Tyumen Drama Theatre: history, repertoire, troupe. Tyumen Drama Theater: history, repertoire, troupe Bolshoi Tyumen Drama Theater poster

Performances and fairy tales for children, productions based on classical plays and works by modern playwrights.


Tyumen Theatre of Drama was opened in 1858. Its creation was a great event for the city. The initiator of the opening of the theater was the merchant Kondraty Sheshukov. The performances were amateur, since there was no professional troupe in Tyumen at that time. The audience really liked the first performance, the actors played it for a whole year and all this time the hall was full. The troupe consisted of teachers, merchants and prominent citizens. The money raised from the performances was used to financially support the girls' gymnasium. In 1890, merchant Andrei Tekutyev became a trustee of the troupe.

Over the years of its existence, the Tyumen Drama Theater changed its name many times, it was assigned different names. In 1944 it received regional status. His repertoire even then included diverse and multi-genre productions. On its stage they performed plays based on the works of Russian and foreign classics, musical performances, historical dramas and revolutionary productions.

Previously, the Tyumen Drama Theater was located on Herzen Street. Today it is located at: st. Republic, house No. 192. The new theater building has five floors, a beautiful facade and columns. Room area - 36 thousand square meters. Now the theater is called “Bolshoi Drama”, since now it is truly the largest in area in our country. There are two auditoriums here. The large one can accommodate up to 800 people. The capacity of the small hall is 200 spectators. The new theater building was erected in record time short time- about two years.

Tyumen drama actively participates in festivals, as well as in various other events, both interregional and international.

Today the theater has set itself another task - the erection of a monument to the great fellow countryman, People's Artist G.I. Dyakonov-Dyachenkov. Part of the proceeds from the sale of tickets to performances will go to finance this sculptural composition. They will erect a monument in the park, near the theater itself.


The repertoire of the Tyumen Drama Theater is wide and varied. It includes performances not only for adults, but also for children.

Repertoire of Tyumen drama:

  • "Kreutzer Sonata"
  • "Eldest son."
  • "Bullets Over Broadway"
  • "Funtik the Elusive"
  • "Romeo & Juliet".
  • "Grönholm Method".
  • "Borrow a tenor."
  • "Carnival Night".
  • "Adventures in the Emerald City."
  • "Echelon".
  • "He, she, window, dead man."
  • "Puss in Boots".
  • "Solo for the striking clock."
  • "Flying ship".
  • "Hanuma".
  • "Lady Macbeth" and other performances.

The most popular productions are Romeo & Juliet. The audience especially loves them. In April 2016, the theater included additional showings of these performances in its schedule at the request of its fans.


The Tyumen Drama Theater brought together wonderful, talented artists on its stage.

  • K. Bazhenova.
  • S. Skobelev.
  • A. Kudrin.
  • E. Tsybulskaya.
  • S. Belozerskikh.
  • T. Pestova.
  • E. Shakhova.
  • O. Igonina.
  • N. Padalko.
  • E. Rizepova.
  • O. Ulyanova.
  • E. Kazakova.
  • E. Samokhina.
  • K. Tikhonova.
  • E. Kiselev.
  • Zh. Syrnikova.
  • O. Tveritina.
  • E. Makhneva.
  • A. Tikhonov.
  • I. Tutulova.
  • V. Obrezkov.
  • I. Khalezova and others.

The history of the Tyumen Theater began in the 19th century. The first amateur theater was located in a small mansion built in 1853 by merchant Kondraty Kuzmich Sheshukov for a district school. The building has survived to this day and is located at st. Semakova, 10.

The first performance of the amateur theater took place on December 27, 1857 in the hall of the district school. The production was a resounding success and filled the halls for a whole year. The troupe consisted of teachers, merchants and prominent citizens. The money raised from the performances was used to financially support the girls' gymnasium.

It is known that in 1858 a St. Petersburg guest expressed admiration for the amateur performance. This fact was recorded, and the countdown began with it theatrical history cities.

On February 8, 1858, in the information newspaper “Tobolsk Provincial Gazette” - “Local News” they wrote: “...There is a noble performance in Tyumen! How is this so? Until now, we knew Tyumen as a trading city, famous for its wide hospitality, where cards were considered the most convenient entertainment... Where did they come from? characters for the Tyumen Noble Theater? There is no nobility there, as in all of Siberia, there are very few district officials, perhaps from the merchant class?.. Such participation of the Tyumen merchants in a noble theater for the first time should please everyone who cherishes every step forward in our public life...”

Charity performances started by Kondraty Sheshukov made it possible to raise the funds necessary to maintain the girls' school, and soon the amateur theater stopped its performances - there was a lull in the city. But news of the townspeople's interest in noble performances apparently found a response in the hearts of professional actors. Since 1878, various theater troupes began to come to the city on tour. In rented premises suitable for the performance, they entertained the townspeople with their skills for several months in a row. Theatrical life in the city was revived, gradually developed, but was still a rather spontaneous phenomenon, and most importantly, alien.

