Summary of a conversation with children of senior preschool age “Theater ABC. Theater and children: the magical power of art

"Hello, theater!"

Introductory conversation with children in the field of theatrical art. Getting to know cultural heritage native land.

To arouse interest in theatrical and play activities, to create a sense of success for each individual child. Introduce types of theaters: (drama, puppet). Theater terminology (Stage, theater curtain, auditorium, costume room, applause...). Cultivate friendly, emotional positive attitude to each other. Continue to expand children's knowledge about surrounding reality: deepen ideas about the structure of the theater from the outside and from the inside. Expanding your horizons in the field of musical and theatrical art.


Multimedia projector, computer, speakers, screen, screen with decorations.

Progress of the conversation.

Dear guys, I invite you on a journey. But our journey is not quite ordinary. I invite you to plunge into the world of theater.

But what is Theater?

Theater is one of ancient arts in the world. Theater is diverse and diverse and absorbs many elements like no other art. And today we are admired by the ancient Roman and Greek theaters with their grandiose architecture and scale, captivating us with their magical appeal. (slide2)

Tell me, what kind of theaters are there?

Children's answer: Puppet, dramatic, opera and ballet theaters.

That's right, well done.

The theater can be opera or drama, puppet or pantomime theater, the diversity of which is united by the art of a person - an actor.

The art of theater is collective in nature, uniting the work of actors, playwrights, costume designers and various stage workers. Since the twentieth century, the theater began to be called director's theater, because the appearance of the director in the theater contributed to the organization of the performance as a single whole. (slide3)

Today I invite you to Astrakhan state theater young viewer.

Now you close your eyes and a miracle will happen! (music plays, children open their eyes.)

A musical effect sounds.

Let's open our eyes...

Illustrations are being shown inside the theater.

What do you see on the screen?

(slide 4-5) Astrakhan Theater for Young Spectators.

The first performance at the Astrakhan Theater for Young Spectators took place 11th of March 1933. It was the play “A Distant Path” based on the play N. Ya. Shestakova. At that time the theater did not yet have its own building and the performance took place on the stage of the Trade Workers Club on the street. Belogorodskaya (now Lenin Street). The theater troupe at that time was unprofessional; it consisted of amateur artists and radio committee workers.

A year later, the theater troupe was replenished with professional actors, artistic director theater for young spectators became M.D. Lyubimova. At the same time, the Youth Theater was provided with premises at 16 Chalabyan Street.

September 19 1934 performance based on the play N. V. Gogol « Auditor“The first season of a professional theater for children has opened.

I invite you to the theater foyer (slide6) .

A foyer is a room in a theater intended for spectators to stay while waiting for a show or performance, as well as for the public to relax during intermission. Each theater has : Stage, auditorium, balcony, curtain, backstage, scenery on stage, actors on stage, dolls on stage, dressing room, costume room.

- (slide 7-8) Theater curtain - an element of stage clothing that separates the stage from auditorium, and located closest to the audience, along the border of the stage mirror.
Typically, the curtain opens at the beginning of the performance and closes at intermission and at the end of the performance.

(slide9-11) - Scene- part of the theater, stage, place of the main theatrical action. IN ancient Greek theater initially it was a tent in which actors prepared for performances. Modern theater usually uses a closed type stage, which is called stage-box. Its main feature is the presence of an enclosed space, separated from the auditorium by a wall.

(slide 12-14) - Decoration- any artistic decoration of an object or room. . The decoration of a building should correspond to its character and style, not violate its basic forms, but, on the contrary, show them with the greatest possible clarity and beauty. The word “decoration” is most often used to refer to accessories theater, having as their purpose to produce illusion the place where the action taking place on stage takes place. Therefore, theatrical scenery is for the most part either landscapes, or perspective views of streets, squares and the inside of buildings. They are painted with paints on canvas. The main components of each theatrical scenery - veil And backstage.

(slide 15-17) Auditorium - in a theater - a room for spectators, connected to the stage by a portal opening.

Amphitheater - in a theater - seats in the auditorium located on rising ledges behind the stalls.

Mezzanine - in the auditorium of the theater - a tier of theater boxes above the benoir and amphitheater.

Gallery - outdated - the upper tier of the theater with the cheapest seats.

Balcony - in a theater - seats for the public, located in several rows in different tiers of the auditorium opposite the stage. In some theaters, balconies are also located on the sides of the hall. A box in a theater auditorium is a group of seats separated by partitions or barriers in the form of small rooms. Parterre - in a theater building - the floor plane of the auditorium with seats for spectators. In a modern stalls, seats for spectators are placed in rows parallel to the orchestra barrier, and are separated by transverse and longitudinal passages leading to exits from the auditorium. For better visibility, the parquet floor is usually raised from the stage to the back rows.

