Erotic games for two: there are no losers. Romantic games for lovers

Watch a good movie together that has beautiful, passionate, exciting erotic scenes. And transform into his characters this evening. The anticipation alone while you both prepare the “stage” and create your images is incredibly exciting.

2. Shall we go to you or to me?

Are you an experienced couple, and is everything serious with you? Pretend it's the first time you've seen each other. “Meet” in a bar (dry cleaner, library) and pretend to be a “casual connection.” Sometimes it's good to remind your other half that you can be not only a house bunny, but also a bad girl.

3. Rescued Princess

And if you're in the mood for a romantic scenario, remember fairy tales and childhood fantasies. You are a sweet, innocent, meek princess, and he is a handsome prince who has come to save you from a terrible dragon.

By the way, in many legends, virgins were sent to be slaughtered by monsters. How can your prince save you? Of course, making her an unsuitable candidate for the role of an innocent victim.


4. Unleash the beast within you

Pretend you are two wild animals. For example, a leopard and a leopardess. Or other wild cats. However, this is a matter of taste: if you want to depict two pigs or donkeys, go ahead! Or even a pig and a donkey - for those who know a lot about perversions. Everything is limited only by your imagination and desire.

5. I love you, I miss you... Meet me in the kitchen?

They say that being apart for a while is beneficial, and meetings after separation can be as passionate as the first time. To check this, you don’t have to actually be separated. Sit in different rooms and pretend to be in long-distance love. You went to Paris to study French cuisine, and he is looking for gold in the taiga. Start exchanging tender messages, make love via video call.

6. Bedtime story for adult boys and girls

Take turns reading your favorite erotic scenes to each other. The powerful love power of words is illustrated in the film The Chatterley Case, in which the hearing of the book Lady Chatterley's Lover pushes two jurors into each other's arms.

7. School love

Do you remember how little was needed at a tender age for extreme excitement and excitement: a light touch, a half-hint, even the situation itself when you were sitting in a room together... How to return at least part of that intensity of emotions?

Imagine that you are teenagers again and this is your first time. Progress gradually. Give him your bastions one unbuttoned button, one centimeter by which his hand slides higher and higher on your thigh.

8. Masquerade

Even if you're not into cosplay, it's worth a try. Choose your two favorite characters and build their costumes (or at least the appearance of them). Basically, who is Superman? A man in shorts over tights and with a sheet, oh, that is, a raincoat over his shoulders. It’s not that difficult to repeat this at home (the main thing is not to try to fly). And you will make a great catwoman, just find the right use for leggings and a turtleneck. You can make a mask from old tights.

Has your computer failed? Everything around immediately becomes boring and uninteresting. What about games? After all, by choosing time to play with a loved one (both a child and an adult), you are making a mutually valuable gift: your days will be filled with happiness and the joy of communication, and the memories of the time spent together will become bright and warm.

Important: classics of the genre - all kinds of board games and puzzles (for each age category your level). A great way to brighten up your time is drawing, coloring anti-stress pictures or doing handicrafts.

Games for two at home without a computer for girls

The choice of activities primarily depends on the child’s temperament.


Homemade puzzles

Postcards or pretty candy box lids are great for making puzzles. Just cut the image you like into several pieces and your puzzle is ready.


All kinds of challenges are becoming increasingly popular among children, even the smallest ones. The simplest challenge you can do for a child is playing with drinks.

To carry out the challenge you will need: juice or any other drink (5-10 small bags/bottles with different flavors), identical craft paper bags for snacks (according to the number of drinks), long cocktail straws (also according to the number of drinks).

Pre-insert straws into all drinks. Pack bags/bottles of drinks carefully in paper bags. Place the packaged drinks on the table and invite your child to sip the drink through a straw and guess what exactly he is drinking.

It's not as easy as it seems, but it's a lot of fun.

Fortune teller using origami technique

Invite your guest to make a fortune teller out of paper. Go to and read the detailed MK on this topic.

Games on paper

“Tic Tac Toe” is another wonderful and unfairly forgotten answer to the question of what to play with your child.

