How to draw a city in space. Children draw space. Compositions of senior preschoolers with comments on work performance

For preschoolers, the world around them is a means of cognition and a source artistic images, which they are happy to embody on paper in the process of drawing. In the senior and preparatory groups, kindergarten students get acquainted with the unknown world of the Universe. It attracts children's attention, makes them think and fantasize. As a result, the guys create wonderful compositions on the theme “Space”.

Features of drawing on this topic in older preschool age

To understand the vast unknown world of space, you need to use your imagination as much as possible. Preschoolers easily cope with this task - they can imagine themselves on board a spaceship flying past unknown planets, or saving an alien from a black hole.

Space is one of the topics that very well develops children's imagination. The emphasis in such drawings is placed on three main areas. First of all, this is the creation of a cosmic landscape with many stars, beautiful, different planets, comets, asteroids, etc. In some works of preschoolers, the foreground can clearly stand out - the landscape of a planet or other cosmic body (for example, the Moon - satellite) is drawn in detail Earth).

Another direction of drawings on this topic is the depiction of equipment intended for space exploration: rockets, satellites, spaceships. Older preschoolers create quite realistic images, paying attention to details. Along with such devices, the guys really like to draw the vehicles of fictional aliens, the so-called flying saucers.

And another part of the work on creating space compositions is the image of astronauts in their professional equipment and fantastic anthropomorphic creatures - aliens. The latter can look completely different in a child's imagination, be cute or deliberately ugly, have their own character - kind or aggressive.

During a class on drawing space, the teacher does not give older preschoolers ready-made templates. So, to create a cosmic landscape, it will be enough for the children to have a poster with an image of the solar system in front of their eyes in order to have an idea of ​​​​what the different planets look like.

Poster for preschoolers

Drawing a rocket is usually not difficult for children - the teacher only clarifies its components with the children. In addition, drawing is usually preceded by an application on a given topic.

As for creating the image of an astronaut, the image of a person is always difficult task. However, in in this case the work is simplified by the presence of a voluminous spacesuit, so detailed rendering of facial features or proportions of body parts will no longer be so relevant.

Drawing Aliens - Exclusively creative process when children independently look for ways to create a fantastic image. However, the teacher can provide preschoolers with a picture of different types of these creatures (for example, based on a cartoon).

Poster for preschoolers

In the senior and preparatory groups, the final part of the lesson is important - analysis of finished work. For example, if the children drew an alien, the teacher organizes a discussion about the expressiveness of the created images. The children tell us what colors they used in their work and what they depicted best. In addition, each child can come up with a name for his alien and talk about his character, as well as the planet he came from.

The most appropriate materials and basis for work

Drawing on a space theme involves using a certain base. If this is a drawing with paints, then the sheet of paper is usually tinted in dark color- black, brown, dark blue, dark purple. Although some drawings look great on a blue base. A gradient background with beautiful color transitions also looks impressive.

Basis for drawing a cosmic landscape

The shape of the base can be not only standard (A4 format). An interesting solution is to offer the children large circles of paper gray(Moon), on which they will depict the lunar landscape or the fictional inhabitants of this space object.

The basis of the drawing is a circle that fits in A4 format

As for paint, gouache in this case will be preferable to watercolor, as it allows you to create bright and rich images.

Cosmic compositions are also created by older preschoolers with colored pencils or wax crayons. The background is painted over during the work process, and, unlike a drawing with paints, it is not too dark.

The combination of materials always looks unusual. For example, in Zaya’s watercolor drawing, the outline of a white rocket is drawn with a bright felt-tip pen.

By using a felt-tip pen, the watercolor image becomes brighter and more contrasting.

Since when drawing on the theme “Space” non-traditional techniques are often used, the teacher provides the children with the appropriate supplies - foam sponges, toothbrushes, cotton swabs, toothpicks for scratching the drawing, glue. You can even use unexpected materials like soap bubbles or shaving foam.

At an art lesson on this topic, children can also be offered stencils depicting, for example, a comet, an alien, or a spaceship. In this case, you can tint the base with beautiful color transitions, and make the images of stencil objects monochromatic and contrasting.

Drawing materials

Techniques and image techniques used when drawing on a space theme

By creating compositions on a space theme, older preschoolers practice all the previously mastered drawing techniques with paints and pencils. The technique of working with the brush (tip and entire bristles) is improved. Children adjust the pressure on the pencil and practice painting a silhouette with rhythmic unidirectional movements. The teacher monitors whether the students are holding the instrument correctly and makes comments as necessary (this is relevant even in the preparatory group).

In the senior group, and even more so in the preparatory group, the children are already good at mixing paints, achieving interesting shades. This skill will be useful to them when drawing space landscapes.

