Victory Day: star concerts, tank exhibition and festive fireworks. Processions, concerts, volleys. How to celebrate Victory Day in the capital Holiday on Tverskaya

Holidays 2020
Holiday calendar
Weekends: holiday transfer scheme

On this page we provide a calendar of non-working holidays and weekends for 2020 and 2019, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Holidays and weekends in 2020

(Government Decree Russian Federation"On postponing holidays in 2020" dated July 10, 2019 No. 875)

For reference:

In 2020, there are 248 working days in Russia (including 5 shortened working days) and 118 weekends (including 14 holidays).

- January 7- Christmas, February 23- Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8 May 9- Victory Day, June 12- Russia Day and November 4- Day of National Unity.
If a non-working holiday coincides with a day off, the day off is transferred to the next working day after the holiday. The scheme for the transfer of holidays in 2020 submitted for approval is shown in the calendar - there are only two such transfers:
light purple arrow - from January 5 (Saturday) to May 5 (Monday);
light blue - from January 7 (Sunday) to May 2 (Wednesday)

- About shortened working days: directly

The government decree on the 2020 holiday was approved by the Chairman of the Government - 07/10/19. The scheme for transferring holidays in 2020 is very simple and fits into two lines:



About postponing holidays in 2020

Move the following holidays to 2020:

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation YES. Medvedev

Holidays and weekends in 2019

(Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the postponement of weekends in 2019" dated... 2018 No. ..., approved by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev... 2018)

To enlarge the calendar image, click on it!

For reference:

In 2019, there are 247 working days in Russia (including 6 shortened working days) and 118 weekends (including 14 holidays).

- Rules for transferring days off: Labor Code The Russian Federation has established 14 non-working holidays per year - these are January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 - the general New Year holidays, January 7- Christmas, February 23- Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8- International Women's Day, May 1 - Spring and Labor Day, May 9- Victory Day, June 12- Russia Day and November 4- Day of National Unity.
If a non-working holiday coincides with a day off, the day off is transferred to the next working day after the holiday. The scheme for the transfer of weekends in 2019 submitted for approval is shown in the calendar - there are only three such transfers:
light blue arrow - from January 5 (Saturday) to May 2 (Thursday);
light purple - from January 6 (Sunday) to May 3 (Friday);
light pink - from February 23 (Saturday) to May 10 (Friday).

- About shortened working days: Length of working day directly preceding a non-working holiday, is reduced by 1 hour.

The government decree on the 2019 holidays was approved by the Chairman of the Government in September 2018:



dated 2018 No.


About postponing holidays in 2019

For the purpose rational use for employees on weekends and non-working holidays, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:
Move the following holidays to 2019:

From Saturday 5 January to Thursday 2 May;
from Sunday 6 January to Friday 3 May;
from Saturday 23 February to Friday 10 May.

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation YES. Medvedev

Weekend transfer scheme.

Weekend transfer scheme.

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Festive events on the occasion May 9 V Moscow began the day before, but the main events will take place today. How to spend this holiday and where to go in the capital? We have put together a small program of the most important and interesting events for you.

Parade on Red Square

The most important event on Victory Day on May 9, 2018 will be the military parade on Red Square. More than 12 thousand people and 120 units of military equipment will take part in this solemn parade. Among them will be presented Tiger vehicles, armored personnel carriers, missile systems, Iskander-M, S-400 and many of the best Russian tanks. The parade will end with an aviation show, where 73 helicopters and airplanes will take to the skies, including the newest Su-57 fighter.

By the way, the victory parade can also be watched from large screens that will be installed on the square of three stations, on Poklonnaya Hill and several other important celebration sites.

"Immortal Regiment"

The “Immortal Regiment” action, which has already become a tradition, will again be held in Moscow. It is dedicated to the memory of the relatives and friends of all people who lost someone in the war. The procession will begin at 15:00 from the Dynamo metro station along Leningradsky Prospekt and end on Red Square. People will gather from 13:00. All marchers bring with them portraits of their loved ones who gave their lives for the free future of their Motherland.

Main venues for Victory Day celebrations

In addition to the main events, Moscow will also host many other venues with concerts, entertainment programs, performances and much more.

On Theater Square from 19:00 to 22:00 veterans are waiting entertainment program with an orchestra and songs of the war years. Also big concert war songs will take place on the square in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. At 20:00 on Tverskaya Zastava Square near the Belorussky Station there will be a concert of “Victory Songs” performed by the Turetsky Choir and the Soprano group.

