Musical leisure in the senior group of kindergarten. Music by Prokofiev. Musical entertainment in the senior group of kindergarten. Scenario

Musical entertainment in senior group.

Subject: I am a resident of Russia.

Target: To instill a sense of patriotism in children through music. Teach children to be friendly and help others.

Equipment: poems about the Motherland, illustrations about the Motherland, toy cat Vaska, musical instruments,

Repertoire: Listening to the poem “About our Soviet Motherland”, music. game "Vaska the Cat", song "Merry Holiday" » , Game song "Kitten".

Guys, where do we live? (in Russia). And who can tell me what our country (Motherland) is for us? Many poets write poems about our Motherland. Read an excerpt of a poem about the Motherland. What are the poems talking about?

But one Russian composer loved his homeland so much that he wrote a song about it. Let's listen to her.

What did the composer want to talk about in the song? What was his mood?

There is a rustling sound.

Who is that rustling? Let's listen.

The melody for the game sounds.

Game song "Kitten".

Who came to us? Cat. What's his name? Vaska. He probably also wants to listen to music and play and dance with you. Let's sing a song for him. We sing the song “Guests have come to us.”

Oh, Vaska doesn’t know this song. Shall we help him learn it?

Let's help Vaska the cat learn a song.

Well done guys, you helped our Vaska learn a song and he invites you to play with him.

Children play music. game “Vaska the Cat” 2-3 times.

Oh, we played, we played, and we were a little tired and wanted to sing songs with you. Vaska knows what song. A fragment of a song is played and the children must guess the song. Song "Merry Holiday".

What kind of song is this guys? Let's help our cat remember it, otherwise he knows the melody, but has forgotten the words. Let's remind him of this song.

Well done guys, you helped the cat remember the words of this song.

We guys sang songs, listened to poems, played, and now let's show you how we musical instruments Let's play.

Children perform a melody on musical instruments.

Let's ask if Vaska liked being with us today.


What mood were you in today? What poems and songs did we remember and listen to? What mood did the song have? What else did you like?

Vaska also enjoyed singing and dancing with you, but it’s time to say goodbye. Let's say goodbye to Vaska.

The children return to the group.


Game song "Kitten".

The presenter sings a song, encouraging the children to sing along with onomatopoeia.

IN. A kitten came to us, little kitten:

He plays with the children and sings songs:

“Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow.”

Little white Vaska walks,

Vaska's tail is gray,

And he runs like an arrow.

The eyes are closing,

The claws are straightened,

Teeth like a needle.

The footstep is barely audible,

Vaska has lush fur,

Soft like linen.

Only mice will scratch.

Sensitive Vaska is right there,

He'll catch it in an instant.

Rules of the game:

“Vaska the Cat” and several “mice” are selected for the game. All children stand in a circle and join hands. The mice go outside the circle, but the cat remains in the middle of the circle. Depending on the content of the couplets, the cat walks in a circle, closes its eyes, straightens its claws, shows its teeth, walks on its toes, and listens for mice to scratch.

At the end, the children standing in a circle raise their clasped hands up and make collars. The cat begins to catch mice, running through the gates, and the mice run away from him. The game ends when all the mice are caught. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Leisure theme: "VISITING A FAIRY TALE"


1) Bring joy to children

2) Develop children’s imagination and imagination

3)Give an idea about fairy tale, fairy tale characters in music

4) Foster a love of music, develop aesthetic feeling

Musical material:

1) "Trap" Russian folk melody processing by L. Sidelnikov

2) “Squirrel” music by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (excerpt from the opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”)

3) “Circular gallop” Hungarian folk melody arranged by N. Metlov

4) "Fairy tale, fairy tale, come" music and lyrics by E. Sokolova

5) "Echo" music by E. Tilicheeva

6) "March" music by E. Tilicheeva

7) "Polonaise" (audio recording)

8) "Exercise" French folk melody

During leisure time we used:

2) TSO (audio recording)

3) squirrel toy

4) Fairy tale costume

5) illustrations

7) handkerchiefs for playing

8)sweet prizes


1) “Musical and motor exercises in kindergarten” (Raevskaya E.P., Rudneva S.D., Soboleva G.N.)

2) "Music and movement" (S.I. Bekina, T.P. Lomova, E.N. Sokovnina)

3) "Musical masterpieces" (O.P. Radynova)


Presenter: Hello, guys! Today I received a letter that you and I are invited to visit a fairy tale! The path there will be difficult, not easy, but you and I are adults and we will overcome everything!

