How to bake pork meat in the oven. The best recipes for juicy and flavorful pork in the oven

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How we cook pork in the oven

We need:

  • Pork - about 1 kg
  • Garlic - 8-12 cloves
  • Salt (preferably coarse, without iodine) - to taste
  • Pepper and spices - to taste

We most often use salt, ground black pepper, red paprika and, depending on our mood, a dried mixture of ground Italian herbs. All ingredients can be easily purchased at your local supermarket.

Preparing meat - 15 minutes at most.

Wash the piece of pork thoroughly under running water. cold water. Dry it thoroughly (!) and arm yourself with a convenient sharp knife.

We make small and frequent cuts in depth - across the entire surface of the pork.

We will push pieces of garlic into these cuts. To do this, cut each clove lengthwise in half. Long, sharp pieces are ideal for easy stuffing!

Mix the spices with salt and rub the meat over the entire surface - on both sides.

You can additionally prick the meat with a fork, then the spices will penetrate even more evenly.

Baking - an average of 1.5 hours per 1 kg of meat.

All that remains is to wrap the pork in foil and bake in the oven. Let's follow grandma's advice:

1 kilogram of meat is baked for an average of 1.5 hours. If we want to dry out the crispy crust, during the last 10 minutes of baking, open the foil on top.

As you can see, baking pork in the oven using foil is not a troublesome task, and the result will always be juicy and aromatic.

Secrets of choosing pork, marinades and fillings

Fresh pork has several characteristics. Pink, uniform, not dark color, almost dry surface, elastic texture (no dent left when pressed with a finger), fresh smell similar to the smell of milk, without ammonia, milky fat white. For the neck, marbling is very desirable (that is, fat is distributed throughout the meat, and not just on the surface).

You can bake any piece of pork quite succulently in the oven. And yet it is worth remembering that the best places- this is the neck, inner part hams and tenderloin.

When baking in foil, the fat from the pork does not need to be trimmed. There will always be time to do this. The high temperature will either melt the fat into juice or become very soft. In general, oven-baked meat is quite appropriate in the diet of those who are watching their figure: by removing the fat after baking, we get high-quality protein, without synthetic additives, frying in oil and excess carbohydrate breading that absorbs fat.

Have you decided to pre-marinate the pork?

Use the brilliantly simple onion method:

  • Combine onion pulp (chop 2-3 onions in a blender), vegetable oil (2-3 tablespoons), mustard (1 tablespoon) and spices (dry, ground). We rub the already stuffed piece, place it in a deep bowl and cover it with film. Place in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Of course, you can always simply coat the piece with mayonnaise if you don’t get bored with the taste

  • The sweet days of childhood, when everything that happened in the family kitchen seemed like a miracle, and the mysterious words “stuff the meat” were perceived as a touch of a special mystery.

    Since then, we have learned more than one way to bake pork in the oven so that it is juicy. And yet Grandma's Secrets remain an impeccable classic. So today we are paying attention to our grandmothers’ recipe for baked pork.

    At the end of the article we have collected answers to important questions: how to choose the right meat, what to stuff it with, except garlic, and how to marinate pork in different ways.

    But first, the recipe itself in detail, with step-by-step photos. Are you already looking forward to the amazing aroma and fantastic juiciness? And you're doing it right!

    Let's not forget about the benefits. Pork baked in foil, the processing of which you are sure of, is no match for store-bought “pig in a poke”. One of the most profitable recipes in the oven, which even a schoolchild can master in detail. Let's get started!

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    How we cook pork in the oven

  • Pork - about 1 kg
  • Garlic - 8-12 cloves
  • Salt (preferably coarse, without iodine) - to taste
  • Pepper and spices - to taste

We most often use salt, ground black pepper, red paprika and, depending on our mood, a dried mixture of ground Italian herbs. All ingredients can be easily purchased at your local supermarket.

Preparing meat - 15 minutes at most.

Rinse the piece of pork thoroughly under running cold water. Dry it thoroughly (!) and arm yourself with a convenient sharp knife.

We make small and frequent cuts in depth - across the entire surface of the pork.

We will push pieces of garlic into these cuts. To do this, cut each clove lengthwise in half. Long, sharp pieces are ideal for easy stuffing!

