Places where ghosts are found, or Don't go into the basement with disturbing music! Do ghosts exist or not?

So... Whether we admit it to ourselves or not, we all have a sense of ghosts, no matter how afraid each of us is of all things creepy. Each of us has had moments in our lives when we could not resist the temptation to watch a horror movie before going to bed, and then stayed up almost the entire night, leaving the light on, and diligently repeated all the prayers that we remembered. But nevertheless, places with ghosts always attract people with their mystery. Many people have a very strong interest in otherworldly forces.

This article is dedicated to all those brave hearts who are simply too shy to admit their love for all things ghost related. We will introduce you to the twenty most terrible places where ghosts live.


Myrtle Plantation, USA

From the outside, this place looks like a cute bungalow with a calm environment. But that's just how it seems. If you are lucky enough to visit this plantation one day, you will be able to say hello to Chloe, one of the slaves whose ear was cut off because she had the habit of eavesdropping on things that did not concern her.

She is often seen wandering around the house with two little girls whose faces have no eyes, nose or mouth.


Cinco Saltos, Argentina

Cinco Saltos is a province in the Rio Negro in Argentina. It is famous for its witchcraft rituals, which contribute to the spread of many fascinating stories. The city of Cinco Saltos is also known as the “City of Witches” due to the prosperity of witchcraft, which is widespread everywhere, and the Bajo Negro area is especially famous. Seeing ghosts in these places, according to the local population, is not a problem.

In 2009, the corpse of a young girl between the ages of 8 and 12, who died in the 1930s, was found there completely intact. This fact further fuels the place's otherworldly reputation.


Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

A historically significant site, Edinburgh Castle is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Scotland, mainly due to its haunted stories. Sensations of touching or the feeling of someone or something being dragged somewhere are quite common among visitors to the castle, along with loud screams and terrifying screams, the causes of which have not yet been found.


Fort George, Citadel, Nova Scotia, Canada

Fort George is a 300-year-old star-shaped fortress that was built in 1749. It is located on Citadel Hill in Halifax, Nova Scotia. This place is considered the most haunted historical site in Canada. Paranormal activity has been spotted here over the years, making Fort George a popular destination for ghost hunters and researchers.

Visitors to the fortress often report seeing an old man, a man in a red cloak, a woman and an old lady who shows herself in mirrors. But the ghost of a little girl appears more often than others and causes concern. People taking "ghost" tours report the presence of a little girl during their tours of the fort; sometimes they report a girl with her hands raised. There are also reports of disembodied voices appearing in the fort, unexplained bumps and tremors, nebulae that were captured on film or simply visible to the naked eye, and the eerie feeling of being constantly watched.

Of course, no one has yet invented such a mirror with the help of which anyone could see the restless souls, but you can learn to look in the right direction and at the right angle. Once you find a place with high paranormal activity, you can organize a ghost hunt, documenting your progress and staying safe while communicating with the dead - it will be an unforgettable experience that will send shivers down your spine long after. Continue reading step one if you want to learn more.


Part 1

Finding the right place

    Look for places where ghosts live. Usually these places have a rich history and have already experienced their ups and downs, failures and triumphs. A safe choice would be a house in which many generations of the same family grew up, an old hospital or public building, a boarding house, a long-disused warship and other historical sites. In Paris, London, New Orleans and Japan, there are well-known areas that are famous for their paranormal atmosphere due to their rich history.

    • It is unlikely that you will be lucky enough to meet a ghost in shopping centers or newly built houses. These buildings lack the traces of physical activity that are inherent in older buildings with their own history. Try to find a place where the deeds of bygone days seem to echo.
  1. Look up local haunted houses. Most often, there is no need to travel far away to see a ghost. Every city has places that are considered haunts. Head to the library and read local history books, ask the librarian about strange happenings in your town, or take a scary-story tour. Make a list of places to visit and go there when it gets dark.