Such an unusual and mysterious theme as “Space” opens up great scope for the development of the creative imagination of preschoolers. In this regard, non-traditional imaging techniques provide great opportunities. For example, the endless expanses of space depicted in watercolor can be effectively complemented by spraying with a toothbrush - in this way we will depict numerous distant stars, small asteroids and cosmic dust.

Drawing using unconventional spraying technique

To create an image of a mysterious Universe, the grattage technique is ideal - scratching silhouettes on a dark background. The base is first painted over with multi-colored wax crayons and covered with a thick layer of black gouache (preschoolers can easily do this on their own the day before class.

Grattage technique

The most interesting thing is the actual process of scratching the drawing. The result of this work is an original image.

Drawing using scratch technique

Bizarre images of aliens are well achieved using blotography - blowing paint through a cocktail tube and then adding details.


Ordinary PVA glue in a bottle with a narrow neck will help you draw a lunar landscape with characteristic craters. On the surface of the Moon, relief circles are depicted, which, after drying, are covered with gray paint.

Drawing with PVA glue

An interesting relief image is also obtained using ordinary salt. The silhouette of a space object is first marked with glue and then sprinkled with coarse salt. When the image dries, it is covered with paint.

Drawing with salt and then painting over it

Let's consider such an unusual technique as drawing with shaving foam. The foam is mixed with paint to create a beautiful marble effect. In this way we can depict our home planet Earth.

Shaving foam drawing

IN kindergarten It is also often practiced to draw with wax crayons and then cover a sheet of paper with watercolors or gouache. In this case, the property of wax crayons to repel water is used. First, preschoolers draw space objects, rockets, astronauts, etc., and then cover the entire sheet with black paint using a brush. Paint runs off from areas covered with wax. The result is a beautiful high-contrast image.

Drawing with watercolors and wax crayons

Additional types of visual activities that can be used when creating works, implementation of an individual approach in the classroom

When drawing on a creative theme such as "Space", of course, you need to encourage preschoolers to use additional types activities. Thus, it is possible to implement an individual approach to the lesson. For example, a bright picture depicting a distant alien planet with its bizarre inhabitants will be decorated with an applique in the form of paper silhouettes of strange trees.

Drawing with applique elements

The composition will be made more original by plasticine details.

A combination of drawing and plasticineography

Variants of compositions for drawing on the theme “Space” in the senior and preparatory groups

It is most logical to conduct a drawing lesson on a space theme with senior preschoolers in early April - on the eve of the celebration of Cosmonautics Day. Before such productive activities, it is advisable to conduct a lesson on understanding the surrounding world on the topic “Space”, so that the children can then reflect their knowledge and impressions in a drawing.

The following can be suggested as specific topics for visual arts:

  • "Space Landscape". Here the main attention is paid to outer space itself, comets, meteorites, cosmic dust flying in it, etc.)
  • "Planets of the Solar System". The guys depict in detail the Sun and the planets revolving around it, reflecting the characteristic external features of certain space objects (the red color of Mars, the rings of Saturn, the green-blue Earth, orange Venus, very small Mercury, huge Jupiter, etc.).
  • “Flight to the Moon” (alternatively – “Flight to Mars”). Preschoolers depict the lunar surface spaceship on her. You can also include the image of an astronaut in the composition. Another option is that the Moon is depicted from afar, and a spaceship flies towards it.
  • "Cosmonauts in Space." Children draw astronauts in a spacesuit, floating in zero gravity in outer space.
  • “Aliens in Space” (alternatively “Martians”). This is a fantasy work in which preschoolers create a fictitious image of an alien, endowing it with the most unimaginable external features.
  • “Rocket in space”, “Flying satellite”. Here the emphasis is on detailed images of technical objects created by man for space exploration.

If desired, drawing on a space theme can also be organized as a group work. To do this, you can take a topic such as “ solar system"- each child in the subgroup depicts a specific planet.

Organization of a motivating beginning of direct educational activities: a surprise moment, an educational conversation, reading a fairy tale, poem, looking at illustrations, etc.

A lesson in drawing space should take place in a creative atmosphere so that preschoolers come into contact with the mysterious and magical world the endless Universe. First of all, a well-thought-out game motivation will help to do this.

For example, a teacher tells the children that she received a message from outer space in which someone asks for help. It turns out that this is Dunno, who flew to the moon and cannot return back. He is scared alone in an unfamiliar place. Dunno definitely needs help - to send a rescue squad of astronauts to the Moon. But you can only get there by rocket or spaceship, which you need to draw.

Astronauts can also send letters to preschoolers. It also comes with a package containing a gift - a helmet. The astronauts, knowing that the guys are good at drawing, ask them to send them pictures depicting the cosmic landscape.

The motivation using a toy character is interesting. An alien from outer space comes to visit the children. He says he liked the big one and beautiful planet Earth. Many people live on it, but he is sad and lonely, because he lives all alone on his planet. The alien asks the guys to please him - to draw friends.

