A script for an ecological fairy tale for children about caring for nature. Scenario for a children's musical-ecological fairy tale – “Forest Journey”

Goals and objectives:

– consolidation of ideas about sound musical instruments(flute, whistle, drum);

– formation of basic environmental knowledge and ideas in children;

– fostering a love of nature, a sense of kind and caring attitude towards all living things.


Presenter, Forest Fairy (educators); Bunny-parent, Squirrel-parent, Chanterelles-2 girls, Wolf-boy, Hedgehog-parent, flowers (girls), fly agarics (boys).

Progress of the performance.

The phonogram sounds. Children enter the hall, moving like a snake, imitating walking along a path. The Bunny appears and sits on a tree stump in the center of the hall. Children form a circle and sing the song “We went to the meadow.” According to the lyrics of the song, the children ask Bunny to dance with them. The hare does not dance, he cries.


Well, Bunny, aren't you happy?

Why did you hang your head?

Why are you sad and not dancing?

Why are you so sad?


The shepherd gave me a pipe,

So that I can play it.

I dropped it somewhere

That's why I'm sad!


We will help you!

Hedgehogs live in the forest.

Dudochka, perhaps

He will find it for us.

Go with Squirrel,

Dear forest - take care!

Memorize the passage “We went to the meadow.” The Hare and Squirrel hold hands and walk around the hall. Music is playing. The girls come out and perform the “Flower Dance”. At the end of the dance, the flowers freeze.


Oh, what beauty!

My head is spinning!

We'll pick flowers now,

Let's put together a beautiful bouquet!


How beautiful is the flower meadow!

Don't pick flowers, my friend!

Let them enjoy it

Bathing in the scents!


The hare is right!

And the way to the Hedgehog is open to you!

The play “We went to the meadow” plays. The flowers are leaving. The Hare and Squirrel move on. Chanterelles come out to meet them.


We are Foxes, we are sisters,

We carry matches with us.

They're fun to play with

Set fire to dry brushwood!

Bunny, Squirrel:

Matches in the forest are not toys!

They can burn your ears!

Better give them to us

And go home quickly!

The play “We went to the meadow” plays. The foxes are leaving. The boys come out and perform the “Fly Agaric” dance.


I know mushrooms are edible

And I'm storing it for the winter.

And fly agarics are harmful,

At least noticeable from a distance.

Let's trample them quickly

To save forest animals!


I won’t let you trample them!

We don't know much.

Fly agaric, as I heard,

Helped many animals

To recover from illness.

Fly agarics:

This is true!

You know: in order for you to get to the Hedgehog -

Take care of the forest on your way!

The play “We went to the meadow” plays. The fly agarics are leaving. Bunny and Squirrel move on. Little Wolf appears and plays the drum loudly.


What's that noise? What's all the fuss?

The wolf cub has a drum!


The forest should be quiet

You can't make noise in the forest!

Little Wolf:

Why is this?

I'm the strongest here!


You'll scare away all the birds!

Little Wolf:

I want to make noise, and I will!


Oh, what will the Hedgehog say!


Wolf, shut up and listen...

(flute sounds)

Cuckoo in silence “Kuk-ku, kuk-ku!” - quietly.

Sings to you and me.

A trill sounds on the whistle.


And who is this titmouse?

Or maybe a nightingale?

Listen, what kind of bird is this?

Music sounds like birdsong.


And this is a woodpecker, do you hear?

He knocks and never gets tired!

The woodpecker heals the trees,

Gives them health!

The Hedgehog appears.


We walked with you through the forest

And now - the end of the road,

There's a Hedgehog in the clearing,

What a great guy he is!

Bunny, Squirrel:

Hello, Uncle Hedgehog!


Hello kids!

Wow, what tough guys!

Here I am guarding the forest,

I keep order.


We didn't break it!


They didn't break flowers in the forest!


The flowers were not crushed!

The mushrooms were not trampled!

