DIY New Year's souvenir made from salt dough. DIY New Year's crafts made from salt dough

New Year is a wonderful time and the most best time in order to enjoy communication with family and children. Kids love New Year's crafts and homemade Christmas tree decorations. Fiddling with dough is also one of children's favorite pastimes. By combining both, you can decorate the Christmas tree with wonderful unique toys.

In this article:

You will need:

  • 1 part fine table salt;
  • 1 part white table flour;
  • 1/3 part potato starch;
  • water for kneading.

All dry ingredients need to be mixed in a bowl and knead the mass, gradually pouring water. The mass should have a pleasant consistency - not stick to your hands, and not be too tight (do not break or crumble).

After the salt dough is ready, decide when you will paint the products. You can paint the mass immediately, or you can paint the toys after baking.

How to dry New Year's crafts?

A few words about drying. To make the dough hard, you can simply wait a few days, or bake it in the oven. You need to preheat the oven to maximum temperature, then place the salted crafts laid out on a baking sheet. Then you need to turn off the oven and do not open it until it has cooled completely. You can bake them over very low heat (like crackers), but then you have to make sure they don’t burn. Another little secret- To prevent the figures from sticking, cover the baking sheet with a baking sleeve.

Of course, not all salt dough crafts can be dried in the oven. For example, those decorated with beads or beads should be dried naturally.

How to paint the finished product?

There are several ways to make products multi-colored. Dry cosmetic pigments and water-soluble food coloring, which are used to make soap, are best suited for this. self made. If they are not available, then you can use Gouache or watercolor paints.

After the salt dough is colored, you need to carefully roll it out with a rolling pin and cut out the desired shapes using molds. Dough products look very interesting different colors(as in the picture). The kids have a lot of fun doing this kind of mixing.

Another way is to make crafts from white dough, and then decorate them - there are many ways. Kids will do this with gouache, older children can draw beautiful patterns with felt-tip pens or a gel pen.

Acrylic paints are a great decoration! If you use silver paint to decorate your crafts, they will look like! Paints with shiny pigments look very good!

Decor ideas

In addition to coloring, there are many ways to decorate future toys. Just do this before you dry them. For example, cut out different holes with a straw.

Or make prints and imprints with stamps or some kind of figures.

Decorate with beads, beads or sparkles!

Dough crafts decorated with cosmetic glitter look very festive! You need to cover the dry finished product with PVA glue and then cover it with glitter. You can buy them at any nail fashion store, they cost from 60 to 120 rubles.

Salt dough– the simplest, most environmentally friendly and affordable material for children’s crafts. Today we will tell you how to make a snowman from such dough and what other New Year's crafts from salt dough you can make with your child.

The long-awaited New Year is coming soon. Preparations for this wonderful holiday always begin about a month before it, or even earlier. They especially love preparations for New Year's holidays children. They are happy to take part in the production New Year's decorations for home. So that you don’t have to worry about the safety of materials for children’s crafts, prepare salt dough and let your child make his own New Year’s toys.

Children's New Year's crafts made from salt dough can become not only a wonderful decoration for your apartment for the holiday, but also a nice gift for family and friends.

How to make salt dough: recipe

The recipe for salted play dough is incredibly simple, the main thing is to maintain the proportions and mix well. You will need:

  • 1 cup flour
  • 0.5 cups salt (non-iodized)
  • 125 ml water

You need to mix water into the dough gradually, achieving a uniform, smooth mass. For large and bulky crafts, it is better to take 2 cups of salt, without changing the amount of flour and water. You can store the finished salt dough in the refrigerator, be sure to wrap it in a bag.

Master class on how to make a snowman from salt dough for the New Year

A New Year's snowman made from salt dough, which a child can make with his own hands with just a little help from you, will be a wonderful Christmas tree decoration, a holiday gift or a favorite toy.

