Application made of colored paper autumn tree for children of the preparatory group. Application preparatory group on the theme of golden autumn. Application in the preparatory group “autumn tree”. Autumn applique ideas for kids: using imagination Apply


(technologies of the system-activity approach, author L. G. Peterson)

Kind of activity: Productive (application)Preparatory group

Subject: « Autumn tree». Target: Create conditions for improving children’s ability to create a collective composition from cut-out parts (palms) based on a unifying image (trunk, crown of a tree);

Tasks: - organize activities fordeveloping a sense of composition (learning to beautifully arrange figures on a sheet of paper). - organize children’s activities to develop fine motor skills and creative imagination. - organization of children's reflective activities. Methods and techniques: Verbal, visual, receptive. Materials and equipment: herbarium of multi-colored leaves, different in shape, size and color; paintings by I. I. Levitan depicting autumn trees; a picture of a tree; colored paper; simple pencil; paper,scissors, glue, glue brush, napkins.Preliminary work: Health-saving technologies: physical exercise “Autumn”.

Autumn walks along the path,
Got my feet wet in the meadows.
Autumn is walking, autumn is wandering,
The wind knocked the leaves off the maple tree. We walk together in the forest (steps in place)
And we collect leaves (bends forward)
Everyone is happy to collect them
Just wonderful leaf fall! (jumping in place, clapping your hands)



Activities of a teacher

The text is written (with direct speech from the teacher) according to the OS scenario + the teacher’s actions.

Children's activities

The text is written

(with possible direct speech from children) according to the OS scenario + children’s actions.

Expected results

Registered through the central authority (educational, developmental, educational)

1. Introduction to the situation (motivation, problem statement)

Motivational technology.Guys, you already know a lot about autumn. Let's take you on a journey through autumn forest. Who wants?

Children listen to the teacher, answer questions, and agree.

Creating a positive emotional background.

2. Updating (repetition, consolidation) of knowledge and skills

Communication technology.Dry leaves lie on the table various shapes and colors. The children look at them carefully. I’m reading Y. Kasparova’s poem “Autumn Leaves”:

The leaves are dancing, the leaves are spinning, and they fall like a bright carpet at my feet. It’s as if they are terribly busy, Green, red and gold... Maple leaves, oak leaves, Purple, scarlet, even burgundy... I throw the leaves up at random - I can also arrange leaf fall!

Leaves of which trees are mentioned in the poem (maple, oak). And the leaves of what trees do you see in front of you? (children list).

Consolidation of knowledge by children.

Children's answers.

Development of articulatory speech. Updating existing knowledge and ideas in children.

3. Difficulty in the situation (statement of the problem)

The problem is search technology.

How beautiful nature is in our area in the autumn season. Tell me, please, what happens to the leaves in autumn? Leaves, what colors and shades can be seen in autumn?

Answer questions.

(change color, fall off).

Development logical thinking.

4. “Discovery” of new knowledge (mode of action)

Research technology.Right. The variety of colors, the play of sunlight and shadows, like festive fireworks, nature gifts us with autumn days. Look how artists glorified the beauty of autumn in their paintings. (demonstration of Levitan's painting). Autumn has dressed the trees in luxurious decorations. Such a variety of colors pleases the eye!

Show a picture of a tree. Who knows what word is used to describe all the foliage of a tree? (crown). Right. And today in class we will make a wonderful autumn tree, and in order to create the crown of our tree, you will need your palms, colored paper, a simple pencil, scissors, and glue. It is the cut out paper palms that will be the leaves on our tree. To do this: we will first trace the palm with a simple pencil; then cut along the contour; then we will glue it onto the background prepared in advance (the background was made by the children together with the teacher, gluing pieces of colored napkins).

Now let's rest a little.

Look at the illustrations and answer the teacher’s questions. They watch the sequence of application execution and answer questions.

Do physical exercises.

To form in children an idea of ​​how an applique can be made, in what sequence. Accuracy when performing work.

5. Incorporation of new knowledge into the system of knowledge and skills

Productive technology.

