A card index of games and exercises for self-regulation and relieving psycho-emotional stress. Psychological relief for teachers

“Psychological relief for teachers”

Purpose of the training: relieving muscle and psychological tension; establishing interpersonal contacts, team building, creating a favorable psychological climate.


    Form trusting relationships in the group;

    Unification, team building;

    Developing the ability to work in a team

Forms and methods of work:

A set of exercises was developed for educators and can be used when working with children. Duration of the meeting is 2 hours.

The training is held in the afternoon. The training involves working with a group of 10-15 educators.

Expected results:

    Teachers get to know each other better.

    The quality of interaction between educators will improve.

    The performance of the group will increase.

    Teachers will develop the ability to work in a team.

    The psychological climate in the team will improve.

    The cohesion of the teaching staff will increase.

Material: a badge for each participant (for an unfamiliar audience), a white board, a marker, “My Coat of Arms” blank sheets for each participant, a flipchart, masking tape; markers; sheets of paper, cards or a list with the names of animals.


"It's hard to change the world

but if you want this, start changing yourself.”

Ancient wisdom

A parable about collectivity (both jokingly and seriously)

Cell. There are five monkeys in it. A bunch of bananas are tied to the ceiling. Below them is a staircase. Hungry, one of the monkeys approached the stairs with obvious intentions of getting a banana. As soon as she touches the stairs, you open the faucet and use a hose to spray ALL the monkeys with very cold water.
A little time passes and another monkey tries to eat the banana. Again the same actions on your part.

The third monkey, stupefied with hunger, tries to get a banana, but the others grab it, not wanting a cold shower. Now, remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new monkey. She immediately notices the bananas and tries to get them. To her horror, she saw the angry faces of the other monkeys attacking her. After the third attempt, she realized that she would not be able to get the banana.

Now remove another one of the original five monkeys from the cage and introduce a new one there. As soon as she tried to get the banana, all the monkeys attacked her together, including the one who was replaced first (and even with enthusiasm).

And so, gradually replacing all the monkeys, you will come to a situation where there will be five monkeys in the cage who have not been watered at all, but who will not allow anyone to get the banana.

Practical part:

1. Psychologist:

Dear Colleagues! I propose to start our training session with a relaxation exercise "Visit to the Zoo"

Goals: relieving muscle and psychological tension; establishing interpersonal contacts.

1. It's morning at the zoo. A zookeeper cleans the paths with a rake. (using your fingers, make movements from top to bottom and from right to left).

2. Then he opens the gates of the zoo (move the ribs of the palms to the right and left of the spine)

3. The first visitors arrive (use your fingertips to run down your back).

4. They go to the giraffe enclosure and watch them jump happily. (short, infrequent strong slaps on the back).

5. Nearby there is a pen with lions. Now they are distributing food, and the lions are greedily eating the meat (knead your neck and shoulder blades with both hands).

6. Visitors then walk towards the penguins, who glide merrily towards the water. (slowly move your palms down your back next to your spine).

7. You can hear the wild jumping of kangaroos (“stomping” your fingertips on the back).

8. Nearby there is an enclosure with elephants (slowly and firmly press your fists on your back).

9. And now visitors go to the terrarium with snakes. Snakes crawl slowly across the sand (make movements with your palms similar to those of a snake).

10. So the crocodile opens its mouth and grabs food( pinch the legs and arms briefly and firmly).

11. And here the hummingbird has flown into the nest and is making itself comfortable there (run your fingers through your hair and tug lightly).

12. And now visitors go to the exit and get on the bus (run your fingertips along your back and place both hands on your shoulders, then remove your hands).

2. Psychologist: Well, you and I have had a little rest! And now we will try to find out what our subconscious is hiding and perform the exercise “My Coat of Arms”

7 minutes are allotted for work.

Materials: Whatman paper, marker for demonstration; blank sheets papers, pencils, bell.

Progress: Divide the sheet in half with a vertical line, then divide it with two horizontal lines to make six equal sectors. Next, in each sector we draw blank figures. (see image).

Exercise: complete the figures until the picture is complete and write 2-3 adjectives for each adjective.

After the work is completed, you can review some of the work and provide explanations to the participants.


Top left picture - attitude towards yourself

The top right picture is the attitude of others towards me.

Middle left picture – life path.

The middle right picture is the inner world.

The lower left picture is the attitude towards family.

The lower right picture is an attitude towards love.

Psychologist: Pay attention to those categories where not very pleasant adjectives are mentioned, and draw a conclusion about which of the components of your life does not bring joy, in which area you feel discomfort.

3. Psychologist: Do you know each other well? Let's find out and do the exercise “Recognize the drawing”


    help participants get to know each other better;

    create motivation to work together.

Materials: flipchart; masking tape; markers; sheets of paper;

Exercise: The trainer asks the participants the question: “How long have you been working together and do you know each other well?”

After the participants’ answers, the following instructions are given: “Please draw in 5 (10) minutes a portrait of yourself in this team, how you see yourself in it, in order to say: “This is me.” There is no need to sign the drawings.”

After completing the work, the trainer collects the drawings into a common pile. Then he takes each drawing out of the pack, attaches it to the board or flipchart (you can first pass the drawing around so that everyone can take a closer look at it) and discusses it with the group on the following questions:

    What is this person like?

    Who could it be?

    Psychologist: and in conclusion, let’s put ourselves and our colleagues in the mood by doing the exercise "Wishes."

Target: Creating a positive emotional mood.

Instructions: Group members express wishes to each other for the day. It should be short, preferably one word. You throw the ball to the person to whom you are addressing the wish, and at the same time say it. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn throws it to the next person, expressing his wish for today. We will carefully monitor that everyone gets the ball and try not to miss anyone.



  1. Fopel, K. Group cohesion. Psychological games and exercises. Per. with him. – M.: Genesis, 2010. – 336 p. – (All about the psychological group).

    Vachkov, I.V. Basics of group training. – M.: Os-89, 2000.

    Monina, G.B., Lyutova-Roberts, E.K. Communication training (teachers, psychologists, parents). - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2007. - 224 p.: ill.

    Starshenbaum, G.V. Training of skills of a practical psychologist. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2008. - 416 p.

    18 training programs. Guide for professionals / Scientifically ed. V.A. Chicker. - (Psychological training) - M.: Rech, 2008. - 368 p.


Psychologist's page

Do you love life? Do you want to be healthy? Healthy physically and psychologically? Give yourself a few minutes a day for psychological relief and you will experience a new taste for life...


We will play now so that we can win in life later! The mental overload that a teacher experiences every day in his work destroys his personality and depletes his psychoenergy. An overtired teacher loses the state of stability necessary for successful pedagogical activity.

