All famous comedians are Russian. Famous Russian comedians: the meaning of humor in life

Laughter not only improves your mood, but is also known to prolong life. Accordingly, people who know how to make people laugh engage in noble cause. Russia is rich in comedians. Many of them are known to both adults and children. After all, the performances are aimed at groups of different ages. There's a lot amazing people that I want to remember. And their performances are different: some perform solo, while others prefer group performances. And it is simply impossible to fit them all into one list.

The best comedians of Russia - “youth” list

Each viewer has his own views on the performance of comedians. Adapting to everyone and becoming universal is a task for professionals in their field. Only the most talented comedians in Russia can surprise and make the audience laugh. List of the best of them:

Russian comedians of the “older generation”

Among the comedians performing at Russian stage, it’s not just young people who meet. After all, two or three decades ago, completely different photos of Russian comedians were found everywhere. Other people working in a different genre of satire. Russian comedians who possessed a certain subtlety of humor and a sense of tact that modern comedians sometimes lack.

Women comedians

Satirist is not just a man's occupation. Famous Russian comedians are representatives of the female half of humanity. Their names also occupy a significant niche among the country's comedians. The most popular of them can be considered:

  • Klara Novikova;

  • Elena Stepanenko;
  • Catherine Barnabas;
  • Natalya Andreevna.

The most popular comedian duos

Not all Russian comedians prefer solo performances. To give the audience their good mood, some of them created wonderful duets.

Special attention should be paid to such talented Russian comedians working together as:

  • brothers and Valery);
  • Nikolai Bandurin and;
  • and Vladimir Danilets;
  • Sergey Chvanov and Igor Kasilov (better known as “New Russian Grandmas”);
  • Irina Borisova and Alexey Egorov.

These people will diversify boring everyday life and bring a lot of positivity. They will help get rid of boredom and distract you from routine worries.

Humorous projects

No matter how different Russian comedians may be, they all strive to convey their positivity and good mood to the listener. And it is not surprising that people unite with one another for the same purpose. Comedians have their own “habitats.” There is always a mood of celebration and fun there. Such “platforms” are:

  • "Comedy Club" - a place where they meet various directions humor: satire, skits, monologues, songs.

  • “Our Russia” is a humorous series that brings together many talented comedians and actors into one film.
  • "Comedy Battle" is a show for non-professional comedians. Organized as a competition for comedians for the main prize - participation in the Comedy Club.
  • - a quiet and calm “place” where Russian comedians perform their monologues.
  • “HB-show” - a sketch by the duo of comedians Garik Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov

Russian comedians make fun of everyday situations, ordinary incidents from life in a subtle and intelligent form. The viewer does not need to adapt to anyone. Large quantity comedians allows everyone to choose the appropriate option for themselves.

On the stage, colloquial genres include genres primarily associated with words: entertainer, skit, staged anecdote, parody, etc. There are also musical and conversational genres in which ditties, couplets and other musical fragments are used. There is no exact list and definition of speech genres, because Authors and performers use a variety of techniques in their work to reveal topical topics and demonstrate their individual abilities. The tastes of the audience also, naturally, do not play a role. last role in this matter.

One of the most common forms of the conversational genre from the very beginning of the twentieth century was the satirical duet (duetists). The Danish comedians of the silent film era served as an example for many. Pat and Patashon(Karl Schoenström and Harald Madsen).

Pat - tall and thin Melancholic; Patashon is a short, fat man, Sanguine, agile and nimble. Their filmography includes more than fifty films.

The names Pat and Patashon became household names for all cases when very tall and very short people were nearby. Many actors imitated this couple, both abroad and in our country. Let's say, a Ukrainian duet Tarapunka and Plug(Yuri Timoshenko and Efim Berezin) also looked approximately the same in appearance, and the roles in the duet were distributed according to the same principle: the calm, ironic Tarapunka and the energetic, “correct” Shtepsel.

The duet of policeman Tarapunka and electrician Shtepsel was created in 1946 and successfully existed on the stage for 40 years until Tymoshenko’s death.

The theme of the satirical duet genre gradually changed. If in the 1920s performances were organized in poster form, demonstrating the conflict between old and new, then over time the genre acquired the character of an everyday comedy or satirical scene. The older generation probably still remembers the satirical duet Alexandra Shurova(Livshits) and Nikolai Rykunin, created in 1946.