(slide 18-22) - Costume room - the room where clothes are designed for all artists and all episodes in accordance with artistic design.
Dresser - provides working condition all costumes under any shooting conditions.. Costume - can mean clothes general or distinctive clothing style, reflecting social, national, regional human belonging. Costume can also mean artistic combination accessories in a painting, statue, poem or play, appropriate to time, place or other circumstances. Another possible meaning denotes a certain fashion style, in which a person could portray a role that is unusual for him, for example, a fancy dress or acting costumes.

Most often people can see costumes on actors in the theater. Combined with other details, the costume helps the actor create the image of the character.

Our journey through the theater is coming to an end.

There are a lot of people working in all theaters. Who works in the theater?

The poem is read, the children finish the definition words.

Will put on dances choreographer,

The orchestra is looking for talent,

Both the conductor and the musicians.

Also, of course, director,

Artist, prop maker, make-up artist;

Will show you where everything is,

Responsible for props.

In all theaters throughout the country

Different jobs are important.

But still, no matter how you turn it around,

A main manartist .

Do you want to become an actor?

Children's answers: We want.

To become an actor you need to learn a lot, be able to do a lot.

What should an actor be able to do?

Children's answers: Speak well, understandably, clearly; breathe correctly; move beautifully, etc.

Today you and I will become real actors. Let's go to Theatre of Drama. And we will enter the secret door, where not spectators enter, but only actors and theater employees.

Children approach the screen to the music, imitate,

as if they were entering a service door.

Let's imagine that here workplace actors.

Do you know where the profession of an actor begins?

Children's answers: With breath.

Of course with proper breathing. Without it, it is impossible to speak beautifully and loudly from the stage.

Let's try to breathe like real actors do. Sit up straight, straighten your back, put your hand on your stomach.

Breathing exercises

We warm our palms, candle (1,2,5), ball.

Onomatopoeia ( breathing + purity of sounds)

“The windshield wipers on the car” - sch-sch-sch.

“Mosquito” - we’re looking for a mosquito, we found it, we swatted it away.

“Fly” – w-w-w.

We will now play - say polite words.

(Children dramatize a poem"Polite words" S. Korotkova.)

To be polite

You need to say “hello”

To everyone I meet -

Children know this.

Say “hello” - and in response

It will sound: “Hello, hello!”

Hello, palms! ( Children clap twice.)

Hello boots! ( Stomp twice.)

Hello frogs! ( Pronounced: kva-kva.)

Hello, cuckoos! ( Pronounced: ku-ku

Hello, nimble breeze! ( Children blow.)

Hello, sleepy crow! ( Pronounced: kar-kar.)

The train is long at the platform! ( Pronounced: tu-tu.)

Good afternoon wristwatch (pronounced: tick-tock),

Hello, rough River! (They gurgle with their tongue.)

There are clouds in the blue sky! ( They sing quietly in a high pitched sound, using their hands to represent clouds.)

Our lesson has come to an end, I hope you really enjoyed it. Thank you.

“The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors” , says the classic. Theater has a certain influence on any of us, directly or indirectly. Even if a person does not visit the theater, he - one way or another - is related to it. And at every age we perceive theater differently.

Experiencing life through emotions

A unique period of a person’s life is childhood, the time of personality formation. Exactly at childhood special role dedicated to theatrical performance. Our children are provided with the most different kinds knowledge of life. These are artistic and animated films, various computer games, colorful educational toys, all kinds of entertainment. What about the theater? Is it really in modern world has the theater lost its relevance, significance, faded into the background? In no case! Theater was, is and will be the best emotional school of life. He is also a source of information about the world, a powerful stimulus for the thought process and the formation of spirituality.

Both spectator and actor

Theater has many functions: aesthetic, entertaining, communicative, socializing, gaming... But the most important, especially for children, is the cognitive function. Role-playing knowledge of the world, mastering the skills of coexistence with peers and adults, partnership skills, the ability to act in the circumstances offered by life, learning social experience - all this happens through images, colors, sounds, action. A child in the theater is either a spectator or an actor. At first glance these are fundamentally different positions in practice are interconnected and intertwined. The child never remains indifferent to what is happening on stage. His immediate reaction to what he saw and heard is manifested in the desire to help his favorite character, support him, and protect him from impending danger. Very often we observe how children begin to loudly tell artists that they should not trust a liar. They are upset when deception is still committed, and sincerely rejoice at the happy resolution of the conflict, and thus also become actors in the play. Children - best spectators, because they don’t hide their emotions. Directors of children's theaters are, as a rule, good teachers. When creating performances, they skillfully and consciously use a similar feature of child psychology, making the viewer a participant in the performance. Unique in this sense is the art of puppet theaters, where puppets play for children, and children communicate with the dolls. This is the closest relationship, because the toy and the child are inseparable. Puppet theater becomes the first theater in life for many children.