There was no shouting in the forest!

And they helped everyone!


Take care of the forest and all living things in it:

And little animals and chicks,

Spiders and moths!

Galina Pyatkina
Entertainment scenario “Ecological fairy tale”

Children sit on chairs

Reb. Watch the fairy tale, would you like to?

There are many fairy tales in the world,

You won't read it right away

But like ours

You won't find it in the world!

This tale is not easy

About nature - that's what it is!

Reb. We cannot live in the world without miracles,

They meet us everywhere.

In the summer, magical, fairy forest

He invites us to visit him.

Walks in to the music "Little Red Riding Hood" sings a song

Reb. Little Red Riding Hood:

How nice it is in the forest in the spring,

What a beauty!

The birds sing merrily,

That sun is shining brightly!

I'm in a hurry to see my grandmother

I bring her pies,

And I rejoice at the flowers around,

And butterflies in the forest.

I walk boldly along the path,

No one is afraid of me

And my favorite song

I always sing everywhere.

Sounds disturbing music included "Wolf" Little Red Riding Hood is hiding

Wolf: Well, I've finally arrived,

It's so nice to relax here.

Sits on a stump, eats, scatters garbage, goes to bed

Under cheerful music pop up "Bunnies"(3 boys)

1 Hare: Oh, how nice it is for us to catch,

Summer ray of sunshine!

We love to run and jump,

Play hide and seek with each other.

2 Hare: Play naughty, laugh, laugh

And never lose heart.

Dancing to fun music

3 Hare: Oh, trouble, quickly, save me,

Call the doctor here.

I stepped on something

My poor paw.

Comes in "Bear"

Teddy bear: Good afternoon animals,

Cute bunnies.

Why don't you download?

And what are you crying about?

2. Hare: We hurt our paws

About tin cans.

Someone broke the glass here

It crashed into my paw.

Teddy bear: Oh, how disgusting!

Oh, how bad!

Someone is probably very evil

I visited the forest here,

Garbage was scattered everywhere.

We'll take the bunnies to the doctor,

And then we’ll clean it up together.

The bear takes the bunnies to the doctor and bandages their paw

The fox went to the forest and punishes the children

Fox: I got up early today,

To go into the forest for food.

I ask you: be obedient,

Clean everything up.

Don't pick up matches,

Don't joke with fire!

1st fox.

We promise: foursome

We will clean everything in the house!

Fox: Well, look, don’t be naughty

And expect me at lunchtime.

Lisa leaves.

2nd little fox.

Mom left home -

We need to get down to business!

I'll water the flower now.

To the music the fox cubs begin work: putting away toys, watering flowers, sweeping the floor.

4th little fox

Well, it's all done

Let's drink some tea!

1st fox

But what about the kettle?

Shall we warm it up?

After all, mom is strict

She didn’t tell me to take matches!

2nd little fox

Just think! What nonsense!

We only need one match

Moreover, I have seen many times

How mom lit the gas in the kitchen.

3rd little fox

Or maybe it’s not necessary?

4th little fox

Yes, I see you are just a coward!

The 4th little fox enters the house and takes a box of matches.

3rd little fox

Our brother took the matches after all!

fox cubs (all together) .

Oh, there wouldn't be a fire!

The cry of a fox cub is heard from the house

Oh-oh-oh-oh! I got burned!

My match fell!

Our house is on fire! Hurry here!

the foxes run into the house, on the roof of which flames appear. (They can be made from red paper or fabric.)

fox cubs (loud). Fire! Fire!

3rd little fox

No! We can't cope with such fire!

You'll have to leave home and run away!

Suddenly a cloud appears with thunder and it starts to rain

Oh, the weather is gloomy,

The cloud is approaching

You need to stand under a birch tree

Wait out the summer rain. (hides)

They run to the music "Droplets"(2 girls) and put out the fire

Children read

1. The light is always like this -

Both good and bad:

It shines, it warms,

And he knows how to play pranks.

