Drawing on the theme of space heroes. How to draw space: competition finalists and step-by-step master class. Drawing space: step-by-step master class

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All sections | Space. Drawing classes, space drawings

Target: Development of the ability to differentiate the blue color and its shades - blue and violet. Tasks: 1.Development of auditory and visual perception 2.Development of the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper;. 3.Development of creative activity and imagination; 4.Development of color perception....

Notes on drawing in the preparatory group for children with special needs “Flying saucers and aliens from outer space” Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development in preparatory group compensatory orientation for children with STD Subject: "Flying saucers and aliens from space» Age: school preparatory group (6-7 years) Target: creating conditions for the development of imagination and...

Space. Drawing classes, space drawings - Summary of a lesson on unconventional drawing in the preparatory group “The colorful world of space”

Publication “Lesson outline for non-traditional drawing in preparatory school...”"The colorful world of space." Topic: The colorful world of space Lesson form: game. Goal: to introduce children to unconventional technology drawing using stencils, templates, forks. Objectives: - consolidate skills and abilities in working with paints; - develop...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

It was worth living! We've made it this far! It was worth living! Wait, hope, think, work, try, So that the first of us can pave a brave path Through outer space. Into this region of starlessness, soundlessness, mysterious darkness He ascended for the first time with an unheard-of flight...

Summary of a lesson on drawing using non-traditional techniques for children of senior preschool age “Cosmos” Goal: disclosure creative potential children through unconventional drawing techniques. Objectives: Educational: - improve the technical skills of children in visual arts; - learn to experiment with different art materials. Educational: -...

I decided to show how to draw space with children. Well, how to draw, spray. Suitable for Cosmonautics Day. Or just as a drawing lesson in an unusual sense. We will need gouache, black cardboard (and they are not often used as usual), water (several jars, a brush and...

Space. Drawing classes, space drawings - Photo report of drawings “We vote for peace on the planet” in the senior group

September 3 is the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism. In our kindergarten Events dedicated to this day were held. Parents and children together prepared a wall newspaper and drawings. We vote against terrorism. The phenomenon of terrorism has accompanied humanity for many centuries....

Technique: palm printing Purpose: to generalize and expand children's knowledge about friendship. Fix the “palm print” drawing technique. Enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers (friendship, clarity, understanding, sweet words, introduce children to the secrets of friendship. Develop social feelings (emotions....

Drawings about space have a special, attractive power: children always draw them with great pleasure, willingly fantasizing about travel and life among the stars. We propose to show the children how to make a drawing on the theme “Space”, taking as a basis pencil sketch, colored pencils, gouache and watercolors.

First of all, you will need to build a composition. To do this, draw on a white sheet of paper a rocket and an astronaut who came out of it into open space.

You can take paper for sketches or watercolors, or you can use a thick landscape sheet. We will depict space through a rocket and an astronaut. A pencil drawing can be made by a child himself, if he is old enough. If you plan to draw with children, adults can make a sketch.

Drawing "space" in pencil

Now we begin to color our drawing. We will fill space, or rather airspace, with bright blue watercolors. To ensure that it spreads well over the paper, you can first moisten the sheet a little with clean water.

Fill the entire space around the astronaut and the rocket with blue.

Apply another layer of paint, slightly thickening the color.

And sprinkle the sheet with salt so that it absorbs excess water and gives an interesting texture to the design.

Leave the salt for a while until the paint dries.

And carefully sweep it away with a brush (you can simply shake it off the sheet).

We get a beautiful blue tone.

Now we arm ourselves with white and yellow gouache. Apply small splashes of paint to the blue cosmic sky.

Using a white and yellow pencil we draw the tail of the comet.

And use silver and red pencils to color the rocket.

Add bright blue stripes to the rocket body and paint the window glass blue. Using a red pencil, draw the end of the rocket and the astronaut’s cheeks.

We paint the spacesuit with a gray or silver pencil, darkening those areas where shadows should lie.

We draw the details more clearly, and our work is finished!

We select beautiful frame to put our little one in it.

