Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Beauty and the Beast." What was the real story of beauty and the beast fairy tale beauty and the beast summary read

The other day it took place world premiere new feature film from Disney: a remake of their own cartoon "Beauty and the Beast". The Beast itself became more terrible and more horned than everyone else previous versions. This means that the essence this image gradually getting lost...

Few people know that back in 1740, the French writer Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbeau de Villeneuve printed the very first one literary version fairy tales "La Belle et la Bête / Beauty and the Beast". Just seven years later, Prosper's great-grandmother Merimee, Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont, published a shortened version of this tale, incl. and translated into English language, but did not indicate the original source. Jeanne-Marie deliberately shortened this tale and reworked it into an edifying story for young girls, removing “everything unnecessary.” Because of this, almost no one remembers the name de Villeneuve: for everyone, the author literary fairy tale"Beauty and the Beast" is considered to be Leprince de Maumon.

It is noteworthy that so far the best adaptations of the plot of “La Belle et la Bête” are French (feature films and the opera-ballet of 1771). In 1946, a film of the same name was released with Jean Marais and Josette Day starring. In 2014, a wonderful version of the fairy tale appeared with Léa Seydoux and Vincent Cassel. Anyone who has watched both versions knows that the new French film builds on the old one and even borrows some motifs from it. These motifs, which were only hinted at in the 1946 film, received a bright and good development in the new color film. Old movie- black and white. And yes: it is not suitable for a good time. This is a serious director's and actor's one and a half hour work, very tedious and practically incomprehensible to the modern viewer. By the way, the chic costumes for this film were created by a then young fashion designer Pierre Cardin.

The 2014 French film is very colorful and mythological! It has very high quality graphics and a clear plot. The motives that he took from the old film, in turn, echo the myth that experts consider the original source of the plot of "Beauty and the Beast": this Greek myth of Cupid and Psyche. Here I would like to note that Slavic and Western European fairy tales are full of similar motifs and it is not a fact that all of them are directly borrowed from Ancient Greece. They say that even Russian writer S.T. Aksakov, author of the literary fairy tale " Scarlet flower" , was surprised to learn about the existence of a French fairy tale, because he himself (in his words) wrote down his story from the housekeeper Pelageya.

Above in the photo is the Monster from Soviet cartoon "The Scarlet Flower" (1952) and the Beast from the 1946 French film (played by Jean Marais), below - the Moss-Covered Beast from the Soviet feature film "The Scarlet Flower" (1977). By the way, Soviet film, if anyone remembers it - no less philosophical than the French versions or greek myths. What is the Sorceress alone worth, performed by Alla Demidova!..

In 1991, Disney created a masterpiece - the full-length animated film Beauty and the Beast.. It was inspired by the same fairy tale by the French grandmother Leprince de Maumon, but this is not mentioned in the credits. Walt Disney himself wanted to film the fairy tale (in the 1930s and 1950s), but things didn’t work out for him. "Beauty and the Beast" became the thirtieth full-length cartoon Disney studio and the most successful animated film this studio. In turn, it formed the basis of the same name Broadway musical (1994) and feature film (2017). The musical was very successful and was staged in different countries, but the film...does the same future await it? I think not. Disney does not hide the fact that they made the film as a complete remake of their own 1991 cartoon. Question: why? Why and who needed this?

I watched a new film yesterday. From the point of view of cinematography, the black and white French film of 1946 looks more masterpiece, and the film of 2014 is generally a wonderful miracle!

I think that some potential viewers are already aware that the film “Beauty and the Beast”, before it even reached the screens, found itself at the center of a scandal. A few weeks before its world premiere, Disney announced that the film would feature an explicit character and that the film's ending would feature "a very sweet first gay moment in a Disney film." Distributors and viewers are perplexed as to why there are hints of non-traditional sexual orientation in this film. Whoever wanted to, would look at it himself and understand what was what...

I have already said that I am tolerant of this topic if such comrades behave quietly or if they are geniuses. Creators new painting They explain that they wanted to pay homage to composer Howard Ashman. “I understand that, he’s also married” (c). But why? It was enough to write about this again in the credits, as was done in the 1991 cartoon. For example, I didn’t know what kind of life this composer led and what he died from (as it turned out, from AIDS), why should I know about it now?..

