Find a watch in a dream. Dream Interpretation. Why do you dream about broken watches?

A dream in which a clock is present usually symbolizes time. However, the exact interpretation depends on the remaining circumstances of the dream. Personal wrist watch, as a rule, indicate that the dream foreshadows events that will be directly related to the dreamer.

Vanga's Dream Book?

This dream symbolizes the approach of a very important life stage. If a person tries to find out the time using an accessory without a dial, then real life he faces great danger. This dream may portend a tragedy, which only higher powers will help to cope with.

Dream InterpretationFreud: why do you dream of a watch on your hand??

If a person fails them in a dream, then in reality he will receive a reward for work that was done a long time ago. However, the reward can also be intangible.

Denise Lynn's dream book: why do you dream about a hand with a clock??

This dream refers to the passage of time. It flows and runs away, and it runs away from the dreamer. Such a dream can also mean that a person needs to turn special attention to the signs around it.

Dream InterpretationWanderer: wristwatch - interpretation

This dream is a symbol of haste, boredom, business meetings, obligations or a new daily activity. Finding a watch or looking at it means rushing events that, in the dreamer’s opinion, will develop extremely slowly. This dream can also mean a serious period in life. A beautiful and expensive accessory is a profitable and successful marriage.

Dream InterpretationNostradamus, interpretation - why you dream about a wristwatch?

This dream is a warning that there will not be enough time to implement all the plans. If the ruler had a dream, then he will not have time to implement the planned reforms and projects.

Tsvetkov's dream book: watch - interpretation of a dream

The dial symbolizes changes in life. Watching the arrows running quickly - higher powers warn against haste, which can cause a person to miss a lot of important things in life. If the arrows are creeping extremely slowly, on the contrary, you need to be more active.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation: dial - interpretation

A broken dial in a dream foreshadows rash actions that can greatly affect the dreamer’s life. He should think about what he will leave behind. For a woman, such a dream means that she is wasting her feelings on a person who is not worth it.

Dream interpretation eastern

This dream is a harbinger that very soon a very important event will occur that will affect the course of life. Listening to ticking is a sign that things will not get better for the dreamer very soon. A stopped clock dreams of death.

Dream Interpretationesoteric: wrist watches - what do they mean?

Wearing a working watch on your hand in a dream means well-planned and well-organized coordinated work. The dream means that a person knows how to properly manage his time. A broken watch indicates that the dreamer does not fit into the flow of time and is always late for the “distribution of prizes” from fate. Lose or drop - waste time. A person’s place in public and personal life will be taken by others.

Gypsy dream book: why do you dream about a wristwatch?

Looking at them or wearing them on your hand means the dreamer will be visited by a very important person. Start - to achieve desired result, you will have to work a lot. A gold accessory means recognition in society.

The article collects frequent dreams and visions and gives them a completely understandable interpretation, based on the analysis of millions similar dreams prominent experts and magicians.

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Dream Interpretation: gold watch on hand, beautiful, wear, fall, find pocket

Dreaming of a watch means getting rid of a problem or danger.

Seeing a gold, beautiful watch on your hand is a reminder that there is little time left before an important event or event.

When putting on your watch, think about the passing time, try to do something useful.

The hours of worry and worry have fallen.

Find a pocket watch for health and well-being.

Why do women and men dream of watches on both hands?

Women's watches on both hands are a symbol of peace, tranquility, and happiness. Time is rushing, but you don't feel it.

Men's watches on both hands symbolize strength, perseverance, you are on the right path.

Dream interpretation of a watch to receive as a gift (given), fell into the water, goes back in the opposite direction, in the sky, give it for repair

Receiving a watch as a gift in a dream means grief and disappointment in yourself.

Seeing a watch falling into the water indicates that ordinary life something needs to be changed.

If the arrow goes back - a return to the past. Of course, without the past there is no present, but sometimes it is better to let go of the old in order to live in a new world.

See the clock in the sky good sign, soon the problems will end, life will get better.

Give the watch for repair, change the situation in better side. Come out victorious from the conflict.

Dream Interpretation wristwatch without hands, dial, numbers, strap, with broken glass

If you dreamed of a wristwatch without hands, you should be careful, any of your actions or words can be used against you.

A watch without a dial means a bad turn of events. Influential enemies may appear that are difficult to resist.

Without a strap - to spending that does not bring satisfaction.

Hours from broken glass mean that in reality you find yourself in a serious, confusing situation from which you cannot find a way out.