From the kindergarten we will march happily with you

And with strict, friendly steps we will reach the fairy tale!

Guys, stand up straight, backs straight, knees raised high, toes pointed.

MARCH sounds music by E. Tilicheeva

Well done, guys! We’ve reached the magical forest, but we can’t just get through it! Maybe we’ll sing our song “Echo” and someone will respond! We stand up straight and open our mouths wide.

The song "Echo" is performed, music by E. Tilicheeva

No, alas! Nobody heard us! Oh, but I remembered, a fairy tale wrote something in a letter about this forest.

"Come on, guys, together, guess three riddles

And then magical forest A world of wonders will open to you!"

Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not just one thread.(answer: Hedgehog)

Who's on the tree, who's on the tree?

Keeps counting: peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo?(answer: Cuckoo)

Presenter: Well done, guys!

Who from the tall dark pines

Did you throw a cone at the kids?

And into the bushes through a stump

Flashed like a light?(answer: Squirrel)

A squirrel appears (doll toy)

Belka: You guessed it, you guessed it! You solved all the riddles!

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts.

A fairy tale sent me to bring you

So that you don't get lost, I came for you.

Presenter: Oh, guys, we’re really lucky! Now we’ll definitely get there!

Squirrel: I galloped forward. Don’t lag behind, quickly catch up!

Squirrel hiding behind the screen

Presenter: Come on, guys, to catch up with her, we’ll gallop. We stood in a circle, hands on our belts.

Performed Circular gallop Hungarian folk melody Arranged by N. Metlov

Presenter: Now we have reached the Fairy Tale Palace! Guys, we need to thank the squirrel for her help. Let’s play for her musical instruments, us and there is a suitable work! What is it called? And maybe someone will even remember who wrote it?

Children: “Squirrel”, written by Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky - Korsakov.

Presenter: Well done! We took the instruments in our hands and stood in two groups.

Performed "Belka" by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (excerpt from the opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan") game at DMI

Squirrel: Thank you, guys! But it’s time for me to run. Bye-bye! (Squirrel waves his hand and disappears)

Presenter: Guys, look how beautiful the palace is, let's knock! (knock, a fairy tale is coming out)

Fairytale: Hello, guys! Here we are

Sit down, relax, solve the riddles!

Accordion in hands

On top of the head is a cap,

And next to him it’s important

Cheburashka is sitting.

Portrait with friends

It turned out excellent

On it is Cheburashka,

And next to him...(Crocodile Gena)

Fairy tale: That's right, you guessed well!

The young man's arrow landed in a swamp,

Well, where is the bride? I want to get married!

And here is the bride, eyes on the top of her head.

The bride's name is....(Frog Princess)

Fairy tale: What a great fellow you are! You guess everything! Maybe you can still dance? I’m having a ball in my palace right now! Can you dance a polonaise?

Children: Yes! We can!

Fairy tale: Well, show me!

Presenter: Guys, stand in pairs and show Skazka how you can dance.

dance "Polonaise" is performed(audio recording)

Fairy tale: Oh, the guys are good

Dance with all your heart! Sit on the chairs. (Children sit down)

Guys, do you know many fairy tales?

Fairy tale: Which ones?

Children: Frog Princess, Geese-swans, Little Humpbacked Horse.....

Fairy tale: What good guys! Did you meet a squirrel on the way to me?

Fairy tale: Who guessed what fairy tale it is from? Maybe someone will remember the name?

Children: "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

Fairy tale: That's right, well done guys!

There are a lot, a lot of fairy tales in this world of magic! Have you noticed, guys?

Fairy tale: Guys, maybe you know some song about magic, about fairy tales?

Children: We know!

Presenter: Guys, let’s sing our song “Fairy tale, fairy tale, come.” Everyone stand up in a row. (Children stand up in a row around the hall)

The song “Fairy tale, fairy tale, come” is performed, music and lyrics by E. Sokolova

Fairy tale: Thank you guys for such a wonderful performance! You tried, you took the time to play. And I just have magic handkerchiefs! Who should I give the handkerchiefs to? (the fairy tale selects the participants) And now everyone stood in a circle, holding hands.

Game "Trap" processing by L. Sidelnikov

Fairy tale: I really liked you guys!

You can't stay in this castle for a very long time!

Moms, dads and friends are waiting for you at home.