Draw colored patterns on a sheet of paper. We cut out circles with patterns - we will get wonderful colored planets, which we glue onto a black background (it can be covered with white splashes). We will have a magical space.

Space drawing and application “Planets”

Space drawing with crayons and paint

We draw a rocket, planets, stars, and the moon with colored chalk. Color the drawing over the crayons with watercolors.

Watercolor will softly highlight the background without painting over the crayons - you will get a magical cosmic glow of celestial bodies.

Dear friends! The children and I are already today. We will paint space with paints using a regular brush. And geometric shapes will be our assistants.

At the beginning, ask the children to remember the geometric shapes they know (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval). And make blanks of these figures of different sizes.

Drawing on the theme of Space: you will need

- a sheet of paper for watercolors,

- a simple pencil,

- gouache paints,

- tassels of different numbers,

- templates geometric shapes,

- special line.

Drawing space: step-by-step master class

Step 1

— Make template templates: circles different sizes, rectangle, triangle, half circle.

— Try to create a composition on the theme “Space” from the given figures.

Hint: one of possible options- draw a rocket.

— Arrange the rectangle, triangle and semicircle templates to form a rocket.

— Trace the details according to the templates with a simple pencil.

Using a special ruler, draw small circles on the rocket - these are portholes.

Step 2

- Draw the planets - trace the circle patterns.

— Add a few more small planets along the ruler.

- Select a suitable figure on the ruler, circle it several times below the rocket, this way you can get the fiery tail of the rocket.

Step 3

- Dip the brush into gouache of blue color and place blue spots on the sheet around the design.

- Then dip the brush in yellow paint and place the yellow spots in the same way.

- Pick up paint with a wet brush white, paint the background of the sky, constantly dipping the brush into water and the tip of the brush into white paint. At the same time, we move the brush wavy line top down.

— Then we gradually paint over the remaining fragments of the drawing.

- In this way, we gradually fill the entire drawing with paints. It is better to start painting with light colors. This process is creative.

— To paint planets, it is better to mix paints of 2-3 colors.

— When the drawing dries, use the tip of the brush to draw stars by poking with yellow paint.

The children produced such wonderful drawings.

Creative task:

— Prepare your own geometric shape templates.

— Create your own composition on the theme “Space” using your own templates.

— Draw a picture with paints.


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Every year at the beginning of April, schoolchildren are introduced to such a Russian holiday as Cosmonautics Day. This date is famous for the first human flight into space. To make it more interesting for children to learn this topic, usually hold competitions for best drawing for Cosmonautics Day. " What to draw for April 12? - This question interests many parents and their children.

I have collected for you a bunch of interesting and modern ideas for drawings that children can repeat different ages, from primary classes to the elders. Some ideas are accompanied by step-by-step lessons. I hope you find it for yourself

What can you draw for Cosmonautics Day?


How to draw an astronaut in four different options you will find in .


There are a great many lessons on drawing space on the Internet, including step-by-step photo tutorials and videos. Most often, when painting space, watercolors are used, because... it is translucent and blends easily.

I like the videos on the channel TILLITH. She has a whole playlist on how to draw space.

Here is one of her videos:

There is also a step-by-step guide on my website.


In a recent lesson I showed:


I found how to draw an artificial satellite with colored pencils on the website prodelkino.ru.


It’s easy to draw a planet, but it always looks epic, especially if you color it beautifully.

Below step by step lesson how to draw a planet similar to Saturn.

Step 1

First draw a beautiful and big circle to illustrate the volume of the planet. Leave a little space on each side to then draw the rings.

Step 2

Now for the rings: Draw a long, thin oval shape in the center of the circle. You can tilt this shape (almost at a 45 degree angle) to make the planet look more attractive.

Step 3

Now transform the oval shape into a nice and edgy ring. Carefully erase the extra lines.

Step 4

Then add multiple lines on the planet to create different stripes of gas. You can also add a couple more rings.

Step 5

Use several colors in shades of orange and yellow. The combination of these colors will make the planet more realistic.

Step 6

The last step is to add shadows: one with right side, one under the ring, and the other behind the planet on the right side of the rings.

A beautiful, colorful and voluminous planet, drawn in just six simple steps, is ready!