Soft toy that can be used in class

In order for children to become imbued with the space theme, the teacher can invite them to turn into astronauts. To do this, preschoolers put on pre-prepared paper helmets and imagine flying while listening to appropriate music. The guys open their eyes and see a poster with a picture of the solar system.

Photo from open class in kindergarten

You can start drawing on the theme of space with a fairy tale. Wonderful modern work- fairy tale by Iris Review “About a resourceful girl and a generous Sun.” It says that once upon a time, our planet was illuminated only during the day, when the sun's rays illuminated all living things. But at night it was so dark and scary that it’s impossible to describe. And so one little girl turned to the Sun with a request for someone to shine at night, because she was very afraid of the dark. The Sun thought about it and decided to perform a miracle - its rays gave light to the Moon, so that it, in turn, would send it to Earth. In addition, the stars also volunteered to help the Moon. Now the nights were not so dark, and the little girl was no longer afraid to sleep.

After reading this beautiful fairy tale to the pupils of the senior or preparatory group you can propose to draw a cosmic landscape, where the bright Moon and stars will illuminate the globe in the darkness of the Universe.

We can also recommend The Tale of the Lone Star. Its main character is a small star (although in fact she was larger than our Sun). She was very lonely because other stars were far away and the planets were not interested in her life. They just argued with each other about whose trajectory was more correct. And then one night a comet flew past the star. The heroine had never seen them before. They started talking. Comet said that she is a celestial traveler - she flies wherever she wants. It is made of ice, but there are other comets - made of stones and metals. The little star asked the comet not to fly away yet, but to stay with her and tell her about the wonders that she had seen in the Universe. The comet agreed, began to revolve around the star along with the planets and told amazing stories every day. From her stories, the star learned that there are many types of stars: young and old, hot and almost cooled, small and giant. And the most interesting thing is that many of the stars that are visible in the sky actually went out a long time ago, but the light from them is still coming and will be going on for a long time. The star admitted to the comet that her deepest desire was to talk with other stars. AND new girlfriend told her that the stars communicate with each other with their twinkling (they will flash brighter, then almost go out) - this is their language.

Soon the comet flew away. And the star kept peering into the sky, wanting to unravel the mysterious language. And suddenly one night, when she was admiring a bright red star, it began to blink - three short flashes, then one bright one. Then another star did the same. And then the little star realized that it was a greeting, and also blinked at the distant stars. Now all that remained was to wait for the answer, even if it came in a thousand years.

A picture that can be used to illustrate a fairy tale

The plot of this wonderful fairy tale will be a good motivation for drawing space objects - stars, planets and comets.

The teacher can also tell the pupils in the first person such a fabulous story:

“Once I was at a star-studded space ball. In the center, on a high throne, the queen of the ball, Polar Star, sat motionless. She was gorgeous blue dress, and the head was decorated with a crown. Multi-colored stars swirled around the waltz, and constellations danced in different masks. The crystal ringing of bells announced the arrival of Lady Comet to the ball. Her tail shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, her outfit was irresistible. The comet is called a cosmic messenger. Fast, where does it not happen!? Looks into the most distant corners of the Universe. She will be the first to know about the birth of new stars and planets. And now she talked about where meteorites and meteor showers will soon fall. She also conveyed to the Polar Star a declaration of love from sailors, pilots and astronauts from planet Earth. They love her very much because she always points in the right direction.”

The following tale is interesting, in which the planets of the Solar System are endowed with anthropomorphic features.

“A friendly family lives in the Universe - the Solar System. The mother is called the Sun, and her children are called the planets. Like chickens around a hen, the planets circle around the Sun, and it loves everyone and warms them. The fastest son is called Mercury, the most beautiful daughter is Venus, and the kindest is Earth. The most pugnacious son is named Mars. The largest and fattest is called Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are distinguished by their strength and calm character. Saturn is considered a cheerful person, and only little Pluto is always whiny and gloomy. Planets have friends - satellites. For example, the Earth's girlfriend is called the Moon. They are never separated, and the Moon in a yellow sundress revolves around the Earth, looking into her eyes. You can’t go into space without friendship!”

A poster that can be used to illustrate a fairy tale

After reading this unusual short fairy tale, you can invite the children to depict the planets from an unexpected angle - with human face, while trying to endow each of them with its own character.

There are also many interesting poems on the space theme, the plot of which can also be used to build a drawing lesson. Let's give some examples.

“It’s so cool in space!” O. Akhmetova

It's so cool in space!
Stars and planets
In black weightlessness
Slowly swimming!
It's so cool in space!
Sharp missiles
At great speed
They rush here and there!
It's so wonderful in space!
It's so magical in space!
In real space
Been there once!
In real space!
In the one that saw through,
In the one that saw through
Paper telescope!

