Wishes for a fun company. Game of forfeits funny tasks in verses

We invite you to download cards that are suitable for the holiday.

Task options:

  1. Show off the fireworks so that everyone around you can guess what it is.
  2. Draw a scene from the cartoon “Tom and Jerry.” Call other participants to help you.
  3. Draw a scary monster.
  4. Depict any cartoon character so that everyone around you can guess what it is.
  5. With your eyes closed, tie the shoelaces of another participant in the game.
  6. Draw some animal so that everyone around you can guess who it is.
  7. Take a felt-tip pen or pencil in your mouth and draw without using your hands balloon on a string.
  8. Guess the riddle: A house grew up in a field, the house is full of grain. The walls are gilded, the shutters are boarded up. We walk around the house shaking on a golden pillar.
  9. Take water into your mouth and try not to swallow or spit it out for 1 minute while those around you make you laugh.
  10. Draw a mirror and “reflect” one of the game participants in it.
  11. Give a compliment to everyone present.
  12. Take one participant in the game as your assistant, tie your left hand to his right leg, walk around the entire room together.
  13. Take several game participants as your assistants and together portray the Bremen Town Musicians.
  14. Remember your favorite song and sing an excerpt from it, adding “Ku-ku” after each line.
  15. Close your eyes and describe from memory what the participants in the game are wearing.
  16. Say the tongue twister “If “if” before “after” twice, then “after” after “if”. If “if” is after “after”, then “after” is before “if”.
  17. Picture your mom putting on makeup in front of the mirror.
  18. Fill your mouth with sweets or nuts and say the tongue twister 3 times: “Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked on a dryer.”
  19. Tell me in a sad voice funny incident or an anecdote.
  20. With the help of two participants, portray the characters in the painting “Three Heroes.”
  21. Take several game participants to help you, pretend to be a steam locomotive and wagons. Drive several stops, picking up and dropping off passengers.
  22. Put your shoes on your right foot on your left, and your left on your right, and walk around all the rooms.
  23. Say the tongue twister three times: “The gorilla cooked the hamadryasHercules. And the hamadryas thanked.”
  24. Pretend to be talking on the phone.
  25. Portray any athlete so that others will guess.
  26. Sing the chorus of any song while jumping on one leg.
  27. Close your eyes and draw a funny face.
  28. Close your eyes and draw a portrait of any participant in the game.
  29. Draw an evil hare, and then a kind and sweet wolf.
  30. Say the poem “I love my horse” in a scary voice (like in a horror movie).
  31. Tell the fairy tale “Turnip” by mixing up all the characters: “The grandmother planted her granddaughter, the granddaughter grew up...”
  32. Yawn until someone present also yawns.
  33. Place any fruit on your head and walk from one corner to another (diagonally).
  34. Bow to everyone present in different ways, without repeating.
  35. Name 10 names that start with one (any) letter.
  36. Get on all fours and walk around the entire room, pretending to be a bear.
  37. For 1 minute, pretend to be Princess Nesmeyana, during which time the rest of the game participants should make you laugh.
  38. In one corner of the room - cry, in another - laugh, in the third - yawn, in the fourth - fall asleep.
  39. Give one of the game participants an unusual hairstyle.
  40. Picture of a samovar.
  41. Go outside or onto the balcony and shout “Hello lunatics!”
  42. Guess the riddle: Not a beast, not a bird, the sock is like a knitting needle. It flies - it squeaks, it sits - it is silent.
  43. Crawl under the chair.

In the kit you will find 5 A4 sheets with ready-made cards and 1 sheet for writing forfeits yourself, as well as a cover for forfeits.

How to prepare forfeits:

You need to first print the cover for forfeits, then print the tasks on the reverse side. After all the sheets have been printed, you need to cut the sheets into separate cards.

If you are planning a holiday and want to entertain your guests, then here are the perfect tasks for forfeits, and comic fortune telling is also perfect for these purposes.

The game of forfeits is as old as the world, and you can experiment endlessly and come up with the most unusual and original tasks for forfeits, but sometimes there is simply not enough time or inspiration to compose interesting forfeits for a birthday, or forfeits for the New Year.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about which ready-made tasks for forfeit you can use in your holiday scenario.

Of course, the topic of tasks for forfeits depends on the company in which they will be held, but judging by reviews on the Internet, people do not like it when in forfeits they are asked to crow under the table, sing a song on a chair while standing on one leg, recite a poem, or portray minced meat

Therefore, I decided to make a universal selection of tasks for forfeits, which is suitable for both a younger group and older people, with elements of humor that can be completed by a person who does not have the talents of singing, drawing, oratory, as well as people who are shy about competitions.

Examples of tasks for phantom:

Sit on a balloon so that it bursts

Ask the owner of the forfeit to stick his head in open window and shouted loudly: “I see Turkey!!”

Bring snow in a basin. If there is no snow outside, then get it in the refrigerator.

Tell everyone why you don’t like your neighbors so much. You need to tell the story very emotionally, shouting loudly and angry. Give different arguments.

Take an unusual group photo. Arrange participants, select surroundings

Spoon feed the neighbor across the street

Have a drink with the neighbor on the right “for brotherhood”

For 30 minutes: every 5 minutes remind “5 minutes have passed”

Unexpectedly for everyone to fall on their knees and repent of three sins

Ask any neighbor why the glue doesn’t stick to the inside of the jar, because it’s GLUE. At the same time, pretend to be a complete dumbass

For the neighbor on the right, hang a bib on his chest and give him a drink, like a small child.

