Collection of psychological games and exercises. Balloon simulation game

Purpose of the game: provide the opportunity to observe in a group the processes occurring during the discussion and adoption of a collective decision.

    Invite the game participants to choose a profession: (doctor, engineer, teacher, artist, etc. Ask one participant to be an observer).

    All participants in the game are asked to imagine that they are members of the same crew in a hot air balloon. The ball begins to fall and there is very little time left until it falls into the sea. To prevent this from happening, someone must jump out of the basket.

    The group must make a general decision about who will jump out of the basket, based on which of them would be less useful if balloon lands on a desert island.

    After the discussion is completed, the group's work is evaluated.

The expert reports his observations on the course of the discussion: the use of compelling arguments, arguments in defense of “his” profession, the ability to listen to each other, “authoritarian manners,” etc.

Business game “Golden Nuts”

Guidelines for conducting: The business game is aimed at developing the skills of verbal and non-verbal forms of business communications among its participants.

To play the game, the group is divided into two teams with equal number participants. These teams must disperse to different rooms and have no opportunity to communicate with each other until the start of the game. Team members are prohibited from exchanging written role descriptions.

Members of each team are given a description of one of two roles. The time for familiarization with the role is limited by the teacher and is set within 20 minutes. This time should be used to read the material and discuss the overall line of negotiation with the other team.

To conduct negotiations, each team must nominate one negotiator. These negotiators will conduct direct verbal negotiations with each other.

Teams are also warned that during negotiations between their representatives, team members may not make any oral comments or give verbal instructions or prompts to the negotiators.

At the same time, however, it is allowed to write and transmit notes to the negotiators, which they can use during negotiations.

Any of the teams can contact the teacher with a request to interrupt negotiations and appoint a new negotiator.

Negotiations are held in a common audience where both teams gather. Negotiators should be provided with a negotiating table set up so that it is visible to all participants. Teams should be seated in such a way as to exclude the possibility of oral communication during negotiations (preferably behind the backs of their negotiators). The exchange of notes between teams is also prohibited.

The negotiation time usually does not exceed 20 minutes. Thus, the game takes one academic hour (45 minutes).

Role No. 1 Golden nuts Pill Company History

You work for a new pharmaceutical company, Pill, which arose from scratch several years ago. All employees of your company previously formed the backbone of one of the secondary laboratories of the All-Russian Research Institute "Chemical Defense" - a large research institute owned by the Ministry of Defense.

Your former laboratory at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute "Khimzashchita" was engaged in purely civilian developments, which the directorate did not attach any importance to. special significance, because the budget financed the work of only “core” laboratories, and you worked under contracts with pharmaceutical companies. Some of your promising developments were collecting dust on the shelves - you could not prove to management that you were doing the right thing...

The transformation of the economy has created conditions for private entrepreneurial activity. The entire “team” left VNII and created a private company, Pill LLC. The “oldest” employee, your director, is only 35 years old.

The personal savings of the LLC employees were enough for the authorized capital, obtaining the appropriate license and renting premises. Old developments were successfully implemented at a large pharmaceutical enterprise, and the proceeds were used to purchase special equipment necessary for new research and development.

Not long ago, your company developed a new unique drug X for the treatment of Dips disease. This insidious disease occurs during pregnancy and leads to the death of the newborn 2 weeks after birth. Timely (24 hours after birth) administration of drug X ensures complete cure in newborns. Moreover, vaccination of pregnant women reliably protects the fetus from the possibility of acquiring Dips disease. This is a pioneering invention - no other country in the world has anything like Drug X.

April 15, 2016 Expert in the field of personnel recruitment senior management(I'll find the best!). IP Guzenko Anastasia Sergeevna

Team Evaluation Game "Balloon"

I would like to give an example of another game from my practice.
The "balloon" game was used to assess cohesion and identify individual qualities of the store team, i.e. employees who have been working with each other for some time.
Goals: to teach game participants to make collective decisions in conditions of uncertainty, to master effective interaction, and to teach cooperation.