“Ten Sleepwalkers” (song-game, lyrics by Usachev A.A.)

Ten sleepwalkers lived on the moon.
Ten sleepwalkers tossed and turned in their sleep.
And suddenly one sleepwalker fell from the moon in his sleep
And NINE sleepwalkers remained on the Moon.
Nine sleepwalkers lived on the moon.
Nine sleepwalkers tossed and turned in their sleep.
And suddenly one sleepwalker fell from the Moon in his sleep.
And EIGHT sleepwalkers remained on the Moon.
Eight sleepwalkers lived on the moon.
Eight sleepwalkers tossed and turned in their sleep...

Count the sleepwalkers until:

And suddenly one sleepwalker fell from the Moon in his sleep!
And there were no more lunatics on the Moon!

And if you don't want to sleep,
Start counting again!

N. Tsvetkova

The blue sky has opened
Yellow-orange eye
Sun - daylight
Looks at us affectionately.
The planet is spinning smoothly
In the unsteady flickering of lights.
There's a comet somewhere in space
He follows after her.
Mercury is torn from orbit,
Wants to hug Venus.
These are magnetic storms
Maybe Mercury will rise.
Distant stars blink
Signaling something to the Earth.
Black holes gape
An eternal mystery in the darkness.
Brothers in mind. Where are you?
Where are you waiting for us?
Maybe in the constellation Virgo,
Maybe in the constellation Pegasus?

V. Tatarinov “Cosmonaut”.

I'll build a rocket, go on a long journey,

I will choose the most radiant star.

And along the way, of course, I will remember sweet home

AND five pointed stars over the Kremlin.

Where the planets circle, my ship will pass.

The sunny people will make friends with me there.

And the local boys will meet me,

I will sing them a song about my native land.

Physical education and dynamic pauses on this topic will help to interest children even more in the topic of space:

Physical education lesson “Cosmonaut”

Physical education lesson “Cosmonaut Costume”

Physical education lesson “Let’s go to the cosmodrome”

Finger gymnastics “Cosmos”

  • You and I flew into space,
  • We met aliens
  • And some exercise for your fingers
  • We performed it together with them.
  • We met first
  • One two three four five,
  • We became friends, hugged,
  • And then we went to look
  • Through the telescope to Star Trek!

Outdoor game "Cosmonauts":

  • Children holding hands walk in a circle:
    Fast rockets are waiting for us
    For walks on the planets
    Whatever we want -
    Let's fly to this one!
    But there is one secret in the game:
    There is no room for latecomers!

Children run up and try to take places (in the hoops). Only two astronauts can board one rocket.

Class notes

Author's full name Title of the abstract
Smirnova A.V. "Space Landscape"
(senior group)
Educational objectives: learn to depict the solar system, obtain different shades of colors by mixing.
Developmental tasks: develop compositional skills, color perception.
Educational tasks: to cultivate interest in the world of space.
Integration educational areas : “Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”.
Demonstration material: illustrations of space, solar system.
Handout: sheets of A4 paper, watercolors, oil pastels, brushes, sippy cups, napkins
Progress of the lesson:
The teacher reminds the preschoolers that during the walk they looked at the sky and asks them to describe it. It turns out that the sky can be different: on a sunny day - bright blue, on a cloudy day - gray, at sunset - orange. At night, the sky appears black; thousands of stars light up against its background. In addition to our planet, there are a huge number of other planets, stars, dust, gases, and asteroids in space.
Children are invited to take a fascinating journey through the Universe, imagining that they have risen so high that the Earth seems like a small blue ball. The sky has turned into outer space filled different objects. The guys learn that our galaxy is called the Milky Way, and the solar system consists of eight planets.
Reading of the poem by V. Shipunova “On a distant planet...”:
  • On a distant, amazing planet
    (We won't get there in ten years)
    The emerald sun shines brightly
    And there lives an orange bear.
    On the silky lilac grass
    The pink deer wanders calmly -
    Pearl horns on the head -
    The shadow tramples with a silver hoof.

Conversation on the topic: what else could be on a distant, amazing planet.
A musical warm-up “10 lunatics” is being held (with lyrics by A. Usachev).
Children are presented with a poster depicting the solar system. The teacher repeatedly indicates the external distinctive features of the planets. For example, Mercury has many craters, and Venus and Earth are called “sisters” due to their similar size. Mars appears red from space, Earth appears blue, and Uranus appears green. Saturn is surrounded by rings made of rock and ice.
Preschoolers are encouraged to sketch their journey using watercolors and crayons oil pastel. Space objects are drawn with crayons, and air space is painted over with watercolors.
Independent activity of children. Exhibition of works.

