An unknown planet is approaching the Earth ← Hodor. Observatory in Chile

I present to your attention detailed photographs by astrophysicist Roberto Antezan. Some parts of the fragments were enlarged to the maximum possible size.

Let me remind you that the object was recorded on May 31, 2017 in Chile at 21:00 local time in the North-West, the angle from the horizon is approximately 30 degrees:

Comparing with Stellarium, we get the approximate location of the object:

As we can see, the object is located near the constellation Orion. Let me remind you that on December 30, 1983, immediately after the end of the IRAS mission, in the capital American newspaper Washington Post The front page story featured an article by Thomas O'Thoole entitled “Possibly as Large as Jupiter – Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered”(“Mysterious found celestial body, perhaps as big as Jupiter"):

A mysterious celestial body has been found.

A celestial body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it may be part of ours solar system, found towards the constellation Orion through a telescope on board the American IRAS satellite.

The object turned out to be so mysterious that astronomers do not know whether it is a planet, or a giant comet, or a “protostar” that is not yet hot enough to become a star, or a distant galaxy so young that it is in the process of the formation of its first stars, or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that not a single ray from the stars that make it up can break through it.

"All I can tell you is that we don't know what it is," Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, lead IRAS project scientist for California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and director of Caltech's Palomar Observatory, said in an interview. Institute.

There is another oddity on the Google Sky star map a fragment of the map was cut out just near the constellation Orion.

Likely full version the map should look like this:

It's amazing whether it's a planet or a giant comet. And all because of the remarkable tail that Planet X managed to collect in the asteroid belt during periodic visits.

Let's pay attention to the color of the object's tail - it has the same color as Mars:

The surface of Mars itself is covered with this dust and debris:

In ancient times, this wandering planet was described quite accurately. For example, in m it was described as follows:

Source 8:3 The evil horned star and its retinue were mistakenly revered.

Product 4:5 Then a day came when everything became quiet and filled with fear, for God commanded a sign to appear in Heaven so that people would know that the Earth would be crushed, and this sign was a wandering star.

Product 4:6 The star grew and increased to great brightness, and it was scary to contemplate it. It extended its horns and buzzed, becoming unlike any other ever seen before.

Product 4:7 Then God appeared in Heaven, His voice sounded like thunder, and He was clothed in fire and smoke. In His right hand He carried lightning, and His breath descending on the Earth carried with it heat and brimstone.

Also, many Indian legends contain stories about a mythical bird garuda huge sizes. According to legend, the great Garuda was created as the first of the feathered birds and subsequently became the riding bird of the god Vishnu.According to the Vishna Purana, Garuda was endowed with great power and immeasurable strength. ABOUTthe highlight of the garuda in the description is complemented by fabulous details: a body made of gold, wings of a dazzling red color, a human head with a beak; when the garuda sat on the trees, giant branches and trunks broke under its weight. The movement of his wings generated a storm, the brilliance of Garuda's plumage was so strong that it even eclipsed the radiance of the sun. Garuda had the ability to increase his strength as much as he needed. The image of garuda has been preserved in many myths northern peoples and Central Eurasia.

Images of Garuda:

I cannot say that an astrophysicist discovered Planet X, perhaps it is something else, but if you look at the number of climate anomalies and the facts, the picture is not entirely joyful.

I tried to fix the object myself, based on the astrophysicist’s coordinates - however, my location does not allow me to do this, because... I am in the northern hemisphere, the constellation Orion is near the sun and during the day it is not possible to record or see the object, and during sunset it disappears behind the horizon along with the sun and is also lost in the brilliance of the sun. I would be grateful if someone conducts the research themselves and shares the results.

Observatory of Las Campanas. It is located in the mountains of the Atacama Desert. In Chile. They live and work there wonderful people. And yes, there is the clearest and brightest starry sky on the planet!

No more than 30 people live here at any one time. This includes cleaners and cooks. Of those personnel there are engineers, about 5–7 people. Programmers. And of course, astronomers. This is what the “remote control” of the Magellan telescope looks like. Tourists and other guests are rare here. We were the first journalists from Russia.