Due to the noise overseas, Russia played it safe and awarded this film a rating of 16+. In the USA, children and their parents are simply allowed to see the film. Having watched the Russian-language theatrical release, I personally didn’t find anything “sort of” in it, which is why it was necessary to make such a fuss (by the way, they say that Russian film censorship didn’t find anything either). I think it was just a clever PR move by the filmmakers to attract more attention. Let your children see this movie and don’t be afraid, but don’t go if you’re a fan of the 1991 cartoon :)

New film...how to put it mildly... very boring. I almost fell asleep on it. It copies the cartoon one to one - the same scenes, the same songs, even the text for all the characters is the same, sometimes word for word! Several new scenes and 3 songs have been added that do not quite fit the style of the old ones - that’s all.

There is no magic - both literally and figuratively: no mystery, no fairy tale. Even added real stories about the prince's family and Belle's mother. Belle herself quickly realizes that a spell has been cast on the castle and its inhabitants and that all of them, including the Beast, are enchanted people, and things eventually explain everything to her. True, they are not fully explained, but I was disappointed by this turn of events.

Love - ..only its traces in the eyes Maurice, Belle's father.

The brightest and most cheerful moments of the picture are associated with hunter Gaston (brilliantly performed by Luke Evans) and his entourage, including the "unambiguous character".

Emma Watson, as many reviewers write, “too dull and serious for the role of Belle.” I agree with them. If Rowan Atkinson, for example, can play like that detective Maigret so that no one, looking at him, remembers Mr. Bean, then Emma Watson is not so far away from the image of Hermione here. Same baby face, the same curl of the lips, the same frowning eyebrows, the same seemingly stooped shoulders and the same feminist gait. In a word, it’s as if smart Hermione was thrown into another dimension, into another fairy tale...

About Atkinson and Maigret, see my stories (link opens in a new window).

The big minus of the Russian-language version: the lack of original songs and voices. There are songs, but in Russian, but I would like to hear the actors themselves sing.

I would also like to hear the voices of those who were behind the scenes: Candelabra - Ewan McGregor, Clock - Ian McKellen, Teapot - Emma Thompson. These are wonderful actors with interesting voices. Ewan McGregor, for example, learned to speak with a French accent especially for this film. The Russian viewer does not hear this.

By the way, all the things in the castle, in my opinion, are depicted in a terrible way - except for the Clock and the Candelabra. The cups are generally terrible. The only touching thing was Chip, just like in the cartoon: “Mom doesn’t allow me to roll on the table because the guests might get scared” :)

Conclusion: the film seems to be watchable, but it is primarily for those who know nothing or have forgotten about the original cartoon. I will never review it. For me troika best film adaptations this motive- a 1991 Disney cartoon and two French films. Separately, we can note the Soviet variations on the theme of the scarlet flower, which are also worthy of respect.

By the way, there are several other films either with the title “Beauty and the Beasts” or referencing this motif, but some of them are brutal horror films, and some are fantasies on the theme of “The Phantom of the Opera”.

Regarding "blue shades". Upon reflection, you can find your own meaning in this. And I would say that this is even very symbolic if we consider the “beauty and the beast” motif in the context of world mythology and compare all its versions, incl. film adaptations. I won’t philosophize about this here for a long time, I’ll just say that I understand it.

The very first version of the fairy tale - the same one written in 1740 by the French writer Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbeau de Villeneuve - explains why the sorceress bewitched the prince: because he did not want to be with her as with a woman. Many animals, monsters living in wildlife, bisexual. It is no coincidence that the expression “animal instinct” exists. Both French films - both 1946 and 2014 - have similar motives in their plot. For the Beast played by Jean Marais, this is generally torture, but many viewers do not understand or do not see this: the film itself is very chaste.

I remember in the Disney cartoon, Clock-Clocksworth always dodged the embraces of Candelabra-Lumiere and even became indignant when he wanted to give him a friendly kiss. In the new film Clocksworth - Ian McKellen(in the previous photo above), a magnificent British actor, whom all modern teenagers know as Magneto from the X-Men films and Gandalf from the Hobbit films. I respect him very much. Sir Ian McKellen, that's how he should be addressed: the actor has been awarded a knighthood. In real life he...is openly gay. Honestly, I thought that in the film, after turning into people, Clocksworth and Lumiere would kiss, but imagine my surprise that in this case... I won’t spoil any more :) About the “interracial kiss” in the film, which also happens Disney is boasting, I won’t say anything either.

In general, Disney has been blown away, so it is now making mountains out of molehills as much as it can, and everyone is buying it...

