Funny jokes. The coolest and very funny jokes Humorous jokes

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About the benefits of good jokes

The notorious British scientists in one study found out what character traits of women men prefer most. Oddly enough, neither external beauty nor quality sex topped the list. These qualities did not even make it into the top three places. Loyalty and friendliness are ranked first. In third place, the majority ranked a sense of humor.

There is a saying that 5 minutes of laughter is equivalent to a glass of sour cream. Indeed, the woman who can make you laugh and help you forget about difficulties for a while will be remembered even after a short first conversation. A man will notice such a witty lady and he will want to get positive emotions again. The body of a laughing person produces endorphins, which cause a positive mood.

Humor and jokes will be an excellent tool in creating and strengthening relationships between men and women. In the West, there are even courses for women who want to develop a good sense of humor, because the benefits of jokes and humor in our lives cannot be overestimated.

This question is not simple and you need to start with the basics: for example, if you are generally indifferent to sports programs on TV, then you should not try to make a football fan laugh by commenting on the match. Here's the problem! First you need to find out what your chosen one generally likes to laugh at. Or he doesn’t like these jokes and gags of yours at all.

Jokes on different topics, short, very funny for a minute, which will make you laugh until you cry.
Cheerfulness is the most outstanding feature of a person.
Read, smile at each other, joke - without barbs, without offensive ridicule.
Laugh for five minutes in front of the mirror every morning. Laughter activates many beneficial elements in our body, and also returns the body to a balanced state. Revitalize your habit of laughter and your life will become more vibrant.

- Oh, what a wonderful portrait, at what price is it being sold? - Please don't touch! This is a mirror!

— The crisis helped me get back on my feet. The bank took the car for an unpaid loan.

— I adore the group of Unknown performers, they sing Track 1, Track 2, Track 9 and they just captivate my soul!

“A miracle is an event described by people who heard about it from others who did not see it themselves.”

- Hello! A familiar face, have we met somewhere!? Maybe at the zoo?
- Maybe... what cell were you in there?

“Conversation on the radio: “First, first, I’m second, you’re third?”

A limited mind with unlimited access to the Internet is a very unpleasant combination.

“Yesterday I didn’t come to work because I dreamed that I came”

One of the student’s commandments is “Do not snore during a lecture so as not to wake up a colleague!”

“Jokes about blondes are not the only truth”

“God invented a dream, and the devil invented an alarm clock”

“In the hospital. Doctor to patient: “I repeat for the hundredth time - Amnesia does not go away so quickly!”

“All men are animals who want only one thing... And why not from me?”

“All men are the same, only the salary is different”

“Do you know what Spider-Man is afraid of? Man's slippers"

“You’re good, I’ll drink, and we’ll both be very good!”

“I have the most sincere laugh... maliciously!”

“Where are you always welcome? At the workplace."

— Is it worth going to a psychiatrist? - I asked myself. Opinions were divided.

Announcement: - We are looking for a driver for a bakery... With your truck and your bread.

“Girls are like the name of a page on the Internet. The ones you like have already been taken for a long time."

“If you knew how many times I almost died for love... But in any case, thanks to the skin and venereal doctors...”

“If you are over 30 years old and have not achieved anything in life, then you are an honest person.”

"If you aim for an idiot, he will probably do the same."

“If you have countless urgent tasks, you first need to figure out which ones need to be put off, repeatedly.”

“Living in Russia is easy, but surviving is difficult”

“He who finds a friend finds a treasure. And whoever finds a treasure is not a friend..."

"Buy two, get three, you pay for four!"

“My wife is good, but others are even worse!”

“My wife watches TV so often that even the announcer recognizes her.”

- “Does your watch work? - No, I have it on my hand.”

“Optimism is not a lack of information”

“No one has ever died from laughter... except those who joked...”

“It’s a double-edged sword, you’ll get from both.”

Mom, I broke up with my boyfriend... - I know! I saw him in social networks and even liked it.

Long live the Internet! Previously, only my neighbors hated me... but now half the world hates me.

modern parents, when punishing their children, put them in a corner where Wi-Fi is weak.

“Patient’s bad behavior was operated on again”

“Paying your debt on time preserves your teeth better than toothpaste.”

“A family scandal is like a rock concert. It always starts with new material and ends with old hits."

“Now they write so much about the dangers of smoking that I have firmly decided to stop reading.”

“The sober plumber is a fairy-tale character!”

“You are not alone - loneliness is with you.”

“The good blonde Manya always bought live fish from the pet store to be released... into the forest!

“I would like to live like everyone else, but my conscience does not allow it.”

Topic of the section: Short jokes, very funny to the point of tears of joy.

How to come up with a joke? This question is sometimes puzzled not only by participants student teams KVN, but also people far from such activities. For example, creating a small humorous act may be required for a friendly themed party. Jokes are sometimes contained in wedding toasts and congratulations.