Mix the spices with salt and rub the meat over the entire surface - on both sides.

You can additionally prick the meat with a fork, then the spices will penetrate even more evenly.

Baking - an average of 1.5 hours per 1 kg of meat.

All that remains is to wrap the pork in foil and bake in the oven. Let's follow grandma's advice:

  • We do not spare the foil, we wrap it as tightly as possible, letting the air out - without gaps, on both sides.
  • Preheat the oven for 5 minutes at 180-200 degrees.
  • Place the baking sheet with the meat wrapped in foil on the middle level and be patient

1 kilogram of meat is baked for an average of 1.5 hours. If we want to dry out the crispy crust, during the last 10 minutes of baking, open the foil on top.

As you can see, baking pork in the oven using foil is not a troublesome task, and the result will always be juicy and aromatic.

Secrets of choosing pork, marinades and fillings

Fresh pork has several characteristics

Pink, uniform, not dark color, almost dry surface, elastic texture (no dent left when pressed with a finger), fresh smell similar to the smell of milk, without ammonia, milky white fat. For the neck, marbling is very desirable (that is, fat is distributed throughout the meat, and not just on the surface).

  • You can bake any piece of pork quite succulently in the oven. Still, it is worth remembering that the most profitable places are the neck, the inside of the ham and the tenderloin.

When baking in foil, the fat from the pork does not need to be trimmed. There will always be time to do this. The high temperature will either melt the fat into juice or become very soft. In general, oven-baked meat is quite appropriate in the diet of those who are watching their figure: by removing the fat after baking, we get high-quality protein, without synthetic additives, frying in oil and excess carbohydrate breading that absorbs fat.

Have you decided to pre-marinate the pork?

Use the brilliantly simple onion method:

  • Combine onion pulp (chop 2-3 onions in a blender), vegetable oil (2-3 tablespoons), mustard (1 tablespoon) and spices (dry, ground). We rub the already stuffed piece, place it in a deep bowl and cover it with film. Place in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Of course, you can always simply coat the piece with mayonnaise if you don’t get bored with the taste

And if you are overcome by a craving for experimentation, here are 2 more interesting marinades:

  • With soy sauce - soy sauce(100 ml), sugar to taste, 3 cloves of garlic. Marinate for 4 hours.
  • Apple juice with mustard - one glass apple juice, mustard (4 tablespoons), Apple vinegar(3 tbsp. spoons), Bay leaf(2 pcs). Marinate for 3 hours.

You can stuff pork with more than just garlic. Someday try using pieces of carrots - in equal proportions with garlic.

We have described in all its subtleties a universal, very light and delicious recipe for a satisfying and convenient meat dish. Now you know how to bake pork in the oven in foil so that it is juicy. Lunch, dinner and a solid snack for school or work - everywhere there is a delicious place for the result of our labors!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

I often cook such tasty and very juicy meat, from which I then make wonderful sandwiches for snacking at work and at school. For me, this is an alternative to harmful sausage, which, of course, is easiest to buy for cutting sandwiches, but after spending very little time, you can bake pork in the oven yourself, according to simple recipe so that it is juicy. You will find out how to do this below.

For baking, you can take any part of the pork carcass - the neck or back, as large large piece, which can be baked whole, or smaller ones, after cutting them. You may have already dealt with various parts carcasses when cooked.

If you like fattier and juicier meat, then take it with a small layer of fat, but this is up to your taste.

Before we pack the pork in foil, we will treat it with seasonings - salt, pepper, garlic, you can also add your favorite rosemary, thyme, basil. And then we grease it with mayonnaise, the amount of which we ourselves regulate depending on how many spices we used. Don't forget that pork is already quite fatty meat, so don't overdo it with mayonnaise. We leave the meat in the marinade for a couple of hours so that it is sufficiently saturated and picks up all the flavors from the seasonings. Sometimes I put this meat in a cold place for 10-12 hours, then it turns out so juicy, aromatic and tender that it is impossible not to cook it again and again.
And then the baking process itself. It is important to observe the temperature regime here, because for the first half hour we bake the meat at high temperatures, and then lower the temperature and bake until it is ready.