    • If you live in rural areas, then the chances of seeing a ghost increase at remote road intersections and railroad tracks, near abandoned bridges, in old cemeteries and crime scenes.
  2. Explore a list of famous paranormal attractions. If you live in the US, consider traveling to:

    • "Hotel Stanley, located in Estes Park, Colorado. Room No. 417 of this hotel became the basis for a real horror festival by Stephen King in his novel Shine.
    • Lafitte's forge in New Orleans, Louisiana. As you sit down at the bar for a cold beer, don't forget to look around - maybe you'll spot a dead pirate or two.
    • Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This prison in the City of Brotherly Love, which was once overcrowded, is now closed, but rumors persist that it is run by former inmates of the prison cells.
  3. Explore other locations in the world known for their paranormal features. From Japan's Aokigahara Forest, also known as the "Suicide Forest", where more than 500 people have died since 1950, to the Tower of London - an infamous medieval prison - there are thousands of places around the world that are famous for their haunted presence. This is for example:

    Examine areas associated with severe injury or pain. There is no need to plan a trip overseas in search of ghosts. Look for areas historically associated with physical trauma—ghosts may still hold on to them. Explore murder sites, prisons, or other historical sites with mysterious legends associated with them.

    Go to the cemetery.

  • Keep your mind open to perception. If you don’t believe in ghosts and are not more than determined to see them, then most likely you won’t see them.
  • YouTube and other sites are filled with dubious information about spells that will allow you to "see" ghosts. For example, you may be asked to cast a spell while looking at the sun. What you will see after this are just tracer floats, i.e. a visual phenomenon experienced by absolutely everyone without exception. Don't hurt your eyes trying to spot ghosts.

Based on simple logic, we can draw a simple conclusion: ghosts appear after someone dies somewhere. However, we must take into account that throughout the history of mankind there have been so many deaths that ghosts should probably be encountered at every step.

But this doesn't happen, and here's why. Firstly, not all dead people become ghosts, and secondly, they love solitude, so they prefer uncrowded, quiet places. Thirdly, not every person can see a ghost: only those who have a special psychic gift have this ability. Fourth, ghosts appear where there is a lot of emotional energy. In other words, many phenomena are nothing more than the memory of a place. This is especially true for ghosts from battlefields.

Based on sightings recorded over the years, ghost locations can be classified this way.

Places of executions. In past centuries, people were often put to death in public central squares, but, oddly enough, they usually don’t appear there. They were also executed at crossroads so that the ghost would become confused and could not return and take revenge. Therefore, at ancient crossroads at night one could often see desperate souls rushing about.

When it came to hanging, as a rule, a thick, strong tree was chosen, usually elm or oak. Therefore, many such trees subsequently earned a reputation as bad places where the ghosts of hanged people are found.

Cemeteries. It would seem that it would be difficult to find a more natural place for ghosts to live. However, this is not true, because people rarely die right in the cemetery. Usually you can only meet one real ghost in a churchyard. This is the same guard, the “cemetery watchman” - the soul of the first of the dead buried in this place. In ancient times in Western Europe There was even a custom: when establishing a new cemetery, in order to provide it with a reliable guard, a person was sacrificed.

In addition, in the cemetery you can see and hear half-ghosts - more precisely, manifestations of ghostly activity: incomprehensible rustles, will-o-the-wisps, etc. Although sometimes these are just some kind of natural phenomena.

There is also a special place in the cemetery, in particular the northern, most uncomfortable and gloomy part. Suicides were buried there: it was believed that their souls would not find peace either on earth or in heaven. They became frightening ghosts.

Ghosts on the battlefields. Of course, the battlefield is one of the most suitable places for phantoms to appear. People die in a relatively small space, and many soldiers lie unburied for a long time. Such places include Marathon in Greece, Waterloo in Belgium, Dunkirk in France, Volokolamsk Highway near Moscow, Kursk Bulge and many others. In such terrible areas you can hear the groans of the wounded, the noise of exploding shells, the ringing of bayonets or sabers. Phantom armies tend to continue their battle on the anniversaries of the most heated battles.

Ghosts of disasters. There are many cases where people saw ghosts of victims of a disaster, both after it and before the event itself. You can see victims of sea and air disasters or those killed on the roads. Particularly sensitive people can feel a future catastrophe in any place several days, or even earlier.