Both artists were very talented and musical. In addition to the fact that both participated in dialogues and sang, Shurov also accompanied him on the piano, Rykunin could dance perfectly. They performed skits, verses, adaptations of popular songs, and could also host entertainers.

Since 1950, for many years, the leading position in the entertainer was occupied by the duo Lev Mirov and Mark Novitsky ( Brook).

Before joining the duo, both artists already had considerable experience working on the stage, so they immediately won the love of the audience and were trusted to host the most prestigious concerts and “Ogonki”.

For many years on the stage they delighted the audience with their creativity Maria Mironova and Alexander Menaker.

The artists, who already had experience working on stage, teamed up as a duet in 1940. Their collaboration led to the creation of a new form of “Theater of Two Actors”, where they performed not only small scenes, but also performances.

Maria Mironova and Alexander Menaker created many beautiful images, but their main “work” was their son Andrey Mironov- popularly loved Russian actor Theater of Satire.

If the theater of Satire is touched upon in the text, then it is appropriate to immediately mention the artists who were not pop talkers; they were and remain actors of the theater of Satire, but their contribution to conversational genre They contributed, and quite a lot.

Alexander Shirvindt and Mikhail Derzhavin have always been welcome and loved by the audience not only at theater skits, but also in any programs.

Classic Odessa humor also could not help but participate in the development of the conversational genre. Back in my student days Mikhail Zhvanetsky
and Viktor Ilchenko created the Parnas-2 theater. Later they were joined by Roman Kartsev (Katz).

A few years later, as a result of their collaboration, a duet was formed Roman Kartsev and Viktor Ilchenko.

Many people remember the unforgettable Veronica Mavrikievna and Avdotya Nikitichna performed by actors Vadim Tonkov and Boris Vladimirov.

Modest, intelligent Veronika Mavrikievna and rude Avdotya Nikitichna gossip about various issues, demonstrating a complete contrast of opinions and concepts. The duet was created in 1971. After the appearance of the duet “New Russian Grandmothers” on the stage, the duet of Tonkov and Vladimirov began to be unofficially called “Old Russian Grandmothers”.

A modern version of Russian grandmothers on the stage are "New Russian grandmothers" Claudia Ivanovna Tsvetochek and Matryona Ivanovna Nigmatullina performed by actors Igor Kasilov and Sergei Chvanov.

And this is what these actors look like in real life.

Matryona and Flower are loved by many spectators; they often participate in many concerts and television programs, both as participants and as presenters.

The television program “Town” - we all enjoyed following the lives of the heroes of this "Town" performed by Yuri Stoyanov and Ilya Oleinikov (Klyaver).

Yuri Galtsev and Gennady Vetrov They have had their own pop groups for a long time, but when they unite in a joint performance, the audience gets great pleasure.

Twin brothers Valery and Alexander Ponomarenko quickly won the sympathy of the audience with their skits and, especially, musical parodies. Now they participate in many programs, host “Morning Mail” on television, and are laureates International competition"Cup of Humor-99" and the festival of satire and humor "Golden Ostap-2001".

And finally, everyone’s favorite Ukrainian “Rabbits” - artists Vladimir Moiseenko and Vladimir Danilets. In 1987, together with the production director of the Ukrconcert UGKO Evgeniy Perebiinos, they created their own small humorous theater and since then they have been delighting us with their creativity.

As you know, laughter prolongs life, so every person needs to laugh as often as possible. They will help you with this humorous programs, for example such as " Crooked mirror" Humor has its roots far back in history, when kings and courtiers were amused by jesters, buffoons and various booths.

Today, humorous performances are popular all over the world, because thanks to them you can relax with your friends, forget about your daily worries, and laugh a lot at the same time. Each country has its own artists who make people laugh during various parodies and comic performances.

Every person probably has favorite jokes, remembering which a smile instantly appears on the face. Thus, your mood rises, just like when watching humorous TV shows, during which your favorite comedians will definitely make you laugh, having prepared a whole bunch of jokes and gags.
An experienced artist will be able to present the harsh reality of everyday life from a different comic side, while making fun of politicians, actors and singers. But the jokes are always kind and positive.

After watching a comic program, a good mood and a positive outlook on life will haunt you throughout the day. Russian comedians are considered very popular and in demand, as their wit and sense of humor can be the envy of many foreign performers. Perhaps you are a fan of Russian artists, since they are the ones who tell jokes that we understand, at which we can laugh long and loud! On our website you will find a lot of interesting and uplifting humor that you will definitely like!
All humorous performances can be watched online from this resource for free! You don’t need to spend incredible amounts of money to go to a concert of your favorite comedian, since all concerts and programs can be watched at home with your family and friends, sitting comfortably on a soft and warm sofa.