  1. making individual decisions,
  2. developing a collective decision in groups,
  3. intergroup interaction: discussion,
  4. analysis of results and summing up.

Time: 45 min.
At the end of the game, it is advisable for each team to formulate a lesson to be learned for the future.

Information for game participants:

Imagine that you are the crew of a scientific expedition returning in a hot air balloon after completing scientific research. Have you taken aerial photography? uninhabited islands. All the work has been completed successfully, and you are already preparing to meet your family and friends. You fly over the ocean to the nearest landmass 500-550 km.

But the unexpected happened: for unknown reasons, a hole formed in the balloon’s shell through which gas escapes. The ball began to descend. You immediately threw overboard all the bags of ballast (sand) that were stored in the balloon gondola for this occasion. The fall slowed for a while, but did not stop. After 5 minutes, the ball began to fall at the same, rather high, speed.

The entire crew gathered in the center of the gondola to discuss the situation. You need to decide what to throw overboard and in what order in order to be able to land alive.

The following items remained in the gondola:

  1. Rope - 50 m.
  2. First aid kit with medicines - 5 kg.
  3. Hydraulic compass - 6 kg.
  4. Canned meat and fish - 20 kg.
  5. Sextant (device for determining location by stars) - 5 kg.
  6. Rifle with an optical sight and a supply of ammunition - 25 kg.
  7. Various sweets - 20 kg.
  8. Sleeping bags (one for each crew member).
  9. Rocket launcher with a set of flares - 8 kg.
  10. 10-person tent - 20 kg.
  11. Oxygen cylinder - 50 kg.
  12. Set of geographical maps - 25 kg.
  13. Canister with drinking water - 20 l.
  14. Transistor receiver - 3 kg.
  15. Inflatable rubber boat - 25 kg.

The task: decide what and in what order you should throw away. First, each participant in the game makes an individual decision. Then we divide the audience into teams of 5-7 people, and each team discusses the problem situation and develops a collective solution.

We announce the rules of the game:

o You cannot calculate percentages: how much is “for” and how much is “against”.

o You cannot “put pressure” on your partner (“do as I said!”).

o It is advisable to achieve consensus through negotiations, and in case of conflict of opinions, a compromise.

o Any crew member can express their opinion.

o The number of statements made by one person is not limited.

o The decision is considered made only when all crew members agree with it.

o If at least one crew member objects to this decision, it is not accepted and the group must look for new exit or new argumentation and technologies of persuasion.

o Decisions must be made regarding the entire list of objects and things.

o When determining the significance of objects and things, that is, the order in which you will get rid of them, you need to keep in mind that everything is thrown away, not part of it (for example, all the candy or sleeping bags, and not part of them).

The time available to the crew is unknown. How long the decline will continue largely depends on how quickly the participants in the game make a collective decision.

If an agreement fails, the crew will “die.”

After making decisions in groups, their presentation and justification begin, then during the discussion the most acceptable solution for the current extreme situation is developed (objects and things remain in the gondola to signal their plight and to support their physical condition).

At the end of the discussion, the presenter sums up the game. To determine the effectiveness of interaction, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

What contributed to your success?

Level of competence of game participants. Constructiveness of interaction. Culture of controversy.

Common goals (individual and group).

The effectiveness of using interaction strategies (compromise, concession, cooperation).

Clear organization of discussion. Ability to listen to partners. Desire to win, etc.

What prevented efficient work teams?

Weak competence in the significance and capabilities of the subjects discussed in the current situation.

Ineffective interaction strategies (competition, avoiding disputes, yielding to aggressive partners).

The prevalence of personal goals (to pursue one’s line, to show oneself) over group goals. Weak leadership of the discussion by a formal leader or lack thereof. Low culture of argument, poor command of verbalization.

Undeveloped emotional culture, etc.

Olga Rudenko


for teachers and parents

Competence of parents and teachers in matters of communication"

“The most important luxury on earth is the luxury of human communication.”

(Antoine de Saint Exupéry).

Target: Creating conditions for the development of effective communication skills, with the help of which you can manage your emotional state and behavior.