Convince friends to join the clan of assholes and farts and sign (in a solemn atmosphere) the corresponding agreement

Make a toast to the occasion

Put a pillow on your head and walk in front of the guests with the phrase “I am Napoleon”

Tell us what New Year's Eve is in student years(in your youth) you remember most.

Greet every guest and give everyone a compliment.

Interview each guest and ask who they dreamed of becoming as a child and how it ended

Talk about cats for one minute

I admire the Christmas ball

Tying a string to it,

I'm not so handsome in real life

I don't have cheeks like that.

Stand on a chair and notify the whole world that Santa Claus is coming to us.

Drink champagne from a three-liter jar

Explain to everyone why you deliberately forgot to wear underwear today. Try to be very convincing))

Depict a scene in front of a guy opposite “You should marry me” with the following phantom (task for a girl)

Tasks for forfeits: examples and original ideas
Fanta examples of tasks: tasks for adults, forfeits for birthdays, forfeits for New Year, forfeits for corporate events, and home parties.

Source: ladyemansipe.com

Funny New Year's forfeits for adults

New Year's forfeits for adults are suitable for any group of people, be it a close circle of friends or colleagues working together. Table forfeits for a New Year's company will help not only relax and have fun, but also bring even the most unfamiliar company closer together.

Fanta for colleagues at a New Year's corporate party

Colleagues holding a corporate party in public places or in offices most often invite a host. But if they get bored or there is no host at the party, you can bring the time yourself in a fun and interesting way. Funny forfeits for an adult audience will help you with this.

This player must kiss the boss, regardless of whether he is a man or a woman.

This person needs to repent of his sins to the boss; think carefully before deciding to take such a step.

Depict for everyone a pig in all its glory in your pigsty, show how it eats, how it rolls in a puddle.

It’s very sexy to eat a banana without your hands, you can squeeze it between your assistant’s or assistant’s legs.

The player needs to quickly inflate the balloon, tie it and burst it with his butt, leaning with all his weight.

"Work makes a man"

This fan should go to the kitchen of the establishment (or to the kitchen where the event is taking place) and bring (or organize) some tasty treat in two minutes. Guests should definitely try and evaluate the dish.

Tell funny joke, if the audience doesn’t laugh, you’ll have to tell a second story.

Name the non-deliveries of those present at New Year's holiday colleagues.

IN New Year's Eve wishes come true. You must make a promise to any of your colleagues on the first day of work to help him with his work.

Depict in the pose or dynamics of anyone present here, whose character is recognizable to everyone.

Tell the fairy tale “Kolobok”, replacing all the characters with employees, including the Kolobok himself.

“Je ne mange pas six jours..”

Walk with hat in hand and collect as much as possible more money those sitting at the table.

Imagine that you are a toad and move around the hall in a squat position, all the time, croaking and eating flies.

Sing the song “I am a chocolate bunny,” inviting guests to try themselves.

Give the birthday dates of those present, at least approximately.

Fanta for friends in the apartment

Guests in the apartment on New Year's feast they will be glad if on New Year's Eve you please them with not only an excellent snack festive table, but also entertainment activities. For fun, you can play forfeits with them. Cool New Year's forfeits will help cheer up any company.

"The old moth on the Red Light District"

Even if you have never seen a picture of this kind, it will not be difficult to show you an old “moth” offering herself on the street.

"Symbol of the coming year"

You will need to show the symbol of the New Year in all its glory, walk around the hall in this image, produce an accurate voice sound that would be recognizable.

Shout out the window or from the balcony 5 times: “I am a crow, caw-craw!”

Organize a fairy tale “Turnip” from those around you. To make it more interesting, prepare costumes in advance; for more laughter, you can mark the roles of men and women.

You need to dress up as a gypsy and tell fortunes to the entire honest company.

Make from any three ingredients delicious cocktail and give it to friends to judge.

Fant “Turn Transition”

You are free from fulfilling your desires, but give the task to another person, and it’s funnier.

Enter the image of a celebrity three times and show the guests, who must guess who exactly you “created”.

Choose a partner and feed him an apple without hands.

In a minute, ask 10 questions to guests and get an answer. If you make a mistake, drink one hundred grams without your hands.

Eat fruit slices laid out on a flat plate with your eyes closed and without hands.

Choose an assistant and try to make him laugh; accordingly, he should not laugh.

This person must give one of those present at the celebration a ride on all fours, shouting “yoke.”

You are destined to be the toastmaster at the New Year's party all evening, play a couple of games, make toasts. You can only buy off if someone at the table can voluntarily take on this role.

Fanta on the street

If adult company friends have become bored sitting within four walls, you can get dressed and take a walk outside, stretching out funny forfeits. It should be remembered that New Year's forfeits for adults should not only amuse the company, but also be safe for all players.

Are you preparing for a corporate party on the occasion of the New Year? To make the holiday interesting and fun, you can arrange games and competitions for work colleagues, stage funny skits, organize karaoke songs, and prepare a dance program.

You can also arrange a game of forfeits. IN late XIX- at the beginning of the 20th century it was one of the popular entertainments of Russian aristocratic society. Any number of participants can play forfeits.

To avoid any hiccups at your corporate party, prepare the necessary props in advance (a Wizard’s hat or Santa Claus’s bag, felt-tip pens and markers, small banknotes, etc.), write on cards tasks for participants in the game of forfeits for New Year's corporate party 2019 with jokes.

The rules of the game are as follows: cards with tasks are placed in Santa Claus's hat, box or bag. Guests take turns taking out cards and completing tasks. If one of the participants refuses to do this, he will have to pay a symbolic fine.

The fine fund is formed from these bills. It can be won by a participant at will performing a task that another participant refused to complete. However, the fine may not have a monetary equivalent: the participant can be given a penalty glass or assigned a penalty task.