If everything is clear, get to work. But first, remind me how to handle scissors? (the rules for handling scissors are specified). Independent work children. Providing assistance to children with difficulties.

Children cut out and glue the pieces on their own.

Application of knowledge and skills in work. Reinforce the rules for using scissors.

Be careful when working with glue.

6. Reflection

(result, reflection)

Reflexive technology.Summarize and evaluate their work. Guys, let's see who coped with their task? What did you do? Did everything work out for you? If you are happy with everything, stand up; if something needs to be improved, sit on the floor.

They evaluate themselves and sum up.

Individual statements from children.

Own orally, the ability to express one’s thoughts.

Application in preparatory group lays down basic creative skills. Helps in the formation of logical thinking and imagination. While working, children can make up various simple geometric figures. When working with children under 3 years old, pre-prepared parts are most often used. Sometimes, under supervision, you can let the children carefully prepare the parts themselves.

While making appliques, children become familiar with basic working techniques and skills in handling paper and glue. Children learn to correctly place the necessary fragments, form a whole image from disparate parts, and lay out pictures in a certain sequence in accordance with the plot.

Among other things, children learn basic geometric shapes, shapes of various objects, and learn to harmonize colors. They begin to create the simplest compositions.

While working, children in the preparatory group master the basic types of cutting. The program provides for the creation of plot applications, during which children think through the plot of their work.

Applications in the preparatory group can be on any interesting subject: seasons, transport, plants, etc. The main thing that story line was familiar to the baby and was encountered in his everyday life.

Autumn tree

On the theme of autumn, an excellent application for children in the preparatory group would be to create an autumn tree with a crown of palms.

To do this, under the guidance of the teacher, they trace their palms on a sheet of paper.

Carefully cut them out.

And glued to the tree crown prepared in advance by the teacher. It turns out to be such a wonderful group craft.

A bowl of fruit

Another great theme for an applique would be a bowl of fruit.

The teacher should tell the students about the most common fruits, then ask the children about their favorite ones, and then offer to make a composition with the ones they like.

The vase can be prepared by the teacher in advance. You can also do a large number of apples, pears, lemons, oranges from paper so that kids can cut out their own fruits using a template and “put” them in a vase.

Bright carpet

An autumn carpet applique would be interesting. To make it, you can use both leaves cut out of paper and real natural material. Only such leaves need to be prepared in advance. To do this, after collecting, remove dirt from them, wash and let dry under pressure for 2-3 days. Then glue the leaves in random order onto the base.

If the craft is a group project, then it is best to use whatman paper as a basis, which can be pre-colored.

Must get such a great job.

Other options

Many children are familiar with mushrooms. You can also invite the children to complete an application on this topic.

Who hasn't watched a wedge of migratory birds? Show some photos on the topic migratory birds pupils and offer to do work on this topic.

Each child will complete an application on the theme “My Family” with great interest.

You can invite the children to make a tree, in the appropriate places of which their parents will help them stick photographs of their family members.

All children love animals, so great joy make crafts on the theme "Pets".

Application made of colored paper of an autumn tree "Autumn Kaleidoscope". Master class with step-by-step photos.

Place of work: MADO CRR d/s No. 121, Kaliningrad

Description of material: I present to your attention a master class, an application of an autumn tree made of colored paper “Autumn Kaleidoscope”, for children of the senior preparatory group of kindergarten, primary school. The work allows children to plunge into the lyrics of golden autumn, try to recreate the miraculous charm and beauty autumn nature. The material will be useful for teachers of senior preparatory groups of children preschool institutions, teachers additional education, primary school teachers.

"...I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold..."

Target: Making an autumn tree applique


1. learn to create the image of an autumn tree, make leaves, grass from colored paper folded like an accordion, the sky - using the paper tearing technique,

2. develop fine motor skills hands, sense of color and shape,

3. consolidate skills and abilities in working with scissors,

4. cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature,

5. cultivate perseverance and accuracy in work.