Alyaeva O.A. "We're flying into space"
(senior group)

Riddle about Dunno:

  • Wearing a round-brimmed hat
    And in knee-length pants
    Busy with different things
    He's just too lazy to study.
    Who is he, quickly guess
    What's his name? (Dunno)

Dunno sends a message from space in which he asks for help - he
Flew to the moon and cannot return. The guys must turn into astronauts to fly into space and help the character. But for this they
you will need a rocket that you need to draw.
The diagram of the Solar system is considered.
Children are offered didactic game“Unspell the Martian”: you need to name which ones geometric shapes Portraits of aliens are drawn up and counted.
The teacher informs the children that they will draw a rocket and space objects using the grattage technique. Preschoolers look at three examples of work in this technique.
A physical education session is held - to the accompaniment of slow music, the children imitate the movements of astronauts in zero gravity.
Independent productive activity. Analysis of works.

Garifullina V.V. "Aliens from Outer Space"
(preparatory group)

The teacher invites preschoolers to go on a virtual space journey - imagine themselves on board a spaceship. Conversation about the planets of the solar system.
The teacher asks the children to fantasize about what aliens might look like and whether they will be like us. Children suggest that the aliens may be huge, green, have a third eye, etc.

The toy alien Chucha appears. He came from a distant planet, but there he lives all alone. Chucha asks the guys to draw him friends - different aliens - and come up with names for them (motivation).
Finger gymnastics is performed:

  • We met first
    You and I flew into space,
    One two three four five,
    We met aliens
    We became friends, hugged,
    And some exercise for your fingers
    Six seven eight nine ten.
    We performed it together with them.
    And then we went to look
    Through the telescope to Star Trek!

Independent activity of preschoolers. Analysis of works. Children talk about their alien and the planet he came from, and say his name.
The guys give the drawings to Chucha and invite him to fly to them again.

Deeva T.
(preparatory group)

The lesson begins with riddles about a rocket and an astronaut:

    Wonder bird - scarlet tail
    Flew into a flock of stars.
    Our people built this
    He is not a pilot, not a pilot,
    He is flying no plane,
    And a huge rocket
    Tell me who it is.

The outdoor game “Cosmonauts” is played.
Brief conversation about Cosmonautics Day. Reading of the poem by V. Stepanov: “Yu. Gagarin":

  • In a space rocket
    With the name "East"
    He is the first on the planet
    I was able to rise to the stars.
    Sings songs about it
    Spring drops:
    Will be together forever
    Gagarin and April.

Discussion of the astronaut profession and the qualities required for it. The teacher talks about the tests that astronauts undergo on Earth. Preschoolers imagine that they have flown into space and look at illustrations on a space theme.
A physical education session is held:

  • One, two - there is a rocket,
    (children check their posture)
    Three, four - plane.
    (hands to the side)
    One, two - clap your hands,
    (clap your hands above your head)
    And then on every account.
    (four claps in front of you)
    One two three four
    (hands up, stretch)
    Arms higher, shoulders wider
    (arms to the sides, forearms up)
    One two three four
    And they walked around on the spot.
    (walking in place)
    And now we are with you, children,
    We're flying away on a rocket.
    (hands up, palms together - “rocket dome”)
    We stood up on our toes,
    (stand on tiptoes)
    Quick, quick hands down
    (right hand down, left hand down)
    One two three four -
    Here's a rocket flying up!
    (pull your head up, shoulders down)
    The sun is shining in a clear sky,
    An astronaut flies in a rocket.
    (stretching - arms up)
    And below the forests, fields -
    The ground is spreading.
    (low bend forward, arms spread to the sides)

Preschoolers are invited to draw a rocket using a stencil, finishing the windows with their fingers. The planets will be depicted as caps from
bottles (printing). White and yellow stars are drawn with cotton swabs.
Productive activities of children. While the drawings are drying, the children lay out a rocket of counting sticks on the carpet.
Reading the poem “Cosmonaut” by G. Lagzdyn:

  • I really need it, I really need it
    Become a brave astronaut.
    I really need it, I really need it
    Fly to the Two Bears,
    Stay with the Bears,
    Treat them to a gingerbread.
    Such is the nature there:
    No flowers, no bees, no honey,
    And then fly in a rocket
    To the northernmost planet...

Compositions of senior preschoolers with comments on work performance

"Cosmic landscape, planets of the solar system"

Pupils of the senior and preparatory groups create wonderful pictures of space. Drawings on a dark background are always effective: planets and stars seem brighter and more contrasting. In this regard, we note the works “ Unknown planet", "Mysterious Saturn", "Saturn", "In the vastness of the Universe."

Original compositions that involve unconventional methods drawing. This is the work “Unexplored Space”, made using the grattage technique, the drawing “Our neighbors in space”, where Mars and green fragments of the Earth are depicted using salt. And the composition “Silence and Calm in Space” is a whole combination of non-standard techniques - spraying, drawing with soap bubbles and a sponge. Splashing was also used in the work “Comet”.