A lot is written and talked about in literature and on television about the causes of stress. This is a feeling of guilt, loss of values, hatred of work, etc. Physiological signs of stress: insomnia, headaches, palpitations, back pain, stomach pain, heart pain, indigestion, cramps. Psychological signs of stress are absent-mindedness, memory loss, anxiety, tearfulness, excessive worry, unreasonable fears, and irritability. All this leads to loss of self-confidence, the emergence of various psychosomatic disorders and even diseases, and drug dependence.

Many people begin to hate work, home and everything that surrounds them. What to do? The solution is the following - change your lifestyle, change yourself!

I would like to quote the words of Walter Russell: “If you do something that you hate, because of hatred, your body begins to produce destructive toxins, and as a result of this, you begin to suffer from chronic overwork and get sick. You need to love everything you do. Or, to put it another way, do what you can do with love. This is what Eastern ancient wisdom says. Do everything with joy, do everything in the best way you know how. Love for yourself, your loved ones, home and the work you have to do will replenish your supply of physical and mental strength and save you from fatigue.”

When stressed, the supply of vitamins in the body is quickly consumed, especially group B. Many doctors advise taking vitamins daily, but remember about overdose. Everything should be in moderation. Very helpful physical exercise. Go to the gym, do exercises, dance, sing, walk around the city, visit the pool, sauna. It is necessary to engage in mental and physical relaxation. Try these simple methods: listen to relaxing music, look at the night sky, at the clouds. For a harmonious life, a person needs the support of family and friends. Go to psychological trainings, meet new people interesting people, pay attention to your family and friends. All this will help you neutralize stressful situations.

    Mini-lecture “If you don’t resist stress, what does it lead to?”

Bring teachers to the idea that many illnesses begin due to the inability to relieve neuropsychic tension and the inability to defuse negative emotions. To introduce teachers to the concept of self-regulation and offer effective ways Relieving neuropsychic tension:

    relaxation – tension – relaxation – tension, etc.

    sports activities

    cold and hot shower


    washing dishes

    finger painting

    crumple up the newspaper and throw it away

    Competition: put your stress into crumpling a sheet of newspaper, make this lump as small as possible and throw it away.

    Tear the newspaper into small pieces, even smaller pieces and throw away.

    Paint over a newspaper spread

    Sing your favorite song loudly

    Shout loudly or quietly

    Dance to music, both calm and “violent”

    Look at a burning candle

    Inhale deeply up to 10 times

How to defuse negative emotions?

Can defuse your emotions by speaking out among friends who will understand and sympathize.

If you're alone then you can express your anger by beating a pillow or wringing out a towel, even a dry one. After all, most of the energy accumulates in the muscles of the shoulders, upper arms and fingers.

Produce any spontaneous sounds - tension may be “locked” in the throat.

Most Participating in any kind of sport provides complete relaxation. Therefore, real athletes have not only physical, but also mental health.

Beneficial Nature acts on humans. Walking through the forest, contemplating the movement of a river or the calm surface of a lake, forest sounds and smells can bring back peace of mind and performance even in the most difficult situations.

Respiratory gymnastics: three or four short exhalations in a row, then the same number of short breaths. Thanks to this, the flow of impulses going to the brain during a deep breath is broken, which is very important during stress.

Laughter and crying - an excellent means of protection against mental overload that nature gave our brain. Laughter turns out to be a kind of protection nervous system. It can be thought of as a series of short exhalations. These exhalations crush the dangerous flow of impulses. This exercise combines the healing properties of crying and laughter.

    Exercise “Empty or Full”

Now I will show you a glass filled to the middle with water. Some people will say that it is half empty, while others will say that it is half full. How would you respond? Both are true, but these statements express different attitudes to what is happening. In 5 seconds you can find out whether a person is an optimist or a pessimist. A positive attitude towards facts and people is better than a critical one. Each of us is more pleased when in a specific situation (even in our mistakes) people see at least something positive. Learn and draw conclusions.

    Exercise "Glass"

I put a soft plastic cup on my palm and tell the group members the following: “Imagine that this cup is a vessel for your innermost feelings, desires and thoughts (pause). You can put in it what is really important and valuable to you (pause). This is what you love and what you value very much.” There is silence in the room for several minutes. At an unexpected moment, I crush this glass. Next, we work with the emotional reactions that arose among the group members. It is important to discuss what the participants felt and what they wanted to do, etc. It is possible to draw a parallel between the experience “here and now” in a communication situation: When do the same feelings arise? Who controls them? Where do they go afterwards?

In conclusion, I would like to tell you: “What you have experienced now is real stress, this is real tension. And the way you experienced it is your real reaction to stress, your reaction to the problems that you have, including in communicating with other people.”

4. Exercises to relieve emotional stress:

      Make a fist with your thumbs curled inward. Exhale calmly, slowly, and clench your fist with force. Then, releasing your fist, inhale. Repeat five times. Now try this exercise with your eyes closed, which doubles the effect.

      Take two walnuts and move them in a circular motion in each palm.

      Lightly massage the tip of your little finger.

      Place a walnut on your palm closer to your little finger, press it with the palm of your other hand and make circular movements with the walnut for 3 minutes.

5. Mini-lecture.

The mental overload that a teacher experiences every day in his work destroys his personality and depletes his psychoenergy. An overtired teacher loses the state of stability necessary for successful teaching activities.

One of the forms effective assistance The teacher is provided with psycho-correctional methods that contribute to the development of his internal means of self-correction, self-development and self-healing.

Developments are offered to your attention psychological games, game episodes and exercises that you can do independently. The main thing that is required is to have a desire to strengthen your psyche and develop your own personality.

The goals of psychological games are purely psychotherapeutic:

Games promote harmonization inner world teacher, weaken his mental tension, develop internal mental strength, expand professional self-awareness. Game exercises help the teacher navigate his own mental states, evaluate them adequately, manage himself, maintaining his mental health and, as a result, achieve success in professional activity with relatively little expenditure of neuropsychic energy.

Psychotechnical games do not require a lot of time or special premises. Alone or in pairs with another, the teacher can perform the exercises during breaks between lessons, on the way to work or home. Try to develop the habit of psychological actions: then the need for mental stability and internal order will appear.

In 3-5 minutes spent on psychotechnical exercises, a teacher can relieve fatigue, stabilize, and feel self-confident. Like a worker who after working day takes a shower, and the teacher, performing special psychotechnical exercises, resorts to the “psychological shower” method, which cleanses his psyche.

6. Exercise “Inner Ray”

The exercise is performed individually, helps relieve fatigue, and gain internal stability. In order to perform the exercise, you need to take a comfortable position, sitting or standing, depending on where it will be performed.

Imagine that inside your head, in the upper part, a light ray appears, which slowly and consistently moves from top to bottom and slowly, gradually illuminates your face, neck, shoulders, hands with a warm, even and relaxing light. As the beam advances, wrinkles are smoothed out, tension in the back of the head disappears, eyebrows fall, eyes “cool”, clamps in the corners of the lips are loosened, shoulders are lowered, and the neck and chest are freed. The internal beam seems to form new appearance a calm, liberated person, satisfied with himself and his life.