2. So that the forests can bloom,

And gardens and rivers,

Take care of all living things

You are in this world.

3. Don’t leave trash, friend,

In a clearing in the forest.

Don't pollute the rivers.

Let's declare a fight to the bottle.

We will love nature

Let's live together with nature

All (together): And then at any time of the year,

Nature will delight us!

All children: Always remember this!

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of educational activities on cognitive development “Ecological fairy tale “About a little drop”“Ecological fairy tale “About a little drop” Program content: Introduce children to natural phenomena: rain, water.

Ecological fairy tale There lived an old man, old man Ekovichok. He loved the Earth very much and wandered through the forests and fields. All the bugs, bees, butterflies, and flowers adored the old man and sang.

Ecological fairy tale “Take care of the forest!” for participants of the project “Flora and Fauna of the Tomsk Region” A red fox was walking along a forest path.

Ecological fairy tale "Nature's Complaint Book". This performance was staged in our kindergarten for the city theater festival, which.

Ecological fairy tale “Forest Pharmacy” Program objectives: fostering respect for nature, animals, love and care for all living things on the planet. Ved: The forest is not only.

Once a month, the Kineshma Theater comes to our kindergarten with its performances. This time they came to us with environmental concerns.

Based on an ecological fairy tale by N.A. Ryzhova

"Grey Riding Hood and the Red Wolf"


Red Wolf, Gray Riding Hood,

Christmas trees, Crow, Squirrels, Beavers, Flowers, Butterflies.


The singing of birds sounds, the Red Wolf enters with the Red Book,

examines whether everything is alright in the forest.

WOLF Oh, my forest, my wonderful forest,

Was once up to heaven

The birds flew merrily

Flowers bloomed in the meadows,

What happened to him now?

There is slush, garbage, dirt everywhere...

Who is to blame for this?

The wolf sighs, sits down on a tree stump, and opens the Red Book.

Oh, even wolves are included in the Red Book!

What kind of future awaits me?!

He sighs again, and Crow appears to the music.


CROW Hey, you, Red, sitting here,

you listen to the birds, and Gray Hat

again to visit my grandmother

got ready. I already have all the animals and

warned the birds in the forest,

and you too hurry up, you

you love to raise her. I would eat it

her immediately and that's the end of it, no

She can be trained, she has bad heredity!

The wolf sighs, the Crow flies around him.

He sighs! She again collected a full bag of all kinds of pies, butter, soda, and then again scattered everything throughout the forest.

The Crow flies around the Wolf again.

Well, okay, I have to go, but you sit and wait!!!

The crow flies away to the same music.

Gray Hat comes out singing.

SONG “THE SONG OF RED HIDING Hood” (E. Mashechkova)

Seeing the Wolf, she takes out chewing gum and throws in a candy wrapper.

WOLF Please pick up the wrapper. It must be clean here!

Gray Hat pretends that he does not hear the Wolf and begins to scream.

S.Sh. Hey you!

The wolf picks up the candy wrapper and follows Gray Riding Hood.

WOLF And don't scream, please, there are birds here

hatch chicks, don't scare them.

S.Sh. How tired of you I am, nothing

it won't happen with your birds, but

I want to sing, maybe I have a soul

sings. And why only you

guarded? Here, my grandmother told me,

how good it was before - wolves were hunted everywhere, and no one spared them!

WOLF Listen, Shapka, again you're bringing Grandma butter in a plastic bag, it's harmful for older people, it contains a lot of cho-les-te-ri-na. Your grandmother needs vegetarian food, and besides, all these bags are then lying all over the forest.

Well, the mole recently told how he crawled out at night fresh air breathe and almost suffocated, I thought that the air in the forest had run out!

S.Sh. Well, what do I have to do with it? I have never seen this mole and I don’t want to see it!

WOLF But now he really wants to see you, because at night he got his nose into the bag that you threw last time and barely got out of it.