Jean Marais, who played the Beast in the 1946 film, was also gay, but was it used to be shouted about at every street corner? His life partner was the director of the same film, Jean Cocteau. Who dares to reproach the outstanding Cocteau for anything? Nobody. Jean Marais himself will forever remain for me the Count of Monte Cristo. And he was also a brilliant artist and a sculptor! If anyone knows about the existence sculptural composition“The Man Who Passes Through a Wall” (location: Paris, Montmartre) is the work of Jean Marais.

On the tombstone of Jean Marais there are two bronze sculptures. They are cast with original work, which was made by the actor himself:

This is the head of the Beast...

Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast.

Alan Menken, Howard Ashman. "Tale As Old As Time". Song from the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast" (1991). Winner of the Oscar in the category “Best Song”.

Madame Leprince de Beaumont

Once upon a time there lived a rich merchant who had three daughters and three sons. The youngest of the daughters was called Beauty. Her sisters did not like her because she was everyone's favorite. One day a merchant went bankrupt and said to his children:

Now we will have to live in the village and work on a farm to make ends meet.

Living on a farm, Beauty did everything around the house, and even helped her brothers in the field. The older sisters were idle all day long. They lived like this for a year.

Suddenly the merchant was told good news. One of his missing ships was found, and now he is rich again. He was going to go to the city to get his money and asked his daughters what to bring them as a gift. The elders asked for dresses, and the youngest - a rose.

In the city, having received the money, the merchant paid off his debts and became even poorer than he was.

On the way home, he got lost and ended up in the thicket of the forest, where it was very dark and hungry wolves were howling. It began to snow, and the cold wind chilled to the bones.

Suddenly lights appeared in the distance. As he approached, he saw ancient castle. Entering its gate, he stabled his horse and entered the hall. There was a table set for one and a burning fireplace. He thought: “The owner will probably come any minute.” He waited an hour, two, three - no one appeared. He sat down at the table and ate deliciously. Then I went to look at other rooms. Going into the bedroom, lay down on the bed and fell asleep

deep sleep.

Waking up in the morning, the merchant saw new clothes on the chair next to the bed. When he went downstairs, he found a cup of coffee with warm buns on the dining table.

Good wizard! - he said. - Thank you for your concern.

Going out into the yard, he saw a horse already saddled and went home. Driving along the alley, the merchant saw a rose bush and remembered the request of his youngest daughter. He drove up to him and picked the most beautiful rose.

Suddenly there was a roar and a disgusting huge monster appeared in front of him.

“I saved your life, and this is how you repay me for it,” he growled.

For this you must die!

Your Majesty, please forgive me,” the merchant begged. - I picked a rose for one of my daughters, she really asked me about it.

“My name is not Your Majesty,” the monster growled. - My name is Beast. Go home, ask your daughters if they would like to die in your place. If they refuse, then in three months you must return here yourself.

The merchant did not even think of sending his daughters to death. He thought, “I’ll go say goodbye to my family and come back here in three months.”

The monster said:

Go home. When you arrive there, I will send you a chest full of gold.

“How strange he is,” the merchant thought. “Kind and cruel at the same time.” He mounted his horse and went home. The horse quickly found the right road, and the merchant reached home before dark. Having met the children, he gave the youngest a rose and said:

I paid a high price for it.

And he told about his misadventures.

The older sisters attacked the younger one:

It's all your fault! - they shouted. - I wanted originality and ordered a lousy flower, for which my father now has to pay with his life, but now you stand and don’t even cry.

Why cry? - Beauty answered them meekly. - The monster said that I could go to him instead of my father. And I'll be happy to do it.

No,” the brothers objected to her, “we will go there and kill this monster.”

“It’s pointless,” said the merchant. - The monster has magical power. I'll go to him myself. I'm old and I'm going to die soon anyway.

The only thing I grieve about is that I am leaving you alone, my dear children.

But Beauty insisted:

“I will never forgive myself,” she repeated, “if you, my dear father, die because of me.”

The sisters, on the contrary, were very glad to get rid of her. Her father called her and showed her a chest full of gold.

How good! - the kind Beauty said joyfully. - Grooms are wooing my sisters, and this will be their dowry.

The next day Beauty set off. The brothers cried, and the sisters, rubbing their eyes with onions, sobbed too. The horse quickly found its way back to the castle. Entering the hall, she found a table set for two people, with exquisite wines and dishes. The beauty tried not to be afraid. She thought: “The monster must want to eat me, so he’s fattening me up.”