Perform the exercise several times - from top to bottom.

End the exercise with the words: “I have become a new person! I became young and strong, calm and stable! I’m doing everything well!”


The game exercise is performed individually. Neutralizes and suppresses negative emotions anger, irritation, increased anxiety, aggression. We recommend doing this exercise before working in a difficult “class,” talking with a “difficult” student or his parents, or before any psychologically stressful situation that requires inner self-control and self-confidence. The exercise is best performed immediately after you feel psychological tension. If for one reason or another this moment is missed, then the raging emotional “element” can sweep away everything in its path and make it impossible to control itself. As a result, what we see so often happens: negatively charged energy is “dumped” onto a student or work colleague. And most often “grounding” negative energy, unfortunately, happens in the teacher’s family, where he weakens internal control after work.

The essence of the exercise is as follows. Imagine inside yourself, at chest level, a powerful press that moves from top to bottom, suppressing the negative emotions that arise and the associated internal tension. When performing the exercise, it is important to achieve a clear feeling of the physical heaviness of the internal press, suppressing and, as it were, pushing down unwanted negative emotions and the energy that they carry with them.


Any tense psychological condition characterized by a narrowing of consciousness and a person’s hyperconcentration on his experiences. A noticeable weakening of internal tension is achieved if a person has managed to perform the action of decentration: he has “removed” the center of the situation from himself and transferred it to some object or external circumstances. Decentration allows you to transfer, “throw out” a negative state into external environment and thereby get rid of it.

The exercise is performed individually. It develops internal stability, creates a balance of neuropsychic processes, freeing you from a traumatic situation.

On the way home, in public transport, imagine yourself as a tree (the kind you like, the one you most easily identify with).

Replay in detail the image of this tree in your mind: its powerful and flexible trunk, intertwining branches, foliage swaying in the wind, the openness of the crown to the sun’s rays and the moisture of the rain; circulation of nutritious juices along the trunk, roots firmly rooted in the ground. It is important to feel the nutritious juices that the roots draw from the ground. The earth is a symbol of life, roots are a symbol of stability, a person’s connection with reality.


The exercise develops internal means of role decentration. Performed individually, within 10-15 minutes.

Imagine your unpleasant conversation, for example, with the head teacher. Let's call her Maria Ivanovna, who allowed herself an uncivil tone in a conversation with you and unfair remarks. The working day is over, and on the way home you once again remember the unpleasant conversation, and a feeling of resentment overwhelms you. This is harmful to your psyche: against the background of psychological fatigue after a working day, mental stress develops. You try to forget the insult, but you fail.

Try going the other way. Instead of forcibly erasing Maria Ivanovna from your memory, try, on the contrary, to bring her as close as possible. Try playing the role of Maria Ivanovna on the way home. Imitate her walk, her manner of behavior, play out her thoughts, her family situation, and finally, her attitude towards a conversation with you. After a few minutes of this game, you will feel relief and tension will subside. Your attitude towards the conflict, towards Maria Ivanovna will change, you will see in her a lot of things that you did not notice before. In fact, you will be involved in Maria Ivanovna’s situation and will be able to understand her. The consequences of such a game will reveal themselves the next day when you come to work. Maria Ivanovna will be surprised to feel that you are friendly and calm, and she herself will probably begin to strive to resolve the conflict.


The profession of a teacher is not only classified as stressful, it is a profession of managerial work. The teacher is forced to continuously influence children during the working day: to restrain them in some way, to suppress their will and activity, to evaluate, to control. Such intensive management of the learning situation causes “management stress” and, as a consequence, when overexerted, various physical ailments. One of the most common complaints from teachers is headaches and heaviness in the back of the head.

I offer you an exercise to help relieve unpleasant somatic sensations. Stand straight with your shoulders back and your head thrown back. Try to feel in which part of the head the feeling of heaviness is localized. Imagine that you are wearing a bulky headdress that puts pressure on your head in the place where you feel heaviness. Mentally remove the headdress with your hand and expressively and emotionally throw it to the floor. Shake your head, straighten the hair on your head with your hand, and then throw your hands down, as if getting rid of a headache.


A few minutes ago you ended an unpleasant conversation with the mother of a child who constantly violates discipline and is aggressive. In a conversation with her, you talked about raising your son in a family, the need for regular monitoring, and the fact that permissiveness, which, in your opinion, is cultivated in a student’s family, will not lead to anything good. After all these conversations, the child’s mother suddenly announced that teachers should educate her, that she did not have time for this. You couldn't help yourself in response. Your intentions for a calm and constructive conversation have been destroyed.

How to remove the unpleasant aftertaste after such a conversation?

Take colored pencils or crayons and a blank sheet of paper. Relaxingly, with your LEFT hand, draw an abstract plot - lines, color spots, shapes. It is important to completely immerse yourself in your experiences, choose a color and draw the lines the way you want, in full accordance with your mood. Try to imagine that you are transferring your sad mood onto paper, as if materializing it. Have you finished your drawing? Now turn the paper over and on the other side of the sheet write 5-7 words that reflect your mood. Don’t think for long: it is necessary for words to arise spontaneously, without special control on your part.

After this, look at your drawing again, as if reliving your state, re-read the words and with pleasure, emotionally tear up the piece of paper and throw it in the trash.

You noticed? Just 5 minutes, and your emotionally unpleasant state has already disappeared, it turned into a drawing and was destroyed.


We offer an exercise that effectively “relieves” internal depression and Bad mood, helping to solve a complex problem that you have. This problem may be related to your profession, family life, relationships with friends.

Take any of the books: “Proverbs”, “Thoughts of Great People”, “Aphorisms”, etc. Flip through the book, read phrases of proverbs or aphorisms for 20-25 minutes until you feel internally relieved.

Perhaps, in addition to mental relaxation, one or another proverb will lead you to correct solution. You may also be reassured by the fact that you are not the only one who has a problem; many people have thought about ways to solve it, including historical figures.


Do you remember what game you liked to play most as a child? Now go to your child or grandchild and invite him to play this game. During the game, you must play the role of a child, be on an equal footing with your partner. This gives him the opportunity to feel like a leader and discuss the rules of the game with you. And you will feel the freshness, originality, originality of children's thinking, the richness of the child's inner world. You will probably become closer to him.


One of the conditions for success in teaching is the teacher’s ability to communicate correctly, interact during dialogue, and communicate with children. It is known that even the most correct provisions will not be perceived or will cause negative emotions if children feel your arrogance, coldness, neglect, or alienation. The guys may even protest against your demands and pointedly ignore them. Don't be surprised - you weren't open to dialogue.

Try the following exercise. In front of you is an interlocutor (child, work colleague, family member). Make your face friendly, smile, nod to your interlocutor as a sign that you are listening carefully and understand him. “Open” your soul to the person with whom you are communicating, try to get psychologically close to him.