This is the Magellan telescope itself. Strictly speaking there are two of them. Both with a mirror diameter of 6.5 meters. Work begins at sunset. It takes about 30 minutes to calibrate the instrument. They find bright objects known to them; in general, work does not stop around the clock. During the day, engineers take the place of astronomers.

This is a 2.5 meter "Irénée du Pont". Everything there works automatically and very quietly. There was an audible rustling sound. The gate usually opens with this sound. And here is such a dome. Dude, I asked him to stand next to me. For beauty and scale. I think the “sash” weighs 5 tons. Well, generally symbolic. At night, astronomers uncover their telescopes.

The observatory belongs to the Carnegie Institution. Washington, USA is located at an altitude of 2220 in the driest desert in the world, the Atacama. Usually there are only Astronomers and technical staff here. Tourists are brought in during the day and then very rarely. Especially after one smart guy touched the mirror with his little hand.

Astronomers sleep during the day. This is true. The people are very friendly and sociable. Mostly Americans, well, that’s understandable. The director of the observatory, by the way, is Chilean. Our friend Paulo, who works as a programmer, says that when astronomers work, it seems to him that they are dead. There is something in this statement. They sit and look at the monitors. Sometimes they stuff something on the keyboard. Very smart and very focused.

About everyday life. This is the so-called hotel. There are several rooms here. A little. 20 pieces. Two-seater, 3 stars in terms of comfort. That is, without hussarism. Everything is modest and tasteful. A wonderful canteen, not even a canteen at all, but a cute restaurant in the mountains. Breakfast at 7:30, lunch at 12:30, dinner at 17:30. Recreation room and library. There is strict blackout on the territory of the observatory. There are thick curtains on the windows, there are no lanterns at all, like class. The steps are lightly illuminated with red lanterns, like in movie theaters.

They sit like that and look somewhere all night. Du Pont has a lot of old equipment, from the late 80s. In general, the principle here is: “If the old thing works, then don’t throw it away. Let it work.” Monitors still have picture tubes.

These are sensors from the telescope itself. 70s, 80s, 90s. Everything is carefully stored.

In general, the mirrors are dusty. It's windy here. It's cool at night. It is quite cool inside the telescope itself. Lots of equipment. And it is necessary that the air does not heat up, otherwise the picture will shake when the dome is opened. And we will have to wait until the temperatures equalize. So it’s always 2-3 degrees colder under the dome.

Why does humanity need such a type of activity as astronomy, what is the benefit of it, except beautiful pictures? Will my washing machine work better if they discover a couple of new galaxies. Fundamental science, however.

An unknown planet the size of Mars is approaching the Earth June 11th, 15:30

Famous astronomer Roberto Antezana from Chile published a message about his discovery of an unknown planet approaching the Earth. The astrophysicist was able to take photographs of this planet using a telescope. Now appeared new information about this object.

Information published Antezana, attracted the attention of other astronomers, who studied the information provided by Roberto and came to the conclusion that this unknown planet its size is comparable to Mars and it does not move in an orbit, but it cannot be compared with the movement of asteroids, since this planet has a regular shape.

Studying the images, scientists confirmed the reports Antezans that inside the image of the planet taken with the help of a telescope, strange structures from an unknown substance and an unusual V-shaped plume accompanying the planet are observed.

On at the moment Scientists have no idea what it is - an unknown wandering planet or an incredibly giant comet. In any case, it poses a direct threat to the earth, since the trajectory of its movement is directed towards our planet and it will either pass very close to us or possibly collide with the earth.

Antezana transferred the data he collected on this planet to the American space agency NASA. At this time, there is no official information or statement from NASA regarding this discovery didn't.

It is interesting that the photographs of this planet obtained by the astronomer coincide with the ideas of the ancient Sumerians about the shape planet Nibiru which travels in space and is gigantic spaceship alien race Anunnaki.

Ancient Sumerian images of Nibiru

According to the descriptions of the ancient Sumerians, Nibiru is the planet of the Gods and it is a round disk with wings.