Another version of the game of forfeits is as follows: each of the guests gives the host something. These can be rings, bracelets, watches, phones, etc. All items are placed in a bag or hat, and then the guests take one of them one by one and ask the host a question: “What does this phantom need to do?”, and he gives the participants tasks .

Cool forfeits for a corporate party for the New Year 2019 may be as follows.

Depict using pantomime:

  • chimes at midnight,
  • boiling kettle,
  • bunny under the Christmas tree,
  • an angry bear in a den that is not allowed to hibernate,
  • mirror (the essence of the task is that anyone can look in the mirror, and the performer needs to copy his facial expressions and movements),
  • chicken on the roost,
  • bleating goat
  • the deer that carries Santa Claus on New Year's Eve,
  • dissatisfied client
  • accountant for the quarterly report,
  • the head of your / neighboring department.
  • create a recognizable sculpture from several people, for example, Peter I on horseback.

You can organize a drawing competition. The following forfeits for the New Year's corporate holiday are suitable for this:

  • draw on whatman paper with your eyes closed the symbol of 2019 - a pig,
  • depict what awaits your department next year,
  • draw a portrait of Father Frost and Snow Maiden with your left hand,
  • draw your self-portrait,
  • Using a felt-tip pen tied to a ski pole, draw a beautiful snowflake.

Or you can play New Year's forfeits for a corporate party for dance competition. Its participants will need to perform:

  • waltz,
  • quadrille,
  • dance of little swans,
  • dance of little ducklings,
  • dance with Father Frost and Snow Maiden,
  • dance with your boss or boss, etc.

Participants in the song competition at the 2019 New Year's corporate party will need to perform the following forfeits with jokes:

  • sing a song about how a Christmas tree was born in the forest, howling like a wolf,
  • perform a song about hares together with your colleagues (“We Don’t Care” from the movie “The Diamond Arm”),
  • sing a ditty.

Guests at the holiday will enjoy outdoor games. The following tasks are suitable for this:

  • lifting one leg and swinging your arms, jump to the opposite wall, shouting “I am a butterfly!”
  • jump around the Christmas tree or in a circle twice on one leg,
  • Imagining the sounds of a flying plane, run around the festive table,
  • remove apples from a container of water without using your hands in a certain period of time,
  • do push-ups from the floor 10 times in 20 seconds,
  • ride on one of those present shouting: “Igo-go!”
  • In the Revelation competition, participants will need to:
  • repent of your sins to your boss,
  • reveal professional secrets to colleagues,
  • publicly extol your virtues,
  • confess your love to one of your colleagues,
  • give a compliment that will recognize your colleague’s character (for example: you are the most modest, you are the most fashionable, you are the most insightful),
  • You can blindfold the participant and place employees of the opposite sex in front of him. He or she must guess by touch who is standing next to him.

When the “degree” of the corporate party for the New Year 2019 rises, the participants are ready to fulfill the most funny tasks. Therefore, prepare in advance the following forfeits with tasks that will amuse everyone present at the holiday:

  • shout from the balcony “People! I love you!
  • shout out the window or from the balcony 5 times: “I am a crow, caw-craw!”
  • feed your neighbor sitting at the table to the left with a spoon,
  • holding a fork with your teeth (without using your hands), feed your neighbor on the right,
  • eat fruit slices laid out on a flat plate with your eyes closed and without hands,
  • drink champagne, pour it into a saucer,
  • move the coin with your nose so that it falls from the table into the glass.
  • congratulate your friends on the New Year by putting a large tangerine in your mouth,
  • put 5-10 lollipops in your mouth and confess your love to your colleague,
  • crawl under the table and change the shoes of the guests sitting next to you,
  • hug and kiss the first person who enters the room.

If weather permits, some tasks can be completed outside. For example, these:

  1. Confess your love to the first person you meet. If the task goes to a representative of the stronger sex, then the men you meet should hug and kneel in front of the women. And if it’s a lady, then vice versa.
  2. Ask several passersby with an absolutely serious expression on their faces: “Have you seen Piglet here?”
  3. Prank a passerby by falling on your knees in front of him or asking for forgiveness for some action, and then point to the side and say: “Smile, I was filming you.” hidden camera».
  4. Jump several circles around the tree, saying: “You need to drink less, you need to drink less!”
  5. Walk in your pajamas to the nearest store and buy a pack of salt there.

You can show your imagination by coming up with other unusual tasks for forfeits with jokes for the New Year's corporate party. Sea positive emotions All participants of the holiday will be guaranteed! However, keep in mind that tasks should not be offensive or humiliate the participants in the game, or harm their health.

What forfeits should I prepare for the 2019 New Year's corporate party?
Thanks to forfeits for the New Year's corporate party 2019 with jokes, your holiday will be fun. A sea of ​​positive emotions will be guaranteed to all participants!

Source: vstretim-prazdnik.com

Fanta for New Year 2019

Forfeits with jokes are one of the best entertainment for celebrating the New Year 2019. Both friends and colleagues can perform various funny and amusing tasks. You can also organize a game of forfeits in a close family circle. The main thing is to choose in advance interesting tasks, the implementation of which will lift everyone's spirits.

Playing forfeits is an exciting pastime. It is advisable to prepare for it in advance. You can write assignments on cardboard cards or small pieces of paper, and then put them in a large box, jar or other container. During the game, invite each guest to pull out a card. Forfeits should be fun and funny, but safe. They should not contain tasks that may offend a person or are physically impossible.