Old houses. Such places are traditionally considered haunted places. It is believed that something happened there in the past that tied the souls of people to this place. This could be murder or another serious crime. There may also be ghosts in the house if suffering or simply unhappy people used to live there.

What happens in haunted houses? According to eyewitnesses, the following phenomena occur there: ghostly figures suddenly appear in the rooms, capable of passing through the walls (by the way, ghosts always move the same way as in life, regardless of how the house was rebuilt, which is why it sometimes seems that a ghostly figure walks along a ladder that does not exist; this also explains the ability of spirits to pass through walls);

The ghost of a deceased relative in such houses can suddenly materialize near his portrait, which at that time turns out to be empty;

Traces of unknown origin may appear on the stairs, floors creak and sounds reminiscent of someone’s heavy steps may be heard;

Various objects move and fall, strange sounds, blows, ringing are heard;

The clock strikes thirteen times;

A bloody stain appears on the floor that cannot be removed;

Moans or crying are heard;

The chandelier begins to swing so violently that its components fly off.

Ghosts can also live on various vehicles , including on ships. There are many stories about ghost ships silently gliding across the water surface. It is believed that the ship on which the spirits settled is doomed to destruction.

Today, haunted places are more common and less sinister than in past centuries (with the exception of TV murder sites). Modern perfumes do not avoid big cities, daylight and street traffic, and often appear in crowds of people. They can also enjoy achievements modern technology and amenities everyday life on a par with the living, although they rarely do so.

Several phantoms of unknown origin appear at night in large department stores(in London, Birmingham, Liverpool, in some cities in France and the USA), causing panic among the guards, since when they occur, the tracking video equipment is blocked for 1-2 seconds. Both before and now the alarm was announced, but it always turned out to be false, since no one had ever been able to find traces of the “intruders.”

In some cases, the videotape captured slowly passing clouds of faintly flickering sparks, slightly smaller than a human being. The guards sometimes heard sounds reminiscent of a duck's quack, although for some reason the recordings on the tape recorders disappeared. As some researchers note, parapsychologists also found persistent energy anomalies in the area where ghosts appeared.

Nividimka broke the bottle

Do you want to tickle your nerves with quality while going on a trip? On our planet you can find enough places characterized by increased paranormal activity and the presence of ghosts, according to eyewitnesses. So, where can a risky and adventurous tourist who wants to encounter something supernatural go?

1. Eastern State Penitentiary

The maximum security prison in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) has long been the subject of numerous paranormal investigations. The building resembles a well-fortified fortress with towers and powerful gates, and it served as a prison for almost 140 years until the early 1970s. Nowadays it's state museum, and one of the most interesting places in the former prison - this is the solitary cell of Al Capone himself. Abuse and torture led to many prisoners going crazy and dying, which is why today visitors report hearing ominous whispers, crying and even dark silhouettes in the premises.

2. Tower of London

So many executions were carried out in the Tower so often that manifestations of paranormal activity within its walls do not seem surprising at all. Most often, visitors and workers notice the appearance of the ghosts of Queen Anne Boleyn, the executed wife of King Henry VIII, the childish silhouettes of Edward V and his brother Richard, Duke of York, as well as the elderly Countess of Salisbury, whom the executioner managed to behead only the third time.

3. Gettysburg

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is one of the most visited historical sites in the United States. This is the site of a bloody three-day battle (1863) during civil war, which claimed the lives of about 50 thousand people. It is believed that the battlefield and several nearby buildings, then used as temporary hospitals for the wounded, have forever remained an eternal refuge for the souls of many soldiers, whose ghosts are often observed by tourists who come to these parts.

4. Père Lachaise

The atmosphere of the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris is unique and inimitable; its territory is not similar to any other earthly cemetery, but rather to some special one city ​​of the dead. The ancient tombstones, statues and absolute silence of Père Lachaise make visitors feel as if they are constantly being watched by invisible eyes.