Professional opinion

Elena Osmanova, actress and actress Nizhny Novgorod Theater dolls, teacher of the theater school named after. E. Evstigneeva:

"Our theater is a world inhabited by puppets. Children believe in what is happening on stage, they perceive puppets as living beings with whom they can argue, help positive character and drive away the villain. Theater teaches children empathy, active participation, and this is the most valuable thing. Adults also enter the world of childhood and try to realize their emotions and experiences through dolls. They perceive their children differently, rediscovering them.

Theater for children is a source of knowledge, a way of interaction. Withdrawn children first communicate with dolls, and then begin to communicate with other children. A certain society of like-minded people forms in the hall. Theater is a kind, wise assistant, helping to find answers to questions, settle some of your problems, resolve internal conflicts. Children learn about the world around them through the prism of theater. Here we can see the moment of self-education, when the child says to himself: “I won’t do that”! The young viewer is left alone with what is happening on stage. Nobody puts pressure on him, he makes his own choice, and it’s always the right one. Theater is an ideal model of a world where good always triumphs over evil. It gives birth to the child’s conviction that evil must and can be fought. Through play, education is more productive, the conflict is brighter, there are no blurred lines.

In the early stages, it is important to convey to the child what good looks like, and where evil is hidden, under what masks it can be hidden. Children learn to distinguish tones and halftones in relationships, to recognize a beautiful doll in which the villain has hidden. They feel, hear, and see everything very keenly. This determines the main task of the theater - to evoke a response in a child’s soul, to teach empathy. Theater is a big emotional school."

Cultivating Kindness

There is something magical in theatrical art that gives a special atmosphere of joy and happiness. Each of us, having already become an adult, recalls with a degree of sentimentality our first visit to the theater (most likely, it was a puppet theater or New Year's performance); the first role in a kindergarten production (some kind of “Fly-Tsokotukha”); your favorite colorful Parsley, which you put on your hand and it comes to life. All this is so touching and unforgettable. There is so much warmth and nostalgia for the happy departed carefree childhood... And I want to do something good, give people love, make someone happier. Isn't this a miracle? Isn't this Magic power art! Theater for children becomes, first of all, a source positive emotions, he raises kind, honest, spiritual and sincere, beautiful and caring people.

Preschoolers are especially impressionable. They are easily emotionally influenced. Due to the figurative and concrete thinking of children, dramatization works of art helps to perceive their content more clearly and correctly. It has been noticed that a child understands the plot of the same fairy tale more deeply when watching a play than when reading a book.

Your child is a great artist

We can talk endlessly about the role of theater in a child’s life, but as the famous saying goes: “Less words, more action.” Therefore, dear parents, get ready, dress up, take your children and go to the theater. Enroll your precious children in theater studios and mugs. You will never regret it. At the very least, your child will become a great artist.

Marina Knyazeva



noun, m., used often

Morphology: (no) what? theater, what? theater, (see) what? theater, how? theater, about what? about the theater; pl. What? theaters, (no) what? theaters, what? theaters, (see) what? theaters, how? theaters, about what? about theaters

1. Theater is an art form, a stage performance dramatic works which is performed by actors in front of the audience.

Amateur and professional theatre. | European, oriental theater. | Theater of masks, miniatures, pantomime. | Get involved in theater. | He knows theater and especially ballet well.

2. Theater called an organization that organizes performances and staging performances.

Drama, opera house. | Bolshoi and Maly Theatre. | Ballet theatre. | Capital, provincial theater. | Puppet show. | Theater for young spectators. | State, private theater. | Drama and Comedy Theater. | Theater named after A.S. Pushkin. | Theater troupe.

3. Theater called the building in which the performances take place.

Luxurious, cozy theater. | Theater with a thousand seats. | Construction, reconstruction of the theater. | Foyer, theater auditorium. | Rebuild and repair the theater.