Funny forfeits for friends

If you are preparing a New Year's party, take care not only holiday menu, but also entertainment. Forfeits prepared for friends will help make the New Year 2019 celebration fun and memorable.

  • Eat sliced ​​fruit from a plate with your eyes closed, and you cannot use your hands.
  • Say 20 within a minute famous writers. These can be both poets and prose writers.
  • Invite a girl/boy to dance. You need to dance on an A4 piece of paper. You can't leave the leaf.
  • Make one of your guests laugh in 2 minutes. The person performing the forfeit can choose the “victim” himself.
  • Draw a pig with your eyes closed, because this is the symbol of 2019.
  • Depict a pig using gestures, facial expressions and sounds.
  • Depict famous artist, and those present must guess who it is.
  • Name 10 New Year-themed songs.
  • Remove the candy from the saucer into which the sour cream is poured, without using your hands.
  • Eat an apple or pear without using your hands. To complicate the task, the fruit should be tied with a rope.
  • Quickly inflate the balloon and sit on it until it bursts.
  • Drink a glass of champagne without hands.
  • Dance with a glass filled to the top with water.
  • Draw a self-portrait. To make it funnier, the person performing the task can be blindfolded.
  • Sing a song about a Christmas tree with a Caucasian accent.
  • Draw all the animals from eastern calendar: Pig, Rooster, Horse, Snake, Dog, Rabbit, Dragon, Sheep, Tiger, Ox, Monkey, Rat. You can divide this task into several forfeits, for example, 3 or 4 animals in each card.
  • Draw a Christmas tree, but the pen or felt-tip pen should be held not with your hands, but with your teeth.
  • Predict the future of three guests.
  • Dance the dance of the little swans. A person can choose his own dance partners.
  • Sing a children's New Year's song, for example, “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter” or “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” while holding your nose with your hands.
  • Make a New Year's toast like a robot or a foreigner.

New Year's forfeits for an adult company are suitable for any occasion, be it a close circle of friends or colleagues working together. Table forfeits will not only help you relax and have fun celebrating the New Year 2019, but will help even the most unfamiliar company get closer. The point of the game is to draw forfeits and make wishes. We will tell you what New Year's forfeits you can make on the festive night.

Recommendations: tasks should not be offensive or offensive, physically difficult or harmful to health. When choosing a forfeit for the game, try to make sure that they can be completed quickly (up to five minutes), so that they help reveal it to the person. creativity. Now it’s the turn of examples of the forfeits themselves. You will like it, see for yourself!

By the way, at the very beginning of the celebration you can ask guests to write a task on pieces of paper. Then just mix it up and give out exactly these tasks during the game. A special interest of this approach is that a person may come across his own insidious phantom.

Merry forfeits for the New Year 2019

Show Santa Claus on the beach (crocodile)

Show Snow Maiden on a date (crocodile)

Portray a cat that is very afraid but still curious. (crocodile)

Show loyal dog, throughout the evening to fulfill the whims of some girl

Show others your wedding night (crocodile)

Today you are Boris Moiseev (don't tell anyone)

Today you are Alla Pugacheva (don't tell anyone)

Today you are Marilyn Monroe (don't tell anyone)

Today you are Superman (don't tell anyone)

Today you are the Terminator. (don't tell anyone)

Today you are Renata Litvinova (don't tell anyone)

Make a tattoo (with a marker) for everyone, what kind, what size and where the guests will tell you.

Start dancing Lambada and involve everyone in the snake.

Jump on one leg and grunt at the same time.

Stand in front of the mirror and sincerely, convincingly congratulate yourself on the New Year, be sure to wish yourself something special;

Portray a tipsy Santa Claus who is trying to do something. For example, take a gift out of your New Year's bag or open the door;

Depict a child who is New Year's party did not receive a gift;

Eat New Year's candy without hands or drink a glass of champagne;

Tell us about the most memorable New Year's party. Tell what poem you read in front of Santa Claus and whose costume you were wearing;

Draw your own New Year's self-portrait;

Sing a song about a Christmas tree, but be sure to use some unusual accent. For example, a Caucasian accent.

Take a sheet of paper and draw the oriental symbol of 2019, a pig. The task may seem simple to you, but you need to draw with your eyes closed.

Jump around the Christmas tree or just in a circle twice on one leg. At the same time, tell some serious, almost tragic story.

Draw a portrait of any guest with your left hand.

Give five compliments to each girl in the room. These should be actual compliments about how good and beautiful the girl is.

You need to write cheerful New Year wishes with your left hand for everyone present.

Very interesting phantom for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party with jokes: you need to ask them to quickly say what day of the week January 1, 2019 falls on. You can also ask for a quick answer to the question of when to go to work on the first day of work in 2019.

Without words, depict the chimes so that all guests agree that it turned out well and really looks like the chimes.

Come up with ten compliments for the lady of the house. These should be such compliments that the owner of the house will be proud of his wife, and not become jealous of her.

Tie a pencil on a long ribbon to your belt and you need to hit the neck of an empty champagne bottle with this pencil. Of course, do everything hands-free.

Without hands, eat any fruit that is on the table.

Make your own signature New Year's cocktail from the drinks available on the table. It should be a delicious cocktail that is pleasant to drink and you want to repeat the recipe.

From balloons make a cute snowman.

Tie a rain bow around the waist of any girl.

Take sparklers and dance with them.

Depict a deer taking Santa Claus to the children on New Year's Eve.

Close your eyes and try to remember what toys hang on the New Year tree: their color, shape.

Dial any three numbers at random and congratulate subscribers on the New Year 2019.

Drink a glass of juice through a straw. This must be done in ten seconds. Start each new glass again if you couldn’t drink the previous one in ten seconds.