I will now turn you into swans, we will fly to the music and you

and you’ll end up in kindergarten faster! And never, guys, forget the Fairy Tale, it will come in handy in your life! Raaaz, twoaa, three! Goodbye, guys!

Exercise sounds (collection of music and movement, exercise No. 12)

Presenter: Here you are, guys, at home! Did you like our trip?

Presenter: Guys, so that you never forget it. The fairy tale left you small treats! (I’m giving away delicious prizes)

Lvova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Musical entertainment in mixed age group

(middle, high, preparatory)

“We have fairy-tale heroes visiting us.”

Types of children's activities: musical and artistic, communicative, gaming.

Software tasks:

    learn to distinguish dance music from a lullaby by ear using the musical and didactic game “The bear is dancing, the bear is sleeping”;

    developing the ability to sing a melody clearly and pronounce words clearly;

    encourage the dramatization of the content of the song “We went to the meadow”;

    contribute to the correction of speech disorders and phonemic hearing;

    develop dialogical speech;

    develop gaming skills;

    develop children’s ability to control “lollipops”

    cultivate emotional responsiveness when perceiving musical works.

    cultivate the desire and ability to listen to a fairy tale, follow the development of the action.

Planned educational results (targets as possible development achievements):

    the child shows interest in listening, responds emotionally to musical works of a contrasting nature;

    expressively conveys the character of the game characters in movement;

    takes an active part in musical games;

    interacts favorably with peers in joint activities;

    interestingly follows the development of the plot of the fairy tale;

    shows positive emotions and interest in participating in a puppet show.

Equipment : button accordion, computer, music center, toys (bear, goat, bunny, gnome), cards for the didactic game “The bear is dancing, the bear is sleeping,” a bunny mask, a screen for a puppet theater, scenery, toys on sticks for the fairy tale “Teremok” ( mouse, frog, hedgehog, bunny, squirrel, cockerel, dog, fox, wolf, bear).


    “Hello” is a rhythmic game with singing.


    Teddy Bear . Musically - didactic game“The bear is dancing, the bear is sleeping.”

    Goat . Logorhythmics.

    Bunny . “We went to the meadow.”

    Gnome . Fairy tale "Teremok".

    Fairy-tale heroes say goodbye to the guys.

Progress of entertainment:

Musical director: Hello guys! Let's sing our welcome song with you.

    “Hello” is a rhythmic game with singing. Music and lyrics by S. Korotaeva.

Guys, I’ll tell you a secret, today someone will come to visit us.

Guess the riddle:

This funny animal is made of plush:
There are paws and there are ears.
Give some honey to the beast
And make him a den! (Teddy bear).

A bear appears on the stage of a puppet theater .

Musical director : Look at this, guys. Mishka came to visit us. I accidentally found out that our Mishka loves to dance, but after dancing he gets so tired that he immediately falls asleep. Mishka has prepared a task for you. Now I will give everyone 2 pictures of a bear. In one picture he is dancing, and in the other he is sleeping. When you hear the music, try to determine what the bear is doing, dancing or sleeping.

    Musical and didactic game “The bear is dancing, the bear is sleeping.”

(Children are invited to listen to 4 example muses: 2 lullabies and 2 dance songs)

Well done guys. They correctly identified what Mishka was doing. Well, Mishka, stay with us. Sit here and look at the guys. And someone else is in a hurry to join us guys. Guess who?

She gives us milk
But it's not a cow
Horns will instruct, if anything happens
I don't like it right away
Standing by a stream of water,
Grazing, chewing grass,
So that when you come home in the evening,
Give everyone plenty to drink. (Goat)

A goat appears on the stage of a puppet theater.

And here is our Goat! Look, guys! This is not the first time the goat has come to visit us. Let's remember what unusual song we learned the last time the Goat came to us.

Let's try and sing this song especially for our guest, let's try to sing every syllable expressively

    Logorhythmic exercise GOAT .(sung on 2 sounds - sol-mi)

PS, PS, PS, PS, it became boring without a goat,

ZE, ZE, ZE, ZE, I picked grass for the goat,

ZU, ZU, ZU, ZU, I brought home a goat,

FOR, FOR, FOR, FOR, I have a goat.

Do you think the Goat liked how we sang a song about her?

Goat! Stay with us and watch the guys play.

And another guest is hurrying to us, guys:

He loves to eat carrots
Ears sticking out.
Our timid "jumper"
Kids, who is this?......(Bunny)

The Bunny toy appears.