4. Summer theater called a pavilion in the park, where amateur performances are performed during the warm season.

5. One-man theater called a dramatic performance that is played and performed by one person.

6. Home theater are called amateur performances that are performed by members of the same family for relatives, guests, etc.

7. Shadow theater called manual pantomime, in which shadows on a wall or screen represent animals, people and move.

A night light was burning behind the curtain, and a familiar shadow theater was playing out on the screen.

8. Anatomical Theater- this is a hospital room that is used for teaching students medical universities techniques for autopsy and dissection of corpses.

9. Theater of war- This is an area for large-scale army combat operations during the war.

Leave the theater of operations.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev.

D. V. Dmitriev.:


    Synonyms See what “theater” is in other dictionaries:- (from the Greek thеatron place for spectacles, spectacle), a type of architectural building intended for theatrical performances. The first theater buildings appeared presumably in the 6th century. BC e. V Ancient Greece

    . They were open and... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    THEATER, theater, husband. (Greek theatron). 1. units only Art that consists of depicting, representing something in persons, performed in the form of a public spectacle. Music and theater are his strongest hobbies. Soviet era big time... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Theater 19 ... Wikipedia

    THEATER, huh, husband. 1. The art of presenting dramatic works on stage; just such a performance. Music, etc. Get involved in theater. 2. An entertainment enterprise, a room where such works are presented on stage. Dramatic, operatic t... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (from the Greek theatron, place for spectacle, spectacle), a type of art, the specific means of expression of which is stage action that occurs during the actor’s performance in front of the public. The origins of theater in ancient hunting and agricultural... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    THEATER 3, a, m.: anatomical theater (obsolete) - a room for dissecting corpses. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    THEATER 1, a, m. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    THEATER 2, a, m. (special). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - “THEATRE”, USSR, Riga Film Studio, 1978, color, 143 min. Love movie novel. Based on novel of the same name Somerset Maugham. Cast: Via Artmane (see ARTMANE Viya), Gunar Tsilinsky (see TSILINSKY Gunar Alfredovich), Elze Radzinya (see RADZINYA... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    I Theater (from the Greek théatron a place for spectacle; spectacle) a type of art (See Art). Like other arts, T. is a form of social consciousness, it is inseparable from the life of the people, its national history and culture. The rise or decline of T., development... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Yulia Shabalina
Project “Where does theater begin?” (senior preschool age)


"WITH where does theater begin?

For senior preschool age


Theater- one of the most mysterious and beautiful forms of art, and in a child’s life - preschooler, theater How a talented teacher helps a child understand the world around him.

Introducing the child to the theater begins V early childhood through listening to fairy tales, manipulating toys, playing familiar stories, playing games "house", "daughters - mothers". By engaging in a role, the child expresses his attitude to various situations and shows emotions.

Unfortunately, introducing children to theatrical art occurs, as a rule, only (as part of the educational program) within the walls kindergarten. Parents devote insufficient time not only to organizing joint trips to theater, but they don’t even give a basic concept of theatrical activities. In this connection, children’s knowledge about theater poor and superficial.

In addition, parents do not understand that through theatrical activities , you can decide educational tasks related:

WITH art education and raising a child;

Formation of aesthetic taste;

Moral education;

Development of communicative qualities of the individual. ;

Education of will, development of memory, imagination, initiative, fantasy, speech.

Talking to children about theater, observing them in free play activities, I understand that children need additional knowledge and skills to organize joint games, communication, role-playing behavior and the most accessible form of such training, in my opinion, is theatrical activity.

During the implementation of this the project is being implemented

Target: Enriching children's gaming experience through familiarization with theater arts .


form ideas about what it is theater, introduce the species theater, rules of conduct in theater.

Generate interest in new people professions: actor, screenwriter, costume designer, set designer, stage manager, make-up artist, director, etc.

Develop the ability to take on a role and act in accordance with it.

Improve children's performing skills, expressiveness of movements, acting skills

expand and intensify lexicon children, the ability to maintain role-playing dialogue, expressiveness and emotionality of speech, communication skills.

View project: informative

Participants project: children, parents, teacher

Duration project: 3 weeks

Stages: 1- introductory, 2-productive, 3-final

Resource support: illustrations of buildings theaters; video stories theatrical productions different directions; musical sketches characterizing expressive images; encyclopedic information about the creation theaters; photographs of actors; finger theater.

Expected Result: Enriching the gaming experience and communication abilities of children. Development of prerequisites for children's creative abilities.

Product project activities : staging theater"Teremok"

Interaction with family: Team work for the production of costume attributes; replenishment of attributes, scenery for staged performances, joint trip to the puppet theater city ​​theater.