- fresh meat (pork) - 1 kg,
- salt - 1-2 tsp,
- pepper (ground) - 0.5 tsp,
- mayonnaise - 1-2 tbsp. l,
- garlic - 4-6 cloves,
- spices, bay leaf,
- sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook with photos step by step

Most important stage- Preparation raw meat. To do this, take a piece of meat and remove unnecessary films and excess fat. Next, rinse thoroughly in water to remove any remaining blood. We make horizontal cuts in a large piece of meat so that it marinates better. If we take small pieces, then we don’t have to cut them.

Now prepare the mixture for sprinkling and marinating the meat. First, squeeze the peeled garlic through a press.

Next, sprinkle with spices and salt and thoroughly

Afterwards, grease with mayonnaise sauce on all sides.

Place the meat in a cold place so that it soaks in the marinade. You set the time for this process based on your preferences.
Now we wrap the pork in foil, it is better to take it in several layers. Next, place it on the bottom of the baking sheet, and so that it does not burn, lightly grease it with oil.

First, cook the meat at a temperature of 200-220 degrees, and after half an hour, reduce the temperature to 180-190 degrees and cook for another 15-20 minutes.

If desired, you can make cuts in the foil, then the meat will brown a little.

Slice when it cools down a little.
Have you tried

What could be tastier than baked meat? This dish perfectly satisfies hunger, and also looks very impressive on the festive table. Various options baked piece of meat are present in all cuisines of the world. Let's remember, for example, English roast beef or East Slavic boiled pork. In our article we want to talk about recipes for baked pieces of meat.

What meat should I choose for cooking?

If you are planning to cut meat, then it is worth knowing some nuances. For baking in the oven, you can use any kind of pulp, but be sure to use it. Of course, the best options are the ham, shoulder and back end.

As for the fat content of meat, the choice is yours. Fatty, of course, turns out more juicy, it tastes more like stew. But very lean meat will most likely turn out very dry. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a middle ground. Ideally, you should take meat with a layer of lard.

There is no point in baking small pieces; they should be used to prepare some other dish. If you want to cook meat baked in a piece, then you need to take more than a kilogram of the product, then the food will turn out very juicy and tasty.

Cooking secrets

Baking meat in one piece is not at all difficult. However, during the cooking process you can overdry it, then it will become tasteless. In order to get a juicy, high-quality product, experienced chefs recommend using their advice:

  1. Before cooking, the meat must be marinated for a couple of hours.
  2. During cooking, the pork can be poured with marinade, then it will be more juicy.
  3. While baking, you can add slices of bacon to the meat and then discard them.
  4. Before baking, the meat can be lightly boiled, and only then sent to the oven.
  5. Modern housewives now actively use sleeves and foil for cooking. Such simple devices help preserve the aroma and juiciness of the finished dish.

Why foil?

Before moving directly to the recipes, I would like to say a few words about a wonderful kitchen accessory that is actively used by modern housewives. We're talking about foil. It is thanks to her that you can prepare many delicious dishes. The easiest way is to bake a piece of meat in the oven in foil. This modern invention also allows you to cook fish, vegetables, poultry and much more. In foil, the meat always turns out juicy and aromatic and at the same time well baked.

Metallic paper has a number of advantages, which explains its popularity. Firstly, with its help you can taste qualities close to food cooked on a fire, grill or in a Russian oven. Secondly, using paper significantly speeds up the cooking process. In addition, there are no such unpleasant consequences as drops of fat all over the surface of the oven. The foil does not oxidize at all and acts as a dish, but it does not need to be washed off from grease. Agree that such an accessory should be in any kitchen to make the housewives’ work easier.

Foil can be used to cook any meat: beef, pork, lamb, chicken. But game is not cooked in metal paper. Pork meat baked in a piece in the oven (recipes are given in the article) has the taste of a stew, but there is no fat or smell of frying at all. The result is incredibly tender pork, unlike fried pork.

The cooking time for meat depends on the temperature you set and the size of the piece. So, for example, at 200 degrees a kilogram piece is cooked for about an hour and a half. The readiness of the dish is determined by the folds of the foil, which should turn black as part of the juice of the pork or other meat burns in them.