Minute of silence

A minute of silence will be announced at 18:55. At this time, it is proposed to silently remember those who died defending their homeland.

Fireworks in honor of Victory Day

Of course, the holiday will end with a ceremonial fireworks display. According to the Ministry of Defense, on May 9, the Moscow sky will be lit up with five thousand fireworks. Holiday lights will come in 550 colors and shades. Fireworks will open at an altitude of 350 meters. To launch fireworks and salutes, installations of four calibers will be used - 105 mm, 125 mm, 195 mm and 310 mm. Moreover, on Poklonnaya Hill, at one of the fireworks sites, ZiS-3 guns from the Great Patriotic War will be used, which, as the military says, will “provide noise accompaniment” to complete the effect.

Mikhail Terentyev

Content: On May 9, 2018, huge screens will be installed in many Moscow parks, on which the parade from Red Square will be broadcast.

In Gorky Park

From 10:00 the performance of the orchestra of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia will begin. There will also be an exhibition here on May 8 and 9 military equipment"Weapon of Victory".

On Pushkinskaya embankment

Residents and guests of the capital will be able to see a regimental mortar, a howitzer, an anti-tank gun, tanks, a divisional gun and other wartime equipment. There will be a performance here throughout the day. symphony orchestra“KinoZvuk”, and from 13:00 to 15:00 a French chanson from Philippe Dares will be heard.

Master classes will be organized for young guests of the event, during which they will be able to make crafts and souvenirs.

Also, according to established tradition, the park will host an Open Microphone and everyone will be able to tell their family stories related to the war and Victory.

At 21:00 the film “Once upon a time there was a girl” will be shown here.

In Victory Park

The Symphony Orchestra will perform a big concert on Poklonnaya Hill on May 9 Mariinsky Theater. He will perform works classical music, modern compositions and songs of the war years will be sung popular artists and groups.

The highlight of the holiday will be the “Traditions of Russia” horse show. Cavalrymen will appear in front of the public, and there will be a parade with the flags of the hero cities.

In Izmailovsky Park

On May 9, a procession of veterans, a big concert and an interactive show with dances and songs are planned. They will show it in the park theatrical production on military theme and will be invited to master classes.

A minute of silence will begin at 18:55.

Will be launched at 22:00 festive fireworks.

In Babushkinsky Park

On May 9, creative master classes and classes dedicated to the Great Patriotic War will open. Also here there will be an exhibition models of military equipment, and the cooks of the military field kitchen will treat park guests to buckwheat porridge with stew and hot tea.

Also in the park there will be an interactive stand “Wall of Memory”, where everyone can enter the name of heroes and participants of the Great Patriotic War, write congratulations on Victory Day and wishes.

In Kuzminki Park

In honor of Victory Day, a military orchestra will perform songs and marches of the 40s and 50s. This will be followed by performances by musical and theatrical groups, a Victory Ball, tea party and an entertaining interactive program. Guests of the event will also be able to try field cuisine.

In Perovsky Park

visitors will be treated to a performance by a military man brass band and a concert.

Master classes will be organized for children on assembling various models of military equipment from LEGO constructors.

In the Garden named after Bauman

May 9 will take place festive concert. Soloists and musical groups Moscow will sing songs about love and war. There will be a photo exhibition documenting the feat of Soviet soldiers.

Master classes on designing postcards and cards will be organized for children. The field kitchen will be operational.

In Sokolniki Park

starts at 13:00 music program. They will perform popular songs famous performers and teams Russian stage. In addition, gaming and dance competitions, quizzes.

Tagansky Park

will consecrate the turning point of the Second World War in 1943 - Battle of Kursk. A military-historical quest-walk will be organized for park guests, during which participants will be asked to follow the trail of events on the Kursk Bulge and answer tricky questions.

A big concert and entertainment program will be held on the stage of the park.

In the master class area you will be able to write a front-line letter, make a paper carnation and a greeting card.

Heroes die not when death comes, but when they are forgotten. Every year Great Patriotic War It's getting further and further into the past. There are fewer participants in those events. It is all the more valuable that for millions of our compatriots Victory Day remains a real national holiday. It is a symbol of respect and gratitude of descendants to their great-grandfathers, spiritual unity multinational country. We will tell you about the events for May 9, 2017 in Moscow.

