Fanta for the New Year: tasks, rules and methods of playing the game. Pantomime game for children: features, interesting ideas and examples

Organizing a holiday, coming up with a scenario with entertainment and other festive events is not in our practice, not in tradition. And how fun you can come up with everything...

In fact, it is an organized holiday that is much more fun and sober. But organizing it, coming up with a script is not so difficult. I recently looked through a collection of educational children's games and thought - why not adapt them to the New Year celebration? And this is what I got...

Educational game with pins. Goal: to develop coordination of movements. Skittles (you can plastic bottles and other objects) are placed in one line at a distance of 40-50 cm (for adults, 20-30 is possible), you need to “snake” between them without knocking them down. I can imagine how the tipsy participants of the holiday will walk like a snake between the pins! And whoever knocked down the pin should not pour any more. There will be so much disagreement, debate, the desire to “do it again” in order to prove that “I can still do it”... It should be fun.

With the help of simple children's games you can lengthen the time between toasts. The guests drank one bottle for everyone - but the second one needs to be found, because it was “stolen and hidden by the insidious Barmaley (a stern boss or echidna wife).” Search for the hidden bottle you can follow the rules of two children's games - “cold-warm-hot” or by using notes left in the most unexpected places, which contain encrypted clues on where to go next for the next clue. The path to each subsequent bottle can be made longer and longer.

The scenario of every holiday for adults must include light flirting. Several children's games are suitable for this. For example, game "what does it smell like". We blindfold the host and invite him to sniff the guests of the opposite sex one by one. If you recognize who it is by the smell, you can kiss him.

Game "shoemaker" Also suitable for an adult company. Everyone takes off their shoes, and the game leader, in turn, “shows” each pair behind the “fortune teller”’s back (or simply blindfold him so that he doesn’t peek), asking him to guess “whose shoe it is.” If he guessed right, he is given the honorable right to put the shoe on the lady’s foot.

IN pantomime game You can act out and show entire scenes on the topic of family relationships. And the guests must guess that this is a quarrel in the kitchen or the seizure of wages from the faithful.

Children's repeat game You can tear your guests away from the table. The essence of the game is this: everyone becomes a “train” behind the host, he shows any movements (waving his arms, squats, jumping, swaying his hips, etc.), and the guests must repeat them exactly. The “punishment” for an incorrect repetition should be inevitable and funny.


You can also plan table games. For example, a children's game to develop tactility "receive the parcel" easily turns into an adult game “who gets the prize.” Several prizes must be pre-packaged large number paper. And when the guests get bored, let them go in a circle one by one. Each guest has the right to remove only one wrapper and pass it on. Whoever removes the last paper wins a prize. There is excitement, and expectation of a miracle, and hope for good luck - in general, it’s exciting.

And, of course, table toasts- where would we be without them? They can also be made into games. I remember when my daughter was little, her friends got together and I prepared a pig-themed script because it was the year of the pig. As one of the conditions of the feast, I planned the indispensable use in each sentence of additional words relating to everything related to pigs. It turned out something like this: “Brother piglets! Happy new year of pigs to everyone. I wish the same good health like a pig's hooves. Let all a year will pass with a pig's squeal, and no pig will darken it. Let our teacher also not be a pig and give us bad marks, but we will have fun and grunt, and keep our tails in a ring.” Failure to comply with this condition would result in an inevitable but cheerful “punishment.”

By the way, that year I didn’t put any cutlery on the table at all; as a result, the children had to eat everything with their hands, as pigs should. It was especially funny to watch how they “raked” salads from salad bowls and stuffed finely chopped and constantly falling vegetables into their mouths with their palms. And all the salads were dressed with sauce... In general, there was a lot of “squealing” and “squeaking”!

For the coming year of the horse, you can remember a lot of “horse” words for table toasts and conversations - hay, oats, hoof, horseshoe, brown, withers, mane, bit, shaft, bridle, etc.

To celebrate the New Year, you can take anything as a basis: a home performance, a “higher, stronger, faster” competition, you can hold an evening of jokes, even proverbs and sayings can be woven into the script. You just need to take control of your enthusiasm and pull out as much imagination as possible.

Are you preparing for a corporate party on the occasion of the New Year? To make the holiday interesting and fun, you can arrange games and competitions for work colleagues, stage funny skits, organize karaoke songs, and prepare a dance program.