Create favorable conditions for the group to work;

Familiarize participants with the basic principles of the training, accept the rules of the group;

To create motivation for participants to analyze their own pedagogical views and attitudes, their individual characteristics as an individual and as a professional.

Create conditions for developing skills of reflection, self-analysis and self-disclosure.

Help increase self-confidence when communicating;

Contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of psychological safety.

Equipment: balloons, chairs in two semicircles. Cards (green, yellow, red, “group rules”, rope (5-10 meters, easel, cards for self-diagnosis, cards with objects for the “balloon” task), pens, hat, tape recorder, instructions for participants.

Progress of the event.

Psychologist - Hello, dear parents! Today we have invited you to psychological training, which we propose to conduct on a hot air balloon trip with our teachers. Please take a more comfortable seat in the ball's basket. While traveling, we will have to communicate a lot in close interaction, regardless of whether we like something or not, there is no escape from communication, we will fly high above the earth.

You are probably familiar with this word “training”. What do you think it means and what is it associated with? (Answers.)

Psychological training is training of soul, mind and body.

The training consists of meaningful exercises, role-playing and psychological games, work in pairs and groups, and, of course, exciting and lively communication between interesting people.

For a comfortable flight, each participant has three signal cards: green cards - consent to any questions asked, yellow cards- mean that you have suggestions or want to express your opinion, recommendations during travel, red cards - disagreement, dissatisfaction, desire to express your protest!

Psychologist. To begin, as with any journey, we need to establish the rules of our group of participants. I suggest:

group rules

1. Confidential communication style (one of its differences is calling each other first name, which psychologically equalizes all group members and the leader).

2. Communication based on the “here and now” principle (talk only about what worries the participants in this moment, and discuss what is happening in the group).

3. Refusal of impersonal speech forms that help people in everyday communication hide one’s own position and evade responsibility, put forward one’s judgments in the form of “I believe.”, “I think.”.

4. Actively participate in what is happening, contact as many group members as possible

5. Confidentiality (what happens in class is not shared outside our group).

And also, according to safety rules, it is necessary to fasten your seat belts (soft relaxation music is playing). Ready to fly, unhook the rope! Let's rise!

Psychologist - While we are rising to a certain level for the flight, you need to get useful information from the teacher...:

1. Educator - Communication plays a huge role in the life of any person. A person’s mental health largely depends on the process of communication and its results - his mood, his feelings and emotions can be colored in positive or negative tones, depending on how successfully the process of communicating with other people goes.

In a person who does not know the strong and weaknesses of his character, who does not know how to communicate with people, serious problems may arise.

2. Educator. – We must remember that communication has its own rules.

The basis of a person’s attitude towards us is laid in the first 15 seconds! In order to safely pass through the “minefield” of these first seconds, it is necessary to apply the “Rule of Three Pluses” (in order to win over your interlocutor you need to give him at least three psychological pluses).

The most universal are:

interlocutor's name


In order for people to want to communicate with us, we ourselves must demonstrate our willingness to communicate with them. And the interlocutor must see this. A sincere, friendly smile is required!

Psychologist - The topic of the joint psychological training “Competence of parents and teachers in matters of communication” was not chosen by chance. Since the teacher and parents must be partners in raising children, they must have a trusting relationship. And without the process of communication, the set general goals and objectives of education and development are impossible to achieve.

We invite you to master the techniques of interpersonal interaction through certain exercises and tasks. In other words, be able to communicate and get out of difficult situations with dignity.

Psychologist - In order for the work in the group to proceed actively and with passion, we must get to know you, but this time in an unusual way. All actions must be performed carefully, since we are in zero gravity and our ship must not lose balance.

Exercise - activator “Switch places, who.” (melody sounds)

Goal: relieve tension, change places in the working circle of group members

This exercise will allow you to move a little, lift your spirits, and also learn more about each other.

I ask the participants to sit in a circle. One chair is removed, and the driver, trying to take the vacant seat, offers to change places for those who: like to wear trousers. The one who was left without a chair (the new presenter) suggests changing places for those who... loves apples, knows how to play the guitar, loves to cook, etc.