5. Bran Castle

Bran Castle in Transylvania is a real tourist attraction. Of course, people still call it nothing more than Dracula’s Castle. There are no historical records confirming that Vlad the Impaler was his master, but for several months he was kept in this castle as a prisoner. However, imagination is a powerful thing, and Bran Castle forever became the fearsome fortress of Dracula himself.

6. Queen Mary liner

The transatlantic military transport liner Queen Mary is also haunted, according to numerous eyewitnesses. Nowadays, it is permanently laid up in the port of Long Beach (California) and performs many functions: a museum, restaurant, hotel and premises for presentations, exhibitions and conventions. There is even a church and chapel on board for wedding ceremonies. Among the paranormal activity, one can note the appearance young man, which was crushed by door number 13 in the engine room, the sounds of water splashing from an empty swimming pool and traces of wet feet and
dancing lady in white in the first class lounge.

7. Mansfield Prison

If you go into the former prison and penal colony Mansfield, Ohio, you'll probably feel very uneasy there. Many terrible and mysterious deaths were recorded in the prison infirmary.

The chapel once housed a torture chamber, and the so-called “Hole” was a terrifying punishment cell. By the way, it was Mansfield Prison that “played the role” of Shawshank Prison in the film “The Shawshank Redemption.”

8. Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle is a very attractive place for tourists, which, of course, is not without its own ghosts, namely the Greyfriars dog Bobby, who guarded the grave of his deceased owner, and a mysterious man in a leather apron. In addition, the sounds of bagpipes can be heard here, since a local bagpiper was once lost forever in the tunnels under the castle, and visitors also note the constant feeling that they are being watched by the invisible inhabitants of the castle.

9. Paris Catacombs

They say that the Parisian catacombs are simply overpopulated with ghosts. And this is quite understandable. The catacombs serve as underground burial chambers for huge amount bones removed from overcrowded city cemeteries.

The remains were used to create an amazing, but rather ominous ossuary (ossuary) in the form of crosses and imitation walls.

10. St. Louis Cemetery

The St. Louis Cemetery in New Orleans (Louisiana) looks like a real backdrop for some Hollywood movie horror. Visitors are also drawn to the tomb of a local voodoo queen named Marie Laveau, who died in the late 19th century.

It is believed that even from underground she continues to fulfill the wishes of those who come to her here for help - most importantly, do not forget to draw three crosses on the wall of her crypt.

Commonly haunted places in all legends and scary stories are often repeated. Has its own ghosts different countries world, including in Russia and European countries.

Where do ghosts live?

It is believed that the most likely places for ghosts to appear are cemeteries, old houses, and castles. There are ghosts near places where someone died. According to parapsychologists, the spirit of the very first person buried there, who is the so-called “owner,” “lives” in cemeteries.

For inexplicable reasons, ghosts often choose to “live” in medieval castles in Scotland, Ireland and England. Most likely, this is due to the fact that many aristocratic families keep their terrible family secrets, which have caused the appearance of family ghosts. England has long been the center of ghosts. London is richer in ghost legends than other cities.

The scariest ghosts in Europe

The most common ghosts in Europe are black monks and white ladies - these are dark shadows and white blurry figures that people periodically see in old houses and medieval castles.

"Black Nun"

It is known about the “Black Nun” who lives in an English castle. According to legend, this nun is Sarah Whitehead, who comes to the bank in the hope of finding her brother there. The brother was once an employee of this bank, but was accused of forging checks. Sarah was so shocked by what happened that to this day she is looking for her brother within the walls of the bank.

The Ghost of Beverly Square House

One of the creepiest ghosts lives in London in a house in Beverly Square. They say that several people died just from the sight of this ghost. According to one version, the ghost appears in the form little boy, who died of fear in his room. According to another version, the ghost is a young girl whom her uncle wanted to seduce. To avoid harassment, she allegedly jumped out of the window.

The third version says that the ghost appears before people in the form of a pale-faced man. Wanting to see one of London's creepiest ghosts, tourists turned a house in Beverly Square into a place of pilgrimage.