After lunch, a growling Beast appeared and asked her:

Did you come here of your own free will?

At your place kind heart“, and I will be merciful to you,” said the Beast and disappeared.

Waking up in the morning, Beauty thought: “What happens, cannot be avoided.

So I won't worry. The monster probably won't eat me in the morning, so I'll take a walk in the park for now."

She wandered around the castle and park with pleasure. Entering one of the rooms with the sign “Room for the Beauty”, she saw shelving, full of books, and a piano. She was terribly surprised: “Why did the Beast bring everything here if he’s going to eat me at night?”

On the table lay a mirror, on the handle of which was written:

“Whatever Beauty wishes, I will fulfill.”

“I wish,” said Beauty, “to know what my father is doing now.”

She looked in the mirror and saw her father sitting on the threshold of the house. He looked very sad.

“What a kind monster this monster is,” thought Beauty. “I’m less afraid of him now.”

In the evening, while sitting at dinner, she heard the voice of the Beast:

Beauty, let me watch you eat dinner.

“You are the boss here,” she replied.

No, in this castle your wish is law. Tell me, am I very ugly?

Yes! - answered Beauty. - I don't know how to lie. But then, I think you are very kind.

Your intelligence and mercy touch my heart and make my ugliness less painful for me,” said the Beast.

One day the Beast said:

Beauty, marry me!

No,” the girl answered after a pause, “I can’t.”

The monster cried and disappeared.

Three months have passed. Every day the Beast sat and watched Beauty eat dinner.

“You are my only joy,” it said, “without you I will die.” At least promise me that you will never leave me.

The beauty promised.

One day the mirror showed her that her father was sick. She really wanted to visit him. She told the Beast:

I promised you I would never leave you. But if I don’t see my dying father, life will not be nice to me.

“You can go home,” said the Beast, “and I will die here from melancholy and loneliness.”

No,” Beauty objected to him. - I promise you that I will come back.

The mirror told me that my sisters were married, my brothers were in the army, and my father was lying alone sick. Give me a week.

Tomorrow you will wake up at home,” said the Beast. - When you want to go back, just put the ring on the nightstand next to the bed. Good night. Gorgeous.

And the Beast quickly left.

Waking up the next day, Beauty found herself in home. She dressed herself in her expensive clothes, put on a crown of diamonds and went to her father. He was incredibly happy to see his daughter safe and sound. Her sisters came running and saw that she had become even more beautiful, and, in addition, dressed like a queen. Their hatred for her increased with a vengeance.

The beauty told everything that had happened to her, and said that she must definitely return back.

A week has passed. The beauty headed back to the castle. The insidious sisters began to cry and lament so much that she decided to stay for another week. On the ninth day she had a dream that the Beast was lying on the grass in the park and

dies. She woke up in horror and thought: “I need to go back urgently and cure him.”

She put the ring on the table and went to bed. The next day she woke up in the castle. Putting on her best clothes, she began to impatiently wait for the Beast, but it did not appear. Remembering your strange dream, she rushed into the garden. There on the grass lay a lifeless Beast. She rushed to the stream, collected water and splashed it in the Beast’s face. Her heart

was torn with pity. Suddenly it opened its eyes and whispered:

I can't live without you. And now I die happily, knowing that you are next to me.

No, you don't have to die! - Beauty cried. - I love you and want to become your wife.

As soon as she uttered these words, the whole castle lit up bright light, and music started playing everywhere. The monster disappeared, and in its place lay the most charming of princes on the grass.

But where is the Beast? - Beauty shouted.

“This is me,” said the prince. - The evil fairy bewitched me and turned me into a monster. I had to remain one as long as I was young beautiful girl will not love me and will not want to marry me. I love you and ask you to be my wife.

The beauty gave him her hand, and they went to the castle. There, to their great joy, they found Beauty's father, sisters and brothers waiting for them. appeared immediately good fairy and said:

Beauty, you are worthy of this honor and from now on you will be the queen of this castle.

Then, turning to the sisters, she said:

And you, for your anger and envy, will become stone statues at the doors of the castle and will remain so until you realize your guilt and become kinder. But I suspect such a day will never come.

The beauty and the prince got married and lived happily ever after.