Psychologist. - That's how we met. You have many common interests, favorite foods, activities. It’s just that I don’t like the weather, the clouds are kind of gray. (the presenter looks through binoculars). Probably need to take precautions. We have a rope with which we can tie ourselves and secure ourselves to the basket of the ship so that we are not thrown overboard.

Game “Shanghai People” Materials – rope 5-10 meters long

Rules - all participants stand in a line and take each other’s hands, then the first one begins to twist around its axis and pulls the others along with it until you get a spiral, which you tightly wrap with a rope at hip level. Task - in this position, the participants must walk a certain distance (from one edge of the basket to the other, along the way everyone must introduce themselves and tell about themselves, something unusual about their children. All participants must remember everything that each of them will say. When the goal will be achieved, untie the rope.

Psychologist. - Hooray! The storm has passed us by, please take your seats and tell us what you remember during the discussion. Time – 10-15 minutes.

And now a little important information from the teacher...

3. Educator: there are other techniques for establishing good contact with your interlocutor:

Along with a smile, a friendly, attentive look (eye contact) is necessary. But you should not “drill” your interlocutor with your gaze.

Short distance and convenient location (from 50 cm to 1.5 m). This distance is typical for conversations between close acquaintances and friends, so the interlocutor subconsciously tunes in to listen and help us - thanks to this distance, we are perceived as “closer” to him. But do not cross the “borders” of your interlocutor’s personal space!

Remove barriers that “increase” the distance in our perception of communication (table, book, sheet of paper in hands).

Use open gestures during the conversation, do not cross your arms or legs in front of you.

Here are the most basic rules for establishing good personal contact and building effective communication and interaction with parents.

Psychologist - The next exercise we will learn to communicate with our eyes

Exercise “Views”

Participants stand in a circle and close their eyes. At the command of the leader, you need to open your eyes, and only with your eyes establish contact with one of the group members.

If it doesn't work the first time, try again. When everyone has achieved their goal, ask to stand in front of each other with whom eye contact has been established, but in such a way that there are two lines - these are two teams for the next exercise.

Bottom line: Perhaps you have a lot in common with this person, and what is also important is that in complex life situations you can rely on each other and get support. And now we will test the strength of your relationships created during the journey.

Exercise “Palms-1”

In pairs, facing each other; participants join their palms with those of their partner. Then at the same time they take a step back, without releasing their palms. Then another step back and another... At the same time, there is constant eye and palm contact between the partners. The “retreat” continues as long as possible. If the participants believe that they have “reached the point,” then the reverse process begins. At the same time, the palms continue to securely connect the partners.

Psychologist. - And now we will establish how trusting your relationship with each other has become.

Exercise “Palms-2”

The pairs are the same. Partners stand in front of each other at a distance of 2-3 steps. You need to swing towards each other (without lifting your feet from the ground) so as to connect and lean on your palms (as in the “Palms-1” exercise). Happened? Wonderful. Now everyone takes a step back and again rushes towards their partner. And one more step back...

Bottom line. Not only eye contact has appeared between you, but also a trusting relationship! Well done! make yourself comfortable in your seats.

Psychologist. – the sun is shining brightly, the group is getting hot! And not to get sunstroke need a hat. But, alas, there is only one in our basket...

Game "Magic Hat".

Goal: exercise participants in complimenting each other. (5 min) (Participants remain in the same circles)

Instructions: - While the music is playing, we pass the hat around the circle, when the music stops, the one who has it, puts it on himself and says a compliment to the neighbors in the circle. This can be a superficial compliment regarding clothes, jewelry, appearance, or you can also say something positive about the “child” if he is a teacher. And the “neighbor” to whom the “compliment” is addressed should accept it by saying: “Thank you, I’m very pleased! Yes, I really like this about myself too!”

Exchange of impressions: was it easy to give a compliment? Was it nice to receive the compliment?

The presenter sums up: the compliment must be sincere, preferably not direct, but indirect.

Psychologist. - Air raid alert!