Preschoolers love to depict the structure of the solar system. This is a collective work “Our Solar System”, where each child in the subgroup drew a specific planet. There is an interesting interpretation of this theme in the fantasy drawing “Solar System”, where the child depicted the Sun as smaller than Saturn, and painted most of the planets in a mysterious purple color.

Photo gallery: works of preschoolers

Drawing in gouache Drawing in gouache using salt Drawing in watercolors and pencils (teamwork) Drawing in gouache using the spraying technique Drawing with wax crayons Drawing in gouache Drawing in the grattage technique Drawing in watercolor Drawing in gouache Drawing in gouache Drawing in watercolors and felt-tip pens Drawing in unconventional technology: spraying, painting with a sponge and soap bubbles

"Rockets and Spaceships"

Older preschoolers depict rockets and other types of space technology very realistically. These are bright works “Space Flight”, “Rocket”, made in gouache. A neat drawing on a beautiful blue background - “Rocket on the way.” The compositions “Forward to Unknown Worlds” and “Rocket Launched from Earth” are interesting for their technique (scratchboard and pencil drawing with predominant shades of black).

The images of spaceships are of interest. In the drawing “Unknown Planet”, technology explores the surface while the astronaut plants the Russian flag. And in the composition “Belka and Strelka”, world-famous dogs peek out from the spaceship.

Images of rockets and spaceships invariably coexist with space landscape, which includes stars and planets. Often in the drawings we see our Earth (“Belka and Strelka”, “Rocket”, “Rocket flies past the planets”). In the picture “Travel in Space” we see Saturn with a smiling human face.

Photo gallery: children's drawings depicting space

Gouache drawing Scratch drawing Pencil drawing Marker drawing Gouache drawing Pencil drawing Watercolor drawing Gouache drawing Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing

Elena Shvetsova

Drawing space using unconventional techniques. Photo report on the exhibition of children's works.

Dear colleagues!

In preschool educational institutions teachers actively use unconventional drawing techniques. Term « unconventional» (from Lat. Tradition – habitual) involves the use of materials, tools, and drawing methods that are not generally accepted, traditional, or widely known.

As you know, children often copy the model offered to them. Unconventional techniques images allow you to avoid this, since the teacher, instead of a ready-made example, demonstrates only the method of action with non-traditional materials, tools.

This gives impetus to the development of imagination, creativity, the manifestation of independence, initiative, and the expression of individuality. Applying and combining different ways images in one drawing, preschoolers learn to think, decide independently what use technology so that this or that image turns out to be the most expressive.

Endless spaces space You can conveniently draw with watercolors, gouache, complementing the image spray technique.

Children of senior preschool age can draw planets with gouache paints.

Planets are easy and simple for all children in unconventional technology drawing - printing.

How extraordinary the drawings are obtained, if you take potatoes as a stamp. Even if you just cut a potato in half, dip it in gouache and create!

Whatever background the children choose, start applying gouache paint The potato needs white paint, even if the planet is red or green. The colors will mix during the printing process, and the planet itself will be clearly visible against a dark background outer space.

The handle of the signet should be comfortable for a child’s small hand, so it is better to insert a plastic disposable fork into the convex part of the cut potato.

And it’s even more convenient to type with carrots, because they are long, it’s convenient to keep them small child's hand. And then the diameter of the carrots changes, and you can cut several dies of different sizes. So the child can easily depict distant planets and nearby ones.

As an addition, the child is invited to complete the drawing independently. spaceships flying in space and fantastic, aliens, Martians, lunatics, pilots- astronauts, stars and asteroids.

If you prepare in advance with the children soap bubble drawings(see http://www..html), you can depict the planets from these colored blanks.

Colored bubbles will help your child travel to Mars and the Moon. You need to cut out red and pink large bubbles for the planet Mars, yellow and light green ones for the planet Moon and paste them on colored paper in dark shades - black, ultramarine, blue, violet. Now all that remains is to finish drawing the stars, the rocket, the alien ship, comets, and the sun. On your marks! Attention! Let's fly!

Thanks to everyone who visited my page!

Many thanks to them for this! Well, all I can do is repost their notes))

Original taken from chatlburan How children see space

Today the whole world celebrates the anniversary of the beginning of human exploration of a fundamentally new entity - Space! On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin made a space flight for the first time in history and thereby discovered new era humanity.

An exhibition of children's drawings on a space theme opened today in Rostov: We are descendants of Gagarin. Space relay race-Rostov.

It was interesting to see how children imagine space, how they see the space future, what they expect from it and whether they dream of becoming astronauts.

Below the cut there are many photos from the exhibition.