See the photo for the rules of the game.

To make the tic-tac-toe game more interesting, try using cookies, nuts, and candies together with tic-tac-toe. The winner, of course, takes all the goodies. The playing field can be painted directly on the table using masking tape.

Games for two at home without a computer for boys

Boys are unlikely to want to make chokers out of buttons. But themed puzzles may well be of interest to young supermen. How to make puzzles from scrap materials, see the beginning of the article.

Construction of towers

  • In addition, boys will have fun building towers out of cookies or donuts. Candies, coins, sea or any other pebbles, etc. are also suitable for building a tower. The one whose tower is higher wins.
  • You can build not only towers, but also entire cities from plastic or paper cups. In addition, with the help of cups you can diversify your walks fresh air(see photo below).


For older children, invite them to play reversi. Instead of chips, the game uses two-layer cookies (64 pcs.). And the playing field (8x8 squares) is drawn directly on the table using masking tape. In the center of the field, 2 light chips/cookies and 2 dark ones are placed diagonally.

See the photo below for the rules of the game.

Rules of the game "Reversi"


One more gambling“Rock-paper-scissors”, which does not require lengthy preparation. Depending on the age of the child, you can use a game of 3 elements (rock, paper, scissors), 5 (rock, scissors, paper, lizard, Spock) and even 25!

Rules of the game "Rock-paper-scissors"

How to show game elements: (clockwise, starting from top): scissors, paper, rock, lizard, Spock.

Origami airplanes

Paper airplanes are a classic children's game. Go to and read the detailed MK on this topic.

Games for two at home without a computer for adults

Any of the children's games suggested above can be used for adults.

Card games

If for children's leisure Card games are considered by many to be unacceptable, but for an adult they are quite acceptable. In addition to "Fool" or "Poker", you can play "Shark". Another name for the game is “Witch”, “Sorceress”. Rules for this card game so simple that you can play with a child (see photo below).

Rules of the card game "Witch"

Games with matches

A box of matches will also help brighten up the evening. No, we are not talking about MK on making fires. IN in this case we'll talk about the game "11 matches". See photo below for rules.

If desired, you can increase the number of matches to 27 pcs.

Another game, also called “11 matches”. However, the rules are different from the previous one (see photo below).

The number of matches required for the game is 11 pcs. One of the matches needs to be marked. For example, color with a felt-tip pen.

Rules of the game “11 matches” (II version)

Linguistic games

Word games will also help brighten up the evening. Perhaps their names and rules are too original, but in this part of the article we are talking about adults with a corresponding sense of humor.

The first game offered is "Hangman". The rules of the game are in the photo below.

Rules of the game "Hangman".

Step by step example games "Hangman"

The second linguistic game "Balda".

The playing field consists of a grid of 5x5 squares. In the middle horizontal row the word “bulda” or any other five-letter word is written.

Example of a playing field for "Baldy"

See detailed rules of the game below.

Rules of the game "Balda".

Games for two at home without a computer, active

Little fidgets require movement. Perhaps one of these games will become your favorite.

Sumo wrestling

A fun outdoor game. Will bring pleasure to both players and spectators (if any).

To play the game you will need pillows (2 for each player) and large T-shirts. Then everything is extremely simple: put on T-shirts, put pillows under them and start fighting. The winner is the one who manages to push the opponent outside the conditional circle.

Game "Sumo Wrestlers"

Hide and seek

Try playing hide and seek. If you don’t really want/conveniently want to hide, hide an object.


If you do yoga, invite your child to repeat a few simple asanas after you. The exercises can be accompanied by words from the famous game “The sea is agitated once...”, slightly changing them (see photo).

The obstacle course will delight not only kids, but also adults.

What can you play at home with a friend? What can you play at home together with your sister?

Any of the games suggested above is suitable for both girls and girls. If none of the options proposed above suits you, try fortune telling for love. You will find options for simple fortune telling by clicking on.

What can you play at home with your girlfriend? What can you play at home with your boyfriend?