Instructions: “I ask everyone to sit comfortably and listen carefully to the information. The unexpected happened - for unknown reasons, a hole appeared in the shell of the balloon through which the gas that filled the shell escapes. The balloon begins to rapidly descend. You and I are flying over the ocean and there are still 500 left to the ground -550 km. All the bags of ballast (sand, which were stored for this occasion in the balloon gondola) were thrown overboard. The fall slowed down for a while, but did not stop. Here is a list of items and things that remained in the basket of our balloon:

1 rope 50m

2 First aid kit with medicines 5 kg

3 Hydraulic compass 6 kg

4 Canned meat and fish 20kg

5 Sextant for determining location by stars 5 kg

6 Rifle with optical sight and 25 kg of ammunition

7 Various candies 20 kg

8 Sleeping bags (one for each crew member)

9 Flare gun with a set of flares 8 kg

10 10-person tent 20kg

11 Oxygen cylinder 50kg

12 Set of geographical maps 25 kg

13 Canister with drinking water 20l

14 Transistor radio 3 kg

15 Rubber inflatable boat 25kg

Our proposal has a solution. It is necessary to gather in the center of the basket in order to discuss the current situation. You need to decide what to throw overboard and in what order.

Your task is to decide what should be thrown away and in what order.

But first, make this decision yourself. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper with a list of objects and things, and then right side Next to each name, put a serial number, (psychologist’s example) corresponding to the significance of the item, thinking something like this: “In the first place I will put a set of cards, since it is not needed at all, in the second place - an oxygen cylinder, in the third place - candies, etc. ".

When determining the significance of objects and things, i.e. the order in which you will get rid of them, you need to keep in mind that everything is thrown away, not part, i.e. all the candies, not half. When you make an individual decision, you need to gather in the center (in a circle) and begin to develop a group decision, guided by the following rules:

1) any crew member can express their opinion;

2) the number of statements made by one person is not limited;

3) a decision is made when all crew members, without exception, vote for it; (signal cards)

4) if at least one object to this decision, it is not accepted, and the group must look for another way out;

5) decisions must be made regarding the entire list of objects and things.

The time available to the crew is unknown. How long will the decline continue? This largely depends on how quickly you make decisions. If the crew unanimously votes to discard an item, it is considered discarded, and this may slow down the fall of the ball.

I wish you successful work. The main thing is to stay alive, since family and friends are waiting for everyone at home.

If you can't agree, we'll break up. Remember this!"

(Recommendations to the presenter. You should explain all the rules to the participants in great detail and describe the situation in which the crew finds themselves. In this case, you can show your own imagination, based on the characteristics of the group composition. You need to answer all the questions, but not suggest a way out of the current situation. It must be found During work, the presenter does not interfere in the discussion process and does not answer questions from the participants, but only monitors the implementation of the rules, especially voting.

Time to play: 20 – 25 minutes. But you can also increase the time if the group is very sluggish in participating in the discussion, especially at initial stage. You can reduce the time to 17 - 18 minutes if she is immediately very actively involved in the work. If the group managed to make all 15 decisions with 100% voting, the participants should be congratulated and asked to think about the reasons for successfully overcoming such a critical situation.

If they were unable to make all 15 decisions in the allotted time, then the presenter announces that the crew landed unsuccessfully - in the ocean, before reaching the ground, and asks them to think about the reasons that led to this disaster.

An analysis of the results and progress of the game can be carried out immediately after its completion, or in the next lesson, giving the opportunity to more deeply understand the reasons for success or failure, analyze mistakes and try to come to a common opinion.

Psychologist - with your vigorous activity, we landed safely on the ground, but correspondents are already waiting for us with questions about the journey, about interesting things, about difficulties.

Exercise "Interview"

Goal: creating conditions for receiving feedback and developing reflection skills.

