Sunday, Mikhail Borisov, the constant presenter of the Russian Lotto, will hold a draw for the 1217th draw of the Russian Lotto lottery, and if you purchased a ticket, you have a chance to become the owner of a very valuable prize. Already at eight in the morning you will be able to watch a video of the final drawing, but in the meantime, let’s take a look at the list of prizes, the owners of which, perhaps, you will also become.

This time, thirty main prizes will be presented - these are apartments that will be raffled off between Russian Lotto ticket holders. The more matches you get between the numbers on the ticket and the numbers of the barrels that are drawn, the greater your chance of becoming the owner of your own living space! The jackpot has also grown noticeably and now reaches one hundred and two million, which is very pleasing.

If you suddenly didn’t have time to watch the 1217 draw on television, don’t worry: you can always do it later, on the Internet, or just check the table, which will also be available tomorrow from eight in the morning.

"Russian Lotto" was accused of cheating with the New Year's billion

By the way, it was precisely regarding the holding of sweepstakes on “live broadcasts” that arose recently. loud scandal: “Russian Lotto” was accused of deception, and even provided the necessary evidence that pointed to it. Thus, Internet users noticed that with New Year's draw, where, we recall, two billion rubles were promised to be drawn between the lottery participants, there was some “inconsistency”: the table with the results appeared on the Internet much earlier than the promised “live broadcast”.

The discussion took place on the popular resource Pikabu: one of the users noted that he had found a table with results “from the future” much earlier than the promised time for the “live broadcast” - eight in the evening on January 1st. In order for other commentators not to doubt his correctness, the user provided the necessary links, as well as screenshots of correspondence with the administration of the Stoloto website.

By the way, they did not answer the direct question, because no one knows how it happened that the results appeared on the Internet before the “live broadcast”. But the public, of course, did not remain guessing for long, and some commentators noted: lotteries are a scam clean water, and they, in fact, are never broadcast live, although the inscription about such a broadcast hangs, as expected, in the corner of the screen.

In the comments, one of the users also stated that such “pseudo-live broadcasts” can be seen every week:

“And each time, only tickets sold before the first broadcast of the drawing on TV participate in the draw. After that, you can at least cover yourself with tickets with numbers that match those drawn in the draw - the ticket will only be valid for the next draw.”

How to increase your chances of winning the lottery?

  • Instead of one ticket, it is recommended to purchase several at once - more various combinations numbers, more chances of winning the lottery!
  • Insist on positive thinking and victory. Before you buy a ticket, you need to calm down, program yourself to win, imagine what the winnings are, how you get them, etc.;
  • Organized play. You can play as a team. Create a small group of like-minded people, buy tickets as a team, and divide the prize equally between the participants. Such organization of the game process increases the chances of winning;
  • There is another theory, which is as follows: in a ticket, where the number of even and odd, as well as large and small numbers is approximately the same, there are more chances of winning than in any other. An interesting theory that can be tested - why not?