S.Sh. Next time, he'll watch where he sticks his nose. And in general, I have no time.

Gray Cap turns and leaves, the Wolf follows her.

WOLF Eh, Shapka, who raised you?

The Christmas trees come out to the music.


(A. Varlamov, arr. J. Lasta “Red Sundress”)

Gray Hat enters,

While she is talking, the squirrels run out and hide behind the Christmas trees.

S.Sh. Where have I wandered? I’ve never been here before, these Christmas trees have such thick branches, I need to break them off.

S.Sh. begins to break branches, Squirrels run out from behind the Christmas trees.

1 SQUIRREL Hat, don’t break the branches of the Christmas trees,

they hurt and they help different people

animals to hide from the heat and from

2 SQUIRREL And we live in these trees, we have

this is home if you break them,

then we will have nowhere to live and store

stocks. Listen here.

DANCE “SQUIRREL” (V. Shainsky)

S.Sh. How can I get to my grandmother?

SQUIRRELS Walk along the river.

The Christmas trees and Squirrels leave, and at the same time the Beavers enter with them to the music.


(V. Shainsky)

S.Sh. Who are you? What are you doing here?

BEAVERS We are Beavers!

1 BEAVER We are used to living only in

clean water, and our river is nearby

city ​​is leaking.

2 BEAVER It's very polluted, here we come

we clean it.

3 BEAVER We are also builders, building our own

house - hut, we are used to living in cleanliness.

4 BEAVER And we heard about you from the Red Wolf, that you make noise in the forest and litter!

S.Sh. I will no longer make noise and litter in the forest, let me help you.

BEAVERS Come on!


(V. Shainsky “Song about repairs”)

S.Sh. Well, I helped you, but I don’t have time, I’m rushing to my grandmother, I still need to pick her a big bouquet of flowers.

The beavers leave to the same music they entered,

flowers come in at the same time.

1 FLOWER How sweetly we slept in the honey dew,

2 FLOWER We celebrate the new day with a round dance,

3 FLOWER We again straighten the petals to the sun,

4 FLOWER And we stretch higher and higher from the ground.


(I. Gladkov “The Good Fairy”)

S.Sh. What luck that I went down this road! You won’t find such beautiful flowers in other places. I'll pick it up huge bouquet for grandma, and she will be very happy!

S.Sh. wants to pick a flower, the Wolf comes out.

WOLF You can’t pick fresh flowers, it’s better to make a flowerbed for your grandmother, and she can admire the flowers and butterflies from the window.

While the Wolf is talking, the Butterflies run out.

BUTTERFLIES We are butterflies - naughty girls, cheerful dancers,

We fluttered through the flowers and found ourselves in a fairy tale!


I carry pollen in my paws and fly from flower to flower.

I pollinate flowers and help them grow.


I myself look like a flower, my wings are like petals.

I fly on a fine day over a field and near a river.


And over the apple tree and over the plum tree,

over the daisies I'm by the river,

They fly timidly in a round dance

Light-winged moths.


I look a little like a miracle

There is no one in nature sweeter than me.

And it’s not for nothing that he sings a song to me

Blue stream in the morning!


(I. Bach waltz “Joke”)

After the dance, the butterflies stand between the flowers,

Red Wolf and Gray Cap come to the fore.

WOLF Let forest flowers grow in the forest house, they are more needed here, otherwise they will become as rare as I am!

During the words of the Wolf, all the heroes of the fairy tale come out

and line up in their places.

S.Sh. If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower,

If everyone, you and I, collect flowers together,




(to the tune of a song from the film "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Vitya")

Irina Afonina
Scenario for the ecological musical mini-fairy tale “Miracles of the Spring Forest”

Afonina Irina Gennadievna music director

OOSH SPDO s. Krasny Yar

Balakovo district, Saratov region.