– How important it is to be able to quickly get to know a person, to learn as much as possible about him. How to make friendly contact? What questions should you ask? It's not easy to conduct a good interview. On the other hand, answering questions can also be difficult. Answer in such a way that the answers are interesting and not trivial. And each participant in our meeting will have to play both roles: interview and give an interview

Instructions: Next we break into pairs. Then, in pairs, we decide who will interview first and who will interview second. We are given 1 minute for the presentation of our colleague. In this case, the correspondent stands behind the respondent’s chair, puts his hands on his shoulders and presents the answer to the whole group emotionally and expressively. The correspondent writes down the participant's answer

Result: Indeed, in the course of our work we gave each other feedback, and each of us was in a state of reflection. We do this all the time in life. Reflection gives you the opportunity to look at yourself from the outside, to become aware of your feelings and actions.

By doing this exercise we got shining example reflections of the state. Reflection is one of the main means of promoting effective communication, and is aimed at understanding one’s experiences and states in the course of work. And then, understanding the reasons for the appearance of such conditions, such as irritation and fatigue, we can, through reflection, model our condition and restore normal working capacity. And you need to start reflection by saying to yourself “stop” at some point in time, looking into yourself and asking yourself the question: “Why did this happen?”, “What is behind this or that action of mine?”

The psychologist gives training participants a reminder - the rules of active listening.


"Rules of Active Listening"

1. Friendly attitude. React calmly to everything your interlocutor says. No personal assessments or comments on what was said.

2. Do not ask questions. Construct sentences in the affirmative form.

3. Take a break. Give your interlocutor time to think.

4. Don't be afraid to make erroneous assumptions about how the other person is feeling. If something is wrong, the interlocutor will correct you.

5. Eye contact.

6. If you understand that the interlocutor is not in the mood for conversations and frankness, then leave him alone.

When going to senior level, problems may arise: several groups have formed in the class, conflicts constantly occur, students cannot find “ mutual language”, it is impossible to hold a collective event, which may lead to difficulties in the further process schooling and in the possibility of personal self-realization in the school environment. Therefore, it is important to create psychologically comfortable conditions for the development of intragroup relations, where Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to the rapid establishment of positive relationships between children, mastering the techniques and skills of effective interpersonal communication.

  1. create conditions for organizing and uniting the children's team,
  2. development of the skill of constructive group interaction (the ability to listen and understand another, to establish cooperation), regardless of the diversity of manifestations of their individuality;
  3. developing the skill of making collective decisions;
  4. reduce the level of anxiety and emotional stress.

The expected psychological result is the creation of a favorable psychological climate and each participant gaining experience of joint decision-making and interaction, awareness of their importance in the team, and the creation of positive relationships between peers.

Plot built on the basis of an unusual journey. Students are offered a trip in a hot air balloon, during which a disaster occurs and they find themselves on a desert island. Children are left alone with themselves.

Time for game and discussion 1.5 – 2 hours.

Participants: 10th grade students (15 years old); 10 - 15 people; 1 person acts as a “leader” (psychologist); classroom teacher acts as an “observer”.

The class teacher can use the skills acquired by students to build his work with children in organizing collective activities.

Stage 1. Introduction to the game.

  1. mood for the game
  2. awakening interest,
  3. creating a gaming atmosphere.

Material: Indoor tables are arranged in the center in the shape of a circle. The chairs are placed in a semicircle. On the table are signs with the names of the cities whose representatives are present on the stage. Chair for the presenter. Each participant has a badge indicating their name and city.

Host: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! A few months ago, a unique trip around the Earth in a hot air balloon was announced. Qualifying rounds were held in all cities. We have gathered you here because you have won the casting to take part in an incredible journey - you are the best of the best. You have to fly around the earth in a hot air balloon. You will stop at designated places and explore the sights. So, bon voyage.

Stage 2. Unforeseen disaster.

  1. developing the ability to quickly make optimal decisions,
  2. defend your point of view.

Material: Slides with sights of some countries, sheets with a list of items (according to the number of participants).

Leading: Our journey has begun. Have you already been to Greece? Athens Acropolis. In Italy - the Colosseum, the Cathedral and St. Peter's Square in Rome. France – Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral. England - the famous Bic Bon - slides are shown along the list (the set of slides can be any). Your path lies to the shores of America, across the Atlantic Ocean. There is still a long way to go, but a hole has formed in the ball and it begins to slowly fall. The fall slowed down after being freed from ballast, but it becomes necessary to lighten the ball by throwing out other objects.

