Necessary things for travel. What clothes should I take with me? Let's go on a camping trip

March 10th, 2013 , 02:44 pm

Socks for the plane. I read it in some magazine a long time ago, tried it, and now we only fly in them. The point is to take off your shoes on the plane, and to prevent your feet from blowing and smelling to your neighbors, wear fluffy, spacious, cozy socks.

Regular socks. I mentioned it for the sake of a trick - on small trips I usually try to take socks that are close to the stage of dying, and without regret I throw them away on the trip. It saves not weight, but volume.

UPD This probably should have been at the very beginning, but I didn’t realize. And because of this, some commentators had an obvious misunderstanding. So, I'll correct myself:

This list is for two adults, Europe (city\beach), suitcase - 1 piece, I don’t know the size of the suitcase in centimeters (if necessary, I can measure it), but I know that if necessary, it can be accepted as hand luggage on most airlines. The weight turns out to be decent - more than 10 kg, usually around 12-15, this includes clothes (which I deliberately did not indicate on the list). Also, I didn’t include mandatory things like “money-documents-insurance” in the list, because that’s not what the post is about :-) In 95 percent of cases, we check our suitcases as luggage, so I wasn’t bothered by the issue of optimization for hand luggage. But with some effort, I think it can be done by hand, with the exception of a knife and a nail file.

Not mine, but I’ll take out interesting things from the comments just in case:
- disinfectant spray/hand gel
- thin plastic raincoat
- compact ashtray
- thread and needles (travel kit)
- Activated carbon- ? (unienzyme, as I understand it, already contains it, as I understand it)
- aftershave balm/lotion (I completely forgot about it, I confess. Maybe because we use it according to the shaving foam scheme))))

Today I’ll tell you what to take on the train with you in terms of food, clothing, hygiene products, entertainment, documents if you are going on a long trip. After all, you can endure it for a few hours, but on a long journey you want to feel as comfortable as possible.

I have solid experience of riding trains from the very beginning. early childhood(flights from my city are often expensive), so I decided to make a list of things that are worth taking with you on the train for those who travel less often or are going on their first trip. And it doesn’t matter for one day, two days or more.

Read also useful materials on this topic:

What to take with you on the train?


The first thing you should definitely check before leaving home is documents and money:

  • train tickets,
  • passports,
  • child's birth certificate,
  • school certificates and power of attorney for the child (if necessary),
  • small supply of cash.

I recommend putting all your valuables in either a small fanny pack or a special cloth body bag so that you always have them with you. In principle, you can store them under the pillow, depending on what is more convenient and familiar to you. A large sum It’s better not to take cash with you, much less show it to her (although it has become much safer on trains now), a small reserve is enough for small expenses, and the rest is on a bank card.

Source: latteedclc/Flickr


Take a change of clothes with you on the train. The main thing is that it is convenient for you personally.

  • flip flops - easy to take off and put on,
  • T-shirt/undershirt,
  • sweatpants/shorts,
  • jacket/turtleneck,
  • replacement regular socks/wool socks.
  • Earplugs and an eye mask are great for helping you sleep anywhere.

It all depends on the time of year and the specific carriage: in the summer it will be hot without air conditioning, in the winter some trains are poorly heated, so you have to put on warm clothes.

Source: Garrett Ziegler/Flickr

Hygiene products and cosmetics

It is mandatory to take hygiene products with you on the train, because even despite the apparent cleanliness, the carriages are not sterile.

  • toothpaste and brush (there are special travel cases for brushes),
  • soap and soap dish,
  • antibacterial wipes - they are convenient for wiping your hands and the table before eating, and in general they will come in handy in many places,
  • toilet paper,
  • paper napkins,
  • comb,
  • tonic for washing, cream, cotton pads and sticks for women.

You will be given a towel along with your bed linen, but you can bring your own if you want. It’s convenient to put the washbasins in a special plastic package with a lock, so even if something leaks, the rest of your things will remain clean. I often have disposable bars of soap and toothpastes left over from hotels, and I often take those.

Source: symmetry_mind/Flickr

First aid kit

We always have a small first aid kit with us, even if we go to a neighboring city, not to mention long journeys. You shouldn’t pack a lot, but you should take basic medications with you on the train:

  • painkillers,
  • allergy remedies,
  • remedies for upset stomach and pain,
  • antipyretics,
  • patch, iodine,
  • specific medications specifically for your illnesses.

What food and drink should you take on the train?

The romance of the train, food and conversations with fellow travelers are inseparable. For our people, the process of eating is railway carries some kind of sacred meaning :-) After all, as soon as the train leaves the platform, many immediately take out chicken, Rolltons and Doshiraki, boiled eggs, bread and tea - these are classics! And the way it smells... these are memories from childhood.

