A fairy tale about the deceiver Lisa Patrikeevna: A fairy tale. Fox - a fairy-tale character Folk tales about the fox list

A fairy tale about a little fox for children who take other people's things

Once upon a time there was a cunning little fox named Syoma. He was small, red-haired and very, very naughty. Mama Fox always said:

- Syoma! Never take anything without asking, otherwise the animals will think that you are a thief.

“Okay,” the little fox answered and immediately forgot about his promise.

A naughty little fox ran around the forest all day long. Wherever his red fluffy tail flashes, something will definitely disappear.

The squirrel piled up the nuts, jumped into the hollow for the bag, and returned - empty! What kind of miracles?

The hedgehog hung mushrooms on branches to dry, brought new ones, and the old ones were gone! What's happened?

The mouse picked a basket of blueberries, lay down to rest and dozed off. He wakes up - no basket! How so?

A little fox runs through the forest: a nutshell hangs on its mustache, a string with mushrooms on its paw, and its muzzle is covered in blueberries. He runs and looks - a magpie is flying, and in its paws there is a mirror. He followed her. But the mirror is heavy, it is difficult for a magpie to fly with it: it flies from bush to bush, from branch to branch, from hummock to hummock. The magpie was tired and decided to drink water in the swamp. She put down the mirror, walked up to the puddle, and the little fox was right there: he grabbed the mirror and ran!

- Oh, you ugly thing! - the magpie chirped. - The animals also say that the magpie is a thief! Yes, that's who the real thief is! Well, just wait, they'll catch you someday!

In the evening, when Sema went to bed, he thought:

“I wonder why mom says you can’t take other people’s things without permission? Why is this bad? On the contrary, it's very cool! Today I ate nuts, mushrooms, blueberries, now I have a beautiful mirror, why is that bad? I feel really good!”

And the next morning this is what happened. A little fox wandered into a distant clearing. At the very edge of this clearing there grew a huge spreading oak tree, and on the oak tree there was a large, black hollow.

“Wow,” thought the little fox. – Surely there is something interesting and necessary there! I'll get in there!

And he began to climb up the trunk. Suddenly he hears a thin voice:

-Where are you going?

He looks, and below, at the very roots, sits a small mouse.

“I’m in the hollow,” answered the little fox.

“It’s not just a hollow, it’s someone’s house!” Aren't you ashamed to go there without asking? – the mouse was indignant.

“You understand a lot,” the little fox waved his paw.

- Look, the owners may not like this! – the mouse warned him.

“Leave me alone,” the little fox twitched his tail, “or I’ll jump off and eat you!”

The mouse shook its little head disapprovingly, wrinkled its nose and said nothing.

The little fox got to the hollow, stuck his curious nose in there, and in the hollow there was honey!

- Wow! – the little fox was happy. - That's lucky! Now we're eating to our heart's content!

“W-w-w,” was heard somewhere nearby. “Didn’t your mother tell you that taking someone else’s property is wrong?”

- Who else is here? – the little fox asked displeasedly.

- It’s me, bee, this is my honey! And I don't allow you to take it.

“Ha-ha-ha,” the little fox said cheerfully. - Get out of here, you annoying fly! I'm stronger than you, I want it and I'll take it!

- Well, hold on! - the bee got angry.

But the little fox doesn’t hear her, only his red tail sticks out of the hollow. The rest of the bees have returned from the meadow, circling around the hollow with full buckets of honey, and their friend tells them about the little fox.

- Okay, let's teach him a lesson! - the oldest bee buzzed.

As soon as the little fox crawled out of the hollow, a swarm of bees attacked him:

Oh, you red-haired arrogant thief!
You run at full speed!
Don't look that we are little!
A swarm of bees - bad jokes!
Well, sorry for his ears!
You shouldn't have listened to the mouse!
Well, sorry for his nose!
Why did you take our honey!?

A little fox is running through the forest, throwing away the honey, pinning his ears, closing his eyes in fear, and a swarm of bees is not far behind, flying behind him like a dark cloud and stinging, stinging!

The little fox came running home, hid under the bed, afraid to stick his nose out. Only in the evening he came out and said to his mother fox:

“That’s right, you mommy said you can’t take it without asking.” I will never take anything from anyone else again!

The fox in Russian folk tales has become the personification of an evil mind. She is beautiful, seductive, eloquent, and can easily pretend to be defenseless and weak, manipulating others for her own gain. To achieve what she wants, the red-haired beast is ready to use all her trump cards - deception, deceit, fraud, seduction. In fairy tales, the fox acts as a negative character who, trying to outwit positive hero, he himself becomes a victim, paying for his meanness and hypocrisy.

Fox in Russian folk tales

Why is the fox credited with a sharp mind and resourcefulness?

The sly fox, like a character in fairy tales, appeared as a result of observations common people for this animal. These are mainly stories from hunters who personally saw the tricks of the red cheat. More than once she pretended to be dead in order to catch game. As a captive, she behaves similarly in order to weaken the hunter's vigilance and escape. She can fall when a weapon is fired, as if wounded, but when she is thrown in with the rest of the prey, she will sneak away at any convenient moment. Even with serious wounds, the foxes managed to get out of the bag and run back into the forest. Since she is not endowed with special powers, she has to resort to cunning to survive.

