Yuri Stepanov actor accident. Famous actors who died in road accidents (11 photos). Yuri Stepanov: biography, personal life

They will never please us with new roles again...

A fatal coincidence of circumstances or someone’s unforgivable carelessness leads to the death of hundreds of people every day in road accidents. This is an irreparable loss for loved ones and relatives. But when the life of a talented person is cut short in an accident, this is a loss not only for relatives, but also for numerous admirers of his talent. They will never go on stage again and delight the public with their new roles and songs. Their flight is interrupted, but the memory remains.

Egor Klinaev

Egor Klinaev was only 18 years old, but he had already appeared in 20 films and TV series. On the night of September 27, 2017, Yegor was rushing home. Seeing the accident at the 24th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road, the young actor stopped to provide assistance to the victims. And a few minutes later he himself became the victim of a hit-and-run. The driver of a passing Honda Accord did not notice the accident and hit three drivers at once, including Yegor Klinaev. The actor died on the spot.

Victor Tsoi

On August 15, 1990, in Latvia, on the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talsi highway, Viktor Tsoi, the leader of the Kino group, a cult performer who was at the peak of his popularity, died.

He was returning from fishing, at 11:30 in the morning his Moskvich-2141 drove out at high speed oncoming lane and crashed into the Ikarus. The impact carried the bus to the side of the road, the car was carried almost 20 meters and the engine was ripped out. There were no passengers on the bus, the driver was almost uninjured, Viktor Tsoi died instantly. The singer was buried in a closed coffin.

According to the official version, Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel. However, many still do not agree with the stated cause of the accident, so they are still trying to solve the real reason death of Viktor Tsoi.

Leonid Bykov

The death of a truly national favorite, Leonid Bykov, shocked the entire country. On April 1, 1979, he was returning from his dacha in the village of Strakholesye, Chernobyl region. I wanted to overtake the asphalt roller ahead, and did not notice how a truck jumped out towards me. Trying to avoid the collision, the actor turned the steering wheel in the opposite direction, but the car skidded on the wet road and crashed into a skating rink. Witnesses to the accident immediately tried to help the actor, but the actor died as soon as he was pulled out of the car.

Evgeny Dvorzhetsky

The actor, who played the role of Edmond Dantes in The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If, returned from the clinic on December 1, 1999 in high spirits: his suspicions of asthma were not confirmed. The VAZ-2109 in which the actor was traveling did not give way to an oncoming ZIL-5301 truck on Moskvorechye Street. According to the testimony of Konstantin Karasik, who was in the car at the time of the collision, Evgeniy was about to call his wife, took his attention from the road and pressed the gas pedal instead of the brake. The 39-year-old actor died on the spot. His passenger survived.

Alexander Dedyushko

He said that he could not live without his family. On November 3, 2007, Alexander Dedyushko with his wife Svetlana Chernyshkova and son Dmitry were returning from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow. Near the village of Starye Omutishchi, the actor’s Toyota Picnic jumped into the oncoming lane. As a result of a collision with a Scania truck, Alexander Dedyushko’s car slid to the side of the road and caught fire. The actor and his wife died on the spot; their son lived only 40 minutes after the accident.

Marina Golub

On that fateful night of October 10, 2012, the famous actress Marina Golub was returning from watching the play “The Mortal Engine,” which opened theater festival in Moscow. Her car had recently been in an accident and was being repaired, so the actress was given a ride by a friend. At the intersection of Lobachevsky Street and Vernadsky Avenue, a red Cadillac crashed into their car at a speed of 100 km/h. The driver of the car, Dmitry Turkin, and Marina Golub died instantly. The culprit of the accident tried to escape, but was detained and later sentenced to 6.5 years.

Larisa Shepitko

Early in the morning of July 2, 1979, Larisa Shepitko, actress, screenwriter, and director, was heading with the film crew to film “Farewell to Matera.” At the 187th kilometer of the Leningrad highway, the Volga with Larisa at the wheel crashed into a truck in the oncoming lane. And a year before that, during a trip to Bulgaria, she met with Vanga. And she predicted Larisa’s imminent death.

Alexey Loktev

On September 17, 2006, the actor was returning from a creative meeting at the Amur Autumn film festival. Together with the chairman of the jury Sergei Novozhilov and two other actors, Alexey Loktev went in a Toyota Crown outside the convoy with a traffic police escort car from the village of Razdolnoye to Blagoveshchensk. At an intersection, the car with the actors collided with a minibus, then crashed into another car and overturned. Alexey Loktev did not make it to the hospital with an open head injury.