In a conversation with a child, colleague, parent, or at home in a conversation with your family, feel like an “empty form”, a reservoir into which your interlocutor “pours”, “lays” his words, states, thoughts, feelings. Try to achieve the internal state of a “reservoir”: you are a form, you do not react to external influences, but only accept them into your inner space. Throw away all your personal assessments - as if there is no reality, there is only an empty form.

Difficult? Practice 2-3 times before starting a conversation and it will be easy for you. Then, when you are sure that you have formed the internal state of the “reservoir,” enter into dialogue and try to treat your interlocutor impartially and unbiasedly. This will help you understand it better.


I would like to tell you a little psychological “secret”.

A teacher who uses means of pedagogical manipulation usually calls his students by their last name. This formal “top-down” approach emphasizes the business, administrative style of interaction.

And, on the contrary, a teacher who strives for real communication with children, as a rule, calls them by name. Moreover, the more often he pronounces the name of his student in a conversation with him, the stronger the psychological contact between them.

And one last thing. A manipulative teacher often refers to his student in the third person in his presence. For example: “Just listen to what he says!?” The student stands nearby and hears that they are talking about him as if he were an absent person. Can you imagine what human humiliation Is he experiencing this?! A progressive teacher will never allow himself to treat a child in such a way. He will say: “Valera, what are you saying!?”

Do you understand the difference in these two phrases? Draw your own conclusions!


It is known that at the physical level there are muscle mechanisms that block human emotional activity. Seven circles of “muscular armor” are described that cross the body and suppress the manifestation of immediate emotions: at the level of the eyes, mouth, neck, chest, diaphragm, abdomen and pelvis. When a person has a dominant position “above,” the energy is usually concentrated in the upper part of the body: the eyes tense (“gaze”), the mouth compresses (“hard lips”), and the neck and chest are covered with a “shell.” At waist level, the flow of energy is blocked by muscle tension. In order to change position, you first need to relieve tension in the eyes, mouth, neck and chest. We offer several simple exercises for this.

BREATH. Take a deep breath before the conversation. As you exhale, with a sharp movement in your imagination, it’s as if you “tear off” the tense mask from your face: “extinguish” your eyes, relax your lips, free your neck and chest. Imagine that through exhalation you remove the muscle “rings” enveloping your body and throw them away - from your eyes, lips, neck and chest. Freed? Now start the conversation.

MASSING. Perhaps another way to relieve tension and move to the “equal” position will suit you. Before starting a conversation, touch your eyes with your fingertips, run your palms over your face from forehead to chin, as if removing an old mask. This gesture, which will take you 1-2 seconds, will become for you the limit to which you were in the “over” position. Having crossed the “border”, you found yourself in a position of “equal” and began to fulfill a different role. A role transformation has occurred: in class you were a teacher, and now, before starting a conversation, you become an interlocutor.

18. Exercise “Relieve stress, fill your life with happiness!”

Those who are right-handed have negativity and everything connected with the past is on the left side of the body, for left-handed people the opposite is true. To perform the exercise, we stand up, right-handers begin to vigorously wave their left hand, and left-handers begin to wave their right hand. Movements of the hand, as if we are brushing it off, and saying: “Get away from troubles, bad mood, illness, tension, etc.” Then we wave with the other hand, move the hand towards ourselves and say: “To me health, joy, luck, luck, happiness, love, etc.” And then with both hands we energetically wave towards ourselves to consolidate the “alpha” state. The feeling usually after this exercise is super!


Psychologist of the State Public Enterprise “Aksu College of Ferrous Metallurgy” Guseva Angelina Aleksandrovna

Games of psychological relief


Draw frogs that hunt mosquitoes. They hid and froze. We caught a mosquito and are happy! Now imagine that one of the frogs jumped into your palm. What will you do? (I will carefully plant her on the grass). Show how you will hold the frog in your palm and place it on the grass.

"Wind-up Toys"

Children, now you will turn into wind-up toys: “Turn around, turn into a Masha doll (a bear, a bunny, etc.). The wind-up doll is broken. Children freeze in a certain position. Feel the tension. Now show how you know how to relax. First. drop your head,” then your right hand, then your left hand, then your torso. You feel very sorry for the broken doll, show how upset you are when Dad fixed the doll. Show how happy you are.


Picture an old grandmother walking up the stairs. It’s hard for her, she moans: Oh, oh! You helped her and told your mom about it . Mom was delighted: Ah - ah - ah!

“Turn into a tree!”

Turn around yourself, turn into a tree! Imagine that you have turned into an oak tree. Place your feet firmly on the floor and clench your fists. A strong wind barely, barely sways the oak trees. They moan in a low voice: y-y-y. Now turn into birch trees. Even a light breeze sways the birch trees. Raise your relaxed arms and swing them. The birches are singing in a high voice: s – s – s – s.

Picture a puppy getting wet in the rain. We feel sorry for the puppy. And this is a guilty cat who was punished by the owner. Show how they sadly wander along the streets. what a sad mood they are in. You smiled at them, and your smiles lifted their spirits. Show them what kind of herd mood they are in.

Picture ducklings walking onto a pond. The duckling injured his leg. Express emotions of compassion and pain. The ducklings saw huge dog. Show how scared they were. Depict how the mother duck protected the ducklings, and then how she taught them to swim.

Cold. Show how you were cold and shriveled, warmed up and relaxed. Show how the children make a snowman: they roll snowballs, put them on top of each other, it’s hard for them. You are playing in the snow. They accidentally hit you in the face, pretend to be upset. You are afraid to move down the mountain - show how scared you are. We rolled down the mountain, didn’t fall, we were having fun, joyfully. It started to snow and became cold - we are not happy with the blizzard.

Relaxation games allow the child to free himself from emotional tension and frustration, initially predetermined by the antagonism of real life relationships between a child and an adult."

Explanatory note

The main purpose of the complex

The game cures aggression.

- O providing assistance to children preschool age(from 2 to 7 years) in development and adaptation capabilities.


Reducing emotional and mental stress, anxiety;

Awareness of your bodily sensations and experienced feelings;

Relieving emotional and muscle tension;

Optimizing muscle tone

Learning techniques for regulating your emotional state and internal self-control;

Formation in children of the ability for mental self-defense in extreme situations, during periods of overstrain and overload;

Increasing the functional level of body systems (exercises for training the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, activating metabolic processes);

Changing aggressive behavior patterns and forming more adaptive behavioral patterns;

Formation of positive attitudes.

Expected results

With regular exercise, children should develop a feeling of integrity, clarity and reliability of their own body, as necessary contacts of physical and emotional well-being.

Thanks to the development of psycho-self-regulation skills, motor activity in hyperactive and anxious children will decrease during the educational process.

By working the muscles, listening to music, and mastering breathing exercises, active release of emotions is ensured. This is especially important because, due to its age characteristics Children are often unaware of their “psychological thorns.”