For a children's craft for the New Year "Snowman" you will need:

  • blue gouache
  • spadefoot
  • toothpick
  • acrylic varnish

1. Prepare salt dough from water, flour and salt. Divide the play dough into two parts: larger and smaller. The smaller part of the dough needs to be colored blue using gouache.

2. Now you can start making a snowman with your own hands: from white dough you need to make two cakes of different sizes for the body and head of the snowman. As soon as you have sculpted the head, immediately form the mouth and eyes using a toothpick. Now attach the arms and legs.

3. Make a hat of the desired shape from blue dough; you can apply a design with a toothpick. Next, roll out a rectangle of blue dough - this will be a scarf, make the desired pattern on it. Next, make the buttons.

4. Insert a toothpick into the snowman’s hand - this is the base of the broom. You need to squeeze out a little blue dough through the garlic press, shape it into a broom, let it dry a little, and then put it on a toothpick.

An indispensable attribute New Year's Eve- This is a holiday tree decorated with your own hands. To do this, you can use any options: garland, tinsel, plastic or glass pendants, and, of course, Christmas decorations from salt dough.

Salt dough is one of the most accessible and easy-to-use materials used in contemporary creativity. You can make crafts of any complexity from it, so it is suitable as a working material for any age category.

How to make salt dough with your own hands?

The dough recipe is simple, and the ingredients for its execution are available in almost any home.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 cups of the simplest wheat flour;
  • 1 cup fine salt;
  • 250 ml boiled cold water.

All dry ingredients are mixed together and, after adding water, kneaded into an elastic and soft dough. During the cooking process, a little is added to the whole mass. vegetable oil(a couple of large spoons), so that the prepared dough does not stick to your hands, does not dry out quickly and does not become crusty while working with it.

How to make toys from dough?

When the dough is ready, you can begin the modeling process itself.
To do this, you will need cookie cutters, a rolling pin for rolling out dough, a brush if you need to moisten future figures with water to attach accessories, cocktail tubes for piercing holes and all kinds of accessories for decoration.

Roll out a small layer of the prepared mass and cut out future Christmas tree decorations from the dough using shaped molds.
Dry the resulting products in an oven preheated to 55-80°C, keeping them on a baking sheet covered with parchment for an hour. And after the products have completely dried, start decorating them, using all kinds of materials for this.

Salt dough dog souvenir - video

How to decorate dough toys?

There are ways to decorate a future toy huge amount and here everything depends only on personal taste preferences and imagination.

You can use beads to decorate a craft by laying out a certain pattern on a future Christmas tree decoration or filling the entire surface of a product cut out of dough with them. True, in this case it will no longer be possible to dry the craft in the oven, since the beads will simply melt from the high temperature. Here you will have to use the natural drying method, leaving finished work in open space for 3-4 days.

You can use cereals instead of beads different varieties, shells, seeds, twigs and leaves of trees, dried berries, buttons, as well as glitter or confetti, dried on the toy with glue.

Crafts made from salt dough, decorated with patterns drawn with permanent markers, look very stylish. To prevent the images on the test from being smeared, secure the drawings or inscriptions made with markers with colorless varnish.

And the easiest way to make a future toy unusual and unique is to put your child’s hand or foot print on it, noting on it the date the craft was made. Such a touching souvenir can even be given as a gift to grandparents.

You can use special patterned stamps instead of body parts. Such things can be easily purchased in children's stores or in specialized retail outlets that sell goods for creativity and handicrafts. DIY Christmas tree toys made from salt dough, made in a similar way, look quite interesting and original.

And who is bored with making simple crafts, you can try to go even further and make a voluminous Christmas tree toy from salt dough, in the form of some kind of animal: a hedgehog, a bird or a dog, for example. To do this, it is necessary to first think through the image and structure of the future product, then make the main frame of the body using a ball of paper or foil, filling it with the internal space of the voluminous toy, and only then select and add the missing parts. For example, eyes made of beads or a nose made of pompom. Here again there is a lot of scope for realizing creative ideas.

An owl would be an excellent decoration for the Christmas tree.