Goal and objectives:

To form in pupils ecological culture , careful attitude towards flowers, plants and all living things in the environment;

Develop creative musical abilities of older children preschool age.

Characters: Fly, Bee, 2 butterflies, Sparrow, leader.

Performers: pupils of the preparatory group for school, musical head Afonina I.G.

Equipment: costumes of flies, sparrows, bees, fake flowers, children's watering cans.

Hall decoration: on the wall there is the Sun, a chamomile meadow, dummies of primroses

Organization of children: under music children enter the hall:


The murmuring of transparent streams,

Awakening the world from sleep,

The smile of the sun in the gloomy sky,

Spring takes over winter.

Spring brings renewal

Smiles, happiness, first flowers,

And on the spring birthday,

May your dreams come true.

Children perform a song "Native Song"

Music Yu. Chichkova, lyrics. P. Sinyavsky (arranged by I. G. Afonina)

1. The sun is shining funny

Golden streams

Over the gardens and over the villages,

Over fields and meadows.


Spring has come to visit us,

Woke the earth from sleep,

We are glad, we are glad for her beauty,

And everyone started singing a song.

2. And birch-girlfriends

Spun at the edge of the forest

And scattered throughout the grove

Strawberry freckles.

3. And again they danced

Flocks of swallows over the house,

To sing about the Motherland again

Familiar bells.


Spring cheerful, invited me to visit a fairy tale.

The fly is coming here to us,

To please the people.

A fly comes out:

Sings a song to the tune "The sun came out..."

Music Yu. Chichkova, lyrics. K. Ibryaeva (arranged by I. G. Afonina)

The sun came out and spring came,

Fly, I walked through the forest happy.

I'll pick a lot of flowers today,

I’ll invite all my friends to the party today.


Butterflies and bugs woke up,

Bees, spiders,

Everyone is in a hurry to visit the fly,

They want to congratulate you on the spring holiday.

The bee came first

I brought honey as a gift,

She started singing a song and didn’t sit idle.

A bee comes out and sings to the tune "Good Beetle"

Music I. sl. E. Schwartz (arranged by I. G. Afonina)

Hello, Mushka, I came - 3 times.

I brought honey as a gift, I brought it for you.

I didn’t work in vain - 3 times,

Look friends, you are my friends.

My honey is sweet and good - 3 times,

You won’t find anything better in the world - 3 times,

I’ll treat everyone now – 3 times.

After all, we have a bright holiday - 3 times.


Sit down, little bee, don't be shy,

Settle down in my house.


And here come the butterflies,

They want to congratulate you on the holiday.

Butterfly dance (Mus. Strauss) Radetzky March


Thank you, thank you, amazing dance

Glad to see you, friends,

Come all the way here

Let's go for a walk in the forest

And we'll pick some flowers.

We will decorate the house with flowers,

It will be so beautiful in it.

I'll put all the flowers in a vase -

It will be so cozy right away

But it doesn’t matter if they wither

I can throw them away easily.

After all, flowers grow everywhere,

Enough for everyone - you and me.

A sparrow flies and sings a song

To the tune of O. Gamzatov "Sailor" (arranged by I. G. Afonina)

What are you, what are you, wait.

And please don’t pick the flowers,

Shame on you, friends,

Listen to me

We must protect nature

To us at any time of the year -

To protect, to protect

And don’t give offense.

We'd better take watering cans

And we’ll water all the flowers,

Give joy to everyone around

After all, the flower is ours best friend.

All the heroes of the fairy tale "watered" flowers and sing a song "Plantain-grass" music S. Muravyova, lyrics. M. Tanich (arranged by I. G. Afonina)

1. The breeze whispers with the birch tree,

Dew glistens on the grass,

The land is magical for you and me,

Gives again miracles.

Chorus: Native to nature

There are colored paints

Let them live, let them bloom,

Parks and gardens,

We promise to love

And protect nature

Everyone will be happy

From this beauty.