And they often hunt for her, either because of her beautiful fur or because of her predatory activities. She herself is a good hunter - dexterous, cunning, silent. Its victims are hares, grasshoppers, mice, butterflies, fish, cockchafers, young roe deer, as well as poultry and eggs hatched by it. Due to the fact that she often climbs chicken coops, poultry owners dislike her. That is why among the people the fox acquired the image of a clever villainess-thief.

Nicknames of foxes in fairy tales

In fairy tales they draw a fox a real beauty because of her luxurious red fur coat. And, despite the character’s negativity, they are often affectionately called “gossip” or “sister”. She has similar family ties with another anti-hero of fairy tales - the wolf and other animals, which she can still fool. There is another prerequisite for this nickname - the evil one female image, which was common among the people. A cunning and sharp-tongued gossip or neighbor who was in every village, capable of sweetening the interlocutor and achieving her selfish goals.

In one of the Russian fairy tales, the fox is even given a name - Patrikeevna. But it is not in honor of the woman, but in honor of the governor of Novgorod, Prince Patrikey Narimantovich. He became famous among the people as a cunning and unscrupulous manager, manipulating people and making money in dishonest ways.

The image of a fox from folk tales

In each of the fairy tales, specific features of the fox are highlighted. It's rare that she's the victim. Basically he is a skilled deceiver and swindler:

  • "The Fox and the Crane" displays duplicity - external benevolence and hospitality, hiding indifference to other people's needs and calculation;
  • "Sister Fox and the Wolf" shows the adventurism of the villainess, her penchant for mischief and ridicule, hypocrisy even with her brothers;
  • "Fox - Confessor"- the image of the red-haired heroine personifies deceit and vindictiveness;
  • "Cockerel is a golden comb" And "Kolobok"- the heroine deceives naive, good-natured characters for her own selfish purposes;
  • "Fox with a rolling pin"- reveals the image of a fraudulent fox, greedy and dishonest;
  • "The Fox and the Black Grouse" shows the main traits of the character - flattery and deception, hypocrisy;
  • "Snow Maiden and Fox"- one of the few fairy tales where the animal character is positive. Here she shows kindness and altruism by helping the Snow Maiden.

The people in fairy tales demonstrated a negative attitude not towards the animal itself, but towards the qualities that it symbolizes.

Fox-Patrikeevna, fox-godmother, little fox-sister - how many names do they call a red-haired cheat in fairy tales! Fairy tales about a fox are easy huge amount stories, titles and pictures invented different peoples. The prototype, of course, is a real animal that lives in almost all countries. People followed the bright and cunning beauty and her habits and endowed them with fairy tale character.
Most often, the fairytale fox is a favorite of 1skaz.ru, distinguished by cunning, intelligence, cunning, deceit, dexterity and resourcefulness. Russians folk writers represent her as negative character, weaving intrigues, deceiving other animals, seeking benefit and profit at the expense of animals. They usually don’t like her in the forest, but, in extreme cases, they can ask for advice or help.
Predator in real life, it remains so in fairy tales. For example, a fox can steal a rooster (the fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”) in order to get enough. To achieve her benefit, she can “frame” or outwit another animal or even a person. A striking example- fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf”: the fox deceived a man (pretended to be dead), stole a fish, and even forced the wolf to risk his life - to fish in a winter ice hole. Thanks to cunning and arrogance, he can earn food for himself (“The Bear and the Fox”, “Kolobok”) and improve living conditions (“The Fox and the Hare”) at the expense of the hare.
Most often, the fox's accomplices or victims are the narrow-minded wolf, the stupid bear and the cowardly hare. But there are stories in which the fox appears positive character, showing good qualities. In the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden and the Fox,” she saves a girl who got lost in the forest.
Fairy tales about the fox, which came to us from East Asia, create the image of a real werewolf. In these stories, the fox can turn into a human and even get married. Were-foxes were usually beautiful, young and practically immortal (fox-shifters could live up to a thousand years). Some werefoxes found happiness in marriage with people, while others simply deceived and destroyed gullible men.
The image of a fox is found in many literary fairy tales. The most famous can be considered the enchanting deceiver Fox Alice from the fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio” by A.N. Tolstoy. The fox Alice and the pseudo-blind cat Basilio made up a wonderful criminal duo aimed at taking money from the gullible Pinocchio. Fox from the fairy tale of Antoine de Saint-Exupery " The Little Prince"is distinguished by wisdom, shyness and curiosity. He is very lonely in his hole near a wheat field and dreams of finding a friend who would tame him. In this fairy tale we see a kind fox-dreamer who taught the boy to be friends.
There are a lot of fairy tales about the fox; this image is in fairy tales and legends of many peoples of the world. And all alone are worthy of the attention of readers. Just take a fairy tale and read it.
Watch a fairy tale about a fox:

Lisa is always busy with something. The cheat has no free time at all. She has no time to look around, to look around. But one day magical events made her look at the world in a new way...