Dream Interpretation Clock Many Clocks Show Different Time

In a dream you see a clock showing different times to not knowing what to do in a given situation, confusion entails worries and fears.

Sleep round wall clock

A round wall clock speaks of wrong behavior; everything you do is like a vicious circle, no matter how much you go there will be no way out.

Watch in a dream with a brown, black bracelet

Watch with a brown bracelet for news.

With a black bracelet, bad news.

Dream Interpretation work schedule, drawing daily

Seeing a work schedule or drawing a daily schedule in a dream indicates that you are tired of work. A vacation or short rest is urgently needed.

Dream interpretation clock stopped and started again, fell from the wall

To see how the clock stopped and started moving again towards illness with a positive outcome. The disease will be severe, perhaps in your loved ones.

The clock has fallen, prepare for death, not your own. Relatives, friends or acquaintances.

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One of the undeniable values human life- time. And if in a dream you saw a watch on your hand, then this is a reminder Higher powers about how quickly precious hours, minutes and seconds fly by.

A hand-held chronometer can serve as a good omen, demonstrating the dedication and high performance of the sleeper. But sometimes this is a sign that the dreamer needs rest or, on the contrary, he is wasting time aimlessly, not caring about the consequences. So what could a wrist accessory mean? The answers will be found in dream books, but it is also important to remember the details of night vision.

Various manipulations

Soon after waking up, you will receive a valuable present - this is what you dreamed of trying on a wristwatch. And if you put them on while you were sleeping, then according to the dream book, it is hard work, perseverance, patience and moral principles that will help you achieve a lot.

A dream about removing a brace from your wrist is an indication that you are tired of hard work and a kaleidoscope of events. The loss of a watch foreshadows family feuds. What if you broke your watch? night dream, then get ready for a series of troubles in reality.

Word to Miller

The author of the popular dream book, American Gustav Miller, explains why a woman can have it on her hand. In his opinion, such a plot precedes an extremely difficult situation or even a disaster, the cause of which will be the domestic problems of the sleeping lady.

Reason for pride

If you notice in a night dream, then this promises good luck in work and business. This is also an indicator that peace, harmony and prosperity reign in the sleeping person’s family.

There is a chance to receive a decent bonus or other reward for conscientious work - this is what you dreamed of turning the wheel, winding up your wrist brace.

The interpretation of a dream about putting a watch on your hand should also please you - this is a sign that the dreamer is an extremely organized character. He correctly evaluates and makes the most of own capabilities, is careful with time, plans things brilliantly, but, following the rule, always finds “an hour for fun.”

Everything is under control!

For someone who puts several watches on their hand at once in a night vision, the dream book reminds them of the sad outcome of chasing two hares at the same time. Why do you dream about such a plot? Moreover, the sleeper will need a lot of strength and energy in order to cope with all the obligations assumed.

However, some dream interpreters have a different interpretation, according to which the dreamer will be obliged to live by strict rules, follow a strict daily routine, meet high standards, and strictly observe moral principles.

The interpretation of a dream about wearing an electronic wristwatch says that you have long needed rest. The habit of living exactly according to a schedule takes a lot of strength and energy and does not give you the opportunity to do your favorite things or hobbies, and this, sooner or later, can cause depression.

Sign of trouble

Something serious and important for you will happen - that’s what you dreamed about when a wristwatch stopped. And in the morning you need to remember exactly the hour at which the hands froze, because this will be exact time upcoming event in reality.

Unfortunately, the dream book predicts that this moment will leave an unpleasant mark on your memory, as it will be associated with some kind of trouble, misfortune, or problem in business.

Great gift

Did you receive a watch as a gift in the midnight phantasmagoria? This is an omen of an upcoming acquaintance. If you liked the present, then the person with whom fate will bring you together will turn out to be pleasant and sweet. But the ugly clock suggests that new character in your environment will turn out to be boring and harmful.

Household objects are often part of a dream and do not leave a noticeable impression. However, if you remember some ordinary objects after waking up, it is advisable to decipher the clues. To understand why you dream about a watch, you will need to remember all the details of what you saw.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a clock in a dream

Gustav's Dream Interpretation Miller interprets the watch he sees as a symbol of successful business management. If their glass is broken, in reality their reputation will suffer due to an unseemly act. Lose hours - bad sign. Troubles will follow for a long time. If they were stolen in a dream, then behind all the troubles there is a secret enemy who does nasty things and spreads dirty rumors.