Now there is simply a huge choice board games for lovers. But if you can’t purchase a ready-made game, play the game suggested below. An unforgettable evening is guaranteed for you.

What can you play at home alone with your wife?

Any of the games suggested above can be used for a pleasant pastime with the family. It all depends on what exactly you mean by a pleasant pastime and what ultimate goal you are pursuing.

What can you play at home with your brother?

Any of the proposed games is suitable for both adults and children.

What can you play at home together with a child aged 5–9 years?

It is worth dwelling on this topic in more detail, since children need a constant change of activities.

  • Game "Yes/no". One player thinks of a word (something that he sees in the room, in the apartment, on the street). The other one tries to guess what the first one is up to. The player who thinks of the word can be asked leading questions, but he can only answer “yes” or “no.”
  • "Distorted Mirror". One player makes a grimace - the second tries to repeat it.
  • Game "Grandfather's Story". One player says: “I went hunting and saw...”. At the same time, he must name any object starting with the letter “A”. The second player repeats: “I went hunting and saw...” At the same time, he must name the item that the first player chose and add his own. But items should be named in alphabetical order.
  • Invite your child to name all the words that begin with the letter “T” or any other letter.
  • "Nonsense." One of the players says a word. The other must make a sentence in which each word begins with the letter of that word. For example, someone said the word “MISTY” - the second one makes up the sentence “Marina Puts a Scarf on Square Orange.”

Video: Games on paper: TETRIS - season 1 episode 2

Some people like it hot or what else can you do with your loved one in the evening

What can two bored people in love do late at night? What if several loving couples gathered at once? What if there are no vulgarities? No options? We know one wonderful way to have fun while away the evening. We invite you to play games.

“But games are for children. What are we to you: teenagers in puberty, for whom playing spin the bottle is out of the ordinary? - you ask. And we will confidently invite you to read about the following games and radically change your opinion.

“In Love” - or love and nothing more

The game set consists of bright pink (for girls) and blue (for boys) cards and a dice with hearts on the sides. The cards are divided into several categories: Relationships, Reflections, Feelings, Competitions, Mission. The most important cards are the "Mission" cards, since they indicate the number of cards of a certain color that you need to collect in order to win. The enemy should not know about this. The principle of the game is simple: complete the task and get a card. Cards of the “Bonus” category are a kind of reward. On them you can find the inscription “Tell me a compliment every day for a week”, “Kiss me 100 times”. These cards can be attached to a magnetic board, which in turn can be hung on the refrigerator so that the other half does not forget about their obligations.

Before the game starts, the guy and girl take the “Mission” card and find out how many cards they need to collect to win. Then the guy puts pink cards in front of him, the girl puts blue ones. The girl starts the game. She rolls the dice, which shows which pink card she should take. She gives the card to the guy so that he can read out the task. The girl performs it and how well she performs it determines whether she will receive the card or not. Everything is repeated for the guy. The game lasts until someone collects the number of cards indicated on the “Mission” card.

For you

This game is one of the most unusual. What is its originality? Yes, at least in the fact that one game lasts 2-3 weeks, and you can play this game only once in your life. The game set includes two envelopes - red and blue. Each of them contains 15 tasks. Each task is a surprise for your other half. Each card details a romantic surprise and how to properly prepare for it. The tasks can be both incredibly simple and with a catch. You won’t be able to find too intimate tasks in this game. To do this, you should look for other, more adult games. And there is only one winner in this game and that is your Love.

Fanta Love Marathon - let's run?

This game is played only by two people under the cover of darkness, in a cozy room, the twilight of which is illuminated by candlelight. With the help of the game you can become significantly closer to your other half. And if your relationship is just developing, then with her help they will begin to develop rapidly. The set includes a certain number of cards with a dating scenario and... with pictures with instructions from a famous Indian book about love. Forfeits are perfect for bold experimenters looking for new sensations. Are you ready to spice up your intimate life? Off to the start. Attention. March!