This continued until 1890, when the merchant decided to take the theatrical business under his wing. He rebuilt one of the buildings he owned on Irkutskaya Street (now Chelyuskintsev) into a theater. And although at that time Tyumen still did not have its own troupe, and guest performers continued to perform on the stage of a private institution, the appearance of this building cemented the stable concept of “Tekutyevsky Theater” in the minds of the townspeople.

Even by modern standards, the building of the stationary theater turned out to be worthy of admiration. In the auditorium, in addition to the stalls, there were boxes in two tiers, an amphitheater, and a gallery. Apartments were provided in the building especially for the theater troupe, and for the convenience of spectators there were spacious lobbies and buffets. In 1909, after restoration, the stage and foyer were expanded. The auditorium instead of 500 now accommodates 1,200 seats.

The merchant spent exclusively his own funds on both the construction of the theater palace and its subsequent maintenance.

Andrey Tekutyev maintained the theater for 26 years. In 1916, before his death, he bequeathed his building on Irkutsk to the city, with the condition that it would be used “exclusively for a theater.” The city government accepted this gift, and newspaper announcements began to announce performances not at the Tekutyev Theater, but at the Tekutyev City Theater.

Since 1919 it has been called the Theater named after. Lenin. There is no permanent troupe yet. At the end of the season, the performing troupe disbanded and a new one was recruited for the upcoming season. As a rule, actors did not have special education. In 1920, a performing arts studio began operating at the theater. In the fall of 1922, there was a fire in the theater, and only charred ruins remained of the building. Neither the scenery nor the equipment could be saved.

Only in 1924, by decision local authorities was organized new theater, which was called Chamber and located in the building of the former Pobeda cinema. The building was small, so the theater quickly managed to update the furniture and decorations. It was assumed that the Chamber Theater would cultivate all genres of performing arts. The troupe worked under the direction of Saburov-Dolinin, who was simultaneously an actor, director and theater director. Over the 10 years of the Chamber Theater’s existence, 11 troupes have changed there. Management changed almost every year. In the city council, on the pages of the local press, the question of constructing a new winter theater building and increasing the funds allocated for its needs was regularly raised.

However, there were no funds for the construction of a new building. It was decided to use the building of the former salt merchant warehouses on Herzen Street, which also needed reconstruction. It was only at the beginning of 1935 that the new theater building was finally opened. It changed its name, becoming from this year the Tyumen State Drama Theater named after the 17th anniversary of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army.

In 1938, the first stable troupe was created. In 1939, the practice of “stationing” began Soviet theaters. Now they have begun to hire actors and directors for permanent work on staff.

In 1944, the Tyumen Drama Theater received regional status. The troupe consisted of 32 people, of which only 15 were born in the 20th century, and only four were under 30 years old. His repertoire even then included diverse and multi-genre productions. Plays based on the works of Russian and foreign classics, musical performances, historical dramas and revolutionary productions were performed on stage.

In 2008, the theater moved to a new building, at 129 Respubliki Street, donated to the temple of art by the Government of the Tyumen Region. The theater area is 36,000 square meters. It has five floors, a beautiful facade decorated with columns. There are two in the theater auditoriums, for 800 and 200 seats.

Tyumen region / I trust

The theater staff set themselves the task of erecting a monument to the great fellow countryman, People's Artist G.I. Dyakonov-Dyachenkov. Part of the proceeds from the sale of tickets to the performances went to finance this sculptural composition. In 2017, the monument was erected in the park, near the theater itself.

The theater actively participates in festivals, as well as in various other events, both interregional and international.

Address: Tyumen, st. Republic, 129.

The creation of the theater in Tyumen (1858) became very loud and important event in area. On February 8, 1858, in the information newspaper “Tobolsk Provincial Gazette” - “Local News” they wrote: “...There is a noble performance in Tyumen! How is this so? Until now, we knew Tyumen as a trading city, known for its wide hospitality, where cards were considered the most convenient entertainment... Where did the characters for the Tyumen Noble Theater come from? There is no nobility there, as in all of Siberia, there are very few district officials, perhaps from the merchant class?.. Such participation of the Tyumen merchants in a noble theater for the first time should please everyone who cherishes every step forward in our public life...”

Since the early 90s of the 19th century, the trustee of the theater was the merchant A.I. Tekutyev, and throughout its history the temple of art has repeatedly changed its name. Since 1919 it began to be called the Theater named after. Lenin, from 1924 - Chamber. It was assumed that the Chamber Theater would cultivate all genres of performing arts. Since May 1924, a troupe has been working in Tyumen under the direction of Saburov-Dolinin, who was simultaneously an actor, director and theater director. Special attention In the history of the theater of that time, the season of 1926 deserves - then the strongest acting troupe performed during the entire existence of the Chamber Theater. At this time, Samarov, Dymokovskaya, Reut, Vinogradova, Dmitriev, Chernorudny (actors of the Leningradsky academic theater– former Alexandrinsky), on the main female roles– Galina, artist of the former Nezlobinsky Theater from Moscow, comedian Novikov from the Comedy Theater in Passage. Historical dramas, works of Russian classics, revolutionary productions, musical performances were staged; to a lesser extent, foreign classics. In 1922-1932, 11 troupes changed. At the same time in creative activity theater, the imitation of the Theater is clearly visible. Sun. Meyerhold. In 1935 a new building was opened, the theater was named in honor of the 17th anniversary of the Red Army. In 1938 a stable troupe was created. With the formation of the Tyumen region in August 1944, it received regional status.