At the same time I dreamed of many working watches - you can rejoice. Coming active period in business and making a profit.

When you dream that you gave a watch to someone, you should be careful. Otherwise, the awkward situation will be reflected in an unfavorable way.

According to Vanga's dream book An old watch means lessons from the past that it’s time to learn. The walkers on the wall reflect a frivolous attitude towards time, and its dispersion over insignificant details. The absence of a dial on a watch is a warning of a serious threat. Loud ticking - inevitable tests are coming that will test your character's strength.

Dream interpretation of esotericism Evgenia Tsvetkova suggests that the time on the clock indicates the date important event. This can be a hint in month and day format.

According to the Muslim dream book A watch as a gift together with a bracelet means an early marriage for single people, or a purchase for married ones. Losing them and finding them in a dream means mutual understanding.

You shouldn’t waste money in reality, that’s why you dream about the watch that the sleeping person buys, in the opinion of old dream book . Rash acquisitions will be unsuccessful and will not bring joy.

Who dreamed of a clock in a dream

When you dream about a watch, it is important to take into account the personality of the dreamer himself and how appearance given useful accessory is something extraordinary for the sleeper. You should not pay close attention to the dreamed property.

Dressy watches girl, especially in combination with a beautiful strap, are a positive sign. Romantic relationships will soon begin, and if they already exist, then the dream predicts the creation of a happy, harmonious family.

But watches decorated with rhinestones and shiny stones woman married serve as a warning. The husband is preparing to cheat, but there is still time to prevent adultery.

As a symbolic representation of libido, this is what watches are dreamed of man according to Sigmund Freud. Seeing a lot of working dials means increased sexual activity. Giving a watch to a woman you know in a dream is a reflection of the dreamer’s attitude. In reality, he wants to have sex with this lady.

What watch did you see in your dream?

Wall mounted the clock encourages you not to rush when making important decisions. It is worth concentrating on the main goal, without being distracted by extraneous petty problems, carefully consider the options, and only then make a choice. Cuckoo walkers are an excellent sign for family dreamers, promising harmony and love between household members. If you dream of a clock on the wall in your apartment, although in reality there is none, this is an indication of a waste of time. "Chimes" outside the building warn of incorrectly selected life guidelines. It's time to reconsider your worldview, otherwise problems are coming.

Disproportionately big watches are interpreted as related to the intimate sphere. In reality, you have to make love with amazing person, whom they had not thought of before as a possible partner.

Finally, you will be able to achieve public recognition if you dreamed about gold watch. This glory will be well deserved.

For bachelors and unmarried women beautiful the clock symbolizes love adventure. Families will enjoy happiness.

The receipt of a tempting offer in reality is signaled donated watch. This is how the chance to change is displayed social status, and advance in your career.

Dream about positive changes dear watch. You will be pleased with the growth of prosperity and good health.

Vintage the watch, but in fair condition, is index symbol. The time has come to draw important conclusions based on the experience of the past, to sum up the results of our own actions.

The tendency towards systematization and orderliness is evidenced by mechanical hours in a dream, if a person observes the rotation of gears and other contents. Health is excellent and the body functions without failures.

Sometimes new a clock sparkling with inlay indicates the need for vigilance. A person you know will try to deceive, taking advantage of the trust and sincere disposition of the sleeping person.

A quarrel is foreshadowed electronic watch. Conflict can break out both at home and among colleagues.

Good to see in a dream pocket watch. In reality, it will be hard to earn the respect of others. The implementation of business projects will go exactly according to plan, and harmony reigns in relationships with loved ones.

Alarm the clock will mark an urgent matter. In the coming period, it is especially important for businessmen not to miss the opportunity to make a profitable deal.

The hourglass has a similar interpretation. If you do not hurry up with the implementation of your planned projects, time will flow away, taking away profitable chances.

A dream about a sundial is a warning symbol. You should reconsider your unrealistic fantasies. The ideas are interesting and have a creative approach, but in the original version they are difficult to implement. Now they are based on too frivolous principles.

However, all of the above interpretations are valid if you dream of a watch in good condition. There will be losses and we won't be able to take advantage of the chance. This is what they appear for broken hours in a dream. Most likely, the cause of failure will be insurmountable circumstances.

Serious warning if broken the clock stopped. Health will require increased attention.

Also stopped a clock can mean the final stage of a period. It is worth controlling the development of the smallest ailments so that they do not manage to firmly establish themselves in the body.

Why do you dream of a wristwatch?