The importance of humor in everyday life cannot be overestimated. everyday life. Communicating with a cheerful person who has a positive attitude is much more pleasant than with someone who is always gloomy.

How to become a cheerful person?

Some people believe that it is almost impossible to artificially master the skill of creating good jokes. They talk about the need for a special gift that a person must be endowed with in order to become a successful comedian. To some extent these people are right. A sense of humor, of course, must be present in someone who decides to make others laugh. Otherwise, this idea in itself is absurd.

However, it is worth saying that many famous comedians performers on the professional stage, as well as players in the major league of KVN, often say that you can’t go far on natural inclinations alone. To invent regularly, you need a certain technique, knowledge of the structure of numbers, and so on. They will be discussed in the following chapters.


Many articles on this topic compare the art of comedians to the performances of magicians.

How are illusionist acts usually constructed? As a rule, the artist first distracts the audience's attention, focusing it on some subject. Meanwhile, unnoticed by the audience, he is preparing a surprise. The audience usually has no idea what will happen next. The effect of surprise plays a huge role here. Almost everything is built on it good jokes. The listener does not know how the phrase will end. Or he thinks he can guess the final part of the statement, but his guesses turn out to be wrong.

Even if the essence of the joke is a parody of famous person, still his manner of speaking and moving turns out to be somewhat distorted, characteristic features always in such cases they are deliberately exaggerated. This turns out to be unexpected and creates comic effect. Therefore, before you set out to figure out how to come up with a funny joke, you need to learn to think outside the box.

Children as a source of inspiration

Experienced actors say that it is very difficult to play children and animals because of their unpredictability. This quality does not prevent aspiring comedians from learning from the younger generation. Examples out-of-the-box thinking can be found in many children's sayings that make adults smile and are perceived as good jokes. Example: little boy, seeing a river covered with ice in winter, asks his mother why it is dry.

It is no coincidence that the heroes of many jokes are children. These characters, due to their unique perception of the world around them, express ideas and thoughts that are unexpected for an adult. Therefore, the question of how to come up with a joke can be answered as follows. It is necessary to learn to look at familiar phenomena from unusual points of view, through the eyes of other people, including children. The following anecdote can be cited as an example of such humor.

Essay by a first-grader: “My dad can do everything in the world. He can jump with a parachute, conquer the highest peak, and go on an expedition to the North Pole. But he doesn’t do this because he has little free time: he helps his mother with the cleaning.”

National mentality

Numerous anecdotes about communication between representatives are based on the same principle (unique thinking). different nationalities. For example: a Chukchi is asked why he bought himself a refrigerator, because in his homeland it is already very cold in winter. A resident of the Far North answers: “It’s -50 degrees outside. The refrigerator is ten degrees below zero. The Chukchi will bask in it.

Great Russian language

The effect of surprise can be created in another way. The Russian language is replete with many synonyms (words denoting the same concept). Therefore, considering various options How to write a joke, you can use this feature.

Readers probably remember an episode from the famous Soviet film“Gentlemen of Fortune”, where the hero of Evgeny Leonov teaches bandits to replace obscene words with literary analogues that sound strange in their mouths. This is a great example of how to come up with a joke using different means of expression Russian language.

One word - many meanings

This definition can be given to the lexical phenomenon of homonym.

An example is the anecdote about how a Georgian asks a hotel administrator if he can sleep with a light on. When they told him that he had the right to do this, he said: “Sveta, I found out. Here you can. Come in."

It has already been mentioned here that any joke must have an element of surprise. The first part of it is usually a phrase or fragment of text that does not go beyond logic and common sense. This is how anecdotes and short funny jokes are constructed.

How to come up with a joke for KVN?

There is a part in this game called "Warm Up". During this round, members of different teams compete to write a continuation of a given phrase. Their goal is precisely to come up with an unexpected, witty conclusion to an ordinary sentence or the same answer to a question.

This form is classic for almost all jokes. The difference between them is only in design. A joke can be presented in the form of an anecdote, humorous story or a short saying.

The first part can be called the introduction, the second - the climax. Many people use the English terms setup and punchline.

Original technique

At the beginning of this article, we talked about the importance of such a quality as having a sense of humor. But even its absence can be the subject of jokes.

This feature of human intelligence is played out in the miniature “Avas” by Arkady Raikin, which depicts a dialogue between two people. One of the characters has a sense of humor, while the other does not.


This technique can also be used, including when writing jokes for a company. It always involves some kind of inconsistency. For example, one of Mikhail Zadornov’s crowning numbers was the following. The satirist analyzed the lyrics of popular songs. The irony here is that the words of these works of art are studied along with high poetry. You can do the same thing with friends.

Irony is sometimes found in short everyday jokes. For example, seeing a neighbor dressed in a formal suit, you can say: “Yes, I see you are going to the gym.”