Choose a partner and sing a song with him: “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?”

Sit on a balloon to make it pop;

Say five sentences that begin with the words: “I want in the new year 2018”;

Be sure to tell a funny New Year's joke;

Tell us about your biggest drawback and how the person plans to deal with it in the new year and whether he plans to do so at all. If not, why not?

Using pantomime, talk about some event so that those present understand it;

Remove the candy from the saucer with flour without using your hands. Instead of flour, you can pour sour cream into a saucer;

Crawl under the festive table;

Take a glass in your hands with water poured to the brim. Dance the cancan with a glass;

Shout from the balcony: “People, Happy New Year! I love you!”;

Eat an apple suspended on a rope without using your hands. Or eat a peeled banana without your hands. Place the banana on a plate. You can also put the apple in a bowl of water;

Drink wine or champagne from a saucer without using your hands;

Draw a mirror. That is, anyone can look in the mirror, and the phantom must repeat the person’s facial expressions and movements;

Make a delicious cocktail from the drinks that are on the table;

Quickly pronounce any tongue twister without getting lost;

Play a fortune teller and predict some events in the new year for the neighbor on the right;

Dial a random number and wish the person on the other end a Happy New Year;

Portray an athlete so that other players can guess the sport;

Hold a felt-tip pen in your teeth and draw a Pig, the symbol of 2019, or any other animal;

Become a host and hold any competition with the players;

Imagine working as a journalist and you just need to turn the personal or professional life of the neighbor on the left inside out;

Play some New Year's melody with your finger on your lip. Other participants must guess what melody was played;

For one minute, sit with an offended face, other participants in the game must try by all means to make the phantom laugh;

The presenter reads some New Year's poem, and the phantom must act as a sign language interpreter. By the way, forfeits for the New Year in verse and related to verse are an interesting and fun option for developing the game;

Two eggs are given, it is said that one of them is raw and the second is boiled (to avoid trouble, let two eggs be boiled). Now you need to choose one egg and break it on your forehead;

With the help of friends who will be your “paint actors” you need to paint a picture famous artist, for example, “Three Heroes,” if you want a picture “with a little spice,” you can try to depict the scenes of “Sodom and Gomorrah.”

In a minute you must persuade New Year's table at least three girls and perform a “Cancan” dance on them for 20 seconds.

Go out onto the balcony and ask passersby what century, year and date it is today.

Depict the animal during molting, how it loses its fur, and how it reacts.

It is necessary to show a male lion during the hunt for some weak, but very fast animal and “eat” him.

You need to show a male gorilla in the period of maturation with all the ensuing consequences. For example, how he looks at females, how he feels, etc.

Show Adriano Celentano's guests trampling grapes in the film "The Grumpy", only to find manure under their feet instead of grapes.

The dacha season will not come soon, but the images of ardent fans of this business are so vivid that they remain in the memory for a long time. Portray the summer resident himself, let other guests guess what you are planting.

In one or two minutes you need to compose a poem, stand on a stool and tell everyone loudly and with expression.

Raise any woman in your arms. (Of course, you should choose a woman who is light and thin).

Organize a choir that will perform the Russian chorus folk song“Kalinka” (Kalinka-kalinka-kalinka is mine, in the garden there is a raspberry-raspberry berry...) and the one who pulled out the New Year’s phantom must perform a squat dance.

In a minute, remember 10 songs about the New Year.

“Fairy Tale” Organize a fairy tale “Turnip” from those around you. To make it more interesting, prepare costumes in advance; for more laughter, you can mark the roles of men and women.

“Gypsy” You need to dress up as a gypsy and tell fortunes to the whole honest company.

“Celebrity” Enter the image of a celebrity three times and show the guests, who must guess who exactly you “created”.

You must choose one or a group of people silently, without saying a word, to create a sculpture out of them that will be recognizable. For example, Peter I on horseback.

“Toastmaster” You are destined to be the toastmaster at the New Year's party all evening, play a couple of games, make toasts. You can only buy off if someone at the table can voluntarily take on this role.

Grab the first one you come across with the words “Let’s dance!?” and dance a waltz with him.

Parody the laughter of everyone who laughs only louder, continue for an hour.

Pretend to be a secretary bird and try not to laugh.

Within half an hour, respond to any phrase from those present - “Wow!”

Approach a guy or girl and seductively say “All incoming calls are free”

Act out any scene from the cartoon “Prostokvashino” (or any other famous cartoon). You can take several assistants.

Write the name of the girl who is sitting to your left with your butt in the air. Allowed to jump, squat, wag tail

You have a difficult task ahead of you, you need to: Depict how a chicken lays an egg.

You are the nanny of all the children in the nursery, you must fulfill their every whim.

Fanta for fun company- a great way to entertain every guest on New Year's Eve 2019. If you see that the game has become boring, then come up with forfeits that go beyond the boundaries of your apartment. Go out to the store to buy bread in your pajamas, hug a passerby and congratulate him on the New Year. The tasks of New Year's forfeits can be completely different, just remember that they should be kind and not offend the feelings of guests or people around them.