Material: sheet of cardboard of blue color, paper Brown, unevenly colored (imitating wood), colored paper, pencil, ruler, scissors, glue

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations “Golden Autumn”, conversation on this topic, creating a herbarium from autumn leaves, listening to P. I. Tchaikovsky’s play (“The Seasons”) - “October” (“Autumn Song”), learning poems about autumn.

Why do trees shed their leaves in the fall?

Why are trees ready for winter?

Undressing all around?

And trees also need

Undress before going to bed!

(V. Orlov)

Step-by-step job description

On brown colored paper, unevenly colored (imitation wood), draw a tree

Recommendations: You can use a template made by the teacher (teacher), and the children will trace it; draw (outline) a tree on white paper, and then color it with pencils and paints; the paper can be brown, evenly colored

Cutting out a tree

Note: Approximate height 19 cm, provided that the format of the sheet of blue cardboard is A4 (background)

Making leaf blanks - squares different color(red, orange, yellow, light green) 3cm x 3cm

We also make a piece of grass - a green rectangle 2cm x 28cm.

We fold the squares like an accordion, starting from the corner (diagonally), fold the grass like an accordion exactly in width.

We make a hillock. We fold a rectangle of green paper 9cm x 4cm in half, round the corners with scissors and unfold it, we get a semicircle

We finish forming the leaves. We bend the resulting accordion of squares in half and glue the middle, we get leaves like this

Glue a hillock in the middle of the bottom edge of a sheet of blue cardboard

In the middle of the tubercle, departing 1.5 cm from the bottom edge, glue our wood blank, then stretch the green accordion (grass) along the entire lower edge of the cardboard, so that the “grass” covers the base of the tree

We begin to form the crown of our tree. Glue the leaves, alternating colors.

Note: The more leaves, the more magnificent the crown. You can depict how the leaves fly and break away from the branches (torn off by the wind)

We make the sky, clouds. We crumple scraps of blue paper and glue them to the top edge of our applique. Here's a kaleidoscope from autumn colors We did it!


After finishing working with children, you can use
Physical education minute:

What is leaf fall?

Imagine that your hands are leaves. Spread your fingers and see which tree leaves remind you of your hands. (Maple.) Make your leaves hard, tense, tight. (The teacher checks the tension of the fingers.) Okay. And now the leaves are hanging: relax your hands. Let's repeat the exercise again. Now let's show how the leaves sway in the wind. Do it with me. (Arms are bent at the elbows, hands hang slightly and sway from side to side.) Now the leaves are trembling in the wind. (Quick movements with fingers.)

I propose to organize an exhibition of works, to note which trees are different, how many bright, joyful colors autumn has brought us, and the children turned out to be real wizards, creating a kaleidoscope of autumn colors!

MADOU kindergarten No. 73 “Mishutka”

Stary Oskol city, Belgorod region

Lesson notes

"Autumn Tree"

Teachers: Zhavoronkova Tatyana Nikolaevna,

Shatskikh Svetlana Vladimirovna

Stary Oskol


Integration educational areas: “Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world), “ Artistic creativity"("Applique", "Music"), "Reading fiction", "Communication".


Systematize children's accumulated ideas about autumn. Strengthen the ability to recognize familiar trees by their leaves. Arouse interest in creatingcollective work “Autumn Tree”. Teach children to create a collective composition from cut out parts (leaves) based on a unifying image (tree trunk).

Develop skills: carefully cut along the contour, glue the part.

Cultivate sensitive and careful attitude to nature, to evoke an emotional response.

Types of children's activities: gaming, productive, communicative, cognitive and research, perception of fiction, musical and artistic.

Progress of the lesson

Conversation about autumn

Guys, let's look out the window. What time of year is it now? (autumn).

How did you guess that it was autumn?

Looking at paintings

What happens in autumn in nature, in the life of animals, birds, insects?

How have people's lives changed?

What is the weather like in autumn?

Name the autumn months.

Is autumn now early or late?