The main condition for the successful use of metal paper is sealed seams that should not let juice through. During cooking, the foil will inflate and change shape, but it will never lose its seal. If you have not used such an accessory before, we recommend baking a piece of meat in the oven in foil to appreciate all the benefits of this method.

The simplest recipe

This simple recipe makes a delicious roasted piece of meat. Such a dish, of course, can be offered to relatives and even served on festive table.

Ingredients: a kilogram of pork or beef, carrots, parsley and dill, onions, spices, vegetable oil, garlic.

We wash the piece of meat well and dry it slightly. Cut the peeled carrots into pieces. Chop the garlic into thin slices and cut the onion into half rings. When all the ingredients are prepared, use a sharp knife to make cuts in the meat, into which we place pieces of carrots and garlic. Next, generously grease it with spices and salt.

We unfold a sheet of foil and place onions on it, then branches of herbs and meat, after which we wrap everything in several layers of the same foil. Transfer the bundle to a baking sheet greased with oil. You need to pour a little water onto the baking sheet. Next, bake a piece of meat in the oven in foil. At 200 degrees the dish will cook for about an hour and a half. After the specified time has passed, it is necessary to unfold the foil so that the meat has time to brown.

Pork with lingonberry sauce

How to bake meat in the oven? Pork in one piece cooked with lingonberry sauce is delicious. In addition, it has a spicy taste. This dish can take center stage at a festive feast.

Ingredients: pork tenderloin (two kg), lingonberries (1/2 kg), pepper mixture (tbsp), meat seasonings, dry red wine (270 ml), honey (2 tbsp), ground cinnamon, sugar (1/2 cup).

Already from the ingredients it is clear that the dish will be prepared according to an unusual and original recipe. Meat baked in a piece in the oven will be spicy and tasty. In addition, its unique taste will be complemented by the sweet sauce. Gourmets will appreciate this dish.

Before you start cooking, mix dry wine and honey in a deep container. The mass must be stirred until it becomes homogeneous.

Peel the ginger root and grate it on a very fine grater. We put it in a container with wine. You also need to add your favorite meat seasonings and cinnamon. It's worth adding a little salt.

Wash the meat thoroughly before cooking and dry it with napkins. Next, apply the marinade on all sides. After this, place the piece on a wire rack, under which we place a baking sheet. Initially, the oven must be heated to 200 degrees, cook the dish at this temperature for ten minutes, and then set the temperature to 160 degrees. Cover the top of the pork with a piece of foil and bake for an hour and a half. About thirty minutes before the end of the process, the foil should be removed and further cooked without it. This will allow the meat to brown.

After cooking is complete, remove the pork from the oven and cover it with foil again for fifteen minutes. In the meantime, we will prepare the sauce. The juice that was released during baking should be poured from the baking sheet into a saucepan. Also pour wine there. Next, place the saucepan on medium heat and boil the mass until it reaches 2/3 of the original volume. Excess liquid should evaporate.

We sort and wash the lingonberry berries. Some of them must be ground with sugar using a blender until a homogeneous puree is obtained. We add the resulting mass to the sauce, and add whole berries there. Mix the mixture thoroughly and pour it over the meat baked in the oven in one piece.

Veal with citrus fruits

Continuing the conversation about how to bake meat in the oven as a whole piece, we would like to suggest unusual recipe dishes. Baked veal with citrus fruits has a special taste. Wine and spices give it a very pleasant aroma. This dish can become the main dish on the holiday table.


  • 950 g veal;
  • lemon;
  • dry white wine (1/2 cup);
  • orange;
  • one red and one white grapefruit;
  • garlic;
  • butter (35 g);
  • flour (3 tbsp);
  • salt;
  • red pepper;
  • sage leaves.

You need to remove a little zest from the lemon and orange. We will need it to stuff the meat with it. We make cuts in the veal with a sharp knife and put pieces of zest into them. We wrap the meat well with thread so that it retains its shape during cooking. After that, roll it in flour. In the oven, heat the olive oil and butter in a saucepan. We transfer our veal into the same container and cook it until golden brown, not forgetting to turn it over periodically. You also need to add wine here and wait until a third of it has evaporated.