You can also arrange a game of forfeits. IN late XIX- at the beginning of the 20th century it was one of the popular entertainments of Russian aristocratic society. Any number of participants can play forfeits.

To avoid any hiccups at the corporate party, prepare in advance the necessary props (a Wizard’s hat or Santa Claus’s bag, felt-tip pens and markers, small banknotes, etc.), write on cards tasks for the participants in the game of forfeits for the New Year’s corporate party 2019 with jokes.

The rules of the game are as follows: cards with tasks are placed in Santa Claus's hat, box or bag. Guests take turns taking out cards and completing tasks. If one of the participants refuses to do this, he will have to pay a symbolic fine.

The fine fund is formed from these bills. It can be won by a participant at will performing a task that another participant refused to complete. However, the fine may not have a monetary equivalent: the participant can be given a penalty glass or assigned a penalty task.

Another option for playing forfeits is the following: each of the guests gives the host something. These can be rings, bracelets, watches, phones, etc. All items are put into a bag or hat, and then the guests take one of them one by one and ask the host a question: “What does this phantom need to do?”, and he gives the participants tasks .

Cool forfeits for a corporate party for the New Year 2019 may be as follows.

Depict using pantomime:

  • chimes at midnight,
  • boiling kettle,
  • bunny under the Christmas tree,
  • an angry bear in a den that is not allowed to hibernate,
  • mirror (the essence of the task is that anyone can look in the mirror, and the performer needs to copy his facial expressions and movements),
  • chicken on the roost,
  • bleating goat
  • the deer that carries Santa Claus on New Year's Eve,
  • dissatisfied client
  • accountant for the quarterly report,
  • the head of your / neighboring department.
  • create a recognizable sculpture from several people, for example, Peter I on horseback.

You can organize a drawing competition. The following forfeits for the New Year's corporate holiday are suitable for this:

  • draw on whatman paper with your eyes closed the symbol of 2019 - a pig,
  • depict what awaits your department next year,
  • draw a portrait of Father Frost and Snow Maiden with your left hand,
  • draw your self-portrait,
  • Using a felt-tip pen tied to a ski pole, draw a beautiful snowflake.

Or you can play New Year's forfeits for a corporate party for dance competition. Its participants will need to perform:

  • waltz,
  • quadrille,
  • dance of little swans,
  • dance of little ducklings,
  • dance with Father Frost and Snow Maiden,
  • dance with your boss or boss, etc.

Participants of the song competition New Year's corporate party In 2019 you will need to perform the following forfeits with jokes:

  • sing a song about how a Christmas tree was born in the forest, howling like a wolf,
  • perform a song about hares together with your colleagues (“We Don’t Care” from the movie “The Diamond Arm”),
  • sing a ditty.

Guests at the holiday will enjoy outdoor games. The following tasks are suitable for this:

  • lifting one leg and swinging your arms, jump to the opposite wall, shouting “I am a butterfly!”
  • jump around the Christmas tree or in a circle twice on one leg,
  • Imagining the sounds of a flying plane, run around the festive table,
  • remove apples from a container of water without using your hands in a certain period of time,
  • do push-ups from the floor 10 times in 20 seconds,
  • ride on one of those present shouting: “Igo-go!”
  • In the Revelation competition, participants will need to:
  • repent of your sins to your boss,
  • reveal professional secrets to colleagues,
  • publicly extol your virtues,
  • confess your love to one of your colleagues,
  • make a compliment that will recognize your colleague’s character (for example: you are the most modest, you are the most fashionable, you are the most insightful),
  • You can blindfold the participant and place employees of the opposite sex in front of him. He or she must guess by touch who is standing next to him.

When the “degree” of the corporate party for the New Year 2019 rises, the participants are ready to fulfill the most funny tasks. Therefore, prepare in advance the following forfeits with tasks that will amuse everyone present at the holiday:

  • shout from the balcony “People! I love you!
  • shout out the window or from the balcony 5 times: “I am a crow, caw-craw!”
  • feed your neighbor sitting at the table to the left with a spoon,
  • holding a fork with your teeth (without using your hands), feed your neighbor on the right,
  • eat fruit slices laid out on a flat plate with your eyes closed and without hands,
  • drink champagne, pour it into a saucer,
  • move the coin with your nose so that it falls from the table into the glass.
  • congratulate your friends on the New Year by putting a large tangerine in your mouth,
  • put 5-10 lollipops in your mouth and confess your love to your colleague,
  • crawl under the table and change the shoes of the guests sitting next to you,
  • hug and kiss the first person who enters the room.