Dining in the dining car is not very tasty and, moreover, very expensive, so it is better to pack food with you. So, what food should you take on the train?

Remember that you should not take perishable products or food with a strong smell, as this can not only cause poisoning, but also cause inconvenience to your neighbors.

List of what to take on the train from food:

  • vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, boiled corn,
  • fruits: apples, pears, tangerines, bananas, oranges. Wash fruits and vegetables at home in advance, take the ones that are not the most ripe so that they last a long time.
  • grilled chicken,
  • boiled eggs,
  • smoked sausage,
  • cheeses: hard or processed, wrap in foil,
  • boiled potatoes in their jackets, for the first time,
  • bread, preferably already sliced,
  • disposable instant porridges,
  • dried fruits and nuts,
  • sweets: caramel candies, gingerbreads, waffles, cookies,
  • tea bags,
  • sugar and salt,
  • drinking water.

Sometimes, when I'm not eating from home, I have to take noodles or potatoes instant cooking, but I won’t recommend it, only as a last resort.

There is also an opinion that the water in titanium is not very good and rarely comes to a boil, but during my trips everything was ok.

This post was prepared as part of a thematic photo project together with photographer Katerina Cherepanova. I express my deep gratitude to you for your cooperation and ideological spirit, Katya! Thank you for submitting the photos!

Several years ago, I also took a lot of extra and, as it turns out later when traveling, unnecessary things. Over time, I learned to take only the essentials, and on trips to Europe or Russia during the off-season, I only go with a backpack. I’ll tell you below an example of how this happens!

So, on an April trip to the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Italy (about 20 days), my things easily fit into a backpack. I also went to St. Petersburg for 12 days in May with a backpack. I definitely travel with a backpack for 3-4 days. For example, now I have returned from Kazan in September, where all my things were also placed in a backpack!

I want to immediately convince you that a backpack can fit a LOT of things, the main thing is to follow a few simple, but important rules! So, let's go - how to pack a suitcase or backpack correctly?

Bathroom accessories

The most important rule to follow is to never do not take full-size products(shampoos, balms, shower gels, etc.). These items add the most weight to your suitcase! Many people buy such products while they are already on vacation, and in principle, this is also a way out. But not for me. Firstly, I’m used to using certain products that may not be available in the store. Secondly, the first thing I want to do when I arrive at my destination is take a shower, and not look for a store to buy shampoo, conditioner, etc. That's why I bottle my favorite products in special miniature containers from Ikea . Toothpaste, soap - I also take miniature ones.

For my hair when traveling, I use an absolute trio: a compact Tangle Teezer comb, an elastic band and a hair band, which I use when washing my face and applying makeup.

Care products

The approach to care products is the same as to bath accessories. I also bring face/hand cream and body balm in miniatures, if their packaging is large for my reasons.


Since I’m talking about the example of a trip in the off-season, during this period, of course, cosmetics have a special tribute (when going to the sea, for example, I keep it to a minimum). From cosmetics, I take basic products that I use daily. If the packaging is bulky, I try to replace it with another product. If it's a heavy-packed foundation, I don't overfill it. a large number of into a miniature.

As an accent from decorative cosmetics Most often I use lipsticks and lip pencils, so when I travel I take two/three variations - for everyday makeup and makeup for going out.

Clothes and shoes: 5 important rules

We've come to the hardest part - collecting clothes! My minimum set The clothes that fit in a backpack most often consist of two pairs of jeans/trousers, a couple of light jumpers/sweatshirts, two/three tops/T-shirts, one dress. There are several important rules when collecting clothes.

First rule: in order to pack your suitcase correctly, take only those things that are easy to combine with each other. For every thing I take with me, it works unspoken rule- if this thing is combined with others in at least 3 looks, then it suits me, and I take it with me! For example, a denim dress that can be worn both as a dress and as a shirt, tied at the waist.

The only exception can be a small one black dress(well, or any other - to your taste). Although, even this black dress can be easily tucked up and worn as a top with jeans!

Second rule when choosing clothes: give preference to lighter things and leave the heavy ones at home. Sometimes I cheat: choosing light, non-bulky things allows me to take an extra dress or jumper)

Third rule: When you pack your things, roll them up so they take up less space!

Fourth rule concerns shoes. I take only comfortable shoes, and they should be combined with all the chosen items. Most often these are two pairs of shoes: comfortable sneakers and some boots that can be worn with both a dress and jeans.

Fifth rule, also related to shoes: when I travel, I wear heavier shoes, and I put lighter ones in my backpack! Both pairs should be comfortable!


For accessories, I carry a small bag and a fabric tote, which fold easily and perfectly into a backpack. During the day, when traveling, I travel with a backpack, and in the evening, when I go out, I take a small bag. A shopping bag - for unexpected purchases.