Finely chop fresh sage leaves and garlic and mix with the remaining zest, add hot pepper to the mixture. Place the resulting mass in a saucepan with meat. Cook the veal for about another hour. In the meantime, you can start preparing the grapefruits. They must be peeled, divided into slices and all partitions removed. Next, fry the pulp in butter. By this time the veal is already ready. Take it out of the oven and remove the threads. We cut the meat into slices, place it on a dish and pour our own juice on top.

Cut the orange and lemon into cubes, chop the remaining sage and mix with citrus pulp. We spread this whole mass on the veal, and place the grapefruit pulp around it.

Meat baked whole in foil

It is most convenient to cook in foil. With its help, you can very easily bake pork meat in the oven in one piece. At the same time, it turns out juicy and soft, since it is cooked in own juice, because during cooking the moisture does not evaporate as much.


  • pork pulp (1.5 kg);
  • honey (1.5 tbsp.);
  • mustard (tbsp);
  • Bay leaf;
  • dry red wine (1/2 cup);
  • coriander;
  • garlic;
  • ground red pepper;
  • black pepper,
  • salt.

We peel the garlic and cut it into thin slices or slices with which we will stuff the meat. Wash the pork, dry it and make cuts on its surface, into which we place pieces of bay leaf and garlic.

Now we make a mixture with which we rub the meat. Mix black and red in a small container ground peppers With salt. Apply the mixture to the pork. After this, apply a mixture of mustard and honey to the meat. Sprinkle coriander on top of the pork.

Pour the prepared meat with wine, cover cling film and put it in a saucepan in the refrigerator, where it should stand until the morning.

Now all we have to do is bake the pork in one piece in the oven. To do this we will use foil. We wrap our piece in it, transfer it to a baking sheet and cook for about an hour and a half. After 50 minutes, you can open the foil and then bake the dish already uncovered. This will give you a nice crust. Periodically, you can open the oven and pour the marinade over the meat, which will keep the dish juicy.

The beauty of meat baked in one piece in the oven is that it can be served either cold or hot. In any case, the dish turns out incredibly tasty.

Pork with vegetables

Speaking about how to bake meat in one piece in the oven, it is worth offering a recipe that allows you to immediately prepare not only pork, but also a side dish.


  • pork neck (850 g);
  • onions (2 pcs.);
  • black pepper;
  • lemon;
  • hot peppers;
  • two tomatoes.

As a marinade, you need to use onion, chopped into half rings, and freshly squeezed lemon juice. By the way, juice can be replaced with dry white wine. Add pepper to the marinade. Place the meat in a container with lemon juice and onion. The pork must be marinated for at least three hours. Then we transfer the onion to a sheet of foil, put the meat and tomato mugs, halves on it hot pepper. We hermetically seal the seams of metal paper and send the pork to bake. Cooking time is 1.5 hours. Thirty minutes before the end, you need to unwrap the foil so that the meat has a beautiful, appetizing crust.

Lamb with prunes

There are many recipes for a piece of meat baked in foil. Among them you can find very interesting and unusual options. Lamb baked with prunes and carrots is very tasty. always impart a special flavor to meat products. If you are his fans, then you should definitely try this recipe.


  • lamb (0.8 kg);
  • carrot;
  • a glass of raisins;
  • the same amount of prunes;
  • dry red wine (3 tbsp.);
  • spices;
  • black pepper.

How to bake a piece of meat in foil? The recipe is surprisingly simple. We wash the pulp and dry it a little with paper towels. Next, we make punctures in the meat with a knife and place pieces of carrots in them. Place steamed prunes on foil and place lamb on top. Sprinkle raisins on top and pour wine over them. Next, wrap the meat hermetically in foil and place it in the oven. Lamb is usually served hot. The advantage of this dish is not only the amazing aroma and taste, but also the fact that the meat also has a little side dish in the form of prunes and raisins.

Homemade boiled pork

You can prepare delicious homemade boiled pork from a whole piece of meat. The most tender tasty dish prepared with cream and mustard.


  • pork ham (kilogram);
  • garlic;
  • heavy cream (one glass);
  • mustard (tbsp);
  • hot pepper (tsp);
  • salt.

We wash and dry the pork. Pierce the meat on all sides with toothpicks. Grind mustard, cream, garlic and pepper in a blender. As a result, we get a sauce similar to sour cream.