If weather permits, some tasks can be completed outside. For example, these:

  1. Confess your love to the first person you meet. If the task goes to a representative of the stronger sex, then the men you meet should hug and kneel in front of the women. And if it’s a lady, then vice versa.
  2. Ask several passersby with an absolutely serious expression on their faces: “Have you seen Piglet here?”
  3. Prank a passerby by falling on your knees in front of him or asking for forgiveness for something he did, and then point to the side and say: “Smile, you were filmed by a hidden camera.”
  4. Jump several circles around the tree, saying: “You need to drink less, you need to drink less!”
  5. Walk in your pajamas to the nearest store and buy a pack of salt there.

You can show your imagination by coming up with other unusual tasks for forfeits with jokes for the New Year's corporate party. Sea positive emotions All participants of the holiday will be guaranteed! However, keep in mind that tasks should not be offensive or humiliate the participants in the game, or harm their health.

Have you gone out into nature and are thinking about what to do with your children? Without TV they become too active and uncontrollable. It is in the power of parents to direct energy in the right direction. Invite the children to play pantomimes. This will be a new experience and interesting practice for children.

What is pantomime

This is a type of art when the actor does not use words, but expresses all his thoughts and feelings through actions. Seems boring? This is wrong. If you watch the performance of at least one professional mime, it becomes clear how he conveys his feelings to people.

The first films, as everyone knows, were black and white and silent. As you can guess, mimes played in them. Most of these films were comedies. This is understandable; showing a funny scene without words is not as difficult as expressing sadness or melancholy. Pantomime for children today is used as an educational game. After all, it's fun. Children and adults, together with them, guess different characters, actions and emotions.

What types of pantomimes are there?

Children love games and often show off their talents. This is an acting skill that guys practice most often. This is understandable, because it comes in handy more often than others everyday life. What kind of pantomimes are there for children?

  • Dance. Here children must dance to any music provided. But for the task to be difficult, the guys must move around the improvised stage in a certain way. For example, on the toes or on the heels.
  • Classic version. In this game, the child is given a word, and he must show it to others without using sounds.
  • Acrobatic. Here the child must show his talent as a juggler, jumper or gymnast. Such pantomimes are popular among athletes.
  • Eccentric. Acting out a comedic situation.

At what age can children perform pantomimes?

You need to teach your child to play in public. Thus, it will be possible to remove excess shyness from the child. And most importantly, by showing pantomimes, children train their imagination and fantasy. It seems to a thirty-year-old man that he can easily show how to sweep the floor. A four-year-old child can think about this task for about 10 minutes. Pantomimes for children can be invented from the very beginning. early age, from three years old. When the child already walks well and speaks clearly, he can be given easy tasks, for example, showing how he collects toys or walks the dog.

Dance pantomime

This type of entertainment will appeal to active children. Here you don’t need to think a lot, but you need to complete tasks. For example, show the dance of little swans, but do not stand on your toes, but use your heels instead. You can ask your child to dance a waltz, but you need to walk on the floor with your hands, not your feet. Such unusual revolutions will help children develop their imagination, and most importantly, understand that they can always look at familiar things from a different perspective. What other dance tasks can you come up with for your child? You can play the song “dance of little ducklings” in rewind and tell your child to do the usual movements in reverse order.

Fairy tales come to life

If there is more than one child in the family, or if friends come to visit with their children, you can act out impromptu skits. The pantomime fairy tale for children is popular. Parents read anything work of art, and the children imitate everything they hear. Both well-known fairy tales and new fables are perfect for such pantomimes. You can take assignments from a school literature textbook. This will make reading boring books more enjoyable for children. And most importantly, by depicting everything that the child hears, he remembers the meaning of the work.


One of the most interesting games for kids is Alias. for which they are nested. What is the difference between the version for kids and the game for adults? Because there is only one task on the card and it is depicted in a picture. That is, even small child who can't read.

What should be done? Draw animals, people and objects. For example, you may want to show a cow, a lemon, an apple, a chef, or puzzles. Moreover, in the children's version, all this diversity must be conveyed without words or sounds, exclusively through gestures and grimaces. You can play Alice with both a purchased game and a homemade one. The advantage of cards that will be printed yourself is that they can be supplemented periodically. After all, if you play Alice often, you can quickly memorize all the tasks and guessing them will be uninteresting.