Fanta Absinthe - let's light up this night

Any relationship can weaken over time everyday life. Everything is no longer felt so acutely; the partner can no longer surprise you with anything. So what should I do? Looking for a lover? In order not to break the vow of celibacy, you can simply play absinthe forfeits. 70 degrees intense feelings and enjoyment is guaranteed. The set includes 4 sets of cards - white, yellow, pink and red. They represent tasks of varying degrees of frankness - from ordinary role-playing games to experiments. There are 200 of them in total. And in one night you can use a maximum of 15, so several hot nights are guaranteed. The set also includes a blindfold (you can arrange your “50 shades” in bed) and a list of necessary products from the adult store. While playing, you should forget about any restrictions, embarrassment and puritanical upbringing. You are playing with the person your heart chose and who chose you, so why should you be shy?

Fanta Chocolate - sweet night

All children love sweets, and adults should appreciate chocolate forfeits. Each card is its own story, which is proposed to be played out. A caring doctor and a modest patient, a rich slacker and a depraved call girl... There are a whole sea of ​​options, or rather, 200 of them. There are also tasks that I could not even dream of even in my wildest fantasies. What do you need for this game? Just a little bit. Minus modesty, plus desire, time and a soulmate ready for anything. And the night will sparkle with new colors. Even if some tasks seem too revealing, it’s still worth trying. Suddenly you like it...

Fanta hot experiments - not for the modest

Ready for the most daring, reckless, exciting experiments in your life. Then it’s worth playing forfeits. But before starting the game, you should familiarize yourself with the contents of the cards and put aside for the future those whose tasks will be unacceptable for your partner. Perhaps during the game he will decide to take a risk. The hottest are the red cards. they involve the involvement of available means in the process. Tips for use and colorful pictures and illustrations are described in detail.

Fanta adult fun - only for adults

Is life boring and uninteresting? Are you already tired of your significant other and want recklessness, debauchery and whores? Why spend a lot of money on a trip to Las Vegas or Amsterdam. The secret of a crazy night is simple: forfeits “adult fun” + alcohol + loved one = passion until dawn. Each card has a couple of lines that push you into the abyss of recklessness. They can be used more than once. Who said that honeymoon impossible to repeat. For adults, nothing is impossible.

Fanta-flirting Holiday romance - let's go to the sea!

The most passionate and memorable stories always unfold at resorts. starry sky, sound of the surf, light noise resort town in the distance...What else is needed for a romantic adventure. But if neither the means nor the opportunities allow you to go to the south, you can simply play the forfeit game “Resort Romance”. Choose the country where you are going on vacation and first draw white cards, then yellow, pink and red. Thanks to this game, men will be able to significantly replenish their stock of compliments, and girls will be able to find out various secrets seducing beautiful strangers.

Forfeits-flirting Sweet couple - everything is in chocolate

Do you know how to flirt? What if you think about it? Is it always easy to approach the person you like and make an acquaintance? In order to once again practice this art of conquering people and just have fun, there is the game “Sweet Couple”. Hundreds of dating options, hundreds of seduction options. And all this in one game. We draw the card one by one and complete the tasks.

Fanta-flirting pepper - relationships with spice

Going through this game from beginning to end means starting with chaste kisses and ending with the most unimaginable experiments. Even the most modest person will get so carried away during the game that he will completely forget about his principles. The authors of the game did their best. Although on the one hand it may seem that this is just a book for adults in pictures, it is still a game for lovers. Many cards contain tasks for players to show tenderness and affection towards each other.

Regardless of which game you decide to play, nice evening will still be provided. After all, it is important, first of all, to play with interest and treat everything with humor.

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"I want..."

Say 5 sentences starting with “I want that...”

Depending on the players, these can be different desires... You can simply tell your desires, or you can force other participants to fulfill them =)

"My story with fantasies"

Forgetting about modesty, the guy/girl openly fantasizes who he/she would like to see another player of the opposite sex in a role-playing sex scene: a boss, a doctor, a teacher, etc.

The partner immediately comes up with a colorful erotic story based on the plot given to him. If the customer liked the story, then the reward is a tender kiss. If you don't like it - a tasty slap on the ass :)

"Tell someone else"

If you come across this phantom, then you are lucky. You don't complete the task, but in return you have to come up with something yourself funny task to the next player, but the next player does not miss a turn.