Place the pork on a sheet of foil and brush it with sauce. Next, wrap the meat and send it to bake. At 200 degrees, the meat cooks for just over an hour. If you want to get a nice fried crust, you can open the foil a little before finishing cooking to allow the pork to brown. We cut the finished meat only after it has completely cooled. As you can see, baking a piece of pork is not at all difficult; you don’t need to have much culinary knowledge to prepare the dish.

Pork baked with apples

This kind of meat - baked in beer, with apples - will appeal to many. Original recipe is sure to find fans among lovers of spicy dishes.


  • apples (450 g);
  • pork (950 g);
  • peppercorns;
  • half a liter of beer;
  • olive oil (3 tbsp);
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt;
  • butter (45 g);
  • Bay leaf;
  • sugar (45 g);
  • dry white wine (165 ml).

To prepare, take a mold and lightly spray it with vegetable oil. Place onion cut into half rings on the bottom. Place chopped carrots there. Rub the meat with spices and add bay leaf. We transfer it into a mold, pour beer into it and bake for 1.5 hours.

Wash the apples and cut them into slices, after which we put them in a separate form. Sprinkle wine on top and sprinkle with sugar and then flour. Add chopped pieces of butter. Bake the apples for twenty minutes.

Place the cooked pork on a plate and decorate with baked fruit. The dish turns out very beautiful and aromatic, it can be safely served on a festive table. Despite the fact that we bake the apples separately, the dish has a harmonious taste. And the fruits look attractive. If you bake them with pork, they will completely lose their shape.

Baked shoulder

Pork shoulder baked in the oven with fennel turns out delicious.


  • pork shoulder;
  • olive oil (two tablespoons);
  • a tablespoon of fennel (seeds);
  • salt;
  • pepper.

The spatula can be baked in foil or in a mold. Rub the meat with salt, pepper and add. Next, wrap the shoulder blade in foil and bake in the oven for 1.5 hours.

Pork with pineapple and orange glaze

This amazing dish can be prepared for a holiday table. Its preparation must begin a day in advance. Spicy pineapples and orange peel give the dish a special charm.


  • a large piece of pork (about three kg);
  • a can of canned pineapples;
  • olive oil (two tablespoons);
  • garlic;
  • chili pepper (five pcs.);
  • two onions;
  • ground allspice;
  • 12 sprigs of thyme;
  • Bay leaf;
  • cloves (two tablespoons);
  • rum (110 ml);
  • white wine (110 ml);
  • orange jam (three tablespoons);
  • nutmeg (two tablespoons);
  • brown sugar (tbsp.).

The dish is prepared in several stages. First, the meat must be washed, covered with water and cooked for two hours, remembering to remove the foam.

We will use our own mixture as a seasoning. Chop the garlic, onion, remove the seeds from the peppers. Transfer all products into a blender, add thyme, sugar, bay leaf, wine, rum, spices and grind until smooth.

Rub the cooked meat with the resulting mixture and put it in the refrigerator overnight. Place the meat in a mold or on a baking sheet and add our seasoning. Drizzle olive oil over the top of the pork. You can add a little water to the pan. Open the canned pineapples and place them around the meat. Bake the dish for about an hour and a half. Then pour the jam over the meat and cook for another thirty minutes.

Neck in mushroom sauce

As a festive option, we suggest preparing a stunning dish - neck with vegetables and mushroom sauce.


  • two red onions;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini;
  • pork neck (three kg);
  • Bell pepper(three to four pieces);
  • olive oil;
  • stem of one leek;
  • two branches of dried rosemary;
  • dried porcini mushrooms;
  • oyster mushrooms (230 g).

We start preparing the eggplants in advance. Cut them into thin slices lengthwise, salt them, put them in a deep plate and put them in the refrigerator for about two hours. After a couple of hours, we take them out, wash them and dry them with a towel.

Before cooking, soak porcini mushrooms in warm water for half an hour.

Wash the pork neck and dry it with paper towels. Place the meat on a cutting board and use a very sharp knife to make deep cuts, not cutting a couple of centimeters to the end. The thickness of the pieces should be approximately three centimeters. As a result of such manipulations, the cervix will look like an opening book. The meat must be thoroughly greased with olive oil and salt. After this, cover it with film and leave it for a while.