Maya Bulgakova

Maya Bulgakova and Lyubov Sokolova went to a patron’s concert on October 1, 1994, accompanied by the organizers of the event. The driver of the car constantly looked back to look at the actresses, still could not believe the happiness of seeing them. At some point, Lyubov Sergeevna pulled him back, asking him to watch the road. But it was too late: the car flew into a pole at full speed.

The driver died on the spot, Lyubov Sokolova was soon discharged from the hospital, and Maya Bulgakova died a few days later without regaining consciousness.

Yuri Stepanov

On the night of March 3, 2010, Yuri Stepanov was returning home in a passing car after the Three Sisters. At the intersection of Lyublinskaya and Shkuleva streets, a Mazda6 flew into the VAZ-2104 where the actor was driving at full speed, the driver of which did not notice the “four” standing at the intersection. The impact spun the car and collided with an oncoming VAZ-2112. Yuri Stepanov died on the spot.

In the south-east of Moscow, the famous actor of the Moscow theater "Pyotr Fomenko Workshop" Yuri Stepanov died in an accident. He was only 42 years old.

The car accident happened after midnight today. Yuri Stepanov performed the play “Three Sisters”, then caught a private driver near the theater in a VAZ-2104 and drove home.

At the intersection of Lyublinskaya and Shkuleva streets, the driver of the “four” slowed down at a traffic light, waiting for the permitting signal. A few seconds later, a Mazda crashed into the Zhiguli from behind. As Pravda.Ru was told in the propaganda department of the capital’s traffic police, The “four” was turned around and thrown into the oncoming lane, where it collided with a VAZ-2112.

The main impact fell on the right (passenger) side of the car. The actor, who was in the front seat, received numerous fractures and other injuries from which he died. Rescuers removed him from the mangled car. The driver of the "four" escaped with minor bruises and abrasions.

“The driver of the VAZ-2112 was also injured; he was taken to the hospital,” commented the traffic police propaganda department. “The information disseminated in the media that Yuri Stepanov’s wife was seriously injured in the accident does not correspond to reality.”

The actor's wife arrived at the scene after the accident. The cause of the car accident has not yet been officially announced. According to eyewitnesses, the Mazda driver was clearly speeding. He was sent for a medical examination, which showed that he was sober.

"In connection with the accident, a criminal case has been initiated under Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation" Violation of the rules traffic and operation Vehicle“A number of examinations have been appointed to determine the reasons,” the traffic police summed up.

Yuri Stepanov was born in 1967 in the village of Rysyevo, Irkutsk region. He graduated with honors from the Irkutsk Theater School, after which he received an invitation to GITIS, to the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop for a directing course. He has worked in the theater since 1993. Stepanov is a laureate of the Moscow Vysotsky Festival and the International Festival "Contact-93".

He was known not only for his theatrical works (in particular, in “Three Sisters” he played military doctor Ivan Chebutykin), but also for his numerous film roles. The actor made his debut in the episode famous film Georgiy Daneliya's "Heads and Tails", then starred in the title role with Vadim Abdrashitov in "The Time of a Dancer". But the series “Citizen Chief” and “Penal Battalion” brought the actor the greatest fame.

Today the press service of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop reported that the play “The Moth,” where Yuri Stepanov was cast in the leading role, will be removed from the repertoire.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time that people have become victims of road accidents. famous artists or showmen. Last year, a backing vocalist and choirmaster died in a traffic accident. famous group"Lube" Anatoly Kuleshov. On First Frezernaya Street, the driver of the Mercedes, in which Kuleshov was a passenger, sharp turn lost control. The foreign car skidded to the right and crashed into a truck standing on the side of the road. The main blow also fell on the front passenger door...

The driver of the Mercedes was hospitalized with fractures of both legs, a broken arm and numerous bruises and abrasions. There was no sharp turn warning sign on this section of the road. In addition, the driver of the Mercedes was clearly driving too fast, which led to a tragic outcome.

In 2008, a criminal case was investigated regarding an accident involving popular radio host Gennady Bachinsky. At the 69th kilometer of the Sergiev Posad-Kalyazin highway, a showman driving a Volkswagen Golf, while overtaking, drove into the oncoming lane and collided with a Volkswagen Transporter minibus.

The star of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop theater died in an accident

A terrible accident cut short the life of the famous actor Yuri Stepanov: on March 3, at about one in the morning, the artist died in an accident. Yuri was returning from the theater when a foreign car crashed into his car. The actor died on the spot, he was only 42.