“Kissing from the toes to the head is a phantom for lovers”

Do you know that there is such an expression as “kiss from head to toe”?

Show your significant other the meaning of this expression. Your kisses should be filled with feelings and tenderness, they should be exciting to light a fire. The kiss of each area should not be less than 3 seconds.

"I'm not a wizard, but I'll try"

Now you are a wizard (or genie) and must fulfill one wish for each player. Of course, desires must be achievable.

If you managed to fulfill all your wishes, you can make a wish to one of the players.

"Your wish is my touch"

You have a unique chance.

Say the place on your body where you would like to be touched. Expose this place, make yourself more comfortable. The second participant should slowly and gently caress you there with his palm. Touching should be smooth, but at the same time, passionate and sensual.

"On my knees"

Regardless of who pulled out this phantom, the task will have to be performed by a woman.

The woman sits sideways on the man’s lap, lowers her legs, and makes exciting movements with her hips, while caressing his chest and neck with her hands and lips.

A man should not participate in the process in any way - touch a woman, kiss her, and he should also remain silent and say nothing.

A woman is not allowed to lower her hands below a man’s waist, but otherwise she is not limited in any way. Will she be able to make the man not stand it?

"Uncle Policeman"

Pretend to be a policeman. If you can, name the ranks of the police officers. If possible, dress up as a police officer (or change your clothes to look like one) and stop the invisible intruder.

"Rinse your finger"

If a woman pulled out the phantom, then she caresses the man’s finger; if a man pulled out the task, then the girl’s palm.

You should caress, gently bite, suck the finger/palm, imagining that it is not a finger/palm at all. Show how you can tease and turn on your partner.

If your significant other wants, then continue teasing “in an adult way.”

"Unusual places and positions for sex"

Tell us the most unusual position you (or your friends =)) had to have sex in. What feelings did you have during this, what thoughts, what fears?

If you cannot tell this or the story does not suit other participants, then tell us about yourself unusual place, in which you had sex, also with all the details.

Other participants may ask leading or clarifying questions.

"Important Research"

Scientists say that for most women, nipple sensitivity varies. You have to check it out! A blindfolded girl sits on the edge. The man kneels between her legs and conducts important research. With his fingers, lips and tongue, he pulls, pinches, sucks, licks and bites his partner’s nipples, testing them.

The girl tries to feel the difference in sensations (if necessary, adjusting her partner’s actions) while holding back her moans. Together, you find the more sensitive nipple, mark it, and continue the game. If you wish, you can do the same with each other's necks.

Nature has created people in such a way that routine has a depressing effect on them. We all tend to look for variety in clothing, communication, and food. It is logical that we look for it in sex too. Some people prefer to change partners, but this path is not suitable for everyone. Agree that intimacy with a regular man is more enchanting than with a new partner. When all positions have been tried, and boredom creeps into the bedroom more and more often, they come to the rescue - sexual role-playing games. With their help you can catch several birds with one stone. Now you can forget about the routine in your bed. Discover something new in your loved one and yourself. This will allow you not only to refresh a slightly stagnant relationship, but even to fall in love with each other again. And get even closer, because now you know each other a little better.

Little secrets of big players

In any games, regardless of whether they are erotic, sports, intellectual or entertaining, there are certain rules, and failure to comply with them can easily spoil the expected result. What rules are typical for games that take place in the bedroom? Both partners should be relaxed, ready to enjoy the upcoming action and understand that embarrassment is an inappropriate emotion in bed. To relax and play is the main requirement. The game should be exciting, give it your all!

Curtain, or the performance is over!