While walking with a group of friends along the city streets, you can also play our forfeits, this will help you warm up, and will also give you a lot of joy and fun:

  • You must confess your love to every passerby you meet along the way. If the task goes to a representative of the stronger sex, then the men you meet should hug and kneel in front of the women. And if it’s a lady, then vice versa.
  • We need to come up with something difficult riddle and for fun, wish it upon three passers-by in turn.
  • You are the director, passers-by are your troupe, even if they are not yet aware. Ask strangers friend pretend to be lovers with a friend passing by. To do this, stop any man and any woman.
  • Play a prank on a passerby, and then point to any place and say: “Smile, a hidden camera was hiding you.” For example, you can faint in front of him, or on your knees and ask for forgiveness for an alleged wrongdoing.
  • Dress poorer and stand in a public place with your hand outstretched. Without fanaticism, of course, but you still need to bring at least a couple of coins. “Change of turn” Today you are lucky, make a wish and indicate who from your company will have to fulfill it.
  • On the central Christmas tree or in a crowded place, recite a poem loudly or sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” The singer must gather an audience, at least a couple.
  • You need to organize a children's round dance around a Christmas tree in a crowded square. As musical accompaniment You can choose the song “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.”
  • Drink champagne with passers-by of the opposite sex at the Brudershaft. You need to take the bottle with you.
  • Slide down the slide three times in a minute. To cope with the task, you should choose a smaller slide.
  • Slide down a slide, take a person of the opposite sex with you, or ask him for a bun or sled.
  • You need to find your whole group a glass of coffee, “to warm up.”
  • Play the role of the president under the Christmas tree, give a speech and congratulate loudly like him to everyone passing by.
  • Arrange a train around the Christmas tree, gather all your friends first, then hook up unfamiliar “cars” along the way. We need to collect as much as possible more people on your New Year's train.
  • Interview 10 people you meet, who should tell you about their plans and hopes for the next year.
  • Invite the men to pull the rope and, of course, the winner should receive a prize from you. If the player is a girl, then a kiss on the cheek is enough, and if a man, then the winner cannot be released without 100 grams.
  • The player must ask at least 3 people they meet to tell a joke.
  • Arrange a mass ball rolling for a snowman on the square or build a snowman yourself. If there is no snow, then you need to make a snowman from scrap materials.
  • You should stand on a hill and loudly predict to all Russians their immediate future for the year.

Fanta at the New Year's corporate party

Colleagues holding a corporate party in public places or in offices most often invite a host. But if they get bored or there is no host at the party, you can have a fun and interesting time yourself. Cool forfeits for a New Year's corporate party will help you.

The player must kiss the boss, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman.

A person needs to repent of his sins to his boss; think carefully before deciding to take such a step.

Tell all your colleagues about some of your professional secrets.

You need to give your boss or senior person a back massage.

Working in the same office, people rarely hug or even exchange pleasantries. You have this task: you need to good words hug each of those present for the most short time and say something good to everyone.

Confess your love yourself beautiful girl, a woman (boy, man) in the office and invite him on a date.

It’s very “beautiful” to eat a banana, without hands, you can squeeze it between the legs of an assistant or assistant.

A man needs to collect as many kisses as possible on his face. If the assignment goes to a woman, then she must collect as many small things as possible that every man keeps with him, such as: lighters, cigarettes, keys.

Kitchen assistant

A person needs to collect all the dirty dishes from the table and take them to the kitchen, so to speak, help the kitchen workers.

The player must make a compliment to everyone present, by which the character of his colleague will be recognized. For example: you are the most modest, you are the most fashionable, you are the most insightful.

Guess by touch

The girl or guy is blindfolded and employees of the opposite sex are placed in front of him. He or she must guess by touch who is standing in front of him.

The one who pulled out this phantom must dance on a paper napkin slow dance with a neighbor or tablemate, regardless of their gender. You cannot remove the napkin while dancing.

In this task, you must apologize to those who offended you not so long ago. If there are none, due to your character, apologize to your boss for having different thoughts.

Publicly extol your virtues and make sure that each adjective is followed by a question, and guests must confirm whether this is true.

You need to dress up any participant as christmas tree. Make toys using available materials, for example: insert stacks on legs between your fingers, and place napkins on snowflakes.

Perform the verse and chorus of any song (or department anthem, if there is one), replacing the words in the verse with “yum-yum” and in the chorus with “oink-oink.” The rest must guess what the song is.

Draw a portrait of your boss with your eyes closed and give it to him.

In one minute, collect as much as possible from guests of any item of clothing and put it all on yourself.

Funny New Year 2019 for adults
Original and fun tasks for forfeits on New Year's Eve 2019. Forfeits for an adult company for all occasions. Create a New Year's mood for yourself and your loved ones

Do you want to throw away all modesty and finally throw some logs into your fireplace of love?

Then you definitely need this game!

This erotic game for married and permanent couples. With her, your LOVE will flare up in an incredible way.
This is a truly EXCLUSIVE game! With her, “smoldering” LOVE will simply flare up with heat, and the bedroom will turn into a “den of debauchery”, or a “cloud of heaven”, if someone likes it that way. The chance that one of the two will not only be bored, but even think about cheating, with this game is guaranteed to be zero.

The Fanta game is divided into several groups:

  • For singles or “new acquaintances”- “Shura-mury”, “Pepper”, “Coffee break”, “Tete-a-tete”, “Coffee in bed” and “Holiday romance”
  • For regular couples- “Boredom Bomb”, “Fuel on the Fire”, “Absinthe”, “Sweet Couple”, “Beaujolais”, Caramel Paradise”, etc.
  • For "fun company"- “Shake”, “Cocktail”, “Bottle”, “Tusa”, “Gulyanka” - for corporate parties

This game "Absinthe" I ordered from the official website, direct link.

Bright box made of thick cardboard with a magnetic clasp.

Inside the box is a catalog of poses, game rules, an advertising brochure, a mask and 4 decks of cards.

Catalog- Thick glossy pages with very colorful and clear pictures. I can’t show it, the rules don’t allow it, but you can look at it on the official website.