Jokes for the holiday

But doing this is as easy as shelling pears. Such jokes, as a rule, are based on elementary deception and are designed to shock the interlocutor. A striking example This is the old joke when a person is told that his entire back is white. You can also say that you found a wallet with a large amount of money on which his phone number was written. I wonder how the interlocutor will behave: will he say that the wallet belongs to him, or will he show honesty?

These are just some of the techniques for writing jokes. You can use them or come up with your own.

Funny jokes will help improve your mood when you're sad, break the ice between people, and simply fill a gap in conversation. The most funny jokes our site, specially selected for you, will help not only lift your mood, but also improve your health, because laughter is the best medicine. In this section you will find the funniest jokes that have been selected in the hope that whatever your sense of humor, you will like them.

Anecdotes are one of the oldest forms of literary humor, so to speak. From time immemorial, jokes have evolved into the forms that we have today. We tried to collect the funniest jokes on our website, since jokes can be either very funny or not funny at all. A mixture of wit, comic situations, plot and set characters play a major role in the joke. But even in order to understand very funny jokes You need to have a good sense of humor, because without such a wonderful sense of humor, it’s better not to read jokes at all, you won’t understand. :)

It takes 7 seconds for food to move from the mouth to the stomach. Human hair can withstand a load of 3 kilograms. Penis length is 3 lengths thumb. Women blink 2 times more often than men. The girls have already read this text. The guys are still looking at their thumb.

In the classroom, the teacher gives the children a task.
- From city A to city B is forty kilometers, and from city B to city C is seventy kilometers. Who can tell how old I am?
Petya raises his hand and says:
- Forty eight.
- Petenka, how did you guess?
“And there’s an aunt who lives in our entrance, who doesn’t have everything at home, so she’s twenty-four.”

A blonde comes to a beauty salon and says:
- I want very smooth skin and big, shiny eyes. How much will it cost?
- 1500.
- What, dollars for the operation?
- No, rubles, for a gas mask.

An angry husband discovers a man in the marital bed.
- What are you doing here?
“You see,” the wife says to the man, “I told you he’s a fool.”

It's raining outside. A completely dry man comes into the office.
- How come you didn’t get wet?
- Ah...I'm careful, carefully, between the drops...

From the testimony: “He called me a pig, and I thought and thought and didn’t understand why I’m a pig. She’s feminine, and I am a man. That’s why I got offended and hit citizen Nikolaev.”

Do you have wrinkles, dry skin, crooked legs?
Calm down - a bottle of vodka given to your husband will instantly return you to your former freshness and attractiveness.

The signalman enters the church and begins to pray:
- Lord, can you hear me?

The old gentleman is dying. His wife is sitting near his bed.
Him: Martha, I now remember all those years when we were together...
She: Yes, dear?
Him: I remember the time when we first met. I had absolutely no money. One pound seemed like a fortune to me then... But you were next to me, Martha... And when we got married, do you remember? - I invested all my hard-earned money in stocks, but they fell in price... It was very hard time... Then you were also nearby...
She (through tears): Yes, yes, dear!
Him: And later, when the war began and I was drafted into the army... You went to the front as a nurse and when I was wounded, you were also nearby in the hospital... Do you remember the post-war crisis? When sometimes we had nothing to eat for days on end... Then you were with me too... And later, when I fell ill with pneumonia, you sat day and night by my bed... just like now... Yes, now, when I'm dying, you're here too, Martha...
She (sobbing): Of course, dear!!!
Him: Martha, you bring me misfortune!

Hello, Petya! Come, there are such girls here, bring vodka...
- Hello! Vasya! Come, there is so much vodka here - bring the girls!

A new breed of hunting bees was bred. Huge like bears, angry like dogs.
- Do they bring honey?
- Of course, they take it from the women at the market and bring it back.

Girl, let's go for a walk in the park?
- And in this very park you will fuck me?
- No, of course! We'll just take a walk with you.
- You know, I don’t really feel like going for a walk...

There are two tomatoes sitting in the refrigerator. One says to the other:
- Dzzzzzz, how cold it is!!
- Aaaah, a talking tomato!!

A little boy asks his dad, “Why are parrots green?”
- Because they get seasick on palm trees.

Zoo. A girl asks her mother:
- Mom, do you know why this goat is looking very sadly into the distance?
- Daughter, have you ever seen your daddy happy? It’s just how their life is...

When a person is bitten by a vampire, he turns into a vampire...
It feels like everyone around has been bitten by sheep!!!

Conversation between two friends:
- Damn, my neighbor is lucky! I have a husband and a lover. So yesterday she was raped in the entrance...

Yesterday I gave my grandmother an energy drink to try.
- So what?
- So she went on foot to get milk... To Vologda!

The wife approaches her husband and begins to complain about her son’s behavior:
- Vasya, he has become simply unbearable. He only listens to the advice of various idiots. Maybe you can talk to him, and maybe he’ll listen to you.

Sunny, are you cooking something, or has our cat shit somewhere again?