You are both set for a great night, anticipating something indescribable. To ensure that your aspirations do not disappoint you, keep in mind what you should not do during your next night adventure:

  • Strong seriousness or inappropriate gaiety can equally ruin the whole mood of what is happening. Be natural. It's a game, but it's only yours. There are no spectators who need a spectacle, and no judges who will evaluate what is happening.
  • Advice is definitely a necessary thing. But not now. Refrain from moralizing and teaching phrases in the midst of the performance.
  • Are you getting ready to play, but your mind is now filled with thoughts about your mortgage, a damaged relationship with a colleague, and the fact that you forgot to call your parents or water the flowers? Congratulations! You are a very responsible person. But why think about it right now, when you are going to do completely different things? Now you need erotic thoughts, not urgent ones. Correct the situation urgently!

What does the menu offer us?

The choice of role-playing games is very wide. You will have enough of this entertainment for a long time. We will tell you about the most popular scenarios that most often occur in bedrooms. Some of them don’t even require special paraphernalia, and you will get no less pleasure than from the most sophisticated game.

  • Everyone dances

Can you already guess what we're going to talk about now? The dance is only for adults, which can most often be seen only in private. Striptease – just from this word alone, erotic desires arise in our minds. The dance itself is a very sexy act, and with undressing, there’s nothing to talk about! Which one of you will be the first to perform it in front of your partner? Will you or your man slowly remove your clothes, enticing and teasing with your movements, rhythmically moving to the beat of the music?

The type of clothing does not matter, except, perhaps, for both of you and the stockings of the lovely young ladies. Even if you are in the most casual clothes, the ability to beautifully and sexyly get rid of them under musical accompaniment has priority. But what is closer to the body should look very erotic. Forget about family briefs (this applies to men), modest cotton bras and panties. There is a taboo on them. Lace, satin, frills, everything transparent and weightless. For women, it is important to be able to move beautifully in heels. The sight of a woman erotically taking off all her clothes, remaining first in stockings and underwear, and then without it, but in high heels - your man will be smitten on the spot!

  • The most unfortunate patient in the world

Few people like to be sick and lie in bed in this state. Unless not only the patient, but also his attending physician is in this bed. A game that adults and children love to play is “Doctor and Patient.” Only their goals are completely different. So, which scenario do you prefer? You are a nurse, and your man is a patient who urgently needs first aid, for example, artificial mouth-to-mouth respiration? Or are you a patient of a famous doctor, having an appointment with whom, you have an irresistible desire to surrender to him?

  • Last call

School years are distant, how long ago they were! But they will not be forgotten by girls who fell in love with their physics or algebra teacher in their youth, and by young men who dreamed of finding out what kind of underwear a very young new teacher of Russian language and literature wears. It's time to bring the fantasies of yesteryear to life. Tonight you, in the role of an inexperienced but terribly pretty schoolgirl, came to retake the exam. Your man is a terribly strict teacher who wants much more from such a lovely student than just the correct answer. What is required from him to get the coveted grade?

There is no need to limit yourself to school. Higher education- for a long time already necessary thing V modern world. And today you can become a daring senior student who decided to seduce a handsome teacher. You need something more from him than knowledge on a specialized subject. Yes, and you also have something to teach him. He is unlikely to forget this way of sharing knowledge!

  • Selling love

Priestess of love, giving away her charms for money to anyone who wants and has financial opportunity pay for them? Yes, another game that men are delighted with. Aggressive makeup, frankly shameless underwear, provocative behavior - you will have to completely transform yourself. But why not? For a thrill, you can visit a hot spot where your future client will approach you with an offer to pay for caresses. Or you can invite him to have some fun by sitting next to him and smiling lecherously.

  • Good and evil

As you know, good conquers evil. "What does this have to do with role-playing games“, - you ask in bewilderment? The most direct thing. If you will bad girl, your partner’s task will be to punish you properly. You see what we're hinting at, right? If your man is the bad boy, you urgently need to put on latex clothes, arm yourself with a whip and popularly show this bad boy what kind of treatment his behavior deserves.

  • Onslaught against will

Many women are embarrassed to confess their secret desire to their men. A woman does not always want affectionate and gentle sex. Sometimes beautiful ladies want their men to act more roughly, with daring pressure and even force. This is a very good moment to open up to your loved one. Playing a rapist and his victim, a slave and a cruel master will allow you to communicate your long-standing secret. Let him throw you onto the bed, tear off all your clothes with a rough and merciless hand and take you mercilessly. You've wanted this for so long!