Orbital station

You will find a lesson on drawing a station.


Space doodles

This direction in drawing arose not so long ago and now it is mega-popular. Verbatim doodle- these are dashes, scribbles, meaningless drawings, which are created mechanically, thinking about something else. Drawing space objects in doodle style looks just right. I'll give you a few examples that you can easily repeat with a black helium pen. And if you then color the drawing, then you have every chance of taking first place in the competition for the best drawing for Cosmonautics Day!

Images taken from pinterest.com.


Moon with starry sky

I hope you found it for yourself interesting idea for drawing for Cosmonautics Day. Use your imagination and you will succeed!

We meet any event prepared! But it seems to me that for many children, Cosmonautics Day is not “any” holiday, but the most favorite one. Some kids dream of becoming an astronaut, others think that when they grow up, everything will be like in science fiction films, where Space has been conquered and any interstellar travel will be real. And others simply love stars, love to look at them.

This means it’s time to start preparing for the most unusual day for toddlers. And on the agenda. I will show you the options, and you and your little one can choose what to draw. And go to posts with, there are a lot of simple and interesting crafts.

It is impossible to imagine traveling to other Galaxies without Ships! Our kids will become designers of an interstellar fleet! Will it be difficult for a child to do a rocket? It's not difficult at all if we show you how to do it. Then our child will even be able to complete the task independently and draw a rocket with a felt-tip pen or pencil in kindergarten.

But the baby will be able to paint the finished picture without our help.

And if you add a little context: stars, the Sun, planets, then everything will become very, very realistic!

I like this drawing in the notebook:


In order for the Astronaut to turn out “like a real one,” we must tell our children about his equipment, in which he goes into outer space and travels to uncharted planets. Why do you need a pressurized spacesuit? How and what does an astronaut breathe in his huge jumpsuit? This is very interesting information. In addition, she is able to make the picture very believable.

As pressure drops, it becomes increasingly difficult for the human body to absorb oxygen, a common person without any problems it can be at an altitude of no more than 4-5 km. At high altitudes, it is necessary to add oxygen to the inhaled air, and from 7-8 km a person generally must breathe pure oxygen. Above 12 km, the lungs completely lose the ability to absorb oxygen - pressure compensation is required to rise to a greater altitude.

Spacesuits will help with this. A spacesuit is essentially a sealed bag in which excess pressure is created. It consists of two shells. It’s hard to come up with a better analogy than a soccer ball: a leather outer cover protects the inner rubber bladder from football players’ boots and ensures the ball’s geometric dimensions remain unchanged.

Now our astronaut is ready, all that remains is to color him. You can draw a rocket next to it and color it.

Of course, it would be nice to draw a background too.

Option for kids:


Here is the simplest master class. A 5-6 year old will be able to handle it quite well.

And a clear video lesson for children from 5 years old:

Stars, planets

But here you can’t do without a color scheme. By mixing red, blue, cyan, we get unique space landscapes! If you use a sponge, you can make real clusters of stars, galaxies and other cosmic bodies. Comets look perfect against this background.

Another wonderful master class - planets in watercolor:

There is an amazing helper for everyone in this genre young artists– painting with watercolors on wet.

Then amazing divorces will happen, colorful paints they simply mix in a galactic way, creating the very patterns that (most likely))) astronauts see in outer space*. And if you sprinkle salt on top of the wet watercolor, you get a really interesting option.

BY THE WAY!!! Such background sketches are ideal not only as a view of the stars/planets, but also as a view FROM THE PLANET.

Just imagine our children/astronauts exploring a newly discovered system; landed on the planet, and this is the picture they see in front of them!

The picture at the top left is the red space from here.

We constantly collaborate with our little ones to create interesting and educational works. Join us, subscribe to articles, and you can spend productive time with your children! and, if you liked the article, tell your friends about it!

Wonderful ideas from the Internet of drawings on the theme of Space for inspiration.

In fact, in the vacuum of space there is absolute darkness. And all the pictures that we see are additionally decorated with spectral colors.

You can approach the task creatively and draw a space cat playing with a ball - the earth.