In honor of the 72nd anniversary of the surrender of Germany, about 2,000 interactive platforms and interesting programs. Public events - rallies, parades, folk festivals, concerts, honoring veterans, laying flowers at the monuments of the fallen - are the main events of this day.

Parade at the Kremlin walls

The most significant event of the holiday will traditionally begin at 15:00 on Red Square. Unlike last year's absolutely grandiose anniversary parade, this one will be a little more modest, but no less impressive. On May 9, 2017, 11 thousand military personnel, about 100 units of equipment and 71 aircraft will take part in the march along Red Square.

For the first time, viewers will see ultra-modern:

  • self-propelled artillery mounts "Coalition-SV";
  • missile systems (RC) “Bal” and “Bastion”;
  • new modifications of Typhoon vehicles with increased protection.

The following will also pass on the paving stones:

  • Yars missile systems;
  • self-propelled howitzers "Msta-S";
  • anti-aircraft complexes "Buk-M2" and "Pantsir-S1";
  • tanks "Armata" and T-90A;
  • S-400 anti-aircraft guns;
  • armored personnel carriers "Kurganets-25" and BTR-82A;
  • armored infantry vehicles "Boomerang".

They will circle in the sky:

  • heavy transport aircraft AN-124-100, "Ruslan",
  • strategic bombers Tu-22M3, Tu-160,
  • MiG-31 interceptors,
  • Su-34 fighters,
  • helicopters Mi-28, Ka-52, Mi-26.

Aerobatic teams will show their skills.

The legendary workers of the war - the SU-100 self-propelled gun and the T-34 tank - will again take their place in the ranks. Units from the Second World War will march across Red Square: Cossacks, pilots, infantry and sailors. Accurately recreated costumes and historical weapons will add a real spirit of Victory to the entire event.

Memory March "Immortal Regiment"

On May 9, Muscovites and concerned guests of the city are invited to take part in the “Immortal Regiment” procession.

  • The action begins from the Dynamo metro station in Moscow at 15:00 and will continue at the walls of the Kremlin.
  • The purpose of the event is to unite everyone who carefully preserves the memory of their grandfathers who won the Victory.
  • In all capital centers providing public services, anyone who wants to join the movement can print out a photo of a front-line soldier for free.
  • “In 2017, the Immortal Regiment will go from the Dynamo metro station to Red Square. The procession will begin at 15:00. We expect from 700 thousand to 1 million participants. If more Muscovites come than last year, the action will be extended by 1-1.5 hours,” the message quotes the words of N. Zemtsov (co-chairman of the patriotic social movement"Immortal Regiment")
  • Also, march participants will be able to receive free water along the entire march route, but the field kitchen will not operate. This year musical accompaniment the organizers intend to improve. Military music will play along the entire route, and screens will be placed for participants to broadcast the Victory Parade.

Festive fireworks

On May 9, 2017, at exactly 22:00, the Moscow sky will light up with many lights. The Victory will be saluted using new installations equipped with a computer launch system to obtain a three-dimensional light panorama.

In 10 minutes, 30 artillery shots and 10 thousand salvos from special installations on the KamAZ platform will be fired. An additional interactive effect will be created by spotlight lighting.

The best way to enjoy the colorful volleys is on Poklonnaya Hill - the main fireworks platform of the capital, the observation deck of the Sparrow Hills and VDNKh.

“A brass band is playing in the city garden...”

Field kitchens, concerts, theatrical performances, military bands and songs of those years on May 9 - in all Moscow parks. Each district of the capital offers its own special events, dedicated to the Day Victory.

On Poklonnaya Hill

Equestrian performance “Traditions of Russia”

The event starts at 17:00. The wonders of dressage will be demonstrated by the Honor Guard Company, the Presidential Regiment, and equestrian schools from Moscow and other cities. The Presidential Orchestra will show its skills.

Virtuoso concert

On May 9, 2017, the unsurpassed symphony orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater will play on the stage of Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill. The musicians, led by conductor Valery Gergiev, prepared a unique program especially for the holiday.

"Light of Memory"

On May 9, activists will distribute 30,000 glowing bracelets on Poklonnaya Hill. In the evening before the fireworks, their radiance will merge with a ten-meter symbol of memory - a composition of flowers and an eternal flame.

We walk through the parks of the capital


Amazing vocal abilities of the soloists television show"Voice. Children" and the performance of the group "Forbidden Drummers" can be heard in Perovsky Park. The highlight of the holiday will be the “Wall of Peace” created by the hands of guests from hundreds of paper doves. The parade of cadets will add solemnity to the event.