Mask- made of black fleece, very soft. The smell went away after the 2nd wash.

Cards- 4 decks of 50 cards, each deck different colors. The easiest deck is the white one, and the hardest one is the red one.

In general, my husband is angry about anything except a hunger strike... But some cards from this game made him hysterical.

White cards.

The tasks are “simple” for warming up, most of the tasks are on the topic of romantic dates, going somewhere and plans. Can be done not only at home.

And this is something that is unacceptable for us. Well, how? How did these white and fluffy ones get such strange tasks?

Yellow forfeits.

Quests, sensations and a lot of role-playing games. Cards give free rein to your imagination game form. Role-playing games It’s certainly not easy, but if you put aside shyness and get into the role, then everything will go like clockwork. This is difficult for my husband, but I think in five years he will take the initiative into his own hands.

And these again do not suit us.

Pink cards.

I like them better than the others. The tasks are well chosen for married couple, if we wouldn’t have come to this ourselves before (or didn’t think of it), then it was these forfeits that pushed us to do it.

But there was some absurdity here too.

Red forfeits. The most "burning".

A catalog of poses comes with them and some pink forfeits to help. My husband and I haven't gotten to these cards yet, we just like the "action" tasks better. And we are unlikely to ever be ready for this.

A couple of truly strange tasks.

When we play , then we immediately go through all the cards and remove those that are not suitable for us. I was already thinking about throwing away the extra ones, but then I decided to leave them - what if the cockroaches in my head run wild? kidding

Nobody canceled their rules , select the ones you need and draw one at a time, yes please, pull out one or two cards a day from action tasks, even better

In fact cool assignments , I like that 50% of the forfeit must be completed the next day or a week later, this does not allow the relationship to “stagnate”. After all, if earlier just going to the cinema on weekends was a joyful “going out” experience, now with the task of getting tickets to the last row and remembering your youth, it is simply impossible not to be in anticipation of the film. This is extreme, which is missing in long-term relationships.

And 20% of tasks are performed outside the home, which also prevents you from lying in bed. Tasks mainly with a romantic touch - meeting in a cafe, hotel, park, etc. Also 10-15 tasks for a massage, breakfast in bed and cute pranks.

Of course, we all have different tastes and colors, we rejected the red deck and 25 cards in total from the rest of the forfeits. Perhaps you will like all the forfeits.

Any birthday celebration is a ritual, and this especially applies to children. They always look forward to this holiday, prepare for it, order gifts, invite friends to visit, and help set the table. But how can you ensure that your child is not disappointed in the event he was so looking forward to? So that the holiday leaves only the most vivid memories? After all, a birthday is always an active, noisy and fun pastime, at which dancing, competitions and games must certainly be organized. Playing forfeits for children's birthdays is one of the best options.

Old version. The word phant itself is borrowed from German language and literally means "collateral". This wonderful game was first mentioned in the 19th century (for example, Anna Petrovna Kern wrote about it in her memoirs), and its essence is as follows: each participant puts on a plate (or in a bag, whichever is more convenient for you) some small object that belongs to him. This could be a chain with a pendant or a hair clip, lipstick, keys, a small notebook, keychain and so on. The presenter must turn away at this moment: he is not supposed to know who owns what item. Then the presenter takes these items one by one, shows them to everyone, and assigns a task that the owner who appears must complete in order to get his property back.

These tasks, as a rule, are simple and humorous, but you can find some benefit in them: the child learns not to be shy about speaking in front of an audience and at the same time develops some of his skills, for example, singing, dancing, reading poetry, and so on.

Second option. This version of the game - the very first, original one - has survived to this day, but others have appeared where neither the leader nor the items pledged are needed. For example: the participants in the game come up with assignments themselves, write them down on pieces of paper, and then the pieces of paper are mixed in a bag, and everyone pulls out an assignment, a “fanta.”

There is another version of the game- for the most desperate, perhaps. In it, participants cast lots, for example, tossing a die, and the one who gets smallest number, must complete the tasks of all other participants in the game. In the next round, accordingly, this person no longer casts lots.

There are variants of tasks for playing forfeits huge amount: for children and adults, comic and serious, simple and complex, more or less popular and some especially interesting and unusual. Let's look at the options that will be most successful at the celebration children's day birth.

Is it worth buying the game?

Of course, if there is no time, opportunity and desire, then there is nothing wrong with buying a ready-made game and selecting acceptable forfeits from it. But it is much more interesting to do those tasks that are suitable for the age of the children. You can make them according to the theme of your holiday: on one side there is a picture of Angry Birds, Batman or the princess from Frozen, on the other side there is a task. You can decorate them with stickers or design them as pirate birthday scrolls, or wrap them in lucky stars. There are endless possibilities when you make them yourself.

And the tasks that I may have prepared for you.

Print themed forfeits

I have prepared several of the most popular heroic forfeits among children: ninjago, batman, ninja turtles forfeits. You can save and print them for free. On one side of the sheet you print the “cover”, on the other side of the task. Don't forget to uncheck the "image to frame size" checkbox when sending for printing. Pictures enlarge by clicking. You can print it on thick paper or plain paper, and then stick it on cardboard for strength if necessary.

Funny and cheerful forfeits

When coming up with funny forfeits for participants, it is important not to go too far: no one should leave offended or upset that others laughed at him. If a child refuses to complete some task, do not insist and choose another “forfeit” for him.

So, what funny and fun tasks can you ask participants to do?