Poveglia Island

Poveglia Island is considered a mysterious place in Venice. It is closed to tourists, and police boats cruise along the shores of the island. There is a twelfth-century bell tower on the island. Lovers of the unknown claim that bells can often be heard from the direction of this bell tower.

It is known that during the Roman Empire, everyone infected with the plague was brought to the island to die. History repeated itself in the sixteenth century. Poveglia became the place where those infected with the bubonic plague were brought. They were dumped into huge pits and left to die. They say that the cries of these unfortunates are heard from time to time over the island. Several centuries later, the island began to play the role of a quarantine point. In the last century, a nursing home was built on the island. After the head physician committed suicide, Poveglia was deserted; people no longer wanted to return to this island.

Anne Boleyn's Ghost

According to legend, the headless ghost of a woman has been wandering the stairs of the Tower Castle for many years. This woman is Anne Boleyn, who was the second wife of Henry VIII Tudor. The king, having noticed the beauty Boleyn at one time, elevated her to the throne. It was she who brought the Renaissance and Reformation to England and gave birth to the future Queen Elizabeth.

After being accused of adultery and witchcraft, Anna was executed by beheading. Anne Boleyn's ghost has no head; it holds its head under its arm. Last time this ghost was seen in 1940.

The most famous ghosts in Russia

Each of us has heard legends about ghosts. Among them there are completely good-natured ghosts, and there are also those who have been scaring people for many years. Aliens from other world, approaching a person, sow fear and panic.

In Russia there are ancient houses, historical places and castles, about which there are many legends. According to some of them, ghosts still live in such houses and castles.

Ghost Town

Near Chelyabinsk there is the Arkaim fortress, which is also called the “Russian Stonehenge”. Scientists, in addition to buildings and street ruins, discovered wells, remains of metallurgical furnaces, water supply systems, and mines. The inhabitants left Arkaim almost four thousand years ago, but before leaving, they set their city on fire. It is believed that they had serious reasons for this.

People who have visited Arkaim talk about the ghosts that live there. Tourists on Mount Shamanke often see moving shadows. Once, during an excavation, an archeology student heard a voice calling her to the excavation center. The girl went there alone. Upon returning, the student cried for a long time, talking about the ghosts of the ancient inhabitants of the city of Arkaim.

Sukharev Tower

A famous place in Moscow is the Sukharev Tower. There the engineer, astrologer and alchemist Jacob Bruce, who lived during the time of Peter I, spent all his nights. According to legend, he kept the famous “ Black Book", written by the Prince of Darkness himself. This book terrified the townspeople.

Even after the death of the famous alchemist, the light in the Sukharev Tower continued to light up every night. In 1934, the warlock's tower was demolished, but the ghost of a dry old man appears quite often in that place.

Misers with Myasnitskaya

In Moscow on Chistye Prudy there is Myasnitskaya street. The Kusovnikovs' house once stood on it. The couple were famous for the fact that, despite all their wealth, they were misers and misers. They never invited guests or gave anyone gifts.

Gathered in long trip, the husband and wife decided to hide all the treasures in the fireplace. After their departure, the unsuspecting servant lit a fire in the fireplace. As a result, the wealth burned completely. Upon learning this news, the wife died immediately. With the words “Oh, my money, my money,” the ghost of the old man still haunts the nearby alleys to this day.

The most famous ghost in history

The ghost most often seen by people is called the "White Lady". This collective image, which would suit more than one lady of past centuries. Eyewitnesses most often describe this ghost as a lady in white, with deep-set sad eyes and a pointed face.

The White Lady is a woman who was forced into marriage with evil old man. He bullied her all his life. Just before his death, he asked his wife for forgiveness, but was refused. The old husband cursed his wife, which is why she still appears in the family domain in the guise of the White Lady. The white lady is Perchta Rozmberk, and her tyrant husband is the aristocrat Jan Lichtenstein. We know about a portrait depicting the White Lady. There is a signature on it in an unknown language. It remains undeciphered to this day.

By the way, according to the site, it is photographs of ghosts that become famous and are sold for fabulous money.
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