Examples of pantomime for children include showing funny faces. For example, you can play with the image of the emotion that appears on the face after eating: lemon, pear, strawberry, sugar or sea buckthorn. But you can also make faces to depict emotions. For example, a child may show fear, confusion, joy, pain, or inspiration. Of course, this version of the game is best played with preschool or school age. After all, at this age, a child should already be able to not only realize his emotions, but also be able to demonstrate them.


One of the simplest entertainments for children is pantomime. The leader makes the word, and the child must show through actions what he was told. Older children can be taught to play crocodile without adults. But kids are not always able to come up with a task. Therefore, adults can control and direct children's thoughts in the right direction. If a child is lost and doesn’t know what to wish for him, you can whisper in his ear so that he remembers what he ate for breakfast. It may be difficult to display the bunting. But modern kids sometimes they are smarter than their parents think about them.

It is very interesting to play crocodile in a company where there are both adults and children. In such a situation, the child is not always a loser. After all, adults will feel sorry for him and ask easy words. But the baby will not feel sorry for his parents and relatives.


A pantomime script for children can be made from a well-known modernized game.

The first child draws out the task and performs an action, for example, rubbing his palms together. The card is put aside. The next child draws his card. He needs to repeat the action of the first player - rubbing his palms - and his own, jumping on one leg. The third must draw a card, and then perform the actions of his comrades who have already drawn cards. And then also sit down 5 times. Thus, the game will continue until one of the children is able to complete all the tasks in order.

You can play snowball without cards. In this case, the children should simply come up with tasks and their neighbors should repeat them. This option is quite acceptable for schoolchildren. But it is better to give cards to children who go to kindergarten.

Daily workouts

The pantomime game for children requires practice. The child will quickly come up with actions and tasks only if he has such practice. After all, you must admit that it is not every day that parents pay attention to their child. But if you are not lazy and practice this with your child fun game at least 10-15 minutes a day, the results will not take long to arrive.

Benefits of pantomime

As with any game, a child can endure a lot from grimaces and crocodile play. His acting skills will improve time after time. The child will quickly be able to depict any emotion. True, this does not always benefit parents. After all, their child may lose touch with reality and sometimes flirt. You need to explain to your child where it is appropriate to use your acting talents, and where it is better to refrain. After all, no one wants their child to make funny scenes in class or in the store.

Pantomimes help a child improve their memory. After all, when you play such games often, you want to avoid repeating yourself and have to remember how this or that animal was shown in the previous game. Fairy tales that children play out are especially good for developing memory. After all, here the skill of doing two things at the same time is practiced. The child has to train his auditory memory. After all, he needs to hear, understand and come up with something to show. If you don’t have time to read fairy tales, you can play audiobooks for your children. This will be a good help to modern parents.

Pantomimes train the imagination. After all, in addition to the fact that you need to show some animal, you also need to figure out exactly how to do it. Moreover, it is not interesting to show, for example, a fox in the same way every time. We have to invent something new. In such a game, a child can train the skill of quickly coping with difficult situations. Moreover, with the help of pantomimes, he can convert even the most complex life situations as a joke. After all, the skill of defusing the situation can be simply irreplaceable in difficult everyday circumstances.

One way to entertain a group is simple game in forfeits. It’s unlikely that anyone doesn’t know, but just in case, let’s recall the meaning of the game: the player whose forfeit has fallen must complete some fun task.

You can organize forfeits for the New Year for both a group of children and adults. The main thing is to prepare the assignments correctly.

To make the game fun and without problems, it is better to prepare for it in advance. The option when guests at the table are given pens and paper with an offer to come up with and write a task for the game should be considered unsuccessful.

Not all guests have a developed imagination; some may have a peculiar sense of humor and lack such a character trait as tact. Therefore, the game may not be very fun. It is much wiser to come up with tasks for forfeits for the New Year in advance, taking into account the composition of the company that will take part in the entertainment.

Rules for writing assignments

When coming up with competitions for forfeits for the New Year, you need, first of all, to think about who the game will be played with. Activities that are ideal for children may seem boring to adult party. And what is perfect for a youth group will be inappropriate at a family party to which grandmothers and aunties are invited.