Treat yourself and get a lot positive emotions while watching a funny and positive program. After all, as you know, laughter prolongs life, and life is beautiful! Live, laugh, smile and enjoy! The site administrators wish you a fun time and a great, positive mood! Enjoy life with our website, where new, positive and exciting TV shows and films are constantly appearing!

The performances of comedians have always attracted huge audiences. Because comedians are artists who bring laughter and relief to those who watch their comedy concerts. Today this is one of the most popular types of artistic activity among the audience. And no wonder it exists huge amount a variety of humorous films, television shows, series, and simply recordings of comedians’ performances and their concerts. It is very convenient when they are collected in one place where you can watch them online, choosing from this set what you like best.

The truth has long been known: he who laughs a lot lives long. Who are these people who prolong our lives? Whose jokes make you laugh until you cry? Russian comedians (the ranking of the most popular names will be presented below) have become for each of us a real salvation from the drabness of everyday life.

We offer you the following categories:

  • Comedians of the new generation.
  • The richest comedians.
  • Veterans of humor.
  • Women who know how to make you laugh.
  • Shows and duets that make us happy.

Comedians of Russia - a new generation

Who makes the new generation laugh? Who do modern youth worship? What kind of people are these? We present to you only the most famous names:

  • Timur Batrutdinov is a comedian, resident of the Comedy Club. Timur tried to find his destiny on the show “The Bachelor,” but, unfortunately or fortunately, nothing worked out.
  • Ruslan Bely performs in the StandUp genre. This is a talent that came to humor from the military.
  • Mikhail Galustyan - KVN, actor, presenter.
  • Semyon Slepakov is a bard, comedian, member of the jury in the Comedy Battle show.
  • Vadim Galygin - Comedy Club, actor.
  • Ivan Urgant - comedian, TV presenter, actor.
  • Alexander Revva is a showman, actor, comedian, TV presenter and just a wonderful person.
  • Stas Starovoitov - StandUp.
  • Sergei Svetlakov is an actor, TV presenter, comedian, screenwriter, jury member on many comedy shows.
  • Andrey Shchelkov - KVN player, film actor, beat boxer.

The richest satirists and humorists in Russia

I wonder which of our artists comedy genre With her talent she managed not only to gain fame, but also to earn good money. So, a list of satirical humorists who made their capital from laughter:

Veterans of humor

The names of people who stood at the very origins of Russian humor and managed to retain fans to this day:

  • Mikhail Zadornov.
  • Evgeny Petrosyan.
  • Arkady Raikin.
  • Gennady Khazanov.
  • Yuri Stoyanov.
  • Alexander Tsekalo.
  • Efim Shifrin.
  • Lion Izmailov.
  • Mikhail Evdokimov.
  • Yuri Nikulin.

Women who know how to make you laugh

If earlier among comedians female names met quite rarely, today the ladies loudly declared that they know how to joke worse than men. A list of women who really know how to make you laugh and understand what humor is is presented below.

So, comedians of Russia (surnames) - list of female names:

  • Elena Borscheva - KVN girl, film roles, participant in the show "Comedy Woman".
  • Elena Vorobey is a parody.
  • Natalya Andreevna - KVN girl, participant in the show "Comedy Woman".
  • Ekaterina Varnava - "Comedy Woman", the recognized sex symbol of the show.
  • Klara Novikova - conversational genre.
  • Elena Stepanenko - conversational genre, wife of Yevgeny Petrosyan.
  • Ekaterina Skulkina - "Comedy Woman".
  • Rubtsova Valentina - actress, main role series "SashaTanya".
  • Nadezhda Sysoeva is a participant in Comedy Vumen.

Shows and duets that make us happy

  • "Quartet I" has been bringing joy since 1993.
  • Comedy Club is a youth show that has existed since 2003.
  • "Comedy Woman" is the female answer to Comedy Club.
  • "Comedy Battle".
  • "New Russian grandmothers."
  • "Distorted Mirror".

Of course, these are not all Russian artists who give us a smile, lift our spirits and entertain us in the evenings. But these are the names that are most often heard and deserve respect. We hope their jokes will continue to be heard for many years to come!