Musical director : And here the bunny came to us! The bunny wants to see how you can dance in a circle. Let's hold hands and playgame “We went to the meadow.”

    “We went to the meadow.” (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko)

You guys know how to have fun and play. I think the bunny liked it!

Bunny asks if he can stay with you?

Sit down, Bunny.

Who else is rushing to us?

He came to us from a fairy tale,

I knocked softly on the house,

In a bright red cap -

well, of course, it’s...(gnome)

The Gnome toy appears.

Oh, guys, this is a fairy-tale gnome. Do you know that when the gnome comes, he always tells the children fairy tales. Guys, today let’s tell the Dwarf a fairy tale ourselves. And we won’t just tell you, we’ll show you!

Dwarf, sit down, and the guys and I will show you a fairy tale.

Well, artists, take your toys apart. We will show the fairy tale to the Dwarf and our guests.

    Puppet theater. Screening of the fairy tale “Teremok”


And now, artists, come out from behind the screen, we will look at you!

The roles were played by.....

Do you think the Gnome, Bear, Bunny and Goat liked our puppet show? Thank you guys. And now it's time for us to say goodbye fairy-tale characters. But they will definitely come to us again... and more than once.

Now we get up in pairs and go to the group.



(The tale is compiled based on the methodology of Ekaterina Zheleznova. Disc " Musical tales»)

Characters: mouse, frog, hedgehog, hare,squirrel, cockerel, dog,

fox, wolf, bear


There is a teremok in the field, a teremok.

He's not short, he's not tall, he's not tall

There is a mansion in the field, a mansion...

A little mouse came running


Mouse: Tower - tower, who lives in the tower?

Narrator: Nobody responds.

And the little mouse began to live in the little house.

The frog-frog jumped up


Frog: Tower - tower, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I am a little mouse. Who are you?

FROG: I am a frog frog.

Mouse: Come live with me

Narrator: And the mouse and the frog began to live together in the little house.

A hedgehog came running - no head, no legs


Hedgehog: Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I am a little mouse.

Frog: I am a frog frog. Who are you?

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog, neither head nor legs.

Mouse and Frog: Come live with us!

Narrator: The three of us began to live in the little house.

The runaway bunny came running


Bunny: Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I am a little mouse.

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog, no head, no legs. Who are you?

Bunny: I am a running bunny.

Hedgehog, mouse and frog: Come live with us!

Narrator: The four of us began to live in the little house.

The Fluffy Tail Squirrel galloped up.


...five of us.

The golden comb cockerel has arrived.

No. 7 Cockerel.

...six of us.

The Empty Dog came running.

#8 Dog of us.

The little fox-sister came running.


Chanterelle: Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I am a little mouse.

Frog: I am a frog frog.

Bunny: I am a running bunny.

Dog: I am an empty-headed dog. Who are you?

Fox: I am a little fox-sister!

Hedgehog, mouse, frog, bunny , squirrel, cockerel, dog: Come live with us!

Narrator: They began to live in a little house in eight.

The wolf came running, clicking his teeth

№10 WOLF

Wolf: Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I, the mouse, am a bitch.

Frog: I am a frog frog.

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog, no head, no legs.

Bunny: I am a running bunny.

Squirrel: I am a fluffy tailed squirrel.

Cockerel: I am a cockerel - a golden comb.

Hedgehog, mouse, frog, bunny and fox: Come live with us!

Narrator: Nine of us began to live in the little house.

Here comes the bear.

№11 BEAR

Bear: Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I, the mouse, am a bitch.

Frog: I am a frog frog.

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog, no head, no legs.

Bunny: I am a running bunny.

Squirrel: I am a fluffy tailed squirrel.

Cockerel: I am a cockerel - a golden comb.

Dog: I am an empty-headed dog.

Fox: I am a little fox-sister! Who are you?

Bear: I am a bear, your house is finished.

All: We invite you to live with us, you will guard the house!

Narrator: And they began to live in the little house, ten of them.

Together in our mansion,

Let's start dancing!

No. 12 DANCE

Irina Borisovna Pustokhod
Scenario of entertainment in the senior group “Visiting the Music”

Program tasks:

Continue to teach children how to perform songs collectively and individually.

Cleanly intonate the songs.

Strengthen the ability to perform rhythmic claps, springs, easy running, perform line changes, fractional steps, and game actions.

Learn to express character with movements piece of music.

Develop mental abilities through means musical expressiveness.