Participants are offered a list:

  • First aid kit – 25 kg.
  • Compass – 2 kg.
  • Canned food – 25 kg.
  • Spyglass – 1 kg.
  • Gun and cartridges – 25 kg.
  • Candies – 20 kg.
  • Sleeping bags – 30 kg.
  • Flare gun and flares – 10 kg.
  • Tents – 20 kg.
  • Oxygen cylinder – 50 kg.
  • Cards – 5 kg.
  • Drinking water cylinder – 20 kg.
  • Inflatable boat – 25 kg.
  • Video camera – 5 kg.
  • Video cassettes – 3 kg.
  • Tape recorder – 3 kg.

Task: Decide what to throw away and in what order. First, everyone thinks for themselves, then together they need to find a common solution and write it down.

Conditions for fulfillment: everyone must speak out, the decision is made by unanimous vote. If there is one abstention, the proposal is cancelled. The decision must be made on the entire list of items.

Presenter: Remember, the time the ball falls is unknown, but the speed of the fall increases.

Stage 3 “Presentation of individuality”.

Objectives: developing the desire to understand the individual differences of others.

Host: Despite all your efforts, the balloon still fell on one of the islands in the Atlantic Ocean. You miraculously escaped, and besides, you managed to send an “SOS” signal. True, it is unknown when they will start looking for you and when they will find you. It's time to get to know each other better.

Assignment: participants take turns calling their names and their inherent personal qualities, the names of which begin with one of the letters of their own name (both positive and negative qualities).

Stage 4 “How to live on an island.”

  1. show the inevitability of conflicts,
  2. develop skills for constructively solving situations by making a collective decision,
  3. developing a sense of responsibility.

Material: sheets with a list of questions that need to be solved; paper; pens; markers.

Host: So, you find yourself on a desert island with rich flora and fauna, including poisonous plants and predatory animals. The second day has passed, and there is no help. There is a need to organize your living space, distribute roles between you and adopt rules for living together.

Assignment: you are offered sheets with a list of questions that need to be discussed. The result of the discussion will be a “Code” of 10 rules that would ensure your survival.


  1. Who will do what?
  2. Who will be responsible for what?
  3. How will decisions be made?
  4. Who will lead?
  5. How will food be distributed (equally; according to labor contribution; give more to the strong so that they work better, or to the weak so that they survive)?
  6. How to deal with those who break the rules?

Stage 5 “Joint Actions”.

Objectives: developing the ability to negotiate with each other, the ability to act together.

Materials: bag, 2 tubes, 2 sheets of paper, plastic cup, some tape and thread, raw egg.

Host: The time has come to try to work together.

Assignment: you need to pack a raw egg using the set provided so that it does not break when dropped.

Condition for completion: all participants discuss how this can be done and choose 1 person who will complete the task. (Checking the quality of the task - a person stands on a chair and throws a packaged egg).

Stage 6 “How old am I?”

Objectives: to show that each person performs different “roles” and can behave differently in different situations.

Materials: paper, pencil, scissors.

Host: A few days on the island are behind us. Help is at hand. What did everyone learn about themselves while living on the island?

Task: a sheet of paper is folded several times, after which the silhouette of one person is cut out. By unfolding a sheet of paper, students receive either individual human figures or a ribbon of them.

Students are asked to write on each of the figures they receive, “What kind of person can I be?” and “What wishes would you make to each of these little people?”

How the world is changing! And how I myself am changing!
I am called by only one name -
In fact, what is called me
I'm not alone. There are many of us, I am alive!

N. Zabolotsky.

Stage 7 “Back home”. Discussion.

Objectives: developing the ability to distinguish between one’s feelings and experiences, and to assess the situation.

  1. What feelings did you experience while playing?
  2. What turned out to be difficult? Why?
  3. What did you like? What didn't you like?