Crow loudly (meow, bark, grunt - there are a lot of options);
jump around the table holding a balloon between your knees;
also with a balloon: sit on it so that it bursts;
do ten squats while holding your ears with your fingers and sticking out your tongue;
pronounce your name backwards (for example, Polina - Anilop, Maxim - Miskam);
talk like a robot for five minutes, answering questions from other players;
portray a capricious baby who begs his mother for candy in a supermarket;
hide somewhere (under a table, in a closet, etc.) and sit there for five minutes.

Creative forfeits

Their presence will be especially useful if children who are engaged in some kind of activity have gathered around the table. creative circles and studios who dream of becoming artists, musicians, singers or painters. After all, not everyone dreams of becoming an astronaut and a veterinarian, right?

Options for creative forfeits:

Sing a song (ideally, if it is the birthday boy’s favorite song);
dance, in the middle of the dance inviting the birthday boy to dance;
recite a poem by heart;
draw a portrait of the birthday boy (or one of the other guests);
make up a fairy tale on the fly and tell it
the same thing, only you need to compose a poem.

Developmental forfeits

Combine business with pleasure: some forfeits may well be not only funny, but also educational. Here are some examples:

Depict some mysterious object without words (based on the principle of the game “Crocodile”);
tell us a little about yourself (like at an interview);
tell a little about each of the players, paying special attention to their good qualities;
pronounce a tongue twister three times in a row quickly and without errors;
pick up any object in the room and “sell” it to the birthday person, praising him beneficial properties And positive qualities;
interview the hero of the occasion.

This, of course, is only a small part of the tasks that can be used to play forfeits. You can come up with tasks and write them down on cards in advance, or you can make them up as you go along. The larger and more creative the company is, the more interesting and unusual tasks they can come up with, and the more exciting the holiday will be.

If you know yet interesting options tasks, share in the comments.

Laughter, as they say folk wisdom, prolongs life. And having fun in the company of positive people is doubly energizing! There are always plenty of reasons to laugh, although you can create them yourself. For example, by playing forfeits.

Forfeits have been tested by more than one generation of people, so there is no doubt: the game is suitable! Everything else is magic from your own hands and thoughts. Come up with funny tasks, complete them and have a lot of fun.

Rules of the game

If you have forgotten how to play, we will remind you! We will need:

  • large hat, package or bag;
  • forfeits items from each player.

If there is a person in the company who wants to be the presenter, he is assigned the responsible role of coming up with funny tasks for forfeits. He will answer the players’ question: “What should this phantom do?”

It may be that no one wants to be the presenter. Or the game is part of a well-planned holiday evening. Then forfeits on cards will become a lifesaver. They can be printed on beautiful thick paper or handwritten. The cards will form a playing deck, from which players will take turns drawing tasks for themselves. The one who copes with the task gets his phantom back. That's the whole point of the game.

And here are the options for funny tasks for forfeits that you can use:

  • Apply your own makeup watercolor paints with eyes closed;
  • Draw a cartoon for the whole company;
  • Come up with at least 5 funny jokes in the style of "Comedy Club";
  • Play a drunken stripper in the trash;
  • Juggle two apples and one egg for thirty seconds. If the egg is intact, the task is completed;
  • Note one thing about each participant good quality. You can't repeat yourself;
  • Go out into the street and give a compliment to an unfamiliar girl/guy;
  • Read out nursery rhyme in rap style;
  • Make some unexpected toast;
  • Pop a balloon with your butt in 15 seconds;
  • Build yourself a companion for the evening from available items;
  • Look out the window and shout out loud: “I see stars!”
  • Go to your neighbors and ask them for a corkscrew for the evening;
  • Change your avatar on the social network to a photo of Alla Pugacheva;
  • Walk around the apartment on your hands or in single file;
  • Go to the store for bread, putting socks on your hands;
  • Portray DiCaprio at the moment of receiving the Oscar;
  • Tell a funny incident from your childhood;
  • Blow the minds of everyone around you with your whining for a minute;
  • Confess your love to a game participant nominated by the host;
  • Tell fortunes to all participants in the game using a book of fairy tales;
  • Eat candy with your hands tied behind your back;
  • Get a star from the sky for the girl on the left. (The star is made of paper and placed somewhere on top);
  • Dance like Michael Jackson;
  • Quickly name 10 words starting with the letter “B”;
  • Depict a child whose strict parents did not buy him a car because of his bad behavior;
  • Imagine that you come home and a stranger is sleeping in your bed. What will you do?
  • Place a few slices of lemon in your mouth and, with a happy expression on your face, wish everyone health, happiness, and prosperity;
  • Climb under the bed (in the closet) and do not agree to your friends’ persuasion to get out of there;
  • Beat a friend in arm wrestling;
  • Come up with a funny task for the forfeit and assign it to the presenter/player to your right;
  • Exchange an item of clothing with the player on the left;
  • Do alcoholic cocktail on a quick fix, drink it and talk about the sensations;
  • Ask all players for a word and come up with your own rhyme for each;
  • Mummy the player to your left using toilet paper;
  • Sit down 20 times and quack like a duck with each squat;
  • Sing the song “I love you to tears” in the voice of Dzhigurda.

More fun

It happens that the completion of a task by one player is extended. The rest can only passively watch what is happening. You can get more joy and pleasure if you resort to competitions for forfeits. For example, write on a card not tasks, but small competitions. The winner takes his phantom for himself. Or the owner of the forfeit will have to hold a competition on a topic determined by the presenter.

Types of competitions for forfeits:

  • eat a banana at speed;
  • burst the balloon with your butt the fastest;
  • crawl under a stretched rope without touching it;
  • catch buttons from a bowl of water using a spoon held in your teeth;
  • stand in an elbow stand for the longest time.

As you can see, the game of forfeits is very diverse and will bring pleasure to any company.