Among the obligatory accessories in my backpack there will always be one snood or stole, as well as a light scarf with which I cover my head when entering a church/monastery. This scarf always travels with me and takes up about a gram of weight.

Like any girl, I add jewelry to my looks, so when traveling with minimum quantity clothes, bright, unusual accessories will always save you. IN Lately I prefer brooches

Or it could be a collar/necklace. I also take sunglasses with me.


The minimum set of gadgets on my trip is a lightweight Panasonic Lumix GF6 mirrorless camera, an iPhone 5s and an old Transcend player with my favorite music.

Important things

One of the important details is vision glasses, these are my second eyes, I can’t live without them. I also include a wallet with cash and cards, and a flash drive for photos in this category. In my backpack you can always find a notepad with a pen because... when traveling, I always write down the most important important information, which I collect bit by bit for the blog, I keep booklets and tickets as souvenirs.

It seems like I’ve listed so many things here that it all won’t fit in my backpack! But I assure you, this is not so. The basic contents I showed as an example today fit easily into my backpack. The main thing is to train yourself and reassure yourself that these things will really be enough for you!

I hope my experience was at least a little useful to you! Have a great trip with a light suitcase!

When going on vacation, it is very important to take the right approach to packing - fold your things so that only the most essential items are in your suitcases. necessary items, and nothing extra. This is especially true when traveling by plane. In order for packing to go quickly and efficiently, it is best to make a list in advance of what to take with you on the trip. Over time, it can be supplemented, gradually crossing out what has already been prepared.

For those who like to spend their holidays away from home, such a list can be compiled once. After the first trip, adjust it, taking into account what was taken but not needed or fill in missing items.

Money and documents

Of course, you can’t do without these two things on any trip, even if you go on vacation to relatives in the nearest village. And if you are flying by plane or traveling by train for a long period of time, documents and money will come in handy during the trip.

List of required documents:

  • A foreign passport (if you are crossing the border) and a civil passport if you are traveling through Russia. It is advisable to make photocopies of passports in case they are lost;
  • Place travel documents in your passport – train, plane or bus tickets. Scan them and place them in one of the folders on your gadget;
  • If you decide to spend your vacation at a resort, be sure to grab a voucher for the hotel where you decide to stay;
  • For sanatoriums and health boarding houses you will need a medical card;
  • Those who have health insurance will need to bring a photocopy of it with them. If there is no such thing, and the trip is long, be sure to arrange it;
  • A driver's license if you are going on holiday by car and an international driver's license, provided that you plan to rent a car abroad.

Important! Please note that when traveling abroad you may find yourself in unforeseen and unusual situations. Therefore, among your loved ones who remain at home, there must be a trusted person who can resolve problems with local authorities. Even a lost SIM card from a mobile phone cannot be restored without a notarized power of attorney.

Divide materials according to this principle:

  • A small amount of cash, which may be needed at the airport, train station or on the train itself;
  • Be sure to have not one, but several bank cards. It is better if they are from different banks and support different systems payments – MasterCard or Visa. Before leaving, pay attention to their expiration dates;

If your vacation involves crossing a border, grab a small amount of currency and open at least one foreign currency account at the bank.

Do not forget that before traveling abroad you need to inform the nearest bank branch where the foreign currency account is opened. Otherwise, you will not withdraw money from an ATM in another country!

Technology and electronics

Be sure to take it on the road mobile phone, even if you have not registered for the “roaming” service. You may need it to inform your family if an unexpected situation arises at the airport or train station and you need their help. Also put it in your luggage Charger.

A tablet or laptop, if necessary, is checked in at the airport as hand luggage. The same applies to a camera or video camera. Don't forget to take chargers for all devices. Bring a flash drive to your laptop or tablet.

Clothes and shoes

The list of things you need to take with you on the road depends on the time of year, the country you are going to, and, of course, how exactly you plan to spend your time. Tourist routes with a backpack over his shoulders and beach holiday in a fashionable hotel on the seashore will require completely different equipment from you.

There should not be a lot of clothes that you plan to take on a trip. Add only the essentials to the list:

  • There is no need to take warm clothes to the countries of Asia and the South East. A few pairs of T-shirts, shorts, swimsuits and sun hats are all you'll need in Vietnam, China, Thailand or Bali. Shoes are slates and a pair of sneakers for hiking and excursion trips;
  • In European countries, you can expect various natural disasters. You need to prepare for them. Be sure to take raincoats and umbrellas if you are traveling to the UK, Finland or Switzerland;
  • On the shores of the Mediterranean, 2-3 swimsuits, a small amount of summer shoes and clothing would be appropriate.

When making a list for your trip, also focus on your place of residence. If you can do laundry at a camp site or holiday home, but in hotels you can give things to the laundry, don’t take a lot of them.

