III All-Russian Festival of Choreographic Art “Dance Relay Race. III All-Russian Festival of Choreographic Art “Dance Relay Race” Criteria for evaluating participants and the work of the jury

The 2017 Arts Relay is a city festival of children's and youth creativity, which is aimed at identifying the most gifted children and the best creative teams in the city of Moscow. The motto of this festival was “Earth is a planet for children.”

This year’s event is dedicated to the 870th anniversary of our capital.

Stages and timing of the arts relay.

The regulations for the 2017 Arts Relay contain all the basic rules of the festival. Timelines and milestones are also taken from this document. The festival started in September 2016 and will end in April 2017.

Stage periods:

  • The first stage is September – October.
  • The second stage is November – January.
  • The third stage is February – April.
  • The order of the arts relay.

    The first stage of the festival will include concert performances of a wide variety of genres. The jury will select the best concert performances to advance to the second stage. In order to participate in the second stage, participants must submit an application electronically. The application must be submitted directly by the team teacher. It is he who is responsible for its correct completion and execution. These applications only apply to concert performances that were not presented in previous years.

    The second stage of the festival is characterized by the form of qualifying rounds by genre. At this stage, each group can present only one concert number in one age group. It is also necessary to prepare for this stage. To do this, all soundtracks must be submitted to sound engineers 2-3 days before their performance. If the concert number is presented on foreign language, then the jury members must be provided with a translation of the text. Teams junior groups in the vocal genre they must perform works only in Russian. During the presentation of the “Fiction Reading” genre, no more than three numbers can be presented from each group.

    All festival participants who made it to the third stage are invited to an in-person viewing, which will take place in the third decade of January. The final gala concert is scheduled for April. The laureates of the 2nd stage of the arts relay races who have gained greatest number points.

    Who can take part in the festival?

    All participants in the arts relay are divided into two main leagues. The first league consists of preschool departments. Participants in the first league must be 5-7 years old. Creative teams can be participants in the second league educational organizations city ​​of Moscow. The age of participants in the second league must be from 7 to 18 years.

  • The younger group is students in grades 1-4.
  • The middle group is students in grades 5-8.
  • The senior group is students in grades 9-11.
  • Mixed group - participants of different age groups.
  • Genres of the arts relay.

    Participants in the second league are characterized by the following types of concert genres:

  • Vocal genre.
  • Choral genre.
  • Folklore genre.
  • Instrumental genre.
  • Dance genre.
  • Art in sports.
  • Original genre.
  • Literary reading.
  • Various directions of modern youth culture.
  • Concert numbers of ethnoculture.
  • Vocal and instrumental ensemble.
  • Show group.
  • The 2018 City Arts Relay Festival is one of the popular and most sought-after competitions, which has been in great demand for several years now. This competition can easily be classified as a festival of children's and youth creativity, the main goal and task of which, of course, is to identify the most gifted and talented children and groups. Many people note that entering this competition is a good chance and opportunity not only to demonstrate all their abilities and talent, but also a good starting step in artistic development. If you feel that you have talent, then it’s time to get acquainted with the main features and conditions of this competition, which we will talk about now.

    Competition – conditions, participants and requirements for them.

    It’s worth saying right away that the competition is a festival held strictly within the framework of the state program, where all the rules, conditions and requirements are already spelled out, aimed at identifying new and gifted talents.

    According to the charter, the organizer of the competition is the Moscow City Methodological Center itself. As for the actual date and time of the event, its timing is set by a specially created committee.

    According to the charter, the special committee being created consists of employees of the methodological center of the city of Moscow.

    If we say a few words about who can become a participant in this festival, this, of course, is all those interested in additional and general educational organizations, whose age is strictly from 5 to 18 years. After all participants are registered, the organizers necessarily divide them into two leagues, with their own characteristics. How to understand this?

    • Firstly, league No. 1. This includes children from kindergartens and general education organizations aged 5 to 7 years.
    • Secondly, 2 league. These are mainly children from general education organizations and creative groups aged 7 to 18 years.

    Now let's talk directly about the competition itself, which is usually divided into several stages, with their own characteristics, characteristics and conditions. What is the main point each individual stage?

    1. Stage 1. The start always takes place in September and October. What does it include? First of all, all concert numbers are reviewed different genres represented by all educational organizations. As a rule, these events are held within each institution taking part in the relay. Among all the presented participants, the jury selects the best and selects numbers for the 2nd round. Based on the results of this stage, the jury members must compile a multi-genre program from the numbers selected for the second stage.
    2. Phase 2. It is scheduled for the months of November, December and January. If you want to become a participant in this stage, then the main condition is still registration on the official website of the City Methodological Center. Remember, the registration process is carried out directly by the teacher himself, who bears all the responsibility. All concert program must necessarily take place according to a pre-drawn up and planned plan, the schedule of which is checked by the jury before the start. All tours must be held at a public level, and in order to participate in each of these tours, teams must prepare and present one performance in each individual age group. If you decide to do a performance in a foreign language, then the jury members must provide the lyrics of the song and its translation. The duration of the concert performance should not be more than 5 minutes, and in the case of literary reading - exactly 3 minutes. The results of this stage are accepted collectively. But all participants must be aware of what points can be deducted. What are these cases? This is aggression towards other festival participants or jury members, the use of profanity during a performance, the use of religious or political themes, the use of indecent gestures or shouts.