Ready volumetric craft you need to dry it thoroughly naturally or using a preheated oven, if, of course, there are no beads or paper in the decoration of the toy, and then decorate and cover the dried product with two layers of colorless varnish so that the toy does not crack and the paint on it does not fade from the glare , located next to her, lit garlands.

DIY dough toys are not only unusual decorations for the holiday tree, making the main beauty of the holiday unique and beautiful, but also a wonderful way to spend time with your family, which brings everyone closer and unites in a single creative process.

Master class on making a snowman - video

Master class on testoplasty. Craft “New Year's Clock”

The master class is designed for older children preschool age, teachers, parents.

Purpose: This salt dough craft can be used as New Year's gift or group decoration kindergarten for the New Year's holiday.

Target: develop aesthetic feelings children, emotionally value orientations, introduce children to artistic culture.


· Develop children's independence and initiative, friendly relationships and cooperation with peers and adults.

· Develop spatial and figurative thinking.

· Develop the skill of carefully working with salt dough.

· Develop the ability to assemble a whole from parts

· Foster a culture of communication, a desire to bring the product to the desired image.

You will need: For the dough (salt 1 tbsp, flour 2 tbsp, water by eye, 1 tbsp. sunflower oil); foil, stack, paint, brush, sippy cup.

New Year's watch

The alarm bell rings twelve times

New Year has come again

He boldly opened the doors to us

Entering the house without asking

And our souls will feel sad again

We will remember the old year

We will remember the old chimes

And the old firmament

Or maybe we want

Take back that year

Where I saw it for the first time

That gray firmament

But a year has passed

And he will never return again

So let's meet friends with fun

Mine New Year and a new hour.

Step-by-step execution process

So, you can make this original composition from salt dough with a clock. It just takes a little effort. First, prepare the salt dough for further modeling. The recipe is: 1 glass of salt, 2 glasses of flour, 1 glass of water and 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil. Next, knead the dough, bring it to the desired consistency so that it does not stick to your hands, and begin work.

1. Take a piece of foil and place it on a baking sheet. Roll out the dough and cut out the base of the house.

2. We determine a place for the clock and begin to roll out the flagella 1 cm thick and lay them out in the form of logs. Lubricate one side with water to make it sticky. All excess must be carefully trimmed with a knife.

3. When the entire house is covered with sausage, use a flagellum to identify the window and the roof. For the roof, roll out the rope and flatten it a little.

4.Next we move on to the figures. As usual, the house has its own residents. You can do anyone. I made a snowman and a Christmas tree. I also depicted icicles along the edge of the roof. I made a clock with numbers and arrows in the window.

Alexandra Veselova

Master class"New Year's toys made from salt dough"

Veselova Alexandra Vladimirovna

New Year is a magical time for our children. And preparing for this magic is interesting and exciting. All the kids love it New Year's crafts made with your own hands. Messing with test- also one of the children’s favorite activities. By combining both, you can decorate the Christmas tree with wonderful unique toys.

Work progress.

For we need some dough: 2 cups flour, 1 cup fine table salt and a little water.

Mix dry ingredients and gradually add water. The mass should have a pleasant consistency - not stick to your hands, and not be too tight (do not break or crumble).

Ready dough Place it on a flat surface and roll it out.

Using cutters or stacks, cut out the shapes of the intended shape.

We decorate crafts with beads and glass beads. We lay out beads on the watch mold in accordance with the location of the numbers on the dial and the hands. We decorate the Christmas tree by sprinkling it with beads and pressing them a little into dough. We lay out any bead pattern on the bell mold.

Attach a ball from the center of the dial dough, flattening it a little.

Christmas tree blanks toys dry at room temperature for 24 hours, turning them over periodically.

Ready, already dried salt dough toys paint with paints.

And you can admire original crafts and homemade Christmas tree decorations toys.

Fantasize make crafts and make children happy!

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Making crafts from salt dough is a very exciting activity that is enjoyed not only by adults, but also by children. Such products can become...