Hurrying home after the play "Three Sisters", the actor caught a taxi. I came across an old "four". The hitchhiker survived; the main blow fell on the front passenger seat, where Stepanov was sitting. The car was literally flattened into a flat cake at this point - the collision was so strong. The accident occurred at the intersection of Moscow streets Lyublinskaya and Shkuleva:

The actor in a VAZ-2104 car was waiting at the intersection for the green light to turn on, at that moment a Mazda car crashed into his car from behind,” Interfax was told by the traffic police duty department of the South-Eastern Administrative District of the capital. “The impact threw Stepanov’s car onto the oncoming lane, where he collided with a VAZ-2112 car passing through the intersection at high speed. The actor died on the spot.

Only employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were able to remove the actor’s body from the crumpled car. According to experts, Yuri Stepanov died from multiple wounds, including severe leg fractures. According to investigators, the Mazda that crashed into the artist’s car from behind was driving too fast and braked late at the intersection:

The driver of the Mazda car significantly exceeded the speed and late noticed a VAZ-2104 stopped at the intersection, - said a source in law enforcement agencies. - A medical examination showed that the driver of the foreign car was sober.

It is already known that farewell to Yuri Stepanov will take place on March 6 at his home theater “Pyotr Fomenko Workshop”. A representative of the theater reported this, adding that the time of farewell will still be determined. As for the funeral, according to her, the theater management would like it to be Troyekurovskoye Cemetery. Let us remind you that just the day before another one was tragically buried there. deceased actor- Vladislav Galkin.

From an interview with the actor:

“We met my future wife Irina ten years ago,” Yuri Stepanov said in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda in 2004. - She sewed costumes for our “Pyotr Fomenko Workshop”... I called her one day, just when the linden trees were blooming, and said that it was a crime to sleep on such an evening, maybe we should take a walk? So we went for a walk... (Nods at his son.) But I delayed getting married. After Kostya was born, he bought an apartment for her and her son, but Irina was not registered, and she persuaded her to go to the registry office. I wanted to make an excuse - they say, I don’t have time, and Irina has a car at the entrance. And, as it turned out, friends were waiting in two cars at the intersection in case I ran away...

... My life was not so sweet. I did beekeeping, animal husbandry, and carpentry and construction. My father, although he was the chairman of the state farm, did not even think about doing anything at public expense. How I raised him - God forbid. And physically punished. And when I turned 20, he said: that’s it, Stepanov, earn your own money. When you come home, I’ll feed you, give you something to drink, maybe when I’ll send you honey and lard, but... While I was studying at the Irkutsk Theater School, I worked part-time as a mason, carpenter, tractor driver... My father only saw my first film, “Time of a Dancer,” and died. And my mother died when I was filming “Citizen Chief,” they told me right on the set. Director Nikolai Dostal came up and said: Do you want us to stop filming? And they filmed it in a cafe that was shot down! To be honest, I wasn't surprised. In general, the scene was finished, and I hurried to the airport...

Yuri Konstantinovich Stepanov. Born on June 7, 1967 in Rysevo, Irkutsk region - died on March 3, 2010 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema.

Father is an agronomist, director of a state farm.

Mother is a teacher.

From childhood he was accustomed to work. According to him, his early years They weren’t sweet, although my father held a leadership position. Yuri was engaged in beekeeping, animal husbandry, carpentry, and construction. “My father, even though he was the chairman of a state farm, did not allow me to do anything at public expense. But how I raised him - God forbid. And he physically punished me. And when I turned 20, he said: that’s it, Stepanov, earn for yourself myself," he recalled.

In 1988 he graduated with honors from the Irkutsk Theater School, workshop of V. Tovma. At the same time, he worked part-time and managed to master several professions - mason, carpenter, tractor driver, etc.

Since 1993, he has been an actor at the Moscow Theater "P. Fomenko Workshop", among his works: Shakespeare's Twelfth Night - Sir Andrew Egyuchik; “Vladimir III degree” by N.V. Gogol - Sobachkin; “Adventure” by M. Tsvetaeva - Hunchback; “The Sound and the Fury” by W. Faulkner - Benjamin; “Wolves and Sheep” by A. N. Ostrovsky - Lynyaev; “The Importance of Being Earnest” by O. Wilde - Algernon Moncrieff; “Showcase” by A. Blok - seminarian Vasya, Devil; “A Month in the Village” by I. S. Turgenev - Arkady Sergeevich Islaev; “Chichikov. Dead souls, volume two" - Chichikov; “Barbarians” by M. Gorky - Grisha; “The Moth” by Pyotr Gladilin - Colonel; “Three Sisters” by A.P. Chekhov - Chebutykin.

In 1993, he won a prize at the Vysotsky Moscow Festival for his role as Benjamin in the play The Sound and the Fury. In the same year he was awarded International Festival"Contact-93" in the city of Torun for the role of Lynyaev in the play "Wolves and Sheep". In 2004 received theater award“The Seagull” in the “Synchronized Swimming” category - for the acting ensemble of the play “Three Sisters”.