What should be the ideal forfeits for fun company? Here are some rules:

  • tasks should be easy to complete for all participants in the game. For example, if the game is being designed for a family that includes older people, you should not include a task option asking you to do the splits or do a “bridge”;
  • competitions should not be openly vulgar; it is better to choose tasks that the player will not be ashamed to tell his children and parents about;
  • assignments should be aimed at identifying creative abilities and talents;
  • There is no need to choose options for tasks that will take time to complete; the maximum that can be allocated for completion is 5 minutes. Otherwise, the other participants in the game will begin to get bored while the player is embroidering a picture or composing a poem;
  • when drawing up competitions, you should not touch on the “painful” points of the game participants, focusing on relationships, physical disabilities and other personal things;
  • It is strictly not recommended to include competitions like “drink a glass of vodka in one gulp” into the program. You need to understand that everyone’s body is different, and excess alcohol will not bring health benefits;
  • You also need to be careful with tasks involving speed eating. food products. Hasty eating of food is an unaesthetic sight; in addition, the player may choke, and the holiday will be overshadowed by the need to call an ambulance;
  • You should not offer players to eat something that is not very suitable, such as a spoonful of mustard or an onion; such a task, although it will amuse those around them, will not bring joy to the participant himself.

When creating assignments, you need to take into account the format of the events. Forfeits, ideal for a corporate event, may be inappropriate for family holiday and vice versa.

For example, a fairly popular competition is in which the player must “fish” a piece of candy from a plate of flour without using his hands. It is clear that a lady with beautiful makeup is unlikely to be delighted if she is asked to complete this task, because in the process she will be stained with flour and will have to wash herself, washing off not only the flour, but also the makeup.

The main goal of the game organizer is not to amaze those present with creative thinking, but to have fun creating great mood for everyone present. The task is certainly not easy, but quite doable.

Tasks for a children's company

When coming up with forfeits for children for the New Year, you should choose simple but fun tasks. Some examples:

  • draw an image of the symbol of the year, holding a pencil or felt-tip pen in your left (for left-handed people in your right) hand;
  • depict any animal - rooster, cat, bear, etc.;
  • recite a poem or sing a song, the text of which contains the words “winter”, “new year”, “Santa Claus”, etc.;
  • depict a bunny jumping around a Christmas tree;
  • sit down three times, holding your ears with your hands and sticking out your tongue;
  • depict any object or action with pantomime (the object is indicated in the task) so that others understand what it is;
  • crawl under the table and crow from there;
  • say some tongue twister;
  • stroke your stomach and chest with your hands at the same time, but so that your hands move in different directions;
  • with closed eyes, determine by touch what kind of object the presenter gave him;
  • fulfill the given dance composition(for example, the dance of little ducklings or the dance of a savage from the Tumbo-Yumbo tribe).

Of course, choosing funny forfeits for a children's company, you need to take into account the age of the children, kids should set the maximum simple tasks, for teenagers you can come up with something more “tricky”.

Tasks for an adult company

If there are no children in the company, then you can use a variety of ideas for forfeits for the New Year. For example, tasks could be like this:

  • Having chosen a partner from the company of guests, perform with him the song “Tell me, Snow Maiden” from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”;
  • dial any number on the phone (at random) and congratulate the people who answered the phone on the holiday;
  • peel the tangerine and lay out the image of a Christmas tree from the slices;
  • fulfill fiery dance, holding sparklers in your hands, you need to dance until the lights burn out;
  • depict a deer who worked all night in the team of Santa Claus, delivering gifts;
  • convey through pantomime the meaning of any (choice) proverb so that those present understand what it is about;
  • compliment your tablemate or all the girls present;
  • sing a New Year's song with a Caucasian accent;
  • sing any famous song, replacing all the words with the sounds “oink-oink”;
  • peel the tangerine so that the peel comes off in one long strip without tearing;
  • depict some well-known sculpture.

Of course, it is not at all necessary to use the proposed tasks; you can come up with your own “cool” forfeits that will be appropriate in your company.

How is the game going?

You can play forfeits in different ways. Classic version of the game goes like this:

  • two presenters are selected, one will take out forfeits, the second will assign tasks without seeing whose forfeit is being played;
  • before starting the game, you need to collect small things from everyone playing, which are put into any large container - a bag, hat, vase, etc. Things should be recognizable, for example, if several people offer tangerines or napkins as forfeit, it will be difficult to figure it out ;
  • The first presenter randomly removes any forfeit from the container, and the second presenter sets the task. After the player completes the task, the deposit is returned to him.

If you want to add a little excitement to the game, you can use signed bills of the same denomination as forfeits. In this case, if the player refuses to complete the task assigned to him, then a volunteer from the guests can act instead. In this case, the deposit (bill) will go to the person who completed the task. Of course, this version of the game is only suitable for adult companies.