  • Only deer are decorated with antlers

Rarely does anyone want to find themselves in the role of a deceived wife or husband, but the thought of playing a lover or mistress does not seem so repulsive. Especially with your own soulmate! When you send your imaginary spouse on a business trip, invite the “forbidden fruit” into your alcove. You can even agree in advance to call each other by other people's names. For realism, ask your friends for the keys to the apartment for a change of scenery, or rent a hotel room.

  • Office realities

A career made through bed is a subject for condemnation for many. But you are only going to play this, and not with anyone, but with your beloved man! A strict boss who locks his office in order to take possession of a pretty secretary on his own desk, without even undressing her, but only by lifting her pencil skirt. Or you are an icy businesswoman, a sheath woman who wants to have fun with one of her subordinates. And let him try hard to satisfy her, otherwise he will simply be fired!

  • Cinema – filming our own masterpieces

You won’t surprise anyone with home filming anymore. But if you haven't tried it yet, then this might be of interest to you. You are actors, directors, and producers of your own film about your bed battles. Will this be a one-time event, or will you now be passionate about making a multi-part film? It's up to you two to decide.

  • Husband for an hour

This is what they now call the guys who work in companies that provide small repair work to everyone who needs it. For example, a pipe in your bathroom has burst. Call a plumber immediately! The plumber you called turned out to be so good-looking that you decided to thank him not only financially? It’s your choice, and he certainly won’t refuse to receive such warm gratitude from such a sexy young lady.

  • Oh those guys from the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Of course, there are hot guys not only in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but also in many other organizations. But for some reason, many women are fascinated by a uniform, and they terribly dream of being in a situation where they can take it off the guy who was wearing it. And where this guy works: in the police, in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, there is no difference. Try to appear in front of your woman in special clothes - you will feel its magical effect.

  • A celebrity and her fan(s)

Sex with famous people– an unattainable dream of millions of people. Someone imagines himself in bed with famous actor, someone with a sexy singer. But why not play out a similar scenario in your bedroom? To enhance the effect, you can put a film with a star in leading role during the upcoming process of love or a collection of songs with the voice of a passionately desired singer.

  • Unknown

Another secret desire of adult boys and girls. So that someone unknown would have sex with them, delivering unearthly pleasure, and then disappear, remaining incognito. Blindfold your partner's eyes and even his hands, in case of possible resistance. And just make love to him. Don't call him by name or engage in conversation with him at all. You crave and nothing else. After mutually received pleasure, you can disappear without saying goodbye.

  • My light, mirror, tell me

Some couples would not refuse the presence of spectators in their own bedroom or even take part in a real orgy. But this is not always possible. A mirror is a great alternative that will come to your aid and fulfill your desire. Make love in front of a mirror the size of full height. The ideal option is if the whole room is covered in mirrors. You are alone, and at the same time there are many other couples in the room making love with you, synchronously, at the same time. Light candles instead of electric light - then the feeling that there are many more people in the room besides you will intensify.

  • Desert Island

How did primitive men and women feel, dressed in skins, surrounded only by living nature? Finding out is not a problem. Playing Adam and Eve, Tarzan and the Amazon is easy. You can have sex under the crackling fire, having gone on vacation as a savage somewhere far away from civilization. Or on the skin of a bear, in own apartment, leaving only a necklace of flowers around her neck. In this case, it will be completely useful to include the sounds of wildlife. This will help further enhance the feeling that you are under open air somewhere in Central Africa.

All kinds of games are needed, all kinds of games are important

In the bedroom you can embody all these roles and many more. For people with imagination, it is not a problem to diversify the world of their sexual desires, surprise each other and give love and affection through such cute techniques. The main thing is not to forget that the game should be interesting not only to you, but also to your partner. Frankness, openness and the ability to negotiate will certainly help you in further delightful discoveries in your bed. Let there be as many such pleasant discoveries as possible!