2. Million mysterious miracles,

We meet every hour

Like the kindest storyteller,

He composes them for us.

Chorus: Plantain is a herb, there is nothing more expensive than it,

You can’t live a day without your native poplars.

Groves, rivers, fields - Russian expanse!

Let him live, let his native land bloom!

Publications on the topic:

Granny and the geese new way. Musical fairy tale for children (musical) Characters: Presenter Grandma Grandfather Cat Geese-swans Fox Dog Barbos.

Our kindergarten hosted a crafts competition "Miracles" autumn forest"Everyone was given direction for creativity - everyone competition works should.

TEACHER: Good afternoon, dear friends! On this beautiful day, I would like to say... BOY: Nadezhda Sergeevna, Nadezhda Sergeevna... (tugs.

Scenario of the musical fairy tale “Maple Leaves” Maple leaves. Autumn holiday for preparatory group. Characters: Presenter, Autumn, Children: hedgehog, bear, fox, squirrel.

Scenario for the musical fairy tale “The Flying Ship” Musical fairy tale "The Flying Ship" based on the Russian folk tale Developed by: Kutlaeva E. A. Purpose: To promote the development of creativity.

Scenario for a musical fairy tale based on the work of L. Moore “Little Raccoon and the One Who Sits in the Pond”"Little Raccoon and the One Who Sits in the Pond" Scenario musical fairy tale based on the work by L. Moore To the music, Raccoon's mother and baby come on stage.

Development of children's creative abilities through the theatrical activity “Water Sorceress”.

(ecological fairy tale for preschool children)


1. promote the development of musical and creative abilities of preschool children.

1. to form environmental ideas in children through theater.

2.develop children's artistic abilities through theatrical activities.


1. Formation in children of a value-based attitude towards nature through theater;

2. To develop in children a sustainable interest in theatrical performances;

3.Develop the child’s emotionality, intelligence, and communication abilities;

4.Develop artistry and skills stage incarnations image.


1.Flower 2. Stream 3. Fire 4. Children: Boy and Girl 5. Cloud 6. Good water 7. Rain 8. Sunny 9. Droplets (2-4) 10. Tourists - 10

The hall needs to be decorated in spring, in the form of a flower meadow.

The music “Sounds of Nature” plays and children tourists run in. A tourism instructor follows them(leading).

Leading. Hello little tourists!

Children. Hello!

Ved. Today we are going on a hike.

Children. Hooray!

Ved. Do you know the rules of behavior in nature?

Children. Yes!

Ved. What does a hike mean to a real tourist?

1 child For a tourist, life is a hike!

He will find a way everywhere!

Countries to conquer, mountains to conquer,

Protect our little brothers!

2 children Sun, air, river, meadow -

Our beloved best friend!

Ved. Then - let's go!

SONG OF LITTLE TOURISTS (to the melody of “Top-top”)

Ved. We have arrived. Look how beautiful it is! (tourists sit down) Gentle music sounds.

WALTZ OF FLOWERS(from the ballet “The Nutcracker”) P.I. Tchaikovsky

(butterflies, dragonflies, flowers dance in the clearing, ladybug)

Suddenly the gentle music is interrupted by the harsh, disturbing music of fire.


To the music of A. Vivaldi “Music of Fire”.

(insects rush around the clearing in horror and fly away)

Ved. Guys, this is a fire in the forest, help put it out, otherwise everything will burn!

(children swing back and forth, then surround the fire, it breaks out and hides)

Ved. Well done, tourists! You guys are brave, you were able to put out the fire! (children sit down)

A fragment sounds (quartet for flute and strings, Adagio) by V.A. Mozart

(a plaintive moan is heard)

Ved. What is this???

A Flower appears on the interactive board. He looks exhausted

(withered grass around him, bright hot sun).

Flower:(phonogram) Oh, how thirsty! I'm dying... I can’t live without water... Help!

(girl and boy run out)

Girl: Oh, what's with the flower?