Second version of the game: First, the task is formulated, then the player who will carry it out is determined by lot. Lots can be drawn in different ways. For example, a well-known children's game when players walk in a circle around stacked chairs, and the number of chairs does not correspond to the number of players (there is one less chair). When the music is turned off, players must take a chair. Anyone who does not have enough space must complete the given task.

For big company You can use a deck of cards to draw lots. Who will get the ace of spades (or queen of spades), he is appointed as the executor of the task.

So, if you prepare well, playing forfeits can entertain the company. Experienced holiday organizers assure that this game is fun, even if the company includes very serious people. After all New Year is a special holiday when everyone wants to feel like carefree children.

Children of any age love New Year's holidays. And it’s not just about gifts, but about the opportunity to have fun with a noisy company. Interesting games, funny tasks, funny forfeits - they are ready to take part in all this until the morning. We especially love New Year's forfeits for children, which are at the same time interesting, exciting, and fun. Children's forfeits must be compiled taking into account age interests, so we offer tasks for both preschoolers and elementary and middle school students.

In this article:

Fanta for children 5, 6, 7, 8 years old

Preschoolers and primary schoolchildren are cheerful and playful children who love different games, fun and competitions. Table forfeits will help entertain both familiar and unfamiliar company. But even the easiest and funniest tasks always require the help of adults.

"Photo portrait"

Funny forfeits invite you to carefully look at the neighbor on the left, at the neighbor on the right, then, blindfolded, describe how they look with full details of their appearance (moles, hair color, etc.). If the company is small, you can describe everyone.


Speak a tongue twister (the text will be written by adults, focusing on children).


Eat various fruits finely chopped on a plate without your hands.

"I can do everything"

The presenter pronounces the text, and the performer should repeat (show) it, but in motion. "I'm going to kindergarten, right hand I brush my teeth and with my left hand I wash my eyes. With my left hand I comb my hair, and with my right hand I eat porridge. I do exercises with my left hand, swings with my right leg, and stroke my tummy with my left hand after breakfast. I wave my right leg, exercise my left hand again, and comb my hair with my right again. With my left hand I drink milk, with my right hand I put on my pants, and with my feet I go to school, and now I have a ski on one leg and a roller skate on the other.”


Organize a train and take all guests to their rooms. Required condition: do not destroy anything in your path.


In 60 seconds, beautifully describe today's children's holiday.


Cover yourself with a blanket, choose a lion cub and sing the children's song “The Lion Cub and the Turtles.”




Grant the wish of the second player from the left.


Friends must hide an object in the room, and the player must find it using the “hot” and “cold” clues.


Come up with harmless nicknames for everyone, including yourself, and call each other that for the rest of the evening.


Use pantomime to depict how a bear goes into hibernation and sleeps in winter.


Tell a quatrain about the New Year holiday.


The task requires 5 words to come up with a fairy tale.

Words: “Forest, hut, boy, beast, Baba Yaga.”


Draw blindfolded christmas tree.


Laugh for two minutes without any reason, thereby making your friends laugh.

"Sweet tooth"

This New Year's party participant must eat the cake without his hands, while the child must stand on his feet and the cake lie on a chair.

"Circus Man"

Stay on one leg for a minute, you can jump without touching the floor. In case of contact, 10 seconds are added.


Draw, holding a pencil between your toes, a portrait of any of the guests, pointing to it to the others.

"Sign language interpreter"

Choose a partner who will tell any short tale or poem, and the phantom will have to show it in a silent language with different movements.

"Host of the Year"

Congratulate the guests on behalf of the owner of the year according to the Japanese calendar. Everything should be appropriate: gait, manners, and voice.

"Fairy Tales"

Remember 10 fairy tales, cartoons, films for children that talk about winter, Christmas or New Year. Example for the presenter:

  1. "12 months"
  2. "Nutcracker",
  3. "Winter's Tale"
  4. “The Snow Maiden” (from the cartoon “Well, Just Wait”),
  5. "Snow Queen"
  6. "The Adventure of Vitya and Masha"
  7. "Morozko"
  8. "Last year's snow melted"
  9. "Winter quarters".