When children listen to music, corresponding emotions are revived, and vivid memories of previously unreacted experiences may arise, which is important for finding the root cause of nervous tension in some children.

Classes in the program will help develop more adaptive behavioral patterns in children and the formation of positive attitudes.

With the help of exercises, special (rehabilitation) psychological adaptation to social tension and stressful situations will occur.

Training in constructive forms of stress relief and relaxation, relieving psycho-emotional tension and bodily tension. At this stage, children are taught the skills of consistent relaxation of body muscles, short-term methods of relaxation (both the whole body and individual muscle groups). For this purpose, methods of guided fantasy, musical relaxation therapy, and storytelling are used. Relaxation exercises and games (relaxation) for children.

The child behaves aggressively. Our reaction? Most often, adults condemn this behavior, punish the child, scold them, lose control of themselves, and become aggressive themselves, thus aggravating the situation.

Aggression is belligerent hostility towards others. But we must remember that a child’s aggression is often not only an attack, but also a defense.

Stimulating exercises that increase energy potential:

clapping (palms, fists);

self-massage of the head;

self-massage of the ears;

self-massage of feet;

massage and self-massage of hands and fingers;

working with fingers (making various figures from fingers).

These exercises are not only aimed at increasing the functional level of body systems and potential energy level, but also enrich the child’s knowledge of his own body, develop attention, arbitrariness, calm and balance the psyche.

It is very effective when used in a music relaxation therapy program.


Explanatory note……………………………………………..……2-4

I junior group

“Fly” games with hands………………………………………….…….….…..9

“Fist” game with hands……………………………………………..10

“White Swan” games with hands…………………………………….….…...11

“Pointer” game with hands…………………………………………….12

“Cheerful kitten” stimulating exercise………………………..13

“Breeze” breathing exercises………………………………….…...13

“Repeat!” dramatization exercise……………………….…… ….…..13

“Bumps” gymnastics for arms……………………………………..………13

“Chizhik - fawn” games with hands……………………………………………………….....14

“Boy with Thumb” games with hands……………………………………..15

“Greek and cancer” games with hands……………………………………………16

“About grandma” games with hands………………………………………….........17

“Owl owl” games with hands………………………………………….....18

“Cap” of games with hands…………………………………..……………….19

“Dandelion” breathing exercises………………..……………….….......19

II junior group

“Lazy people” stimulating exercise……………………………..…21

“Sleeping kitten” a stimulating exercise with elements of breathing exercises…………………………………………………………………………………..….21

“Cold - Hot” irga dramatization……………………………......21

“The Sun and the Cloud” a stimulating exercise with elements of breathing exercises……………………………………………………...……………….22

“Funny Animals” dramatization game…………...………………………...22

“Butterfly” breathing exercises……...…………………………………………………….22

"Catch up with vegetables" withstimulating exercise…………………………..22

“Cover your eyes” dramatization……………………………………………………….22

Middle group

"Touch" game on tactile perception…………...…………...24
“Repeat KA!” and gra-pantomime ………………………………...…….……24

“Jewel” of the game for hands……………………………………………...24

“Playing with sand” exercise on tactile perception………………...24

"Ant" gymnastics with elements breathing exercises……….25

« Full sails" breathing exercises…………………....………….25

“A bee is flying” dramatization game……………………………………………..25

"Leaves are falling" andgra dramatization with elements of breathing exercises………………………………………………………………………………25

Senior group

“I’m silent - I whisper - I scream” exercise for attention……………………27
“Clouds” relaxation exercise……………………………………………...27

“Waterfall” relaxation exercises to relieve tension from the muscles of the torso, arms, legs………………………………………………………………………………..28

“Smile” relaxation exercises to relieve tension

facial muscles…………………………………………………………………………………...28

“Sunny Bunny” relaxation exercises for removing

tension in the facial muscles……………………………………………………………...28

“Bee” relaxation exercises to relieve tension from the facial muscles with elements of breathing exercises……………………..............29

“Butterfly” relaxation exercises to relieve tension

facial muscles with elements of breathing exercises…………………..…29

“Swing” relaxation exercises to relieve tension from the facial muscles with elements of breathing exercises……………………………..29



“Sculpture” relaxation exercises to relieve tension from facial muscles with elements of breathing exercises……………….……..31

“Ball” relaxation exercises to relieve tension from the muscles of the torso, arms, legs……………………………………………………….…..31

“Hush” game – dramatization…………………………………………………………32

“Finger - boy” games with hands……………………………………32

“Squirrel” games with hands…………………………………………………….32

"Nut" and games with hands……………………………………………………………..33

“Soap bubbles” breathing exercises………………………...…33

Stimulating exercise……………………………………………33

(1-3 years)


(games with hands)

Here was a fly flying (with fingers right hand

we wave in different directions)

Sat down on the jam, (With your left hand, slap


She smeared her belly - (Palms rub against each other,

pointing in different directions)

pretending to fly )


(games with hands)

How do I clench my fist (clench our hands into fists)

Yes, I’ll put it on its side (we put our fists sideways on


I will open my palm (unclench my fists)

I’ll put it on my leg (we put our hands on our knees)

"White Swan"

(games with hands)

A white swan swims (the hand depicts a swan)

bends his neck. (hands connected between

And you want to fly

Spreads wings (fingers spread

in different directions,


depicting wings)


(finger games)

My mouth can eat (with my index finger

point to lips)

the nose is to breathe, and the ears are to listen. (point to nose, ears...)

can blink their eyes (blink)

hands - grab everything, grab (we show with our hands



Game "Funny Kitten"

(stimulating exercise)

(The game is played to cheerful, active music).

One of the children wears a kitten mask. The rest stand in a chain, holding each other. The “kitten,” turning left and right, tries to catch its “tail,” i.e. the last child in the chain.

After he succeeds, the “kitten” becomes the end of the chain. The game is repeated several times.


(breathing exercises)

Invite your child to blow through a straw into a glass of water (you need to make sure that your cheeks do not puff out and your lips are motionless).


(Exercise dramatization)

Eyebrows up and down.

“Fly on the nose” - a fly landed on the nose.

“Hare” - how a hare eats a carrot.