Boy: I know he was scorched by fire and burned by the sun!

Girl Does he die without water???

Ved.(sadly) Yes, he dies without water....

Boy: What should we do, what should we do? Where can we get water?

Girl: Where is the sorceress Water, we can’t live without her!


Girl: We are waiting for you like a miracle!

Ved. Let's all call together.

In chorus. Come to us quickly, Water, run and help the flower!

Ved. I hear the sound of water! We run, otherwise we will be carried away by the water flow (they run away onto the chairs).

The sound of water is heard in the audio recording.


To the music of J. Strauss “On the Beautiful Blue Danube”

Good water. You called me, what happened?

Ved. Good water, help save the flower. He dies from the hot sun and the fire that ran through here.

Good water. I see, I see….poor Flower has nothing left vitality. You can’t do it here without my friends Brook and Droplets! Friends, hurry up, call Brook and Droplets.

To the music of “Storm” by A. Vivaldi, a boy and a girl run away.

Good water: In the meantime, I’ll call Sunny. I have a small request for him.


A ray of sunshine through the window, the earth is warm again

I’ll quickly call the sun and sing a song.

Life is beautiful, everything blooms, smiles, sings,

And it doesn’t let us be sad - Sunshine!

My dear, sunshine - ah, ah. Yay! A grain will sprout in the ground - I know!

Come quickly, Sunshine, I ask you, quickly! Help us now, sunshine! (SPEAKS) Sunny, please come out!

The music of the Sun sounds. The Sun appears.


If the morning begins, it means the sun has risen,

It warmed the Earth with a ray and everyone felt good.

Flowers and twigs, insects and grass need me.

Boys and girls, boys and girls

The sun is needed on Earth!

Sun: Hello friends! Did you call me?

Good water: Dear Sunshine, could you heat it less so that the poor flower doesn’t feel so hot! Otherwise the flower completely dies!

Sun: Okay, I'll try my best.

The sun leaves to the music.

The sound of water sounds. Then a cheerful melody. A Boy and a Girl, Droplets and Brook run out onto the stage.

Dance “Cheerful Rain” (1 verse and chorus)

(three pairs of children dance, then stop)

Droplets: We all sing and jump, we hardly cry,

Because, like tears, they are raindrops themselves.

We run through the puddles, have fun and shout:

“Always and everywhere, good glory to the magic water!”

Brook: Hello friends! Did you call us? What's happened?

All together: We need to help poor Flower. He's dying of thirst!

Brook: Let's call Cloud and Rain and save the Flower together!

Good water: Cloud and Rain, we are waiting for you! (all call together)

A cloud and rain come out (quarrel)

FRAGMENT OF THE SONG “Bad Cloud” (theatricalization)

Good water. Stop quarreling, Cloud and rain! We need to save the flower!

Droplets: Everyone gather in a circle,

We will save the Flower!

Children: Silvery water, wash Flower’s face!

You can hear the murmur of water and the singing of birds.

Good water pronounces magic words:

Cloud, cloud, get angry and turn into water! (The cloud makes an important circle)

Run droplets, call for rain! (droplets run around in hops)

Rain, rain, rain, rain! Drip, drip, don’t be sorry! (the rain splashes on everyone)

Stream, run, hurry - give the flower and the grass a drink! (a brook with a blue ribbon runs around)

Good water (waves his magic wand)

Music is playing. E. Grieg “Peer Gynt”, “Morning”

The flower on the interactive board comes to life.

To the sounds of gentle music, the Flower gradually comes to life and stands on its feet. He stretches his arms up and exposes his palms to the flowing water.

(flower girl comes in)

Ved. Friends, look around - here he is our flower.

Flower: Thank you, friends, you saved me! Good water is a symbol of life on

All: Always and everywhere good glory to the magical water!!!

Ved. Guys, it’s great that you and I saved a flower???

Children: Yes!

The song “Top, top – the tourist is stomping!