That "The Phantom of the Opera" is a variation on the fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast. In the fairy tale, the Beast becomes Prince Charming, his physical transformation occurs, and in the novel by Gaston Leroux, a spiritual transformation occurs, Eric, the Phantom of the Opera, regrets the evil that he caused to his beloved Christina.

The tale of Beauty and the Beast has been known since ancient times, different nations There are stories where in one form or another there is She - a beautiful girl and He - a monster, often an animal-like creature. The most famous and popular fairy tale version was published in 1756. Its author was Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont (Jeanne Marie Leprince de Beaumont, 1711 - 1780), French writer, author of a number of short stories with moralistic overtones.

In turn, Madame de Beaumont borrowed the plot from her compatriot, Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbeau de Villeneuve (Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, 1695-1755), who published her short story of more than three hundred pages in the magazine sixteen years earlier "La jeune ameriquaine, et les contes marins". There was a lot in this story storylines, including the story of Prince Charming, enchanted by the Beast, as well as how Beauty and the Prince disenchanted by her lived together after the wedding. Madame de Beaumont greatly shortened Madame de Villeneuve's novella, leaving, in fact, only the plot device about the transformation of the Beast.

Based on the fairy tale of Madame de Beaumont, from the end of the eighteenth century to our time, many theatrical interpretations have been created, and after the creation of cinema, films. Perhaps “Beauty and the Beast” is one of the most popular and exploited stories. Judge for yourself. Here are some examples.


The most famous film adaptation of the story was film by Jean Cocteau with the brilliant Jean Marais in three roles at once. The film was shot in 1946, and fifty years later Philip Glass set the dialogue from this film to music and created an opera; the film, with opera dubbing, was released in 1995.

The film was released in 1976 Beauty and the Beast co-production of the USA and Great Britain. Interesting version fairy tale story: instead of a lion's muzzle, the Beast here has a boar's snout and fangs. For his role as the Beast, actor George Scott was nominated for an Emmy, and costumes and makeup were also nominated. Scott and the actress who played Beauty, Trish van Dever, had been married for several years at the time of filming.

In 1984 cult film Jean Cocteau was remade as an episode of the series Faerie Tale Theater, the role of Beauty was played by Susan Sarandon, the role of the Beast was played by Klaus Kinski.

The film was released in 1987 Beauty and the Beast with Rebecca de Mornay.

In 2005 the film appeared Blood of Beasts- joint production of Great Britain and South Africa. The action takes place during the Viking times, which is what makes the film interesting, and its ending is also interesting. However, the film itself, to put it mildly, does not shine with either acting, costumes, or special effects.

In 2009, viewers saw a completely ridiculous fantasy version Beauty and the Beast starring Estella Warren.

But in 2012 German appeared Die Schöne und das Biest- a truly fabulous and almost historical film adaptation that leaves a very pleasant impression.

In 2014, several films were released at once: bright and colorful French film adaptation, starring Vincent Cassel and Léa Seydoux. Perhaps, in terms of visual components, this film surpassed all earlier versions of “Beauty and the Beast.” Also this year, Spanish was filmed La Bella and La Bestia, starring Aitor Luna and Michelle Henner.

At the end of the same 2014, an Italian-Spanish television mini-series was released La Bella e la Bestia .

But this series was far from the first. Back in 1987, the now iconic film was released in America. series with Linda Hamilton (Sarah Connor in Terminator) and Ron Perlman. The story of the Beauty who fell in love with the Beast was transferred to our time. It is interesting that some details in this series have something in common with The Phantom of the Opera. And the Beast's makeup is reminiscent of the makeup used in Cocteau's film.

In 2012, the series experienced a rebirth and lasted on the screens for four seasons.

But the most sensational film behind lately was a film adaptation of the classic 1991 Disney film. The film was released in 2017 and, not surprisingly, became a box office record holder among the films presented in this section. Beauty and the Beast, starring Dan Stevens and Emma Watson.


Of course, it would be strange if the plot of this fairy tale were not touched upon by animators. In 1988, the Japanese released an anime The story of the Summer and Winter Gardens(夏の庭と冬の庭の話) as part of the animated series " New theater Grimm's masterpieces."

But the most famous is created in 1991 at the Disney studio full-length cartoon, in which, in addition to the story of Beauty and the Beast, if desired, you can find allusions to the story of the Phantom of the Opera. By the way, one of the roles in the cartoon was voiced by Richard White, the first performer of the role of the Phantom in musical by Kopit/Yeston .