(Gymnastics for arms)

Imagine that you are cubs and your mother bear is playing with you. She throws bumps at you. You catch them and squeeze them forcefully in your paws. But the cubs are tired and drop their paws along the body - the paws are resting. And the mother bear again throws cones to the cubs... (repeat 2 - 3 times)


(games with hands)

- Chizhik - little fawn, where have you been? (we shake our fingers)

-I washed my hands on the river (washing my hands)

The wind blew, I fell, spread my fingers and

we blow ourselves with the wind

We got our hands dirty in a puddle, shake off our hands

about each other

"Tom Thumb"

(games with hands)

- little boy, where have you been? (we go through


- I went to the forest with this brother... a child


- I cooked cabbage soup with this brother... on each side

-with this I ate the porridge, rubbing it lightly

-I sang songs with this brother... every phalanx)

"Greca and Cancer"

(games with hands)

Greek rode across the river. (hands clenched into fists

both hands draw circles in the air

He sees the Greek: there is a cancer in the river. arms extended forward

thumb point down

He put Gruk's hand in the river. point one hand down

Cancer by the hand of the Greek DAC with the other hand - grab

lowered hand

"About Grandma"

(games with hands)

Yes, she lived by the river (we shrug our hands, as if

stroking the surface of the water)

Grandma wanted it (hands on hips again)

Swim in the river (pretend swimming)

And the grandmother bought it (hands on hips)

Soap and washcloth (hands forward - wipe hands)

This fairy tale is good, (right hand forward

I'll start from the beginning thumbs up)

“Once upon a time there was a grandmother” (hands on hips)

"Owl - owl"

(games with hands)

Sovushka - owl, big head (the child is taken

behind your head with your hands)

sits on a branch (sits on


Looks in all directions (turns head)

(hands right and left)

Yes, suddenly he’ll fly (waves his hands)


(games with hands)

A cap under a cap (the child extends his palm)

Under the cap is a cap (covering it with the other palm)


(breathing exercise)

Invite your child to blow on a faded dandelion (make sure you exhale correctly)

(3-4 years)


(stimulating exercise)

Today my children did a lot of activities, played and were probably tired. I suggest you be a little lazy. Imagine being lazy and lounging on a soft, soft carpet. Everything around is quiet and calm, you breathe easily and freely. A feeling of pleasant peace and relaxation covers your entire body. You rest quietly, you are lazy. Your hands are resting, your legs are resting... (pause - stroking the children). Your arms are resting..., your legs are resting... Pleasant warmth covers your whole body, you are too lazy to move, you feel good. Your breathing is completely calm. Your arms, legs, whole body are relaxed. A feeling of pleasant peace fills you from within. You rest, you are lazy. Pleasant laziness spreads throughout the body. You enjoy complete peace and relaxation, which brings you strength and good mood. Stretch, shake off your laziness and, on the count of three, open your eyes. You feel well rested and in a cheerful mood.

Sleeping kitten”

Imagine that you are cheerful, mischievous kittens. Kittens walk, arch their backs, and wag their tails. But the kittens got tired...they started yawning, lay down on the mat and fall asleep. The kittens’ tummies rise and fall evenly, they breathe calmly (repeat 2–3 times).

Cold - hot"

(irga dramatization)

Imagine that you are playing in a sunny meadow. Suddenly a cold wind blew. You felt cold, you were frozen, you wrapped your arms around yourself, pressed your head to your hands - you warmed up. We warmed up, relaxed... But then the cold wind blew again... (repeat 2-3 times).

Sun and Cloud”

(stimulating exercise with elements of breathing exercises)

Imagine yourself sunbathing in the sun. But then the sun went behind the cloud, it became cold - everyone huddled together to warm up (hold their breath). The sun came out from behind the clouds, it became hot - everyone relaxed (as they exhaled). Repeat 2 – 3 times.

"Funny Animals"

(game dramatization)

Children imagine the animal named by the teacher next to them and react emotionally to it.

Exercise "BUTTERFLY"

(breathing exercises)

Cut out butterflies from paper and hang them on threads. Invite the child to blow on the butterfly so that it flies (while making sure that the child makes a long, smooth exhalation). Performing the exercise: draw air through your shoulders, do not lift it, the exhalation should be long and smooth, you must make sure that your cheeks do not puff out (to begin with, you can hold them with your hands) you cannot repeat the exercise many times in a row, as this can lead to dizziness

"Catch up with the vegetables"

(stimulating exercise)

One evening in the garden (Children walk in a circle, holding hands in the center of the circle - the driver is blindfolded.) Turnips, beets, radishes, onions.

They decided to play hide and seek, but first they stood in a circle. They calculated clearly right there: (Stop, spin the driver.) One, two, three, four, five.

It’s better to hide, hide deeper, (They run up, crouch, the driver is looking.) Well, you go look.

Exercise “Cover your eyes”


Ask your child: have you tried squinting your eyes before going to bed? What you see? Draw. Ask the children to repeat this exercise.

(4-5 years)


(Tactile perception game)
This game will help the child relax, relieve tension, and increase his tactile sensitivity. Prepare items made from various materials. These could be pieces of fur, glass items, wooden items, cotton wool, something made of paper, etc. Place them on the table in front of the child. When he looks at them, invite him to close his eyes and try to guess what you are touching his hand with. Note. You can also touch your cheek, neck, knee. In any case, your touches should be gentle, leisurely, and pleasant.

“Repeat KA!”

Pantomime game

Music from the “Sounds of Nature” series is playing. – I suggest you show with gestures what I will talk about: – flowers have bloomed

the bees flew to collect honey - the breeze blew - the trees swayed

the sun smiled from behind the clouds - grasshoppers were jumping in the grass

a spider weaves a web - birds fly from branch to branch

and sing songs


(Hand games)

Imagine that you are holding something very valuable and dear to you in your fists and someone wants to take it away from you. You clench your fists tighter and tighter... even tighter, your bones have already turned white, your hands begin to tremble... But the offender has left, and you unclench your fists, your fingers become relaxed, your hands lie calmly on your knees... they are resting... (repeat 2-3 times ).

Playing with sand"

(tactile perception exercise)

Imagine that you are sitting on the seashore. Pick up sand in your hands (as you inhale). Clenching your fingers tightly into a fist, hold the sand in your hands (hold your breath). Sprinkle sand on your knees, gradually opening your hands and fingers. Let your arms fall powerlessly along your body, too lazy to move your heavy arms (repeat 2-3 times).


(gymnastics with elements of breathing exercises)

Imagine that you are sitting in a clearing, the sun is gently warming you. An ant crawled onto my toes. Pull your socks towards yourself with force, keep your legs tense and straight. Let's listen to which finger the ant is sitting on (holding your breath). Let's throw the ant off our feet (as we exhale). Socks go down - to the sides, relax your legs: rest your legs (repeat 2-3 times).

Exercise “Full Sails”

(breathing exercises)

Blow smoothly and for a long time on the paper boat.

Performing the exercise: take in air through the nostrils, do not lift

the exhalation should be long and smooth; care must be taken not to puff out the cheeks (to begin with, you can hold them with your hands)

Do not repeat the exercise many times in a row, as this can lead to dizziness

"A bee is flying"

(game dramatization)

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

A bee sat on a flower, lowered its proboscis. A mosquito flies up to it - What are you looking for there? - Nectar. – Aren’t you tired, aren’t you tired of searching?

No, those who are busy with business simply have no time to be bored.