Developmental tasks:

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

To develop cultural behavior skills in all types musical activity.

Preliminary work:

Display of a painting by I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", conversation based on content.

re-enactment Russian folk tales.

Learning game characters.

Hall decoration:

Central wall: Cloud, sun, maple leaves with notes glued on them.

Material support:

Attributes: Hut, 3 Christmas trees, rustling sounds according to the number of girls, musical instruments(spoons, rattle, bells, whistle, balalaika, fake turnip.

Suits: Kolobok, Bear, 2 mice, granddaughter, dog, cat, frog, hare, fox.


Adults: Musical director, Music, Baba Yaga.

Children: Leaves, Gingerbread Man, Bear, Fox, Hare, Frog, 2 mice, Dog, Cat, 6 nesting dolls, boy with a balalaika.


To a cheerful music"Duli-benefits" children come out and stop in a semicircle, facing the audience.

Music hand: How many elegant girls and boys came to our hall! So you love everything music, singing, dancing! At our holiday there is a lot guests. Let's say hello and welcome them.

Children read poetry.

1 child: Good afternoon, honest people

Cheerful, kind, lively.

We invite everyone to the holiday

And we treat you to fun!

2 child: Relax in kindergarten.

Look at our holiday!

3 child: Let the balalaika play

And the dancers come out

Our faces become prettier

When we rejoice!

4 child: Oh, you Russian soul!

How good are you!

Distinguish yourself in a round dance

And have fun!

5 child: With a kind word we meet you

We treat you with bread and salt!

Music hand: And now we will go on a journey into the wonderful world of our songs and dances. Bon voyage, dear children!

Children under music sit on the chairs.

Music hand: So we have arrived in the real kingdom music.

There is a beautiful house here,

Fairy Music sleeps in it.

Tell me, friends,

What can I do to make her come?

So that she wakes up quickly,

And she smiled at you and me!

Child: Let's sing a good song, she will hear and wake up.

Music hand: You're right! Let's sing a song! Music He will hear and wake up.

A song by E. Pavlenko is performed "Our artist Autumn"

Appears from the magic doors Music.

Music: Exactly seven colors of the rainbow

And music - seven notes.

On earth for our joy

Forever music lives on!

Music: Hello guys! Do you recognize me? That's right, I Music. I'm glad to meet you today. What's in your hall? (addresses children). Haven't you seen this? (Addresses the audience).

Child: This autumn has come to us.

She brought a lot of colors.

Yellow leaves, carved

Like painted paintings!

Dance being performed « Colorful autumn» on music T. Morozova.

Music: What a wonderful dance. But I love it so much golden autumn! Thank you, dears. Guys, the news has reached me that you are friends with music, with song and dance. So you live in kindergarten joyfully and cheerfully. And now, children, guests One fun meeting awaits you.

Sounds fun music.

Child: Anything can happen in a fairy tale

Our fairy tale is ahead

A fairy tale is knocking on our door

Let's tell a fairy tale: “Come in!”.

Sound track for a fairy tale "Turnip" (and soundtrack of the riddle).

A round dance song is performed "Turnip".

Children with characters sit on chairs.

Music: The tale continues,

It is born in silence,

Guess the riddle

Dance will be her answer!

Christmas trees are on display.

A comic dance is performed "Kolobok".

Music: He left his grandfather,

He left his grandmother

Outsmarted all the animals

I fell into the fox's paws,

I couldn't escape from the fox

Delicious, round... (Kolobok).

A soundtrack of Baba Yaga's laughter plays.

Music: Lives in a hut like this old lady,

He flies in a mortar and pushes with a broom.

The nose is hooked, the leg is boney,

Name is that one old lady...

Children: Baba Yaga.

A comic dance is performed with Baba Yaga. ( "Granny the Hedgehog" T. Morozova.

Baba Yaga: Oh, thanks kids, it’s time for me to go to a fairy tale.

Child: Fairy tales are the light in your eyes,

Fairy tales - kindness in all hearts,

Life will become richer if suddenly

A fairy tale will return to you, childhood friend!

Music: Where are the youngest pupils? kindergarten, my assistants, first notes? I also have a riddle in store for them. Listen!

Grew up in the forest, taken out of the forest

He's crying in his arms and jumping on the floor... What is this?


Children the senior group performs a dance"Balalaika".

Music: My friend, what could be sweeter,

Priceless native land?

The sun seems brighter there

The golden autumn is more joyful there!