Them. Bauman

On May 9, you will be able to attend a walking orchestra show in the Bauman Garden. The festival is being held in Moscow for the fourth time. In 2017, the most unusual brass bands are participating in it: “Mosbras”, Bubamara Brass Band, ½ Orchestra, Mishanyan’s orchestra and others.

You will be surprised, but it turns out that not only marches and jazz compositions can be performed in this form. The arsenal of walking orchestras includes club house, mixes from works of various genres, performed in an unusual manner on a trumpet or sousaphone.

Want to participate? Create your own costume in a cardboard studio, master the basics of playing the trumpet or trombone at master classes - and go ahead!


The most young participants holiday, together with their parents, they can create costumes and decorations for the children's Victory Parade and personally take part in it. The march will take place on May 9 at 14:30 in Tagansky Park.

Snow-white balloons, laid out in the shape of a dove of peace, will soar into the sky at 15:00. You can learn to dance a square dance and waltz to fashionable hits of the 30s and 40s at a special master class.

In the evening, at 18:00, the event will continue with a performance by Eurovision participant Petr Nalich.

Small venues

You can learn the basics of foxtrot, waltz and quadrille on Victory Day in the Lilac Garden, Goncharovsky Park.

The musical venue of “Northern Tushino” offers a diverse program - from performances by opera soloists Bolshoi Theater and before the show prepared by Dacha radio.

Kuzminki Park

Under live music brass band and unusual rhythms of the Partizan FM group will take place on May 9, 2017. The costume quest “Military Intelligence. Southeast" in Kuzminki Park.

The territory will be conditionally divided into units and, starting from the checkpoint, all participants will master the novice soldier course, providing medical care wounded and injured. At the rest stop you will be able to taste field cuisine and play games.

The aviation battalion will have models of wartime equipment. Fashion from the 1940s will be presented in a special fashion show, and vintage cars will be shown up close. Moscow artists will visit the combat unit with a patron concert, and the winners of the “Spring of ’45” competition will perform on stage. In the evening, hundreds of balloons with wishes and dreams will fly into the sky.


Take advantage of the opportunity to truly experience history live. In Sokolniki Park in the center of Moscow, an exhibition of military equipment and vintage cars of the 40s will be held to the accompaniment of military bands.

The most favorite films about difficult years and wonderful people era and rich porridge cooked in a real field kitchen will create the right mood. The performance of the Bravo group will provide a pleasant, spiritual atmosphere of the post-war years.

On May 9, you can see retro cars and military equipment on Pushkinskaya Embankment, in the Hermitage Garden.

Events worth attending

  • On Strastnoy Boulevard, as part of the “Cinema Pavilion” event, everything will be dedicated to the cinema of the war era, there will be creative meetings with famous directors, actors and other filmmakers.
  • For boys and their dads! IN cultural center"Meridian", located on the street. Profsoyuznaya, 61, hosts an annual exhibition of stand models of military equipment. There is everything: planes, armored personnel carriers, tanks, ships, helicopters. And also dioramas of famous battles, robotic fighting vehicles from the world of science fiction, collectible historical miniatures and warriors of all eras: from Egyptian warriors to Saxon knights and special forces soldiers.
  • An unusual event will be held in the Fashion Village on the square near the Central Department Store on May 9: you can plunge into the atmosphere of the 40s and watch a fashion show in the spirit of those years.
  • On the veranda of the Shkola theater modern play“at 15:00 the program “And I will call friends...” dedicated to the works of Bulat Okudzhava will begin. They are waiting for you at the address: Sredny Tishinsky Lane, 5/7, building 1. The format of the event is open. Theater actors, songwriters and poets will perform. The main topic there will be poems and melodies about the war.
  • On Victory Day on Old Arbat there will be a photo exhibition of culinary masterpieces of the 40s and 50s and master classes on their preparation as part of the event.
  • On May 9, 2017, you can visit the Spring Flower Festival in Moscow, held in the “Apothecary Garden” (botanical garden) on Mira Avenue, 26, building 1. Amazing tulips, hyacinths, strange sakura, magnolias and almond trees. Many rare and exotic plants bloom in Botanical Garden during this period.
  • On May 9, 2017, the International Billiards Tournament for the Moscow Mayor's Cup will begin at the Olimpiysky sports complex. The event is open to players of all levels.


Russian athletes prepared an unusual extreme event for Victory Day.