The breakdown into teams is based on the following criteria: 1-who is the Deepest in the group - the Wise? 2-who is the most Kind - Heartfelt - Compassionate?, 3 - the most Hard Worker - Hard Worker?, 4 - the most Wild Barbarian? (select these leaders)


How good it is to be among friends! Each team is now in the balloon basket. You rise above the ground, you can no longer see the faces below, houses become like children's blocks, roads turn into strings - and you fly under the clouds. You are flying over cities and forests, the wind is strong, and now you are over the ocean. The ocean is restless, you can see the white caps of the waves from above, but what do you care about this, your balloon confidently carries you into the distance. But what is it? A small dot appears on the horizon, and this car is approaching! This is a giant eagle, he looks at you with evil eyes! It circles above you, soars over the ball, disappears from your field of vision - and suddenly you hear a squeal, scratching on the lining of the ball, blows and hissing. You have a rifle, one of you shoots for luck - and the eagle, losing blood, slowly slides to the side and down on its wide wings. But your ball also begins to lose height. The balloon's basket can float on the water, but if a storm hits, the balloon will capsize. In the distance, in the direction of the wind, there are several islands, apparently uninhabited. There is a chance to be saved if you get rid of unnecessary things and fly to the islands. But what to throw away? After all, some things may be useful to live on these islands, but no one knows how long they will have to live there. Nothing is known about the climate in these latitudes: it’s warm there now, but what is winter like?

Everyone opened their eyes and found themselves in their group. Everyone will now receive a list of things in the ball's basket, and will sequentially throw things away in order to fly to the island. The first number marks what you decide to throw out first, the second number – the second, 17 – what you decide to throw out last. The work is completely independent; you cannot discuss anything with your neighbors. All work is given 10 minutes. After everyone has made their choice, a task is given for the whole team:

“Death has surrounded you on all sides, the only hope is to fly to the island and survive on it. If you don’t throw anything away, you will fall and drown in the sea. If you make the mistake of throwing away the right thing, you will die. Throwing everything away at once is tantamount to death. Everyone has made their choice, now each team must develop a common decision, but not by voting, but by unanimous consent. If even one person is against it, the decision is not made. In this case, you lose time: you can die, you have 20 - 30 minutes. Previously, they decided that you would have more things left. After finishing the work, sum up the results and find out whose individual decision will be closer to the group one. Then we will find out whose individual decision was the wisest or who is best at convincing others.” Team work lasts 30 minutes.

If there is bickering in groups, then it is necessary to intervene: “everyone has closed their eyes. Time has stopped. You are observing the situation from the side. A holey balloon hangs over the sea. The blue sea is choppy, it’s easy to turn over in a basket, and big hungry sharks are impatiently waiting for this moment. And There are conversations in the basket, and the longer they go, the lower the basket falls. I wonder if these people will be able to survive? And on whom does the time start again?

Those groups that came up with a solution first make up the list of discussion winners. It's done like this. Everyone has their own list, and there is a group-wide list. For each item it is necessary to calculate the difference module. If on point 1 someone has a rank of 3, and the group put it in 5th place, then on this point the difference is equal to 2. Adding up this difference between the individual and general decision for each point, it is easy to determine how far the overall decision of one person was from the group’s, and to compare whose decision was closer to the group’s. You can discuss with the group: what is more important in their opinion - the ability to prove that you are right or to work as a whole to save the group. It is important to discuss everyone’s contribution to the discussion: which of us saved and vice versa (whoever you flew with).

List of things

1. Bowls, mugs, spoons………………………….9 kg

2. Rocket launcher with flares…………..6 kg

3. Geographic Maps and compass.........................2 kg

4. Canned meat...................................................20 kg

5. 5.Axes, knives, shovels..................................12 kg

6. Canister with drinking water...................................20 l

7. Cotton wool, bandages, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green......7 kg

8. Rifle with a supply of cartridges.......................30kg

9. Chocolate........................................................ .......10 kg

10. Gold, diamonds...................................25 kg

11. Big dog...................................55 kg

12. Fishing tackle............................................1 kg

13. Dressing mirror, awl, soap and shampoo...3 kg

14. Salt, sugar, set of vitamins........................9 kg

15. Medical alcohol...................................10 l