The Sumerian texts say that the Anunnaki quickly made people respect themselves, for they had " an eye located very high that sees everything that is happening on Earth", And " a fiery ray that pierces any matter».

Having mined the gold and finished the work, Enlil received orders to destroy human race so that the genetic experiment does not disrupt the natural development of the planet. But Enki saved several people (?) and said that the person had earned the right to live on. Enlil got angry with his brother (perhaps this story is retold in Egyptian myth - role Enki got it Osiris, A Enlil became Seth) and demanded to convene a council of the wisest, which allowed people to live on Earth. Later Osiris replaced God, A Set turned into Devil among the Jews.

Neill Blomkamp, ​​director, screenwriter, producer, known for such films as: “A Robot Named Chappie”, “Elysium - Heaven Not on Earth” and “District No. 9”.

In May of this year, he founded the experimental studio Oats Studios, and this studio released an interesting teaser of a warning film about how our Earth is being taken over by reptilians.

On May 22, Rebecca Hawkes interviewed Neill Blomkamp for The Telegraph. This interview was never published. You'll probably understand why..:

Rebecca: Neil, you're busy with a new studio, you have a lot of ideas, you released a very interesting teaser for a new film. Are we in for surprises?

Neil: This is not just a teaser for the film. This is a warning to all earthlings. I'm rushing to release this film like a signal flare. People who have not yet forgotten how to think and see above their plate and computer screen understand everything. I'm not talking about the herd into which 80% of earthlings were herded. They were driven by invented dogmas, religions, and fairy tales for the uninitiated. But I want to convey to all of them: “You are in danger. Coming soon!”

Rebecca: Are you saying that your teaser is not fantasy??? Is it something more?

Neil: I’m trying to say to all sensible people: “We know everything, but we’re afraid to admit to ourselves the real truth of what’s happening on our planet. We are afraid of this truth being revealed. We have been intimidated for thousands of years. Over the past 30 years, people like me have tried to make all science fiction films seem like a hint, like opening the veil a little. Among those who know something, there are a lot of those who want to convey the truth to “ ordinary people" After all, this concerns all of US. Ordinary Earthlings.

Rebecca: What do you mean, Neil?

Neil: There you go!! In your face I see these 80% who can’t even understand what I’m talking about. Rebecca, have you ever wondered why so many science fiction films are being released now? Films are not just about effects and plot. But they have a hidden meaning - to hide a tree in the forest, take it in the exact opposite direction; and at least confuse “ordinary earthlings” so much that everything gets confused in their heads! Provide everything, either as a FAIRY TALE, or as a FANTASY. Show them the truth in the form of fantasy! And then the truth will seem like a fantasy to them!

A person leaves the cinema after watching such a film and sees the usual street, people, cars, shops..., and thinks to himself - what kind of imagination these directors will not come up with!

Rebecca: Isn't this fantasy? Isn't that right?

Neil: FOR US it is the discovery of the truth. THEM - it's ridicule-concealment of the truth.. But.. Rebecca, this is.. I would say.. There are two types of directors who make science-fiction films. These are basically THEIR directors. From the "chosen ones". On THEIR Hollywood. Which ridicule and confuse. And a little US. From ordinary earthlings. Why do they allow US to make films and hint about the truth? I don’t know.. Maybe they just get high from the stupidity and closed-mindedness of earthlings. How an exhibitionist in a crowded subway car takes out his penis... and gets a kick out of the fact that he’s showing his dick and no one around him can see it, even though there are so many people around!

...In general, THEY have been here for many thousands of years. They supervise everything and watch everything. They created separate species of humanity, "The Chosen One."

But..There have always been few of them here.

But I know that their invasion will begin soon. I know this for sure from the circle of people who fight them. And whose ancestors fought against them. This struggle has been going on for thousands of years. We are losing. More and more. And the time comes for a direct massive invasion. No longer hiding.

Rebecca: Neil, I don’t understand anything, are you joking or are you serious? What can you say to your fans?

Neil: What can I say??? Open your eyes. Look around. The time has come. Coming soon. And this is not an advertisement for my film..