In 1992, a British cartoon appeared Beauty and the Beast, one of the roles in which was voiced by the brilliant Christopher Lee.

The series was released in 1999 Die Schöne und das Biest German animated series "Simsala Grimm" (season 3, episode 10). In each episode of this cute children's series, two magical creatures - Yo-Yo and Croc - find themselves in the epicenter of some fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm and, without changing the plot of the story, help the characters overcome obstacles and get into happy ending. In this version of the tale, the Beast is very bear-like.

Among the screen versions, perhaps, it is also worth noting a funny parody of many well-known stories, including “Beauty and the Beast”: "Shrek" .

On stage

Based on the cartoon, it was created in 1995 musical, in which various famous actors, including, for example, Steve Barton, the first performer of the role of Raoul in Webber's musical "The Phantom of the Opera". In 2008, the musical was staged in Russia.

And in the spring of 2011, the Japanese Takarazuka Theater released your version fairy tales

Let's not forget about Russian scene. In addition to the Disney musical, which was revived in October 2014, the story of Beauty and the Beast is presented in the form of a wonderful ballet by Vangelis and Eagling, which could be seen on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace.

On the pages of books

But each of us has been familiar with this plot since childhood in a completely different, original Russian interpretation! For the Russian audience, the plot of the fairy tale was revised by Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov (09/20/1791 - 04/30/1859). In 1858 he published the tale Scarlet flower, in the preface to which he wrote that this story was told to him in childhood by the housekeeper Pelageya. Based on Aksakov's fairy tale, it was filmed cartoon at the Soyuzmultfilm studio and two full-length films film. And in 2018, Tatyana Navka presented the audience with an ice show based on Aksakov’s fairy tale - a musical on ice Scarlet flower .

The story of Beauty and the Beast is reflected in a variety of novels and stories, films and plays. Modern authors every now and then turn to the old plot, drawing inspiration from it. And, of course, the most extensive field for creativity is books. The tale of Beauty and her beloved Beast is one of the most beloved in literature, which means it has given rise to a lot imitations and retellings in a new way. The repetition of the old story occurs in romance novels, both in erotic short stories and dramatic thrillers. There are so many books - for every taste, of any length and with such diverse characters that your eyes widen. Choose what suits you!

Other interpretations

Well, where would we go without computer games in our age information technology! We present to you two games based on the fairy tale: Mystery Legends: Beauty and the Beast And Fairly Twisted Tales: The Price Of A Rose .

In this section we have presented for you only the most famous and striking incarnations of the fairy tale about Beauty and the Beast, but in world culture this plot is, of course, exploited much more often.

Charles Perrault fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast" and their characteristics

  1. Beauty, the youngest daughter of a merchant, beautiful and kind, brave and faithful, hard-working.
  2. The monster, scary in appearance, but kind and noble, only threatened death, but in fact helped everyone.
  3. The merchant, at first went broke, then met the Beast and became rich
  4. Sisters of the Beauties, envious and greedy, lazy.
  5. Fairy, kind, but also cruel.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"
  1. Merchant family
  2. Daughters order gifts
  3. Ancient castle in the forest
  4. The monster and his demand
  5. The beauty goes to the castle
  6. Offer
  7. Sick father
  8. Second week of absence
  9. Dying Monster
  10. Prince Charming
  11. Fairy justice.
The short summary of the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast" for reader's diary in 6 sentences:
  1. A merchant goes to town and his daughters ask him to bring them gifts.
  2. The merchant gets into a magic castle and picks a rose
  3. Beauty, the merchant's youngest daughter, goes to the Beast
  4. The Beast lets Beauty go to her father, but Beauty is too late to return.
  5. The Beauty declares her love for the Beast and he turns into a prince
  6. The Prince and the Beauties are getting married, the sisters are turning into statues.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"
It is not appearance that is most important in any person, but what kind of heart he has.

What does the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast" teach?
This fairy tale teaches us to be honest, keep our word and not envy the success of others. The fairy tale teaches us not to pay attention to appearance, but to judge a person by his deeds and actions.

Review of the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"
I liked the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast", although its ending was not entirely happy. The fairy set a strange condition for the sisters to turn them into statues - to become kinder. I don't understand how statues can do this. But of course I was happy for Beauty and the Beast, because their happiness is deserved and fair.