Educational areas: communicative, cognitive,

Project progress

Stage 1: Introductory (1 Week)

The first day "We came to theater»

Work with children. Conversation with children about theater. Examination of illustrations, slides about theaters(musical, puppet, dramatic, animal theater, etc..)

Target: Clarify children’s knowledge about theater, How a separate type art; Introduce the species theaters; develop an emotionally positive attitude towards theater.

Working with parents. Running an errand - sewing "fingers", selection of elements for design "fingers"

Second day "Nice meeting you"

1. Getting to know theatrical professions(artist, make-up artist, hairdresser, musician, decorator, costume designer, entertainer, via d/i "Guess who, me".

Target: to form children’s ideas about theatrical professions; intensify interest in theater arts; Expand words knowledge.

Day three « Theater begins with a hanger»

1. Examination of illustrations, photographs theaters in different cities, countries

Target: introduce children to the device theater building , pay attention to the originality of the architecture and the beautiful facade, interior decoration, rules of conduct in theater.

Day four « Theaters of our city» .

1. Talk with children about theaters in our city.

Target: Clarify children’s knowledge about theaters in our city, cultural life small towns. Introduce the concept "Tour theater»

Day five "Watching a puppet show"

1. Watching a puppet show «» professional artists.

Target: Draw children’s attention to the ability "artists", convey by voice, expressive movement characteristics heroes of the play. Encourage children to want to participate in staged performances. evoke an emotional response.

Stage 2. Productive (2 week)

The first day « Theater evening»

1. View one-man theater"Teremok"

Target: Draw children’s attention to the actor’s ability to transform when reading a fairy tale. "Play with your voice", expressiveness of the gaze, body movement. Create a desire to repeat the characteristic movements inherent in different animals. Evoke an emotional response.

Second day "Getting into character"

1. Playing spoken dialogues based on familiar fairy tales

Target: To train children in the ability to transform into "hero of fairy tales", the ability to conduct verbal dialogue in accordance with the content of the plot being played out. Choose your own role.

Day three "Dolls are artists"

1. Playing a fairy tale «» using bi-ba-bo dolls

Target: Exercise children in the ability to control bi-ba-bo dolls, accompanying the game with verbal dialogue. Develop skills to maintain role behavior in accordance with the role taken. Evoke an emotional response, respect for "artists".

Day four « Theater and music»

1. Viewing plots of puppet shows. Video.

Target: draw children's attention to expressiveness theatrical productions with the presence of music. Train children to characterize heroes and their character based on the musical accompaniment they listen to.

Day five “Our hands are not for boredom”

1. Design of the finger theater.

Target: Inclusion of parents in the educational process. Development creative potential, the ability to discuss and negotiate with your own children about the proposed work.

Stage 3. Final (3 week)

The first day. "We are artists"

1. Rehearsal of a fairy tale with ready-made dolls "finger theater»

Target: Exercise children in the ability to transform using expressive means, through voice, intonation, music, attributes, scenery.

Second day "Drawing a poster"

Target: To cultivate in children a desire for joint, collective, productive activities. Develop the ability to negotiate by coming to unanimous opinion, listen without interrupting your interlocutors. Work together, independently distributing tasks.

Day three "We invite you to visit"

1. Showing the finger theater"Teremok" for the children of your group.

Target: to train children in the ability to enter into the image of the hero of a fairy tale, listen and hear others "artists", do not interrupt. Reinforce the rules of behavior when watching a performance, clap your hands before and after the performance, thank the artists. Evoke an emotional response, a desire to try yourself as an artist.

Day four, five "Tour theater»

Target: To foster in the child a sense of self-confidence, theatrical abilities, artistry. Encourage a desire to participate in other activities theater.

Day six "We're going to theater»

Target: consolidation of acquired knowledge about theater. Involving parents in the educational process of introducing children to theater arts. Bringing together the children's team.


During implementation project, work was carried out to enrich children’s knowledge about theater and performing arts. What is relevant for small cities.

Over the course of three weeks, children got acquainted with the species theaters, took an active part in creating attributes, learned, through the acquisition of new knowledge, the ability to interact with each other, show emotions, and transform into fairy tale heroes.

By implementing this project, I came to the conclusion that enriching children’s gaming experience through familiarization with theater arts, is chosen correctly. Children not only show interest in this type of activity, but also attract parents to implement their ideas.

The project, it is possible to implement indefinitely, only by changing the direction theater. Its structure is universal for any preschool age. Project parents can use and organize theater at home.