In the 40-50s the theater had a strong cast. From 1946 to 1948 E.S. worked in the theater. Matveev. From 1955 to 1958 the troupe included P.S. Velyaminov.

From 1947 to 1951 the main directors were D.S. Barkhatov, K.A. Zelenevsky, G.Ya. Nazarkovsky. The theater was faithful to tradition - the basis of the repertoire was the classics. But even here the inertia of compliance with certain canons has remained.

In 1959, at the creative meeting “Theater and Modernity,” the question of freeing the theater from copying the capital’s theaters was seriously raised for the first time.

In 1962, E.A. became the main director. Plavinsky, a year later A.K. was appointed director. Kalugina. They worked together for more than 20 years. In November 1963, the first Komi-Nenets comedy “Flowers in the Snow” by I. Istomin (directed by E. Conde) was staged here. Reviews of that time noted the excellent work of the Honored Artist of the RSFSR Georgy Dyakonov-Dyachenkov (he later received the title “People’s Artist of the RSFSR”).

In 1985-1990, the main director was Alexander Tsodikov. Since 1987, the director has been Vladimir Korevitsky, since 1994 the chief director has been Alexey Larichev.

In 1996 Tyumen state theater drama and comedy, together with the Tyumen State Institute of Arts and Culture, a course was recruited acting. In 2001, 10 graduates of this course joined the theater troupe and today it consists of 36 people. The theater employs Honored Artist of Russia Gennady Bashirov, Honored Artist of Russia Anatoly Buzinsky, Honored Artist of Russia Anta Kolinichenko, Honored Artist of the Republic of Georgia Vladimir Obrezkov, Honored Artist of Russia Vladimir Orel, Honored Artist of Russia Veniamin Panov, Honored Artist of Russia Tatyana Pestova, Honored Cultural Worker of Russia Vilnis Pintis, Honored Artist of the Komi Republic Elena Samokhina.

Work resumed in 1998 Small stage theater, whose repertoire includes psychological, comedic, and melodramatic performances.

Since January 2005, the Tyumen Theater changed its organizational and legal form and became an Autonomous non-profit organization culture "Tyumen Drama Theater" ( CEO theater - Vladimir Zdzislavovich Korevitsky, artistic director theater - Alexey Larichev, main artist– Alexey Panenkov, choreographer – Eduard Sobol).

Since March 2008, the status of the Tyumen Drama Theater has changed again - now it is the State Autonomous institution culture. In the same year, 2008, Alexander Tsodikov became the main director of the theater, and the theater moved to a new building, donated to the temple of art by the Government of the Tyumen region.

Over the past few years, the Tyumen Drama Theater has taken part in festivals in Surgut, Magnitogorsk, Novosibirsk, and went on tour to Yekaterinburg, Petropavlovsk, Petrozavodsk, Pskov, Frunze, Przhivalsk, Samarkand, Navoi, Tashkent, Leningrad, Omsk, where it enjoyed great audience success.

In 1890, the merchant of the first guild, an honorary citizen of the city, Andrei Ivanovich Tekutyev, founded a permanent theater, which went down in the history of the city under the name Tekutyevsky. Andrey Ivanovich, in love with spectacles dramatic scene, maintained the theater for 26 years. In 1916, before his death, he bequeathed the theater to the city. The city government accepted the gift, and newspaper announcements began to announce performances not at the Tekutyev Theater, but at the Tekutyev City Theater.

After October revolution the theater was named after V.I. Lenin. Under the leadership of the Petrograd director Valmar, such performances as “The Idiot”, “The Power of Darkness”, “The Living Corpse”, “At the Bottom” were staged there. And in subsequent years, the basis of the repertoire was Russian and foreign classics, best works modern dramaturgy.

In April 1934, theater artist Schmidt B.P. was awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Republic. In 1976, for the first time in the history of the theater, Georgy Ivanovich Dyakonov-Dyachenkov was awarded the honorary title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

The Tyumen Drama Theater employed such major stage masters as Honored Artists of the RSFSR Yu. Zamyatin, P. Slovtsov, A. Potapov, B. Mostovoy, A. Rudyakov, B. Krasikov, N. Zubkova, Honored Artist of the RSFSR E. Plavinsky, organizer of the theater business, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR A. Kalugin.

Creative destinies are connected with the Tyumen Drama Theater folk artists USSR Evgeny Matveev and Vladimir Krasnopolsky, People's Artists of Russia V. Litvinova, I. Arkadyeva, P. Velyaminov.