Signs fairy tale in the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"

  1. The Enchanted Prince
  2. Magic mirror
  3. Magic ring
  4. Fairy-tale creature - fairy.
Proverb for the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"
Judge not by appearance, but by deeds.
All that glitters is not gold.
If you give your word, keep it, and if you don’t give it, keep it.

Summary, brief retelling fairy tales "Beauty and the Beast"
The merchant had three daughters and three sons. The youngest daughter's name was Beauty.
The merchant went bankrupt, but one day he received a message that one of his ships had been found. The merchant went to the city and asked his daughters what to bring them. The elders asked for dresses, and the youngest for a rose.
The merchant paid off his debts and had nothing left. He went home and saw an ancient castle. The merchant saw the table set and ate, then slept, and in the morning he found coffee and buns. When leaving, the merchant plucked a rose from rose bush and then a terrible monster appeared.
He said that his name was the Beast and wanted to kill the merchant. The merchant told about his daughters and the Beast released him on the condition that he return in three months to the merchant or his daughter, and gave him a chest of money for the journey.
The merchant returned home and told about the Beast. The youngest daughter decided to go to the Beast.
She found a table set for two and dined with the Beast. She did not hide from the Beast that he was very scary.
One day the Beast asked her to marry him, but Beauty refused.
In the magic mirror, Beauty saw that her father was sick and the Beast allowed her to visit her father, but said that if Beauty did not return in a week, it would die.
The beauty put the magic ring by the bed and woke up at home. Her sisters were jealous of her beautiful dress and jewelry. They persuaded Beauty to stay another week.
On the ninth day, Beauty had a dream in which the Beast was dying. She immediately put the ring by the bed and woke up in the Beast's castle.
Beauty found the Beast dying and sprinkled it on his face. The monster said that he was dying happy. But Beauty said that she loved him and agreed to marry the Beast.
Immediately, instead of the Beast, a handsome prince appeared and they went to the castle. Beauty's father and sisters were there. A fairy appeared who said that Beauty would be the queen of the castle, and turned the sisters into statues.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"

Film "Beauty and the Beast": description, plot, trailer, actors, photos, poster

Original title: Beauty and the Beast

Country: USA

Genre: musical, fantasy, melodrama

Actors and roles in the film Beauty and the Beast

Emma Watson, Luke Evans, Ewan McGregor, Dan Stevens, Emma Thompson, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Stanley Tucci, Ian McKellen, Kevin Kline, Josh Gad

The main role - the beautiful Belle - is played by 26-year-old actress Emma Watson, a friend from the film "Harry Potter".

The Beast is played by Dan Stevens. He starred in films - “The Guest”; "The Fifth Estate"; "Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb"; "Daunt Abbey".

Gaston the Hunter is played by Luke Evan.

Belle's father is played by actor Kevin Kline in the film.

Summary of the film Beauty and the Beast

The plot of the next film on the theme of Beauty and the Beast is unpretentious and simple. However, it is very interesting how modern computer technology will embellish the old fairy tale.

The plot of the film "Beauty and the Beast"

In ancient times, in an ancient castle there lived a young prince named Adam. He was no prince, but as a person he was even worse. The angry and narcissistic young man eventually angered the sorceress and she, naturally, bewitched him, turning him into a frog. It was a joke about the frog.

She turned him into a disgusting monster, although the artists even painted him as a very nice monster, one might say noble.

She also managed to, together with Adam, bewitch the castle servants.

Time passed. The castle was aging, and life went on as usual. It seemed that no one and nothing could change the current state of affairs. Adam will be able to return to normal only after the magic rose, enchanted by the Sorceress, loses the last petal from its bud.

But there is one thing. During this time, Adam needs to change - to become kind and fair. And the main thing is to fall in love, and not just fall in love, but the love must be mutual. But who would love a monster, even a cute one? It seems that the situation is hopeless.

At the same time, a girl named Belle was born in a small village. He grew and blossomed.

One day her father went to the fair and got lost. Wandering through the dark forest, he unexpectedly stumbles upon an enchanted castle and carelessly enters it.

Now he is at the mercy of the enchanted castle and the Beast.

From now on, two lives, the father and the monster, are in the hands of the beautiful Belle.

But if only it were that simple.

A certain Gaston, a wonderful hunter, passionately in love with Belle, having not achieved reciprocity, will stand at the head of the hunters and try to kill the Beast.

Beauty and the Beast movie poster

Trailer for the film Beauty and the Beast