You can conditionally divide the pictures into several categories. Some were distinguished by the detail of the technical part of the spacecraft:

(this one is generally done in pastels)

Others reflected the story:

Still others imagined everyday scenes space future:

Space trains, station, spacecraft parking. The curtains on the windows of the train are magnificent!

And here we can see orbital stores: plants and flowers, Appliances, honey laboratory. I would venture to guess that the small buildings are fast food outlets: shawarma, vkusnolyubov, “coffee to go”, etc.

Of course, there were aliens:

Title of the drawing: "Hello, friend!" It's nice that the children are peaceful. The culture of aggression has not yet had time to spoil them. The theme of friendship and peaceful coexistence with aliens runs through all the drawings. There are no battle scenes anywhere.

Subtle humor and good imagination. Everything is wonderful here!

Catching stars

Attractions attached to the rings of Saturn.

A flying saucer with wheels!

No less than NEVZ launched its space electric locomotive :)

Nebulae and landscapes:

And some I just liked:

The ship and one spacesuit are made of foil.

There are a total of 152 drawings at the exhibition out of 15 educational institutions Rostov and region. There are many interesting works. The exhibition will be held from April 12 to April 20 at the Rostov House of Children and Youth Creativity (formerly the Palace of Pioneers, Sadovaya, 53-55). Free admission.

The exhibition is important because it actualizes the theme of space as such. Children fantasize and draw interesting stories. But it’s sad that they stopped dreaming about space - to the question “what do you want to become?” None of the authors of the drawings answered “astronaut”. A football player, a lawyer, a businessman... Meanwhile, man and Humanity have a much higher purpose than business and football. We must do our best to kindle the thirst for space expansion and convey the value of this path. And the more active space theme will be on the agenda, the more chances we, earthlings, have to return to the path of development and achieve outstanding results on a universal scale!

Happy Cosmonautics Day everyone!

Original taken from kopninantonbuf in Space dreams of Don schoolchildren

An exhibition opened today in Rostov-on-Don at the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity children's drawing, dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the first human flight into space.

Children drew pictures and wrote stories in the frames all-Russian competition“We are Gagarin’s descendants - a space relay race”, which is held by public organization family protection "Parental All-Russian Resistance" together with social movement"The Essence of Time".

The exhibition features more than 150 works completed by students from 20 educational institutions in Rostov-on-Don, Shakhty, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Novocherkassk, as well as eleven stories (they can be read in the VK group dedicated to the exhibition.

Dear friends! The children and I are already today. We will paint space with paints using a regular brush. And geometric shapes will be our assistants.

First, ask the children to remember the geometric shapes they know (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval). And make blanks of these figures of different sizes.

Drawing on the theme of Space: you will need

- a sheet of paper for watercolors,

- a simple pencil,

- gouache paints,

- tassels of different numbers,

- templates of geometric shapes,

- special line.

Drawing space: step-by-step master class

Step 1

— Make template templates: circles different sizes, rectangle, triangle, half circle.

— Try to create a composition on the theme “Space” from the given figures.

Hint: one of possible options- draw a rocket.

— Arrange the rectangle, triangle and semicircle templates to form a rocket.

— Trace the details according to the templates with a simple pencil.

Using a special ruler, draw small circles on the rocket - these are portholes.

Step 2

- Draw the planets - trace the circle patterns.

— Add a few more small planets along the ruler.

- Select a suitable figure on the ruler, circle it several times below the rocket, this way you can get the fiery tail of the rocket.

Step 3

- Dip the brush into gouache of blue color and place blue spots on the sheet around the design.

- Then dip the brush in yellow paint and apply the yellow spots in the same way.

- Pick up paint with a wet brush white, paint the background of the sky, constantly dipping the brush into water and the tip of the brush into white paint. At the same time, we move the brush wavy line top down.

— Then we gradually paint over the remaining fragments of the drawing.

- In this way, we gradually fill the entire drawing with paints. It is better to start painting with light colors. This process is creative.

— To paint planets, it is better to mix paints of 2-3 colors.

— When the drawing dries, use the tip of the brush to draw stars by poking with yellow paint.

The children produced such wonderful drawings.

Creative task:

— Prepare your own geometric shape templates.

— Create your own composition on the theme “Space” using your own templates.

— Draw a picture with paints.


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Drawing space with children: two step-by-step master class on unusual techniques for drawing space with children.

Drawing space with children

Master class 1: drawing space with children with balloons

Today in this article you will learn a very interesting and unusual technique for painting with gouache balls. Yes Yes! Instead of a brush, the children and I will paint with balloons! This technique allows you to get a very unusual background of space on a sheet of paper and is accessible even to the smallest children.

Children's age: from junior preschool and older.