Magic fairy tale “The Fox and the Running Boots”

Once upon a time there lived a fox. She somehow found walking boots in the forest. Who lost? The fox took them to the hare. He refused to take it and said that he already runs fast and doesn’t need running boots.

The fox thought and offered the running boots to her talkative magpie friend, but she said that it was more convenient to fly without boots.

Then the fox herself put on the magic boots and went to magical forest. In the magical forest she flew like a bird. The fox looked down and was surprised at how beautiful it was all around! Then she went to her native forest. “How did I not notice before the beauty that surrounded me every day? It was worth being in a magical forest to understand how beautiful the world is!”

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

What magical object did the fox find in the forest?

Who did the fox offer the running boots to?

In which forest did the fox fly?

What discovery did the fox make for himself?

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale is that the world is truly beautiful. Sometimes, in order to understand this, you need to put on magic boots and find yourself in a magical forest. But sometimes it happens that a magical forest is no different from a real one. The forest is always a little magical. What events are happening there, behind the tall pines, ancient oaks and spreading birches? Different. This is from the realm of mystery...

What proverbs and famous expressions fit the fairy tale?

Beauty is sweeter than simplicity.
Beauty is not a burden, but a joy.
Life is beauty. Admire her!

Lisa Patrikeevna lives in our forest, she is very beautiful. Few such beautiful animals can be found here. Patrikeevna’s fur coat is the most expensive, but her eyes are kind of sad. And the face is sad. Do you know why? Nobody wants to be friends with Lisa, she is lonely.

As a child, Patrikeevna was the most beautiful little fox both in the forest and in the family. Her mother loved her very much, but like all little animals, the Fox did not obey her mother and really did not like it when she scolded her. The fox grew up a little and came up with the idea: “I’ll try to deceive my mother!”

Once my mother caught something in the river delicious fish, and Patrikeevna took everything and ate it while her mother and her younger brother were walking. I couldn't resist. “It’s not my fault that the fish is so tasty, but mom could have caught more,” Lisa Patrikeevna thought to herself. Mom and brother came home, but there was nothing to eat. Then Patrikeevna began to cry and said that it was a cat from the village that came running and ate everything. The mother believed her beloved daughter.

One day, my mother asked Patrikeevna to clean up the hole, and she went off on important mother’s errands. Patrikeevna, of course, didn’t want to clean up at all; it would be better to lie in the sun. Mom returned, but the hole was not cleaned. My daughter says to her: “Mom, I was already cleaning and cleaning, sweeping and sweeping, but the wind came and swept the trash back.”

Mom doubted a little, but this time she believed her favorite.

Patrikeevna grew up in love and satiety. Sometimes she was cunning and deceived, but she got away with everything. One day my mother needed to go to the neighboring forest. Patrikeevna was already a big fox, almost an adult. So mom says: “Take care of your brother, don’t leave him alone.” Patrikeevna promised her mother that she would keep an eye on her brother, but she just deceived her. I went for a walk in the forest with him, and then I met my friends and ran to play catch-up. But my brother still didn’t know how to run fast and fell behind. It began to get dark in the forest, and Lisa Patrikeevna returned home without her brother. And soon my mother came. I saw that my son was gone, and let’s cry, grieve, and scold my daughter. And Patrikeevna says: “He ran away from me himself. I looked for him, but didn’t find him.” And the mother laments, worries, what if her son falls into a trap, what if a hunter meets him... Well, the good animals saw the little fox in the forest and brought him home. Since then, the mother stopped trusting her daughter, she was offended, and realized that her daughter had grown up to be a liar.

Meanwhile, Patrikeevna began to deceive the forest animals.

One day the Fox was walking through the forest and looked at the Hare, gobbling up a carrot and crunching it. The Hare wanted to treat the Fox, but she said to him: “Hare, I don’t eat carrots, but the Wolf loves it very much.” Just then the Wolf passed by, the Hare handed him a carrot, and the Wolf snapped his teeth and almost bit off the Hare’s paw. Lucky for the bunny that he could run fast. But from then on I stopped being friends with Patrikeevna.

And this is what happened to the Bear. He somehow sits on a tree stump and yawns. The fox saw this and asked why are you yawning, clubfoot? “I want to sleep,” answered the Bear. “Of course, winter will come in a day,” says Patrikeevna. And in the forest it was the height of summer, Bear believed his friend and began to prepare the den and went to bed. I slept for several months, became hungry and woke up, and there were snowdrifts and cold all around... What should I do? The emaciated Bear wandered towards the people. And there, you know, the dogs are angry, hunters. It was very hard for Bear. “Oh, Patrikeevna, you have evil jokes, you deceiver! “I won’t be friends with you anymore,” he told Lisa.

By this time, other animals had told everyone about the fox’s deceptions. So Patrikeevna was left alone. Not only people do not like deceivers, but also animals in our forest.