When you dream about a watch, the most common subject is the usual wristwatch. Such a practical accessory deserves a separate detailed interpretation.

To indicate unexpected worries in a dream, wristwatches appear women's watch. For a bachelor to see them on his hand - to a quick marriage.

Wrist men's A clock in a lady's dream means an eventful reality. The importance of some will be difficult to appreciate right away, but they will bring favorable changes.

Gender-appropriate wristwatches on the hand portend a lot of joyful troubles. Life will be in full swing.

Interpretation of sleep based on actions with a clock

Considered a good omen choose clock in a dream. In reality, after trial and error, the right path has finally been found, which will definitely lead to success.

Buying a watch in reality is not a very common event, but it is a joyful one. The interpretation of sleep varies depending on its purpose.

Buy a watch in a dream in order to give it to someone is a warning. Advice and recommendations from loved ones deserve close attention. Buying a watch of any type for yourself means that in reality you will have to start a new business. It will be interesting and promising, and will also have an impact on the entire coming period.

Giving a watch to lonely dreamers is interpreted very favorably. A whirlwind romance soon follows.

The plot lose There are two interpretations of the clock, differing in scope. On the one hand, in reality the sleeper runs the risk of being late somewhere, and on the other hand, of missing out on an excellent opportunity for development.

Find a watch is an excellent symbol. Suddenly everything will work out, your undertaking will be a fabulous success.

Accidentally smash A watch in a dream means in reality incurring small material losses. Intentional destruction - to the purposeful and decisive elimination of certain circumstances and the severance of relationships.

The plot is a reflection of the dreamer's character watch the time on the clock. Thanks to the ability to plan work and leisure, you can get a lot of things done.

Winding up a watch or moving the hands is an indication of impatience. Although the sleeper has a large amount of obligations ahead of him that must be fulfilled, excessive haste can be harmful and lead to the fact that some of the work will have to be redone.

Having interpreted what the clock means in dreams, all that remains is to listen to the recommendations of the dream books and adjust the actions so that they bring maximum benefit.

Watches play a complex role in our world. Regardless of the type and purpose, they organize life, make it measured or fleeting. In the land of Morpheus, watches also have their own meaning. I often dream about wristwatches. What does it mean to see a wristwatch in a dream?

Dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Saw a wristwatch? The dream reflects the difficulties and problems happening to you. You won’t get through a difficult stage quickly. You need to feel everything to gain invaluable experience.

Psychological dream book

The dream interpreter encourages you to listen to the clues of fate. Plan your time. There should be enough time for everything.

Beautiful watches or watches of unusual shapes talk about interesting and unusual situations in which you will participate. Don't miss out on the fun.

Gold watch on the hand, having two bottoms, promise financial well-being, respect among authoritative people. In addition, your reputation may become surrounded by gossip and intrigue. Take advantage of your luck and don't give reasons to gossipers.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Gold watch dream about profitable deals or a successful and prudent marriage. Broken wristwatch They prophesy an incomprehensible situation. The problem will need to be solved quickly, with maximum effort.

Watch with missing dial symbolize your dispersion or excessive concentration on something. It's time to learn how to manage time.

If the clock was broken, then wait whirlwind romance. Clock going backwards, predict a difficult situation. Close people to whom you need to turn will help solve the problem.

Autumn dream book

I dream about the clock before getting rid of something scary or dangerous.

Modern dream book

Working hours promise good luck and health. If the watch was broken, then there will be devastation and failure.

Gypsy dream book

Saw the clock? Reconsider your values ​​and start spending your time wisely. A clock that is in a hurry or moves forward quickly, prophesying approaching death. If your wristwatch is slow in a dream, you will live a long time.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Watch- a symbol of change. If you remember the hour and minute, and also remember the day and month who were on walkers and a calendar, then expect a change at the time you saw.

Miller's Dream Book

Just saw the watch on my hand? There will be luck and winning. If the glass on your watch is broken, then act frivolously, and society will judge you.

If a woman lost her watch in a dream, then she will get a lot of trouble at home. D arry the clock- to trouble.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Gold watch dream about the theft of your property by loved ones or acquaintances. Found a watch? Be punctual. Being late can be bad for your luck.

Gave a watch in a vision? The dream shows that you are deceiving yourself. A broken watch promises sadness and problems.

Esoteric dream book

Wear a working watch? The work will be easy and smooth. A broken clock predicts that you will be late.

Lost or dropped watches talking about lost time. It's time to take care of yourself and your personal life.