    3. Phase 3. Scheduled for February, March and April 2018. The final concert of the laureates is always held in April.

    Now is the time to talk about the evaluation system and the work of the jury. The work of the jury is based directly on strictly established criteria, which are prescribed in the statutes. For example, you can include the following indicators and parameters in this list.

    1. Performance culture and artistry, craftsmanship.
    2. Aesthetic and artistic value numbers.
    3. The quality and complexity of the performance.
    4. Correspondence of the selected repertoire to the age of the performer.

    As for genres, you should not assume or think that the competition and festival are held strictly in one direction. The list of the most popular genres of this festival includes the following. These are choral, vocal, instrumental, folklore, dance, original, ethnocultural performance, modern direction, artistic reading, performance of vocal and instrumental ensembles. Regarding the results themselves, the absolute winners in their genre and age category those who have scored the maximum number of points in the rating table become the winners. The winners are all those who took second, third and fourth place in the rating table.

    As you can see, the arts festival is a competition in which every talented and gifted child should definitely try their hand at, because this is a good opportunity to express themselves and their talent.

    The 2017-2018 Arts Relay is one of the popular city festivals of children's and youth creativity, the main task of which, for several years since its formation, has been to identify talents among children and children's groups of all educational organizations in Moscow. It is this competition that many experts consider and regard as an excellent stage artistic development child and the formation of his cultural personality. If you are interested in this competition, then it’s time to take a closer look at its main conditions.

    Competition and its position.

    This type of competition or festival is held strictly within the framework of state system to identify young talents. The organizer of this festival is considered to be the City Methodological Center, and a special committee is created for its conduct and preparation.

    Anyone from additional and general educational organizations whose age is not less than 5 and not more than 18 years can become participants in the festival.

    In the future, all participants in the relay are necessarily divided into two leagues, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics.

    • 1 league. This includes children from kindergartens and general education organizations aged 5 to 7 years.
    • 2 league. Children from general education organizations and creative groups aged 7 to 18 years.

    As a rule, the special committee created consists of employees of the methodological center of the city of Moscow. Regarding the festival itself, it should be noted that it consists of 3 stages, each of which is characterized not only by the timing, but also by features and certain conditions. What are these stages?

    • Phase 1. It is scheduled for the months of September and October. It is during this period of time that a review of all concert numbers of different genres presented by all educational organizations is held. As a rule, these events are held within each institution taking part in the relay. Among all the presented participants, the jury selects the best and selects numbers for the 2nd round. Based on the results of this stage, the jury members must compile a multi-genre program from the numbers selected for the second stage.
    • Stage 2. Will take place in November, December and January 2018. In order to become a participant in the second round, you must also register in October on the official website of the City Methodological Center. The entire registration process must be carried out directly by the teacher himself, who subsequently bears full responsibility for submitting this application. The entire concert program must necessarily take place according to a pre-drawn up and planned plan, the schedule of which is checked by the jury before the start. All tours must be held at a public level, and in order to participate in each of these tours, teams must prepare and present one performance in each individual age group. If you decide to do a performance in a foreign language, then the jury members must provide the lyrics of the song and its translation. The duration of the concert performance should not be more than 5 minutes, and in the case of literary reading - exactly 3 minutes. The results of this stage are accepted collectively. But all participants must be aware of what points can be deducted. What are these cases?

      1. Aggression towards other festival participants or jury members.
      2. Use of profanity during a speech.
      3. Use of religious or political themes.
      4. Using indecent gestures or shouting.

    • Phase 3. Scheduled for February, March and April 2018. The final concert of the laureates is always held in April.

    Results and jury ratings.

    As you know, the jury evaluates the performance of the groups and the competition itself according to the following criteria, which must also be communicated in advance.

    1. 1.Culture of performance and artistry, craftsmanship.
    2. 2.Aesthetic and artistic value of the room.
    3. 3.Quality and complexity of the performance.
    4. 4. Correspondence of the selected repertoire to the age of the performer.

    As for the genres themselves, this list can include the following directions. These are choral, vocal, instrumental, folklore, dance, original, ethnocultural performance, modern direction, artistic reading, performance of vocal and instrumental ensembles.

    Regarding the results themselves, the absolute winners in their genre and age category are those who score the maximum number of points in the ratings table. The winners are all those who took second, third and fourth place in the rating table.

    If you are interested in this competition, then you should definitely think about participating in it, and for this the best thing would be to visit the official website of the festival, where everyone can find answers to all the questions that concern and interest them.