Materials and tools

To work you need:

- landscape paper, or preferably watercolor,

- a lid with sides from a cardboard box or a disposable rectangular plastic plate,

colored paper,

- glue stick.

- glass balls.

Where can I get glass balls for drawing? Glass marbles can be bought in stores for children, in art stores and for florists (they are usually called “marbles”, “marbles mix” and other similar names). Such balls are used for children's games and in floristry to decorate transparent vases, decor, and compositions. You can also use beads and plastic balls from children's sets. In the old days, glass balls were used from dispensers on a bottle of vodka (if you have several copies of one at home and it is possible to get balls from it).

Step 1

- Pick up a lid from the box (I took rectangular plastic plates).

— Cut a sheet of paper to the size of the plate.

Step 2

— Insert the paper into the plate.

— Drop a blot of pink paint diluted like sour cream onto the paper

— Put a few glass balls.

Step 3

— Tilt the plate up and down, left and right so that the balls roll through the paint spot and spread the paint all over the sheet. At the same time, make sure that the tilts of the plate are not sharp, but smooth. The child needs to slowly change the tilt of the plate so that the balls do not fly out of the plate. This develops sensorimotor coordination.

Step 4

— Add a blot of blue paint to the sheet.

- Continue rolling the balls, getting blue lines.

Step 5

Add a black blot and continue rolling the balls until your space sky is ready.

Step 6. Draw a rocket.

In the previous steps we drew the background of space with the child. And now, against this background, we will make a rocket. It can be drawn (if you are drawing space with children of senior preschool age) or done using the appliqué technique (if you are drawing space with children of primary preschool age).

How you can make a rocket or spaceship using the appliqué technique against a background of space:

- Remove the paper from the plate

— Cut out a rocket from colored paper, stick it on a blank with the cosmic sky

— Cut out the wings of the rocket, the fiery tail, and stick it next to the rocket.

— Cut out circles, stick windows on the rocket

The space picture is ready!

This is what the children came up with - their work is shown in the photo below.

Nastya (4 years old) depicted a spaceship approaching the planet against the background of space.

The drawing by Lesha (6 years old) shows a rocket against a background of space.

And this is a drawing of little Felix (3.5 years old). He himself drew the background of space with balls and, with the help of an adult, cut out the finished parts of the rocket and pasted them onto the background.

Creative task:

— Think about what round objects can be used instead of balls to draw space?

— Create your own pattern cosmic sky.

- Use your imagination and make up your own plot composition"Space"

Author of the master class: Vera Parfentyeva, technology teacher, head of the children's club artistic creativity, reader of the site “Native Path” and participant in our Internet Workshop of educational games “Through the game - to success!” In the article, Vera shared photographs of her little students’ drawings.

Master class 2. Drawing space with children using the grattage technique

Age of children: senior preschool and junior school.

Scratching is a technique of scratching an image into a background. The word grattage comes from the French gratter - “scrape, scratch.”

To draw space using the grattage technique you will need very simple objects:

- a thick sheet of white cardboard for the background,

- black gouache or black ink,

- colored wax crayons (if you want to get color images of contours),

- brush,

- dishwashing liquid,

- toothpick for scratching.

Preparatory stage.

First, we draw a sketch with a pencil on a piece of landscape paper, outlining where we will draw what. And then we prepare a sheet and scratch images on it. How to do it:

Step 1. Prepare the background for drawing

— Take a sheet of white cardboard and paint it with colored wax crayons the way you want. The entire sheet should be covered with colorful multi-colored spots. Little children will be happy to help you and paint with all their hearts!

If you do not have wax crayons, then color the sheet with ordinary colored pencils and then rub it with a paraffin candle so that the paraffin covers the entire sheet of paper.

— Mix 3 parts of mascara or black gouache with 1 part of dishwashing liquid. We get black paint. We completely cover our sheet of cardboard with this paint. Let it dry.

Step 2. Draw on the background of an image of space: planets, stars, comets, rockets.

On the finished sheet, use a toothpick or a sharp skewer to scratch our drawing on the theme of space. It turns out to be a very beautiful job!

Helpful Tips:

You can use ready-made plastic stencils to outline drawings on the theme “Space”. Even children of middle preschool age can draw from them. Older preschoolers and schoolchildren can scratch the drawing themselves, without a stencil.

— If you do not want to get a colored background and colored lines of scratched contours, but want to get white outlines on a black background of space, then use white cardboard. Rub it with a paraffin candle so that the entire sheet is completely covered with a slightly whitish coating. Next, completely paint over this sheet with black ink diluted with liquid soap. And you will get a background for scratching, which will give black and white picture space in the finished work.

Master class 3. Drawing space in watercolors with... salt!

How to draw space watercolor paints You will learn from the video channel “Risovand IYA”

Good luck in your creativity! We will be glad if you share the results of your creativity!


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

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