Grease two salad peppers with olive oil and bake in the oven for ten minutes. Then we take out the vegetables and place them in an airtight bag or baking sleeve. After ten minutes, you can easily remove the skin, seeds and stem. Cut the clean pulp into strips. Chop the zucchini into thin strips. Slice the leek lengthwise. Next we need a large frying pan, heat the olive oil in it and fry the eggplants, leeks and zucchini. Salt the mixture a little.

Now you can return to meat again. Open the cuts and sprinkle them with chopped pepper. Next, place fried vegetables in each cut. At the same time, you need to press them tightly so that the filling does not fall out.

Cut the carrots and the second part of the sweet pepper into cubes. We disassemble the oyster mushrooms into pieces, removing the hard stems. Grind the pulp into strips. Cut the onion into cubes.

Next, heat the olive oil in a large frying pan and add all the vegetables and mushrooms, then fry until tender. Add rosemary leaves and three tablespoons of the liquid in which the porcini mushrooms were soaked. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove it from the heat. Cover the resulting sauté with foil.

Remove the meat from the oven, remove it from the bag or foil, remove the twine from it and then bake under the grill for another seven minutes. Serve the baked neck along with the sauté.

  • 2 kg of pork (part of a shoulder or ham with skin),
  • salt,
  • ground black pepper,
  • dry Italian herbs,
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic,
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • 2 tbsp. l. ready table mustard,
  • 1 tbsp. l. French mustard (grains),
  • 1 egg yolk,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons oatmeal or fine breadcrumbs

Cooking process:

Wash a whole piece of meat under running water, dry it on a cutting board or pat dry with a cloth towel.

Prepare the glaze. Grind both mustards with the yolk, mix with rolled oats (instead of oatmeal, you can use ground breadcrumbs).

Pour in a spoon vegetable oil, mix.

From the skin side, use a sharp knife to make cuts at an angle of 45 degrees, cutting through the skin and part of the fatty layer.
You should get a pattern in the form of a grid (as in the following photos). In addition to the aesthetic component, this procedure for preparing pork for baking allows it to cook excess fat during cooking.

Rub part of the carcass with crushed garlic, salt, pepper and dry aromatic herbs.

Apply mustard glaze with a spoon and rub.

Line a roasting pan or rimmed baking dish with parchment paper, or simply grease it with butter. The first option seems more practical to me. Place the prepared piece of pork in the marinade, skin side up.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Next, cook the dish in a preheated oven at the specified temperature until done. Advice on how to calculate how long to bake pork or any other meat in a whole piece. For 1 kg of weight it takes 1 hour. That is, a 2 kg piece will bake for about 2 hours. And also, boneless meat will be baked 10-15 minutes earlier.

It will need to be turned over halfway through the process. Thus, the dry and fried skin, similar to cracklings, will be at the bottom.

During the baking process, juice will release from the meat.

The pork skin will become soft, but will not lose its beautiful golden brown color.

Readiness is checked by deep piercing the knife,

meat juice should be clear, without blood.

While the meat dish is baking in the oven, you can make the side dish. It's best if it's vegetables.

There is another option delicious side dish to pork in the style of German cuisine, their sauerkraut.

How to prepare stewed sauerkraut for meat

Products for garnish:

  • 500 – 600 g sauerkraut,
  • 1 onion,
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter,
  • 1 glass of apple juice.

The onion needs to be chopped and fried in oil. Squeeze the cabbage, if it is coarsely chopped, chop a little, add to the onion.

Pour a glass of apple juice into the frying pan, wait until it boils, turn the heat to low, cover with a lid, and simmer for 15 minutes.

Place the baked pork on a plate and cut into slices or pieces. Serve with eggplant or stewed cabbage.

If desired, you can garnish with chopped parsley.

So, if you want a nutritious, delicious dish to decorate your table, start cooking glazed pork, and your beloved friend, the oven, will help you with this!

Bon appetit!

Best regards, Anyuta.

IN Lately wise housewives increasingly trust the cooking process to multicookers, because while the dish is being prepared without your participation, you can do a lot of useful things and spend a little time for yourself.