Hygiene items and first aid kit

When going on vacation to resorts in the summer, be sure to include sunscreen creams and lotions, insect repellent, sunglasses, and hygienic lipstick in your list of items.

There shouldn’t be a lot of hygiene items if you are going to live in a place where everything you need can be bought. Here is a rough list:

  • Shampoo and hair conditioner;
  • Dry and wet sanitary napkins;
  • A small piece of soap and roll-on deodorant;
  • Hairdryer, comb;
  • Manicure scissors, nail file.

Provide a small sewing kit as well. Its standard version: white thread, black thread, a couple of needles, several safety pins.

Remember that during air travel the amount of liquids is regulated by the carrier company! Carrying cans of hairspray and deodorant in hand luggage is also prohibited.

When packing your first aid kit, please take into account the fact that strong psychotropic drugs and tranquilizers are allowed to be transported by plane only if you have a medical certificate and a prescription from the attending physician (in your name).

When you start packing your things according to your list of what you need for your trip, immediately divide them into those that will fly in the luggage compartment and those that will be checked out as carry-on luggage. Try not to pack a lot of clothes and shoes! Remember that for each extra kilos at the airport you will have to pay extra!

When you go on a trip, during which you will live in a foreign city, you will inevitably think: Have I forgotten something? To different people on such trips, of course, you need different things, but there are items without which to modern man It's very difficult to get by on a trip. We will include in our list 7 items that you definitely need to remember when planning a trip to another city in Russia. The list, of course, is not complete, but it can help not to forget something important.

Wherever you go, be sure to check before leaving that you have everything necessary documents. The list of such documents may not be so small: passport, driver’s license, work ID, travel certificate, work papers, tickets, insurance, etc. Documents must be neatly folded in a special handbag, folder or separate pocket in a suitcase. If you are not yet an experienced traveler, be sure to take the time the day before your trip to carefully gather all the documents you need to take with you.

2. Comfortable shoes

A trip, no matter where you go and no matter what transport you use, involves a lot of stress on your legs. Therefore, you definitely need to stock up on a very comfortable and proven pair of shoes for the season in advance. In addition, if you plan to stay with friends or in a rented apartment for a few days, then you also need to take replacement house shoes. Today it is very easy to find comfortable and beautiful slippers. They won’t take up much space in your suitcase, but thanks to them you will feel almost at home in someone else’s apartment.

3. Mobile phone

When leaving home, be sure to check if you have forgotten your mobile phone. Where are we today without telephone communication? This item is needed both for everyday and business conversations, and in emergency situations that may happen on the road. It is important not to forget to charge your mobile phone before your trip. By the way, if you are traveling for several days or weeks, be sure to take a cell phone charger with you.

4. Accessories

Depending on your preferences, think about the little things you need on the road and when living in a foreign city. You may need something from the following list:

  • comb;
  • wrist watch;
  • umbrella;
  • Brush for footwear;
  • sanitary napkins;
  • glasses;
  • Swiss knife.

The list can be endless. Just the day before your trip, sit down and think about what little things you can’t do without in everyday life. There is no need to overload your luggage, but you should definitely take some useful or pleasant little things.

5. Book

If you expect to spend a long time alone, for example, in the evenings in a rented apartment, then a fascinating read will definitely not hurt you. It’s better not to take serious things on a trip literary works. For men, the "travel" genre is usually detective, and for women - romance novels. Although, everyone has their own tastes. By the way, you can buy the book both at the station and upon arrival in the destination city. You should not take any thick volume or encyclopedia with you on the road. It is better not to overload your luggage. By the way, today it is very convenient to take on trips e-books. They are compact and you can upload as many texts as you like.

6. Medicines

You don't know if there will be a pharmacy nearby when you need some medicine. And in a foreign city, looking for a pharmacy when you feel unwell is a dubious pleasure. Take a small first aid kit with you, containing any medications you may need. The list is different for everyone. As standard we can offer:

  • antipyretics;
  • painkillers;
  • antidiarrheal;
  • anti-motion sickness tablets;
  • heart and blood pressure medications;
  • throat lozenges.

The list can be very diverse. It depends on what frequent health problems a person has. And if you also plan to have some fun on the trip, be sure to bring condoms.

7. Cash

Perhaps you live in a large metropolis and are used to paying everywhere bank cards However, when going to a foreign city, be sure to take with you a certain supply of cash. Money won’t take up much space, but you may need it at any moment. For example, you might want to stop and grab a bite to eat at a roadside eatery, or see a souvenir you like in a small souvenir shop. Having some cash on hand will help in many situations that may happen on the road.

When traveling or living in another city, you may need many other things. But we hope our small list will help you not to forget something necessary, useful or simply pleasant. In any case, in , you will always find a complete set for a traveler - slippers, disposable razors, shampoos, hygiene products, cutlery and much more!