He began acting in films in 1995, making his debut in the film “Heads and Tails.”

First main role performed in 1997, playing Valery Belosheykin in the military drama “The Time of a Dancer.”

Yuri Stepanov in the film "Time of a Dancer"

The actor became widely known in 2001, when the series began airing. "Citizen Chief", in which he played the prosecutor's office investigator Pafnutyev. He also starred in the sequels of the film.

Yuri Stepanov in the series "Citizen Chief"

The next stellar work was the military series by Nikolai Dostal "Penal Battalion". In the film, he created the image of Antip Glymov, a former thief in law who became a company commander in a penal battalion.

“During filming, we talked with a very elderly former thief in law, he is now retired. It turns out that a thief in law should never take up arms. And if he kills his own kind, then they “knock his cap off” ". IN best case scenario sent to retire. But in the case of Glymov, an explanation was found. The enemy came to his land, and he went to defend it,” the actor recalled about working on the series “Penal Battalion.”

Yuri Stepanov in the TV series "Penal Battalion"

Also notable were his roles as Mikhail in “Children of Vanyukhin”, shipbuilding engineer Nikolaev in “Leningradets”, lawyer Martyshev in “Defense”, Colonel Arkady Karas in “Crucians”, Ivan Novozhenov in the crime film “To Paris!”, Ferdinand in the melodrama “Morning”, Boguslavsky in the crime action film “Tulsky-Tokarev”.

Yuri Stepanov in the TV series "Defense"

Yuri Stepanov in the film "Morning"

Death of Yuri Stepanov

Yuri Stepanov died at 0:45 on March 3, 2010 in Moscow at the intersection of Lyublinskaya Street and Shkuleva Street (Textilshchiki district) from multiple injuries received in an accident.

Returning home after the play “Three Sisters”, he caught a passing VAZ-2104 car. When the car stopped at an intersection, it was hit from behind full speed ahead A Mazda6 car crashed. The Mazda driver significantly exceeded the speed limit and, late noticing the “four” stopped at the intersection, collided with it. Due to the fact that the driver of the “four” turned the wheels before the start of the maneuver, his car was hit from behind by an oncoming VAZ-2112 car. The blow hit exactly the place where Yuri Stepanov was sitting. The driver of the VAZ-2104 survived and received minor injuries. And Yuri Stepanov, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, died on the spot.

The culprit of the accident is Mikhail Nazarov, former employee Ministry of Emergency Situations, received three years probation.

Yuri Stepanov died in an accident

He was buried on March 6, 2010 at the Troekurovskoye cemetery in Moscow next to the grave of Vladislav Galkin, who died a week before Stepanov’s death.

Yuri Stepanov's height: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Yuri Stepanov:

Widow - Irina Sorokina, costume designer.

The actor said about meeting his wife: “She sewed costumes for our “Pyotr Fomenko Workshop”... I called her one day, just when the linden trees were blooming, and said that it was a crime to sleep on such an evening, maybe we should take a walk?.. But I delayed getting married. After Kostya was born, I bought an apartment for her and my son, but Irina was not registered, and she persuaded me to go to the registry office. I wanted to make an excuse - they say, there is no time, and Irina has a car at the entrance. ".

At the time of their death, they had two sons - Konstantin and Dmitry.

The third son was born in March 2010, a few weeks after the actor’s death. The boy was named after his father - Yuri.

At the time of the actor’s death, his wife was nine months pregnant.

She recalled that fateful day: “I remember last call husband, it was after twelve o'clock at night. Yura said that his car was left at home, so he would return from the theater later... The husband was worried that he did not have the keys to the house with him and he would wake up the children by knocking on the door. I promised to wait for him. It was two o'clock in the morning, and Yura was still not there. I felt anxious, I dialed his number, no one answered the phone. A few seconds later they called back and asked who I was. The police officers asked to come to the place without really explaining anything. On the way I was replaying everything in my head possible options developments of events other than death. For some reason, at that moment I was afraid that he had been seriously injured in the accident and might remain disabled... There were cars on the road that had been torn apart by the impact, and next to me was my husband’s body in a pool of blood... I was not allowed to come close. At that moment, I understood that I was expecting a child and I couldn’t allow a miscarriage because of my worries. As I remember now: ambulances rushed past us every now and then, I was waiting for the doctors to finally come to Yura and save him... A police officer came up and handed over the wallet with my husband’s documents, then I understood everything. Instead of doctors, a hearse arrived. I can still see the picture of my husband’s corpse being loaded into the cabin.”