Educator: It gets cold in late autumn. The sun shines less often and gives almost no warmth. The sky is gray, gloomy, low. Cold drizzling rains often occur. Trees are falling last leaves. The grass has dried up, the flowers in the flower beds have withered. The last birds fly south. Animals are preparing for winter. People put on warm clothes and shoes.

D/i “Which branch is the baby from?”

Educator: Guys, look how many leaves there are. Let's determine which tree each leaf came from.

Children take leaves and determine which trees they come from.

Child: This leaf is from a birch tree (maple, rowan, oak, chestnut, etc.)

Educator: So he...

Child: Birch

Educator: Well done, you recognized all the “children.” Let us turn into leaves and rest a little.

Physical education minute. Leaflets We are autumn leaves, (Smooth swaying of hands above head) We are sitting on the branches. The wind blew and they flew. (Hands to the side) We were flying, we were flying And they sat down quietly on the ground. (Sit down) The wind came again And he picked up all the leaves. (Smoothly swing your arms above your head) Spun, flew (Spun) And they sat down on the ground again. (Children sit down)

Educator: Guys, it’s cold, rainy, gray outside, there are no bright colors left, and this makes people in a sad mood. The trees stand bare and sad. Let's decorate our tree with colorful leaves to make it more fun for everyone.

Educator: We will cut out leaves from colored paper. Our paper is multi-colored, choose the colors you like. The outline of a leaf is drawn on each square.

We will work with scissors, let's remember the rules for handling them.

Safety precautions when working with scissors

1. Handle scissors very carefully.

You can't cut with the tips, but you can cut with the middle.

2. If you need to transfer the tool to someone else.

Then calmly turn the rings away from you,

And, holding the ends, return the scissors to him!

3. When you have completed the work,

Close the scissors right now,

So that to the sharp edges,

No one else touched it!

Educator: To make our work beautiful and neat, we need to stretch our hands.

Finger gymnastics " Autumn leaves»

One two three four five.

(Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

We will collect leaves.

(Clench and unclench their fists)

Birch leaves,

Rowan leaves,

poplar leaves,

Aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom.

(“Fingers walk” on the table).

The teacher shows how to cut out a leaf along the contour.

Children's work, teacher's help

Educator: Show each other the pieces of paper you got. Well done. What did we talk about today? What they were doing? Now we will decorate our tree.

Music sounds by P.I. Tchaikovsky - Cycle Seasons “October. Autumn song." Children gradually approach the teacher and, with his help, glue leaves to the tree.

Let's see what we got? Which beautiful tree! What's your mood now?

You did a good job today. Thank you for your creativity.


    Kovalenko V.I. ABC of physical education lessons for preschoolers: Middle, senior, preparatory groups, 2011.

    Nikitina A.V. 33 lexical topics. Finger games, exercises, 2009

    Photos from personal archive.

Yulia Medvedeva
Summary of GCD for the broken applique “Autumn Tree”

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about non-traditional techniques. Introduce new technology - broken appliqué. Learn to do your work carefully. Consolidate knowledge about trees. Strengthen knowledge about the seasons.

Materials: album sheets, colored paper, glue, brushes, rags, felt-tip pens.

Educator: Guys, look outside the window.

She came to us in a golden sundress,

She waved her hand at us from behind the forest,

And suddenly the rain took refuge behind the mountains.

It always follows summer.

Will make you wear umbrellas and boots.

Queen Autumn has come to us,

And she brought us a basket of mushrooms as a gift.

Educator: Guys, why? autumn is called golden?

Children: The leaves turn yellow, the grass also turns yellow. that's why everything seems yellow or gold.

Educator: Right. What color are the leaves besides yellow?

Children: Red, brown.

Educator: And then what happens to the leaves?

Children: They break away from the branches trees and fall to the ground.

Educator: Right. Let's play the game "Guess which one" tree leaf". (On the table the teacher lays out leaves: oak, birch, maple, rowan, and images trees including conifers. Children must find something for everyone the tree has its leaf).

Educator: Well done boys. And now I want to invite you to do autumn tree. First we will draw a trunk with branches. And now we cut off paper of three colors and glue it to the branches.