"Leaves are Falling"

( dramatization game with elements of breathing exercises )

Cut out various autumn leaves from colored paper and explain to your child what leaf fall is. Invite your child to blow on the leaves so that they fly. Along the way, you can tell which leaves fell from which tree. Exercise technique: draw in air through the nose, do not raise your shoulders; the exhalation should be long and smooth; you must ensure that your cheeks do not puff out (you can hold them with your hands to begin with); you cannot repeat the exercise many times in a row, as this can lead to dizziness.

(5-6 years)

"I'm silent - I whisper - I scream"
(attention exercise)
As you have probably noticed, hyperactive children have difficulty regulating their speech - they often speak in a raised voice. This game develops the ability to consciously regulate the volume of one’s statements, stimulating the child to speak either quietly, then loudly, or be completely silent. He will have to choose one of these actions, focusing on the sign that you show him. Agree on these signs in advance. For example, when you put your finger to your lips, the child should speak in a whisper and move very slowly. If you put your hands under your head, as you would during sleep, your child should shut up and freeze in place. And when you raise your hands up, you can talk loudly, scream and run.

Note. It is better to end this game at the “silent” or “whisper” stage in order to reduce gaming excitement when moving on to other activities.


(relaxation exercise)

Imagine a warm summer evening. You lie on the grass and look at the clouds floating in the sky - such white, large, fluffy clouds in the blue sky. Everything around is quiet and calm, you feel warm and comfortable. With each inhalation and exhalation, you begin to slowly and smoothly rise into the air, higher and higher, towards the very clouds. Your arms are light, light, your legs are light. Your whole body becomes light, like a cloud. Here you are swimming up to the biggest and fluffiest, to the very beautiful cloud in the sky. Closer and closer. And now you are already lying on this cloud, you feel how it gently strokes you, this fluffy and tender cloud... (pause - stroking the children). Strokes..., strokes... You feel good and pleased. You are relaxed and calm. But then a cloud dropped you into the clearing. Smile at your cloud. Stretch and on the count of three, open your eyes. You had a good rest on the cloud.


from the muscles of the torso, arms, legs)

Imagine that you are standing near a waterfall. Wonderful day, blue sky, warm sun. The mountain air is fresh and pleasant. You can breathe easily and freely. But our waterfall is unusual; instead of water, soft white light falls in it. Imagine yourself standing under this waterfall and feel this beautiful white light flowing over your head

. You feel it pouring over your forehead, then over your face, down your neck... White light flows over your shoulders... helping them become soft and relaxed... (pause - stroking the children). A gentle light flows further along the chest of..., along the stomach of... Let the light stroke your hands and fingers. The light flows through your legs and you feel how your body becomes softer and you relax. This amazing waterfall of white light flows around your entire body. You feel completely calm, and with each breath you relax more and more. Now stretch and on the count of three, open your eyes. The magical light filled you with fresh strength and energy.


Imagine that you see in front of you in the picture a beautiful sun, whose mouth has spread into a wide smile. Smile back at the sun and feel how the smile goes into your hands, reaching your palms. Do it again and try to smile wider. Your lips stretch, the muscles of your cheeks tense... Breathe and smile..., your arms and hands are filled with the smiling power of the sun (repeat 2-3 times).

Sunny bunny”

(relaxation exercises to relieve tension in the facial muscles)

Imagine that sunny bunny looked into your eyes. Close them. It ran further down the face. Gently stroke it with your palms: on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth, on the cheeks, on the chin. Stroke gently so as not to frighten the head, neck, tummy, arms, legs. He climbed up the collar - pet him there too. He is not a mischievous person - he catches and caresses you, and you pet him and make friends with him (repeat 2-3 times).


Imagine a warm, summer day. Expose your face to the sun, your chin will also sunbathe (unclench your lips and teeth as you inhale). A bee is flying, about to land on someone's tongue. Close your mouth tightly (hold your breath). When chasing away a bee, you can vigorously move your lips. The bee flew away. Open your mouth slightly and exhale lightly (repeat 2-3 times).


(relaxation exercises to relieve

tension from the facial muscles with elements of breathing exercises)

Imagine a warm, summer day. Your face is tanning, your nose is also tanning - expose your nose to the sun, your mouth is half open. A butterfly flies, chooses whose nose to sit on. Wrinkle your nose, raise your upper lip upward, leave your mouth half open (hold your breath). To chase away the butterfly, you can vigorously move your nose. The butterfly flew away. Relax the muscles of the lips and nose (as you exhale) (repeat 2-3 times).


(relaxation exercises to relieve

tension from the facial muscles with elements of breathing exercises)

Imagine a warm, summer day. Your face sunbathes, the gentle sun caresses you (facial muscles are relaxed). But then a butterfly flies and lands on your eyebrows. She wants to swing like on a swing. Let the butterfly swing on the swing. Move your eyebrows up and down. The butterfly has flown away, and the sun is warming (relaxation of the facial muscles) (repeat 2-3 times).

(6-7 years)

Game "Sculpture"

(relaxation exercises to relieve

tension from the facial muscles with elements of breathing exercises)

Children are divided into pairs. One of them is a sculptor, the other is a sculpture. On instructions from an adult (or child leader), the sculptor sculpts a sculpture from “clay”:

- a child who is not afraid of anything;

- a child who is happy with everything;

- a child who has completed a difficult task, etc.

Themes for sculptures can be suggested by an adult, or by the children themselves.

The players usually change roles. A group sculpture option is possible.

After the game, it is advisable to discuss with the children how they felt in the role of a sculptor, sculpture, which figure was pleasant to depict, which was not.


(relaxation exercises to relieve tension

from the muscles of the torso, arms, legs)

The words of this game are learned in advance with the children. During the game, words are replaced one by one with movements, which the leader agrees on with the children in advance.

The ball is flying, flying across the sky

The ball flies across the sky,

But we know, the sky is a ball,

It won't reach

Flies - the arms are shown waving, flight is depicted;

Along the sky - the index finger of the right hand is raised up;

Ball - draw a circle in front of you with your hands;

But we know - hands lean against the chest;

We spread our hands in front of us;

No way - hands are crossed;


(dramatization game)

Two mice must cross the road where

The kitten is sleeping, they walk on their toes, then stop and sign to each other: “Hush.” The sketch is accompanied by the music “Sleeping

kitten" Verlina - expressive movements, protrusion, index finger to lips.


(games with hands)

- Finger-boy, where have you been?

- I went to the forest with this brother,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother.

Show to first line

thumbs on both hands. Then connect them one by one with the rest of your fingers.


(games with hands)

(At the very beginning the fist is clenched)

A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts:

(Alternately unbend

all fingers

starting from the big one)

To my little fox sister,

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the fat-fifted bear,

Bunny with a mustache...


(games with hands)

Instructions: “Now imagine that you are cracking a hard nut. Clench your teeth tightly. Like this. (The presenter shows how to clench your teeth). The jaws tensed and became like stone. It is unpleasant. Unclench your jaws - it becomes easy, your mouth is slightly open, everything is relaxed. Listen and do as I do.