Remember 10 songs that talk about winter, Christmas or New Year. Example for the presenter:

  • "Three White Horses"
  • “Tell the Snow Maiden where you have been”
  • “Song of Santa Claus” (from the cartoon),
  • "If only there were no winter"
  • "Snowflake",
  • "Icy ceiling"
  • "5 minutes"
  • "Umka"
  • "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"
  • "Little Christmas tree."

"Fashion Show"

Organize a fashion show involving the assembled guests. If they are not very elegant, you should stock up on various wardrobe items and dress them up. Talk about children's costumes, show all their beauty on the catwalk.


Come up with 5 new decrees on behalf of the president and announce them, taking on the role appropriate to the situation.


Show the Snow Maiden or Snowman, who began to melt with the arrival of spring and the appearance of the first rays of sunlight.

"12 months"

List the 12 months first from 1st to 12th, and then vice versa.

"New Year's costume"

Make yourself a cool New Year's costume from scrap materials.

Fanta for children from 9 to 12 years old.

Children 9, 10, 11 and 12 years old love new year holidays and various fun games, competitions. Involve them not only in the process of holding the event, but also in the preparation for it and they will be happy. The kids will be able to pick out cool details for children's New Year's competitions, and perhaps even suggest interesting ideas. But leave children's New Year's forfeits as a surprise, children adore them so much.


This player needs to show everyone how he juggles three apples or oranges.


With the help of guests, depict the following plot tasks:

  • "Three heroes."
  • "Monument to the Janitor"
  • “Kitten from Lizyukov Street” (remember exactly how he is depicted).


Sing the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” in rap style, making sure to dance while doing so.


The player is given two minutes. In the first minute, he must tell how he spent the week, describe the daily schedule: from morning to evening. For the second - tell the same thing, only in reverse, you should start from this evening and end with the morning of a week ago.


Come up with a short film script with the participation of your friends, with a good ending.


Come up with simple movements and show them to everyone, then dance together to the music.

“I love everyone, I praise everyone”

This phantom needs to tell the best about everyone present, giving compliments.


It’s childish to depict in front of an imaginary mirror how grown women put on makeup, from start to finish, and not just just their eyes or just their lips.


The task contains 5 nouns, 5 verbs, come up with a fairy tale.

Nouns: “Forest, night, witch, magic, princess.”
Verbs: “Hid, saved, ran away, cried.”


Show a pantomime of waking up in the morning and getting ready for school.


Prepare a fruit salad from what is on the table within a certain period of time and treat it to your friends, waiting for your skill to be assessed. Don't forget to wash your hands before preparing.

"Caring Friend"

Tie a towel to the neighbor on the left instead of a napkin, and feed him blindfolded.


Create a New Year tree from any guest. Dress up with available materials, napkins, spoons, etc.


Within a minute, name 10 cities (you can also countries) starting with the letter “A”.


Make all the guests laugh. You can show a pantomime or come up with some kind of joke.


For a certain amount of time (depending on the guests), pronounce the names of friends backwards.

"Burst the Ball"

Hold the balloon between your legs and pop it.


Tell your friends about your prank, which you have never told anyone about before.

"Dance of the Little Swans"

Put on a tutu, a cap and dance the dance of the little swans. You can also wear butterfly wings or something else funny.


Choose a partner and repeat the movements after him for two to three minutes. For example, this could be a children's pantomime of dressing for a holiday or the action of a dinner meal.


Walk around the entire apartment with your back without turning once. If the player turns around, then he needs to take a new route.


Choose your partner. Children need to stand shoulder to shoulder, hug each other around the waist with one hand. With their hands free, they will have to snack, feed each other, and walk around the room like Siamese twins.

"Ryaba Chicken"

Tell a fairy tale, showing and playing each character, including the author, yourself.

"The Cheerful Singer"

Sing any modern song with different sounds: “oink-oink”, “ba-be”, “woof-woof”.


Show how a chicken hatches from its egg and how it takes its first steps.

"Rope Walker"

Draw a tightrope walker walking across the room with his eyes closed. In this case, you need to do the same “steps” as a circus performer can presumably do.


Interview an adult, such as your mom or dad, asking questions about either of their childhoods.

"Not really"

In a minute, prepare 10 questions to which the answers will only be “yes or no” and in the second minute, very quickly ask them to your friends, for example, from right to left.

"Nesmeyan (a)"

Go 2 minutes without laughing once. At this time, friends should make the player laugh in every possible way, but without touching him with their hands.


Eat half a lemon, neatly cut on a saucer, explaining to everyone how tasty, sweet and wonderful it all is.