Child: Cooler light breeze,

The forests and grass are greener.

There the stream sings sweeter

And the nightingale sings more tenderly.

Dance being performed "Rossinochka - Russia".

Music: The hour of parting has come. Don't be sad, guys, because there are many holidays ahead. How long will it be there? music, songs, dances.

Child: Thank you, Music, we will never forget you. And we will always be by your side.

Music: To guests have not forgotten about our meeting, we will give them my assistants - musical birds.

To a cheerful music gifts are being distributed, at the end of which children with Music goes to the group.


1. Audio recording of “Second String Quartet” by A.P. Borodin (fragment-1st part).

2. Audio recording of the sound of instruments: violin, viola, cello.

3. Illustration of a string quartet.

4. Portraits of A.P. Borodin and I.A. Krylova.

5. Musical and didactic game “Find out an instrument” (cards according to the number of children with images of instruments: violin, viola, cello; musical house: lower window - cello, middle window - viola, upper window - violin).

6. Planar (prop) instruments.

7. Elements of costumes (hats): donkey, goat, bear, monkey, nightingale.

8. Items for dance improvisation: ribbons, plumes, handkerchiefs, scarves.

(Children enter the hall to the music of A.P. Borodin and sit on chairs.

Musical director: Dear friends! Today in our music room we will get acquainted with the music of the very famous Russian composer Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin

(Shows a portrait of the composer).

We will listen piece of music"Quartet". Who has heard the word “quartet” before?

(Children's answers.)

That's right, the quartet is musical group of four musicians. The word “quartet” itself means “four” in Latin.

There are different quartets (from different instruments), there are vocal quartets, where two singers sing in high voices, the third - medium, and the fourth - the lowest, bass.

(An illustration of a string quartet is shown.)

Here's a look at the picture. Which quartet is depicted on it?

(Children's answers.)

Yes, there is a string quartet featured here. What instruments do musicians have in their hands? You already know some of them, name them.

Children: Violins.

Musical director: There are two violins in the quartet. Let's listen and remember what a violin sounds like.

(Listening to an audio recording with the sound of a violin.)

Listen, another instrument is playing now. What kind of instrument is this?

Children: Alt.

Musical director: That's right, a viola is also a violin, only a little larger size. Its sound is duller, duller, muffled. Listen to how it sounds.

(Listening to the sound of the viola again.)

You don't know this tool yet. It's called cello. In a string quartet, this is the lowest sounding instrument. Let's listen to his voice.

(Audio recording of the sound of a cello.)

Each of these tools has its own unique voice. Would you guys like to hear a string quartet? Then sit back and let's go to magical world music. Listening to “Quartet” by A.P. Borodin.

(Listening to a fragment of the 1st movement of “Second String Quartet” by A.P. Borodin.)

Listen to how softly and tenderly the viola sings; how easily and carefully they pick up the melody of the violin. The cello sang in a low, velvety voice. They seem to be competing with each other - who can sing the melody better and more beautifully.

Did you like this music?

Tell me, if this music was played by one instrument, would it sound better or not?

Did you feel the character of this music? How did it sound? (Light, gentle, melodious, and so on.)

You are right, the music is light, gentle, one might even say transparent. Look. On my table there are various objects that we use in dancing and games: ribbons, handkerchiefs, plumes, scarves. I suggest you choose any of these items that you think will help you convey the character of this work in your movements.

(Dance improvisation of children to music.)

I really liked the way you danced, your movements were smooth, flying, airy - you definitely felt the character of this music. Now, I want to invite you to play.

(A musical and didactic game “Learn the Instrument” is being held.)

Oh, guys, musicians came to visit us. Children enter playing roles from I.A.’s fable. Krylov "Quartet". Yes, these are not ordinary musicians. Who are they, children?

(Children's answers.)

Children are the heroes of the fable “Quartet” by Ivan Andreevich Krylov. Ivan Andreevich himself was an excellent musician and most of all loved to play in a quartet. Let's see what this fable is about.

(A dramatization of I.A. Krylov’s fable “Quartet” is performed.)

Thanks to our artists. They very emotionally conveyed the characters of all the characters in this fable. Tell me, guys, why didn’t our would-be musicians manage to play a quartet?

(Children's answers.)

Of course, every task requires learning, effort and work.

Ours has come to an end musical evening. What new did you learn today? What kind of music did you listen to? What new tools have you been introduced to?

(Music by A.P. Borodin sounds, children leave the hall.)