(breathing exercises)

teach how to breathe correctly, using the child’s life or play experience.
Instructions: All of you have blown soap bubbles more than once. Let's make a circle of fingers. Let's inhale the air and slowly, in a circle of fingers, exhale the air in the lungs. Let's freeze and watch the floating soap bubbles. You can count them. (This exercise can be done with a real bubble maker.)

Stimulating exercise

Self-massage of the ears: rub your ears with your palms, as if they were frozen from frost, knead your ears three times from top to bottom

Balalardyn psychology

zhenildenuine arnalgan oyindar

Games for psychological relief


Damaged video phone

Similar to a broken phone. Preparation: Participants in the game sit with their backs to the stage.

Game: The first and second participants go on stage and stand at opposite ends. Now the first, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, must convey his message to the second. For example, that on Sunday they are invited to a friend’s birthday party at two o’clock in the afternoon and in the morning they need to buy flowers. When the second participant confirms that he has understood everything, the first one sits down and the next one takes the stage. And so on until last participant will not receive information. After that, he reads out the message. You can also poll all participants in reverse order. There are no winners - the main thing is the mood.

Direction finder

Inventory: Bandage. Preparation: All participants are seated in a circle at the maximum distance from each other. One of them is invited to the circle stage and becomes the driver, who will become a “direction finder”.

Game: The task is as follows: Participants sitting in a circle are divided into conditional pairs and agree out loud for a minute to perform some joint action. Since all pairs speak at the same time, it is quite difficult to understand the content of their conversations. The noise they produce can roughly be called “noise on the air.” This is where the driver must show his abilities: firstly, to “find” the partners of each couple and, secondly, to listen to and understand the content of their conversation. Winner: “Direction finder”, who completed the task better.


Inventory: Numbered cards in quantity corresponding to the number of participants. Preparation: Cards with numbers are laid out on the table, numbers down. The participants in the game draw lots. The following instructions are given for the distribution of roles. The one who pulled out the card with No. 1 becomes the driver. The remaining participants (there should be 15-25 people) are divided into two groups. Even numbers play the role of “gunners”, odd numbers play the role of “interceptors”.

Game: The driver leaves the room, the rest hide some small object, for example a note. After this, the driver is invited, and he is asked to find the hidden object.

“Guides” must silently help the driver, but in such a way that no one except himself notices this. “Interceptors” should not, firstly, confuse the incoming person with misinformation, and secondly, they must detect and eliminate the “gunners”. Considering that the players do not know each other’s numbers, their attention must be especially subtle and skillful. “Interceptors,” using only the right given to them, can stop the game with a clap. At this time, the driver must turn away and stand with his back to everyone, and the “interceptor” must stand up and ask the participant he has discovered for his number. If the assumption is confirmed and the “gunner” is indeed detected, then he drops out of the game. If it turns out that the “interceptor” was mistaken and discovered “one of his own,” both players from the team of “interceptors” who discover themselves are eliminated from the game. In the first case, the “interceptor” who discovered himself is eliminated from the game. continues the game, but “legally”.

The game continues until the driver finds the hidden object or the “spotters” are discovered and removed from the game. Winner: "Spotters" if the item is found, otherwise "Interceptors"

Maternity hospital

Two people play. One is a wife who has just given birth, and the other is her faithful husband. The husband’s task is to ask everything about the child in as much detail as possible, and the wife’s task is to explain all this to her husband with signs, because The thick double glass of the hospital room does not allow outside sounds to pass through. See what gestures your wife will make! The main thing is unexpected and varied questions.

Who is faster?

I remember this game from kindergarten, only skittles were used. Empty plastic bottles are placed in a circle (for stability, you can fill them a little with water) in the amount of N-1, where N is the number of participants. Everyone walks around them to the music, and as soon as the music stops, the participants must have time to grab the bottle. The one who does not get the bottle is eliminated from the further game. Each time the number decreases by one.

He climbed up the tree to get some dill, and he was covered in watermelons...

All participants are given blank sheets of paper on which they will write their “masterpieces,” and pens. Participants write the names of their heroes and fold the piece of paper so that what is written is not visible. And then they pass the sheet to their neighbor. Next they write answers to questions like “where did the hero go, what happened to him, etc.” You can come up with a lot of questions, as long as you have enough paper. After each written answer, the piece of paper is folded and given to a neighbor. It should turn out something like “Little Red Riding Hood climbed up the Christmas tree to get some food, and she was covered in watermelons.” I am sure that reading these “masterpieces” will cause you a storm of cheerful emotions. :)))


Players are attached to their backs with a sign with a word written on them in advance. The players' task is to read what is written on the opponent's back, but not show their inscription.


Players are given a bunch of keys and a locked padlock. It is necessary to pick up the key from the bunch and open the lock as quickly as possible. You can put a lock on the cabinet where the prize is hidden.

"Daddy, mommy, furry miracle."

All players need to split into groups of three. Then everyone in their group decides who will be dad, who will be mom, and who will be a furry miracle. After this, all dads make two wishes (preferably feasible at the moment). Mom fulfills one wish, and the other is a furry miracle. Having fulfilled his wishes, the fluffy miracle makes two wishes for his dad and mom. And then mom makes a wish.

For example: Alena is dad, Olya is mom, Zaure is a fluffy miracle. Alena says: “Mom, climb on the table and jump off from there. Fluffy miracle, shout loudly Ku-ka-re-ku.” Olya jumps off the table, and Zaure screams. After this, Olya says: “Dad, go kiss all the moms (all the moms who play) on the cheek. Fluffy miracle, kiss all the dads.” Alena comes up to each group and kisses the moms, and Zaura kisses the dads. Then Zaure makes her wishes. Very fun, isn't it?

"One up one down"

This game consists of all participants sitting in a circle on chairs and placing one chair in the middle. For this game it is necessary that there are several people who know the solution. After this, the presenter explains the rules, or not even the rules, but the game itself.

He says: You (all players) need to guess, or better yet decipher, three words:

  • ONE UP ONE DOWN (one down one up),
  • TWO UP (two up),
  • TWO DOWN (two down)

The presenters sit between the players, about one after another, depending on how many presenters there are. Each person is given the right to express his guess, that is, one of three words, and by that time the presenters say whether his guess is true or not. A person must observe others, keep an eye on them and catch a pattern. When a person thinks that he has deciphered the glory, he does not stand up and shout, but calmly approaches one of the presenters and says what he came up with, quietly and in his ear. And the game continues until all players decipher the mysterious words.

ACTUALLY - the clue lies in the position of the legs:

  • ONE UP ONE DOWN is a cross-leg position;
  • TWO DOWN is a position where two feet are on the floor below;
  • TWO UP is a position where your legs are lying on a chair or something else, but not on the floor!


There is a duck. Flies, quacks - symbolizes noise in this case. Here the hunter (counselor) says that the duck is interfering with our work, shouting: “duck!” The kids shoot at her: "BANG!" Silence. Full concentration and readiness to work